santaclaralocalnews · 4 months
A recent complaint to the Santa Clara District Attorney has gotten the attention of the former chair of the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), who believes the filers are out of bounds in submitting the claim to the DA. Ann Ravel, former chair of the FPPC, has challenged a recent complaint that points fingers at 49ers president Al Guido, claiming he had a conflict of interest when he signed contracts for the FIFA World Cup. Read complete news at svvoice.com.
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Central Basin President Michael Gualtieri Will Step Down Under FPPC Cloud
@supjanicehahn @lamiradalewis @LMDistrict5 @andrewsarega @mayorcamacho @LutzPicoRivera @drmonicasanchez @andrewcorban @theChrisApodaca @wrdsocal @alisajjadtaj @honorable_melissa_ramoso @stephaniemillershow @fromthebunkerjr @wrdsocal @robkatman
Michael Gualtieri March 27, 2024 By Brian Hews Los Cerritos Community News has learned that Michael Gualtieri, who, due to an LCCN exposé, has a Fair Political Practices Commission complaint currently filed against him, will resign as Central Basin Water Board President and officially leave the Commerce-based water agency on May 4, 2024. It was a peculiar and abrupt move by Gualtieri – he is…
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rotationalsymmetry · 7 months
(name redacted), this is Adrien Abuyen and I am asking you to vote for me to serve our community on the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee for Assembly District 18 before March 5th!
Let's focus the attention of local leaders on local issues that impact our everyday lives!
Reply: YES, MAYBE, or NO
Please ensure your voice is heard by Tuesday, March 5th by putting your mail-in ballot in the mail today or dropping it off between 7am and 8pm at (location redacted)
Learn more at: www.voteforadrien.com
Paid for by Adrien Abuyen for Alameda County Democratic Central Committee, AD 18 2024 FPPC# 1465455. Reply STOP to Opt-out.
Well, uh, some points for specific information on how to vote.
Frikkin central committee. why do I have to vote on this why is this a contested office ok going to look at his website
"Advocate for increased public safety" usually that's code for give cops more money, do not like
Apparently there's ten open positions.
Ah, there are slates, hang on.
Hmm, well, the Unified Voices for Democracy platform looks better than Abuyen's personal campaign site.
Hmm. Empower Oakland as a group is running entirely on representation and 0% on actual issues.
serving as the City’s Emergency Community Resilience Director, Warren led an interdisciplinary team that rapidly established community testing and vaccination sites
OK, I'll vote for this guy based on good covid response.
If I have room after voting for the People Powered Progressives slate, who actually have a platform and one that seems well suited to actual local politics even if I'm not 100% sure about every piece of it. They want to end cash bail!
Ohhh and Pamela Price is in the slate, that's cool.
(keeps reading and gets my socks blown off)
OK they're not going to be able to do one tenth of that, but I'm voting for them anyways. Yay local politics!
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realitajayasaktigroup · 2 months
Bupati dan Wabup Naiki Bentor di Festival Pesona Pohon Cinta 2024
Kabardaerah.or.id, Pohuwato – Sensasi menarik yang dilakukan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Pohuwato dalam menyemarakan Festival Pesona Pohon Cinta (FPPC) yang penuh kehangatan dan kearifan lokal, Rabu (03/07/2024). Ajang yang tahun ini telah lolos kurasi menjadi salah satu dari 110 even se-Indonesia. Kehadiran Direktur Musik, Film dan Animasi, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif RI, Dr.…
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dotengine · 1 year
California FPPC Crypto Campaign disclosure
A previously unidentified Bitcoin wallet amassing $3 billion in BTC is linked to trading platform Robinhood. Despite facing revenue challenges, Robinhood continues to show a substantial stake in the crypto sector. The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) updated its campaign disclosure manuals to reflect the changing political landscape. Comprehensive revisions illuminate the…
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denverworksheet · 2 years
Lobbyist's payment for lawmaker's breast augmentation was legal, panel says
Allegations of an illegal $1,100 payment to an El Monte City Council member for breast augmentation surgery were 'disproven,' according to the FPPC.
from California https://ift.tt/QNXHLuf
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thedawgsblog · 5 years
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Just as a reminder Frank Carson still has a pending case against him with a perjury charge. He is being accused of misrepresenting information on the fair political practices commission form when he ran for district attorney in 2014.
In the preliminary hearing there was an employee of the FPPC who was testifying in regards to that information, and stated that she has never seen a criminal…
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eastcountytoday · 4 years
Canciamilla Faces 34 Felonies for Perjury & Grand Theft Related to His Political Campaign Accounts
Martinez, Calif. — Today, the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office filed a criminal complaint of 34 felonies against defendant Joseph Canciamillaof Pittsburg. Canciamilla is the former Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder and a former county supervisor and assemblymember. He also created a campaign account for Contra Costa County Superior Court Judge. Canciamilla is also a licensed member…
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Bons Negócios Para Entrar Em 2019
Executivos com perfil ambicioso e experiência profissional relevante, como CEOs, Diretores de Marketing, Gestores e profissionais que pretendem desenvolver possibilidades de negócio e implementar recursos e táticas que maximizem a eficiência organizacional do seu negócio no ambiente conectado.  Trabalhar desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional do pupilo no campo do impacto social, com ferramentas atuais de autognose, mentoria e autodesenvolvimento no plaino social. A maior parte deles tem uma secção de seus serviços gratuita, porém com finalidade de você verdadeiramente contate possíveis clientes, precisa assinar qualquer pacote de assinatura, mensal ou anual, ou em forma de créditos.
Com tantos aparelhos eletrônicos em circulação, com a facilidade de se comprar peças pela internet e cobrar pelo serviço, consertar eletrônicos pode ser um dos negócios rentáveis em Portugal. Há um mundo de posses para esse mercado principalmente aquelas que buscam oferecer um modelo e aproximação mas barato a novas tecnologias.
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A Galp pagou 134 milhões de euros para permanecer com uma participação na concessão de um bloco exploratório de petróleo no Brasil, na bacia de Campos, através da sua empresa Petrogal Brasil. Antes de se aprofundar no tema principal, faz-se necessário a explanação de poucos ideias dos fatos, atos e negócios jurídicos, objetivando um melhor entendimento acerca dos negócios processuais.
Você certamente consegue meditar em pequeno número de exemplos de empresas ou ao menos modelos de negócios que desapareceram (ou estão em vias de) nos últimos anos. Os jovens são parte importante da ativa dos negócios de impacto porque fazem parte de uma geração que procura satisfação no trabalho, para além somente de um bom provento.
E vai estar pronto para ser gerente de negócios digitais de sucesso. A Força Tarefa de Finanças Sociais aprecia que os negócios da dimensão social movimentaram R$ 13 bilhões, só em 2014, no Brasil. Nesse sentido, enunciado n° 135 do Fórum Permanente de Processualistas Civis (FPPC) traz seguinte trecho: A indisponibilidade do recta material não impede, por si mesma, a celebração de negócio jurídico processual”.
Foi nesse sentido que escolhi a oitava teoria para como ganhar dinheiro em 2019. mesmo aconteceu com os provedores de Internet, até serem criados os gratuitos e varias empresas quebraram ou estão vivendo de outros serviços menores para não desabar em falência.
Com envelhecimento demográfico no topo dos desafios de negócios previstos por executivos globais em cinco anos, líderes organizacionais estão apreensivos com a aposentadoria em tamanho da geração dos baby-boomers e com a falta de sucessores prontos para assumir cargos de liderança.
Cabe salientar que negócio processual exige também, na foram do art. Deste modo, as partes deixam de ser unicamente meros coadjuvantes e passam a ser protagonistas procedimentais do processo, que pode ajudar a desafogar um gargalo inconcluso verdadeiro no Judiciário e tornar mais célere a resolução do conflito.
Você possui tudo esboçado e você possui um ótimo tráfico em seus posts de site de negócios. Veja também como horizonte empresário precisa enxergar a si mesmo para descobrir selecionar melhor perfil de negócio e retorno lucrativo de uma loja de vestes feitas sob medida.
Ideias de Bons Negócios © 2019. Depois de identificadas, as tendências atraem os olhares de variados empreendedores que ambicionam abrir novos negócios ou adequar sua empresa com essas perspectivas. 2 OS NEGÓCIOS JURÍDICOS PROCESSUAIS À LUZ DOS PRINCÍPIOS CONSTITUCIONAIS PROCESSUAIS.
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santaclaralocalnews · 8 months
The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has chosen not to “pursue an investigation” of the campaign activities and unreported spending by unregistered political committee Stand Up for Santa Clara. Three council members filed a complaint with the FPPC against the group last September. Read complete news at svvoice.com.
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LCCN Exposé Spurs FPPC Complaint Against Central Basin's Michael Gualtieri
@senbobarchuleta @supjanicehahn @lamiradalewis @LMDistrict5 @mayorcamacho @LutzPicoRivera @drmonicasanchez @andrewcorban @theChrisApodaca @wrdsocal @alisajjadtaj @wrdsocal @robkatman @sergiocalderon @joylangford4
Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Mail ✓ Subscribed Sign up for local news and alerts; we will not sell your email, who does that? February 29, 2024 By Brian Hews • [email protected] On February 6, 2024 Los Cerritos Community News published an OP/ED outlining how the new majority consisting of Central Basin Municipal Water Board Members President Michael Gualtieri, VP Juan Garza,…
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jwabik · 2 years
ترفع كاليفورنيا الحظر الطويل الأمد على تبرعات حملة Crypto من خلال FPPC-2022
ترفع كاليفورنيا الحظر الطويل الأمد على تبرعات حملة Crypto من خلال FPPC-2022
تلاشى الضباب على معاملات العملة المشفرة طويلة الأمد في ساكرامنتو-كاليفورنيا لتبرعات الحملة. عكست FPPS الحظر المفروض في سبتمبر 2018 على تبرعات حملة Cryptocurrency في يوليو 2022 فيما يتعلق ببعض الشروط. جاءت الأخبار بالفعل بمثابة ارتياح للناشطين وعشاق التشفير في الولايات المتحدة ، حيث يتعامل 27 مليون شخص في الولايات المتحدة بنشاط في العملات المشفرة. يشير القانون الجديد إلى أن المرشحين المحليين…
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realitajayasaktigroup · 3 months
Direktur Musik Film dan Animasi Kemenparekraf Harap FPPC Terus Ditingkatkan
Rekonfunews.com, Pohuwato – Direktur Musik Film dan Animasi Kementrian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Dr. Mohammad Amin,M.SN,MA berharap potensi pariwisata di Kabupaten Pohuwato ditingkatkan. Pesan tersebut disampaikannya saat menghadiri acara pembukaan Festival Pesona Pohon Cinta 2024, Kamis (04/06) Festival Pesona Pohon Cinta harus mampu mempertahankan posisinya sebagai salah satu wisata yang…
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digitaltrand · 2 years
California again allows crypto contributions to state, local political campaigns
California again allows crypto contributions to state, local political campaigns
Candidates for state and local offices in California will once again be allowed to accept donations in cryptocurrency after a ban was lifted by the state’s Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) on Thursday. The ban was imposed in 2018. California was one of nine states that had banned political contributions in crypto due to perceived transparency and Know Your Customer (KYC) issues. The…
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cryptopunkdots · 2 years
California Ends Ban on Bitcoin and Other Crypto Donations to Political Campaigns
California Ends Ban on Bitcoin and Other Crypto Donations to Political Campaigns
Legislators in the golden state have voted to end the ban on cryptocurrency donations to state and municipal political candidates.  The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) ruled Thursday that California residents can make donations of any amount (within California’s contribution limits) in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. But don’t get too excited, anon. While accepting crypto donations…
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cryptosnewss · 2 years
California Considers Lifting Ban on Crypto Donations for Political Campaigns
California Considers Lifting Ban on Crypto Donations for Political Campaigns
California’s state regulator – Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) – will consider allowing the use of cryptocurrencies for political campaign donations four years after banning them. Potential amendments to the law At its most recent Commission meeting, the FPPC revealed that it had held a “prior discussion” where it would consider whether or not to allow political donations of digital…
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