#FR71T : BLUE .
exilae-moved · 1 year
NOW SHOWING, exilae & @fr71t ... we all love you, you know.
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you're not used to those words, & they take you a moment to process ( you weren't breathing as she spoke them, you're breathing now ). chin raises, not in a cocky way, but to show the respect you think they have earned ––– as you sit upon their thrown, you know not to look down as if they are lesser than, as if they are something beneath you. they look up to you now, though you look upon them as an equal... & yet: the words, we love you natalie, they feel so whole, they feel so ready upon your ears ( the same ears that are now frost bit, they feel slightly warmer ). " thank you. "
your response is calm, even: you're trying your best to stay grounded in the moment ––– don't grow too accustomed, the wilderness could chose any moment to pull the rug beneath you. every queen has her time. " we will survive, the wilderness will hear us once more. " the corner of your lip twitches, & you realize... you're trying to convince yourself as much as you're trying to convince her. she cannot know this, so with a confident & yet gentle swoop of your hand from under your blanket, you rest it on her shoulder. " i love you all too. "
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