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The talking cat doesn’t believe in the talking snake or the talking donkey.
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killabeeblog · 2 months
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mychaosdaze · 1 year
RIP Criminal Minds 2005-2023.
"Evolution" mis nalgas. 🚮
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tattoorue · 2 years
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wearevillaneve · 2 years
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KE was a great show that became a good show that became an okay show that became a shit show.
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We're talking about how Killing Eve's fourth season took a ginormous shit on the bed.
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In its final season, Killing Eve became bullshit. The burden of proof is on the tiny handful of defenders to prove it wasn't.
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Almost as much as the handful of Killing Eve Season Four Truthers who think there was some brilliance in Laura Neal's weird, religious imagery, incoherent plotting, and noxious homophobia. And water. LOTS of water.
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Laura Neal had no clue what Villanelle wanted, but all she had to do was ask her. Unfortunately, Laura wasn't going to give Villanelle that. Soaked in (her own) blood with even bloodier angel wings in a Jesus Christ pose under the water? That, she'd give her!
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In the end, Neal won, and Villanelle, Eve, and we, the audience all lost. Or so it appeared. For all of a day or so. Then the initial shock wore off and a funny thing happened. The betrayed KE fandom didn't sulk off or go away. It got pissed and got so much in the faces of Neal, Sally Gentle, AMC, and BBC America that they are running scared and won't even acknowledge that the final season of Killing Eve was a hot and shitty mess. The number of visibility, noticeably and royally STILL pissed-off Killing Eve fans will invariably dwindle as time goes on. It's the nature of all movements that they begin with an aggravated few who then become the aggravated many and return to an aggravated few.
But in this date and age, a Few is all you need. The Many haven't forgiven how badly they were treated by the finale. They simply aren't as committed to keeping a foot on the neck and up the ass of the official KE social media accounts, and that is okay. We got that covered. Killing Eve is trending today on Twitter.
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Why? Not really sure, but it is only now rolling out in other countries as well as dropping in two weeks from streaming on AMC Plus to Hulu soon. It seems a brand new wave of viewers are only now getting a bitter taste of what the rest of us have been trying to choke down for two months.
Guess what? They aren't liking the smell or taste of Laura Neal's nasty brain droppings any better than we did.
This means the fetid piles of shit Neal, Gentle and the TV corporations pushed on us all are still only growing higher and even smellier, but they're the ones dealing with the back-up of fresh turds of revulsion and disgust for What Laura Wrought. With the shit piling up high and deep around them there is only one way this can end for Neal and Gentle...
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...and Eve agrees with me.
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funbearer · 1 year
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donotdestroy · 1 year
Full of shit (Adj.) 1. Saying untrue, unreliable, incorrect, made up, often nonsensical and unbelievable lies to try to make oneself not look like a giant piece of shit. (see also piece of shit, bullshit artist) 2. One who is undependable, unreliable, fake, untrue, a straight up liar 3. Constipated to the point your eyes turn brown and breath reeks of fecal matter. (Verb) to be- 1. To make promises, plans, or claims all the while knowing damn well you will never follow through. (see also blow smoke) 2. To be too afraid to be honest & say it like it is because one is soft. Not unlike a scared little girl.
Urban dictionary
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ourhallowedhearth · 1 year
"My crystal ball tells me you're full of shit," hoodie dress.
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imustbenuts · 2 years
fire emblem heroes is rooted in buddhism/hinduism please believe me im not insane help help help
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princesspiratecat · 2 years
The underlying message beneath the idea that women shouldn’t be able to gain access to abortion in the cases of rape or incest: “Just get over it. Your trauma means nothing, even if you were really raped.”
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littlelightfish · 2 months
Funny things I found out playing with language setting in Netflix while looking episode 15:
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Chilchuck's scream sounds HAUNTED in brazilian portuguese. Give it a try if you can.
(You can hear it here)
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In spanish dub, Senshi says: "tocó mis senos de hombre", which means "he touched my man boobs" in Spanish. And I think that's the best dub line one so far.
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wrishwrosh · 6 months
one neat bonus of being a picky eater as a child is that adult life is filled with so many beautiful discoveries. have you guys heard about caesar salad? im turning 26 this week
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sher-ee · 1 hour
Things that never happened for $500 Alex.
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thepinkaccount · 20 days
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Living in a dystopian society is like having constipation every day of your life
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im-really-confused121 · 4 months
I’m full of wisdom, but I’m also full of shit
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