#FUCK dude radiation is scary and deeply interesting
acesammy · 4 months
wild when you go down the rabbithole of fixation only to emerge like 3 weeks later deeply educated on a topic that will be of no use to you in the future
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mejomonster · 1 year
I just watched unintentional love story ep 2:
Our sculptor is absolutely gay, I suspect heartbreak or rejection or cruel father or Something in his past and that's why he went into hiding. That's Definitely part of why he doesn't date or want to be flirted with
Cafe owner is gay too and that may be one of a few reasons him and sculptor talk
I'm sorry main guy. I love you. You look like Chimon and Yu Liang from Hikaru No Go, you act like Shi Guang, you're very cute. But my dude... when you go "I hope you don't have a girlfriend, I'm a guy but I'm still swooning for you right now~" bitch that is some Zhao Yunlan bisexual flirting maybe be self aware??? I get it, your job is on the rocks and you're hyper stressed, I wouldn't think clearly either. Also I knew I was bi since my teens so I get it's gotta be hard for you not even knowing yet but. My dude. That is PLAYBOOK obvious bisexual flirting. That is the Manual. That's Jack Harkness Zhao Yunlan shit. Oh my god LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Sculptor in that fucking car, just mentally: HE REALLY FUCKING SAID THAT! HE SAID THATTTTT. THEN THE DUDE NO HOMOS ME WITH "HAHA BUT IM A GUY?" IM GONNA EXPLODE WHAT THE FUCK. (It's okay sculptor.. look, he may be losing his job, he is just REALLY not thinking clearly, I know what he just did was SO fucking much)
Main guy is like if Yu Liang and Shi Guang from Hikaru No Go had a child. Both in looks and temperment. He's insistent, intense, brave (and a bit zoned out as he's too focused on WHATEVER mission he's set his mind to). Super cute. I deeply desire his optimism and fighting spirit as I do NOT have his amount personally lol. But on the flipside, he's naive and easily manipulated by those in power so like.. thats gonna crash in his face eventually.
Secretly I love that sculptor is rich. I keep thinking about this analysis I read, about how in romantic media the trope of "horrificly violent scary mob boss falls for the girl" is possibly desired, in part, because it's like this fantasy idea. Of the threats in the world NOT hurting you, of having a "tiger on a leash." Instead of these worldly dangers hurting you, they do anything to protect you, you are For Once not in danger and are in fact in control of threats. I think there was some merit to that idea of it appealing, and I think the romance trope of "rich lover falls for protagonist" also kind of taps into that. We have our lead guy in this, losing his job and at the mercy of a corporation who sees him as disposable and a scapegoat and doesn't care if they ruin his life. And he (is presumably going to) fall for a sculptor from a rich family, with fame and talent he can even afford to hide from the world as a recluse, who's got a car and a shop and friends who own businesses (coffee shop owner). And its like the sculptor love interest in a way is like that "rich power" ideal but HIS (eventually). His lover, within his "control" and someone who wouldn't hurt him, in comparison to the job that uses him up and manipulates him and throws him away. I think while its Not central to the plot, that kind of trope in romance may be appealing for similar reasons to the mob boss love interest, the war lord love interest, etc. (And we see it on the rise lately, although it's Always been a big one lol: GAP the series gl, Step by Step brand new show, A Boss and a Babe, Never Let Me Go an action romance take on it). I just... that analysis I Still think about, it made some interesting points...
I love rhe tension each episode ends on
I love the guy with tattoos?
Main guy radiates Such disaster bi energy AND naturally flirts with all the men around him baby boy dude PLEASE get a moment of calm and look in a mirror. All the queer men around you are absolutely fucking Baffled
I am so invested in tattoo guy and coffee shop guy GIVE ME SCENES WITH THEMMMMM
I like when art is treated idk as like... accessible? For all this guy is a famous sculptor, he teaches classes anyone can take, he values the things main guy makes just for the sake of the creating it. It reminds me of the scene in Not Me with Dan and Yok, and Yok admiring Dan's art even though Dan is NOT an art student and couldn't afford to pursue a degree in art as it wasn't "practical" as so many of us have been through. And how Yok said all art is valuable, the different perspectives of each individual artist is valuable. And I really agree with that. I think art and it's diversity and it being made by all the kinds of people who do it is SO Valuable. So I like that in this show, although a smaller focus so far, there's a distinct lack of gatekeeping what's art and what's valuable. Yes, famous sculptors art is of course a more refined long practiced craft. But he values all his students works and wants to fire them in a special way, he gives them all advice and cares and appreciates what they make. They do not have to be Trained For Years to make things he finds valuable. And I personally appreciate that.
I just am really liking the vibe of this show
It's gonna be FUN ANGST FALLOUT when our manipulating part timer protagonist gets found out for the spying thing lol
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