sersh · 2 months
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natalie scatorccio, yellowjackets s01e03
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chicken-wayng · 6 months
This is the year for us consuming-love (us toxic) lesbians 💜🩷🧡💗❤️
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ouestjessicahyde · 1 year
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bisexualdeans · 1 year
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lottie/natalie/misty + knights and queens and gods;
yellowjackets (2021 - ongoing) || no church in the wild (2011) || a song of ice and fire || fleabag (2016 - 2019) || king and lionheart (2011) || a song of ice and fire ||
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poorlittlegreenie13 · 5 months
Natalie Scatorccio ass song
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denouemente · 3 months
@pietistics: no trespassing.
trespassing my asshole. natalie peeks at the intruder between the heavy toes of her boots, squinting as her eyes hone in on the man who starts to take shape. brown hair. glasses. just like basically every other brown - haired man she's seen. she scoffs, hands resting on the armrests of the chair she's commandeered as she lets her head fall back. “ sure. whatever you say, bud. ” she says, eyes closing — though, just as quickly as she closed her eyes and lay her head back, she pops back up, looking at him with squinted eyes.
“ if i'm trespassing, then you're trespassing. ” she comes to this place often, an abandoned office building near her home. so technically, he's correct. but if she's trespassing, then surely . . . natalie drops her feet to the ground and leans forward, arms now resting on her knees. “ there's like, ten other rooms down the hall. you couldn't have picked one of those? did you just like, look at me and decide you had to have this room? ”
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troylikefish · 1 year
Happy birthday Janine!! Miss you every day mommy moth lego my eggo
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silencedrage · 11 months
JACKIE TAYLOR (@ofvalor) said "you've never done this before."
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Nat inhales deeply, letting the smoke curl through her lungs as she hands the tightly rolled joint over towards the next person in the circle. Jackie's voice interrupts her hit and she squints one eye open at the team captain. "What, smoke you out? Yeah, because normally you'd get your thong in a twist over it, but whatever Sadecki did is making you pout and you're ruining the vibes so either hit or pass it, Taylor," she drawls. They're not friends, barely teammates on a good day, but Shauna is stuck at home with the flu and Jackie looks like a lost puppy without her. So what if Nat threw her a pity bone? It's not like that means they’re friends. "Let loose for once. It won't kill ya."
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trueblu3-a · 1 year
i'm not going anywhere until you let me help. nat
" god you're fucking stubborn. "   it's said beneath your breath,   mixed in somewhere with a sigh as you hoist the rifle onto your shoulders   (   somewhere inside,   travis is sitting...   sleeping...   moping...   you're not sure   ).   for a moment you stand with your back to @warpainte,   in hopes that maybe she'll leave you alone,   let you wander the woods without any company:   but you know better.   in fact,   you've known better for a while.   you   &   her were far from similar in many regards,   while way too similar in others.   case   &   point,   the stubbornness that got you tasked with being the hunter for the group is the same stubbornness that has her standing behind you   (   you can picture something in your head,   her arms crossed,   her head tilted,   a picture of annoyance   ).
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" fine. "   it's said as you turn on the heel of your boot,   fingers still holding on to the strap that keeps the rifle stable.   " but you have to walk carefully,   &   you're not touching the fucking gun. "
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ahsterism · 1 year
they suffer every day and for what... girlish whimsy
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sersh · 9 months
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natalie scatorccio, yellowjackets s01e07 (2/5)
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exilae-moved · 1 year
NOW SHOWING, exilae & @fr71t ... we all love you, you know.
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you're not used to those words, & they take you a moment to process ( you weren't breathing as she spoke them, you're breathing now ). chin raises, not in a cocky way, but to show the respect you think they have earned ––– as you sit upon their thrown, you know not to look down as if they are lesser than, as if they are something beneath you. they look up to you now, though you look upon them as an equal... & yet: the words, we love you natalie, they feel so whole, they feel so ready upon your ears ( the same ears that are now frost bit, they feel slightly warmer ). " thank you. "
your response is calm, even: you're trying your best to stay grounded in the moment ––– don't grow too accustomed, the wilderness could chose any moment to pull the rug beneath you. every queen has her time. " we will survive, the wilderness will hear us once more. " the corner of your lip twitches, & you realize... you're trying to convince yourself as much as you're trying to convince her. she cannot know this, so with a confident & yet gentle swoop of your hand from under your blanket, you rest it on her shoulder. " i love you all too. "
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kanencrow · 13 days
The Devil's Lettuce - Natalie Scatorccio | One Shot
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Summary: You wake up from a nightmare that leaves you rocked and puts you into a state of restlessness, and Natalie comforts you in the only way she knows how.
Warnings: Smoking, Swearing.
A/N: All characters are 18+ by default. Is it surprising if I say that this is another one shot that I had laying around in my drafts for the past year and a half? No? Maybe? Yes? Anyway, here this is for anyone who's wanting some Nat-Scat content.
Word Count: 2900+
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You shot up from the floor with a sharp gasp.
The world around you was dark as your hands slammed against the floor to brace yourself the moment you sat up. You hunkered your head low and panted sharply, and you swore you created holes in the blanket you laid on when your fingers curled in to grip the fabric. You attempted to ground yourself, and your wish of calming down seemed to come true on its own when you felt a hand gently rest itself on your shoulder. The touch was firm, but it didn't hurt you. Instead, it snapped you out of your fear, and it forced you to lift your chin up and look forward, only to meet the comforting eyes of Natalie, who stared at you with a profound amount of concern in her gaze.
"You okay?"
You immediately shook your head and shuddered out what you could only describe as a breath. You were certain that you sounded as though you had been strangled and were attempting to get your bearings back. Natalie seemed to understand such, when she shuffled closer to you, squeezing between your right leg and the wall you slept next to, and wrapped an arm around your shoulders to pull you into her collarbone. You allowed her to do so, while her other limb wrapped around your body, holding you in a hug that you knew was going to eventually become uncomfortable with the way you both were positioned.
Still, even with that backend thought, you melted into her physical comfort and closed your eyes, as you attempted to overcome the fear that your nightmare instilled in you. You couldn't cry, or even speak about what you dreamt, but it was clear that Natalie wasn't planning on questioning you. She simply clutched you tight and looked towards the ladder that led up to the attic – the same attic where Taissa had found the body of the person who once lived in the cabin. Just before you woke, she had to soothe Lottie, who wouldn't stop staring at the same spot. A part of her was glad that you were unbothered by the fact that the man who owned the home you all stayed in was dead.
Though, then again, maybe your nightmare was due to what happened a day ago.
Maybe seeing the skeletal remains of the man had done something to your psyche. But whatever it was, it was clear that it had affected you intensely. And it made Natalie's grip around you tighten in turn. It was a mindless action on her part, but it wasn't one you felt any discontent towards. You melted into the feeling, like ice touching fire, and she could gather an immediate change in your demeanor when your heavy, fearful breathing slowed down into very quiet, almost mute pants. There was a part of her that wanted to understand whatever had gone on inside of your head, but she didn't want to be the one to question you.
She didn't want to beg for your vulnerability.
She wanted it to come naturally. And she was more than willing to wait.
It wasn't like she was going anywhere.
After a moment, you became antsy, and Natalie's arms eventually fell down from your body when you pulled away from her. With your legs once resting over her own, you brought them back to cross them over the other, closing in on yourself in a way, while she scrutinized your quiet demeanor. You seemed like you were in deep thought, your head lowered as you stared at the floor, and your fingers fidgeting together while you slowly gathered your bearings. Her palms rested in her lap as she watched you silently, and it took you a few more long seconds to inevitably speak up, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Thank you."
You were sheepish in nature, and she could recognize it easily. You wore your emotions on your sleeves, which didn't seem like a common occurrence with you. Granted, she didn't know you well, but she had seen and spoken to you enough to where she had the ability to read your personality. Not always was she correct in her assumptions of you, but with this, it was clear that she had come out correct in her opinion of you. You were embarrassed by the fact that you received comfort from the girl you admired, and although Natalie wasn't entirely open with her feelings, she was glad that she swallowed her nervousness and tended to your residual fear of whatever you experienced throughout your slumber.
She wasn't entirely certain what had compelled her to comfort you.
But she didn't regret it.
"Don't worry about it."
Natalie's voice rasped out, and it unconsciously comforted you, as you slowly lifted your head up to meet her eyes. You remembered them being a hazel blue, with the darker azure being the hue that dominated most of her iris. They were comforting to look at, even though the darkness shadowed them. She sent you a small smile, awkward, but attempting to comfort you with the softness she tried to portray. You quirked the corners of your lips up in response to her expression, and when she realized you weren't planning on saying anything, she took the lead as she leaned forward.
"Wanna head outside?" she asked you, "Get some fresh air?"
You inhaled quietly when the warm breath that escaped Natalie's mouth hit your face. She was close, close enough to where if you leaned farther forward, you could touch the tip of your nose with her own. It was as though she were sharing a secret with you. She almost looked up into your eyes, in a way, with the way her body was slightly hunched, just so she could understand how you were feeling based on the micro-expressions that washed over your features. Even though the nightmare still lingered in the back of your mind, haunting you with the memory of what happened, the sudden intimacy in proximity dominated your brain, like fire engulfing an oil puddle.
"That... that sounds nice, yeah."
Your eventual response earned the ghost of a smile from Natalie, before she hiked her knees up to her chest and pushed herself to her feet. Your own eyes followed her as she did so, and it caused your chin to tilt up, just so your gaze could remain connected with her own, even though the light of the world was lackluster. In the span of a few milliseconds, you hesitated to grab her hand when she held it out to you, unsure if you should even bother going outside, but you realized that you were no longer tired, and it was clear that the girl who awaited you wasn't either. She was patient while you mulled over your internal thoughts, but you didn't want her to wait for the rest of her life, so you raised your arm up and allowed her fingers to engulf your palm, hoisting you up to your full height quietly.
The task of you and her sneaking your way out of the cabin came easy. The door clicked softly behind Natalie as she trailed behind you, her eyes focused on you while you lowered yourself down to sit at the ledge of the porch, to the left of the steps that led down to the leveled ground in front of the small building. You had created a gap big enough for her to squeeze into, while your shoulder leaned up against the wooden pole to your left, using it as your own form of leverage. It didn't take long before she eventually came forward to sit down beside you, and she made her presence known with the quiet sigh that escaped her the moment she settled herself onto the wooden deck.
The forest was entirely quiet. The only thing you could hear was the sound of the wind and the occasional coo from an owl, or the distant chirp of a bird. It was... peaceful, considering the circumstances. The ambiance of the nightly hour brought your mind to a calm place. Inhaling the scents that wafted throughout the woods, and feeling the gust of the air that brought a chill down your spine aided you in feeling real. You eventually fluttered your eyes shut and rested your hands against the ledge of the porch, becoming one with the atmosphere you had no choice but to live in.
Natalie turned her head in the slightest, just to take in the sight of your side profile, watching you subtly as you and she sat alone in silence. It wrapped the two of you up like a blanket. It wasn't awkward. There was no need to try and break the mute air with verbal statements and hums of mindless conversation. She let you take the lead here. She didn't want to question you like some sort of detective attempting to solve a mystery. Though she couldn't deny that she wanted to get to know more of you.
She didn't know why she was so curious. Maybe it was because you were the only person here she didn't know anything about. You were the photographer for the Yellowjackets, the team that she played on, yet you were an enigma to her. Shouldn't she have known more about you? She should have befriended you, right? It was what she was obligated to do with the other people on her team. Granted, you only took photos of her and her teammates, but now that you all were stranded in the forest... maybe it would have been a good idea to try and delve deep into who you were as a person.
But she was almost too shy to speak up and take the initiative.
That was unlike her.
"Do you have any smokes?"
When you spoke up, your voice was so sudden to her ears that it caused Natalie to flinch in her spot. She blinked, snapping back into reality, and since she was already staring at you, it only took a simple shift of her pupils to genuinely set her attention on you. You continued to stare out towards nothing in particular, just admiring the rows of trees and the star-covered sky. However, when you didn't get a verbal response from the bleach-blonde beside you, you slowly turned your head to look at her, your eyebrows faintly furrowing in perplexion.
Hearing you say her name made her stomach flutter, and she quickly cleared her throat before she could dwell on the odd feeling she felt course throughout her body. "Oh, uh... yeah, totally." Surprisingly, she remembered what you were correlating your earlier question to, and so it didn't take her long before she reached into her right pajama pant pocket and tugged out the cardboard pack of cigarettes. It was the first thing she went to grab when she trailed behind you while the two of you first exited the cabin. A joint always managed to calm her down when she was feeling particularly stressed after a nightmare. She was tempted to smoke one when she first woke up from her own, but then she had to deal with Lottie.
And then you.
But it wasn't like she resented either of you for it.
At least she got to indulge now.
"You know how, right?" Natalie asked you, as you mindlessly scooted closer to her, which caused your shoulder and arm to press against her own. She welcomed the touch by ignoring it and pulling out a rolled-up joint from the depths of her carton, and as she shifted the stick into the hand that held the lighter, she closed the lid of her pack and shoved it back into her pocket blindly.
"I only know the stances," you answered sheepishly, after a moment. Your voice came out as a whisper, almost murmuring into the side of her face with the way you leaned down to watch the way her fingers moved.
The warmth of your breath against her skin wasn't something that bothered her, though. Still, she let out an amused huff at your reply to her question. "Stances?" she repeated, all while bringing her joint into her right hand, and allowing her thumb to settle onto the sparkplug of her lighter that sat in her left. "What do you mean by stances?" she asked you, pausing what she was doing to steal a glance at your face.
It was difficult, though, with how dark the world was.
"You know, like..." you shrugged your shoulders subtly and pursed your lips, "when someone smokes, there's like a particular way that they stand and hold their cigarette." You paused to hear her reaction, and when she let out a quiet laugh, you smiled softly, the expression small and one that she couldn't notice, due to the proximity. "I mean, I did say that I wasn't much of a smoker."
"You did," Natalie agreed, remembering a previous – albeit short – conversation between you and her, before she inevitably straightened her posture. It caused you to lean away slightly, as you watched her raise the thinned end of the joint to her lips. And just as they parted, she paused to look at you, silently calling for your undivided attention. "Just – uh... watch how I do it, alright?"
You nodded your head, and with your quiet response, she settled the narrowed tip of the rolled-up piece of paper in her mouth, before she thinned her lips and flicked the spark wheel of her lighter with the pad of her thumb. After the second roll, a short but bright flame emitted from the top of it, and it cast hints of light onto her pale features, as she brought the small fire to the front of her joint.
It didn't seem to take very long before the front of the makeshift cigarette caught the flame. It burned, with a quiet crackle that took away the silence between you and Natalie, and you leaned forward slightly to watch the way she lightly sucked in, inhaling smoke. She pulled the end of the joint out of her mouth shortly after, and the grey cloud of air followed when she parted her lips slightly and blew.
It looked so seamless when she did it.
When Natalie handed the joint over to you, you grabbed it like how she did. With your thumb and index finger. It was small, but it seemed like it packed a punch. You gazed down at the little thing with confusion on your features, and it caused the girl beside you to laugh, as she scooted closer to you and urged you on with her hand coming up to nudge your wrist. "Come on. You don't want to let the weed burn." You flickered your eyes up to meet her own, and she stared at you softly. Even though a hint of amusement remained in her irises, her focus on you made you feel better, and more eager to do as she suggested.
You raised the end of the joint up to your own lips and parted them, before closing them around the same place Natalie had just touched with her own. You didn't know what you were doing, though when you heard her quietly tell you to 'suck,' you obeyed. You felt her hand rest on your knee, just as the smoke invaded your mouth, and she refused to evade her eyes from your own when your pupils dilated. You felt the contaminated air fall down your throat and into your lungs, stinging your insides and staining them with irreparable damage. You made sure to pace yourself, when you gently blew out the small cloud that remained, lowering your chin slightly, just so it didn't hit the blue-eyed girl in front of you.
You felt spacey, as Natalie reached out and gently plucked the joint from between your fingers, her palm still resting on your thigh while her skin brushed against your own. Maybe it was a placebo effect, or maybe whatever was in that smoke worked fast, but you could already feel yourself relaxing, as you distractedly watched her part her lips and take a drag of the makeshift cigarette. She inhaled the smoke as though she was a professional, and you were certain she was, when she exuded the remaining air she had taken in, and sent you a comforting grin. You felt her hand squeeze your leg shortly after, and it caused you to subtly jump in turn, which earned a raspy giggle from her.
"You sure you haven't done that before?" Natalie asked you with a simple raise of her brow. And you grinned softly at her in turn, as you shrugged your shoulders and leaned back on your palms, feeling the wooden grain of the porch below you.
"Pretty... sure."
You slurred your words, which caused Natalie to let out a chuckle.
"You're already high as shit."
And you let out a laugh in response, as your eyes drooped to show your loopiness.
"I know."
But it wasn't a thing that forced you and her to go back inside.
You and Natalie relished in the time alone.
Letting the smoke rise away from your lips, as it acted as an invisible beacon to the sky.
One that nobody was going to see, except you and the girl beside you.
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leonsdoll · 11 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚masterlist˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
: ̗̀➛hazel callahan
new student
new student pt.2
jealous girl
hazel x hand obsessed!reader
hazel x autistic!reader
connected pt.2
losergf!hazel hc's
hazel x goth!reader
feelings aren't fake
random hazel hc's
taking care of a cat with hazel hc's
cheerleader!reader x hazel
hazel x autistic!reader
video games
loser!hazel thoughts
birds don't sing
0.1 birds don't sing
0.2 lover's rock
0.3 her and her friend
0.4 hate yourself
0.5 the blonde
: ̗̀➛ellie williams
why not me
why not me pt.2
loser!ellie hc's
balloon brabble
cold hands brabble
modern!ellie hcs
night shift
lying pt.2
random modern!ellie hc's
hey sweetheart
slytherin!ellie hc's
spiderman!ellie hc's
: ̗̀➛vi
drawing pt.1
drawing pt.2
: ̗̀➛abby anderson
balloon brabble
ice tea
mean!abby drabble
push me down
rainy day
abby x coquette reader
: ̗̀➛dina woodward
balloon brabble
: ̗̀➛mizu
modern!mizu hc's
barista drabble
: ̗̀➛natalie scatorccio
gf!nat hc's
spider!nat series moodboard
eeping with lottienat
more lottienat!!
baking with nat
taking care of sick and injured nat:(
photobooth with nat !
polaroid drabble
bsf!nat taking your virginity
more nat:3
tragic girl
perfect girl
: ̗̀➛chloe price
: ̗̀➛lottie matthews
smiley!lott hc's
eeping with lottienat
more lottienat!!
painting lottie's nails !
zoo date
vampire!lott hc's
: ̗̀➛shauna shipman
gf!shauna hc's
: ̗̀➛jackie taylor
post rescue hc's
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
a/n: i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: mentions of death, grief, dead animal, swearing, kissing, panic attack, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Twenty Two - Hard Day’s Night
Chapter Twenty Two - Hard Day’s Night
Once the snow started, it never stopped.
The lake froze over long ago, so someone collects drinking water each day from the fresh snow. The fire burns all night, and everyone clutches onto their friends for warmth at night, not caring about anything except shaking a bit of the ice in their bones.
It’s early in the morning, early enough so it’s still dark and still extra cold, and you’re stuffing the porn magazines you first found in this cabin into your clothes.
This is what mornings are like now. Going out into the cold and looking for things you’ll never find.
Natalie shoved another stack into of magazines into your hands, and you sigh, filling your shoes with the extra layers.
It’s hard to find anything to be happy about these days, but when you stand up, Natalie smiles at you.
You think about when you used to just be a normal teenager. And now you’re sending yourself out into the cold every early morning, getting sicker and weaker by the day. More and more exercise, less and less rations. You’re all feeling it.
You tiptoe past the girls still sleeping, looking at the frost on the windows.
“Wait,” Lottie says from the bench she’s taken to sitting on, right by the frosted windows.
She stands up and you lift your palm out on command, letting her brush dust or dirt or whatever it is onto your palm.
Next, she dips the edge of something into a candle, making it smoke, letting it waft all over the three of you as she waves it around.
Lottie pricks her finger with a needle and dips it into the metal bowl of water Travis holds, mixing it around. He holds it out to Natalie.
“It’s not like this Wicca bullshit’s doing us any good.”
“Well, you keep coming back alive, don’t you?”
Natalie and Lottie share a heated look, and you sigh, grabbing the bowl from Travis and taking a disgusting sip, fighting the urge to gag.
You smile sarcastically, and Natalie rolls her eyes, but grabs the bowl and takes her own sip. Then Travis, until Lottie takes the bowl back.
“Thanks, Lot,” Travis says, and you nod and smile at her. He opens the door, and the three of you file outside into the dark cold you’ve come to think as the closest you’ll ever get to death until you actually die.
You stand out on the porch, and Natalie stands next to you. You both pull your hoods over your heads, before Natalie leans over and presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth, pulling up your face covering before you can even see your breath in the air.
The sun rises into the sky, but you’re too high up the mountains and too cold already for it make a difference. You trudge through the snow, thinking of your bed, Natalie’s gloved hand in yours.
You study the sun in the sky.
“What- uh, time should we start h-heading back, do you think?” you ask, and Natalie squeezes your hand, looking at the sun too.
She pants. “Uh… probably-”
“What is that?” Travis asks, and you look ahead, only to find something in the snow. He trips over himself running to it, the snow so deep, muttering Javi’s name over and over again, digging through the snow.
“Travis, it’s just a fox,” you breathe, but he doesn’t stop. You lean down and grab his shoulder. “Travis-”
“Javi, Javi, Javi,” he keeps panting.
“It’s just a fox!” you shout. Travis goes still.
“Travis, it’s just a fox,” Natalie breathes, trying to get it through his head that it’s not his little brother.
He stares at the decaying body of the small fox, breathing heavily, and you find yourself wanting to lay down next to the dead thing. Natalie pats his back and stands up, giving you her hand, and Travis stumbles to his own feet.
“We need to start heading back about now,” Natalie says, answering your question from earlier. “It’s gonna get dark soon.”
“We need to be searching out further and getting up earlier. Javi could’ve found another cabin, or… I don’t know, but…”
You share a glance with Natalie.
“We… we could probably start another hour before sunup.” Natalie says, nodding and breathing heavily.
“That’s where Javi would be,” you say. “Further out. It makes sense.”
He nods after another glance to the fox.
“We should head back. You’re right. It’s not gonna help anyone if we get lost out here in the dark.”
Travis starts walking, but Natalie takes out a red strip of fabric from her pocket. “Hang on. I’m gonna mark it,” she says, tying the small scrap around the tree that looks over the fox.
You look at the soft, white snow for another moment before Natalie takes your hand again, looking from you to where you’re staring.
“Let’s go,” she says.
You nod, and at least the downward trek is somewhat easier.
You grab your cup from Lottie, joining the line of girls waiting to get their dinner. Natalie stands next to you, looking off in the distance.
“What’s wrong?” you frown, bumping her shoulder.
“Travis,” she mutters.
“Oh. No, yeah. I-I know.”
She meets your eyes.
“He has to realize soon, right? That… there’s no way…”
You take in a deep breath. “I just… I just don’t wanna see him get hurt like that, you know? You saw with the fox today- Javi- it would break him.”
She hums, and you sigh, looking away, but Travis isn’t in the main room.
“Hey. What the fuck are you doing?”
You look up to find Mari and a few other girls looking down at Misty, who crouches before the pot, stirring the sorry excuse for a soup.
“Me?” Misty asks, dropping the ladle.
“Get away from that. You know the rules.”
Misty stands up. “Wha- It’s not like I’m gonna poison anyone. Again,” she adds after a moment.
“You drew the four this morning, Misty,” Akilah says solemnly. “You have to get the water.”
“But that’s not fair! I-I’ve been doing it every day, and it’s freezing out there. I…”
The girls only give her blank stares, and Misty realizes it’s a losing battle.
“Fine,” she says, and you feel a little bad, seeing the tears in her eyes.
Then you remember what almost happened that night- just because Misty had wanted Coach Ben when he didn’t want her.
She walks past you and picks up the metal bucket, storming outside.
“I think that patch of forest was a bit bigger than that,” you hum, staring over Natalie’s shoulder as she draws one of her maps that her and Coach Ben have been compiling.
She looks over her shoulder at you, smiling sarcastically.
“Yeah? Well then, why don’t you just do it, huh?”
“Happily,” you smile, and she hands you the pencil, so you draw a few more trees around the small patch she has already drawn. You hold it up. “There. Much more accurate.”
“You’re controlling,” she teases, “A little perfectionist.” You gasp, pressing the paper against your chest.
“Rude,” you huff, both of smiling too wide to be anything less than joking. She leans forward and kisses your cheek, grabbing the paper from you.
“C’mon,” she says, standing and holding out her hand for you. You swing your legs over the bench, taking her hand. She tugs you up and start dragging you to Coach’s room, and you come, if only because his room always feels a little warmer for some reason.
She opens the door, and he looks up, hopeful, putting his book down.
“Hey. How’d it go?”
Nat sighs. “Great. Except for the part where we failed for the millionth day in a row.”
You roll your eyes at Natalie’s negativity, grabbing the paper from her.
“But, at least look at what Nat finished,” you say, holding out the paper, and his face melts into shock as soon as he sees it.
He looks at it, and you can’t help but feel slightly sick looking at the back of it. Review for a 12th grade Civics and General History Quiz.
“Wow, these are getting pretty good.”
Nat hums, and he mutters, handing the paper back to you before standing up, grabbing his crutches and hopping around the bed to the board him and Nat have been putting their map up onto.
They prop it up against his bed, and you reach forward and slide it into the empty corner, holding it in place until Natalie reaches over with a pin, sticking it to place.
“That’s what, like, seven miles in each direction?” Coach asks.
“Mm, ballpark. Zero sign of game. Or Javi.”
Coach sighs and turns to the two of you.
“You know… at this point, I mean, there’s just no conceivable way.”
“W-we know,” Natalie says after a moment, nodding to you. “But… Travis.”
“Yeah,” Coach mutters after a moment. “Yeah, that must be… tough.”
You look over at Natalie, and both of you know that at some point, he’s gonna have to find out. And you’re not sure if he’ll be the same after.
“You can go to sleep if you want to,” Travis says. You’re both sitting by the fire, and a part of you is scared to leave Travis alone. You’re coming towards a boiling point, to the edge of a cliff, and you’re not sure what will happen. “I’m sure Natalie misses you.”
You look over at Natalie, who’s a few feet away from you, asleep against the wall, a space next to her for you. Her arm is stretched out in front of her, like you’re supposed to be there.
“She’s asleep. She doesn’t even notice I’m gone. I’ll go to sleep when you do.” You stare into the fire. “Besides, I’m really enjoying this stone-age TV,” you smile to yourself.
He looks over at you after a moment, and you turn your head to him.
You smile softly, and he looks back into the fire.
“I know you both think that he’s dead.”
You sigh heavily.
The more that this goes on, the more your life seems to revolve around Travis and his search for Javi, the more you think he just needs to realize that his brother is gone so he can start healing.
“Travis…” you start, your voice low, trying to be as comforting as you can be. “It’s been so long. And it’s so cold…”
He starts breathing heavily, and you look away, bracing yourself, thinking he’s about to start crying.
But he doesn’t.
He makes this sound is his throat like he’s choking, and he can’t look away from the fire, can’t even open his mouth to get a proper breath in.
“Travis?” you ask.
But he starts shuddering, his eyes rolling back into his head-
“T-Travis? Travis? What- what’s wrong?” you green his arm to steady him from falling over, your eyes scanning his body, looking to see if he’s hurt. “Are you hurt, Travis? What’s wrong?”
The girls start shuffling behind you, waking up, and it’s late and you’re cold and scared, and something wet falls down your face.
“Y/N,” Natalie breathes, sitting up behind you.
“What’s happening?” someone asks.
“I-I don’t know,” you gasp, and Lottie suddenly crouches down in front of him. “Maybe… he’s having a panic attack?”
You fall back into Nat as she wraps her arms around you, and try to reach for him as he keeps breathing weirdly and shuddering.
“Travis. Travis, look at me,” Lottie says, placing her hand on his chest. “Breathe with me, okay? You can do that. Breath is the only thing in the world right now. Breathe in,” she inhales.
And he takes a shaky breath with her, but still he’s breathing too fast, and she keeps breathing steadily, and slowly, after a moment, his breathing evens out.
“Oh,” Lottie mutters, looking down, and Travis places a blanket over his legs before you can see anything. Lottie looks into his eyes. “Your brother’s alive. I know he is.”
Travis stares up at her with such awe you don’t know what to make of it.
“You should get some rest.”
Natalie scoffs and stands up, grabbing Lottie’s arm as she tries to move past her.
“Can I talk to you?” Nat whispers, but doesn’t really give her a choice. You watch from the floor as they whisper, tired and done. “What the fuck was that? Javi is… Look. Giving him false hope is just going to make things worse.”
“There’s no such thing as false hope,” Lottie breathes, this crazy smile on her face. “There’s just… hope.”
“Did you read that from a fucking fortune cookie?”
“What do you want from me, Nat? I just said what I felt.”
“I want you to say less Lottie. A lot fucking less.”
She sighs and sits back down next to you, and Lottie watches, seemingly in shock.
“It’s all right,” Nat whispers to you, and Lottie walks away. “Go to sleep,” she whispers, and it takes a while, thoughts about Travis swirling, but you do.
The next day, the three of you hike out and find a tree on the side of the hill. It’s covered in moss, and the ground before it is devoid of snow. You climb up, through the thick snow, but eventually, you reach it.
Natalie reaches forward and touches the dirt and moss.
“Weird,” she remarks, but besides for that- there’s nothing here that any of you want. No game, no Javi.
Travis taps her shoulder. “C’mon,” he says, and Nat stares at the weird tree for a moment longer, before you continue your steep hike.
@sweetdayme4427 @dreaming-for-an-escape @peachydoki @happysparklingshadows @zhivaxo @maraudeerrs @karsonromanoff
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denouemente · 7 months
every day felt like another BORING repeat of the other, day after day of fuzz and her head spinning. the ways nat chose to deal with it weren’t ideal — her fellow yellowjackets made it obvious. they did, and everyone else around her. YOU SURVIVED! BE HAPPY! yes, you survived, but at what cost?
“ this is a big party, yeah? ” she’s always been grateful to @tragicale, who provided her with unlimited opportunities to get fucked up without judgement. this place was a fancy schmancy school, and james was one of the stars of the apparently very illustrious theater program — people looked when they walked in together, and, for very different reasons, they were both used to it. “ hey. check it. ” she digs through her pocket, pulling out a dime bag full of a powdery white substance — HER TICKET TO A GOOD NIGHT.
THIS COULD BE A VERY BAD IDEA. he says, and natalie swears her eyes roll all the way back. “ yeah, COULD BE. not will be. don’t be such a downer, farrow. ” she tucks it back into her shirt pocket, exhaling quietly as she looks around. “ ‘kay, let’s go. i could use a drink. ”
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