#dj sek
mileapo · 13 days
Happy Me Happy 'MILE' with Mai Phakphum
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“The first time I saw a guitar was probably in grade 2. It was my relative’s guitar. I secretly took it and played with it. Then, the string broke!!! So I secretly hid it and never dared to take it out to play again because I had broken it already… The guitar came into my life again in grade 6. I was a kid at the back of the class. I studied hard, but I sat at the back of the class. Then, there was a female friend who sat in front of me. Her brother played music. She showed me photos of her brother competing in various competitions. She also showed me a magazine called The Guitar Mag. So, I opened it and read it. I read and read and found a guitar. It was an electric guitar in the shape of a white rabbit. 
I was like, “Wow!!! What a beautiful guitar! It made me start to fall in love with the shape of the word guitar from just looking at the picture first.”
And what about Mai's happiness with the guitar!!!
The eyes of the person you are talking to will tell you how they feel. This is not an exaggeration.
“The guitar is the instrument that brought me into the entertainment industry. Since I liked music since I was a kid, starting with the guitar, I started to be interested in music, interested in fashion related to music, which made me curious about music. I became a DJ, started to enter the loop where people saw my face more, started to go to castings, and was once at Grammy for a while. It was a time when I saw the entertainment industry in many other ways. It was the starting point that developed me until now.
The guitar has been with me since the beginning and has always been. For example, in AUTHENTIC MILE FIRST SOLO CONCERT, there must be a guitar that represents us and the different scenes in the show. If it's romantic, it will be an acoustic guitar. If it's a sexy scene, it will be a guitar solo. I am happy to play in the show. Entertaining and making the people who come to see us happy is another happiness that I like a lot.
We asked about the 28th anniversary of LOSO We Are The Rock And Roll Concert and being a guest of LOSO in the past.
“Phi Sek is an artist who I can say with certainty that he is the King of Rock and Roll of Thailand. He is also an inspiration to many Thai musicians. In terms of his work and songwriting, Phi Sek’s songs are meaningful, easy to understand, and honest. I think whoever listens to them will feel that way. I am very happy to be able to perform at the big concert to celebrate Loso’s 28th anniversary. It was fun to work on. The Loso team is lovely.” (smiles)
We asked Mai which guitar he likes the most. Mai replied that it was a very difficult question to answer. Very difficult.
"But if I had to choose, it would be this one I play regularly," Mai pointed to the olive green electric guitar he was carrying. 
“He has an overall meaning and a look that we really like. He’s the one that I feel has the right look, the right tone, not too strong, has a vintage feel, and still has a modern sound that can be used.”
Throughout my life journey, the guitar is the thing that makes me feel the most charming. I am most fascinated by the guitar. It’s like I’ve fallen in love with it. I don’t know how to stop loving it. As for other musical instruments, I might have had the chance to get to know them, but I might not have fallen in love in terms of playing. But in terms of consuming, listening, of course I am someone who loves music. Whether it’s the sound of the piano or the sound design of some electronic musical instruments, they also touch my heart. But in terms of playing, collecting, or anything physical, the guitar is with me. It is my first and only love, something like that.” (smiles)
That Cherished First Guitar of 'MILE'
“It’s still there,”  we asked about the first guitar in Mai’s life.
“Since we saw the white rabbit-shaped guitar in The Guitar Mag, that white guitar started to come into my head. I remember that when school ended around 3-4 p.m., while waiting for someone to pick me up in front of the school, I would complain to myself, saying to myself, “I really want a white guitar.” Then a friend named Ying Yai walked up to me and whispered in my ear, “I don’t know how to play, but I still want one.” I was shocked, my head was full of question marks. How difficult could playing a guitar be? Why did my friend say that even though she didn’t know how to play, she still wanted one? When I got home, I went to my mother and asked to buy one. At that time, I was still young, only in the sixth grade, and I was studying in Kalasin. It wasn’t easy to find one… When I asked my mother to buy it, she said, “Okay, I’ll buy it for you if I pass the entrance exam for Mathayom 1. Let’s exchange.” I was comfortable. I passed the entrance exam for Mahasarakham University Demonstration School (Secondary Section), and I got my first guitar, which was a popular classical guitar model, which most guitar lovers probably started with.”
“As for the first songs I played, they were songs that my guitar teacher taught me, which were “Khang Khao Kin Kluai” (Due Due Due, Due Due) (and then hummed the song for us ^_^) But if it’s a song that ends handsomely, it’s a song by Potato, “Mai Hai Tur Pai”. This is a song that I really like. The MV is beautiful, the feeling is there, and I really get into it. At that time, I was in Grade 6. I knew how to get into loneliness. I felt like playing this song. It just so happened that my guitar teacher’s younger brother, who was a night musician, told me that he would teach me to play a song. He asked me what song I wanted to play, so I told him “Mai Hai Tur Pai” (No Hai Tur Pai ). So he taught me. I was really determined because I really wanted to play it. After teaching him for about 2 days, I could play it. After that, I played this song all day and all night.” (smiles)
The Guitar Masters Who Fueled 'MILE' Passion
“Wow!!! That’s a lot.”
“I think it depends on the time period or the loop of listening to music. At first, we started listening to Thai music. The guitarist at the beginning of our life was 'P' Win Potato'. After that, time led us to know many guitarists, both Grammy and RS. We dissected a lot of songs. We dissected continuously until we learned that the flavor of Thai music is like this. 
When I started studying in Mathayom 2, I secretly went to study music, which made me know about Blues, Rock, Progressive Rock, and Dream Theater (a legendary American progressive metal band). The complexity of listening began to increase. I knew that John Peter Petrucci was this person ( John Peter Petrucci, founder of the progressive metal band Dream Theater). We started to enter the loop of all things Rock Metal. My seniors listened to Trivium , so we listened to it too. We felt that it was good, it was cool. (Trivium is an American heavy metal band)
“The time when I really started to change was during Mathayom 4-5. I moved to study at Triam Udom Suksa School in Bangkok. A friend of a friend who was a student at Suankularb played John Mayer ’s “ Neon” in the karaoke room. When I heard it, it made me change my taste in music. It had an acoustic guitar feel, ding ding, ding, but it was a different feel from all the music I had listened to in the past 4-5 years. I can say that John Mayer was the first person who really inspired me. After that, it was blues rock like SRV ( Stevie Ray Vaughan ). Another person I really like is Philip Sayce ( Philip Sayce, Welsh guitarist, singer, songwriter, actor, and producer ).
In Thailand, there are many. Master Winai (Winai Trinatipakdi) and Phi Jack (Thammarat Duangsiri) are my inspirations who I used to study with. If it were about the same generation, I would say The Toys . He has great skill and a clear character. But if we talk about guitarists that I like at present, there are 2 people: Mean Thaitatsamit and Kong H3F. Their signatures are clear, their accents are clear, both in their sound and playing methods.”
And if there's a chance to perform with someone on stage? 
“John Mayer,”  Mai replied with a smile.
“But if it’s a Thai artist, “I want to play with Carabao.” I like the way they present meaning through Carabao songs. I’ve listened to a lot of Carabao songs. I went to the last concert. I like songs for life. I like songs that don’t talk about small images, just small feelings. I like songs that make the receiver, the consumer feel like they’ve gained something from life. Carabao’s songs are songs that have meaning. If I had the chance to be a part of a song with an artist, it would be Carabao.”
'MILE' Dream and A Part of 'MILE' Life
We all had dreams when we were kids, but not everyone can fulfill those dreams. Because dreams of “what do we want to be when we grow up?” “what do we want to do when we grow up?” may be just imaginary dreams. Because when we grow up, “dreams” tend to change over time, according to the context of society, according to what we see along the way. My dream is the same…
"When I was a child, I wanted to be a civil engineer." This is the dream of Pakphum Romsaithong.
“I remember having a relative who worked on road construction. He took us and his children to visit the dam. We saw the development from the laterite area and then saw it gradually develop until it was completed. So we thought about what kind of career could help our city in Kalasin grow. At that time, as a child, we also wanted to have fun, so we wanted to be a civil engineer.
When I started studying in Mathayom 4 in Bangkok, I felt that the vibe had changed. When I was in middle school, I went to school in the King’s class, got good grades, had many close friends, played music, and had activities with friends all the time. When I changed schools, I still couldn’t adjust myself. I studied a lot more. The subjects I studied were more intensive. I started to feel homesick. When I started to skip school a lot, I couldn’t keep up. Things started to go wrong. It made me start to isolate myself, talk to myself more, and see people’s nature more.”
“In the past, I liked to sit alone at bus stops, parks, or wherever people walked by every day for at least two hours a day. I sat mindfully, observed people’s behavior, and talked to strangers. People in the past were very charismatic. Many people talked to me even though we didn’t know each other. Some told me their stories, complained to me about this and that. I had no reason to do this at that time.”
Time makes us grow up and learn continuously. From Triam Udom Suksa School to the yellow and red walls of Thammasat University with the TU Sexy Boy stage that made both seniors and juniors open the warp to find out who 'Mai Phakphum' is and where he comes from.
“I used to think that I wanted to inspire people, but it doesn’t mean that we have to be great or anything. I just feel that being an inspiration to someone who is confused or lost, or being able to make someone who is straying in some way, bring them back to the center, to the point where they can balance, this is what we want to do, and we did it (smiles). 
Today, more people know us, whether it's international fans, younger people, or older people who may be in their 40s. I notice from the cards they write to me or the feedback when they send me DMs. I read them all the time. I may reply to some or not. What I see is what they reflect on how we inspire them. This is one of my dreams that I've seen take shape. I've made it happen and I want to keep doing it."
'MILE' Story of Pushing Through Bad Day
“Have you ever encountered anything difficult?” “Wow, a lot.”
“The more well-known something is, the more people expect it. This is a difficult thing. Even if we have a mindset that we can’t make everyone like us or change anyone’s mind, they say that life gets harder as we grow older. I think the difficulty lies in expectations.”
“The easy way is to let it go, let it go. But when the time comes, it’s hard to do that. It’s easy to say but very difficult to do because we are people who care about others and we think carefully. The best way is to try to stop inputting things, stop playing with our phones for a while, stop asking for opinions from others for a while while the problem is happening. Try to take a deep breath and stay here, in the present, come back to yourself, come back to talk to yourself, ask yourself what happened, what is the best case, what is the worst case. I do this and feel better. Even though the problem or stressful thing doesn’t go away, in the end it gets better.”
“I am lucky that my family is lovely and always behind me, no matter when I fall or encounter something difficult. But if I encounter something not too serious, I don’t tell them because I am afraid that they will worry. I will use a method like taking a nap. When we sleep, it is like resetting ourselves. Or changing the atmosphere, changing focus, or what they say to focus on breathing. At first, we didn’t understand, but when the time comes to try, when we focus on breathing in and out, really breathing in and out, the things that are floating, the things that are stressful, the extreme suffering, will get better. The nature of the human mind is to focus for only a split second and focus on one thing at a time. When we are forced to focus on breathing, whatever is floating will disappear. 
I learned this method when I was talking to a lot of people. One person talked about breathing exercises and I followed what he was saying. I felt better. When I went home and had a problem, I used this method. Hey!!! It helps. 
But in the end, I think everyone should have their own technique. For me, when I started to get to 30, I think that if we tune everything to be in moderation, in the middle, I think it makes us happy easily and it’s easier to move forward.”
The Art of Happiness in 'MILE' Moment
“Guitar, watch, record, wine glass, alcoholic drink”
“We have a bad habit. When we do something, we like to go all the way. We are like ducks who go all the way. When we reach a certain point, we will retreat. We are not experts, but we will understand the structure and then retreat. This is our habit.
All the things I mentioned, if we put them there, they will all be beautiful. Beautiful guitars, beautiful watches, beautiful glasses, beautiful alcohol bottles. Start with beauty first. When we touch them, we will find the next thing, which is what they give us, the form, taste, smell, sound, and so on. Then it will become a story. Story can fool us later. Everything I say will be like a rocket that gradually rises. Story is the last flower that makes the passion for that matter stronger. Like a first impression, I like beautiful things. I feel that even if I put it aside, in ten or twenty years, if we look back, it will still look the same. It has complexity and I think everything is a work of art. We like to consume art, but our art tends to go in this direction. Guitars are also art. They have their own stories, their own shapes. For example, guitars are relics that make them look old or painted in this or that color, which there are many. Or guitar amps, these are all charming. They give off a very personal sound. Vintage guitar amps can’t produce sounds that modern amps can’t. They have a certain sense, a tone, a character of sound, and a certain uniqueness that suits us.”
“If it’s an alcoholic drink, the way to make it enjoyable is like we understand if it’s a top nose or not, or we don’t need any principles at all. We drink it and feel that it gives us some imagination. Rum is one type, whiskey is another, bourbon is another, gin is another, and so on. So we spend a lot of time on these things. But I have to say that I’m not encouraging you to drink it (smiles).”
Vintage is 'MILE'
“Today, I’m dressing up a bit like this vintage style. I think vintage has a sense of timelessness. It has a sense of having its own character. It doesn’t have to follow anyone. It doesn’t have to change because the trend changes. But I will change when I want to change. Vintage is right here.
I think it’s similar to my personality. Actually, I am 100% myself. I am not someone who follows trends. But I have to study trends to work or change my look to follow trends as an actor or as a presenter. But deep down, I know what I like and dislike.”
“In terms of music, I think of Stevie Ray Vaughan ’s (SRV) song Lenny. It talks about an old guitar sound, a bit clear, a bit bluesy, but the guitar tone is the sound I’m describing. A vintage guitar sound is something like this.”
Green → Rose → 'MILE' → Greeny Rose
Why do you like green???
“At that time, I didn’t know what color I liked, but I probably liked it a lot because everything was green. I asked myself that question, but I couldn’t find the answer. Looking back, I only knew that the children’s dolls that we asked for or that we chose were green. They were Shin-chan dolls. Children like Shin-chan in green shirts. Even the first electric guitar that we secretly bought was green. The first amp cabinet, I didn’t know the sound, so I chose it based on the look. It was green felt. Everything was green.”
“I think green is a color that gives a feeling of comfort and is pleasing to the eyes. At the same time, it also has a coolness to it. It’s like a young man in his mid-teens who is starting to get older. He is calm, cool, and sharp but still, not loud. The cool thing about green is that there are so many shades. The green I like the most is olive green. Olive green and British green are British green, like MINI cars and BMW cars. Racing green are the two shades that I like. This is the charm of green for me.”
Tell us about Greeny Rose. 
“The green rose” represents composure, slowness, and calmness in making decisions. Seeing him makes you feel safe and comfortable. Why does it have to be a rose? Because the rose represents the feeling of love and passion at the same time, which is Love and Passion that is given to each other. When you put these two things together, it is a Greeny Rose. But there must be a condition that the rose that is given must be a rose that is willing to let go of each other’s thorns.”
“A rose that is willing to let go of its thorns means that it will compromise with both the giver and the receiver, and both of them will be happy.  Greeny Rose is a green rose that is willing to let go of its own ego thorns. So my meaning is that fandoms should not fight among themselves, or if we have something, we talk about it. The relationship in terms of fans will continue on forever.” 
Is the meaning too deep? Mai smiled and asked us back, then continued to tell us about 3 years of being impressed with Greeny Rose.
“ I think it’s a give and take, a mutual happiness , as I’ve always tried to tell everyone, whoever we meet, it’s a good time in life. And when we’re together, continuing to be together, nourishing each other is not just about taking or giving. That’s what I call a give and take, like a spinning top. We see fun, developing our relationship all the time. This is what I’ve always seen. Whatever we can do for him, be nice to him, do good work for him, respect him all the time as much as we can respect him. Whatever we can do, we do it all.”
“At the same time, Greeny Rose has sent us good feelings in various forms. Coming to the event, sending good feelings via social media, some are not in Thailand, they are abroad, posting to encourage me. I know they are still here, but some have withered, some have disappeared, but new ones have grown.”
“Lastly, whatever it is, I have to thank everyone, thank the fans, thank Greeny Rose , everyone who helped complete the experience, and gave and took together all along. In the past, I didn’t have many chances to thank you. I want everyone to take good care of their health. I want everyone to take good care of their hearts, their minds, and their bodies, both our own and those close to us.”
'MILE' Present is The Best Present
“Being alive now is the greatest gift in the world.”
“Being who we are, living here, is something we unpack and are happy about. And the box next to it that they gave us to live through is about family, about fans, about friends, about various desires, whether it’s a guitar, a record, or other things. The box that comes together to be Present 
Experience is like a grain of sand or a pebble, a stone that comes together. The Star is a big stone that lets us see how to work in the entertainment industry. And the most obvious thing is that we never thought we would become a star. Talking about this makes me feel shy (smiles). But now we can’t deny it. We ourselves used to be secretly confused about how we got to this point.”
In the final conversation, we asked Mai about the role of Kinn, the ill-tempered young man of the main family. What are the differences between Mai and Kinn? 
“Kinn is a size that is us, and then we expand on something more to give him. Love, possessiveness, thinking a lot about people he feels good with. Kinn and I are exactly the same (laughs). Both in the script, in the performance, and in terms of taste, we like it that way, whether it’s drinks, houses, lifestyles that are similar to what we like. But the difference is that I’ve never killed anyone (laughs). The second thing is that I feel that Kinn is too childish. When we’re children, we’re children, but we’re not that childish. But in the story, we expand on the cute side of Kinn’s personality.”
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I forgårs var jeg ude at spise frokost med min nye veninde i Spanien fra Venezuela, og om aftenen var jeg ude at drikke et par øl med min reggae dj fra Costa Rica for at sige farvel. Jeg er så taknemmelig for de skønne og søde mennesker, jeg mødte på min rejse, de gjorde turen så fantastisk og magisk.
I går vendte jeg hjem til Aarhus. Jeg er simpelthen så glad for, at jeg tog de seks uger i Valencia, det var præcis, hvad jeg havde brug for; at leve og komme ud af mit eget hoved, efter jeg fik mit hjerte knust i Finland.
Nu er jeg i Danmark i 2,5 ugers tid, før jeg tager på udveksling i Belgien. Jeg har haft nogle gode snakke med min mor i dag, hun synes, det er så skægt, at jeg har haft en summer fling med en 46-årig mand. Hun siger, at jeg har fået min glød tilbage, og at hun virkelig kan mærke, at min rejse var god for mig.
Det føles finurligt at være hjemme igen. Jeg bor hos min mor og papfar, før jeg rejser videre, og min lillebror flyttede hjemmefra i sidste uge, så nu er alle virkelig fløjet fra reden (bortset fra mig i de perioder, jeg er i Danmark).
I aften skal jeg ses med min bedste ven. Jeg vil give mig god tid til at gøre mig klar; al respekt til “clean girl” æstetikken, men jeg eeeelsker min vingede eyeliner og alt mit glimmer og glitter, og jeg har ikke rigtigt kunnet gå med makeup i 40 grader i Spanien. Solen skinner, og jeg er glad. Denne sommer startede så utroligt hårdt ud, og nu føler jeg mig som mig selv igen
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prohaloplayer · 2 years
eastern european dj: i wanna have seks with musik
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Lavi's legacy: The improbable nightclub that paved the way for the future
About a year ago, the dingy, nondescript door of Lavi-Seks closed for good. At the time, there was a sizable outcry: musicians, DJs and clubgoers alike bemoaned the closure of yet another venue in a city teeming with talent but devoid of dance-music venues.
from CBC | Newfoundland and Labrador News https://ift.tt/0HzPW5x
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yatmoharany · 2 years
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Cara nak habiskan cuti sek (serta nak sambut Ramadhan nanti) ialah mai ke karnival masjid Istiqbal Ramadhan kat masjid viral Merbok ni. Sebelum ni dok lalu tak singgah - kali ni kena jgk imarahkan, sebab ada program bersama Astro jgk (ada penampilan dj radio Zayan dgn maskot pemes Upin & Ipin) sekali dgn promo Astro Fibre serta jualan terus dari ladang FAMA kasi meriah sekitar tempat ni. Selamat habiskan cuti & selamat dtg puasa kemudian! #Yat2023 😇🎪🎨🎤🕌☪️ (Masjid Al Busyra Merbok) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7eCUJpdAh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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birmeneksecom · 2 years
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Begitu DPR RI ketok palu mengesahkan Undang-undang Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP), Selasa 2 Desember 2022, sejumlah wisatawan asing ‘kabur’. Ini terjadi untuk wisatawan yang berencana liburan ke Labuan Bajo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, NTT. Mereka banyak yang langsung membatalkan kunjungan. "Ada pembatalan wisman (wisatawan mancanegara) ke Labuan Bajo," ungkap Ketua Asosiasi Travel Agent Indonesia (Astindo) Manggarai Barat, Ignasius Suradin, seperti dikutip Turisian.com dari detikcom, Kamis 8 Desember 2022. Suradin mengaku, sejumlah wisman menyampaikan kekhawatiran mereka setelah pengesahan KUHP tersebut. BACA JUGA: Konser Musik Internasional Labuan Bajo Bakal Hadirkan DJ dari Italia KUHP baru itu antara lain mengatur hukuman pidana bagi mereka yang dilaporkan berhubungan seks atau hidup bersama tanpa ikatan perkawinan. Ini menyebabkan wisatawan asing tidak bisa berbagi kamar hotel dengan pasangannya. Sebab, wisatawan yang datang ke Indonesia bersama kekasihnya rentan menjadi korban ketentuan ini. Ketentuan dalam KUHP baru itu, tegas Ignas, menjadi bencana bagi industri pariwisata. Jelas ancaman wisatawan asing 'kabur' makin besar. "Ini memang bencana. Saya sudah dikontak oleh beberapa calon wisatawan yang berencana liburan ke Indonesia. Mereka khawatir dengan KUHP baru itu. Tentu ada pembatalan dan sekaligus banyak pertanyaan dari mereka terkait KUHP ini," katanya. BACA JUGA: Bekasi City Sound Kembali Hadirkan Band-band Keren di Distrik Musik Festival Industri Pariwisata Ia melanjutkan, ketentuan dalam KUHP ini bertentangan dengan upaya pengembangan industri pariwisata dengan membuka ruang bagi peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan. "Sangat bertolak belakang dengan semangat pariwisata," tegasnya. Ia juga menyayangkan negara terlalu jauh mencampuri urusan privat seseorang yang justru berdampak buruk pada sektor pariwisata. "Mengapa negara harus terlibat dalam urusan privat orang per orang," tandasnya. BACA JUGA: Pura Luhur Uluwatu, Wisata Religi Bali dengan Sajian Alam dan Budaya Seperti diketahui, KUHP baru meluaskan pasal-pasal yang belum sebelumnya diatur dalam KUHP buatan Belanda. Salah satunya soal pasangan kumpul kebo dan zina. "Setiap orang yang melakukan hidup bersama sebagai suami istri di luar perkawinan dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 6 (enam) bulan atau pidana denda paling banyak kategori II," demikian bunyi pasal 412 ayat 1 KUHP baru. Aturan baru KUHP itu ternyata juga menjadi sorotan media-media internasional. Sebelumnya, pemerintah Australia mengatakan bahwa pihaknya sedang mencari informasi lebih lanjut tentang langkah Indonesia untuk mengkriminalisasi seks di luar nikah. BACA JUGA: Batik Air Travel Fair Bakal Banjir Diskon, Tiket ke Labuan Bajo 1,9 Juta "Kami memahami revisi ini belum akan berlaku sampai tiga tahun ke depan. Dan kami menunggu informasi lebih lanjut. Tentang bagaimana revisi akan ditafsirkan seiring peraturan pelaksanaan sedang disusun dan diselesaikan," kata seorang juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Australia dalam sebuah pernyataan. Dibagian lain Ketua DPD ASITA Bali  I Putu Winastra mengkhawatirkan KUHP ini akan berdampak terhadap tingkat kunjungan wisman ke Pulau Bali. “Oleh sebab itu, kami berharap ini menjadi perhatian pemerintah pusat, terhadap pasal-pasal yang mengancam wisman itu,” katanya dalam dialog apa kabar malam TV One bersama pengacara Hotman Paris. ***
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32shinebox · 3 years
hole in your head
seit dem fruehling habe ich keine ehre mehr. es ist erstaunlich wie gut doch alles funktioniert. mir fallen die ratschlaege und bemerkungen meiner peers ein, dass man aus so einer situation nur rauskommt, wenn man am sogenannten rock bottom aufschlaegt. siehe speckface. speckface hatte allerdings echt uebertrieben. er hatte echt sheenanigans betrieben. (side note: zwischendurch, wirklich am zenith des wahnsinns, hatte er eine senior manager-stelle bei einer wirklich guten firm uebernommen. wahnsinn, specki.)
warum klappt rock bottom nun nicht - im gegenteil laeuft alles weiter wie bisher, egal was ich mache (ich wuerde schon gerne raus hier). ich warte drauf.
ich erinnere mich an einen tag im oktober vor langer zeit, auf einer versifften couch vom sperrmuell, die springerstiefel steckten in einem meer von bierflaschen, im kopf kreisten die pilze von der kuhscheisswiese und der shit von dem kurden mit den langen haaren (90er jahre koeln-style), in dieser ekligen bong erhitzt. aus der teuren anlage, die ein rich kid, der vor seinen frisch geschiedenen eltern zu uns abgehauen war, mitgebracht hatte, harman kardon oder so, war mehr wert als alles was sonst in dieser bude drin war, knallte cypress hill, hole in your head, in your motherfucking head. wann kommt die revolution, dachte ich, und mit dem hypnotischen gequake der latinos aus der box fiel mir ein, das muss gar nicht sein, dass irgendwas passiert, es kann sein, dass es ewig so weitergeht, du machst deinen zivildienst, dann bleibst du dj, oder gastro oder so bist du stirbst, alles nur fuer den ehrenlosen moment hier, denn der ist geil, und ich moechte ihn immer wieder erleben, jeden tag am besten, wie ein kind, das immer wieder in die luft geworfen werden will.
so wie jetzt, nur jetzt ist teurer alles. erwachsen geworden, kann man sagen, das heisst alles noch kaputter. von buddy bradley zu william burroughs.
joerg immendorf faellt mir ein, speckface sowieso, charlie sheen, pablo neruda, zahllose (nicht nur zahnlose, auch attraktive, gut betuchte) alte hooligans. manche spielen jetzt golf.
finanzhaie mit regelmaessigem besuch vom sek. zypern-bewohner. fette alte berater. durchgeknallte software engineers, auf triathlon, CIOs die jungen abteilungsleiterinnen nachstellen, abgefuckte technologie-vertriebler auf der suche nach dem puff in barcelona. dieser pole, der waehrend der dienstreisen seine unterhosen waescht weil die dicke agusia zuhause nach flecken sucht. junge ingenieure mit falsch gekauften haeusern. werde ich fuer immer miete zahlen?
a hole in your head, in your motherfucking head.
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litteraturhistorikeren · 10 months
Jeg sidder og græder i bussen på vej til lufthavnen. Det har været sådan nogle fantastiske dage med min finske bartender.
Jeg ankom torsdag, og vi tog hen på en bar til et stock market bar event, hans ven afholdt. Bagefter var der karaoke, som finnerne elsker. Min finske bartender kan virkeligt synge, og han endte med at overtale mig til at synge karaoke med ham, det havde jeg aldrig prøvet før.
Fredag var en tømmermændsdag. Vi puttede, havde fantastisk sex, så film og bestilte pizza.
Lørdag var en travl dag. Først tog jeg hen for at se på en lejlighed, som var helt perfekt (jeg burde høre fra ham, der fremlejer den, i denne uge eller næste, så kryds fingre for mig!). Derefter tog min finske bartender med mig hen, da jeg skulle tatoveres. Om aftenen tog vi i svensk teater med nogle af hans venner og så en musical, så spiste vi sen aftensmad, bare han og jeg, og tog endelig ud til et psy-rave lidt udenfor centrum. Også en ny oplevelse for mig, vi var først hjemme kl 9 om morgenen. Vi havde så mange gode snakke undervejs.
Søndag var også en slappedag, og mandag (i går) sov vi længe, før vi tog hen for at kigge på julemarked. Bagefter tog vi hen for at hænge ud med nogle af hans venner i et fælleslokale, hvor de havde gang i noget techno, så min finske bartender skulle også lige vise mig sine dj-skills.
Jeg kunne ikke sove i nat. Vi har fortalt hinanden, at vi elsker hinanden, og jeg lå bare i hans arme og tænkte på, at der nu går (forhåbentligt kun) seks uger, før jeg ser ham igen. Her til morgen lavede han morgenmad og en madpakke til turen til mig. Sneen falder over Finland. Vi kyssede farvel ved bussen, og han hviskede i mit øre, at han elsker mig. Jeg begyndte at græde, så snart jeg trådte på bussen
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
Here’s a little short I did for @uppastthejelliclemoon’s human AU! I’ve already shared this with you all but I’m sharing it again @queencurlycrown @kineticjellyfish @terpsichorian so enjoy XD
Summary- Sek took a deep breath as she peeked through the curtain, the theater was packed with no empty seat to be found, the knowledge made her stomach twist. Could she really do this? What if she failed? What if she got hurt? What if-
Or the short where Sek has her first big Dance competition with big things at stake and her nerves are trying to get the best of her.
Beautiful Ghosts
It was just past sunset in London, people were returning home from work and school. The restaurants lining the streets were populated by couples and families but no place was more populated at that moment than The Egyptian. The theater looked right out of an old photograph in full color, the lights were shining bright, the gold trimmed details glimmering softly under the lights, the sidewalk of stars were roped off for the night but they still drew attention from passers by, the large marquee sign that wrapped around the building boldly proclaimed ‘Regional Dance Competition Tonight!’ and beside it in bold red letters ‘SOLD OUT!’.
Inside the grand theater people filled the seats in their best attire, men in finely tailored suits, women dripping with diamonds and pearls in breathtaking dresses. The front most rows were saved for other dancers competing and the section of seats behind them for families and coaches, the rest of the seats in the large building were for ticket holders, people who liked to come and watch the dancing, but one special roped off section in the highest balcony with the best view of the stage was for the important people of the night, the ones that could make or break many of the competitor’s dreams, the scouts from many prestigious dancing schools all over the globe.
Backstage Sekhmet took a deep breath as she peeked through the curtain, the theater was packed with no empty seat to be found and the knowledge made her stomach twist. Could she really do this? What if she failed? What if she got hurt? What if-
The girl jumped suddenly hearing a voice behind her making her drop the curtain and turn around ready to explain herself, but her fear soon melted away seeing her papa standing behind her looking worried as she felt. Letting out a small breath she offered a sheepish smile.
“Sorry Papa, I heard some of the girls say it was a full house and I just wanted to see.”
Mistoffelees returned the smile going to his oldest daughter and carefully wrapping an arm around her shoulders, being sure not to accidentally ruffle her dance costume or smudge her makeup.
“Feeling nervous?”
Sek nodded making Misto squeeze her shoulders before leading her away from the stage, it was intermission so they still had plenty of time before the contest started again and Sek still had three dancers ahead of her before she had to go on the stage. He led her over to the stretching area and carefully picked up her pointe shoes, he held them in his hands for a moment with a soft smile as he ran his finger over the silky royal purple material. He could still remember when he and Tugger had first given these shoes to Sek, right after she’d won her first dance competition two years ago. How time seemed to fly.
He held out the shoes to Sek and she took them with a thankful smile before he grabbed a spare black pair and began slipping them on.
“Let’s get some of those nerves out and make sure you’re all stretched.”
Sek nodded and put her shoes on before taking her place. With a deep calming breath she let herself fall easily into stretching with Misto carefully guiding her and making sure her feet were pointed right and that she didn’t fall over. They didn’t speak, they didn’t need to, Misto knew exactly how nervous his oldest daughter was and he knew excessive talking and consoling wouldn’t help and so he distracted and helped her prepare instead, Sek was grateful. After the stretching routine was done Sek gave a smile to her papa earning one in return.
“Feeling better?”
She nodded.
“A little, I’m still scared but I can do this.”
Misto smiles softly with a nod.
“That’s my girl.”
Sek wanted so badly to hug him but she didn’t get the chance before a young woman with brown hair and black framed glasses, Emily if Sek remembered right, softly cleared her throat holding a clipboard in one hand while the other covered the microphone part of her headset.
“Miss Deuteronomy-Jones, you’re on next. One of the girls from the other school was disqualified for getting into an altercation with another dancer, so you are moving up. I’ve already notified the DJ and he has your music ready.”
Sek swallowed thickly, looking at Misto slightly panicked but the dark haired man just gave her a reassuring smile before nodding to Emily.
“Thank you for letting us know, she’ll be ready.”
Emily gave a bright smile before leaving with a nod. As soon as they were alone again Sek felt her stomach twist hard as she looked at her papa.
“I-I don’t think I can do this Papa, I’m scared. What if I forget a step or I get stage fright or I get hurt?!”
Misto shook his head taking his daughter’s hands meeting her teary eyes.
“Hey listen to me, take a deep breath,”
He took a deep breath through his nose and slowly let it out.
“Smell the flowers, blow out the candles.”
He did it again and this time Sek copied him taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out. Misto gently squeezed her hands.
“There we go. Now Sek it’s okay to be scared, I was terrified before my big show, but you know what? As soon as that music starts all you have to do is tune out the people watching, forget about them, every last one okay? It’s just you, the music and the stage. Imagine you’re at the dance studio, it’s just you practicing your dance for your dad and I and your siblings. If you make a mistake oh well it happens, you're still an amazing dancer and we all still love you no matter what happens.”
Sek felt more tears well up, happy ones this time as she nodded and finally let Misto pull her into a tight hug. He held her for a long moment before pulling back enough to kiss her forehead.
“Alright, now let's go show them why they shouldn’t mess with a Jellicle shall we?”
Sek chuckled a little and nodded. Together they made their way to the side of the stage Sek would enter from, Emily was waiting with a kind smile. Sek looked at the dancer currently on stage, Sek recognized her from the last regional competition. She was about Sek’s age, maybe a little younger, her skin was white as snow, her hair was red as a flame and just as wild with its curls that were neatly pinned up with peal ended pins, she wore a simple grass green costume, the sheer sleeves had dark green vines of ivy curling down them to her wrists, the tulle skirt was the same color as the slip layered with darker greens and a few golden leaves scattered about, but the pointe shoes on her feet looked out of place with the outfit, they were white and worn, the ribbons slipping down her legs and the shoes scuffed. Sek felt a pang of sympathy for the other girl, she was going to get points deducted for that, because her outfit didn’t flow well and because her shoes looked rough.
Sek was pulled from her thoughts when the music ended and the redhead stood center stage breathing hard but smiling at the clapping crowd until the curtain was drawn allowing her to relax and exit the stage. As she did she passed Sek and gave her a playful teasing look.
“Break a leg out there Jones.”
Sek knee of course it was how to say ‘good luck’ in the performing business but the knowledge that this was the same kind of dance contest her papa had been competing in and had gotten hurt in made the saying sound so terrifying. Misto sensed his daughter’s unease and took her hand gently squeezing it.
“You’ve got this Sek, remember imagine you’re at the studio with me and your siblings, just practicing and playing around. I believe in you.”
Sek took a few deep breathes to calm herself again before kissing her papa’s cheek then among her way to center stage. She closed her eyes slowly tuning out the sound of the crowd settling on the other side of the curtain, she blocked out the bright lights and focused on her breathing as it evened out and her heart rate lowered to normal.
The curtain opened revealing a dark stage to the audience, the room was silent and for a moment people began to worry the music wasn’t working until the air filled with a song, Sek’s personally chosen song Beautiful Ghosts, and small pinhole lights began to fill the dark stage.
As the soft singing began a soft spot light shined on Sek illuminating her like the pale moon glowing outside. Her costume fit perfectly with the setting of the stage, the long dusty lavender sleeves hugged her arms elegantly with the black floral patterns catching the light with the slight sheen they held, her skirt was the same dusty lavender layered with black, white and royal purple tulle, her shoes had been cleaned and carefully maintained for this very moment. As the song played Sek let her body follow the moves it knew so well while her mind focused on the music, blocking out all thoughts of the audience, of the judges, of the scouts, right now there was just her and her memories.
Visions of her mother dancing with her around their small apartment singing movie songs and laughing the sweet laugh Sek missed so much even years later. Of her and her brother sitting close to their mother looking down at a newborn Persephone and the bright loving smile on her mother’s face as she held all three of them. Of the day her uncles had shown up at the rundown apartment and taken them away from the place that had once been home before their mother died. Of the day they sat on the hard benches of the courtroom watching as their father seemed like he’d rather be anywhere else as Tugger and Misto made every effort to take them in despite knowing next to nothing about them.
As the song began to wind down the last memories to begin playing in her mind were all of being with her family, spending time at the studio with Misto and her siblings, family events with the whole clan, silly moments with Tugger, long nights practicing with Misto, silly adventures with Bomba, happy pictures and moments listening to her grandfather and Gus tell stories and playfully arguing about their theater days….all the things that brought her to where she was at this exact moment and all the things she’d never ever change no matter how painful.
As the last note of the song played Sek finished her last turn and faced the audience slowly opening her eyes, she was crying and it took a moment for the sound to come back to her ears but when it did it was an uproar of applause and as her eyes focused she could see the entire theater was standing and clapping. She started to feel overwhelmed but she quickly found Tugger in the crowd and she couldn’t help but smile seeing the proud look on his face along with those of her aunt Victoria and a few of her siblings before the curtain closed.
As the curtain closed and Sek made her way to Misto, who was trying to dry his own eyes and sporting a huge proud smile, he pulled her into a tight hug.
“You did so well Sek, so amazingly well.”
Sek could only smile into his shoulder closing her eyes as he held her together while her heart rate lowered. As the theater beyond the curtain slowly returned to calm and quiet no one noticed a singular figure slipping out of her seat and walking to the exit of the theater, pausing only a moment to look back at the stage, then down a few rows where Tugger was happily talking with Victoria while holding Persephone in his lap, before the figure slipped out of the theater seemingly unseen.
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erps-kwerpse · 5 years
1.    Wat is je volledige naam? 2.    Hoe oud ben je en hoe oud word je ingeschat?  3.    Wat is je beste kwaliteit? 4.     Waar ben je heel slecht in? 5.     Welk talent zou je graag willen hebben? 6.     Ben je vriendelijk tegen iedereen? 7.     Waar denk je het meest aan? 8.     Wat vind je leuk/niet leuk aan jezelf? 9.     Wat vind je een lelijk woord? 10.   Wat vind je een mooi woord?  11.   Ben je meer zoals je moeder of je vader?  12.   Is het uiterlijk belangrijk?  13.   Hoe wint iemand je over?  14.   Wat is opwindend/ een afknapper? 15.   Geraak je snel jaloers?  16.   Wat is jouw definitie van vreemdgaan? 17.   Ooit al bedrogen geweest? 18.   Ooit al iemand bedrogen? 19.   Hoe vaak luister je naar muziek?  20.   Wat is het eerste concert waar je naartoe bent gegaan? 21.   Wat was het laatste concert dat je hebt gezien? 22.   Naar welk concert zou je nog graag willen gaan? 23.  Wat is je lievelingsfilm?  24.   Is er iets in je verleden gebeurd waar je niet graag over praat? 25.   Kan je goed je gevoelens verstoppen? 26.   Word je gemakkelijk verliefd? Houd je gemakkelijk van mensen? 27.   Wat is je lievelings feestdag? 28.   Ben je een vergevend persoon? Wat vind je daarvan? 29.   Wat is je ‘type’? 30.   Zou je seks hebben met de laatste persoon die je gesmsd hebt? 31.   Heb je al ooit iemand ontmaagd? 32.   Is vertrouwen moeilijk voor je? 33.   Wat vind je ervan wanneer meisjes klotezat zijn? 34.   Zou je ooit met haaien willen zwemmen? 35.   Zijn jouw ogen dezelfde kleur als die van je papa? 36.   Zou je iemand kunnen daten die je niet doet lachen? 37.   Wat was het laatste waar je om moest lachen? 38.   Mis je oprecht iemand op dees moment? 39.   Verdient iedereen een tweede kans? 40.   Weet de persoon waar je nu gevoelens voor hebt dat jij je zo voelt? 41.   Drink jij frisdrank? 42.   Met wie heb je het recentst gebeld? 43.   Zing je onder de douche? 44.   Zing je mee in de auto? 45.   Vind je musicals melig? 46.   Vind je kerstmis stressvol? 47.   Wat wou je worden toen je klein was? 48.   Draag je soms een badjas? 49.   Wat draag je om te gaan slapen? 50.   Heb je al ooit dansles genomen? 51.   Wat is je lievelingsboek? 52.   Studeer je beter met of zonder muziek? 53.   Ooit al verliefd geweest? 54.   Thee of koffie? 55.   Kan je goed zwemmen? Zwem je graag? 56.   Ben je geduldig? 57.   Dj of band op een trouw? 58.   Al ooit een wedstrijd gewonnen? 59.   Wat is je favoriete pasta gerecht? 60.   Welke kleur zou je graag je haar verven? 61.   Vertel me iets dom/grappig dat nu de geschiedenis ingegaan tussen jij en je vrienden en dat steeds wordt bovengehaald. 62.   Heb je een dagboek/notitieblokje? 63.   Wat doe jij het liefst op een luie dag wanneer je 0 verplichtingen hebt? 64.   Is er iemand aan wie je al je geheimen zou toevertrouwen? 65.   Wat is de raarste plaats waar je al bent binnengebroken? 66.   Zonsopgang of zonsondergang? 67.   Wat is een schattige gewoonte dat één van je vrienden doet? 68.   Ben je al ooit écht bang geweest? 69.   Wat is je lievelingsgebakje? 70.   Vertel me over de knuffel die je had toen je klein was. Hoe noemde hij? Hoe zag hij eruit? Heb je hem nog steeds? 71.   Houd jij je kamer ordelijk of rommelig? 72.   Waar irriteer jij je aan bij mensen? 73.   Welke kleur draag jij het vaakst? 74.   Denk aan een juweel dat jij hebt, wat is het verhaal hiervan? Heeft het een betekenis voor je? 75.   Heb je een favoriete cafétje? Beschrijf het 76.   Met wie heb je het laatst naar de sterren gekeken? 77.   Wanneer was de laatste keer dat jij je volledig sereen en voldaan voelde met alles? 78.   Vertrouw jij veel op je instincten? 79.  Vertel me de slechtste mop die je kent. 80.  Wat was je grootste angst als kind? Is dat nu nog steeds zo? 81.  Koop je graag CD’s en LP’s? Wat was de laatste die je hebt gekocht? 82.  Verzamel jij iets? 83.  Wat is je favoriete mythe? 84.   Is er iemand die je al lang niet hebt gezien waar je graag nog eens mee wilt afspreken? 85.   Wat zijn je favoriete gezelschapsspelletjes? 86.  Heb je huisdieren? 87.  Heb je tattoos? 88.   Heb jij een goede band met je ouders? 89.   Vertel me over één van je favoriete steden. 90.   Naar waar ben je nog van plan te reizen dit jaar? 91.   Wat zijn je plannen voor het weekend? 92.   Vind jij je naam mooi? Is er een andere naam waarvan jij denkt dat die beter bij jou past? 93.  Ben je spiritueel/religieus? 94.  Honden of katten? 95.  Binnen of buiten? 96.  Ben je muzikaal? 97. Als je in een ander milieu was opgegroeid, denk je dat je dan een ander persoon zou geweest zijn? 98. Is jouw sociale media een goede representatie van wie je echt bent? 99. Wat zijn de top 5 dingen waar jij het meeste tijd aan spendeert in een dag? 100. Vind je dat je uiterlijk een goede representatie is van de échte jij? 101. Ooit iets gedaan waar je spijt van hebt? 102. Lievelingsgerecht? Kan je het ook goed zelf koken? 103. Ochtend of nacht? 104. Beste nacht van je leven? 105. Lievelingsland? 106. Met welke bekende persoon zou je willen uitgaan? 107. Favoriete serie? 108. Verslaafd? 109. Iets gedaan waar je trots op bent? 110. Welke opleiding volg je? 111. De beste keuze die je in je leven hebt gemaakt? 112. De slechtste keuze die je in je leven hebt gemaakt? 113. Wil je kinderen? 114. Ooit een relatie gehad met iemand waar je eigenlijk niet van hield? 115. Ben je een dromer of een denker? 116. Wat denk je over je lichaam? 117. Wat haat je aan jezelf? 118. Wat zeggen anderen over je? 119. Slaap je goed? 120. Wanneer huilde je voor het laatst? 121. Beschrijf je eerste kus 122. Welke talen kan je spreken? 123. Bikini of badpak? 124. Lievelingsseizoen? 125. Bad of douche? 126. Waar word je gelukkig van? 127. Heb je een goede band met je broers en/of zussen? 128. Vertel me iets dat ik nog niet weet
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Cerbung: memories at night (3)
Tiga . . . London, satu minggu yang lalu. Apakah tiga tahun berpacaran tidak ada artinya? Teganya wanita itu memberikan bibir, bahkan tubuhnya pada pria itu. Di depan matanya, menyaksikan wanitanya sedang bergumul di ranjang sebuah hotel. Ditanya kenapa dia berkhianat? Dengan enteng dia menjawab, karena dirinya dengan prinsip dan adat keluarga ibunya. Memang apa yang salah? Ibunya mengajarkannya agar selalu menjaga nama baik keluarga. “Jangan melakukan seks pranikah”. Baginya, itu adalah hal yang baik. Dia adalah pria yang selalu ingin menjaga kehormatan keluarga, dirinya, dan wanita yang dicintainya itu. Tetapi wanita itu mengatakan bahwa ini bukan Indonesia. Negara ini bebas. Seks pranikah sudah bukan hal yang tabu lagi. Kehormatan dirinya takkan tercoreng hanya karena ini. Jadi, sebab itulah Lisa berselingkuh. Hanya karena Matthew yang selalu menolak berhubungan badan, mempertahankan prinsip konyolnya demi kehormatan keluarga. Lisa merasa tak puas. Nafsunya yang terlalu besar harus dipenuhinya. “MENJIJIKKAN!” Sebuah patung marmer kecil berbentuk kuda menjadi korban terakhir pelampiasan amarah. Ruangan kerja Matthew begitu kacau. Kertas, serpihan barang-barang pajangan telah berserakan di lantai. Bangku dan benda yang ada di meja dilemparkan ke sudut ruangan. Itu terjadi karena Matthew masih teringat oleh kandasnya hubungan dirinya dengan Lisa. Matthew kini berdiri di belakang meja kerjanya dengan napas terengah-engah, setelah mengeluarkan segala amarah yang kembali bangkit. Setelah itu, ia duduk di atasnya, menegadahkan kepala sambil memejamkam mata. Suara ketukan sekali yang disertai seruan terdengar. Seorang pria flamboyan masuk ke dalam ruangan yang telah porak-poranda. Dia tercengang menyaksikan ini, setelah menemukan keberadaan temannya, ia menghampiri sambil bertanya: “Kau membuat badai lokal lagi? Ayolah, ini sudah lewat hampir sebulan. Tidak bisakah kau melupannya?” Kedatangan pria ini tak ada gunanya sama sekali. Ia malas jika berhadapan dengannya, jika itu tidak ada yang penting. “Katakan, ada apa?” ujar Matthew memakai bahasa Inggris. “Ayo, makan siang. Stevan dan Kevin sudah menunggu.” “Kau saja yang yang pergi.” Fritz tidak bicara lagi. Takutnya, Matthew semakin geram dan dia-lah yang terkena imbasnya. Ia pergi meninggalkan Matthew, beranjak ke restoran tempat kedua sahabatnya menunggu. Sebenarnya, ajakan makan siang merupakan agenda untuk mengatur jadwal liburan ke Indonesia. Ide itu berawal dari Fritz, yang tak tega melihat Matthew frustasi seperti itu. “Alah! Itu hanya alasanmu saja, kan?” sindir pacarnya Stevan. “Kau itu ingin bisa merasakan tidur dengan gadis-gadis di sana.” Walaupun kenyataannya benar, tapi maksud awalnya memang demi Matthew. “Sembarangan!” sahut Fritz, lalu menoleh pada Kevin. “Jadi, bagaimana, Vin? Aku rasa, sulit untuk membujuknya. Kau saja, deh, yang bujuk dia.” Semua saling memandang. Fritz dan Matthew telah lama berteman. Seharusnya, Fritz-lah yang membujuknya karena mereka sudah saling akrab. Tetapi menurut Fritz, Kevin yang bijaksana pasti bisa menghadapi Matthew yang emosinya sedang labil. “Baiklah. Aku usahakan.” Seperti kata Fritz, Kevin akhirnya bisa membujuk Matthew untuk ikut berlibur ke Indonesia dengan susah payah. Mereka berangkat lusa, dan sampai ke Indonesia pada malam hari. Rencananya, mereka akan berlibur selama 5 hari di Jakarta, sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan ke Bali. Fritz sudah membuat acara liburan dengan mengunjungi beberapa tempat di daerah Jakarta. Namun pada malam pertama, Fritz mengajak mereka ke sebuah klub malam yang terkenal dengan gadis-gadis cantik dan seksinya. “Angel’s Night Club,” kata Fritz bersemangat, sambil menyetir mobil. “Aku penasaran pada tempat itu. Jadi, malam ini, kita senang-senang dulu.” Tak ada satu pun yang menanggapi, termasuk Matthew. Di mobil itu seolah sunyi, tiga pria lainnya sibuk dengan pikiran masing-masing.  Sebenarnya, ini menimbulkan sedikit keganjilan di hati Matthew. Stevan tak jauh beda dengan Fritz, senang dan bersemangat jika pergi ke klub malam. Tapi hari ini, pria itu terdiam. “Hei, ada apa? Semangat dikit, dong,” seru Fritz, sengaja agar tak menimbulkan kecurigaan dalam benak Matthew. Stevan terkesiap. “Iya! Cepat sedikit jalannya. Aku nggak sabar mau ke tempat itu.” Justru ini terasa lebih aneh lagi bagi Matthew. Tapi biarlah, terserah mereka mau melakukan apa. Matthew akan mengikuti permainan mereka. Ya, ia akan masuk ke dalam klub malam itu, tapi tidak menyentuh wanita-wanita itu. Beberapa gelas wine dan musik dari DJ yang akan menemaninya di meja bar ini. Melihat dari kejauhan sambil tertawa geli ke arah teman-temannya yang sedang berdansa dengan gadis-gadis jalang. Tiba-tiba Kevin menghilang dari barisan itu—Matthew tak peduli. Mungkin Kevin sedang ke tolilet, atau sudah muak dengan gadis itu. Ah, masa bodo! Segelas minuman kembali diteguknya. Hanya Fritz dan Stevan yang tahu, bahwa sebenarnya Kevin diam-diam ke sudut terjauh dari sisi meja bar. Dia memanggil seorang bartender, memberikan sebuah bungkusan, yang merupakan obat perangsang. Dia menyuruh orang itu untuk memasukkan obat itu ke dalam minumannya. Dan tentunya, uang tip yang sangat besar, di selipkan ke tangan orang itu. Matthew hampir hilang batas kesadaran, dan itu dijadikan kesempatan oleh bartender itu untuk menukar gelas berisi minuman yang dicampur obat. Karena kadar alkohol yang tinggi, ditambah lagi kandungan obat yang sangat kuat membuat kepala Matthew langsung terasa pusing. Pandangannya mendadak kabur. Pada saat ia akan menghampiri teman-teman, tiba-tiba tubuhnya ambruk, tak sadarkan diri. ~○~ Malam itu terasa panjang bagi Elina. Ingin rasanya ia menganggap kejadian itu adalah mimpi. Tetapi saat membuka mata di pagi hari, ia menyadari bahwa itu nyata. Ia mendapati dirinya sendirian di kamar ini, dengan tubuh yang telah ditutupi selimut. Pria yang telah menggagahinya tidak ada ada di sampingnya. Mungkin sudah pergi. Tertatih, ia mencoba duduk—semua tubuhnya terasa sakit—menatap ke sekeliling ranjang, yang menjadi saksi bisu kejadian yang menyakitkan itu seketika membuat air matanya meleleh. “Kau sudah bangun?” Isakan Elina terhenti. Ia menoleh ke arah suara itu, terkejut melihat pria itu sedang berdiri di pinggir ranjang. Buru-buru ia menghapus air matanya, lalu memalingkan wajah. “Kau tidak mengerti bahasaku, ya?” tanya pria itu, kini memakai bahasa Indonesia. Elina cukup terkejut karena pria itu fasih berbahasa Indonesia. “Aku mengerti,” jawabnya, masih memalingkan wajah. Matthew mengangguk. Suasana canggung di antara mereka begitu pekat. Elina tak sanggup menatap pria itu, walaupun hanya memakai piyama handuk. Sedangkan Matthew salah tingkah, yang sebenarnya lebih mengarah ke rasa bersalah. Dia telah tidur dengan wanita yang tak dikenal, meskipun ia sendiri tidak ingat bagaimana kejadiannya. “Bersihkan badanmu. Kita perlu bicara.” Akhirnya, Matthew bicara,  memutuskan untuk keluar dari keadaan ini. Kemudian, Matthew berjalan ke arah lemari yang ada di sudut kamar, menggambil sebuah handuk, yang kemudian diberikan pada Elina. Matthew menyuruhnya untuk mandi. Setelah itu, ia kembali berbalik, sementara Elina melilitkan tubuhnya dengan handuk. Elina pun bergegas ke kamar mandi, membersihkan badan dan berpakaian. Setelah semuanya siap, ia menemui Matthew yang sedang menunggunya di ruang tamu. Gerakannya gelisah, beberapa kali mengelus lengannya yang terbuka, dan menuruni rok mininya yang terlalu pendek dan ketat. Siapapun menyadari bahwa Elina merasa tak nyaman dengan pakaiannya. Dalam benak Matthew bertanya-tanya, mengapa memakai baju yang seperti itu? Elina semakin tak nyaman kala Matthew menatapnya tanpa berkedip. Entah apa yang dipikirkannya, saat pria itu meletakkan cangkir kopinya, setelah itu beranjak dari kursi dan menghampirinya. Otomatis Elina melangkah mundur, mewaspadai setiap gerakan pria itu. Tangannya bersiap bergerak, tatkala Matthew membuka jasnya lalu memakaikannya ke tubuhnya. Ia tertegun, kemudian mendongak. Mata mereka saling bertemu, larut dalam keterpanaan beberapa saat. Lalu, saling berpaling dan spontan saling menjauhkan diri. Kecanggungan terjadi lagi di antara mereka. Tanpa mengatakan apa-apa, Matthew berjalan ke sisi ranjang, meraih gagang telepon yang ada di atas nakas, lalu menghubungi petugas hotel. Dia berbicara cukup singkat, tapi Elina tak tahu apa yang dikatakannya. Lantas ia duduk di sofa. “Aku menyuruh petugas hotel untuk membelikan pakaian. Kau tidak bisa keluar dengan pakaian seperti itu,” kata Matthew sambil berjalan menghampiri Elina, lalu memilih duduk di sofa yang berseberangan darinya. Elina menunduk, melihat pakaiannya. Memang, ia sangat malu keluar dengan memakai pakaian seperti ini. Kemarin, sempat ia menolak memakainya, saat Raima menemukan pakaian miliknya untuk ia pakai. Tetapi paksaan Raima akhirnya berhasil. ~○~ Seharian di luar, mungkin cukup bagi mereka untuk merilekskan pikiran yang kacau dan resah. Sejak si pengecut Fritz kabur, Stevan dan Kevin jadi kehilangan akal, bahkan sampai menghindar saat melihat Matthew dan Elina sarapan di hotel. Mereka sadar, tak ada gunanya menghindar terus. Sekalipun mereka kabur sama seperti Fritz, Matthew akan tetap mengejar mereka setibanya di London. Sudahlah. Lelah memikirkan hal itu. Kini, yang mereka inginkan adalah menyegarkan kepala dengan beberapa gelas alkohol. Stevan mengajak Kevin untuk singgah sejenak ke kamarnya sambil minum dan mengobrol. Kevin menyetujuinya. Stevan membuka pintu. Kamar yang gelap memunculkan sensasi yang aneh dengan tiba-tiba. Ini bukan ketakutan soal hantu, Stevan takut pada hal yang ada di dalam pikirannya. Karena Stevan tak kunjung menyalakan lampu, Kevin-lah yang melakukannya. Kamar menjadi terang seketika, bersamaan dengan terkejutnya Stevan dan Kevin. “Matthew?” gumam mereka berbarengan.[]
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GIG #1: Urochromes (Western Mass) Resource Network (Indianapolis) Whip Kisser (Toronto) The Brain (Toronto) New Vogue (Montreal) Vitex (Montreal) BRASSERIE BEAUBIEN - 8PM - $15 FRIDAY JULY 12 GIG #2 Big Hog (Indianapolis) Torpor (Ottawa) The Conscripts (Montreal) Leash Aggression (Montreal) DIVING BELL - 3PM - $10 GIG #3 Humanmania (Baltimore) Adderall (Asheville) Snara (Montreal) No War (Montreal) Spacers (Montreal) Sek (Montreal) Estorbo (Montreal) SALA ROSSA - 8PM - $20 GIG #4 Q (Saint Louis) Coke Jaw (Hamilton) Ultrarat (Montreal) Home Invasion (Toronto)
SATURDAY JULY 13 GIG #5 Big Eyes (NYC) Dagger (NWI) Scorpio Rising (Toronto) Cell (Montreal) BRASSERIE BEAUBIEN - 4PM - $10 GIG #6 Janitor Scum (Calgary) Negative Scanner (Chicago) Porno Glows (Chicago) Hugh Man (Toronto) Liquid Assets (Ottawa) Beep Test (Montreal) LA PLANTE - 8PM - $20 GIG #7 Rhythm of Cruelty (Edmonton) Xarah Dion (Montreal) Rivalled Envy (Montreal) Dregqueen (Montreal) +DJs til late FERRORO DUROCHER - MIDNIGHT - $15 PRE 1AM $20 AFTER
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yatmoharany · 2 years
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Cara nak habiskan cuti sek (serta nak sambut Ramadhan nanti) ialah mai ke karnival masjid Istiqbal Ramadhan kat masjid viral Merbok ni. Sebelum ni dok lalu tak singgah - kali ni kena jgk imarahkan, sebab ada program bersama Astro jgk (ada penampilan dj radio Zayan dgn maskot pemes Upin & Ipin) sekali dgn promo Astro Fibre serta jualan terus dari ladang FAMA kasi meriah sekitar tempat ni. Selamat habiskan cuti & selamat dtg puasa kemudian! #Yat2023 😇🎪🎨🎤🕌☪️ (Masjid Al Busyra Merbok) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7ckU-JN1U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rabattkoder · 2 years
Gilford Bläck Färg Kit - Dj T120 - Cz130a
Gilford Bläck Färg Kit – Dj T120 – Cz130a
Kapacitet: 29 ml. Fullt kompatibel bläckpatron Gilford erbjuder en fullt kompatibel bläckpatron med samma funktionalitet som en märkespatron – men till ett betydligt lägre pris. En kompatibel bläckpatron innehåller även som regel mer bläck än märkesalternativet. SEK 679.00 Mer information Köp hos Dustin Klicka Här
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
holaa! here's a fun ask (hopefully lol): list of favorite moments from SC?
 Gosh, just off the top of my head, in no particular order:
“Amma, kaali billi rasta kaat gayi hai; sadka dedo!!!!!”
Arsal ke Australian totay, lmao
DJ: “Shaayad unhe Australia ka visa mil gaya, wapis chale gaye honge!”
Every time Masooma talks about marhoom Abbaji (“Abbaji zinda hote toh……”) and the people listening are like “for godssake, let him R.I.P.”
Arsal and the autowaala yelling at each other and the first instance of Arsal’s battlecry “nikaah hua hai humaara!”
Everytime Jalal Phupa clashes with Arsal or DJ and calls them “khabees ka bachcha”
All the animal names Jiya keeps calling Arsal (“madmast haathi”, “pahaadi bakra”, “daddu”, lmao)
 “Phupa aap kahan jaa rahe hai???”  “Jahannum!”  “Theek hai, dhyaan se jaayiega.”
Shahana stopping her dil khol ke rona-dhona just to point out Jiya riding the bike to Arsal, lmao.
Jiya’s ecstatic reaction when Kinza tells her Shahana has left home.
BiJaan’s perpetual refrain of “har ek ne yahaan apne dedh-eent ki masjid banayi hui hai.”
I don’t remember the exact dialogue, but Arsal re: his dad and Billo: “Idhar logon ki pehli nahi ho rahi, yeh hai ki dusri shaadi karne chale hai!”
Anytime DJ comes with “breaking news” and Arsal is like ‘ugh aa gaya, manhoos khabar leke’
Whenever Arsal calls DJ “gonglu”
“Bataa teri behen ko kya hua hai?”“Woh toh aapko pata hona chahiye, aapki Mrs. hain!”“I’m serious!”“Woh bhi toh serious hain!”“Kiske baare mein?”“Aapke baare main! Aur kaun hai yahaan?”
And they dismiss each other with like “chal hatttt!” waale yet happy smiley faces, lol.
Arsal dragging a squealing DJ into his room:
“Kal test hai mera!”“Toh tuney kaunsa markan maar lena hai???? Pehle bhi anda laata tha, kal bhi le aayin!” 
Arsal doing DJ ki pitaai for not giving him the video:
“Arsal kya kar rahe ho, bachcha hai woh, usse lag jaati!” “Achcha hai, do chaar din log sukoon se rahenge!”
Arsal’s insufferably smugass “choran nu pe gaye mor” after watching/deleting the video.
“Itni bahaadur behen hai teri, AUR GEEDAD JAISA BHAI!”
“Waise pyaara toh tu bhi lagne shuru ho gaya hai mujhe!”...“Yeh jab tujhpe pyaar aane lagta hai, aur tu beech mein PAISE GHUSED DETA HAI, DIL CHAHTA HAI TUJHE DOON EK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Naazuk kandhein???? Yeh????? Yeh NAAZUK KANDHEIN kisi ko lag jaaye toh DIN MEIN TAAREIN DIKHAAYI DE! Baatein sunlo iski!”
“Ab hatt na, deewaar-e-cheen banke baitha hai humaare beech mein!”
Jalal’s standard dialogues of “Ramzan-ul-mubarak ka paak mahina” and his “woi woi woi woi woi woi”s and “shakal gum karo!!!!!!!!!”s
Every time Arsal gets complacent and happy at Jiya and him having a friendly bonding moment, only to have her cut it short and dismiss him with a “chalo hatto/niklo!”
Every time Arsal does the hand over heart gesture.
Arsal trying to control his laughter (very poorly) in the hospital room, at Jamshed’s overacting.
DJ comforting Jiya when she’s upset.
“Main Jiya ka first cousin hoon ji… Ji……. Aur husband bhi, Masha’Allah se. ”  *sweetest, most unassuming smile*
“JAMSHED BHAI ISKO KAHEIN EK SECOND KE ANDAR ANDAR MERI BETI KO TALAQ DEIN!!!!!!!!”*Arsal observing his watch for exactly one second and marking when it’s done* “HO GAYA EK SECOND! NAHI DETA TALAQ! KYA KARLENGE?!?!!?!?!?”
All the angsty times Arsal and Jiya run into each other and they give each other the moon eyes.
Arsal’s silent but WTF face when Kinza tries to jamaofy haq on him the night after the arrest.
(After fully drenching him) “Chal mera puttar, araam se so jaa.” “Le! Araam se so ja! Pura gila kar diya mujhe!”“Haan toh tuney kaunsa SHLINK ho jaana hai? Tujhe SHLINK hone ka darr hai?????” “SHA-LINK nahi hota, SHA-RINK hota hai!” (Off-screen as she exits) “Bada angrezi ka rob paanda rehda hai mere pe!”
Literally any time Arsal and Shahana have a faceoff, her threatening him (“tere gotte gitte sek dene hai!!!!!“) and his semi-fearful, but sulky and rebellious response.
“Main kabhi tumhe dhoka nahi de sakta, Jiya….. Tumhe chodne ka sochta hoon toh meri saansein rukne lagti hai.”
Sherry’s bewildered faces at this whole family’s pagalpan.
Billo comforting Jiya and telling her that she’ll take care of everything. AND SHE DOES.
Also her parallel scene with Arsal, where’s it’s not so angsty, but she reassures him she’ll handle it.
The face journey Arsal goes through on watching the Huma/Jiya video; from cocky smugness, to suddenly serious, to a tiny shy smile, after which he looks heavenwards to offer thanks.
The finger lock moment.
“Meri room mein le aao na Huma ko; dono baari baari apne dil ka haal sunaenge isko!”
Literally any time Arsal speaks punjabi!
“O Amma, ae te apne masle solve nahi ho rahe, tu apne paale vich!”
Top fave: (on hanging up with Huma after she refused to give him the 411) “Naa dass. ZEHER LAGDI HAI MAINU TIDDI JI!!!!!!!!!”
The scene where Arsal watches Jiya pray, and maarofies taana, but is instantly undone by her tears and implores her to tell him just once to not marry Kinza and he won’t.
Jiya doing Arsal ki pitaai with his own damn kameez.
Despite all the smug cockiness he was showing before about having seen the video, at the actual moment of truth, Arsal just plainly forwards it to her and lets her know he knows and walks away silently. No pretenses or games.
The omelet scene.
Arsal, on the suhaag raat: “NIKLO MERE ROOM SE! BACHPAN SE YEH MERA ROOM HAI!!!!!!!!!!!”
Also him being perplexed at her joda and why it’s so big and all over the place, and sitting down elsewhere and staring at it in confusion.
“Chalo chodo, mujhe sabse Eid milne jaana hai.”*pulls her closer* “Pehle mujhse toh mil lo.”
Nazaakat at the police station: “Inspector saab, aap ko pata hai main kaun hoon?!?!!?!?!? (…..) Main beemar hoon!” 
Jiya and Arsal meeting chori-chhipe on his balcony and getting into a shoving match that starts out cute and loving but turns violent.
Chutki Shah Baba to Masooma, when she says he should break Arsal/Jiya and “taanka jodein is ladke aur meri beti ka”: “Dekho bibi, welding ka kaam nahi hai humara.”
And like a milllllllllllllion more. Most of these are from the later episodes, coz they’re fresh in my mind, but I’ll add to the post as I rewatch!
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