#Faith Mussa
mrbopst · 5 months
Good News: A new edition of the Bopst Show, the only music variety program that weeds people out so your don’t have to, is now available for free public consumption on Podomatic or wherever you get your podcasts.
Music variety show hosted, mixed and recorded by Chris Bopst featuring words and music by Charlotte Leslie, Faith Mussa, Sprints, The Dream Makers, Dennis Bovell, Ace City Racers, Hurray for the Riff Raff, The Rock-A-Teens, Les Robots, John Buzon Trio, Wallspace, Erotic Secrets of Pompeii, The Sharks, Jackie Davis, and Jape. This show originally aired April 12, 2024 on WRWK 93.9 LP FM in Midlothian, Virginia, USA.
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revlyncox · 11 months
Grace 2023
This sermon was recast for The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick for a service on November 5, 2023, by Rev. Lyn Cox
I happened to be waiting at the Physical Therapy clinic this week, not for myself this time but with a loved one, when I overheard a therapist working with a very young child say, “I know this is hard. You can do hard things.” 
Right there was a whole book of wisdom. I had heard these words before, including directed at me from other physical therapists, but this time I received the words and more of the implications for our lives. There was compassion in the acknowledgement that things are hard. We all face challenges in the process of living and growing, and often we have some bonus challenges to face on top of whatever we think “normal” life is supposed to be. The acknowledgement encouraged self-compassion as well. The challenges before us are not easy, and are not meant to be easy, and it’s OK that some things are hard. Implied in that acknowledgement is the freedom to fail. Trying hard things means we will not succeed every time, especially not at first. 
Being in an environment where love and support and challenge and compassion and forgiveness all intertwine might be one model for a humanist experience of grace. When we don’t have to earn our worthiness, but we carry it with us inherently, and we act in recognition of the inherent worth of everyone around us, when we know we are beloved and capable of love, perhaps we can find some of the sense of ease that is implied by the word grace. 
As much as we strive to make our homes and congregations sanctuaries of grace, it is a struggle to let go of the competitive not-enough-ness of the larger culture. So it’s good to take breaks. It’s good to come to a place where we remember how to be human. It’s good to make time to celebrate with loved ones when the occasion arises. It’s good to take naps sometimes, so that we can be more fully present and more aligned with our values. Returning to community, taking a sabbath, or engaging in a practice to find your center helps us to get grounded in grace. It’s like when you have a machine that’s overheating and you have to turn it off and turn it back on again. 
Starting over, well resourced, residing in the present moment with joy rather than dwelling on negative things from the past; this is an experience of grace. The experience of grace is itself one of ease, yet we may struggle a bit with the disciplines that help open up our perception of grace. To me, grace is a force of the universe that is always there, an assurance of the acceptance of the Source of Love, a resource for reconciliation, and a model of how we can live in connection with one another. Grace is the truth that sets us free and the re-alignment of right relationship. To open ourselves up to its power, we practice forgiveness, self-compassion, and covenant.
Forgiving Others
Forgiveness is one path to opening up our awareness of grace. Forgiveness is one of those themes that people of faith are never quite done wrestling with, so I’ll just touch on it briefly, and trust that we’ll come back to it. Forgiveness can involve retaining the memory without continuing to feed the feelings of anger and disappointment. It can lead to making amends, reconciliation, and a stronger relationship, especially when more than one person is engaged in the process. Occasionally, forgiveness means letting something be in the past and finding a way to love someone from afar, because the hurt is too deep and the harmful behavior is too persistent for closeness. For everyday injuries, may we practice forgiveness in ways that are healthy for ourselves and life-affirming for all.
Our story earlier, “Mussa and Nagib,” is an allegory that illustrates this. Spirit Lab students might hear this story later this year as part of the “Moral Tales” religious education curriculum. In the story, hurt was written in sand, but selflessness was chiseled in rock. Writing in sand doesn’t take much time. It’s OK to remember mistakes and learn from them, but don’t dwell on judgments. On the other hand, engraving kindness in stone takes some focus. Writing thank-you notes or recording the act of kindness in a journal can help us hold on to those feelings of connection and gratitude.
Sometimes resentments are attempts to prevent being hurt in the same way twice. But grudges do not necessarily offer protection, and they have their own drawbacks. Addressing the incident directly—saying what happened, how you feel, and what requests (if any) you would like to make to the other person—is one way to reduce the risk of being hurt again.
In a sense, Mussa’s act of writing in the sand where his friend Nagib could see it was a form of direct address. He called attention to the hurt, the incident itself, without any theories about what it meant or labels for his friend’s character. It is so easy to jump from “ouch” to “you don’t care about me” or “you are a bad person” in a moment of anger. Reflect on facts first. Notice your feelings. Figure out what you really need. Then decide how to respond.
Direct address is not a guarantee, but I think the benefits outweigh the risks. Carving a negative experience in stone takes a lot of time and effort, and then you have this heavy rock you have to carry around. It may be that some distance is necessary for physical safety. Honor your own well-being and boundaries, yet also account for what is lost when a grudge takes the lead.
When an event is far in the past, you can hold on to the wisdom you gained from that experience and the memory of the strengths you showed in navigating through it without pacing continuous circles of resentment and judgment. Whether something is drawn in the sand or engraved in the stone depends on how much time and energy you devote to committing the facts, feelings, and inferences to memory. Choose consciously. Forgive when you can.
For some of us, forgiving others is easier than forgiving ourselves. Self compassion presents a number of challenges. Unlike conflicts with other people, we don’t have as many options for putting temporary distance between ourselves and ourselves while we reflect on what we need. Of the options we do have, few of them are healthy for very long. Self-compassion helps us to continue to do the work of reflection in moments when we doubt ourselves, or when other people doubt us. Self-compassion reminds us that we have value, no matter what setbacks occur.
One of the hard truths about running away from self-compassion is that dramatic self-recrimination can be a way for our minds and souls to try to get off the hook from responsibility for our moral choices. “Oh! I am such a wretch! I cannot possibly be held to a standard of human behavior! All is lost! I will give up now and go live in the wilderness among the locusts!” 
The impulse to retreat into self-castigating isolation is familiar to me. Perfectionism is a tempting poison. And perfectionism is a liar. The Spirit of Life extends a hand to us, whether or not we get everything right. This is good because we most certainly will not get everything right. 
I am reminded of Brené Brown and her research on shame and vulnerability. She says that shame is a fear of disconnection, and that all of us need connection and belonging. Brown goes on to say that in order for human connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen, to be really seen. We have to be vulnerable. It’s not comfortable, it’s just true. Connection happens when we have the courage to be our whole, imperfect selves. Running from vulnerability and shame might lead us to numb ourselves, or to force certainty in places of uncertainty, or to mask with an illusion of perfection. When we can let go of those things, Brown says, when we can let ourselves be seen, and love with our whole hearts, and practice gratitude and joy, and believe that we are enough, we can find the vulnerability that is the birthplace of joy, creativity, belonging, and love. 
Numbing doesn’t work, and can harm us. Digging our heels and defending certainty in places where mystery dwells doesn’t work, and can harm us. Grace tells us that we always have the option to turn aside from destructive choices, we are capable of doing better (though not perfectly!), and that Love will not let us go, no matter what mistakes we have made. Grace gives us the freedom and the responsibility to get back up again after we’ve come to terms with our shortcomings and limitations. 
In the reading we heard earlier, my colleague, the Rev. Julián Soto, said:
The thing you must be is yourself.
Unadulterated, shedding the willingness to journey alone, as though you are made of something hard and unforgivable. You are human. You belong, right here, right now. And together, we will chase away the sickness, the secrets, and leave only the open Possibility that the future is a space for growth.
The future is a space for growth.
Understanding this open space, and that we need not be perfect to move forward, is essential for our ability to make moral choices in matters of social justice as well as everyday relationships and spiritual growth, as if any of those things could be separated. Far too often, fearing that we will get it wrong, or that it won’t be enough, or that we can’t be guaranteed success, makes a barrier to our participation in movements for justice and compassion. We might get so overwhelmed by the enormity of the many interlocking human rights crises going on that we don’t know where to begin. We can begin somewhere imperfect, because all of the places to begin are imperfect. 
Letting go of the lie of perfection means that we can stop both running away in shame and defending our veneer of goodness from the truth that threatens to expose us. Instead, we can learn from our mistakes and limitations, and allow what we learn to lead us into transformation, to bring us to a closer relationship with the Spirit of Love and closer to right relationship with each other. 
The thing you must be is yourself. Have compassion for the previous version of you, who had to make decisions without all of the information or resources or support you might have needed. Have compassion for the current version of you, whose imperfection opens up the future as a space for growth. Let us face the wide open space of that future as imperfect people practicing compassion for ourselves and each other. 
Covenant: Anticipating Grace; or: The Freedom to Fail
Practicing being open to grace as we forgive ourselves and each other is a little easier in a covenanted community. Unitarian Universalist congregations like this one are covenanted communities. What holds us together is not creed or personality or even an appreciation for music, but the sacred promises that give us our foundation. Covenant is another one of those evergreen topics, and we will definitely be coming back to this in a worship service later in the year. 
Here in this congregation, some of those promises are spoken and some are unspoken. We can disagree about ideas without rejecting people. We bring our whole selves into this room, fully present, accepting all the aspects of identity that make our companions who they are. Whoever you are and whomever you love, you are welcome here. 
This being a human community, we need to cultivate ways to lovingly call each other back into relationship, because there will be mistakes. Coming back to the table when a promise has been broken is also part of covenant. Covenants can be sacred because they are capable of embracing human imperfection. The sacred has avenues for healing.
Committing to a covenant is an obligation. It’s work. Being connected means we voluntarily give up some of our freedom. On the other hand, being in a covenanted community also gives us freedom. It gives us the freedom to fail and to come back from failure. Covenant offers the freedom to be broken, to have our brokenness recognized, and to be appreciated for the entire picture: broken and whole, flawed and fabulous. That’s grace.
Knowing that there is room in this circle for the entirety of life, may each person know the freedom to lay out all the challenges, anxieties, works-in-progress, gifts, and talents they bring with them into this community. Volunteer for the coffee ministry, or to teach children’s religious education, or to be a greeter. Sign up for the anti-racism book group and say what’s really on your heart. Make something daring for the next potluck. Have confidence that you are welcome in this covenanted community. There is grace here.
Living among human beings means being open to the possibility of both hurt and healing. May each one of us know the gift of grace, from human sources and from sources beyond our knowing. May each one of us know the gift of cooperating with grace, of acknowledging brokenness and being open to reconciliation and repair. 
I hope that transforming our perception of the world so that we can understand the grace among us is as easy as arising from a refreshing nap. Let us awaken to the possibility of starting over. Retain the lessons of the past without putting energy into bitterness. Forgive when you can. Let us awaken to the assurance that our imperfections are welcome, and that our quest is bigger than whatever causes us to doubt. Be compassionate with yourself. Let us awaken to the power of covenant as we form a community of sacred resilience. The bonds of congregational life bring the freedom of authenticity. 
May you be held in the love that runs through our interdependent web, may you be lifted up with grace, and may you begin again in courage. Rooted in love, may we renew our commitments together. 
May it be so. 
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nicegospel · 4 years
DOWNLOAD MP3: Benjamin Dube - Ulemelero (Lyrics, Video)
DOWNLOAD MP3: Benjamin Dube – Ulemelero (Lyrics, Video)
Benjamin Dube – Ulemelero A powerful song by the South-African music minister, song-writer, and record producer “Benjamin Dube“. This song is titled “ULEMELERO” Mp3 download. This song features Jonney Vilakazi & Faith Mussa, as it is from Debu’s 2019 released album called “GLORY IN HIS PRESENCE”. Listen & Enjoy Benjamin Dube – Ulemelero – ft Jonney Vilakazi & Faith Mussa…
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luvneedsnosyt · 5 years
Rudimental & The Martinez Brothers - Sitigawana (TMB Dub Mix) Feat. Faith Mussa.
Shouts: Ultimate Music
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gospelhotspot · 6 years
MistarPush Ft. Faith Mussa – Oyera
MistarPush Ft. Faith Mussa – Oyera
Nigeria meets Malawi in this Outernational collaboration in the testimonies of two God-lovers, the worship of two brothers from extreme ends of Africa, in a song for The King Who Lives in their hearts.
Juxtaposing their experiences and similar spectacular testimonies, Mistarpush and Faith Mussa comes together to express their Love to God in this song, “Oyera” which means HOLY in the Chichewa…
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gregorygondwe · 7 years
Computer Manipulated Reggae Music
Computer Manipulated Reggae Music
You remember those days when artists would go into the studio and separately record all the guitars, drum beat, vocals and all the attendant instrumentation without having to programme it using a computer and lose out on human artistic display.
There are a group of music lovers that are now making choices to stick to the old kind of music production and are therefore shunning the heavily computer…
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mrscorpio · 5 years
Download: http://bit.ly/DL-HF208 All my previous shows: http://bit.ly/ScorpioPodcasts Name/Artist/Album Perreando (Original Mix)/Jean Bacarreza/ Sharam Jey/Kittball Konspiracy Vol. 17 Sitigawana (feat. Faith Mussa) [Edit]/Rudimental & The Martinez Brothers/Sitigawana (feat. Faith Mussa) Another Dimension (Smoothless Pumping House Remix)/Rick Wade/Another Dimension One Reason (Original Mix)/Sante Sansone/Off Sonar 2019 Surface Tension (Frits Wentink Remix)/Tomos/Surface Tension On Me /Legit Trip/On Me The Fonz (DJ Spen’s Supa Disco Break)/Moodena/ DJ Spen/The Fonz Call of the Wild feat. Jungle by Night (Cinthie Remix)/Detroit Swindle/High Life/ the Remixes Shutdown (Original Mix)/Sharapov/Shutdown I Do Better (Micky More & Andy Tee Mix)/White Soul Project/ Micky More/ Andy Tee/I Do Better Day After (Original Mix) [TraxCrate.com]/4Tek/TraxCrate.com House Dancer/Boddhi Satva/Deeply Essential Education (feat. Yasiin Bey & Black Thought)/Freddie Gibbs & Madlib/Bandana Crown/Stormzy /Crown Between Us 2/Shafiq Husayn feat. Bilal/The Loop This Life (feat. James Gardin & Macklyn)/Sareem Poems & Newselph/This Life LamboTruck (feat. Reason & Childish Major)/Dreamville & Cozz/Revenge Of The Dreamers III Fast and Feast (feat. Dyce Payne)/Styles P & Noah Styles/Generational Excellence SOUR DIESEL ACRYLICS Arza (Producer) VS. Jay Flint (MC)/Various Artists/Word Is Bond Versus Transitions/Daykoda/All of Me What's Next Get Hip Remix Instrumental/Damu The Fudgemunk/Rare & Unreleased: Instrumentals Rest In Power/Black Thought/Rest In Power FWB/Jay Syd/Syduction Self/Khalid/Self Lay Me down/Steve Lacy/Apollo XXI Gold Teeth (feat. Project Pat/ Gangsta Boo & Tinashe)/Blood Orange/Angel's Pulse Long Time II (feat. Nico Segal)/Chance the Rapper/10 Day Prove It (feat. J. Cole)/Big K.R.I.T./ J. Cole/K.R.I.T. IZ HERE This Is It (feat. Amp Fiddler)/TEE MANGO/50 Songs Cómo Te Quiero Scientist Dub (Bonus Track)/Khruangbin/Hasta El Cielo nervous/Jonah Yano/nervous EP Send me your tracks at Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/mr_scorpio Check out all your tracks on my show THE HOUSE FIRE/ every other Friday @6-8 PM GMT on InvaderFM: http://invader.fm Stream the podcasts at my Mixcloud: http://tinyurl.com/3kkfgzp  Friend me up on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mrscorpio247 Look me up on Tumblr: http://mrscorpio.tumblr.com Shoot me your videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrScorpio Peace, Scorp
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penta-and-spica · 5 years
Sitigawana (feat. Faith Mussa) - TMB Dub Mix by Rudimental Spotify http://open.spotify.com/track/4nw4YMMWN20vt5NaonZZwa
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m-el · 5 years
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parkerbombshell · 4 years
Addictions and Other Vices 727 - Bombshell Radio
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Addictions and Other Vices - Bombshell Radio BOMBSHELL RADIO Today 1:30pm- 3pm EST bombshellradio.comRepeats Wednesday 8:30-10pm EST & Saturday 11:30am-1pm EST #indie, #rock ,#alternative ,#Synthpop, #indierock, #community, #radio, #BombshellRadio, #DJ FIX MIX 727 Lasso / Lake House Rooftop Dancing / Sylvan Esso Fascination - Radio Edit / Watch Clark Eraseme / Faster Faster Waiting (Sondr Remix) / Faith Mussa Brazil / Smokehouse Like a Bird / Bay Ledges Things I Thought Were Mine / Alfie Templeman Walk With Me / Kowloon Handbag Punk (Radio Edit) / Flux Crying My Eyes Out (ft. Nick Bramlett) [Matt Pop Remix] / Candy Apple Blue Paris / Apollo Junction Baby, It's You / London Grammar Miss Ya Body / Quelle Rox To Hell and Back (Radio Edit) / The Frixion I Can't Sleep / Goan Cold Water / Cut Copy No Fear / Debris Discs Confusion / thom.ko Poems On My Phone / Brotherkenzie Let You In / Soft Set Hello Sun / Joey Pecoraro Monster Squad (Love So Crazy) / Sam the Astronaut Reverie / Pela What's Your Name Again? / Teenage Wildlife Supernova Superstar / Riccardo Caprarese Let Me Out (rob preuss night mix) / Church of Trees Nova Heart / Spoons We Share The Same Stars / The Sea at Midnight Fine Forever / Varsity   Read the full article
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summerbreeze1 · 5 years
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▶︎ Kalilima | Beating Heart
Kalilima by Faith Mussa
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luvneedsnosyt · 5 years
Rudimental & The Martinez Brothers - Sitigawana (Feat. Faith Mussa).
Shouts: Ultimate Music
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cooldanceradio-blog · 5 years
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RELEASES 2019 #25 cooldanceradio.com 3LAU - Down For Life (and Bright Lights) Alesso - Sad Song (Ft. Tini) Arlow - Daisy Avicii - Hold The Line (Ft. Arizona) Chantel Jeffries - Chase The Summer (Ft. Jeremih) Chris Lake - Stay With Me Dannic & Promise Land - Over (Zonderling Remix) Don Diablo - The Rhythm Duke Dumont - Red Light Green Light (Ft. Shaun Ross )(Biscits Remix) Ed Sheeran - Cross Me (Ft. Chance the Rapper & PnB Rock) (M-22 Remix) KSHMR - No Regrets ( and Yves V Ft. Krewella) (KAAZE Remix) Leah Kate - Do What I Wanna Do Martin Garrix - Summer Days (Ft. Macklemore & Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy) (Tiësto Remix) Morgan Page - Fire & Gold (and VIVID Ft. Alle & Damon Sharpe) Nicky Romero - Love You Forever (and Stadiumx and Sam Martin) Nitti Gritti - Eyes On You (Ft. Jimmy Levy) Rudimental - Sitigawana (and The Martinez Brothers Ft. Faith Mussa) SJUR - Blame It On Me (and Boye and Sigvardt Ft. Peg Parnevik) #alesso #avicii #promiseland #chrislake #dondiablo #dukedumont #edsheeran #kshmr #martingarrix #nickyromero #cooldanceradio #cdr #releases https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBNiYKAkpf/?igshid=wi4w144pl54o
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naijaoxford · 6 years
MistarPush – Oyera (Feat. Faith Mussa) | @mistarpush
MistarPush – Oyera (Feat. Faith Mussa) | @mistarpush
MistarPush – Oyera (Feat. Faith Mussa) | @mistarpush
Nigeria meets Malawi in this Outernational collaboration in the testimonies of two God-lovers, the worship of two brothers from extreme ends of AFRICA, in a song for THE KING WHO LIVES in their hearts.
Juxtaposing their experiences and similar spectacular testimonies, Mistarpush and Faith Mussa comes together to express their Love to God in…
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gregorygondwe · 4 years
Suffix & Faith show Boldness in tackling tribalism
Suffix & Faith show Boldness in tackling tribalism
The timing to issue the song Yobwata by Suffix and Faith Mussa would not have come at the right time considering that this is voting time and it is not a secret that the politicians have managed to polarise the country by flashing the tribal card.  
Before I can comment on the boldness in lyrical package of the track, I want to point out that this sounds like a sequel of the 2016,…
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thereviewsarein · 5 years
With summer getting closer every day, and the festival season ready to roll, Osheaga 2019 has released its full day-to-day schedule with stage assignments and set times.
Spread over three days and six stages, Osheaga is going to be big again in 2019. Headliners like The Lumineers, Childish Gambino, The Chemical Brothers, and The Glorious Sons will surely draw huge crowds, and dozens of other artists will play for enthusiastic audiences as well.
The action starts at 1 pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, making for full days of live music. The downside, as with all festivals, is that you can only be at one stage at a time. Throughout the weekend, festival-goers will have decisions to make. And they won’t always be easy. We can tell you right now that choosing between TEKE::TEKE and Sharon Van Etten on Friday isn’t going to be a quick decision.
From start to finish, whether you’ve got a one-day pass or a full weekend of music planned, Osheaga is going to give you every opportunity to enjoy the hell out of yourself. Be prepared to sing, dance, and enjoy!
Get your tickets (click here) and check out the full day-to-day, six stage lineup!
Friday, August 2, 2019
Scène de la rivière Dear Rouge – 1 pm St. Paul & The Broken Bones – 2:20 pm Denzel Curry – 3:50 pm Interpol – 5:25 pm J Balvin – 7:10 pm The Lumineers – 9:25 pm
Scène de la montagne Tom Walker – 1:40 pm Dean Lewis – 3:05 pm Rosalia – 4:35 pm Gucci Mane – 6:25 pm Flume – 8:10 pm
Scène verte Naya Ali – 1:40 pm JPEGMAFIA – 3 pm Kodaline – 4:30 pm Jessie Reyez – 6 pm Mitski – 7:40 pm $uicideboy$ – 9:30 pm
Scène de la Vallée Bayonne – 1 pm Ryan Beatty – 2:20 pm Sharon Van Etten – 3:45 pm Gunna – 5:15 pm Joji – 6:50 pm Kurt Vile & The Violators – 8:30 pm
Scène des arbres Roy Juno – 1 pm We Are Monroe – 2:20 pm TEKE::TEKE – 3:45 pm Nombe – 5:15 pm Francis and the Lights – 6:50 pm 070 Shake – 8:30 pm
Scène de l’Île Laura Escudé – 1 pm Saronde & Faith Mussa – 2:10 pm Hito – 3:35 pm Bob Moses – 5:10 pm Fisher – 6:20 pm Nastia – 7:50 pm Charlotte De Witte – 9:20 pm
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Scène de la rivière bülow – 1 pm Ravyn Lenae – 2:25 pm King Princess – 3:55 pm Schoolboy Q – 5:30 pm City and Colour – 7:20 pm The Chemical Brothers – 9:20 pm
Scène de la montagne U.S. Girls – 1:40 pm Lennon Stella – 3:10 pm Young The Giant – 4:40 pm Janelle Monáe – 6:20 pm Logic – 8:20 pm
Scène verte Laye – 1:40 pm Sa Ba – 3 pm Young Thug – 4:30 pm Grandson – 6 pm Rüfüs Du Sol – 7:40 pm A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie – 9:40 pm
Scène de la Vallée Braids – 1 pm Mormor – 2:20 pm Bas – 3:45 pm Two Feet – 5:15 pm Sofi Tukker – 6:50 pm Beach House – 8:40 pm
Scène des arbre Munya – 1 pm Anemone – 2:20 pm Sales – 3:45 pm Les Louanges – 5:15 pm Yellow Days – 6:50 pm Reignwolf – 8:40 pm
Scène de l’Île Radiant Baby – 1 pm Robotaki – 2 pm Dr. Fresch – 2:55 pm Vladimir Cauchemar – 3:55 pm Said The Sky – 5:05 pm FKJ – 6:15 pm Black Tiger Sex Machine – 7:25 pm Louis The Child – 8:40 pm Griz – 9:55 pm
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Scène de la rivière Mallrat – 1 pm The Franklin Electric – 2:20 pm Sigrid – 3:55 pm Mac Demarco – 5:30 pm Hozier – 7:20 pm Childish Gambino – 9:35 pm
Scène de la montagne Nilüfer Yanya – 1:40 pm Alec Benjamin – 3:10 pm Normani – 4:45 pm Metric – 6:20 pm Tame Impala – 8:20 pm
Scène verte Fontaines D.C. – 1:40 pm Anders – 3 pm Real Estate – 4:30 pm Koffee – 6 pm Kaytranada – 7:30 pm The Glorious Sons – 9:40 pm
Scène de la Vallée Bad Child – 1 pm Taylor Bennett – 2:20 pm Sam Fender – 3:45 pm Rejjie Snow – 5:15 pm Tierra Whack – 6:45 pm Ski Mask the Slump God – 8:40 pm
Scène des arbres O.G.B – 1 pm Roy Blair – 2:20 pm Fouki – 3:45 pm Bea Miller – 5:15 pm Boy Pablo – 6:45 pm Hayley Kiyoko – 8:40 pm
Scène de l’Île Jerico – 1 pm Bambii – 2 pm CRi – 3:10 pm Monolink – 4:20 pm DJ Koze – 5:35 pm Agoria – 7:05 pm The Black Madonna – 8:15 pm Sebastian – 9:50 pm
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Osheaga 2019 Announces Day-To-Day Festival Schedule With summer getting closer every day, and the festival season ready to roll, Osheaga 2019 has released its full day-to-day schedule with stage assignments and set times.
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