#Faithwalker creation I love what I do!
latoniareena · 11 months
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vjwildlife · 4 years
7 Generations
To address the inconsistancies of a vegan diet in most of the climates on this planet is to become open to taking the next step in this journey of relating intelligently to ourselves and to the world that we live in. As long as vegan and/or raw is held as the highest point of dietary, spiritual, and inspired evolution, we will not look deeper to see how this life pattern can harmonize even more than it is doing so right now. For me, looking directly into the face of my delusions and asking very difficult questions allowed me to become available to dial it all further in. I thought that I WAS dialed all the way in and only in my questioning inconsistancies did I see that I was still not totally lined up. It is truly not a question of meat or no meat that I am exploring here. The more relevant question is " What is my point"? If my point is non violence, health, eco friendlyness, choosing to care about all of life in my choices, or sustainability for as much life as possible for the longest duration without sacrificing the thrive factor, well, I have shown to myself through reason, logic and a refined study of the obvious that my raw vegan diet in Salt Lake City is not accomplishing what I set out for it to accomplish. Not because it is raw vegan, but because I accepted the raw vegan box as the best and highest and stopped checking in with my original intention of it all....to realize the highest truth. Through innnocent perception, it is easy to see the way...in my opinion. As long as a dogmatic position is fixed, the opportunity for growth in thwarted and the violence in our actions continues. Our veggies are wiping out entire biosystems...not just one or two animals but actually the possibility of any life to flourish in the wake of our veganism. To me this is insanity and reeks of the moronic and sheeple approach to life that all religion offers up. For me, life is spiritual... period. I dont need to go looking for it. My entire life is a prayer and this Earthwalk is a faithwalk.....only always. That is why for me truth is the only ideal worth striving to allign with and realize. I feel that how I do one thing is how I do anything so I look for the fullest and broadest and highest truth in all that I do...thus food and lifestyle is a major aspect of this movement for me. As food is the number one way that we interact with this physical reality, being continually intentional about it is powerful. So upon losing my hard immovable line regarding food, looking for the home run and grand slam of life choices and food choices immediatelly became an option. I have found an affordable option to keep it vegan and raw if I choose, which I dont. Check out all of the works of Eliot Coleman. He successfully grows organic top quality plant food year around in Maine without anything more than folk technologies. His website is a wonderful resource as are his books.You dont need millions of duckets to follow his example, and your back yard is sufficient to cover your needs. I am adding bees and goats and chickens to my backyard farm as for me this is a well rounded diet in this climate and for my body and constitution. Eggs and cheese and milk and yogurt and honey work well for me and if the beings are happy and loved, I believe that they will happily share what they create. It gives me great joy to share my own creations with those who value and receive with love what I have to share. I have no reason to believe that animals are any different. Read "The Urban Homestead" by Kelly Coyne amd Erik Knutzen to cover water catchement systems, and everything relevant to an urban farm in your back yard. The options already exist but we will not look for them if we believe that we have already found the ultimate answer.... and thus refuse to adress the GAPING holes in our raw vegan non logic. This is my primary point in writing and sharing the original post to this thread. Please please please understand this. I am not pointing to what is right or what is wrong. I am pointing to what can actually work and last and support life to thrive in its infinite forms. THIS is my point..my only point. What is the value is questioning the vegan and raw religion? Well, if we come back to local, we address overpopulation in the only way that has ever been shown to work. Local resources regulate numbers of bodies created. At some point we will not make more beings than we can feed and support. As it is we have an artificially inflated and out of control food production system that WILL absolutely fail us all. Because of this artificial inflation we have created way too many bodies, and this is gleefully supported by those in power who are reaping massive financial abundance as more and more consumers are created and must rely on the current economic system in order to be fed. This is not in our best interest. Yes, there will probably be an initial adjustment or correction that is unpleasant in our numbers...but that is happening already anyhow. When we get it that our local land and water and people are our true livelihood and resources....that without it we all die...well, guess what we will fight to defend? As it is, we believe that the current economic system is what feeds us so we base all of our laws and rights and values and choices on this system. The correction would be swift if the current system collapsed and local communites were left to find their own way to feed and live and thrive. Our current system is a representation of what we believe takes care of us. Local can exist indefinatelly if we play within the bounds of what we can naturally support and create. Folk technology as opposed to high technology can be supported indefinatelly. My movement is towards supporting a sense of peace and well being while valueing all life in its infinite forms to be valued in all of our choices. Yes, we have the ability as humans to reason..it is our curse and our greatest gift. How about we start using it intelligently and get out of the guilt and judgement and fear. Imagine the sense of peace and security and joy that would exists in a community that knew how to feed itself and supported itself through logical and sustainable choices. When there is safety, healing can begin. Through fear no one can relax enough to begin to open and heal and let go. I see this local option as totally doable, reasonable, intelligent, and a win win for everyone except for the greedy parasites sucking the life and energy of the host body. Read "The Town That Food Saved". Its already been done and we can all be the impetus for this change where ever we live. Heaven on Earth is ours to choose and I am committed to choosing it. As above so below. We will see it when we believe it. Losing our judgement about what it SHOULD look like allows us to see innocently what it actually DOES look like
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