lanaevyssmoved ยท 7 months
please keep the afhiri/gale stuff coming Iโ€™m Very Invested!!!
OUUGHH.. THANK YOU.... maybe i could share the outline for SOME of their fic. since it wont be until like next year that its readable because i have two issues. 1. ooo what if i did it THIS way instead.. and 2. i must finish it before i share any of it
fic takes place 3 years after the events of the game !!!!!!
afhiri is not officially moved in with gale but spends all their fucking time at the tower anyway when at waterdeep. moved in without making it official essentially because the officially pushes afhiri away
the start has afhiri returning from an adventure to find gale isn't home, so they spend their time busking on waterdeeps streets and sleeping in alleyways (refused a key to the tower when offered) until gale returns..... when gale returns afhiri takes notices and charges him at full force. he lets afhiri know he found something and wants to show her it. they return to the tower and he closes everything up and reveals an artefact to her from deep within a lost crypt
a large part of their relationship is afhiri's fascination and interest in his magic and his research - not because she loves power but because she thinks its cool and pretty. so gale seeks to constantly find new ways to impress her - even though a simple fucking fireball can still do that - he needs to outdo himself and convinces himself it's for them
upon fucking with the artefact, gale is possessed by Something that was trapped within it. and afhiri doesn't realise. cue chapters of afhiri not understanding why gale is different, gale internal monologues and intellectual (and sometimes not) debates with whatever is possessing him, and this being pretending to be with gale to essentially fuck with and control afhiri
i never explored The Horrors with afhiri - they're essentially immune to everything that happens in the game. not even what happens with gale traumatises afhiri in any way because afhiri didn't like him like that during that time. just thought it sucked bro. also maybe wanted to stab mystra because she's a cop
afhiri isn't even the one that saves gale from the possession - tara is, who recogonises it's not him immediately and saves the day. and afhiri still doesn't realise. when gale is happy to be free again and reaches for afhiri, they retreat away.
unfortunately during the Hurt ArcTM, afhiri is killed. dw the clown is rezzed but. it is hard on afhiri (this is where we get the only candor scene in the fic <3)
so the next part of the fic after The Horrors is an exercise in learning to trust again. helping afhiri understand what happened and being gentle with them. we had the hurt here comes the comfort
it is only after this happens that afhiri wants to get serious with gale. this is when AFHIRI proposes to gale. knowing how immensely important this moment is, gale agrees to everything she says. afhiri wants to be married. just be married. no wedding day, no being engaged. lets just be married now. he agrees, he deals with all the paper work the next day. they're married now :) . you have to know i cried when writing this scene :D
however during the Comfort ArcTM gale is unfortunately struck with some hubris. as he is wont to do. the realisation of how fragile their lives are. how afhiri is going to out live him. how easy it is for him to hurt her, what if this happened again? he can't have that, he can't have any of this. afhiri can't die, and he can't die and leave afhiri alone. obviously they need to fix that.
during this part of the fic gale convinces afhiri to seek immortality with him - and through his pursuit of immortality and has more hubris caused thoughts where he once again thinks of divinity, thinks of ascension. if they're gods, they can't ever be harmed. that's the only way to make sure they'll be together for eternity
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one-boring-person ยท 4 years
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@theghostof-myndi I'm so sorry this has taken such a long time to write! I hope it was worth the wait, though!๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›
Are You Paid To Say That?
Kevin Richter (Trapped In Silence) x reader
Warnings: mentions of violence, mental illness/challenges
A/N: Im really sorry if this isn't as good as you were expecting, I find the characters quite difficult to write, but I've tried my best. I wasn't really too sure where to take this, so I hope thinks ok.๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›
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"How're things going with Kevin?" I inquire as I walk with Jennifer out of the building, pulling my coat tighter around my body as the icy winter air surrounds us, biting at my heated skin.
"Well, I thought they were going well, but he had another outburst today, so I think we might've been set back a bit." The shrink admits to me, adjusting the box in her arms, making the bits and bobs inside clatter against each other.
"Another outburst? How come?" I frown a bit, knowing that this particular patient can be violent at the best of times, concerned now for the older woman's safety.
"I'm not entirely sure this time. We were talking about meeting more people his age, when he mentioned something about seeing a girl around here...hang on, how old are you?" She asks, looking over at me curiously.
Lifting an eyebrow, I quickly respond.
"I'm seventeen."
Realisation seems to dawn on her face as she hears this, knowing that there are, in fact, no other younger workers in the institute, and definetly none that work with the more challenging patients.
"What?" I question when she continues to start at me in amazement.
"I think he was talking about you, (Y/n)." Jennifer reveals, frowning to herself as if thinking something over in her head.
"About me? He doesn't even know who I am, and I don't think he's ever seen me before." I protest, thinking back to the fragile, highly volatile boy currently residing in the Quiet Room.
"Maybe, but the description he gave matches you pretty well." She informs me, smiling gently at the look of genuine shock on my face, "I'll ask him more about it tomorrow."
"Ok, thank you." I respond, not knowing quite how to react to this information, waving a little as she walks off to her car, leaving me standing in the cold to mull over what I've heard.
Jennifer's hurried footsteps echo through the corridor as she approaches me, eyes intent on me, clearly needing to say something to me, prompting me to break off the conversation with the security guard I was having so that I can greet her. When she sees this, she speeds up a bit, hair blowing past her face with an air of importance.
"I was right, (Y/n), it is you that he meant." She blurts out as she reaches me, eyes filling with a mixture of curiosity and sympathy as she regards me.
"What do you mean? Who are we talking about?" I ask her, though I have a feeling I know where this is going.
"Kevin. I showed him a picture of you and he took it from me. He seemed pretty attached to it, and went ballistic when I asked him for it back." She informs me, leading me away from our original spot, back the way she came.
"Kevin? Are you sure? I might just look like someone he knows." I try to reason, feeling a dull sense of fear as she drags me down the corridor, my eyes wide at the idea of going to see the troubled boy.
"Oh, I don't think so, (Y/n). He's drawn out pictures of everyone he want to remember, and I've spoken to the remaining members of his family: there is no way you just remind him of someone. I've been working with him for a while now, I know his habits." She clarifies, leading me down a more secluded corridor, towards the main office, at which point my fear fades into curiosity.
"Are you sure?" I ask one last time, looking away guiltily when she sends me a pointed glance, "Sorry, you know better than I do. Where are we going?"
"Right here." She gestures with a smile to the door we've stopped outside of, knocking just below the sign determining the owner of the room: the head of the institute.
Eyeing her curiously, I remain silent as we wait for him to respond, following her hesitantly when his voice sounds from behind the door. Respectfully, I stand just by the door as she goes inside completely, waiting there as she speaks with Dr Tomlinson, staying quiet as I let the older members talk with each other.
"Jennifer? What do you need?" The doctor greets her, sending a cursory glance at me, before returning his eyes to her.
"I want someone to help me with Kevin's case." She states, excitement creeping into her voice at the thought, clearly eager to keep up with the therapy.
"You do?" Dr Tomlinson looks surprised, eyes widening at her words, my own quickly fixing on the back of Jennifer's head.
"I do. I think it could really help him socialise better, and he'd get to speak to someone other than me for once." She nods enthusiastically, smiling to herself, as if aware of somehow we're not at liberty to know.
"Ok. I guess I can ask around, though I doubt many people are rave enough-" The doctor starts, only to be cut off by Jennifer, who is shaking her head at his words.
"No, don't worry about that. I already have someone in mind." Confusion and curiosity flood me at this, my mind instantly trying configure out who she could be talking about.
"Oh? And who is that?"
"Well, it's (Y/n) of course."
It takes everything I have not to faint.
"Don't worry, (Y/n), you'll be fine. He's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be." Jennifer reassures me as we get ready to enter the therapy room.
Trembling in nerves, I shift from foot to foot as I think through what I'm about to do, well aware that this is only the second case I've ever worked on, and that he doesn't have the greatest reputation. On our way over, Jennifer had given me a rundown of what she knows of his backstory and old living conditions, explaining that she had managed to get him to talk and communicate, but also that he is highly volatile at times, my trepidation and dread just building up the closer we get to the room. Now that we're here, a cold sweat has broken out over my forehead and skin.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just haven't really done this too often." I confess, feeling it important she know that I'm not an experienced worker here, reminding her that I'm only a volunteer who helps out here and there.
"Oh, right, I forgot about that." She frowns, reconsidering as she recalls this, "If you don't feel ready, you don't have to come in. I'm not going to make you."
Taking a deep breath, I decline her offer, biting my lip as I then follow her into the room.
My eyes quickly find the hunched figure in the corner, his messy hair matted and dishevelled, skin pale around his face except under his eyes, where deep purple bags have formed, though the blue-green irises that briefly flick up to greet us are sharp and probing as anything, homing in on my presence instantly. His muscles go rigid, eyes remaining fixed on me even as Jennifer and I move furher into the room. Awkwardly, I hold eye contact for a few seconds, before dropping my gaze with a blush covering my cheeks.
"Good morning, Kevin. I brought along someone to help us with today's session, that ok? This is (Y/n), the girl in the photograph I gave you a week back." Jennifer introduces us, setting the box of items on the table in the centre as I gingerly step forwards, looking up again.
"Hi, Kevin. It's nice to meet you." I say to him, not expecting anything back as he keeps staring at me, only to feel slight fear when he suddenly surges to his feet, scrambling over to the table. Once there, he grabs Jennifer's box and starts rooting around in it, pulling out a sheet of paper and a pencil seconds later, his movements erratic and rushed. I watch in fascination as he seats himself and starts drawing something, expecting us to do the same.
Looking at each other, Jennifer and I do the same thing, a brief flare of surprise lighting inside me as Kevin moves to sit directly opposite me, rather than across from me like he was before. Quietly, I pick up a pen and paper and start sketching, listening to Jennifer as she makes conversation, answering the correct questions and interacting where necessary.
The hour passes quickly, by which point I've managed to finish the drawing I started, sitting back to look at it, before noticing that Kevin is, in fact, also watching me, eyes flicking downwards towards the sheet of paper, almost as if in questioning. With a smile, I push it over the table towards him, offering the drawing to him with little confidence. He picks it up off the table, holding it up so he can see it properly, finger tracing one of the lines, folding it and sticking it in his breastpocket without a second thought.
"Hey, Kevin. That's not yours to take." Jennifer reminds him, looking at me apologetically.
"Oh no, it's fine. You can keep it." I assure her, addressing the last part to him.
He nods at me, not making eye contact.
A few months on, and Kevin and I have actually managed a conversation, the boy no longer too shy or distrusting of me, feeling mostly comfortable around me when in therapy. Jennifer has yet to leave me alone with him, thankfully, though I've overheard her talking to Dr Tomlinson about Kevin requesting for me to have a session alone with him, something which I'm not entirely sure I'm comfortable with.
Even now, as we read through another of Jennifer's books, it surprises me when he shuffles over to sit beside me, his body incredibly close to mine, as if with the intention of touching each other, but not quite doing so yet. I have a copy of the book open in my lap, giving him a perfect view of the text, as well as my crotch, which draws a small squeak out of me when he goes to turn the page for me, his fingers gently brushing against my jeans, his hand retracting as quickly as I sink back into the seat, neither of us saying anything.
But even after this, it takes a good two months more for Jennifer to finally decide that I'll be safe on my own with him, as long as there are guards outside, and either Dr Tomlinson or herself nearby to help out in case anything goes wrong. At first, I'm sceptical, but eventually I realise that my presence in the room seems to be what keeps him calm and collected, meaning I'm the perfect candidate to look after him alone.
I was wrong to be worried.
A soon as I step into the room, Kevin has stepped up to me with a broad smile on his face, soemthing which always makes me happy to see, making me smile back at him as he eagerly leads me to a place on the floor in the corner, where he sits me down. Taking his place beside me, he rummages around in the breast pocket of his hoodie and pulls out a dog-eared piece of folded paper, silently handing it to me. Opening it, I feel my jaw drop at the sight of it: it's a portrait. Every aspect is drawn perfectly, giving it it's realistic quality, though it does surprise me that he'd draw me of all people, seeing as he knows Jennifer much better. In my head, I remember what she said about him drawing pictures of everyone he cares for.
"This is amazing, Kevin! Is it for me?"
He nods, a smile crossing his face as he shuffles closer, pressing the side of his body against mine.
'Thank you. I really appreciate this." I thank him, starting when I suddenly feel his cold fingers brush against mine. Absentmindedly, they trace their way into my palm, interlocking our fingers together as he moves ever closer. Smiling, I lean back furher and pat my chest, signalling for him to lay there, which he is only too happy to do, his arms wrapping tightly around me, face buried into my midriff as he holds me close to himself.
"I have a crush on you." He suddenly states, voice muffled through my shirt.
For a moment, I don't know what to say, shocked that he feels this way about me.
"Jenny said I should tell you." He testifies, snuggling closer, before pulling back slightly to nose at the bottom of my jaw.
"You have a crush on me?" I ask once more, biting my lip when he assents, "That's helpful, beacuse I have a crush on you, too." I decide just to spit it out, looking to him for a reaction.
"Really? You actually like me? Or are you just being paid to say that?"
"Kevin, I'm a volunteer. I don't get paid at all.
"So, you actually mean it?"
"I do."
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