#FUCK i forgot the smut shit. sorry. but i'm about to write another smutty request so i hope that makes up for it! sorry anon lolol
archangeldyke-all · 4 months
hiii i had this idea stuck in my head all day, how about buying sev flowers just because, without any occasion and she doesn't know how to react? you can sprinkle some spice there pretty please
men and minors dni
as you strolled to the last drop like you always do on thursday evenings-- sevika gets fridays off so you like to walk her home after her last day of work, stop to buy her whatever she's craving on the way home, and spend the time catching up and chatting with your girl-- your eyes caught on a little cart on the side of the street.
flowers are rare in zaun, especially flowers that aren't meant to be smoked for various inebriating effects. there's hardly any sunlight in the undercity, hardly enough clean water for all the citizens, much less the flora and fauna. but, once in a while, someone will head up to the promenade, buy a whole bunch of flowers in bulk, and haul them back down to zaun to sell.
most often, people who visit the flower sellers of zaun are men trying to get back on their girls' good side, or people headed to funerals. you slow your pace to examine the colorful bunches of petals, smiling softly as your mind wanders, as it tends to, to your wife.
you wonder what kind of flowers are sevika's favorite. you wonder if she's seen enough flowers in her life to form an opinion. something sad settles over you, and you frown as it occurs to you that your wife's likely never been gifted flowers in her life.
well, that's all it takes for you to cross the street and pat down your pockets for a few spare coins.
"hello, beautiful!" the old lady behind the cart greets you. you smile.
"hello. i don't know much about flowers, but i'm looking for something for my wife?" you ask. "something sweet and small."
the woman grins, then reaches up and grabs a giant bouquet of red, pink, and white roses. you giggle.
"oh, no, i think that's a bit much. she might die of embarrassment if i give her those." you chuckle. the woman smiles.
"so she's got subtle taste?" she asks. you giggle and nod again. that's one way to put it. the old woman quickly gathers a few flowers from various bunches. she holds it up for you to examine. you smile.
"that's perfect. what flowers are these?" you ask, reaching out to hold the small bundle she's picked out for you. she smiles and reaches across the cart, pointing to each flower she's arranged.
"white tulips," she points to the two tall white flowers, "for a pure love." she moves her hand to the tiny five-petaled blue flowers with bright yellow centers. "forget-me-not's, their meaning is in their name." she explains, then she points to the the tallest flower, one singluar purple stalk. "this is lavender. it's symbolic for women like you and your wife." she looks you up and down, winking, and you realize she means gay people. you chuckle. "it'll also make the room you store these in smell fabulous. chop the stems at an angle when you get home, and then put 'em in fresh water with a little bit of sugar. keep 'em in a sunny spot--not too sunny though! they should last you a week." she says, quickly wrapping the stems in your fist up in a sweet white bow.
you grin and pass her three gold coins. she gasps.
"oh honey, this is only worth one!" she calls as you start walking toward the last drop again. you just giggle and wave her off.
"thank you miss!" you call, waving goodbye to her.
you're a little nervous to give the flowers to sevika, worried that she won't like them. but when she walks out of the front doors of the bar and sees you waiting across the street for her, she grins, and all your worries melt.
she wraps you up in a big hug, and you giggle. "hi baby." you mumble against her shoulder. she groans, kissing your scalp.
"it's so fuckin' good to see you." she mumbles.
you pull away to look up at her, pouting. "bad day?"
"horrible. c'mon, i want somethin' greasy and salty for dinner."
you laugh. "i got you somethin' that might cheer you up." you say. sevika raises a salacious eyebrow at you, and you burst into giggles. you're happy to see her permanent scowl melt a bit at the sound. "not that kinda surprise, baby." you snort.
then, you reveal the bouquet you'd been hiding behind your back, pushing it into sevika's hands. she blinks down at them, then up at you, then back down at the flowers. "...what?" she asks eventually. you giggle and kiss her cheek.
"i got you flowers!" you exclaim. she looks up at you, still confused.
"...did someone die?" she asks, and you can see her trying to mentally catalog all the people she knows. you snort, then gently smack her shoulder.
"sevika! can't a woman just buy her wife some flowers? no ulterior motives?" you ask.
sevika considers this like you've just asked her what the meaning of life is. she looks seriously confused. you're half adoring, half sad. you make a mental note to start buying your wife flowers any chance you see them. she needs to be spoiled more.
then, her face clears, and she looks up at you with a look she reserves for you and you only. reverent, vulnerable, and shaky. you pout, and reach up to cup her face in your hands. "just for me?" she asks. you smile and lean forward to kiss her.
"just for you, babe." you whisper against her lips.
sevika usually walks with her flesh hand in yours. tonight, though, she demotes you to her mech hand, so her flesh hand can gently cradle the bouquet against her chest.
you make a quick stop at jericho's to pick up some grub, and you have to bite back a smile at the looks regulars are throwing sevika as she gazes sweetly down at a small bundle of flowers in her hands.
when you get home, you insist that you be the one who trim and arrange them for sevika. she hovers over you as you do like you're going to crush them. you think it's adorable-- she's so attached to the things already, you're a little worried what's going to happen when they eventually die.
(you don't have to worry though. you end up pressing the flowers between some old encyclopedias, then framing them and hanging them on your wall. it's becomes a tradition, each time you buy sevika flowers-- which ends up being close to once a week-- you guys press and frame them together once they're close to wilting, to preserve the memory and love forever.)
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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