#Fabian got home to see his mom leaving and I was already ready to cry
hamable · 8 months
Fantasy high junior year is so real. Funniest shit I’ve ever heard for one half of the episode and the most real, tangible post-road-trip exhaustion and dread of having to return to responsibilities and how heavy it all is in the second half and it’s just so good.
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blznbaby · 5 years
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x Marcella (MC)
Rating: G. Fluffy
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixleberry Studios. I'm just borrowing :)
Tag list: @museofbooks @callmetippytumbles @cocomaxley @hopefulmoonobject @pixieferry @i-choose-liam @zaffrenotes @brightpinkpeppercorn
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Liam stared at his wife with adoration. She was beautiful, amazing, incredible...in the six languages he could speak he still couldn’t find the right words. He’d cherish the precious memory of her holding their son for the first time for the rest of his life. In his mind, Marcella had become elevated to something more than a goddess. Their love had created life and that fact alone was enough to render him speechless. Good thing, because he didn’t want to utter a word in fear of spoiling the perfect moment, but once Marcella looked up at him with so much love in her glittering chestnut eyes, the dam broke and the tears flowed freely down his face. He’d never been so happy, so proud, so humbled, or felt so blessed in his entire life.
That night, Marcella refused the offer to have the baby sleep in the nursery so she could rest; she didn’t want him out of her sight and honestly, neither did Liam. Even the amount of time he’d been whisked away to get weighed, cleaned, and checked had almost been too much for him to bear. He watched them like a hawk and asked repeatedly for his son to be brought back, much to the amusement of the staff. However, the king was not amused and commanded his son’s return. Despite Marcella’s fears, Liam knew she’d be a brilliant mother. She had a kind and caring nature about her and possessed all the qualities that made for a good mom, and the first night with their baby proved it. Throughout the night, Marcella had woken the instant their son stirred, having him already changed and fed before Liam could blink his eyes open. He offered to get up with him so she could sleep, but she declined. He didn’t want to be one of those fathers who just stood back while the mother handled everything. He wanted to help. He laid his head down hoping she’d be more willing to share him once they were back home.
It was strange and exciting, having a baby, their baby in the palace. Marcella had relaxed a bit and Liam had taken endless pictures of their son sleeping…because aside from feeding that’s all he did. Marcella watched Liam carefully as he cradled and fed Fabian Leonidas Yo-han Rhys. They’d named him after Liam’s role model, King Fabian, while his middle names payed homage to his brother and his mother’s Korean heritage. Afterwards, he laid the baby across his chest, telling Marcella to go to bed while he put Fabian down. Afterwards, Liam crawled into bed next to his wife, her body perfectly tucked into his. He smiled as he held her, grateful that life had given him a marriage and family based on love instead of duty. It had only been a dream until recently. “Love, are you still awake?”
“Hmmm…I am now,” she whispered.
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to tell you that I’ll get up with Fabian tonight so you can rest.”
“You don’t have to, Liam.  I can—“
“He’s my son, Marcella. I want to. I will handle it,” he argued, a soft note of admonishment in his voice. He’d been trying not to take her insistence at doing everything for the baby personally, but he was. She turned to face him. His face was serious…intent. She had to admit she really hadn’t given Liam much alone time with the baby, if any. Not that she didn’t trust him, she did…completely, but she knew her refusal would be taken as the opposite. “Okay.” She was met with his signature thousand-watt mega grin and she brushed a kiss to his lips. Liam fell asleep almost instantly with the corners of his mouth turned up and his heart bursting with joy. Everything he ever dreamed of, he had. He was a lucky man.
It was well past midnight and Liam slept as the baby cried. Marcella gave him a swift kick to the shin and told him to get moving. He stumbled from the bed and prepared a bottle before heading to the nursery. He took his time with the diaper change, savoring the moment, etching it into his memory, and then settled in the old rocking chair that once belonged to his mother and proceeded to feed his son. He studied Fabian’s dark hair that he inherited from both him and Marcella, but his jaw and chin were definitely from the Rys bloodline while the shape of his nose and eyes were identical to Marcella’s, much to his satisfaction. He remembered telling her on the balcony in Valtoria that he wanted children whose eyes looked just like hers. He was the perfect combination of them both. He counted ten fingers and ten toes and brushed his finger over his son’s impossibly soft cheek. Once he was done feeding, he laid the infant over his shoulder, patting his back gently to bring up any wind. When all was said and done, he looked down upon his son cradled in his arms looking so calm and peaceful and decided to stay and hold him a little while longer.
Marcella watched quietly from the doorway. She knew the point of him getting up was so she could get some uninterrupted sleep and her spying defeated that purpose, but she just wanted to take a quick peek to see that her boys were okay. But once her eyes caught sight of them, she couldn’t will herself to leave. She honestly didn’t think her heart could be any more full with love than it was in that moment. The picture of father and son together was so moving and beautiful, it hurt. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched her amazing husband rocking their son in the same chair his mother use to rock him in. Feeling like an intruder on such an intimate moment, she began to walk away when she heard Liam speak. “I’ve been waiting for you, little one. Mommy and I love you so much already. She’s an amazing mom, and I promise to be a good dad. I will always be there to encourage and support you…and to challenge you. So just know that if I ever ask more of you than you think you’re capable of, it’s because I know you’re capable,” Liam smiled and continued to rock, his thought turning inward. “I can’t believe you’re here. Mommy said she wanted to wait a bit to have children, but I’m so glad she settled for sooner rather than later.”
Marcella bit her bottom lip at his words to keep from crying. They had it all planned out; they would start their family immediately after the wedding, but with all eyes on her and the constant pressure to produce an heir, Marcella had a change of heart. She told Liam children could wait and he seemed to understand, telling her he was happy to just have her, children or no children, but she saw the sadness behind the façade, a sadness that hadn’t been there before. He never pressured her, but the longing looks anytime they encountered a family, or the gentle smile that appeared on his face whenever he saw a newborn didn’t go unnoticed. Liam adored children and got on with them naturally, citing it was because he never had a real childhood and was still a kid himself in some aspects. It wasn’t until that day she’d been watching Bertrand and Bartie playing together in the hedge maze, she’d realized she wanted that for Liam…and for herself. She was terrified, excited, and nervous to tell him she was ready, choosing to do so after one of their weekly Netflix and chill nights when they were relaxing together with a bottle of wine.
“Everything all right, love?” Liam asked. His cool, calm, and collected wife had been stammering over her words the majority of the evening, which was very unlike her. Marcella was always so sure of herself. Something was definitely bothering her and he was growing more alarmed by the second. Marcella sighed, trying to pull herself together. “Well, there is something that’s been bothering me and I don’t know how to bring it up to you.” Liam could only think of the negative connotation that came along with her statement. “What is it?” he finally asked, his gaze never leaving hers.
“Are you…are you ready to try for a baby?” she asked him softly. Liam almost fell off the couch at the question before his eyes softened, welling up with emotion. He swallowed hard, trying to get past the lump in his throat. Marcella watched as he struggled to speak before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He exhaled and opened his eyes a moment later, much calmer than before.
“You’re ready?” he managed to choke out.
“I am.” And she was. Sure, she was scared, but with Liam by her side she knew she could conquer anything, including parenthood. They were ready. Liam couldn’t help the smile that formed across his face as his mind filled with thoughts of having a mini version of him or Marcella running around.
“Are you sure?” All she could do was nod from the lump now in her throat. He grabbed her face and crushed his lips to hers. A cry escaping him as he kissed her deeply thought their intermingled tears, holding her so tight she thought she might break. He had wanted this so badly, and he had feared that it would never be the right time.
She smiled fondly at the memory of them “trying” for a baby. They both had a more than healthy appetite for each other and they’d joked that increasing the frequency of their lovemaking might leave poor Marcella unable to walk properly. She stopped taking her birth control and conceived in no time. Liam adored her pregnant body, saying that it made her even more sexy and beautiful. He’d kissed her belly every day, rubbed it every night and he even sang to it—terribly—but the gesture and the lullabies he crooned from his own childhood were beautiful all the same, and sometimes she’d look up to see him watching her with the softness expression of happiness, love, and admiration. He was fiercely protective. He went overboard on the nursery. He went overboard on the clothes. He went overboard on the toys. It was sweet until he started reading baby and pregnancy development books absorbing the information like a sponge. Much to Marcella’s dismay. She tried not to choke hear dear husband…one cup of coffee wasn’t going to harm the baby.
And even though she had her fears as a mother, she knew Liam would be an incredible father. Liam smiled down at his son, “you know, I’ve loved your mother from the moment I saw her. I was planning the wedding inside my head before I had even asked her to marry me,” he chuckled before his face grew serious. “I love her so much. And I love you too, little guy. I will stop the earth on its axis for you, if necessary,” he swallowed hard, and she knew he was fighting back tears. “Fabian…you are the greatest gift she could have ever given me.” Marcella’s tears overflowed; she could no longer stand by and watch. She pushed the door open. “No child could hope for a better father than you,” she said kneeling beside Liam, wrapping her arms around both of them. “I love you. I love you both more than anything.” Liam wrapped his free arm around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, amazed that his whole world fit in his arms.
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
63. Part 2
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We have not even left, the plane hasn’t even taken off and I am worried already. I am leaving my son for the first time, I mean I am not worried that Cassius can’t look after him but it’s like what if he struggles and I am not there. It’s like I have left my heart at home “I know that look Sofia, stop it. I am sure he will be ok, he seems quiet” she knows I want to run back to them “he is, it is because I have told him. About what happened” Amira let out an oh “and how did it go? Do you feel better about it?” nodding my head “I do but I also feel bad that I told him, I feel like I have hurt him. He was so hurt, he said anybody but you. But I think it will make him aware on how I feel about things, I said to him that I don’t hate him for it but if I do get that way you know why. It could have been worse” it really could have been “right, I just want Kyle and him to make up now. It’s weird to have them like this, Kyle seems so lost without him too. Kyle hates the thing they do anyways, he knows he has messed up. I feel like Kyle is shrugging it off like Cassius will make it up to him but I think Cassius is really like done with him” my eyes near buldged out “what!?” I spat “seriously, Cassius is on this new me vibe, he is keeping face but I think he will keep his distance with what he is doing, I see Cassius playing no games with things. He will build himself back up but bigger and better with nobody by his side like he was before, I see it” Amira has been really thinking on this “that is his best friend Amira, that is stupid” Amira moved in her seat facing me “listen to me, I think what will happen. Cassius will build his empire without Kyle, and then he will be friends with him but this time, it won’t be for business. Just friends. I know it, trust me on this but I think Kyle will be upset. I think Cassius has cut him off, he is angry with him. Kyle has let him down before” letting out an oh “well you should know it more then me, but I would never let that happen. They will be friends” Kyle is a good man so I will not let Cassius do that.
I hope I haven’t upset him too much, I hope I haven’t put back his healing process because of this. It does feel like a weight has been lifted from me but what about him, he did take it well but I am worried for him. What is he not showing me that he may do now I’m gone, will he vent his anger elsewhere. I know that has hurt him so much, and I have forgiven him for it. Looking out of the plane window, I miss them both already. I really wish Cassius said he needed me to stay back because then I would have, I wouldn’t have gone at all. I need to just clear my mind, it’s a little break away with my friends and if anything was to go wrong he would let me know which it is straight forward, I have laid everything out for him. Told him to put the dirty clothes in the hamper, the hamper is literally in his face. I moved it because I want him to see it’s there, he will only travel so far into the room to search for it. Maybe I am babying him, but I just want him to have a good time with his son and not say he was crying throughout “I miss my son” I said, Amira groaned out “see I can’t say I miss Kyle, because I really don’t but that’s your baby. You gave birth to that so of course you will feel it, it’s just a few days. Stop it” taking in a deep breath “it is” I mumbled “I’m being dramatic now” let me stop now because the girls will hate me.
I am anxious in meeting my friends, they said they will see me at the airport but I am just anxious in seeing them after all this time. Mia seeing Cassius come back from rehab and then all this mess, I just don’t want them to judge me on this wedding thing “this fertile bitch!” Olivia spat, looking to the side of me and Olivia hugged me “you fertile fucking bitch! Oh my god!” I laughed out hugging Olivia back “oh god, I have missed you so much Sofia. To see you again, I thought we lost you!” I feel choked up “never, I love you guys so much” I breathed out “it’s been months Sofia, I just thought you didn’t want to know” I did ditch them “I am sorry, I would never let you go” moving back from the hug “don’t cry, I was just worried. You my sister, I love you so much. You know that” I am so emotional “I know but I just feel bad, it’s so good to see you, you look so well” I strained out “and you pregnant again, you look so well. Don’t cry, we can spend some time together now. Amira, girl how are you” Olivia walked by me “bitch” Mia said with her arm open “Mia” hugging her “I love you girl, you look well” I smiled wide, I am happy to see my friends.
Turning around in the SUV “if you wasn’t pregnant I would make you sit in the back but Mia told me, how is Cassius? Is he ok now?” taking in a deep breath “he is well thank you, he is taking care of Cartier for me. I am slightlly nervous, but he is well. He is more content and I couldn’t be happier with him. Cassius doesn’t see it but he has so much love, look at you girls asking about him. It means so much to me but he is well” Olivia smiled at me “he’s a good guy, I know I fucked up that time and I am sorry but he is a good guy. You think he will be ok with the nephew?” nodding my head “well I erm hope so” I chuckled “if not then we got problems” then I will have to go back “I am nervous though, like very nervous because it’s me leaving my son and yes I am going to keep on talking about it” the girls groaned out “bitch you need to relax but you going to be the good girl in the group, I hope he knows we going to the club. You don’t even look pregnant” letting out an oh, I didn’t get that part of the memo.
The girls wanting to go othe club, I mean I didn’t think we would be doing this and also I am becoming a very boring bitch I know but I don’t think Cassius will like it “you’re pulling that stupid face” Mia pointed at me “well you know me” placing my bag on the bed “yes I know you, you know we was about to turn up. Yes I know you can’t drink but we got to have fun” nodding my head “I know, I will stop being a boring bitch. I will just check on Cassius. It’s been a few hours” searching for my phone in my bag “ok you do that. Don’t worry about him, honestly. I think he will be ok, we will look after you too” smiling at Mia, seeing a text from Leyton. Unlocking my phone to check the text.
From: Leyton
To: Sofia
He is so cute!! he looks like us and that is good. Are you in California now?
All of my family say that but he does have Cassius in him, I want my son to have Cassius in him and be like this dad, replying back to Leyton.
From: Sofia
To: Leyton
He does and yes I am in Cali now, speak soon
Pressing send on the message and tapping on Cassius name to call him, I hope Cartier is being good. He should be asleep now, I did write this down for him but will cassius read rules, he wont “hey bub, you get there?” I love him “I did, I am here. I am ready to go home now, I think I am done here” I laughed as I turned around to sit on the bed “don’t say that, you have fun, is the place nice where you at? I hope it ain’t tacky” biting on my bottom lip, I love hearing his voice “it’s nice, it’s a mansion type thing anyways. She did well, the weather is nice here, how is my baby?” I can’t hear him “I am ok” Cassius and I both laughed “you know who I am speaking on, is he ok?” it is very quiet “he is asleep, I gave him his bottle. I burnt my wrist, I don’t get all that checking wrist bullshit, so I did that. And he fell asleep, now I am just downsatirs. I spoke to Henry and he was just telling me that I should forgive myself for what I did, I am finding that part hard, because I am so sorry” pulling a face “stop it, it’s ok. I am happy you are speaking to Henry but I want you to be ok, I want you to see you wasn’t there, I forgive you. Please don’t be upset about it” he sighed out, maybe telling him I am going out at night is a bad thing because then he may think things and I don’t want that “I love you Cassius and you know that” I think I will keep that away from him.
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Stood on the balcony as I smoked my blunt, I should be proud with what I got and what I have done. I mean from what I had, I had no life and now I got a son, another baby on the way and a wife, that is a lot for me. I am trying to keep positive, I am trying to seek positive energy and I need this blunt before Cartier wakes up, I went to sleep at eleven I think and I made sure I was going to be awake before him. Squinting my eyes at Kyle just coming back home, wonder where he has been. It’s like seven in the morning, could be the club but he ain’t on my list of people to do things. Placing the blunt between my lips, seeing everyday people just waking up to go to work, it is rather cool to see the world just going by. Blowing the smoke out from my lips seeing Fabian walking at front of my yard, he looked up at me and I just nodded my head as I moved back. Looking over at Kyle’ crib, he also looked at me but I turned away. I am cool on that end.
Wrapping the towel around my waist, I can hear Cartier crying. I had the chance to shower, he luckily let me do that. Jogging out of the bathroom, I should have put Cartier in my room but I didn’t. I am feeling a little high, I mean I am ok. Jogging down the hallway and to Cartier’ room, pushing the door open. Cartier is stood up crying “hey” I smiled at him and he let go dropping into the crib, I don’t think he wanted to see me at all. Walking over to his crib “Cartier! Son, you can’t be doing that to me” looking down into the crib, he cried out “aight cool, you are doing that to me” reaching into the crib and grabbing his pacifier “here” placing it in his mouth “I need to get some clothes on” tightening the towel around me “so you need to just relax in my room until I can just feed you” picking him out of the crib, holding him out to me “I am wet too, but you got to cheer up. You can’t be crying on me like this, we boys” Cartier is quiet now so I will take that.
I snorted laughing “yooo, your mom would kill me. This shit is bad” this whole feeding business is not me, he got this nasty ass shit everywhere. All in his hair, face and clothes. He rules me and he knows it “you laughing player? Son, you laughing at me” he knows, he is laughing at me “I ain’t even sure if I fed you, you good? You ate?” Cartier looked down at his hands, he made a mess and I have to clean this “I should have stuck to milk, I ain’t made for this Cartier” getting up from the chair, my phone started ringing “if momma asks, I did good” looking over at the kitchen counter, it is Ethan “it ain’t her” Cartier screamed out clapping his hands together “yo” nobody has this number yet, just Ethan for now “meeting at the club?” I forgot that “yes, you right we are. I am coming” I did request this meeting and I forgot all about it.
Ethan looked at me and then Cartier “push the damn stroller inside then?” I said to Ethan just staring at me and Cartier “it’s bring your son to work day, didn’t you know. Take that in for me” fixing Cartier in my arms “I can tell, did you go out of your way to match. Fabian, Laurence” Ethan said behind me as I made my way into the club with Cartier, I am bringing my son to work, it’s just a meeting anyways. And I did go out of my way to match us both so that is a thing “Cassius Warren, he lives. He is alive, he bought along his prodigy” Raphael said “he is better than me” I said as I made my way over to Rapheal “actually Ethan, just hold my son for me” looking behind me “actually he is still trying to bring a stroller in here” I held out Cartier to Fabian, Fabien grinned as he took Cartier from me “the young boss” turning to Raphael “are we hugging?” He said, my fist met his face, he stumbled back a little “you call me a pussy again, I will kill you” Raphael laughed “he remembered, you are funny. I missed you Cassius. It’s nothing, I have had worse” I ain’t forget that.
Raphael keeps touching his cheek, I did actually bruise his face which makes me happy because he think he funny talking shit about me. Taking my son’ beanie off of his head “cold out there ain’t it?” placing him a top of the table “let’s take your jacket off, you being a good boy today ain’t you” unbuttoning his jacket, Cartier is thinking who the fuck are these people “so you really went to rehab then? Again?” Raphael asked “I did, but what does it matter?” smiling at Cartier as I placed his jacket on my lap “you can sit on the table, you the boss son” he is the boss on this “where is your little bitch? Him” he clicked his fingers “Kyle” he pointed “he is at home, where he should be” sitting back in my chair “he should be killed for what he has done you know that right? He lost my money too, and my drugs. This is bad business, you should kill him” licking my lips staring at raphael, he ain’t loyal “I think you need to back up Raphael, I ain’t doing shit like that. And if you try it, I mean it I will kill you and yours” Raphael put his hands up “I wouldn’t ever” Fabian placed Cartier’ toys near him “thank you” I said to Fabian “it’s good to see you Cassius” Ethan said “likewise, I am alive and ready” I am ready.
Staring at the pictures of Kalia’ family “so these were taken when she visted, that is true. There is a file on you Cassius but she isn’t even on it anymore, they took her off a while ago because she couldn’t get you, so I entered the room and sat there. She near died, like she was going to cry. I was like you see this, remember it and walked out. If this plays out she could be a big person in our dealings” Ethan said as he sat down “so that checks out, with that being said. We don’t need to move in silence like we do, you know those places we can’t go, that shipment we can’t get too. Bitch got a badge, but I need to be there. She will do anything for me, I see it anyways. What I want you to do, we need to watch her. We need pictures of her picking up our drugs up, also taking drug money so we have something on her, you know what I mean right? We can fuck up her career. She wants to be our informant then so be it, call her too” Cartier turned to me “yes boy” I smiled at him, he held out his toy to me “you want daddy to have it” taking it from him, he turned his body to me “come here” picking him up and placing him on my lap “hello?” Kalia said on the speakerphone “imagine that, having a number you never gave me” pressing a kiss to the top of Cartier’ head “Cassius” she breathed out “don’t say my name out loud now, you ready?” I love this boy so much “is that a yes?” She said, looking over at Ethan “let the games begin” I said while nodding my head at Ethan as he disconnected the call, Raphael slow clapped his hands “you my friend, will always come on top” least he knows.
“I feel like because my drugs went missing, I get a new cut of more money” I had to laugh “even my son can make a better decision than you, you think I will let your goofy ass take more money. Your team is gone, they mine. Half of your people are dead or back in France, you are nothing here in America my man, you ain’t shit Raphael. You foreign, you played a game of mine you see. You did something that only a druggy would do, and that is trust me. You think people die for nothing? Ethan is my person. These people are loyal to me Raphael, you pissed me off and also you are alone, you have nobody here left. They dead, you think everything is funny or a joke to you, it ain’t a joke Raphael. You can be dead and people would think you back in France while I generate money on your name, shipments on your name motherfucker. You know what, you see these. Two of my son’s favourite toys, this one” I placed on the table on the left “is to keep you alive and this” placing the second one at the side “to kill you” Raphael’ face dropped “I don’t need weak links, if you want to play we can. Which toy you want son” lifting Cartier up “wait! Cassius, I get it! I am crazy!” he spat “just please, I have no issues, I am stupid. I just want to be alive and die under some pussy that is me friend. I will do anything for you, I can get you anything” placing Cartier back on my lap “disrespect my name again, you are dead!” I pointed at him.
He disrespected my name, saying I have gone mad. I think the fuck not, Cartier fell asleep in the stroller “I am boss in France, I am sorry friend. I was high and I not realize it, you know me” nodding my head “anyways, we move forward yeah? I am letting you off with this Raphael, you hear this. I know you are a good guy but you talk too much, you speak on me badly and it looks bad. We will be this high, we will be good yeah?” Raphael nodded his head “I trust you always Cassius, I shall go now” turning to Ethan “dude is crazy” Ethan said “he talk too much Ethan, so things are ok now? We will get this up and running but on the low” Ethan nodded his head “you ruthless though, your son going to deicde someone life” I chuckled “I am a bastard, what can I say? I just don’t want people talking down on me. I am ruthless, you know why now more than ever. I have my fucking mind with me, I ain’t high anymore. I am me, I am getting everyone out there. I ain’t letting nobody get in my way, even my own dad. Kyle is no more either, he can stay away from this. You hear that, until further notice. Kyle is a no, but he stays alive!” I spat, I have things to figure out now to go ahead with my things.
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thcmpscn · 5 years
‘’NIGHT CONVO’’ – Meston.
LOC: preston’s apartment. @fckmonax
knocks on the door, super nervous but also excited
takes a deep breath before opening the door “You made it in time, dinners almost ready. Come in”
grins “Yeah, of course. This has been all I could think about literally since we planned it.” steps inside and kisses his cheek
pulls her in for a quick hug after she kisses him “You’re hype for a chicken salad?”
“I’m so hype for chicken salad.” lingers in the hug for a bit before heading towards the kitchen “It’s kinda weird but I always wonder how the flavor of food transitions into breast milk. Like what will Venecia taste when I get back home? So many questions.”
“I read somewhere that food makes your milk taste saltier or sweeter, depending on what you eat.” says as they both walk into the kitchen “you’re the only person I know that would get hype for a chicken salad” laughs
“Huh. Honestly, poor kid. Unable to enjoy actual good food. Has to settle for breastmilk.” leans back against the counter, arms crossed over her chest “What can I say? I find pleasure in the little things.”
''I'm pretty sure milk is her favorite thing in the whole wide world right now.'' chuckles before looking at her for a sec. ''You look nice tonight.''
“Wow, she’s not nearly as complex as I thought she was.” chuckles, glances down at her outfit despite knowing exactly what she chose “Oh this? I just kinda threw something on. My only qualification was that it didn’t have spit up on it. Thanks though.”
''She really isn't. It'll be a minute before she's just as complex as her mama, though.'' chuckles ''You're welcome. Next time we're having burgers, no salad.''
“I’m both excited and terrified for that when that day comes.” rolls eyes “It’s gotta be a really, really special occasion. But sure, we’ll have burgers at some point.”
''You'll experience what its like to handle Ramona Mason. It's a lot, I'll tell you that.'' smirks and squints his eyes ''Every single time you see me is a special occasion, keep that in mind.''
“Yikes, it’ll be like karma coming for me.” grins and shakes her head “So. When are we eating? Not gonna lie, I definitely came over here primarily for the food.”
''It really will be like that.'' shakes head and sighs before letting out another chuckle in serving her plate. ''There you go, hopefully you enjoy the only reason you came here for''
“I really wanted to bring her her tonight by the way. Like why not? She’s a baby, it’s not like she’s distracting or anything. Fabian literally made me pump and leave her though.” smiles widely as he fixes her plate, takes a seat at the table “Fix yours too. It’d be rude of me to eat alone in someone else’s home.”
''It's alright, makes sense he wouldn't want her here. We'll take it slow, I guess.'' reassures her before shaking his head. ''No, it's alright. I already ate two burgers on my way here, I'm good. – and, someone else's home? really?''
“Still, it’s annoying. He’s annoying. nods and proceeds to take a bite of her chicken salad “P, stop. You know what I mean. Not that I don’t feel at home here, but you literally cooked for me and it’d be super rude of me to proceed to eat without checking if you were as well. That’s all I meant.”
''He's being a dad and an ex, It can't be easy.'' sighs before nodding ''I get that but you'll have to get used to me cooking for you without worrying if I ate or not''
rolls her eyes “I guess.” continues eating “Ooor you could just wait to eat until you’re with me next time. Could be like a lil family dinner.”
“Good idea, I’ll wait for you next time if I manage to not go crazy with hunger. - is your food good?”
“The food’s amazing.” makes a show of taking another bite and moaning “Love having my own personal chef.”
laughs and shakes head “Yeah, nothing’s free in life, you’re gonna have to pay for that food.”
raises brows “Is paying you with my presence not enough?”
“Give me a kiss and we’re good” smirks
is taken aback for a sec, chuckles before shaking her head “Nah, my breath smells like chicken salad.”
hums “I guess this boutta be the last time I cook for you, then.”
groans and stands “Fine. It’s just a little weird that chicken salad breath is what you’re into.” leans in and firmly kisses his lips
cups her face and kisses her harder, lingering for a sec
smiles contentedly as he moves away “This is really fun, but I think we’re supposed to be talking, right?” lightly strokes his cheek “We should talk before anything else.”
“You’re right” nods, taking a deep breath “Finish your food and we’ll talk”
sighs, is kinda nervous “Ok. But in the meantime, tell me how your day was?” slips back into her seat, eats
“It was good. There was a big group of people ordering a lot of food and they kept me on my toes for the entirety of my shift but it was alright, I enjoyed it. - My neck is killing me, though.” runs a hand through his neck. “How was yours?”
pouts as she listens to his story, finishes up the last of her food “And then you really came home and cooked again? It’s almost as if you love overworking yourself.” stands to put her plate in the sink, takes his hand and leads him over to the couch “My day was good. Pretty much the exact same as all of my days lately. Ven woke up at around 6 and I fed her. We went back to sleep until like 8 and repeated the process. Then I chatted a bit over text with an old family friend of mine who is apparently seeing Kayla. Watched some tv. Did mom shit. Not a very exciting day.” positions herself behind him in the couch and begins firmly massaging his neck
“I don’t mind cooking for you. I enjoy it, actually. - I’ll watch it later, leave it there.” takes her hand and follows. Moaning softly when he felt her hands on his neck. “Is Ven doing alright? Like, in general? Does she have doctors appointments and such?” moans quietly again. “How did I not know you were so good at this?”
“Yeah, she’s doing amazing. Hitting all her milestones. She actually had an appointment Thursday of last week and didn’t even cry when she got her shots. I found that both admirable and terrifying.” continues massaging him, overall feeling really calm and comfortable in the situation
“She’s already a champ, I love that.” pauses “So, let’s just talk about what happened and all that. — Are you ready to star a new relationship?”
“Ugh. I love her.” freezes for a second before continuing the massage “I’ve honestly kinda learned my lesson with answering that question. Truth is, I don’t know. But I think so.”
“I’m not tryna’ make you go from a relationship to another. We can be together, take things slowly.” shrugs “Like, we don’t gotta move in together right away or do anything too drastic. Just enjoy ourselves, be there for each other and the rest will happen organically.”
manages to be caught off guard by the conversation despite knowing it was planned “I think I would really appreciate that. That’s what I was mostly scared of, I think. The whole jumping into things. I have a tendency to do that and I feel like it always ends poorly.” hesitates “I guess I’m also kind of afraid of the judgment.”
“It would be best if we just took it like a couple of kids, just enjoying ourselves until we both feel we’re ready to aim higher.” sighs “People won’t judge what they don’t know and they don’t gotta know about us until you want to.”
“I think I’d like that. Just opening ourselves up to something happening, but also not forcing anything.” smiles “I don’t want you to be a secret though.” sighs “As much as I hate the idea of us being judged, I hate the idea of us only being behind closed doors even more.”
“It’s up to you, bbygirl.” shrugs “I’m fine with whatever you decide”
“P, I am not keeping you a secret.”
“Alright, that’s good.” nods “How do we go about this?”
“Uh, I don’t actually. know. I literally always just dive right into the deep end of these things.” chuckles “Let’s just maybe start by making every night like tonight? Maybe some days? Like when’s the next time you’re off?”
shakes head and turns to face her. “First thing first.” pauses “Do you wanna be my girl? Like, officially. No messin’ around with other people, no nothing. Just the two of us.”
“Wait... so an open relationship isn’t an option?” laughs
“An open relationship between you, me, myself, yourself, all of us.” smirks
“Ohh, ok. Well in that case, I’m totally on board.” smirks before leaning in to kiss him
kisses her back, breaking the kiss to pull her into a hug “I never thought I’d see the day” chuckles, pulling away
“I never thought I’d see the day.” laughs “Seriously, I remember the day we first met and you seemed so unimpressed.”
“I was unimpressed, believe me.” chuckles “I was like, another rich, entitled, white girl. Groundbreaking.”
rolls eyes “Well I’m glad you gave me the opportunity to prove you wrong.”
“The minute you started talking about weird shit, I knew you were different.” laughs
laughs, checks phone for any updates on ven, sighs “So now what?”
“Now we say goodbye and you go home to that cute little baby of yours and we see each other tomorrow.” smiles
pouts “But I don’t want to say goodbye.” frowns “But I also want to know what Ven’s up to.”
“She’s probably missing her mama.” pulls her in for another kiss “It’ll ve tomorrow before you know it.” kisses her again
“Probably. Imagine having me smothering you every second of every day and suddenly I’m just not there?” frowns “She’s probably freaking out right now and Fabian just doesn’t want to say anything and make it seem like he doesn’t know what he’s doing.” sighs and stands
“it’s okay, you said she was always calm and collected, Im sure she’s not freaking out. Just missing you.” walks her to the door. “Text me, alright?”
“Yeah, but maybe that’s because I’m always around?” stops once she gets to the door, turns to face him “Yeah, of course. I’ll text you once I’m there and settled.”
“Please do, let me know how she’s been in your absence.” leans forward and presses his lips against hers. “Go, we’ll talk in a minute.”
kisses him back, smiles and waves before walking out of the door
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World Cup 2018: The making of France and Manchester United
World Cup 2018: The making of France and Manchester United
World Cup 2018: The making of France and Manchester United
Paul Pogba has represented France at each stage, and was a part of the facet which misplaced to Portugal within the Euro 2016 closing
An £89m midfielder within the making, a world-record switch ready to occur.
Paul Pogba was already attracting the limelight earlier than his 17th birthday, leaving his residence nation to hitch Manchester United from French outfit Le Havre.
Whereas the transfer could have taken his coaches abruptly, the 16-year-old’s ambition and want to succeed didn’t. Pogba knew he needed to be an expert footballer from the very early days of kicking a ball round within the suburbs of Paris along with his older twin brothers.
However what units a person who has gained home and European titles and turn out to be a longtime France worldwide aside from the dreamers who did not make the grade?
From becoming a member of Roissy-en-Brie as a six-year-old to signing a contract in England a decade later, BBC Sport explores the making of Pogba with those that knew him finest.
‘Paul was the infant that wanted mothering’
Pogba rejoined Manchester United for a world-record £89m in August 2016, having left the membership for Juventus 4 years earlier
The son of Guinean dad and mom, Pogba was born in March 1993 and raised within the East Paris commune of Lagny-sur-Marne with brothers Florentin and Mathias. The twins, three years his senior, would additionally turn out to be skilled footballers. Regardless of his dad and mom separating, Pogba’s household performed a key function in his formative soccer years, taking a eager curiosity when he joined his first membership Roissy-en-Brie, based mostly a couple of miles south of his hometown.
Sambou Tati, membership president of Roissy-en-Brie: “They nonetheless taken care of his each want similar to any good dad and mom would do. Paul was the youngest, and the infant that wanted mothering, so his mum pampered him like she had accomplished the twins.
“However with Paul being the youngest, effectively, once you’re the youngest of three brothers you are all the time going to be probably the most overindulged – the dad and mom did a marvellous job.
“Dad was all the time there when it got here to soccer, he’d assist them and take them out on the open floor and he’d get them to practise with a tough ball, so they might all strike the ball very well.”
Zakaria Timera, who performed with Pogba from aged seven: “The brothers have been all the time collectively, in all of the sports activities they performed. They have been very united, supportive of one another – they all the time caught collectively, the three of them.
“Even ‘although they weren’t the identical age, they all the time frolicked and so they have been all the time behind him.”
Fabian Taupin, assistant coach at Roissy-en-Brie: “We used to satisfy his dad and mom often, however past this, though his household have been a giant help, it’s actually the help of an entire neighborhood – the neighborhood of the membership, of the city, of the south of his neighbourhood. That was the true help for Paul.
“Paul and his brothers have all the time been pushed and this was very fortunate for the three of them to have identified from day one what they needed.”
‘He consumed nothing however soccer’
Pogba joined Roissy aged six and started life on the membership as a striker, instantly displaying the form of willpower and self-discipline that may take him all the best way to the highest.
Taupin: “He already had an atypical and really robust, decided character. He was an excellent participant already, however he was not the one one as we actually had a great 12 months of gamers.
“You might inform him he needed to be on the membership for 6am – he was there at 5.45am, he was prepared at 5.30, he was out there and he all the time, all the time needed to play soccer. He all the time needed to do extra, he by no means stopped.
“Coaching was on Wednesdays and if he couldn’t do a sure transfer we’d tease him. On the next Saturday, he would come again and say: ‘Look, I’m doing it proper now, so, something to say?’ That was Paul throughout.
He is given his all to get to the place he’s at present
Sambou TatiRoissy-en-Brie president
“There are many gamers as gifted at that age, however he labored very laborious and that is one thing you can’t take away from him. He appears so relaxed when he performs that we are likely to overlook all his success is right down to his laborious work, right down to his dedication.”
Tati: “Morning, afternoon and evening he consumed nothing however soccer, soccer, soccer. If he had a coaching session at 2pm, he’d need to keep till 7pm when his brothers have been coaching after which he’d simply be enjoying with a soccer by himself alongside the pitch.
“Within the youthful age-groups he’d been a striker, so when he was in Poussins [aged 10-11] and Benjamins [aged 12-13] he’d performed proper up entrance. When he got here to me to play 11-a-side on the age of 13, I performed him within the gap, simply behind the principle striker. That manner he had a free function to do what he needed.
“Each time the staff was shedding or issues weren’t going effectively, that may give him the possibility to actually shout at his team-mates to get them going. Though he wasn’t the official skipper, he was a pure chief and captain.”
Timera: “He was somebody with an enormous quantity of high quality and skill, effectively forward of his time, forward of us and far stronger, too. He was a pacesetter from the beginning.”
‘If he was kicked a couple of instances, he’d cry’
Paul and Mathias Pogba throughout a pleasant match for the Juan Cuadrado Basis
Alongside his faculty research and enjoying for Roissy, Pogba would spend hours honing his abilities on the ‘Metropolis Stade’, an artificial multi-sports pitch close to his home, in addition to turning out in inter-district video games along with his older brothers.
Timera: “Paul was an honest pupil who labored laborious in school, however he was undoubtedly extra concerned with soccer. It was quite simple, if there was no faculty we’d go and play on the Metropolis Stade pitch from 1pm. We might keep up there till eight or 9pm.
“The sphere was proper subsequent to our homes, simply a few minutes away. Actually, the one factor that would stop us from enjoying was if we have been thirsty after which we’d go and have one thing to drink and head again to the pitch and we have been off once more. All that mattered was soccer.”
Tati: “The maturity he had in his sport at a really younger age was gained from enjoying with older youngsters. He was nonetheless fairly small and within the district video games he was enjoying with youngsters three years older than he was.
“I do know his brothers would go in intentionally laborious on him as a result of there have been instances in video games when he would cry if he’d been kicked. They might say to him, ‘No, no, no, you shouldn’t cry! That is simply the way it needs to be’.
“It was his brothers and in addition his brothers’ mates who actually pushed him laborious to get robust. Taking part in with an older age group lets you be mentally stronger, and bodily it makes you very strong and difficult.”
Catching the attention of Le Havre
Pogba could have been impressing in his native membership’s under-13s staff, however he did not earn a spot at France’s well-known Clairefontaine nationwide soccer centre. Nonetheless, skilled membership Le Havre have been already monitoring the gifted teenager’s progress and, through a stint with sixth-tier Torcy, signed the 14-year-old to their academy.
Franck Sale, head of recruitment at Le Havre: “I heard about Paul Pogba within the suburbs of Paris from my colleagues who noticed him play when he was very younger – about 11 or 12 – so we went to see him fairly rapidly. He was enjoying on a Metropolis Stade.
“We quickly noticed his qualities and rapidly went to see him play on a full-size pitch. Paul was already enjoying with a lot older boys.
“There have been plenty of different golf equipment however not many obtained the chance to go and see him play, as a result of we have been fast off the mark. We found him fairly early. In fact, Paris St-Germain might see him as a result of he was within the suburbs of Paris.
“There have been already a couple of overseas golf equipment wanting, however not a lot of them. That is the place we have been fortunate. We did all that was wanted for him to enroll with us – it went very, in a short time.
Paul Pogba Age: 25 Senior golf equipment: Manchester United, Juventus, Manchester United France caps: 52 Trophies: three x Serie A, 2 x Coppa Italia, 1 Europa League, 1 x League Cup
“I requested him to enroll after we have been at his dad’s in Paris. His dad was completely lovable. We talked loads about African soccer, particularly Guinean soccer, and we ended up speaking a lot about soccer we practically forgot to speak about the entire motive we have been there, which was to get Paul’s contract signed!
“We needed to wake Paul up and we signed the contract at 5am.”
Tati: “Since he was a boy who beloved soccer a lot and was decided to make it within the career, by then Paul was definitely able to play. He’d already left Roissy to go and practice at Torcy and play in Division d’Honneur, which he managed comfortably and he by no means missed a coaching session.
“In any case that, when the possibility comes round to go to a membership academy, I do not assume he’s the kind of child that’s going to say ‘no’ – even when at instances it was troublesome for him. However he is given his all to have the ability to get to the place he’s at present.”
Leaving the Pogbas behind
Florentin and Mathias Pogba be a part of mom Yeo within the stands as Paul represents France towards Albania in Euro 2016
Becoming a member of Le Havre meant leaving residence for Pogba and shifting right into a room on the pre-academy headquarters round an hour and a half from his household residence in Paris. That didn’t faze the teenager, whose actual shows of emotion got here on the pitch.
Sale: “It was not troublesome for him as he already had this ambition to turn out to be an expert footballer, and in addition as a result of Paris and Le Havre should not too far aside.
“He might go residence simply and it was straightforward for his household to come back and go to him too, however he was so centered that we can not actually say he was left with the everyday heartbreak of leaving one’s household behind – it went actually easily for him.
“His persona makes him a really particular participant who in a short time built-in into the staff and the group effectively. We might practically discuss a sure vanity about him, because it appeared all really easy. He was standard with the opposite gamers. That was right down to the persona and character he had, the lads appreciated him loads.”
Michael Lebaillif, coach at Le Havre: “When boys arrive right here at 14, they’re already listening, they’re discovering the construction of enjoying, they’re discovering a manner of teaching, and on the coaching pitch I might say all the things went roughly effectively.
“Then there have been different necessities, just like the education facet of issues which we needed to put into place for him, as he was nonetheless discovering his strengths and his manner in coaching.
“Paul was a really technically gifted younger participant, excellent on the ball, however on the similar time he was very aggressive. He refused to lose, he hated shedding, so he would sometimes have issue managing his feelings when issues went fallacious and he was on the shedding facet in a match, or if sure issues did not fairly come off proper for him.”
‘We have been strict with him, demanding’
Pogba captained France Beneath-16s and represented his nation at each youth stage
It was not all plain crusing for the younger midfielder at Le Havre. Pogba clearly had expertise and a decided work ethic, however his coaches believed he should apply himself much more to understand his potential.
Sale: “He was a tough employee, but it surely was all really easy for him that it could possibly be troublesome with the coaches at instances. Due to his persona he might generally seem boastful.
“We are able to even discuss a sense of self-importance at instances, which may nonetheless be present in his character today in sure video games. He was a tough employee, however he might work a lot tougher and that is why we have been fairly strict with him.
“We knew he would turn out to be a top-level participant sooner or later, so we have been fairly demanding as a result of Paul would produce three or 4 actions however then would slip again right into a quiet rhythm, pondering his job was accomplished for the sport, as he nonetheless does at instances as an expert in some video games.
“You want to prick him as he tends to let issues go.”
Lebaillif: “As a membership we all the time have the intent to attempt to pit the boys who’re doing notably effectively of their age group towards gamers who’re already enjoying on the larger age ranges, to assist them as much as the subsequent stage.
“Not in his first 12 months for Paul, as he was nonetheless fairly quick, however in his second 12 months immediately he would practice with boys who have been already one 12 months forward of him, in order to assist him address this bodily, to assist him run that bit quicker.
“In his first 12 months Paul had the traits of another boy and he was creating usually, however actually in direction of the top of that 12 months he stepped up a stage and when he reached 15 he began to play beneath the auspices of the France nationwide staff.
“He went on to a different stage from there. But it surely’s not a given that every one gamers who make it to the France nationwide youth setup go on to be the place Paul is at present.”
Noticed in Scotland, heading to Manchester…
Le Havre initially challenged Manchester United’s strategy for Pogba, however the deal was authorised in October 2009
Making the France Beneath-16s staff immediately thrust Pogba beneath the noses of a bunch of potential suitors. Italian giants Juventus have been eager, as have been Manchester United after Pogba represented his nation at youth stage on a tour to Scotland. Pogba would go for Previous Trafford, with Fifa approving the deal in October 2009 after a row between United and Le Havre over his contract.
Sale: “I had already warned my bosses that it was a really harmful transfer to let our gamers go on excursions because the English golf equipment pay shut consideration to our children.
“Being conscious of how gifted he was, I used to be not stunned in any respect that Manchester United have been displaying an curiosity in him. However there have been many different golf equipment already .
“It was very disappointing as a coach, as a result of we needed to carry him into our skilled staff. On the time, his contract was a bit obscure and Manchester United noticed the chance there.
“It was fairly clear that he was nonetheless a great distance from enjoying in an expert staff however on the executive stage, he ought to have been signed up and I’m positive he wouldn’t have gone to Manchester United right away.”
Lebaillif: “In fact, we’re very proud to have had a participant like Paul. The one remorse we are able to have is that we didn’t have him for an extended interval, to have been capable of see him progress additional, as much as our senior staff, to skilled stage.
“However everybody has their very own path in soccer, and sure, we’re very proud to have had him right here.”
Sale: “Personally, I used to be very disillusioned as a result of I wish to accompany the gamers a bit longer. However then, once you have a look at the profession that he had forward of him, you realize it was nothing however helpful for him.
“I used to be not fearful due to his persona. I knew he was armed and prepared for it. He has such a really totally different character from different gamers that I used to be not involved in any respect on that stage.
“One can nonetheless fear a little bit a few younger participant going overseas, a little bit of a doubt that he may discover it laborious to determine himself, as a result of he was going to one of many largest golf equipment on this planet.
“It was not straightforward, but it surely has been confirmed that the profession path he took has enabled him to turn out to be a high stage participant.”
Materials gathered by Ben McCarthy. Written by Alex Bysouth.
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