#FUN FACT: I actually looked through air force medals and was actually going for specific medals
bluebellwrenart · 1 year
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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Invasion of the Star Creatures
I promised you guys something truly awful this week, didn’t I?  Well, how about a space invasion ‘comedy’ (big emphasis on the air quotes there) produced by Samuel Zarkoff to be a double-bill with The Brain that Wouldn’t Die?  The closest thing it has to a star is Frankie Ray, whom MSTies might know as the writer of Laserblast.  He also wrote Zoltan, Hound of Dracula, which I really, really need to see one of these days.  Film Historian Bill Warren described Invasion of the Star Creatures as ‘so helplessly bad it’s almost unwatchable’.  Let’s find out if he was right.
Fort Nicholson is the world’s center for atomic research, despite apparently being staffed entirely by idiots.  The two biggest idiots are, unfortunately, our main characters.  Their names are Philbrick and Penn.  No, I don’t know which is which.  No, I don’t care.  I’m gonna call them Rick and Rick With The Squeaky Voice.  The first ‘comedic’ sequence involves Rick With The Squeaky Voice sitting in a barrel pretending he’s going to space, and getting his ass set on fire.
That sets the tone for the whole movie quite nicely. It’s stupid and it’s not funny, and it never gets any better.  In fact, as we shall see, it gets significantly worse.
For some reason, Rick and Rick With The Squeaky Voice are assigned to a mission to explore a cave recently exposed by a nuclear test.  This turns out to be the base for two seven-foot space women, Tanga and Pona, and their tuberous minions, the Vege-Men, and the entire party is soon in their clutches.  The aliens say that they have come to save humanity from destroying ourselves through nuclear war, but naturally the army isn’t into that.  Rick With The Squeaky Voice discovers that kissing the women puts them into a daze, allowing the two idiots to escape, but of course nobody back at Fort Nicholson believes their story.  Is it really up to these two to stop Tanga and Pona from heading back to their home planet with their report?  We’re doomed.
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I don’t remember which review it was, but I once invited you to imagine a movie in which every character is Dropo or Watney Smith.  This is that movie.  This is proud of being that movie.  The aliens try to read the two Ricks’ minds and one is completely empty while the other is full of superhero fantasies.  Pona calls what she sees ‘completely illogical and infantile’, which is a fair description of the whole movie.
There’s a sequence where one of the army men shoots a rattlesnake that was about to bite one of the Ricks, and then cries because ‘he might have had a family’.  They try to lampoon the thing in old movies where the characters walk through the same set from different angles by doing it without cutting away or changing the camera angle, but it just looks dumb.  The Colonel gives a long-winded speech about the merits of getting straight to the point.  A forced march stops for a lovely picnic and wine tasting.  A guy gets his ass kicked by a Vege-Man and declares, “that’s the first time a salad ever tossed me.”  There’s a running ‘gag’ about fans of ‘Space Commander Connors’ recognizing each other’s secret decoder rings and immediately going into a full-on geek-out.
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None of this is funny, much of it is downright embarrassing, and the worst part is that the writers have no idea how to include their attempts at comedy in the story.  Rather than the hijinks advancing the plot, every time something that’s supposed to be funny happens, the whole thing comes to a dead halt.  This gives the impression that the movie is stumbling around in the dark with no idea where it’s going.  It finally seems to settle on a plot when we find out that the spaceship is about to leave and must be stopped.  After some bullshit the Ricks convince the Colonel (and only the Colonel) to help them take on the aliens.  At this point I was thinking that this movie was pretty terrible but it hadn’t actually pushed me to the point of being tempted to turn it off…
And then it got racist.
The last ten minutes or so of Invasion of the Star Creatures are a downward spiral in which it seems like they gave up trying to be funny in favour of being actively offensive. First, they encounter what’s supposed to be a group of Native Americans on horseback.  Rick With The Squeaky Voice tries to get their attention by saying “hey, Kemosabe, I wanna buy some blankets!”  The Natives don’t speak much English but they do a lot of grunting, and threaten to kill the Colonel because they think he’s General Custer (?!).  Then they kidnap everybody and force them to smoke the peace pipe and drink firewater and the white guys only escape once the Natives have passed out.
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Holy shit.  Not only is this repulsive, it is, as previously noted, irrelevant.  It has no effect on the plot other than to waste time.  The Natives do not help them defeat the aliens and neither does the Colonel, who is also in a drunken stupor.  And then, just when we think this can’t possibly get any worse, the defeated alien women declare that they must throw themselves on the mercy of the Earth Men.  This turns out to mean marrying them, and the dialogue specifically likens marriage to slavery, which Tanga and Pona seem to consider a point in its favour!  The end of this movie left my head spinning.  It’s like I watched a guy get ‘comedically’ knocked over by a punching bag for forty-five minutes and then he suddenly turned around and punched me in the face.
(Hey, I just realized… remember how I said the cave was exposed by a nuclear test?  The dialogue emphasizes how this whole area is irradiated and dangerous – and then totally forgets about it.  It’s never mentioned again and the characters take off their protective gear and never put it back on.  So… that was useless, too.)
There is stuff in this movie that could have been funny.  The secret decoder ring stuff almost got a smile out of me once or twice, because the characters seemed so earnest in their love for ‘Space Commander Connors’ and his lore.  The ‘Vege-Men’ also had potential.  We get to see a greenhouse room where they’re grown to be the women’s slaves, and the seedlings are hands or feet sticking out of flowerpots with a few leaves around them.  This is fairly amusing and I could see it being the juvenile form of a sentient plant on Star Trek TOS.  Adult Vege-Men are actors in stupid carrot costumes that they obviously can’t see out of very well, which should have been funny just because it’s so terrible, but Invasion of the Star Creatures is so bad you can’t even laugh at it ironically.
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The idea of using a bumbling idiot as your main character, let alone two bumbling idiots, frankly baffles me.  Rick and Rick With The Squeaky Voice are supposed to be the guys we, the audience, identify with.  We’re supposed to like and root for them and to perhaps be able to imagine ourselves in their places, but the only thing I feel for them is contempt.  Why would anyone want to see themselves in these guys?  Perhaps it’s an attempt to say that anybody can be a hero, but the two Ricks don’t even qualify as that.  When they save the world, it’s basically by accident.  The ending, which rewards them with promotions, medals, and beautiful wives from outer space, actively makes me angry because they didn’t earn any of that!
Invasion of the Star Creatures works very hard at being pointless, and there’s very little in it that comes anywhere near a theme.  If any such thing exists, its in Tanga and Pona’s insistence that they’re here to save humanity whether we like it or not, and how the humans react to that idea.  The women say it would be a shame to see a young civilization destroy itself because nations were too stupid to work together.  Rick and Rick With The Squeaky Voice reject this entirely, which is supposed to be a joke: these guys are in the army, so if humanity transcends the need for conflict they’d be out of a job.  The rest of the plot then seems at pain to emphasize that humans cannot work together, and do not want to.
After all, the two Ricks’ attempts to summon help come to nothing.  The Native Americans never understand that these men want assistance, and the Colonel thinks it’s all a Space Commander Connors game before sliding under the metaphorical table, having never done anything useful.  The Ricks themselves spent most of their time arguing and complaining and in the end succeed only through good luck on their part and poor timing on that of the invaders.  Usually a story that begins with ‘aliens want to save primitive humans from ourselves’ would end with ‘the aliens were wrong about us’.  Invasion of the Star Creatures seems to want to say the aliens were right the whole time!
So there you have it – Invasion of the Star Creatures.  It started off kinda bad and not funny, then swirled down the cinematic toilet into outright offensive, racist, sexist drivel.  I’m trying to think of some small thing I can say about it that’s nice, but I’m having a very hard time.  I guess I kinda liked the rumbly noises that represent the alien language – that was more fun than just having the actresses spout random gobbledygook.  Other than that, I’m at a loss.  The actors suck, the sets suck, the effects suck, the costumes suck, and everybody involved was a bigoted dickweed.  Fuck this movie.
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ober-affen-geil · 5 years
Now that we have wrapped up the season, I know a lot of people will be filling the Roswell-sized hole with some fanfic. As someone who comes from a military family, and an Air Force one at that, I thought I could lay out a few things for those wanting to write fic that expands on the military aspect of the show. If anyone has questions more specific than what I put here, just ask and I will answer to the best of my ability! 
*Please do note that I do not have a history of military service. All of this is stuff I picked up by proxy, if someone tells you something that is counter to what I’ve written here please listen to them and/or double check. This is meant for ficwriting purposes and nothing more in depth than that.*
- First things first. So far as I can tell, Jesse and Alex Manes are in the Air Force. Flint Manes is in the Army. The two are not interchangeable terms, they are completely separate branches. If you need an all-purpose term use “military”; it covers all the branches (Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard). They are also proper nouns, they should be capitalized. (Cam has stated she has a military background, but says nothing else about it. So we have no clues as to her branch or rank.)      - “Soldiers” is an all-purpose term used to describe members of the Army. It should not be used to describe members of the Air Force, that term is “airmen” or “airman” if you want singular. (”Sailor” is for the Navy and “marine” is for the Marines. Not sure about the Coast Guard.) So Flint is a soldier, Alex and Jesse are airmen.
- The Air Force actually developed out of the Army. It was originally the US Army Air Forces and was not declared a separate branch until after WWII, in September of 1947. (The original Roswell incident happened in mid 1947 and official reports state it was actually an Army Air Forces weather balloon that crashed. Do with this information what you will.)
- Character ranks are as follows. (I did not use the ranks from the pilot as those are different from later in the series; pilots tend to have a little weirdness and don’t necessarily reflect actual arcs or details as the series goes on.) Here are further rank references for the Army and the Air Force.       - Jesse Manes is a Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt). This is an “enlisted” rank, an E-9 to be specific. He is an NCO (noncommissioned officer or noncom) which is a fancy way of saying he has authority but does not outrank officers.      - Flint Manes is a Sergeant First Class (SFC). This is also an enlisted rank, an E-7. He is also an NCO. I’m not sure of all the intricacies of the chain of command, but I know that in situations where multiple military branches are operating concurrently, personnel need to respect the lateral comparison of ranks. Therefore, as an E-7 in the Army, Flint is technically laterally outranked by Jesse, who is an E-9 in the Air Force.      - Alex Manes is a Captain (Capt). This is an “officer” rank, an O-3. It can also be described as a “commissioned officer” which is above an NCO. (Note, you do not abbreviate “commissioned officer” as CO, that stands for “commanding officer”. Idk it’s stupid.) And yes, this means that Alex outranks his father.      - A note about “commissioning”. This is the main difference between officers and enlisted: an enlisted member literally “enlists” in the military, an officer commissions. This is why an NCO is called that, they are still “enlisted” personnel so they have not “commissioned”, but they are given command of units like officers.      - A note about officers vs enlisted. While enlisted members certainly can be promoted to officer status, it is important to know that O-1 is also an entry point into the military. If you go to a military academy (different ones for different branches) or go through an ROTC program in college (the acronym stands for “reserved officer training corps”) you start as an O-1, the lowest officer rank in your branch. (In the Air Force it’s a Second Lieutenant, informally called a “butter bar” because of the color of the rank insignia). It is not uncommon for career military members who are well on their way to retirement to be enlisted and therefore outranked by people decades younger than them.  I would personally bet my eyeteeth that all of the Manes family started from the bottom and worked their way up through the enlisted ranks, Jesse Manes at E-9 is pretty much as high an enlisted rank as you can get in the Air Force and is about right for someone his age who is career military. Same goes for Flint. I am operating under the assumption that Alex entered right out of high school, so he’s been in for 10 years. He’s apparently a Big Damn Hero (see next section) so it’s not surprising that he has been promoted to Captain in that time. 
- Medals and decorations. We know nothing about anyone’s except Alex’s so I’ll be going into detail only on his. A note first, while there are literal medals that are given out, they are most commonly actually worn in the form of “ribbons” which are tiny rectangles about an inch long and the width of your little finger that are pinned to left side of the wearer’s chest when in a dress uniform. They stack in order of “significance”, and you can tell them apart because they are all colored and striped uniquely to mean certain things. (Fun fact, a “plate” of ribbons all stacked together on a person is informally referred to as their “fruit salad”. No, I’m not kidding.) They are also not as big a deal (mostly) as you might think, a lot of the ribbons airmen earn are actually just for the general course of duty. A well-versed person can take one look at someone else’s ribbons and know exactly when and where they served and what operations they have been a part of.    - It is mentioned that Alex was put in for the Air Force Medal and the Air Force Cross, but it does not say that he was actually awarded either. (The Air Force Medal does not exist, I am going to assume they meant “Airman’s Medal”.) Both involve “heroic acts” but the Airman’s Medal is a “lower” honor because it does not involve actual combat. The Air Force Cross on the other hand is a Big Fucking Deal, it is second only to the Medal of Honor which is a Really Big Fucking Deal. Here are more details on the Airman’s Medal and the Air Force Cross. Again, we do not know for sure that Alex has actually been the recipient of either of these medals, but the fact that he was put in for them means that his CO at some point thought he had earned them.    - As someone who has been wounded (I assume) in action, Alex also most certainly has a Purple Heart. Another note on ribbons, if a specific ribbon has been earned more than once it is marked by adding “oakleaf clusters” to the ribbon, one for each additional award. So a Purple Heart with one oakleaf cluster technically equals two Purple Hearts. So far as we know in canon, Alex has one.      - Again, I am making the assumption that Alex joined the Air Force out of high school, which means he has been in since 2008. He has therefore most likely been a part of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, Operation Inherent Resolve, and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel; and he would have campaign ribbons for each.      - Additional ribbons/decorations would include unit citations and such, find more about various military awards here.
- Because we know Alex was a code breaker, he may have been classified as either Intelligence or Cyberspace Operations, but he is now operating in the Security Forces after his injury. We know that Flint is a Weapons Specialist, but I’m not sure about Jesse. He may also be Security Forces.
- Alex has mentioned he is going to be “honorably discharged” soon, this is one way to exit military service. (Note, if you serve for more than 20 years you are not discharged, you retire. Jesse is probably on track for retirement.) There are a few levels of discharge for the US Armed Forces, find more details here.      - An honorable discharge is basically given to people who did dun good; they have either completed their tours in good standing or otherwise would have had something not happened to them to prevent it. (Like losing a limb.) Anything less than an honorable discharge is Not Good and can and will affect the recipient in civilian life.      - There are a few in between these two, but I’m just going to list a dishonorable discharge here and let the curious do their own research through the link above. A dishonorable discharge is Super Fucking Bad and in a lot of states is regarded as equivalent to a felony conviction. This type of discharge can only be given by a general court martial, and to earn it you have to seriously fuck up, like commit treason or murder.
- When it comes to “classified” information, your access depends on your security clearance. We have no hints as to what the clearance of any of the characters are, but we know that Alex was a code breaker so it’s probably safe to assume his is pretty high. Flint’s is probably also pretty high given the types of weapons he is working with, and Jesse also potentially has a high level given his involvement with Project Shepard. (Although that has apparently been running unauthorized for a while so idk.)      - The US has three levels, from lowest to highest: Confidential, Secret, Top Secret. Find more information about the levels here.
- Generally speaking, the relations between service branches is that of friendly competition. Like different sports teams or sibling rivalry. Every branch of course believes it is the superior one, and service members will frequently josh each other about the various “failings” of each one. All the branches have their stereotypes and nicknames. I’ve heard “grunts” for Army, “flyboys” for Air Force, “squids” for Navy, and “jarheads” for Marines. If the branches were people stereotypes: Marines are dumb jock gym-bro types, the Navy is prissy (white dress uniforms I mean come on), the Air Force is lazy (heh “chair force” ha ha), the Army is full of try-hards who wanted to be in the Marines but weren’t “good enough” (not true), and the Coast Guard is the red-headed step child who is either “too good” to associate fully with the others or can’t keep up depending on who you talk to. In reality the branches are all apples and oranges, here’s a quick overview.      - Army: ground troops/support. Infantry, artillery, calvary, paratroopers, that kind of stuff. Their motto is “This we’ll defend” and their song is “The Army goes rolling along”.      - Air Force: air troops/support. Planes and pilots of all sorts and weather forcasting. Their motto is “Aim high...Fly-fight-win” and their song is “The US Air Force”.      - Navy: water troops/support. Boats and ships out the wazoo and some pilots. Their (unofficial) motto is “Semper Fortis” meaning always strong and their song is “Anchors Aweigh”.      - Marines: technically the Marines are a branch of the Navy. (It is not a good idea to tell a marine this.) The Marines are essentially the initial landing force troops; it’s not pleasant but they’re basically cannon fodder. Their motto is “Semper Fidelis” meaning always faithful and their song is “Marine’s Hymn”.      - Coast Guard: in times of war, the Coast Guard acts as a branch of the Navy. In peacetime they are under the Department of Homeland Security. They are basically the boat police (don’t tell them I said that), and also do search and rescue. Their motto is “Semper Paratus” and their song is also “Semper Paratus”.
- Jodies. These are essentially marching songs or chants designed to help people keep in step. They are mostly used when drilling, or for infantry troops when they aren’t trying to be covert. There’s a whole lot of them and some of them can get pretty filthy, but there are a few that are “grand traditions”, like “Blood upon the risers” which is sung to the tune of “Battle hymn of the republic”. (It’s about a paratrooper whose chute doesn’t open. It doesn’t end well.) Some of them have been adapted for camp settings, like “Gee ma, I wanna go home”, but every branch has their own special ones and words are often changed around to fit the unit. This is a general overview of the tradition, find examples of some Air Force ones here and here.
- There are a whole bunch of different uniforms that I can get into but I won’t here, this is a good resource for Air Force for the more detail minded. Suffice it to say there are two main ones to know, the service dress and combat uniform.       - Service dress is the mid-level fancy uniform, in the Air Force it’s also called “blues” or “dress blues” because they are blue. This is basically the equivalent of a suit. Service members can wear this to civilian events as well, one member of my family actually refuses to buy a civilian suit because he claims any event he goes to where he has to wear a suit, he can get away with wearing his blues. (He hates suits.) Members can also wear these after they retire.      - Combat uniforms are the everyday service wear, usually in a camouflage pattern of some kind. They’re informally called “fatigues”. The military is actually surprisingly finicky about this sort of stuff, and there are specific acronyms for specific patterns and none of them are allowed to be the same. It’s a mess. The Air Force is currently in the middle of transitioning, the official name for the new uniform is the Airman Combat Uniform (ACU) and the pattern is Operation Camouflage Pattern (OCP).
- The US Military has been around a while, and there are a few things it is really good at because they learned the hard way.      - Discipline. This is going to sound very harsh and dehumanizing (because it is), but in boot camp the entire goal is to break people of independence and foster group cohesion. But there is a reason why. You have to remember, every training exercise is designed around the idea that these people will be in active combat. You cannot question orders or do your own thing in active combat, you will die or worse, your unit will die. Boot camp is designed to turn you from a person into a cog in a machine, because humans cannot function in life or death combat scenarios. Machine cogs can.      - Moral. War is a mind game. Troops in good spirits handle stress better than troops in bad spirits, it is a fact of life. So as much as everyone complains about it, the military is pretty good about making sure deployed members have a way to contact their families at home. Phone banks, computer banks, snail mail, the works. And I’ve heard a story from one family member about the higher-ups keeping track of who isn’t getting mail, and encouraging people to share care packages with them.      - Dependents. These are immediate family of service members, usually spouses and/or children. A spouse is a dependent for as long as they are married, a child is a dependent until 26. The military considers dependents to be their personal responsibility. Widows and widowers will receive their spouse’s pension and benefits until they themselves die. There are support groups out the wazoo for family members.      - Next of kin notification. The military has many strict regulations that it follows pretty closely for this kind of stuff. You can find a good rundown here. Fortunately I have no personal experience with this, but I believe the same principles apply for wounded in action as well as killed. 
- It is an option for families of service members to hang a type of small flag in a window that has a blue star on it for every member of family in the military. (Blue star on a white field with a red border, hung horizontally.) If one of those members dies in the service, the star is changed to gold. People who have lost members of their family in active duty are therefore called “gold star families”.      - The ribbon color to wear in support of the military is yellow. We tied a big yellow ribbon on one of our trees in the front yard when one of my family members was on deployment, but it can be as small as a pin as well.
- A note on the general attitude of service members regarding their service and the dangers of what they do. Almost every one I have encountered thinks of their military service as a job that they volunteered for. They are not in it for the glory, they don’t demand to be thanked, and any injury they may have is regarded as an unfortunate result of the hazards of their job. Alex’s flippant line about “doing it for the attention” when Liz thanks him for his service is not only funny and character informing, it’s also typical. His injury happened as a result of his service, it’s a matter of course. One of my immediate family members tells me he always accepts when people thank him for his service, but he personally does it on behalf of the service members who are not able to (KIA, MIA, or past veterans.) He also then thanks that person for their support.
- Dog tags. These are identification tags worn by all members of the military. In the US, each of the branches have slightly different layouts (find details here) but all contain the same basic information. First and last name, social security number, branch of service, blood type, and religion. The main purpose of these is for identifying bodies or rendering aid to wounded; rank is not listed because it’s not important in those situations, and it changes frequently enough that it’s not practical to reissue tags just for that. (Blood type is listed to help medical personnel aid the wounded, religion is listed so that in the event of death services can be conducted appropriately.)
- Small arms handling and hand-to-hand combat. Every service member, regardless of specialty, is trained in how to handle guns and how to fight in close quarters. (They’re not called the armed forces for nothing.)      - Basic gun safety is to treat every weapon as though it is loaded at all times, never aim a weapon at anything you don’t intend to shoot, and don’t put your finger on the trigger unless you are prepared to fire. It should be noted that when Alex disarms Flint and turns his service weapon on him, Alex is not practicing trigger safety. He is fully ready to discharge that gun from the second he has it in his hands, which is to be expected given the fact he was surprised from behind. (What is interesting is that he does not immediately lower the weapon, nor does he take his finger off the trigger straight away after recognizing Flint. Do with this information what you will.)      - Service members are taught to shoot for the “easy” targets on the body, which is basically torso. Fancy sharp shooting is not highly prioritized, the main idea is to hit the enemy before they hit you.
- All service members are taught basic “first aid and buddy care”. This is so that, in the event of incurring casualties during combat, the people closest to you can provide immediate assistance while a medic hauls ass over to you. (Note, a “casualty” refers to both the wounded and those killed in action. Alex is a casualty because he was wounded.) When going into combat situations, service members will have loose tourniquets around their upper arms and legs so that, in the event of injury, all their buddy has to do is pull it tight around the relevant limb.
- The US military uses a 24 hour clock system, when times are written out no colons are used and all four number slots are filled. It seems tricky at first, but all you have to do past noon is subtract 12 and you have the equivalent time. Midnight is also written as “00″. So 12 midnight is 0000, 3 am is 0300, 1 pm is 1300, and 8 pm is 2000. When saying the time verbally, it’s usually “___ hundred (hours).” So 8 am is “o eight hundred hours” (0800), and 5 pm is “seventeen hundred hours” (1700). The “hours” part is optional. Any time in between is usually pronounced like normal (0730 is “o seven thirty” and 1645 is “sixteen forty five”, 7:30 am and 4:45 pm respectively.) The US military also does a thing with time zones, in order to coordinate internationally. It’s very confusing and I don’t fully understand it, but basically everything is measured off of the Prime Meridian, otherwise known as Greenwich Mean Time or “Zulu Time” (”Z” for “Zero”). Find more details on it here.
- The military uses the NATO phonetic alphabet for spelling or using letters over the radio; this is for clarity of conveyance and is standard operating procedure, any military member is required to know and use it. Basically each letter of the English alphabet is replaced with a word that starts with that letter. (The word for “E” is “Echo”, do with this information what you will.) A complete list of the current alphabet is here. These are used over a radio to spell something or use letters, to avoid mistaking them. For example, instead of saying “Requesting reinforcements in quadrant A” you would say “Requesting reinforcements in alpha quadrant.” (Numbers are basically all the same, except I’ve heard “nine” said as “niner” quite often. Not sure how widespread that is.) But because this is such standard practice, service members will frequently use the alphabet in civilian life, like when you have to spell your name for someone over the phone. I know A-K really well because that’s what was used when I played Battleship as a kid, for example. There are other basic radio standards used for clarity of communication, find them here. A note, While “roger” is the proword given for “I have received and understood your transmission”, the word I have encountered more often in my personal experience meaning the same thing is “copy”. My immediate family members will use this in everyday conversation to mean “I have heard and understood what you said.” I don’t know if this is an Air Force thing or what, I can only say that it might be something more commonly used in actual, everyday speech by service members.
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nayutai · 6 years
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A/N: This is the longest thing I’ve ever written in my life dear God. Fanfic authors that write stuff this long on the regular deserve a medal and an ice cream cone.
Word Count: 10,039
The Center is a stark contrast from all of the stories I’d heard as a child. I’d been terrified with tales of needles and forced scientific research but the view in front of me is a far cry from what I’ve envisioned. The building is made of sandstone and brick with roses of varying colors blooming everywhere. There’s a small fountain out front surrounded by more flowers and couple stone benches. The entire setup screams love. That ideal is further cemented when we walk inside. Everyone is smiling and majority of the nurses moving through the halls are dressed in some shade of red or pink. It’s absolutely nauseating. Tae squeezes my hand which is covered in his much larger one as we walk up to the reception desk.
“Hi! How can I help you today?” The peppy nurse asks as we sit in the two chairs set out in front of her desk.
“We have an appointment with Dr. Min. Kim and Garrison” Tae responds. I’m so glad that he’s able to take over like this because I’ve been running on autopilot for the past three days since The Incident occurred. The nurse quickly checks us in then gives us at least 10 pages of paperwork to fill out.
“Since you two are new patients I’ll need you to fill all this out for me. It’s front and back so make sure you don’t miss anything.” She smiles brightly as she hands over the clipboard and a pen with a bright pink flower superglued to the top of it. We make our way out to the waiting room to bare our souls to all of this paperwork.
“When were we mated? February 27th” The documents don’t take nearly as long to complete as I thought they would but the information they ask for is borderline intrusive. Have we consummated our relationship? If so, how often are we sexually involved? Tae wiggles his eyebrows at that question which makes me smile for the first time since we walked through those doors.
Thankfully we don’t have to wait too long to see Dr. Min once we hand in our paperwork. He’s not quite what I imagined he would be after seeing the other staff members. His smile is bright and wide when he greets us but I can tell he’s a man who likes to show his happiness in ways other than a permanent smile. Nevertheless, his very aura is calming. There’s a picture of a smiling toddler in the arms of a woman with a matching smile perched proudly on his desk.
“Dr. Min Yoongi, pleasure to meet you both,” He says enthusiastically as he shakes our hands before rounding his desk to sit down. “So, what seems to be the problem?” Suddenly he’s all business as he grabs a pen so that he can take notes. The shift is almost a little jarring but time is of the essence I guess.
Tae immediately starts rattling off the details of what happened that day in my apartment. I interject here and there but ultimately leave the storytelling up to him. Dr. Min listens intently, occasionally making a few notes in what I’m assuming is our file. His brow furrows the more Tae speaks. I can practically see the gears in his head turning as he tries to piece together the information that we’re giving him.
“When you say the soulmate mark was fading, how exactly was it doing that?” he looks up from his notes to elaborate. “Did it go letter by letter? Were all of the letters fading slowly at once?”
“It-it was more like when you move a piece of paper over a candle flame. Bits and pieces of each letter seemed to just burn away but it stopped when he grabbed my arm.” I realize that this is the first time that I’ve actually said this out loud since I’d called my mom in a panic that day. It sounds just as outlandish now as it did then.
Dr. Min mumbles a curse under his breath before hastily reaching for his phone. He looks as if he’s been kicked in the knee. He punches a few numbers, glancing at his watch as he waits for his call to be answered.
“I need you in my office now.” He opens his mouth to continue but whoever he’s on the phone with interrupts him to which he rolls his eyes. “Shove that quesadilla up your ass and get in here now.”
This is a far cry from the happy, smiling doctor that greeted us when we first arrived. Frankly, he looks stressed and maybe even a little scared. He gives us a small smile but it’s nowhere near as calming as I think he intended it to be. If anything, I’m even more worried at the fact that he even feels we need to be calmed down. “I’m going to be honest with you guys. If this is what I think it is, it’s bad”
A frazzled man in a white coat that matches Dr. Min’s suddenly bursts through the door. “Hi, I’m Dr. Kim Seokjin.” He quickly shakes our hands before leaning against the filing cabinet behind Dr. Min’s desk. He glances over at Dr. Min with a look that says this better be good. Must have been one hell of a quesadilla.
“Tell Dr. Kim exactly what you told me word for word.” Tae and I share worried glances but nevertheless, we recount every detail of what happened for Dr. Kim. By the time we’re done, his face is a mask of stress just like Dr. Min’s.
“This can’t be what I think it is. Yoongi, tell me this isn’t what I think it is.” A deep sigh leaves Dr. Min as he drops his pen to press his fingers to his temples, eyes tightly closed as he mumbles something to himself.
“What do you think it is?” Tae asks apprehensively.
“Simply put, it’s magic. Faerie magic if you want to be more specific.” Dr. Kim explains rather reluctantly.
“Wait, faeries?” I ask with a confused glance between the two frazzled doctors. “Are you really telling me that Tinker Bell tried to burn his initials off of my wrist?”
“No, no, Tinker Bell is what we call a benevolent faerie. The one responsible for what happened to you? Not so much.” Dr. Min explained. “The magic these faeries practice is old and dark. It’s also the only magic strong enough to” Dr. Min takes a deep breath as if to stable himself “to break a soulmate bond”
It suddenly feels like all of the air has been sucked out of the room. The Earth seems to have stopped spinning on its axis. I can see Dr. Kim’s lips moving but my brain can’t process what he’s saying. It all sounds like gibberish. The feeling of Tae’s hand tightly squeezing mine is the only thing keeping me anchored to reality. Someone, somewhere is trying to split Tae and I apart for some unknown reason and I begin to feel physically sick at the prospect of losing him.
“Jess” The sound of Tae calling my name makes me blink my eyes open though I’m not sure when I’d even closed them. “Jess, come back to me.” He’s got my face cupped in his large hands as I see the doctors standing over his shoulder in concern.
“What happened?”
“Panic attack. A perfectly normal response to what’s happening right now” Dr. Min responds as he returns to his desk. Dr. Kim busies himself checking my pulse and vital signs as Tae looks on.
“I’m checking the two of you into The Center for an extended stay until we can get to the bottom of this.” Dr. Min explains. “We have people who handle this sort of thing but you two physically cannot leave each other’s sides until we’ve got this sorted out. Only the touch of a soulmate can stop this faerie’s magic.”
“Wait but what about school? Our jobs? Our…lives?” I ask incredulously while Tae nods in agreement.
 “I know this is extremely abrupt and inconvenient but, in order for us to help you two, we need to keep you here.” Dr. Min explains as he pushes his phone closer to us. “We don’t know who is trying to break your bond nor do we know why.”
 “We can’t force you to stay but if you want to hold on to each other then it’s in your best interest to do what we say.” Dr. Kim adds on.
Tae releases my hand to drag both of his down his face. For the first time, he lets it show just how tired and worried he is. He’s been hiding his feelings for the sake of my sanity but I can see the weight of everything settling on his shoulders. This is bad. Very bad. He’s been so strong but it’s my turn now.
 “We’ll stay but I need to make some arrangements.” Both doctors relax a bit in obvious relief.
 Dr. Min slides his phone closer to me. “Call whoever you need. I need to go speak with the lab techs. There’s a battery of tests that need to be run before we can even begin to try and sort all of this out.”
 The two men quickly make their exit and I immediately pick up the phone. After dealing with two universities, two crappy places of employment, and two sets of worried parents, I am both mentally and physically drained. A knock on the closed office door precedes Dr. Min poking his head into the room. Tae waves him in and he returns to his desk.
 “The nurses in the long-term ward told me that they’ll have a room ready for you two in about an hour so while they’re doing that I’ll go over the tentative plan of action we’ve come up with.” Dr. Min informs as we listen attentively.
“First and foremost, we have informed the investigative division of your situation.” I didn’t realize that The Center even had an investigative division. I’d always thought it was just a hospital of sorts for soulmate issues. “The involuntary severance of a soulmate bond is actually a serious crime so they’ll be looking for the culprit on their end using the results from the tests we run.”
“And what kind of tests will you be running exactly?” Tae asks as he squeezes my hand in his.
“Magic this powerful always leaves behind remnants so we’ll be running some blood tests on Ms. Garrison since she seems to be the main target of this faerie. We’ll also be running some less…conventional tests such as what we call Readings.”
“Why do I feel like this Reading is going to be less fun than actual reading?” I ask apprehensively. My left nipple is tingling in a way that tells me I won’t like whatever the hell a “Reading” is. Tae always laughs at me when I say that but in all my 21 years my left nipple has never let me down. It’s always guided me through life like a trusty compass and right now it’s telling me that eating nails would be more fun than whatever Dr. Min is talking about.
“I’m not going to lie to you, Reading aren’t very pleasant.” I knew it. Another point for the left nipple. “First you need to understand that magic is akin to a fingerprint when it comes to trying to find out who did what. Essentially what happens is one of our lab fellows will put you in a coma of sorts and they’ll then use the remnants of the magic left in your system to try and trace it back to the faerie responsible for it.”
“But Jess will be okay, right?” I can feel Tae’s panicked energy radiating off of him in waves as squeezes my hand ever tighter.
“Most people come out of Readings completely unscathed; however, the initial toll they take on a person’s mind and body can be a bit overwhelming so she’ll need to stay in that comatose state for at least 24 hours afterwards to give her body time to recuperate.”
My lower lip is drawn between my teeth almost instinctively as my anxiety starts to skyrocket. Finding and being with my soulmate was supposed to be the most exhilarating time of my life and up until now it has been. It’s so unfair that we only got to experience that type of bliss for such a short amount of time.
As if sensing my growing unease, Tae starts rubbing circles in the palm of my hand. I can feel my heart rate slowly returning to normal as he continues his ministrations. Dr. Min goes over a few more basic things before his phone rings again notifying him that our room is ready.
Tae and I are pleasantly surprised that our hospital room is more like a hotel suite with heart rate monitors.
Noticing our expressions, Dr. Min pipes up from his spot by the door as our nurse Miranda sets to hooking up the equipment, “We like to make our patients as comfortable as possible. It’s bad enough that you have to be in the hospital in the first place may as well make it like home.” He shoves off of the door frame before bidding us goodbye. “I’ll see you two in the morning.”
Our parents stop by not long after the doctor leaves with all of our stuff. Of course, the two mothers in the room can’t stop fussing over us. That is until Tae’s younger sister Mihyun gently places Tae’s duffel bag on the bed to reveal a sleeping Yeontan on top of his clothes. That dog can sleep through everything.
Tae and I immediately squeal as we descend upon our “child” while his mom descends on his sister for sneaking Yeontan into the hospital. He gives an excited yip before launching himself into Tae’s waiting arms. We’re allowed exactly five minutes of playtime before Tae’s mom is shooing Mihyun out of the room with Tannie hidden under her baggy sweatshirt.
“We’ll leave you two to get some rest,” My mom says as she kisses my forehead. “Oh, and call Deja. She’s worried sick about the both of you.”
 It’s not till the door shuts behind our family that the excitement of the day finally starts to catch up to me. My eye lids feel like lead weights are attached to them as I cuddle up to Tae under all of the blankets. He pulls me in closer to his side as he continues to flip through the channels on the big screen across from our bed.
“Tae,” he hums in response, glancing down at me before returning to his channel flipping. “I’m scared.”
“Me too, Jess. Me too.”
A sudden flash of light against my eyelids makes me groan as I sling my left arm behind me trying to connect with some part of Tae’s body. That boy is always leaving the blinds open talking about his precious natural light. I for one value my precious natural sleep more.
“Tae. Blinds.” He grumbles some nonsense in his sleep before turning over to ignore me.
“Good morning, sleepy heads!” A cheerful greeting from someone who is most definitely not my boyfriend jolts me out of my slumber. I panic for a moment as I’m not in a familiar bedroom until I remember the events from yesterday.
My sudden movement wakes Tae as he rouses from sleep next to me. He’s so cute in his half-asleep state that I almost forget Nurse Evil and the fact that she woke me up so suddenly.
“My name’s Laila and I’ll be your daytime nurse.” She informs us as she walks over to the computer next to our bed, scanning her ID as she inputs some information. “I need to draw some blood from you, Ms. Garrison if you don’t mind.”
“Of course I mind, but you’re just going to do it anyway” Tae pokes me in the side and I turn my glare on him instead. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s being awakened before I’m ready to do so and he knows this.
“Be nice.” He mouths to me but Nurse Laila seems entirely unaffected by my sour mood. She has the audacity to smirk as she preps my arm, feeling for a good vein to draw from. My left nipple tingles a little and I decide there and then that I don’t like woman.
The entire ordeal takes less than five minutes and she’s out the door just as quick as she came with several vials of blood and a promise to return with our test results when they arrive.
“I don’t like her.” Tae just rolls his eyes before rolling out of bed, arms stretched high above his head as he makes his way to the bathroom. “Where are you going? You can’t leave me here. What it something happens?”
“Well then I guess we’ll just have to shower together huh?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me before disappearing into the bathroom. A few seconds later his t-shirt comes flying out of the open door followed closely by his briefs. Cheeky fucker.
I look to my right and notice that the machine that’s keeping track of all my vital signs can be removed from its wall mount. I hope the manufacturer made it waterproof too but if they didn’t then that’s just too bad because the sound of Tae turning on the shower has set me into motion.
Tae’s head is turned upwards into the stream of water when I enter the bathroom. My mouth waters slightly at the way the muscles in his arms flex as he pushes the floppy strands of his hair out of his face. My mind wandered to days past spent pulling on that same fringe as he buried his head between my legs. Finally dragging my eyes away from his figure, I notice a small shelf on the other side of the shower that will do perfectly at holding this blasted machine.
I quickly strip off the flimsy hospital gown I’d been forced to wear before stepping into the shower. After making sure that the monitor wouldn’t fall off of the shelf, I move closer to Tae and loop my arms around his slim waist. I place soft kisses at the base of his necks before moving along one shoulder. A shiver runs through him much to my delight before he’s turning to face me.
“Hmm seems you decided to join me after all” the smirk on his face promises a good time as his lips descend upon mine.
My head rolls back as his lips move along my jaw before continuing down my throat. His little nips and sucks at my skin are sparking a fire in my veins. His large hands skim my hips until they’re gripping my ass, pressing his pelvis against mine. The feeling of his erection against my lower stomach pulls a low moan from my throat. Tae’s lips return to mine as he lifts me up against the shower wall, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
I pull away from the kiss with a gasp as this new position has the bulbous head of his length pressed against my neglected clit. My hips keen against him on their own accord as Tae dips his head to capture a hardened nipple in his mouth. He grazes it with his teeth, pulling back slightly before letting it go with a pop.
“Tae, please” I’m not entirely sure what I’m begging for but when Tae slides two of his long fingers into me I feel like I got what I asked for. Euphoria sings through my veins as he plunges his fingers into me over and over, making sure to hit that special spot each time. Right when I feel like I’m about to explode the bathroom door flies open and Nurse Laila’s voice is echoing around the bathroom. We freeze where we are.
“Ms. Garrison? Are you-oh…” The glass door of the shower is too fogged up to clearly see her but we can both tell when she realizes what exactly is going on in here. “Your heart monitor rate was pretty elevated but I see you’re just fine.”
Tae and I lock eyes at the sound of the door closing and immediately dissolve into uncontrollable laughter which quickly morphs into soft whines on my end at the way it causes my walls to clench around his fingers.
“Should I continue?”
“Yes please, Mr. Kim.”
A while later, I’m seated between Tae’s outstretched legs as he dries my hair since the wires keeps getting in the way when I try to do it. He’s humming a tune he’s probably making up as he goes and if we weren’t in a hospital I’d say this moment is perfect. There’s another knock on the door and I half expect to get another visit from Nurse Laila but its Dr. Min.
“Hello, love birds,” He’s sporting another one of his megawatt smiles and I can’t help but to smile back. It’s almost like smiling is a contagious condition around this man. “I finally got the results back from all of the blood tests and I’ve got good news and bad news.”
“Give us the bad news first, Doc.” I nod along in agreement with Tae. It’s better to just rip the band-aid off and get it over with.
“Fair enough well whatever faerie cast this spell has some serious, serious mojo. I’m honestly surprised that you didn’t pass out or worse. I’ve never seen levels this high. You’re one tough cookie.”
“That’s my girl!” Tae praises as he tightens his arms around me. I simply roll my eyes and await the so called good news that Dr. Min said he had.
“Fortunately, there are very few faeries that are even capable of casting spells this powerful. That along with the amount of magical remnants left in your system may very well tell us exactly who did this.”
“So basically, our extended stay may not be so extended?” I question warily, afraid that he’ll say it’s all a joke and blind me with his smile.
“That is exactly correct.” He checks his watch before moving to the computer and logging in, clicking a few things. “I ordered a Reading so they should be coming to get you for that later this afternoon most likely after you two have had lunch.”
Sure enough Nurse Laila comes to collect me for my Reading about an hour after we’ve finished lunch. She puts me in a wheelchair, hospital protocol according to her, and wheels me down the hall to the elevator with Tae tagging along as my designated “heart monitor holder”.
We get off on the basement floor of the Center though it looks more like a funeral parlor than a hospital at this point. The lighting is coming from golden sconces that line the walls and the floor is a super thick carpet the color of spilled blood. Every so often we pass by a small table with a golden urn sitting on it. I don’t even want to know what’s in those. Nurse Laila rounds a corner, stopping halfway down the hallway in front of an inconspicuous set of mahogany double doors. She knocks twice and I expect some sort of witch doctor to answer the door but that isn’t the case.
“Hello Nurse Park” The slightly flirtatious tone in her voice has me looking between Nurse Laila and the god among men that opened the door. This Nurse Park person returns her smile but it doesn’t reach his eyes and he looks supremely uncomfortable as he steps aside for Nurse Laila to steer me into the room.
“I’ll take it from here thanks.” He takes the handles of my wheelchair and I can practically sense him rolling his eyes as she makes a flirty remark on her way out of the door. “Keep me near the cross, Jesus. Anyway, it’s pleasure to meet you both. I’m Nurse Park but you can call me Jimin.”
“Cool so what’s up with you and Nurse Laila?” I question as I hop up onto the bed he’s parked my chair next to. This time I watch him roll his eyes as Tae snickers in an armchair next to my bed.
“I just started working here about two months ago and the second she found out that I haven’t found my soulmate yet just like her she’s been trying to get in my pants. I’d tell her I’m not interested but I’m an attention whore so whatever.” I nearly choke on my own spit as Tae claps his hands like a seal in laughter. It hasn’t even been five minutes yet and Jimin is already my favorite nurse.
When we finally calm ourselves down, Jimin motions for me to lay back on the bed as he prepares himself for this whole Reading thing. I watch him move around the room, taking notice of the way his black scrubs hug his ample backside. Tae flicks my bare leg rather harshly when he notices where my line of sight is focused. He doesn’t actually seem too bothered by it though probably because Tae appreciates a nice ass just as much as I do.
“So, what exactly is a Reading? What’s going to happen?” Tae asks as he curls up in the plushy armchair.
“Readings are actually a form of tracking spell. It’s along the lines of a bloodhound using a dirty sock to find the person who wore it.” He explains.
“A spell? Are you like a wizard or something?”
“Not a wizard, no. I come from a long line of witches actually so I think the correct term would be warlock but that’s much too dark for me. I prefer Magic Mike.” He winks at me as he settles down onto a stool behind my head. Tae snickers once more but the mood sobers when Jimin indicates that he’s about to get started.
“Taehyung, normally soulmates are not allowed in here when I’m performing a reading because it’s a difficult sight to see but I understand that there are special circumstances at work here. I can promise you that she won’t be in any pain but I also need you to promise me that you won’t interrupt because that will be detrimental to her and me. Are we clear?”
“Okay now let’s get started.”
Jimin grabs a small bowl, grinding something up in it before dropping a lit match into whatever concoction he’s got mixed up. My eyes get wide at the purple flame that suddenly shoots out of the bowl that’s a bit too close to my head for my liking. A citrusy sweet smell caresses my senses as Jimin rubs some sort of oil onto his hands. The atmosphere in the room is peaceful and I hum contently when Jimin begins massaging his fingers into my temples. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s some sort of masseur and not a warlock.
My eyes drift shut as he continues his ministrations, moving down until he’s working his fingers into the underside of my jaw. I’m on the verge of drifting off to sleep when Jimin starts mumbling in a language I’m quite sure isn’t English. A burning sensation starts at my temples and spreads throughout the rest of my limbs. My back arches from the bed at an angle that should be borderline painful and yet I feel nothing. It’s as if my entire being is contained in a small ball inside my head. I’m aware of everything my body is doing but I feel none of it.
Jimin’s hands have moved to the base of my neck but for whatever reason I can no longer hear the sound of his voice like I could before. It’s then I realize that I can no longer smell the scent of the oil he’d covered his hands in either. The burning sensation I’d felt at the start of this has also faded into nothingness. All of my senses are slowly fading and if I had control of my body I know I’d be flailing all over the place. I can’t even open my eyes. Now I see why Dr. Min said these Reading are unpleasant. It doesn’t hurt but being stripped of your senses like this is enough to drive anyone over the edge.
Just when I think I’m about to lose it, a flash of purple light appears behind my eye lids. Is it the flame Jimin lit earlier? It can’t be, can it? That purple light starts to take a shape that looks almost human. The blob of light soon sprouts hair the same color as the light it spawned from though the roots are a pure white. Skin the color of rich caramel soon takes the place of the purple light but it’s still a faceless human and it’s quite unnerving.
Just as her facial features begin to appear she disappears and the face of a man I’ve never seen in my life is in her place. His lips are full and pulled into a smile that has surely made a few people weak in the knees. Just then, something snaps and he disappears just like the woman before him. My senses return to me immediately after but they bring with them the same intense burning that landed us in this situation. Only this time it’s worse. So much worse. My entire body feels like it’s being doused in flames as a scream tears its way out of my throat.
“What the fuck did you do to her?” Tae yells as he quickly hops on the bed and pulls my writhing figure into his arms. Everywhere he touches instantly feels cool.
“This isn’t me!” He shouts as he grabs at some of the bottles and bowls he’s got in the room.
Tae wraps his hand around my wrist where his initials are as he holds my head to his chest. Tears are flowing down my cheeks as I try to focus on the sound of Tae’s voice in my ear whispering words of encouragement. Jimin’s hand suddenly touches my forehead and it’s covered in something gritty. He quickly says a few words in the same unknown language he was chanting earlier and the burning stops.
“What was that?” I choke out as I attempt to catch my breath.
“I have honestly never had anything like this happen before.” He seems genuinely flabbergasted as he rubs a warm wet cloth across my forehead. “I need to consult with my Elders.”
Jimin disappears through the door and returns a few minutes later with Dr. Kim in tow. He quickly sets to checking my vital signs as he fires questions off rapid fire at Jimin. Dr. Min flies through the door seconds later and the interrogation only intensifies. I can tell that Jimin is none too happy about having his work questioned like this. His fists are balled up tightly at his sides as he grits his teeth. It seems he��s fighting to hold back whatever choice words he’d like to throw at the doctors before him as his full lips twitch.
“I did everything by the book.” He opens his mouth to continue but words start tumbling out of his mouth before I can stop him.
“I saw a man too.” Silence overtakes the room in the wake of my confession. “I’ve never seen him before but I saw his face right before everything went wrong.”
“That is definitely not normal. I need to go speak with the Elders. Now.” He vanishes with a flourish of his hands.
“Why are you interrupting my stories without an appointment, Jimin?” The Elder says though she never removes her eyes from her television set. Teleporting to her living room wasn’t my first choice but this evil ass faerie didn’t leave me with much of one.
“My apologies Elder Ashlyn.” I bow as deep as possible to show that I come in good faith. “We have an emergency of the faerie variety.”
“It must be important if you dared to interrupt All My Children for this.” She waves a hand towards the armchair to her left. “Sit.” I do just that and with great haste.
“There is a faerie trying to break a soulmate bond. I performed a Reading to trace the spell and somehow they used it to make a separate, more powerful attack.” Elder Ashlyn finally turns from her TV to look at me. The fact that I actually have her attention lets me know that this is just as serious as I thought it was which is an oddly validating feeling.
“The person you performed the Reading on, did they happen to see someone else other than the faerie?” I’m taken aback at her question as I hadn’t even mentioned the man Jess had seen yet.
“Well…yes. How did you know that?” Elder Ashlyn chuckles humorlessly as she turns the television off completely, turning her body to face me.
“I know you’ve been around a while Jimin but it seems you’ve forgotten that I’ve lived nearly three times as long.” She steeples her fingers beneath her chin as she considers me for a moment. “I’ve seen this before. Only once, but it’s an experience I’ll never forget.”
One of her fingers twitches and a massive red book appears in my lap. She explains that everything I need to know about what’s going on is in this book. I quickly flip it open and curse inwardly when I realize that it’s written completely in Elotian, the language of the first witches to ever exist. Fuck I should’ve payed more attention in my studies when I’d been forced to take classes on the dead language of my ancestors. I can speak it enough to cast some of the more powerful spells but I sure as hell can’t read it. Elder Ashlyn sniffs in disdain when she sees me struggling to read it. With another twitch of her finger, the words on the page are suddenly written in a language I can actually understand.
“Is this correct?” I question in absolute shock. I know what I just read but there’s no way it can be true.
“I’m afraid it is, Jimin. Now let’s get you back to the Center so we can fix this.”
“We? You’re coming with me?”
“I believe that’s what I just said, Jimin. Listening is key.” I blink wildly as I find myself no longer sat in an armchair in Elder Ashlyn’s but rather back in my Reading room at the Center. God, I hope I can be an Elder one day because I can barely teleport myself sometimes let alone two people at once. She’s even changed her clothes into the long, black robes befitting a witch of her status.
The room is empty so I’m assuming that they took Jess and Tae back upstairs to their room. When we reach the extended stay ward, a hushed whisper moves through the gang of nurses manning the floor as they see Elder Ashlyn gliding through the halls. She’s made quite a name for herself and I’m sure they’re all curious as to why she’s made an appearance.
I remember the room number from Jess’ file so I make a beeline straight for it, cringing as Nurse Laila winks in my direction when we pass by. The door is closed when we reach it so I knock once and open it once Tae shouts to invite us in. They smile at me when I enter but they falter a bit in what looks like confusion when they take notice of Elder Ashlyn following behind me.
She’s intimidating as hell and she knows it. Her hair is a deep ebony shade that seems to blend in with her robes, making the striking blue of her irises even more striking when coupled with the chocolate tone of her skin. She extends a perfectly manicured hand towards the couple as she introduces herself.
“I hear you two are having a bit of a problem.” She opens her mouth to continue when Dr. Min and Dr. Kim stumble into the room, tripping over themselves in their haste. The nurses no doubt alerted them to Elder Ashlyn’s presence the second they could. They both bow deeply the second they right themselves, giving her the respect she’s due.
“Elder Ashlyn, to what do we owe this great pleasure?” Dr. Kim asks nervously after Dr. Min shoves his elbow into his side. Those two act more like brothers than colleagues sometimes.
“I know what’s going on and I know how to fix it.”
Hearing that someone not only knows exactly what’s happening to me and Tae but also how to fix it has my heart seizing up with joy. This is the first time we’ve been able to get a definitive answer from someone and I’m hanging on to her every word.
“So, what is going on?” Tae asks as everyone else seems to be frozen.
“Miss Jess here has not one, but two soulmates and the third wheel is trying to change that.” Two soulmates? She says it so calmly as if she hasn’t just taken my entire world and tossed into the air. Four jaws collectively hit the floor at this newfound information.
“So…the man I saw,” I trail off unable to actually say it out loud.
“Yes, he’s your second mate.” She confirms. “This type of thing happens once every millennia or so and the lore says that you are to meet both of them at the same time but sometimes things don’t happen as they should.”
“So basically what you’re saying is that I’m supposed to share my soulmate with some other man? That’s complete and utter bullshit and I won’t do it.” Tae is absolutely furious. It was bad enough that someone is trying to break our bond but to find out that I was never just his to begin with is probably a crushing blow.
“So, what do we do?” I question, holding on to Tae for dear life.
“First we find the faerie who cast the spell and I only know of one who has enough mojo and the gall to do this.” The Elder holds out her hand with her palm turned skyward and a woman suddenly appears. Her face is unfamiliar but I’d recognize that hair anywhere. “Her name is Antoinette and despite her appearance she’s been around longer than some of the Elder Witches, including me.”
“How can we help?” Dr. Min inquires.
“Monitor her temperature very closely.” She informs as she waves a single hand in my direction. “I’ve stabilized her internal temperature at 98 so if it budges at all, I need to know about it. Jimin and I will be doing all of the heavy lifting on this one.”
“What happens if this other guy succeeds?” Tae has been silently brooding for so long that hearing his voice makes me jump a little.
“Should the bond be broken, you’ll go back to being unmated only this time there will be no one for fate to lead you to.” The Elder says solemnly. I can see her concern for us in her cerulean eyes. “As for Jess, fate will most likely lead her towards this second as they are soulmates.”
The thought of losing Tae has bile rising at the back of my throat as I continue to cling to him. Meeting him felt like taking a breath of fresh air or seeing the sun after being trapped in darkness. I don’t know why my life is such a whirlwind. All I want is to live peacefully with my soulmate.
“We must go make some preparations. We’ll return when it’s time.” Just like that, Elder Ashlyn vanishes into thin air, taking Jimin with her.
A strange silence settles over the room as the two doctors excuse themselves as well, most likely to inform the nurses on what’s going on. The two of us just sitting next to each other in silence is not out of the norm for us but this quiet feels different. It feels heavy almost as if it’s choking us. Everything about this situation seems to be getting worse at every turn. I have a second soulmate out there somewhere who is trying to take Tae out of the picture to have me all to himself.
“Tae I-” he shushes me with a finger to my lips.
“Don’t apologize because I know that’s exactly what you’re about to do.” I open my mouth to protest but he shushes me once more. “None of this is your fault, Jessie.” My eyes water at the nickname that he normally reserves for when I’m in a shit mood and he wants me to smile. Even now when we’re in danger of losing each other he’s still trying to cheer me up.
“I love you,” I choke out as I sob escapes me. “so, so much.” He sighs mumbling an I love you into my hair as he pulls me even closer.
His breathing is ragged as his emotions finally get the better of him. He whispers words of love and encouragement in my ear as he pulls the hair tie out of my hair so my curls fall down around us. His fingers quickly bury themselves in the ringlets as soon as they’re able to, scratching gently at my scalp. I cling to him as tightly as I can afraid that he’ll disappear if I let up for even a second. We must have fallen asleep at some point because I’m awakened by the sound of my phone ringing. I recognize the song as the one I’d set for Deja.
“Hello” I croak out, cringing at the sound of my unused voice. I sound like I swallowed glass.
“Ew why do you sound like microwaved death in a moldy hot dog bun?” Deja has never been one to hold back what she’s thinking. I can’t help but smile at her tom foolery.
“It’s a lot. Can you and Hobi come see us?” I haven’t laid eyes on my best friend in over a week and that’s a crime against God himself.
“Sure can see you in an hour.” I hear her yelling at Hobi before she hangs up and smile at the fact that my best friend is coming to see me.
Fifty-eight minutes later I hear a commotion going on at the nurse’s station down the hall and there’s only one explanation for the rising sound of yelling.
“Is that Deja?” I nod my head yes as I climb out of Tae’s arms, making my way to the door.
“What do you mean I can’t see her?” Deja is about to blow her lid. I just feel it. I poke my head out and see she’s arguing with Nurse Laila. Hobi is standing behind her with his hands on her hips in case he needs to restrain her and I notice Jungkook standing next to him for backup. Part of me wants to let Deja chew her out but I decided enough is enough.
“Deja!” She stops mid yell to look at before flipping Nurse Laila off and walking down to our room. I can hear mumbling curses the entire way until she reaches me, pulling me into a tight hug.
“Can you believe that trifling heifer told me I couldn’t see you because I’m not family?” She fusses. “Just because we didn’t come out of the same vagina doesn’t mean we’re not family.”
“No printer just fax.” I finally pull away and drag the both of them into the room.
Hobi, Jungkook, and Tae immediately go off on a bro tangent on the couch in the corner talking about whatever it is the two of them talk about. Judging by the devious smirks on their faces, I’m not even sure that I want to know.
“Okay sis now spill the tea. What’s the diagnosis?” I take a deep breath and recount everything that’s happened since we’ve been at the Center and she surprisingly doesn’t interrupt. “Two mates? You lucky little shit how do you end up with two dicks to suck? I mean it sucks that one of them is evil and wants to destroy everything but still” Of course that’s what her sex crazed brain focuses on.
I open my mouth to reply when there’s a knock at the door. Seconds later, Nurse Laila comes flouncing into the room. Deja and I wear identical scowls as we look her up and down. The woman hasn’t been outright rude or mean but there is just something about her that rubs me the wrong way. My left nipple feels irritated and itchy every time she’s around.
“You, you, and you, I need you out. Visiting hours are over.” A quick glance at the clock tells me she’s full of shit and Tae notices it too.
“It’s barely 6 o’clock. Visiting hours don’t end till 9…” He lets his statement hang in the air almost like a challenge. The irritating nurse fiddles with her stethoscope though her smile retains its blinding quality.
“I’m aware of that Mr. Kim but that only applies to family members. Visiting hours for non-related parties end at 6.”
“Let’s ask Dr. Min and see what he says.” This time I notice her smile droop a bit as I reach for the phone. I maintain eye contact as I punch in the doctor’s extension, praying he’s in his office to answer.
“Dr. Min”
“Hello Dr. Min, it’s Jess Garrison. What time does visiting hours end for people who aren’t family?”
“There’s no difference. Visiting hours are over at 9 o’clock sharp for everyone. Didn’t your nurse tell you that.” He inquires and I can practically see the confused expression on his face.
“My nurse is a dirty liar but thank you Dr. Min. Have a great evening.” With that I hang up the phone. At this point, Nurse Laila is outright glaring at me. I have no idea what her problem is but she’s got the wrong one if she thinks I’m going to put up with her crap.
A thick mist the color of a donkey’s ass bubbles over the edge of massive black cauldron. Everything about what’s going on is so cliché that it physically pains my warlock spirit.
“Is all of this really necessary, Elder Ashlyn?” I inquire as she hands me a large wooden oar to quite literally stir the pot.
“Magic this dark requires us to old school Jimin. Now keep stirring and don’t let it stick.” She instructs as she consults the recipe in her “magic cookbook”. She tosses in a few more ingredient and the smell coming off of this concoction would make Shrek himself puke his guts out. Me, being but a pure warlock, am on the verge of passing out from the stench while Elder Ashlyn seems totally unaffected. I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again, I can’t wait to be a freaking Elder. This shit stinks.
“Just how dark is this magic anyway?”
“This is blood magic.” The weight of her statement hangs in the air like the foul stench of this potion.
All magic obviously affects the person you cast it at but what many people don’t realize that the person who casts the spell is also affected. Blood magic had been outlawed centuries ago because people were using it to transfer the effects of performing dark magic – which could kill the people who practiced in it depending on the power of the spell – onto other people or animals. Breaking a soulmate bond requires some potent stuff which explains why the faerie hasn’t croaked like a frog but that doesn’t explain why Jess isn’t a corpse though. She didn’t even need the standard 24 hour recuperation after the Reading.
“They’re soulmates.” The Elder interrupts my train of thought to tell me something I already knew. Of course this strange man is Jess’ soulmate. That’s the whole reason he’s trying to break her bond with Tae in the first place.
“That’s why Ms. Garrison isn’t six feet under. Antoinette probably added some of this second soulmate’s blood into her spell. It’s also the reason why Mr. Kim has been able to stop her with just a touch.” Everything suddenly clicks into place. Soulmates are intended to be our ultimate protectors so it makes sense that a spell containing the blood of her soulmate didn’t stop Jess’ heart like it should have.
The god awful concoction is nearing its completion according to the watchful Elder when she suddenly spaces out. She looks like Raven when she was having visions and I want to laugh but she’d probably smack me. When she blinks back to reality she looks visibly shaken. I’ve never seen her look like this, frightened almost.
“What happened? What’s going on?”
“The other Elders. They were attacked.” I drop my oar, nearly letting it slip beneath the surface of the foul substance I’d been stirring.
“Who would attack the Elders?” The Elders represent the oldest most powerful witches currently breathing and an attack on them is quite literally a suicide mission for anyone that dares to try it unless…unless this Antoinette wench is more powerful than Elder Ashlyn had previously let on. I mean, she did say that the broad is even older than her. A faerie that old is sure to be a magical powerhouse and she’s the only person with even half of a reason to want the Elders out of the picture. They’re the only ones able to stop her.
“Everyone lived but none of them are in fighting condition anymore. Apparently Antoinette and her minions organized a surprise attack” Well that doesn’t sound very good.
“Does that mean what I think it means?” I sure hope it doesn’t.
“Yes Jimin. We’re on our own now.” Fuck.
“Can’t we call in some more witches?” The look on Elder Ashlyn’s face tells me everything I need to know. She might be powerful, but she’s only one. The other Elders were supposed to help us.
“Our numbers have yet to bounce back from that last witch hunt in Salem.” We both shudder as we remember that hellacious period where our entire way of life was nearly extinguished. “It’s too risky to call in more help.”
Jesus be with us.
“I think your left nipple was right this time.” Tae asks as we’re laying in bed, deciding to call it a night now that our friends have left. I snuggle up closer to his side.
“My left nipple is always right but what was it this time?” He chuckles and kisses my forehead before he answers.
“Nurse Laila. She’s suspicious and I don’t like it.”
“I told you she was a trifling bi-” Just as I’m about to insult this woman for everything she’s worth, Tae groans in agony. “What’s wrong?” I ask worriedly thinking I’ve accidentally elbowed him or something but he doesn’t answer.
Sweat is beading at his hairline and he’s clawing at his left arm. When I notice that his fingernails are beginning to draw blood, I shift on top of him and pin both of his arms to the mattress. It’s taking every ounce of my strength to keep him from breaking free which leaves me unable to press the call button for help. Guess I’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way. I scream as loud as I can as Tae continues to thrash around and yell as if he’s being scalded. The nurse who answers my calls takes one look into the room and immediately pages Dr. Min.
She runs over to push Tae’s shoulders into the bed when she sees that I’m in danger of being thrown off of his writhing form. His entire body is covered in sweat. I can feel the heat radiating off of him in waves. Tears well up in my eyes at the sight of him in so much pain. I’m hoping that my grip on his wrist will prevent anything from happening to the mark on his skin. A rush of air scares the living daylights out of both me and the nurse as Elder Ashlyn and Jimin suddenly appear at our bed side. They’re appearance is quickly followed by that of Dr. Min.
“Get off of him but don’t let go of his wrist.” I quickly clamber off of him, joining the nurse on the other side of the bed. His arm thrashes wildly now that I can’t hold it down and for a second I’m genuinely concerned that he might pull my arm out of its socket but the thought of letting go never crosses my mind.
“Jimin we need to do a barrier spell.” He nods once and they both wave their hands over my boyfriend. They begin chanting in what sounds like the same language Jimin had used during the Reading.
Tae suddenly stops moving as he’s wrapped in a greenish light. His body lifts from the bed a few inches, taking my hand with it as I continue to hold on. The light continues to grow brighter and brighter till I’m forced to look away. When it finally dies down, Tae is lying peacefully on the bed. It’s almost as if he’s sleeping.
“You can let go now.”
“What was that?” I ask as I crawl back onto the bed with Tae and pull him into my arms. Elder Ashlyn excuses herself to speak to Dr. Min and the nurse, leaving Jimin to answer my question.
“We put a barrier spell on him and your hand coincidentally. It will protect him from any and all magic, including ours, but it won’t last forever.” He runs a hand through the dark red strands that sit messily on his head. “A faerie like Antoinette will probably find a way to break it so I’m hoping we get to her before she can do that.”
“Will he wake up or will he just keep sleeping like this?” I gently brush Tae’s sweaty hair out of his forehead and undo a few of the buttons of his pajama top to hopefully help cool him off. Jimin runs a hand through his hair again before gripping the back of his neck and I can already tell that I won’t like his answer.
“I guess I forgot to mention that barrier spells are often called Sleeping Beauty spells for obvious reasons.”
“So will true love’s kiss wake him up?” Jimin huffs out a small laugh in spite of himself.
“I’m afraid the similarity to the fairytale stops with the sleeping. Only the person or in this case people who cast the spell are able to wake him up.” I nod my head in understanding, looking up from Tae’s face when Elder Ashlyn and Dr. Min re-enter the room.
Dr. Min moves to Tae’s side of the bed, logging into the computer to input some data before he starts hooking Tae up the identical heart monitor on his side of the bed. It had previously gone unused as the faerie’s magic always seemed to be directed at me, but in light of recent events it’s definitely needed now.
“Ms. Garrison, I’ve had a long talk with Dr. Min and we think it’s best that the two of you relocate to my residence.” The Elder informs me as she takes a seat in the couch. “I’ll be able to better protect the both of you there.”
“So when do we leave?”
“Now” She waves her hands and yet nothing changes. The last time she did that she straight up disappeared but this time nada. My neck nearly snaps when I look towards my window and instead of the rose garden in front of the Center that our room had a view of there is a thick wall of trees. They sway in the wind like funeral marchers.
“Did you really just bring our entire hospital room to your house?” Jesus Christ this woman is powerful. She looks like she’s barely older than me but it’s frightening to think just how much she can do.
“Not necessarily. I simply made this spare room look like your hospital room although I did snag the monitoring equipment. It’s quite useful.” She makes sure we’re comfortable before leaving to go do whatever it is Elder witches do in times of crisis. Jimin is about to do the same but I beg for him to stay a while longer.
It’s a little strange to see him in something other than his black scrubs but I’m not complaining. The tight, ripped jeans he squeezed himself into are just what the doctor ordered. The thought of asking to take his picture briefly crosses my mind just so I can show Tae just how thick he is. I know he’d appreciate this sight just as much as I do.
“What made you want to dye your hair red?” I question as he runs his hands through it for the millionth time today.
“I like switching it up. It was bright orange before this, wanna see?” He digs his phone out of his back pocket, scrolling for a bit before he’s handing it over to me.
“You’re probably the only person I’ve ever met who could actually do this and not look like a sad jack o’lantern.” He smiles before taking his phone back.
“I don’t know I think orange would look good on you too Ms. Jess.” I roll my eyes at such an outlandish thought. I would most definitely look like a sad jack o’lantern. Tae suddenly shifts in my arms, his burrowing deeper into my chest with a small sigh.
“I’m going to ring that faerie’s neck. She deserves to rot.” Jimin’s fists are tightly clenched at his sides, teeth clenched as he stares at Tae.
“Why do you think she decided to attack Tae instead of me this time?”
“I have no idea. We’re almost ready to summon her so we’ll get some answers then.” He stands suddenly from the stool he’d been sat on, walking over to the open window. “Then we’ll kill her.”
“Kill her?” My heart skips several beats at the thought of my newfound friend taking a life. No matter how much harm she’d brought down on us, killing her just feels like too much. “Is that really necessary?”
“Supernatural laws are very clear on this matter. Attempting to break a soulmate bond is a crime punishable by death in our world.” He turns finally to look at me. “Why do you care so much? She tried to rip you guys apart. Aren’t you happy we’re taking her down?”
“Of course I’m happy but she’s still a person.” He scoffs at that.
“She lost her humanity a long time ago, Jess.” He crosses the room until he’s towering over me. If he wasn’t my friend, he’d probably be very intimidating right now with the dark expression that’s clouding his soft features. “Try to get some sleep, okay? I’ll be down the hall if you need anything.”
The door clicks softly behind him as he leaves me alone with my sleeping boyfriend. He looks so peaceful like this but I just wish we could wake him up. With a deep sigh, I shift us around in bed a bit and try to take Jimin’s advice about getting some sleep. The bright light of my phone screen coming alive catches my attention in my peripheral. It’s a text message from a number I’ve never seen in my life.
252-799-3245: Hey uhm you don’t know me but I think we need to talk
Normally I’d delete a message like this and keep it pushing but curiosity gets the best of me. I quickly type out a response and wait, biting what little fingernails I have left.
252-799-3245: My name is Namjoon
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airdev · 5 years
Season One - Episode One
This was based off a prompt (link here) that I had to edit slightly to use. I had a ton of fun making this (though my 7 AM self tomorrow will utterly hate it, but what’s new), and I feel like I did a great job. One thing I did differently as opposed to my other writing pieces was omitting as many -ly adverbs as I could, which was quite the challenge (this note doesn’t count please don’t sue me)! So in conclusion I’m very tired and good night. 
This was it. Tonight was the night where Raz would find the Specter of Adonah, as the newspapers called them. When he caught them, a crowd would be there to cheer for him and the mayor would bestow upon him a huge golden medal. How they’d magically appear, he didn’t know, but that problem wasn’t at the top of his priority list. Rather, that title went to apprehending the Specter. From what he gathered at the last major raid a week ago, their hideout was somewhere in the south end of the city. He didn’t have a specific location, but a relative location was very handy.
He ran down block by block, cutting through dark alleys only lit by distant streetlights. He was making his way to the industrial sector where all the factories were located. Sure, an abandoned factory was pretty clichéd, but clichés had to be based off of some truth, right? He darted left in a sharp turn, skidding to a stop before he hit a pole. He then felt a cold rush of air from behind him as the sound of rippling became apparent over the backdrop of traffic. He turned around to see the source of the sudden noise.
There before him stood a looming shadow of a figure. Without even having to think for a minute, he knew that this was his guy. What kind of normal person would go around wearing a black cloak? He prepared to fight by standing in his most ‘I’m a pretty strong dude’ pose, hoping it would intimidate them.
Spoiler alert: it didn’t. Instead, they flew at him, claw-like nails bared, poised to swipe. He jumped both out of fear and to dodge, hearing wind whizz by him. He tried to counter with a punch, but he was stopped with a swift knee into his stomach. He doubled over, and before he could recover he was forced down with a kick. He dropped to the pavement, groaning. He didn’t realize just how good this villain was.
His field of vision was limited to the few objects that were just a few feet away from him. There were mainly stepped on wads of gum, smoked cigarette butts, and a scattered six pack of beers. That gave him an idea. He shot up before they could strike again, grabbing onto one of the bottles with a surge of adrenaline. Holding it by the neck, he smashed it on the pole and shoved it into their body. It stuck in with sickening ease.
They were taken aback by this, taking a few steps away from him. It seemed that they were smart enough to not take the bottle out and bleed out, though they still clutched their hands around the site of the wound. He knew that he hadn’t won just yet, and so he yanked it out, receiving a shocked groan. The bottle didn’t come out with as much ease as it had gone in with. He tossed it away so as to not vomit from the disturbing amount of blood that stained it. By now the Specter was holding onto the walls of a building for support.
“I want a vacation so bad, you know that?” They remarked, all while pressing their hand hard against their bleeding wound.
Raz was quite surprised. He didn’t expect that kind of response from them being stabbed. Then again, he didn’t know what to expect from them anyhow. This was the first time they’d actually met for longer than a minute in addition to the first time they’d spoken. He didn’t get many answers from hearing their voice like they thought they would. He still couldn’t tell if they were a guy or a girl, how old they were, nor their identity.
So, he replied, “I do too.”
He felt queasy watching them bleed out in front of him. It almost seemed too easy, minding the fact that he had gotten his ass beat in the beginning. He was also too afraid to approach the Spector, let alone help them. He kept his distance as they struggled to stay upright.
“I propose—” They said through labored breaths. “—that maybe we should both take one. After this whole situation is over. Goddamnit, I’m so tired.”
They collapsed.
Now he was at an even larger loss regarding what to do. He couldn’t go home with a clear conscience knowing that he would be leaving someone, even the Specter of all people, out to die. It was for that reason that he hugged his arms around their body and lifted them up. It was not as hard a task as he’d thought. They were very light, almost to a worrying extent. He didn’t pay it much mind. He wasn’t one to be judging people for their lack of weight when all he ate was ramen and the occasional subpar meal. That was just the college diet.
Snapping out of his thoughts, he realized that he didn’t know where he was. He didn’t have enough hands to pull out his phone and continue carrying them, so he instead decided to shake the close to passed out person in an attempt to get some semblance of directions out of them.
“Hey, weird question but do you happen to know where the nearest hospital is? I don’t, and it would kinda suck if you died in my arms. Well, I guess not kinda suck, it would suck a lot. But that’s besides the point. So, do you?”
They nodded, murmuring something that seemed like directions under their breath. Disliking how quiet they now were, he ran like Hell until he saw a glowing red cross. Could he go in through the front entrance? Glancing down, he knew he didn’t have much of a choice.
The doors slid open with such slowness that it was painful having to stand, take a few steps, and be met with another pair of doors. After the second pair, he gave up on running and approached the receptionist. She—or so he assumed—looked up to assess the people in front of her for a second before voicing something into the intercom. He didn’t know what it was that she said since he wasn’t concerned with it, but as soon as she said it two nurses appeared, leading him to what he figured was the emergency room. The nurses instructed him to release them onto a stretcher, though when he did they still held onto his hand. He didn’t fight it, nor did he notice it at first.
One nurse began to cut up the shirt they had on under their cloak, revealing the thin circle of red that was the wound. The skin around the circle was a blend of crimson flecks and their pale skin. Seeing the actual wound for the first time made him feel even worse, thus making him glad when another nurse led him to his own bed right next to theirs. He was grateful that they didn’t cut up his clothes as they asked him questions regarding his health. Instead, he took off his coat and shirt while they prodded around his chest. There were already several bruises forming, but the nurse told him that he would be fine, just in some pain for the next few days. He put his clothes back on and went to rejoin the Specter.
They were in much worse shape. There was bloodied gauze in red bags marked ‘Infectious Waste’. An IV line poked through their left arm as a result of a blood transfusion. They seemed to be awake now, their eyes flickering to Raz as soon as he reappeared in their field of sight. With their right hand, they again held onto him, though this time they grabbed onto his arm with their nails digging in a little.
He followed the nurses as they pulled the stretcher down a corridor to a room. When they entered, they put their body onto the bed, and proceeded to wheel the stretcher out, taking themselves with it. Now he was alone with them, neither one of them making a sound. He took a seat in one of the chairs provided, but didn’t move other than that.
“Why did you bring me here?” They asked. Their voice was shaky from a combination of confusion and exhaustion. He could do nothing but shrug and advise them to get some sleep. They listened, their eyes closing within a few moments. Once he was satisfied that they were asleep, he too followed suit. Without having to check the time he knew that it was way past his bedtime, though that seemed quite juvenile. He was very grateful to not have class tomorrow.
0 notes
lostsummerdayz · 6 years
Winter Brawl 3D Wrap-Up!
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Greetings all! With Final Round on the horizon this weekend, the wake of news involving the official start of the competitive Tekken World Tour season, as well as the Capcom Pro Tour being in full swing, I wanted to take some time to go back to Winter Brawl as I have had yet to tell my thoughts on the event!
Three weeks ago. I know. Winter Brawl was three weeks ago. But! Time flies! I needed that time to soak it all in considering how fast that weekend came and went. Now that enough time has passed, I feel I can put my thoughts and everything into words.
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Copyright by Photography by Dstyles, which will be a lot of the photos in this post. Shouts to catching my good side!
For starters, getting there was pretty painless considering it was my first time in Philly in a very long time. I recall the last time I’ve been to Philly was UPenn, way back in high school on a college trip. I arrived there Friday evening with my good friend unexc1ted and was shortly picked up by our other good friend Big Dame. Shoutouts to both of you guys honestly. The latter for giving us that Philly hospitality and the former for being my ride or die that weekend.
In any case, that Friday there wasn’t much action aside from running some sets in Tekken with my boy. It was then I realized something different. Something I didn’t realize until I had my pools the following day.
My matches weren’t anything worthy of note. I lost clean to a really good Nina player who I’m notoriously known for having a bad matchup with. The Nina in question was always on top of me and I had no response to anything she did. I simply froze at the offense. My first match in losers was against an Akuma player who, honestly, I struggled closing out way more than I should’ve.
SO MUCH SO that I got hit with TWO, read, TWO Raging Demons!
I won that match and advanced, but it was then that last night’s session, me falling for things I shouldn’t have, and the following match when I played against a solid Claudio who did moves in which I knew what to do but did the wrong thing to punish. All of these comedies of errors confirmed that I was way out of sync.
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Copyright by Photography by Dstyles, mainly showing the various competition out there
I’ve really, in that instance, lost whatever passion, drive, and motivation I had coming into Tekken and maintaining that energy to win.
I didn’t find the game fun and enticing to me as I did that one Summer day in 2017 when I made top 16 in Defend the North.
That one day when I was one win out of my pools in Combo Breaker last year.
The game evolved in more ways than one, people had evolved to.
I was stuck in first gear while everyone else were already drifting corners around the track.
Needless to say, while my face showed that I was cool and calm, deep down inside I really wasn’t. I hated that I didn’t have that passion anymore. I struggled to find that passion again, and forcing myself to enter a tournament that I had doubts in doing well in to begin with wasn’t the way to go. Alas, after talking to one of my closest friends over the phone back in New York, I regained myself.
I have nothing but love for Tekken and I always will. It was the first fighting game, Hell, one of the first video games I’ve ever owned and played. A lot of memories were shared playing the game casually as a kid and since the very beginning, I always wanted to take a character that was perceived as a “spammy noob dishonest character” as high as I could take him. Eddy always had that stigma even back in Tekken 3 days, so initially I wanted to use him to show others “Hey, people can take this character and work miracles with him!”
Other players had done a far better job at it than I was able to. Guys like Spero Jin and JeonDDing took capos to a global stage that I could ever dream of achieving. But as much as I look up to them, I still want to do what I can to carry him in my own way in my own style. My love for Eddy as a character justifies that.
However, I’m going on a tangent here. As I said in the previous article, that’s going to be another post for another time. I’m sorry for all of the teasing, but, in due time when I feel ready to talk about why I love capos, I will. Promise.
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After I had got off the phone with my bro (Thank you Ryuichi if you’re reading this), I decided to make the best of the situation. Sure, I went 1-2 in Tekken and did abysmal, but I had another tournament to look out for. A tournament I had no idea how I would do.
I admit. I initially signed up for the tournament because it was the low price of $Free, but I always had love for the Dead or Alive series as a whole. While Tekken 3 was my first fighting game as well as my first game I’ve ever owned, Dead or Alive 2 was way more appealing to me in every single way.
Eight-year-old me didn’t know it at the time but the Sega Dreamcast was an impressive system, especially compared to the Sony Playstation which was the only other console I had at the time, due to the Dreamcast being of an entirely different generation. Generations of consoles, Dreamcast’s competition being the Playstation 2, none of that mattered to me.
Dead or Alive 2 knocked Tekken 3 out of the park, since that was the only other competition, again, eight-year-old me saw at the time before I knew how console generations worked, in graphics and gameplay. This also includes how the characters looked, displayed emotion, and above all else the story!
Fighting games having a story! A very convoluted story with questions that refused to get answered until the following games, but still! It had something!
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The last fighting game I played prior which had any molecule of a story was Street Fighter Alpha 3, and considering at the time “eight-year-old” me did NOT understand the Street Fighter story (I am twenty-six and I still don’t fully understand it myself…) Dead or Alive’s story was a breath of fresh air.
Every character had an individual story to tell which all revolved around the main story in one way or another, and every character had something unique to bring to the table. It wasn’t until Tekken 4 that Namco started to put the same emphasis on story and character personality, but DoA 2 would be the last game I would play for almost eight years.
I couldn’t play DoA 3 because it was Xbox exclusive, and when I eventually did get a 360, I joined the DoA 4 train a tad bit too late. While I did play Dead or Alive 5, it followed the same vein as Tekken 6. I dabbed online for a bit, but never took it to competition levels, something I regret not doing during my college years. However, much like Tekken 7, I wanted to get into Dead or Alive competitively as my second favorite fighting game growing up.
So I was all but excited to see how I did, with my very limited knowledge from 4 and 5, entering the first ever Dead or Alive 6 tournament. I always considered Dead or Alive an entirely fun game to look at on a high level, but I never knew how much in depth it was in playing the game until I was given a crash course by Dead or Alive veterans an hour before the tournament began.
At the time of this writing, I have actually picked up Dead or Alive 6, so, my thoughts on how deep the game is had only amplified after playing with it for two or so weeks. Expect a review on the game very soon, in fact. It’ll be exciting!
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It’s me! On the right! And in game, on the left! La Mariposa!
Back to the tournament, a huge special shoutouts to Sly Bass for giving me the time to coach me as well as putting me on to the Dead or Alive group on Facebook. The community, from the various players I’ve met, were all helpful to me in their own ways and I am thankful they accepted me in open arms.
However, all three, count, three matches I’ve had were all on stream.
Somehow, I was able to get away with murder and win my first match on stream. Even though I lost the last two matches on stream, for someone who didn’t know what they were doing, I almost graced top sixteen. Much like Tekken, however, I wanted more. I hungered for more. Every chance I could get I played as many casuals as I could after the tournament. I sat down and dissected the game. I was entranced.
It was a running joke among my friends that I was becoming a “professional Dead or Alive player” much to my chagrin, as I only wanted to enter because it was free and a new experience, but it was fun. Too fun. I was enticed. I guess, as you could say, I really did become a Dead or Alive player overnight.
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The next day, Sunday, was finals day and I saw all three main events. Tekken, Dead or Alive, and Soul Calibur. The Tekken tournament was intense with the finish being as emotional as ever.
SourPiggy took his tournament win in an extreme close set which came down to the wire VS Sayco.
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Copyright by Photography by Dstyles. Sayco right. SourPiggy left.
On the Dead or Alive side of things, Dracarys and his Rig made use of his fancy footwork against Rikuto in another equally close set.
And lastly, in Soul Calibur, Linkorz took it against Saiyne but not without Saiyne making a very impressive run through losers bracket.
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Copyright by Photography by Dstyles. Linkorz (background) watches on as his close friend Saiyne is medalled by Big E himself
Before I close out my thoughts and experiences, I wanted to touch upon the amusements that were available outside of the main tournament hall. Alongside refreshments and a small arcade gaming room, where they held a Windjammers tournament among others, there were several vendors, including my friends over at Keito Krafts who I’m happy to have seen again, meeting them back at Summer Jam.
Among these vendors which caught my eye, was a booth with a diverse amount of stickers.
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So. Much. Dedication!
The first thing that drew me in were the amount of King of Fighters stickers, ranging from various characters, but also their specific versions in relation to their outfits. I don’t think there was a single outfit or character from King of Fighters that were looked over, and considering how many games and characters were introduced in the twenty-plus year franchise, that’s a tall order.
I was able to give a quick interview with Saltamiya, the woman behind the booth, while her assistant helped customers in the background, but it was evident even prior to the small interview that with her being her first ever vendor experience at any event, that she was excited to be a part of the scene.
One thing I always felt about the vendors in conventions and especially in fighting game tournaments, is that they are often not paid as much attention to. Vendors featuring in art, stickers, charms, keychains, and other creative craftsmanship is an integral part of the FGC. It’s what we use to express ourselves while simultaneously supporting the artists and their work and dedication as well.
If you can, please give her support! I’ll leave a link to her Twitter as well as the interview posted below!
Saltamiya’s Twitter
All in all, it was a very great event. The event was well run, and for it being my second Big E tournament, I love how grassroots it is. I feel like I’m at a local, at home, even if I am several miles away from home. Even the staff who were helping run the tournament ensured everything was ran smoothly and all reasonable accommodations were met. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend April Annihilation, and Summer Jam is looking like a maybe for this year, but for my first tournament of the year it was met with a lot of self reflection.  
I’m sure by Combo Breaker, which will be my next major, I’ll have it all figured out by then.
However, this will not be the last time you’ll hear from me for a while! You’ll be hearing lots! Thanks once again to Big E and the staff for making the tournament a blast and best of luck to everyone entering Final Round, April Annihilation, and others in between! May the sun never set on your Summer Dayz!
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