gumnut-logic · 8 months
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It's that time of year again :D
Do we want to have a FABulous February?
I'm thinking we start on Sunday 4 Feb with a brother each week followed by the bonus round?
Don't know what FAB five Feb is? See last year's prompts below the cut, but basically five brothers with five prompts each, one brother per week for February into March. The five prompts are dialogue, place, object, descriptor and concept. You can create what every you like sparked from those prompts, no deadline, no pressure, just fun.
(who, yeah, hasn't worked the prompts out yet, but that is this morning's job :D)
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lisas-song · 8 months
FabFiveFeb - Scott
Author's note: Been a while since I've uploaded anything, so I hope the format is okay. Also, this may be the shortest fic I've ever written!
Wake-Up Call
Scott Tracy woke slowly, letting his consciousness take its time coming back online. He vaguely remembered tumbling into his bed the night before, and a brief review of sore muscles and assorted bruises told him that staying there might be a good idea.
International Rescue had had a rough week. Back-to-back rescues had kept them running all over the globe, until Scott and Virgil had both maxxed out their flight hours, and Gordon was right behind them. No one argued when Grandma shut them down for 48 hours. Scott even allowed himself to be forced into postponing his usual early morning run.
Now, he lay on his side, watching the sunlight filter through the curtains from the balcony and wondered what had awakened him from his first lazy morning in far too long. The waves down on the beach and the various tropical birds that shared Tracy Island were too familiar to have roused him. He did have a vague sense that something was going on today that he should be remembering, but his brain wasn't fully in gear yet. A TI meeting? He didn't think so. There were reports to be complete for both the family businesses; but again, that was too commonplace to stand out.
He was just debating whether a shower might wake him up a bit when he heard it: soft footsteps, a rustling sound … someone was in his room, behind him, blocking the door. Instincts - learned at a time and place far behind and yet ever with him - had him freezing in place even as his brain protested that he was safe at home.
And then came the whispering.
"You shh!"
"I'm not the one tripping over those flippers you call feet!"
Instantly, Scott knew exactly who was there, and exactly what was about to happen. He felt someone bump his mattress, and then they were right behind him. He readied himself as a voice hissed:
"On my count - five, four, thr-"
Taking full advantage of the element of surprise, Scott flung himself over with a roar, wrapping one arm around each of his startled, shrieking youngest brothers and dragging them onto the bed with him. There followed a minute or two of wrestling - and laughing - and then three Tracys lay breathless across Scott's mattress.
"See," Gordon huffed after a moment, "I knew you couldn't keep quiet."
"Me?!" Alan squawked indignantly.
"Guys," Scott interrupted before things could get out-of-hand again, "Maybe we should leave the stealthy stuff to Kayo, huh?"
"Fair," Gordon conceded as he sat up. "Now come on. John's down, and he's making pancakes."
"Yeah," Alan added. He scrambled to his feet and grabbed Scott by one arm, pulling him along. "Happy birthday, Scotty."
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whatgaviiformes · 8 months
My submission for week 1 of FFF. I used the prompt quiet. Since I am out of practice, I'm giving myself the grace to start small and maybe a little less than my usual standards. (I wrote this sprint style in the tumblr app for premium chaos).
The quiet thundered over comms.
Once the ringing dissipated in his ears and he forced himself to his knees with a groan, it was that lack of sound mirrored back at him that sunk his heart into his stomach.
Quiet. Too quiet.
And Scott hadn't been as close to the blast.
"Sound off!" The words were gritty though his teeth. "One."
A crackle, blessed sound, followed not by a number but a mumble.
" 'wo." Stiffled but firm.
"...Three." This was John, not Alan. Sound off had been their father's way of keeping track of five energetic children, so they went by birth order, not their thunderbird counterparts. It would be strange to switch it up now.
Scott frowned, the stab of his heart slowly easing with each acknowledgment breaking the silence. Except John's response, though strong, had been a beat or so behind their usually always-ten-steps-ahead spaceward sibling. It couldn't have been easy watching that explosion. Downtime seemed to be in order
They hadn't made it through everyone yet.
Where are you, four?
Over comms he heard not Gordon, but Virgil as if through a tunnel, "...hold that down...gauze..."
Then slowly, with the vowels drawn out like each was a pain to voice, "Fou...r."
"Less talking, more pressing," Virgil admonished. "Gordon's down, Scott. I could use you over here. Bring the stretcher from Two?"
Scott was running before the sentence was finished. It was good then, Virgil and Gordon were together. Virgil had sounded distracted not panicked, which was a good sign. And Gordon was talking, at least. That left the John of it all, and...
"Five! I'm here. My comms were smashed, but I saw Virg and came to help."
Blessed relief coursed through him, even as the adrenaline of hearing of Gordon's injury inspired his sprint to move faster. Just a few more.
"Kayo? Grandma?"
"Here. Area's secure."
"Fine darling. Better hearing your voice," Grandma admitted. "Now go get our boys out of there. John's coming down."
"Good thinking, Grandma." He grabbed the stretcher and a second medical kit just in case and started his sprint to his brothers' position. "Now, tell me what you know."
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Here's the first drawing for #fabfivefeb
The prompts I chose from the list for Scott was "Who me?" and "Necklace"
The original idea I had for this was basically a cheesy Valetines one, bit it was too easy for me. So I came up with this fun little comic
Here we have some older Scott (He's an uncle in this), where his Niece's Paisley (Alan's daughter) and Brenna (Gordan's daughter) decide to give their uncle a princess makeover. And when Gordan and Alan come and laugh at thier brother, Scott gets them back by making the girls give them make overs too.
Honestly, I enjoyed drawing this- I love the group photo on the last page- the three boys rocking their new princess makeovers. Oh I could only imagine how the others would react to their new looks
"Paisely and Brenna belong to me !!!"
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astranite · 8 months
WIP I remembered it’s Wednesday!
A short bit of a young Virgil and Lucy from what is going to be a fic for Scott’s week of fab five feb and the prompt “Too high”!
- - -
“Virgil, I want you go inside with John and Gordy,” she tried. Less distraction, one less kid she to have to worry about right this second.
“No.” Virgil stood his ground and dug in his heels. “Not until Scotty can come too.”
Contrary to popular belief that mulishly stubborn set to his jaw was all her. There’d be no possibility of getting Virgil to move. So they’d just have to get Scott down.
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phading · 8 months
Thunderbirds Light!
I've been all about angst lately so I thought it was time to serve up a little palette cleanser ...
Part of Nutty's FAB-FIVE-FEB Challenge 2024: "Scott" and "quiet".
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jbarkerstargazer · 7 months
Gordon Tracy Pattern
Here is my contribution to Fab Five Feb
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YouTube Video is here.
Pattern is here
If anyone is interested Gordon is available to buy.
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FabFiveFeb Week 2
I was surprised myself by how quickly I came up with this. But since it's Gordon's birthday on Valentine's (somehow - thank you @squiddo-kiddo for the heads up) I thought I'd write something. So here it is.
EDIT: I forgot to say this earlier: in this fic Gordon is 11, making Alan 9 and the two older brothers in their late teens.
Treasure Island
“Gordo, you sure about this?” asked a worried Alan as his older brother led the way through the cave with a flashlight in hand. It was supposedly one of the brightest you could buy nowadays, and yet the floodlight-like dispersal still failed to fully penetrate the eerie darkness of the cave.
“Don’t be such a baby, Alan. Of course it’s safe. What could possibly go wrong?” Alan’s comment failed to wipe the wide grin off Gordon’s face. His sandals made a quiet splash as he treaded through a puddle with Alan close behind him. The waters below flowed soundlessly through the cavern, appearing murky black even despite the lack of pollution in these parts.
“I don’t know about this,” Alan continued nervously. The diving kit Gordon had made him carry for him sank his left shoulder as they tiptoed as quietly as possible on the seawater-drowned rock.
Dad wouldn’t have approved. Neither would Scott—or either of his other older brothers, come to think of it. But when Gordon had dragged him out of bed early this morning, he hadn’t had much of a choice but to go on a crazy adventure resembling something out of Enid Blyton’s Treasure Island. Dad was sure to be out for most of today, but Scott was sure to be looking for them by now. Not to mention Virg.
“Doesn’t seem like there’s anything here.” Gordon waved the light around, illuminating the dark eroded boulders overhead.
“Then let’s go,” replied Alan, tugging the sleeve of his brother’s T-shirt. He turned around hastily, and a scream nearly deafened Gordon when it reached his ears. Alan was clutching his arm, and he directed the torch to the head of the unidentified figure with a frown.
“Virgil?” He raised a hand to shield his eyes from the blinding light before Gordon had the sense to lower it. “What are you doing here?”
“I was just about to ask you the same question. You don’t know it’s safe down here,” said the taller teenager with a stern look. Gordon held his ground, though he was already unsettled by his brother’s bushy eyebrows that were tightly crinkled.
“Come on…trust me, there’s nothing to worry about. But don’t tell Scott,” he added quickly, “or John. Or Dad,” he said with a hushed tone. Virgil ignored his plea, his eyes instead directed to the small kit that Alan was still holding onto.
“Anyway…” Gordon decided to ignore Virgil, taking the diving kit from his little brother. He took out his goggles and rebreather, and put the gear on.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” came Virgil’s muffled exasperated remark. Gordon toed off his sandals, and taking a deep breath, he dived into the icy water.
It was February. Arguably not a great month for swimming in the ocean, but that never posed a challenge for the Squid Kid. The ocean was his playground, the corals his home. Corals. He switched on his headlight, the weak beam piercing through the heavy waters beneath Tracy Island. Everything was as dark as it had been above, until he spotted a familiar structure, colourful, blooming with life.
He swam closer still, the small polyps waving in the soft currents. He smiled at the sight. But only a second later he realised what that meant. Corals meant sunlight. And sunlight meant he was no longer underneath the Island.
But he wasn’t ready to go back just yet.
He cruised past the corals, his thoughtful gaze caressing the colourful fingers protruding from the seabed. What a way to spend his birthday—only to have his brothers give him a good scolding when he got back. Not that it mattered, because they wouldn’t have agreed to let him go on a Pendergast exploration trip anyway, even if he asked nicely.
He wasn’t sure how long it had been before he reached the end of the small reef, and decided that it was time to go back. Everyone would be up by now, and probably looking for him as well as Alan.
He made it to the surface to find, just as he had expected, he was now in the middle of nowhere. Tracy Island was but a green dot in the distance, but fortunately he was in a good mood for swimming.
Scott Tracy stood on the cliff, his arms crossed. A sizeable bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, a side effect of the morning run he’d just had, his shirt partially soaked. He should have gone in to get a shower and clean up, but he was waiting for someone. Since Virgil had woken up and decided Gordon had gone on a solo adventure, he knew he was going to greet his maverick little brother personally and give him a good piece of his mind.
Gradually a murky yellow dot appeared in his view, growing larger to become a small boy with a golden mop for hair. Gordon reached the shore below him, greeting him with one of his mischievous, guilty grins. “Hey, Scotty…” He reached up to scratch his wet hair, his eldest brother showing no mercy in his stare. Gordon inched towards him warily, fully aware that this friendly Alsatian was about to turn into a wolf after his blood.
“Gordon, what did we tell you about going around exploring the Island like that?” Scott said simply. Gordon squeezed an awkward smile.
“That it’s dangerous?”
“Yep.” Scott said no more, hoping the boy would understand his meaning. He probably did, but pretended not to. He held the look for a second more before it collapsed into a petulant frown.
“Come on, Scott, none of you would’ve let me go down there anyway! You guys are no fun—and I can’t stand that,” he moaned, raising an eyebrow of his brother’s.
“You know why that is. And it’s not like you found a trough of treasure down there,” Scott said, standing firm. “But since it’s your birthday, I might just let this one slide.” His look softened, and Gordon’s eyes lit up in excitement.
“Really, Scott? That’s amazing!” Gordon sprang towards his brother, where he was greeted with a headlock from Scott that almost strangled the much smaller boy. He looked up with a dubious look to see that big brother was smiling.
“Happy birthday, Gordon.”
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nourelle-tracy · 2 years
This is for @gumnut-logic fab-five-feb. I decided to write a tiny fic to go with my drawing. I am not a good writer so excuse me. I haven't drawn digitally in a while *cough cough a year cough cough* so I am a bit rusty but I still am proud of it. Press on the picture for better quality.
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Virgil woke up with a groan.
He was convinced that he was on fire, everything hurt.
He slowly opened his eyes, slightly squinting in the dim light. The familiar sterile smell hit him and had him fully awake in seconds. He was in the infirmary, the soft blue sheets on top of him. He tried to remember what happened, all he did remember was the excruciating headache he had in the morning before brushing it off after being called for a rescue.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty"
The voice startled him, and he glanced to his side to see Gordon sitting next to his bed.
"Gordon? What happened?" He tried sitting up, but everything was spinning and he ended up slumping down again. Gordon, bless him, adjusted the bed so he was in a seated position.
"Well not much happened grumpy head, just the casual. You know collapsing after the rescue because you were running a high fever and was almost cooked alive, yeah not much."
Virgil groaned as he buried his head deeper into his pillow. Well that explains alot, and Scott was definitely going to chew his head off.
"Well, did you debrief yet?"
"Oh, it happened yesterday." Gordon casually stated.
"WHAT??" Virgil sat so fast that the room spun dangerously. He felt Gordon steady him, as he casually shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah, you've been hibernating for a day"
The room fell silent, which wouldn't usually be such a deal if it wasn't Gordon sitting next to him. Gordon and silence didn't mix at all, ot was a fact, and that only rang alarm bells in his head.
"Gordon..?" He carefully tried to urge him to speak.
"Oh look what I got you" A teapot appeared in his hand, which he didn't notice until now. "Black tea, your favourite"
"You know that black coffee is my favourite, not tea"
"Yeah, yeah, but it's good for the cold"
"That's not-"
"Your hair is a mess"
"Well luckily for me, I'm not the hair freak, Scott is, and unluckily for you, changing the subject won't work."
Gordon sighed, it was then that he noticed the dark bags under the amber eyes, which lacked the mischievous glint they usually had.
"What's wrong" Virgil carefully prodded.
"Don't  you ever do that agian, Virg. Don't you collapse on me like that. I thought... I thought you died or something. I was worried and-"
"Hey, hey it's okay gordo, i'm okay now" He felt guilty for making him worry that much. He didn't want to imagine how he must've felt when his brother collapsed on him after the rescue, all the possibilities he thought of.
"Come here" he moved to the side, making room for Gordon to squeeze into his side. He wrapped his hand around the squid's arm, pulling him until he rested his chin on the blonde mop of hair.
"I'm sorry fish, I promise not to do that again. I'm okay now" And just like that, he held him tight and promised himself not to ever ignore a headache before a rescue, if only for the sake of his little brother.
(Feat. The mug which definitely was a gift from gordo)
Hope you like it, I'm a bit crusty but yeah I definitely enjoyed this alot!!
*hugs gumnut for this amazing event*
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gumnut-logic · 8 months
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Week One of FabFiveFeb 2024.
This week the bro is   SCOTT
The prompts are:
"Who me?"
too high
Take this bro and one or more of these prompts and write, art, sculpt, create anything. No pressure, no real time limit, just start here and see where it takes you.
When you are ready, post the result and tag it #fabfivefeb and #fabfivefeb2024
If you are not Thunderfam, then you don’t have to play with Scott, just pick your favourite character and grab a prompt or two.
If you are Thunderfam and Scott just isn’t the bro for you, do not worry. As long as his name is in there somewhere, you’ve done it. But remember, part of the writing experience is to branch out and try new things…you never know what another brother might do when you try him on for size :D
In any case, the most important thing is to have fun, share the results and the love.
So, have at it!
(off the edge, but learning to fly)
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lisas-song · 8 months
Hey, have I missed the prompts for #FabFiveFeb? I started trying to put something together, and then I realized I was using last year’s prompts!
Edit: Yay!
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whatgaviiformes · 7 months
Fic: Reflection
Summary: Gordon stares at himself.
Words: 1K
A/N Prompts used - window mostly, but also thoughtful because it became a Gordon pov character study. Happy birthday, squidling.
Gordon startles as his reflection becomes apparent in the now clean glass of Two’s windshield. Not to where he’s unsafe; Virgil’s made sure of that with both of them secured from above within her hangar. But enough that he pauses, sitting back on his heels. It gives his shoulder a break, since his entire right side is sore from channeling all that elbow grease into relieving his brother’s girl of the dirt and grime left over from their latest rescue. A mudslide. Naturally.
He can imagine the jokes now. If Alan were here, it would be unending laughter at the fact he was startled by his own reflection. And if it were Scott or John or even Kayo, there’d be a nudge or two towards the fact he can’t yet stop looking at himself. But since it’s none of those siblings, and it’s instead Virgil – Virgil, who’s obliviously focused with his headset blocking out the rest of the world – there’s no one that can make Gordon embarrassed by his entirely human reaction. Not that he would feel embarrassed. No regrets and all that. Plus, he had dirt on all of them, including Tin, if they tried to imply otherwise.
His expression in the window pulls into an amused smirk. This is one usually directed to others and isn’t one he sees for himself all that often. Except, he’s pretty sure he’s passed on his mischievousness to Alan, so he’s at least had it mirrored back at him from his youngest brother. There’s a bit of John in it too. He raises his hand up to where the inherited competitive streak sits along the curl of his lips.
The image of himself does the same.
It’s more prominent in his own features than John’s. His older brother was more subtle about his ruthlessness simply because he didn’t have to try to be the best in most things. He just was. In Gordon’s case, the tenacity had always been there – probably ever since he was lucky enough to be conceived in a family of overachievers. By the time he was able to think for himself, the sky had been done, the stars had been done. Hell, even math and sciences and music were all spoken for.
Whether Gordon then found things unique to his brothers’ passions on purpose, or whether those things found him, he didn’t really know. But they came to him, and through swimming and the sea and marine life and laughter, he found out how to be his own man. But he worked hard to get there.
The determination, though; that lives in his eyes. Honey-brown, and soft where the light catches joy, but hard as topaz when alight with fire. Today, they stare at him somewhere between amber and jasper, heavy with the memories they are cleaning off the window. If he had to put a pin on what exactly had originally caught his attention, it was them: the eyes and their unnatural brightness staring back at him.
In order to keep the hair out of his face, he’s pinned back his fringe with a few bobby pins stolen from Kayo’s collection. There’s scarring above his brow, long since healed over time, but still stripes a shade lighter than his natural skin tone if one looked closely enough.
From the same accident that injured his back. And yet, so grievous was his injury to his spine, he hadn’t really had time to think about how his face had changed, how serious the head wound could have been. More times that he cared to admit, he wondered why. Why he survived. Why it happened to him in the first place.
Maybe in another life, he would have been able to stay in the service long enough to be decorated like Dad, like Scott. He imagines who that man would’ve been, WASP Lieutenant Tracy. For a moment, his eyes catch those across from him, the scars fade behind a company issued cap, and the gaze hardens.
He shakes himself free of the image. It’s a distant dream. Though medically released from duty, he parted ways with WASP knowing he’d given his all to the path he’d chosen for himself. At least he could always say that – he never wavered. And when all he had was his heart beating that kept propelling him into the next moment, it was knowing he hadn’t given up that kept him from true despair.
Virgil was a large part of that too.
He glances to his right and Virgil’s watching him, not saying a word, just observing him survey himself. Gordon slides down to begin cleaning another section of the window – because contrary to popular belief – he likes this work. Sure, he sometimes might get a little behind in straightening his own room, and there’s literally no sense in not trying to play basketball with trash when the disposal is right there asking for it. But this is nothing on the tasks the military would use to break him down with his fellow recruits. Plus? There’s something incredibly satisfying about revealing the pristine beneath the dirt, just like those oddly satisfying videos of grime being cleaned off old rugs.
When she shines, she really shines.
Oh, lord. He loves this ship. He’ll never admit it to Virgil, and Four is still his number one girl, but he loves what Two represents – steady, strong and sturdy through heavy winds. She’s an extension of Virgil himself, and if he didn’t love her already he’d still adore her for that alone.
Gordon sighs, and when he does so, Virgil lifts one side of his headphones off his ear and tilts his head curiously.
“You ok?” he asks.
Gordon beams at him. “Just admiring my handsomeness.”
“No shit.” Virgil tosses a wet rag at him, which Gordon catches in his left hand before it hits him in the nose. He eyes the bucket below them, then leans over to let it drop. Virgil grins when it misses, and he grabs a clean one he’d left hanging from his side pocket. For a moment, Gordon fully thinks he’s gotten away with it. But then, Virgil says “you’ve come a long way” – the words chuckled to himself only once he’d realigned his music and began humming in that way that meant he hadn’t meant for Gordon to hear.
Gordon smiles to himself, and he winks at his reflection.
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Week 3 of FabfiveFeb, featuring John Tracy himself. The prompt word I chose was "Smirk" - I will metion that it is a little valentines inspired, being that valentine's was last week)
I thought the word smrik was quite interesting, mostly as it doesn't seem like a word I would associate John with.
Eitherway, the way I took it was that although we all know John is a bit more of an introvert, for some reason he decided to try being a little more extrovert. Being back on earth for a while, he decieds to meet up with his "friend" Captain Ridley O'Banon. Slightly dressed up with a rose in his hand he attempts to be more extrovert by being a little flirty. when he does so, Captain O'Banon is taken by surprise as it's not like him to do something like that.
Of course, he gets a little flustered after doing so as he feels he made her uncomfortable, Ridley could see he felt a little awkward for doing so, but she came over, looking into his eyes and assuring him that it was ok. She made his face fluster a little more when she took the rose a place a small kiss on his cheek.
Anyways, That's the idea I had behind this one and it was fun a fun challenge to interpret this prompt world.
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psychoseal · 2 years
How to wake a sleeping bear!
Gordon is chosen to complete a dreaded task! Written for Fab Five Feb Virgil week. prompt used - carefully. 
find out what method Gordon chooses right here
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jbarkerstargazer · 8 months
Fab Five Feb Scott Silence
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FabFiveFeb Week 1
This is a short one (part of a larger fic I've been working on - should be done in a few days), inspired partly by @gumnut-logic 's Scott prompt 'necklace'. I've noticed this one is a popular one…thought I'd try a 'failed Valentine's' take on it. Anyway enjoy!
“Who’s this for?” Helen asked dreamily as she fingered the fine silver chain on the edge of Scott’s desk. A clear blue gem hung on it, sparkling in the late morning sun that was pouring in through the huge windows.
“It was my mom’s,” he replied absentmindedly. He was more interested in getting back to the work that she’d interrupted than in the pendant necklace that had always been kept in the office. He turned his gaze back to the papers he’d been working on, but she continued.
“Diamond?” she asked.
“Sapphire,” he replied more calmly than expected. He looked up, the stone reflecting in her own pale blue eyes.
She held the chain for a lingering moment before she put it down and left. He knew what she was expecting, that he’d give it to her. That was never going to happen, but then it only just occurred to him that Dad had given Mom’s necklace to him because he knew he might have some use of it one day. To give to someone. And he might have, if only he’d remembered what day it was today. February the 14th.
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