#Fai letting us know he swore his loyalty to her with FULL KNOWLEDGE that she was a clone from the start
completeoveranalysis · 11 months
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In that way that they do sometimes, Fai has seamlessly taken up Yuuko’s explanation and continues it simultaneously, but back in Nihon, going over the exact same plot point to people presumably having the exact same questions. 
You know. Hitsuzen. 
I actually tried to find if Fai is responding to anyone’s question but no I think he just launched into this explanation apropos of nothing. 
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And then we transition seamlessly back to Yuuko, but also please enjoy Sakura in the top panel with the thick ominous shadow behind her - the same way that used to frame Syaoran before it was revealed that he was also a clone. 
And also the sakura blossom hanging above Yuuko’s palm, leaving a shadow on her skin - both continuing the shadow metaphor but also visually showing us both a real sakura (blossom) leaving a fake image by casting a shadow. 
They didn’t need to do this for us but they DID. 
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Also I’m glad this chapter is basically just taking the time to unpack and explain all the story beats I had spent so long thinking through last time around. It’s very nice to get it all confirmed so quickly, but also with a correction - Fai didn’t NEED to sense that Sakura was a clone with his magic, apparently Evil Wolverine let him know she was a clone from the start. But like, off screen. Where we couldn’t see it. 
Evil Wolverine does this an uncomfortable amount. 
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;_; oh Fai.
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