mlahulia · 3 months
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she's never held her punches and she's not starting now
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I love how when you're in small fandoms you follow literally anybody who even mentions something related to said fandom
like,,, it doesn't matter that they're probably 10 or only made posts about characters you hate or has long since moved on from the fandom
idk idk I just find it hilarious how I see the exact 5 people in every notes whenever I check out the tag for the show, movie, book, etc
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submarinefleet · 3 months
Can you do the ladies of PFL with an s/o that is just a civilian but is impossibly durable? Like if they got shot by a bullet it wouldn't go through them/barely would or if they got run over by a tank they'd get out mostly fine except for maybe a sprained or broken limb, not an absolutely crushed one. They could probably take a point blank explosion and walk away with only slight burns and minor pain from impact.
Tex actually really appreciates how durable her partner is. She's used them as a meat shield before in a pinch, but she doesn't like making a habit of it, and generally doesn't involve them in her business to begin with. She likes that she can wrestle and be rough with them and they can take it like a champ, even with her enhanced strength. She does get a little huffy that she can't leave bite marks and hickeys on them that easily, but she doesn't dwell on that. She gives them affectionate punches in the arm as often as kisses.
Carolina is honestly a little disturbed whenever she bears witness to her partner's freakish durability, but seeing them survive is still more of a relief than anything else. She feels guilty about it, but she's used them as a meat shield at least once. It's on instinct! Somewhere along the way, some wires got crossed, and she subconsciously put them in the mental basket Maine used to inhabit of being the bulwark at her back. The absolute last thing she ever wants to do is make them feel like she doesn't care about their well-being, though, and the shame makes her get defensive and try to hide. She always comes around in the end though, with apologetic kisses and some kind of present.
South ABSOLUTELY uses her partner as a meat shield-- but never in combat. She just goes out of her way to instigate things, so she can dive behind them with a cackle. She's like a kid with a toy that doubles as a stress ball. Whenever she's in a good mood she'll give them a few punches, whenever she's antsy she'll given them a few punches-- she'll gnaw on them, wrestle them, pick them up and toss them around like a beanbag. Maybe lay on her back and treat them like she's rolling a barrel with her feet whenever it's leg day. It gets pretty excessive, but she'll stop and pout if they get annoyed and tell her that's enough. They're her hyper-durable teddy bear, and she falls asleep squeezing them more often than she'd care to admit. Having them on hand relaxes her.
Connie is nonplussed. She's the only one of the PFL ladies who has never used her partner as a meat shield even once. It was a shock the first time she saw them survive something crazy, and she questioned them thoroughly--ex-SPARTAN? Another unethical UNSC project to try and win the war?--before she added the new information to her mental dossier, and continued on as if nothing happened (although that's not true at all. She's still to this day digging into their background and family history in her spare time trying to figure out where they got it from, to find out if there are any unpleasant side-effects to watch out for down the line). She's relieved they survive what they do, but plans meticulously to keep them out of harms way all the same. The fact that they're a civilian is never forgotten.
479er goes from a verbal "what the fuck?" the first time she witnesses her partner survive an explosion, to thinking it's the absolute funniest shit ever. Whenever company's around and she's had a few beers, she wants her partner to do stunts to show it off. She cackles at all the shocked expressions. Otherwise, it doesn't really come up, beyond her insisting they be the one to climb ladders, and stick their hand down the garbage disposal to fish stuff out whenever she's home. She hasn't needed to use them as a meat shield before, but absolutely would without a second thought, if it ever came up. Don't look at her like that! Some of us are ordinary, non-bulletproof humans, okay?
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NEW EDIT!!! For my new comfort show... Freelancers!!
(Yes, as the font on the thumbnail may have given away, it's a Freelancers Friends Theme song edit!!)
I worked unreasonably long and hard on an edit that's only barely a minute long, but I'm actually really proud of it, so I hope y'all like it 🥹
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justanotherfanartist · 8 months
rvb opinion poll
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whumpacabra · 1 month
OC Most Likely to... - Tag
Thank you for the tag @i-can-even-burn-salad!
Most likely to go by a nickname instead of their given name?
Ooo so many characters go by nicknames instead of their given name... I would say RJ, just because they've always been the most comfortable taking on new names and presentations.
Most likely to stay up all night and regret it in the morning?
Casey. Insomnia is a bitch but he doesn't think it's that bad until dawn comes and he feels like hell.
Most likely to get food poisoning despite multiple warnings?
David. He loves going to questionable restaurants just to try new food. Sometimes under-cooked, poorly handled food. But that is the price of recklessly emulating his childhood idol, Guy Fieri.
No pressure tags: @whumpy-bi @i-eat-worlds @sacredwrath
Your questions -
Most likely to need a friend to bail them out of jail?
Most likely to commit minor crimes (eg. vandalism) without getting caught?
Most likely to fall asleep while watching a horror movie?
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diy-dentistry · 1 year
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North and South ft. The obligatory tacky matching twin shirts
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fischiee · 7 months
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paintixir · 2 months
Is Discord also a good place to find any work? I know I can find art commission work on various Discord servers, but what about remote full-time, contract, or freelancing work?
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mlahulia · 9 days
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arc-angel-o · 10 days
There's still no Freelancers fanfiction?!
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submarinefleet · 13 hours
Relationships, Freelancers, Part 2
How Agents York, North, South, and Connecticut behave in committed relationships.
York: Bad jokes bad pick-up lines bad puns. His partner gets the worst of the worst at all hours of the day. No place, and no time is sacred. They’d be filthy rich if they got a penny for every time he ruined the moment. Has a latent possessiveness that doesn’t come into play very often, but still very much exists. Means well, but takes a lot of things at face value, and has misunderstood his partner’s actions and feelings plenty in the past. Otherwise, he’s very accepting, and very rarely judges (if ever). He’s the type to feel loved when spending quality time with you, and he rarely if ever turns down an opportunity to do just that. In fact, it doesn’t even matter what you do together-- just that it’s together.
North Dakota: Ridiculously lovey-dovey, ESPECIALLY in public. Doesn’t stop no matter how long you’ve been together, even decades down the line. Gives you all the attention you could possibly need, and then some. To say he’s a bit of a nag is an understatement. Worries like a momma bird, and will go into disapproving big brother mode whenever you’re doing something he deems unhealthy or dangerous. Likes picking you up and carrying you, and is strong enough to bench-press you no matter how big you are. He’s the one in the relationship who remembers all the important dates, including all your friends’ and relatives’ birthdays. Definitely remembers anything and everything that has to do with you: allergies, what you like and dislike, and that one offhand comment you made once about needing to get a new wallet soon. Overprotective, and gets jealous easily.
South Dakota: Also strong enough to bench-press you, and often does so. Again, doesn’t matter how big you are. If you thought her temper would decline--or even vanish--around a romantic partner, you’d be wrong. It’s still as explosive and unmanageable as ever, but if you’re visibly cowed by her yelling and hitting things, she starts being more conscientious of it-- and at the very least, puts physical distance between the two of you when she’s in one of her moods. As your relationship progresses and her feelings deepen, you become her rock. The person she trusts to hear her out and help her come back down. When she’s calm, she’s a total showoff with the biggest smirks and grins, and says the dirtiest things. Making you blush is one of her absolute favorite pastimes. Like North, she’s prone to jealousy, but even more so. Don’t tell her I said this, but she’s pretty clingy too...
Connie / CT: Connie is a complicated woman. She has many, many secrets, and you know barely a third of them. According to her, you’re safer that way. The secrecy can put a strain on your relationship, but she does her best to make up for it in other ways. She’s not only a great listener, but she's the person who gets angry on your behalf, and raises the standard for how people are allowed to treat you. If someone’s giving you trouble and she finds out about it... well, she deals with it, but once again you’re safer not knowing how. Just as it’s important to her that she have your back, it’s important she knows that you have hers, too. You’re the only person who’s still allowed to call her Connie. She makes you keep a single bag packed with essentials at all times just in case she needs to spirit you away in the middle of the night without explanation.
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Rewatching FREELANCERS with Baby Sister, day 2:
Okay but like I already KNEW I'd like this ep the first time around because I am a SUCKER for "the characters get cursed and have to break the curse" eps. Idk why but I am. It's just so ridiculously fun
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scarlettwritesfluff · 3 months
June Day Twenty-Six Wyoming Omni
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whumpacabra · 1 month
Wolf: *is treated with basic human decency for the first time in years* can I climb inside your ribcage and live next to your lungs? can you cut me open just to hold my still beating heart in your gentle hands?
What I’m saying is I should be really mean and make a world where someone takes advantage of his immediate post-trauma vulnerability and he barely realizes because anything is better than where he came from.
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thecultofmalcom · 2 years
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there at an anti freelancer protest.
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