#Fakir working WITH who he's writing (Duck) and working around reality lets him do much more than his flat power level would suggest
robinwinghood · 1 year
Also don’t be shy, share the ideas! We’d all love to hear!
Well, I can try, this isn’t exactly coalesced into a sense-making thing
There ARE more storyspinners in the ‘real’ world, among other kinds of magic, this is a magical world.
Magic is generally kept secret. This world isn’t modern it’s kinda more 1910s-1920s-1930s-ish (tbh, generally, think Tintin-esque) so the magical stuff is not that difficult to hide from the wider world. There is a kind of global supernatural community, people in the know, magic users, etc.
This world kind of crosses paths with several others, including the fairytale land that Siegfried originated from. Travel back and forth is possible, but not easy or simple, unless you have direct connection to one (which is the case with Seigfried and Rue, with Siegfried being from there and Rue carrying The Raven’s blood, and The Raven having originally come from there) (This means that Siegfried would have trouble returning to the ‘real’ world on his own, but Rue wouldn’t, because she has connections to both) (This part is going a li’l bit Namesake I’ll admit)
Kinkan was kinda like an SCP, but with no SCP Foundation to deal with it. Some people went in and were never seen again, but the majority of the time, people would go in and come out, apparently none the worse for wear, except for the fact that their memories were a bit wonky and spotty.
So, like, let’s say Anteaterina was from the outside. She’d be able to remember a lot of the basics of what happened, like that she tried to steal another girl’s boyfriend as revenge for some snub, and somebody talked her down, but she wouldn’t remember the specifics, and probably chock that up to a more rational explanation, like stress from the school year.
Kinkan was also sealed off from outside magical influence. Essentially, the broader supernatural community was AWARE of Kinkan being weird, but nobody could do anything about it. They couldn’t even find out why, if anyone tried to go in, they’d just get pulled into the story, and either vanish, or get spat out with still no idea what Kinkan’s deal is.
So, the vague plot I had in my brainspace involved:
After Drosselmeyer’s power was broken, it takes a while for word to spread, but once it does, you’ve got folks in-the-know coming from miles around to try and find out just what’s been going on with this seemingly random German town over the past century or so. This leads to a small seaplane landing on the lake, which Duck witnesses while Fakir is off talking to an in-the-know person from outside, learning about the situation. Duck sees a few other Kinkan residents being like ‘wtf is that thing?’ and runs face first into the realisation that SHE recognised that it was a plane. Why does SHE know what a plane is? Also, she’s got memories of like... Maybe a DAY/WEEK before Drosselmeyer approached her?
(This did also involve a Duck-gets-to-stay-a-girl headcanon, I admit. She then sees an older girl disembark who bears a STRIKING resemblance to human Duck. Fakir is also informed that Duck should’ve turned back into a normal duck by now, and asked if he’s ABSOLUTELY certain she’s 100% just a duck.)
(Duck’s past was that she’d been part of a li’l kinda Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers/Tintin esque mystery-solving/adventure-having type operation with her elder sister and... I never decided whether it was their dad, their uncle, or even just their wheelman, he was like their Captain Haddock equivalent. Eventually, an incident unrelated to Kinkan led to Duck getting turned into a literal duck, and Drosselmeyer sort of stumbled across her and decided to be opportunistic in finding his Princess Tutu.)
(What follows is... Plot of some description that’s as far as I ever got. A lot of this is a kinda gateway to the outside world and what it’s like out there.)
Various Headcanons:
Paulamoni and the troupe actually DO remember Duck, even though the rest of Kinkan doesn’t. This is because the story didn’t censor the memory of Duck on their way out, because as far as they knew she was a normal kid, and they weren’t present when Drosselmeyer’s power was fully broken. Same goes for Raetsel.
Drosselmeyer throughly screwed himself over picking Duck to be Princess Tutu, but he didn’t know enough about the ‘real’ world a century after his death to know it. She’d already been the beating, bleeding heart of the Rescue Rangers group, the one talking people back from terrible decisions and the like. He found in Duck both the best possible Princess Tutu and the worst for his plans.
I sometimes called Duck’s sister Goose. I sometimes was inclined to think ‘Duck’ was a nickname, based on following their mom/grandma around when she was little.
Duck was always in love with ballet, and the one she first saw as a kid was Sleeping Beauty.
It takes a couple days before Fakir and Ahiru get the chance to compare notes. Obviously she can’t tell him as a duck that she saw someone who looked like her, and he’s not sure what to make of being told that Duck might not’ve been just a Duck, so it takes him some time before he comes round to taking it as permission to write Duck back into a girl, if only to discuss it.
Fakir has some relation to the supernatural community in the outside world, via his mother’s family, and that’s why he’s called Fakir.
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Yamata-No-Orochi (Part 2) Princess Tutu
Princess Tutu is a must watch if you haven’t seen it. It’s a bit after the MCs time though so she wouldn’t have been able to see it.
The throbbing bass from the speakers sync with the flashing lights of the dance club at Takamagahara. The crowd is thriving today. You can see glimpses of the masses of people in the pulsing of light. They appear like brief colorful snapshots on the floor below your center platform table.
The Romanceable MC contest continued despite the tragic death of Chance. The official narrative was that Chance died bravely defending you from street hooligans, which is horribly ironic, because that was something that you specifically told him not to do. Now Club Takamagahara was holding another Princess Night with the theme of Knights in Shining Armor. Men walked around like living walls of muscle wearing silver helmets, silver studded leather straps and bronze colored leather subligacula.
It was the exact opposite of what Chance’s life was. He was no knight. He would have been the first to admit that. He was on the underbelly of the world as a gang member, the lowest of his kind as an unstable hybrid and even then he lowered himself further, running sex dungeons for money to maintain the balance between his humanity and his raging dragonblood. And he still smiled and he still dreamed of a Hokkaido winter wedding.
Your chest constricts involuntarily.
“Are you going to be alright? You don’t have to be here.” A voice murmurs in your ear. Diamond is the only contender next to you. As a cowboy style performer, he has no need to dress up like a knight. Cowboys, like handsome knights, are just another font of masculine charm and marital fidelity. They work hard out on the lonely trails, wrangling sheep and cattle but they are true and come home to you, their sweet prairie wife. As sheriffs, they run out the outlaws in the town. “
You look up at him, his eyes are a welcome distraction. “You don’t have to be here either.”
He huffs. “Well, you can’t hurt too bad, if you come up with a sweet comeback like that.”
“Why are you here? Armani and Calypso have backed out.” Rumor had gone around that Chance's killing was related to an out of control fan who had fallen in love with you and had used his yakuza ties to put out a hit job and kidnap you. The other suitors didn’t mind losing a little dignity if it meant living another day.
“I used to work at Bliss Hall, also known as the Paradisio. I knew shady stuff went down. And when the gang war came there, I looked down the barrel of five guns while they interrogated me and patted me down. They determined I wasn't involved and let me go. So… if I was going to die of gang violence I probably would have already.”
“So why are you here?” You reach for the glass of champagne in front of you. Even though you were underage, you were already accustomed to the taste of drink and the smell of tobacco. Your high level of dragonblood didn’t let you get drunk easily as the men found out on your first day as the Main Character on this show. Chu Zihang checked the records on that night, and you had drunk two full bottles of vodka before you even felt the slightest bit tipsy.
He reached for his own glass. “I'm still a competitor. And I'm curious how Chance won three star-hearts in a single night. Is giving up your life the way to your heart? It’s a high price to pay and a lonely existence for you.”
Your mind flashes back to Renata and Chance. “I can see why you're second in the ranking. You dress much flashier than Kazama. But you’re no less of a sharpshooter.”
He presses his hand to his chest and bows.
“I don't need riches or beauty. So if you offer me those things, I'm not attracted. When I first came to Japan,  I didn't care about anything.  I felt my life was over. I was just trying to wait until the end and I wanted my life to end. But every time I reached for the end, there was a man who kept telling me no. I should not try to end my life and, even if it looked like my life was over, I shouldn't just take that conclusion at face value. His final lesson was I shouldn't just accept the inevitable death of others. It took a few times to accept those three lessons, but it was what I needed.”
“What happened to that guy? He sounds like a real keeper.”
You huff. “He was very happily engaged when we met.”
Chances eyebrows lifted. “I bet.”
“But I never forgot what he taught me. Chance helped me to speak those words from my own heart and my own experience. It's one thing to learn a lesson. When you teach that lesson to others, then you know it's part of your life. To see him listen to me and put what I learned into action because he loved me? How could my heart not overflow? Chance didn’t just accept his fate. He didn't just give up his life for me. He fought for us to be together. He… he wanted to live. I needed that in a person.” You run your hands over the empty glass in your hands imagining his smooth childlike face, so peaceful in the rain. “How many people are there out there who can look fate in the eye and say… ‘How about no?’”
Diamond reaches over with a champagne bottle and refills. “Oh You need someone who can rewrite the script! Like in Princess Tutu.”
You blink. “I’m sorry, did you just say ‘Princess Tutu’?”
“Oh come on, don't tell me you've never heard of Princess Tutu. It's just the best anime ever!”
You’re speechless. It was like this suave handsome Ikemen had suddenly turned into Lu Mingfei. “No, please fill me in.”
“Okay, hear me out. Once there was a writer named Drosselmeyer, who had the power to make his stories come to life. He especially loved to write stories with tragic endings! But he died before he could finish his final tale, called The Prince and the Raven, leaving the two title characters locked in an eternal battle.”
“After many years, the Raven managed to break free into the real world, and the Prince pursued him. To seal away the Raven's evil, the Prince shattered his own heart with his sword, causing him to lose all his memories and emotions. Without his emotions, he is reborn as Mytho.”
“Drosselmeyer, now a ghost, decides the story must have an ending. He finds it in the form of a little duck, who has fallen in love with Mytho. He gives her a magic pendant that can transform her, first into an ordinary human girl, then into the graceful ballerina Princess Tutu, another character in the story. As Tutu, it's Duck's job to find all the scattered shards of Mytho's heart and return them to him.”
“What's more, Duck learns that part of Princess Tutu's story is that she can never confess her love to Mytho, or else she'll turn into a speck of light and vanish. However, it becomes clear that Mytho wants his heart restored, so despite interference, she persists. She finds a friend in Fakir, a man who is the son of Drosselmeyer who also has the ability to bring his stories to life.”
“After most of Mytho's heart is returned to him, the seal trapping the Raven begins to break. Finally able to feel love again, Mytho realizes he loves Rue, another character – not Duck. Duck also discovers her pendant is the final shard, meaning she must give up her life as a human to return it. She eventually finds the courage to do so, and becomes a humble duck again.”
“Mytho and the Raven battle once more. When the fight turns bleak, Mytho considers shattering his heart to seal the monster away again. Duck begins dancing to show him he must not give up. As she does, this guy named Fakir writes a story about how she never stops, no matter how many times the Raven's minions attack her. They make that story a reality! This gives Mytho hope, which gives Mytho the strength he needs to rescue Rue and defeat the Raven. Mytho asks Rue to be his princess and they return to his kingdom inside the story. Duck and Fakir continue their relationship, even though she's stuck in her duck form. With nothing left to do, Drosselmeyer departs in search of another story.”
“The point is, you're Duck and you need someone like Fakir who can defeat Drosselmeyer by rewriting the script!”
When thinking about a ghost behind the scenes writing a script, it was clear who the Drosselmeyer in your life was. Z had rescued you and taught you to fight so your life could continue even though you didn’t really understand why. You were just like a duck receiving the pendant. But Z also had plans for you. He'd also forbidden you from confessing her love to Ruri Kazama before you even had feelings for him, only for you to meet him and suddenly he’s a potential contender for your heart with a clear connection with your past?
Z had a script.  And falling in love with Ruri Kazama didn't fit. Why was your love interest so important? Who are you supposed to fall in love with? Caesar asked that in a roundabout way. Why did the person you fell in love with matter to him, if he wasn't your boyfriend?
Chance said that Izanami loved Izanagi on a whim, as a hobby, while she used him to help her live forever.  She loved him and turned him into a monster. She needed him, and consumed him.
Z appeared and kissed you after you entered the MC contest. “I want to get to you before those idiots.” He’d said.
He entered the competition only after you nearly gave a star heart to Ruri Kazama. “I know how the story ends.” He’d said. 
Pursuing Ruri Kazama or anyone else would defeat his script! Whatever script Z wrote required that you love no one but him. 
Your hands tighten on the wine glass and Diamond massages your back. It's not that you had no feelings for Z at all, but Z was acting like Izanami, hiding his true intentions while making overtures of affection.  There's only one way to be sure you weren't going to end up a duck or a monster at the end. Force a confession out of Z!
You look up at Diamond. “Thank you.” Your eyes are sparking with something like anger. You felt fierce and wild inside realizing that you’d been led along by this stranger, assuming that ‘keeping you alive’ was good enough of a good ending to your story. But Izanagi was ‘kept’ alive… as a sacrifice to the White King. Until you understood Z’s intention, there was no telling where he was leading you.
You stand up and lightly tap your glass. The host of the Takamagahara lowered the music and all faces turned to your center platform. “I would like to thank you for coming out tonight. I’ll let you get back to your dancing in a moment, but first I would like to award 3 star hearts to Diamond, for opening my eyes to the truth tonight.”
You spoke looking down on your audience like royalty. Standing in your sparkling silver cheongsam, you looked like royalty. Diamond’s eyes opened wide and he hastily swallowed his Champagne before he could choke on it. He had been kicking himself for speaking so foolishly to this woman. She’d fallen into a deep silence and he figured he’d just killed all his chances of a win. But she liked it!
“And I would like to announce the winner of the MC Romance contest. He knows who he is. He has a deep connection to my past, and I would like to explore that connection further. If you’re listening.”
You raise your eyes to the cameras that broadcast your face to hundreds of screens around Takamagahara. Spectators pushed each other to get a good view and the loud hall descended into a deep silence.
You didn’t remember the tune, but you would always remember the words and you speak them, closing your eyes and placing your hands on your heart. “All happiness may be a fleeting blossom in the shadow of the moon, but I am in that shadow waiting for you in a field of those flowers. Won’t you join me? Together we will dance in the depths of Yomi!”
The hairs rise on the necks of every patron of the Takamagahara. Eyebrows knitted in confusion, hushed puzzled whispers were uttered involuntarily. Your words sounded nothing like a love confession, more like a forbidden incantation written in secret by a practitioner of black magic!
The flashing lights suddenly go dark, every large display screen clicks off in a successive wave. You turn around in horror as those screens replace your face with the words “GAME OVER” in bright burning red text!
The words were on every screen in the room. Your eyes scan the room and immediately spot Caesar moving towards you on the left. You quickly descend from the platform and hurry to him. He covers you, sweeping over you with one arm. “Get downstairs. Now!” 
His eyes meet with someone else's, likely Chu Zihang’s. “Don’t take the elevators, he can probably control those. We’ll take the stairwell.” He said.
You enter the beige corridor of the stairwell. It’s also pitch black. Not even the emergency lights are on. The basement is only one flight down and you can see to the bottom. A lone shadowy figure staring up at you with furious red gold eyes. You leap back and try to pull Caesar out, back to the crowd. “No! Caesar! Run!”
Caesar’s eyes blaze gold and he levels the Desert Eagles in the direction where you’re fearfully looking, but then he lowers them. He didn't hear anything, or see anything.
“Don’t! Don’t hurt him!” You beg.
“Z’s here?”
You gasp. “Yes. He’s mad.”
“Then we can talk?”
Your eyes swivel to and fro from Caesar’s eyes to Z’s eyes which apparently only you can see. Caesar still held his Desert Eagles but there was no fear there. “Yes.”
“Alright… Z. You’re running Takamagahara. The MC love contest was your idea right? What are your plans for MC?” Caesar asks. “I get the feeling you don’t have her best interests at heart.”
Z chuckles from the bottom of the well. “This conversation will have to wait. I’m a bit busy with another client.”
You’re shaking so much you hold on to Caesar’s arm to just keep yourself upright. “He’s gone.”
“What did he say?”
“He said he’s busy with another client.”
The door opens, scaring you both. Chu blinks at both of you in the dark stairwell but then he looks at Caesar and holds his questions. “We’ve got a problem. The Uesugi girl and Lu Mingfei have run into trouble. The whole area around the Robuchon restaurant is blocked off and it’s complete chaos. We’ve got to find Lu Mingfei and make sure he’s alright.”
Caesar gathers his arm around you and together you leave the stairwell. “MC, come with us. I don't want you and that Uesugi girl to meet, but until I figure out what Z is… I don’t think you should be alone.”
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an-aura-about-you · 5 years
*bunny hops in* Hi-hi! This bun knows you have some OCs and is curious about them, would you answer some questions about them? For your adult OCs, how did they decide on their careers? (Or how did they end up doing what they do if it wasn't much of a choice?) They're not sure if you have younger OCs, do you? 🐰💛
That’s a good question, especially when it comes to some of the villains. And I can’t even remember if I’ve got anything up concerning all of my OCs, so that’s what this might turn into. (All of my Princess Tutu OCs, that is. I’m not sure we’ve got the time for the others.) And editing to remove the read more because for whatever reason it doesn’t want to work on my blog when I have that. Sorry about the long post!
First, let’s start with OCs that aren’t really OCs. That is, they’re characters that can actually be found in Princess Tutu or very clearly based on other works.
Lohengrin: The Knight in the StoryFound in: various works, most notably Consumed, Ship of Theseus, and Take Me To Church
Lohengrin, most of the time, is Prince Siegfried’s loyal knight. Most of the time because he’s occasionally not so loyal (Consumed) and occasionally he’s not a knight anymore (Ship of Theseus, Take Me To Church). His origins taken from Arthurian legend, particularly the Wagner opera named after him, he is the son of another knight in the kingdom and followed in his father’s footsteps.
In stories where he dies, his past is always the same: he is sent to a neighboring kingdom that is falling under the Raven’s influence to serve as the champion to the duke’s daughter, as she has been wrongly accused of murdering her younger brother. A verbal taboo is placed on her so that she can’t ask Lohengrin who he is, because his identity is so tied with his duty that once it’s revealed he must return to his fight with the Raven. (In the opera, it’s because Lohengrin’s powers come from the Holy Grail, which is Too Holy for the profane.) In spite of this, they fall in love and even marry. But, inevitably, she does ask. And when he leaves, she dies of grief. He is helped through his period of mourning by Siegfried and eventually Princess Tutu. In moving on, Lohengrin falls in love with Tutu but believes it cannot truly be requited. In truth, it doesn’t matter because Siegfried and Tutu are the two he loves most in the world.
In stories where he is alive, he remembers the tragedies as though he lived them, and perhaps he did. But if he’s around, he’s the happily married duke of the neighboring kingdom, his wife not dying and her taboo being taken away now that the Raven is no more.
Elsa: Lohengrin’s Lady LoveFound in: works focused on Lohengrin, notably Consumed and Ship of Theseus
Elsa is Lohengrin’s wife, the daughter of a duke from a neighboring kingdom. It’s clear from the way Princess Tutu is set up that her story is meant to serve as foreshadowing for Tutu’s fate. Both of them have verbal taboos concerning the ones they love, and both of them cease to exist once breaking them. In the opera, if Elsa is able to keep her taboo for a year, then she will no longer be bound by it and she and Lohengrin can live happily ever after. (But it’s an opera, so of course that doesn’t happen.)
In stories where she is alive, she is the happy duchess of the neighboring kingdom. 
Elsa is also the original owner of Lohengrin’s horse, Pfeifferkuchen.
Gottfried: Elsa’s BrotherFound in: works focused on Lohengrin, notably Ship of Theseus
Gottfried is Elsa’s younger brother and Lohengrin’s brother-in-law. It is revealed that a witch in the Raven’s employ had turned him into a swan and accused Elsa of killing him. He’s relatively young, only just now reaching marrying age in Ship of Theseus.
In stories where Lohengrin and Elsa die, Gottfried is given Lohengrin’s sword.
Ortrud: The Raven’s WitchFound in: Consumed
I’m not sure if her name is ever mentioned, but she is filling both the roles of the Pagan priestess in the opera with the same name as well as Kraehe. Not much is known about Ortrud, such as what motivates her to frame Elsa for murder or even why she works for the Raven in the first place. Some of this might be handwaved as, “Drosselmeyer Did It.”
Parsifal: The Original KnightFound in: works focused on Lohengrin, notably Variations and works related to it, Consumed, and Take Me To Church
Parsifal, also known as Percival, is Lohengrin’s father. According to Arthurian legend, he saw a group of knights riding past when he was a boy and thought to impress them with his marksmanship by shooting a swan out of the sky. But when he presented the swan to them, the knights asked why he would kill an innocent creature. It was on this day that he decided that he would grow up to become an honest and just knight. In Arthurian legend, he becomes one of the Knights of the Round Table and his family is charged with the task of watching over the Holy Grail.
In Variations, he’s the knight to discover what had become of Prince Siegfried and his entourage in their fight against the Raven.
In Take Me To Church, he’s the knight that trains Rue in swordsmanship.
Bears an uncanny resemblance to Fakir’s father.
Blanchefleur (story): Parsifal’s WifeFound in: works focused on Lohengrin, notably Variations and Consumed
Blanchefleur is Parsifal’s wife and Lohengrin’s mother. Much like her husband, she is kind and gentle, opening her home to those who need it.
In Variations, she’s the one who suggests Fakir and Duck seek advice from the Auspex.
Bears an uncanny resemblance to Fakir’s mother.
Erina: She Eats AntsFound in: Variations and works related to it, whatever she wants to be in
So yeah, why WAS Anteaterina in only one episode of the series? That seemed super weird for a show like Princess Tutu where characters keep popping up or coming back. Is it because she was an anteater? Is that why? But ambition like hers simply can’t be ignored.
And when Rue left to live with Siegfried in the world of the story, it wasn’t. Erina earned a spot in the advanced class. She and Fakir would be dance partners for the rest of Fakir’s ballet career in Variations and remain friends afterward. After leaving Goldkrone Academy, she gets a job with the Eleki Troupe to see if it’s to her liking and will eventually look into teaching ballet herself.
In Variations, she ends up meeting Autor, and in works taking place in that universe they not only become friends but pursue a romantic relationship. As a result, she ends up learning about storyspinners from Autor and her role in carrying one of Mytho’s heartshards from Duck.
And now for characters that are pure 100% Aura original!
The Auspex: Messenger of the BirdsFound in: Variations
The Auspex is not the person’s name but their job. In Siegfried’s kingdom, they divine messages from the birds in their aviary. The Auspex is chosen for the job by the birds themselves. There will come a time when the Auspex must leave, as being around the birds for so long means eventually developing an allergy to them. At that point, the next Auspex will be chosen.
The Auspex in Variations bears an uncanny resemblance to Autor.
Cygnus: Infant PrinceFound in: works concerning Siegfried’s family, implied to be in Take Me To Church
Cygnus is Siegfried and Rue’s young son, usually written in as a baby or toddler at his oldest. He’s here to be an adorable little baby.
Logos: Famous FatherFound in: works concerning Autor’s family tree
Logos is a descendant of Drosselmeyer and Autor’s father. Loving music his whole life, he is a graduate of Goldkrone Academy and a somewhat famous opera singer. (His range is whatever he wants it to be.) He has the capabilities of a storyspinner, but he restricts that use to a sort of glamour to amplify the emotions in his singing. That’s as far as he will personally tread into the realm of warping reality.
Lore: Pianist ExtraordinaireFound in: works concerning Autor’s family tree
Lore is Logos’s wife and Autor’s mother. She likewise went to Goldkrone Academy where she found her passion in piano. She doesn’t mind the spotlight, but she doesn’t seek it out the way Logos does. Instead, she is a professional piano tutor and taught Autor everything he knew before he began going to school. (Now that I think about it, she is probably qualified to teach at Goldkrone. Lore being an adjunct professor would be fun to write!) She is one of the few people that’s aware of storyspinners without being one herself.
Waren: Doomed UncleFound in: Speak of the Devil
Waren is a descendant of Drosselmeyer and Logos’s uncle. When Logos was a boy, he accidentally witnessed Waren being possessed by something while the man was trying to induce a storyspinning trance. Waren never fully recovered from this, and Logos’s father ended up in charge of his estate. Logos would go on to inherit the property.
Heinrich: Local JewelerFound in: works concerning Anteaterina’s family
Heinrich is Erina’s father. His talent lies in crafting, his heart in art, and both come into play in his work at the jewelry store. He might seem a bit muted in his emotions, but he unquestionably adores his family and enjoys spoiling them.
Blanchefleur (Goldkrone): Marvelous MotherFound in: works concerning Anteaterina’s family
Blanchefleur is Heinrich’s wife and Erina’s mother. Exuding confidence and personality, she’s a natural at selling jewelry in her husband’s shop. But more often than not, she’s attending to other family business like keeping the household or running errands for her mother. She and Lore used to date during their schooldays, but it hasn’t been revealed what Blanchefleur studied there. It’s clear from her conversation with Autor that she’s familiar with opera, though.
Penelope: Blanchefleur’s MotherFound in: works concerning Anteaterina’s family
Penelope is Blanchefleur’s mother and Erina’s grandmother. Not much is known about her except that she recently left East Germany to live with her daughter’s family and that she is an accomplished cellist. 
Sattine: Or is that Rattine?Found in: works concerning Anteaterina
Sattine/Rattine was Anteaterina’s school roommate. As her name implies, she is an anthropomorphic rat during the events of the story. They used to be friends with a rather cruel streak, but Erina developing real feelings for Autor put an end to their friendship. Sattine is something of a gourmand and seeks out fine foods.
Penn: Ordinary Average GuyFound in: works concerning Autor
After a particular conversation with Erina in his family library, Autor is inspired to study law as a way to use his words and stories to change the world without being a storyspinner. Penn is one of Autor’s law school classmates as well as his roommate there. It’s possible he might not know what he’s going to do with what he’s learning just yet, as is often the case with college students. What makes him unique is how ordinary he actually is. His roommate is downright peculiar, not just coming from a town famous for a fairy tale author but actually being descended from that same author, the son of a relatively known opera singer, and dating a ballerina from a relatively known dance troupe. Penn finds Goldkrone interesting but is kind of glad that it’s a place to visit rather than being something tied to him.
Laurel: Darling DaughterFound in: works concerning Autor and Anteaterina
Laurel is Autor and Erina’s daughter through fostering her before officially adopting her. Both of them found out about Laurel through their own lines of work individually, Autor as a social worker and Erina through teaching ballet. Laurel is bright and talented, dedicated to dance. She was at first overwhelmed to have so much family after having none at all, especially since she’s the first grandchild for both Autor’s parents and Erina’s parents to dote on. But having grown up and mellowed out a bit, Autor and Erina are able to help Laurel find the space she needs so she can fit into their lives.
Laurel’s name is also how she first caught Autor’s eye, as Laurel is an English form of his mother’s name, Lore. 
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ladybugnight · 7 years
Yule Tide 2017 Letter for author
Hello Writer, I am so happy to be apart of this again this year. I enjoy doing this for others and enjoy seeing what people do for me. I am an easy going person so do not stress about what you make me. The fact that you did anything for me makes me HAPPY and EXCITED! 
I have a few simple do not wants, and many LOVES! And even have some specific things I Like to see from different fandom. But you do not have to hit anything specific. 
My DNW’s are simple: No Intense descriptions of Underage Sex, I do not want it, and rarely tolerate even mild mentions of it. (I have as they used a underage encounter as a building block for the story, and that was about the only time! So please stay clear of it), I also do not like Water sports or other body functions in sex, Again I have seen and tolerated it in mention for a plot point but do not need it described! 
I do how ever have a hard 100% hard DO NOT WANT! That is clowns. They scare me, scare the SHIT out of me, and this will sound weird as I love the Circus, and am okay with Harliquin Clowns but Bozo, It, and other clowns like it scare me! Like will make me stop reading scare me. So please NO! Just NO!
I know it seems like a lot of DNW’s but it really is not. 
DO WANT: Au’s, Love Stories, Love Hurt Comfort Stories, ABO, “coffee shop Au’s”, Christmas Wonderland Stories, Adventures, Action, Suspense. Circus AU’s (remember I am scared of clowns, Best way to do this is just to avoid clowns. You have a balloon sculptor sure, but Bozo Blowing up a balloon to create a poodle NO!) 
These are just a few Do Want’s So please take it easy you do not need to write in this. These are just suggestions of things that get bonus points from me! Again I am just happy to see you write something from my list of likes. 
The following is just the Fandoms I am asking for and a few things for there specific fandoms. 
The Legend of Drizzt I am a huge fan of the earlier books, Anything in the earlier days of R.A. Salvatore. If I had to guess where they lost me was around the Hunter’s Blade Trilogy. I Haven’t read anything past this as I have really lost the love for the writing of Salvatore! So this is more of a create your own adventure, feel free to re write the Mythology of the world and story if you need. 
I love Drizzt and Catti, even if it is a bit weird as he watched the girl grow up and then old. But at the same time I think it is sweet and adorable how much he can care for her. So feel free to use that pairing.
I also really enjoy the way Drizzt and Zaknafein interacted in the early books. I think it was a neat dynamic and would love to see a father and son interaction. Be it with a ghost of Zaknafein or be it while Drizzt was still in Menzoberranzan.  Do you like to write AU’s? If so I would love a Modern Fantasy AU, where Drizzt is still a Drow, and the characters keep the race they were given in the story, but bring them to our world. What adventures and how would they interact in the world as it is now, with the high Fantasy of the books still a solid part of reality. 
Princess Tutu Is a very dear anime to me. It is one of the few I have fallen in love with in the Magical Girl Genera. And more so as it is one that my best friend introduced to me (she introduces me to lots but so many are boring to me this one caught my heart) . I might sound picky with this fandom but I am not. Honestly, I Swear to you!
I do want a Fakir and Ahiru Story. I love this couple and would love the story to feature and revolve around them. Mytho and Rue are my other couple but I am not as into them as Fakir and Ahiru!
I would like something with the characters older then they are now. This will allow you so many more options. Does she continue to be Tutu after the show, does she stay a duck, if so how does that effect Fakir? Did he move on to a new woman and care for Duck or does he let her go free!
I would love to see an after the story ends arc. But it is not the only thing you HAVE to do! Other things that would be cool to see... A date night (bonus points if he takes her to the circus), or an adventure to save another doomed person. Maybe an AU where they are actually in the Ballet and this is the story they are preparing to preform on stage. Lots you can do. I am happy with so much. 
The Last Unicorn I honestly wasn’t sure if I was going to request this one with it just being Haggard as the only character option. But I thought what the heck, Lets do it! This is a story I grew up with in story books, movies, music, and when I got old enough the novel. One of the things I always wanted to be confirmed on did he die? Did Haggard Die in the collapse of his castle? Did The Unicorn come back to save him, with her being able to regret, could she handle the guilt of his death on her and the others. Does another save him, if so what or who? Please no porn for this fandom. I am not okay with thinking about Haggard and some other... no please no! But other wise tell me what happened, tell me more about how it ended. 
Frozen Teardrop Okay, here it is, the hardest one to ask for as I am still reading these. It is taking time as I was having issues finding decently translated versions. So please write me a story that involves the selected characters, and feel free to add the other pilots. It does not need to be in the timeline it can be future time lines, or timelines between the end of Endless Waltz and beginning of frozen teardrops.
Chef RPF HUGE FAN OF GORDON! Like we are talking I LOVE THIS MAN! I love Kitchen Nightmares, and Hell's Kitchen the most. And as a restaurant owner I kinda wish we needed his help! (Glad we don't but kinda wished we did) I would love to see you work with his Chef Ramsay character from TV. (yes people that is a character, he does have a short fuse in the kitchen as a head chef, but IRL he is quite nice) And cross it over to another program. Like Cake Boss, Cupcake Wars, Undercover Boss..... SO many other places he could go visit.
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