#Farm House in Dera Mandi
propertyaclmarts · 3 months
For more information about Mini Farm House In Dera Mandi, Mini Farm House In Dlf, Mini Farm Plot In Ansal, Farm House In Western Greens, Farm House Plot In Dlf, Farm Land In Ansal, please visit the - https://property.aclmarts.com/
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Top 10 Rehab Centres in Delhi: A Comprehensive Guide
1. HopeCare India - Dr. Deepak Raheja
Located in the heart of Delhi, HopeCare India, led by Dr. Deepak Raheja, has been a beacon of hope for countless individuals. With over 20 years of experience, they offer a holistic approach to rehabilitation.
Address: 137, South Extension II, Masjid Moth Village, New Delhi, Delhi 110049
Phone: 093111 12377
Patients Treated: Over 10,000
Experience: 20+ years
Website: https://hopecareindia.com/
Consultation Charges: ₹2000 per session
Success Rate: 90% plus
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2. Sanctum Wellness and Healing Sanctum
Is renowned for its internationally trained experts, ensuring exceptional care 24/7.
Address: B4, Kh.No. 184,1073,183/2, Bhatti, New Delhi, Delhi
Website: Sanctum's website
Success Rate: 88%
3. Lotus Wellness and Rehabilitation Center
Coimbatore Lotus, a blend of luxury and wellness, offers both traditional and modern therapies.
Address: #141/1B 142/1B, Sairam Nagar, Zamin uthukuli, Pollachi, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Website: Lotus's website
Success Rate: 87%
4. Jagruti Rehab Gurgaon
Jagruti Rehab in Gurgaon is a haven for those seeking a fresh start in life.
Address: Gurgaon, Plot no 596, Sector 42, Gurgaon, Delhi
Website: Jagruti's website
Success Rate: 86%
5. Samarpan
Located amidst the serene landscapes of Maharashtra, Samarpan offers a tranquil environment for healing.
Address: 441 Song of Life County Road, Urawade, Mulshi, Maharashtra
Website: Samarpan's website
Success Rate: 85%
6. Abhasa Rehabilitation and Wellness Home
Abhasa stands out for its holistic approach to addiction treatment.
Address: SF No 898/2B, Kembanur Road, Thondamuthur, Tamil Nadu
Website: Abhasa's website
Success Rate: 84%
7. Sukoon Recovery Centre
Sukoon in Delhi offers a blend of modern therapies and traditional healing techniques.
Address: 32 B, DLF Chattarpur Farms, DLF Farms, New Delhi, Delhi
Website: Sukoon's website
Success Rate: 83%
8. Safe House Wellness Retreat
Safe House offers a serene environment with a team of dedicated professionals.
Address: I.T. Farm, Dera Mandi, Chhattarpur, Delhi, Delhi
Website: Safe House's website
Success Rate: 82%
9. Dr. Rajesh Birman RAYS Clinic for Addiction Behaviour
Dr. Rajesh Birman's RAYS Clinic focuses on addiction behaviour, offering treatments tailored to individual needs.
Address: Rays Clinic for Mental Health and Behaviour Disorders 201, Sector 11, PKT 4, Delhi, Delhi
Website: RAYS Clinic's website
Success Rate: 81%
10. Door Of Hope True to its name, Door Of Hope offers a new beginning to its patients.
Address: 1750 Mother Teresa Drive, Chhatarpur, Delhi, Delhi
Website: Door Of Hope's website
Success Rate: 80%
Conclusion: Delhi is home to some of the best rehab centres in India. Whether you're looking for holistic treatments or luxury facilities, there's something for everyone. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making a decision.
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homemesblog · 1 year
HOME ME @ Professional Real Estate Broker
(Mohan Ji - Trusted Since-1979)
🙋 A Shop of Trust and Service 🥳
             Sale, Purchase, Renting
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FARM HOUSE:- Buy Sell Rent
⛲ Bijwasan
🏕️ Kanganheri
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"and Many More Expensive Value Deals"
VILLAS KOTHIS: 1000, 1500, 2500 Squad and 1-to-5 Acre
1. Lowest Price
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3. Vastu Perfect
4. Prime Location
5. Ready to Move
6. Direct Meeting
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🌍  Area / Location: Property in
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WEA Karol Bagh , Pusa Road, Rajendra Place
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📲  ☎️  📩  Call / Whatsapp / Telegram
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📲   9599300684 (Owner-Mohan Ji)
📩   MSG: @HomeMeMohanJi
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                    Shop No. 10,
        Old Rajendra Nagar Market,
                ( #MohanJiBlock )
          New Delhi -110060, INDIA
🚟 Nearest Metro Station: Karol Bagh only 300 mtrs away
📍🥛 Landmark: Opposite Mother Dairy
👉  We have no branch or any authorised person.
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diantaraa · 4 years
Syukur Lewat Sholat
Satu waktu, ketika umurku masih belasan, selepas sholat asar kalau tidak salah, aku tiba-tiba membenak. Udah berapa kali ya aku sholat seumur hidup? Dimana aja aku pernah sholat?. Sejak hari itu aku suka mengingat tempat-tempat dimana aku pernah sholat. Entah musholla kecil di pingggir jalan saat aku kesorean pulang atau masjid raya satu kota besar yang pernah ku datangi. Hari ini, selepas sholat ashar juga, aku tiba-tiba teringat dan merasa bersyukur, ternyata jalanku sudah cukup jauh.
Tempat yang paling lekat dalam ingatan tentu saja rumah. Rumahku dan rumah nenek. Rumah panggung kayu berlantai papan yang tidak rapat. Aku masih ingat sering menjatuhkan banyak barang lewat celah-celah papan itu. Pensil. Penghapus. Penggaris. Benang. Sisir. Kartu mainan bergambar power rangers. Orang-orangan dari kertas yang sering kami sebut "bp". Kulit jeruk. Tulang ikan wkkw. Kadang juga obat yang diam-diam aku buang. Lantas karena malas, beberapa barang tetap tinggal disana sampai berhari-hari. Rumah berjendela kayu yang harus ditutup dengan menyusun beberapa deret papan. Kok jadi bahas itu ya wkwk. Baiklah, kita lanjut. Menjelang matahari terbenam, aku akan mulai menyalakan lampu minyak. Di bawah lampu minyak itulah malam-malam sering ku habiskan bersama pr-prku. Listrik adalah sebuah kemewahan waktu itu. Beberapa orang yang berkecukupan biasanya punya mesin genset, satu liter bensin cukup menerangi sejak maghrib hingga jam sepuluh malam. Kami punya, tapi tidak punya kemewahan untuk membeli bensin setiap malam. Selepas menyalakan lampu, aku akan bergegas ke sungai depan rumah. Berwudhu. Sembari menyaksikan bola merah raksasa yang separuh tubuhnya sudah menghilang. Dua sajadah akan aku bentangkan segera setelahnya. Warna merah punya Ayah. Hijau punyaku. Ayah masih dibawah sana, sedikit terlambat karena harus memasukkan ayam ke kandang. Aku akan menunggunya dengan sabar diatas sajadahku. Lalu didalam keremangan itu, suara ayah akan terdengar merdu melantukan ayat-ayatNya. Membuatku mau menjalankan rutinitas itu lagi esok hari.
Tempat lainnya adalah rumah kami. Menjelang kelulusan SD, kami pindah ke "rumah baru". Rumah dinas yang dipersilahkan ayah untuk menempatinya. Rumah panggung berlantai keramik. Jendelanya kaca. Punya kamar mandi, aku bisa berwudhu disana. Tapi halaman belakangnya indah, hamparan sawah. Aku tetap bisa melihat bola api raksasa itu. Tetapi aku tidak bisa lagi menjatuhkan barang-barang. Tidak lagi kehilangan sisir yang ternyata jatuh sampai ke tanah. Bensin satu liter pun merupakan nikmat lain yang kami miliki. Aku tetap sholat bersama ayah. Bedanya sekarang terang benderang. Aku bisa melihat dengan jelas warna mukena dan ujung sajadah yang kadang-kadang terlipat.
Aku juga ingat warna keramik kosan pertamaku. Merah. Motifnya bunga. Dingin. Air mataku pernah menetes diatasnya saat pertama kali sholat disana. Aku terisak. Merindukan rumah. Merindukan ayah dan ibu. Merindukan adik-adik. Aku tidak lagi perlu kemewahan satu liter bensin. Aku bisa menyalakan televisi kapan saja aku mau. Lampu kamar bahkan lebih sering lupa aku matikan. Air mengucur deras dari keran air. Disanalah, terbangun sujud-sujud yang menguatkan aku di tanah rantauan.
Aku ingat pernah sholat di musholla sekolahku. Karpetnya keras. Mukena yang sudah berubah warna. Musholla yang terlalu kecil bagi sekolah dengan jumlah siswa ribuan. Kami antri panjang mengambil wudhu. Juga antri panjang menunggu tempat atau mukena. Disana aku berkenalan dengan seorang teman baik, dengan senyum lebar ia menyodorkan mukena yang ia bawa sendiri. "Sholatlah, aku tungguin". Aku tau ia anak kelas sebelah, kami hampir tidak pernah saling menyapa. Tapi ia memiliki senyum yang sangat ramah. Aku membalas senyumnya. Tahun berikutnya, saat musholla kami sudah lebih lega
dan lebih lapang. Saat antri sudah tidak terlalu lama. Aku menyaksikan ia melepas mukena sambil menahan tawa. Kenapa. Begitu tanya wajahku. Aku baru selesai wudhu. "Pak xxxx yang jadi imam, 5 rakaaat". Ia bicara sambil menunjukkan lima jarinya. Aku ikut tertawa. Ia menepuk bahuku, berpamitan kembali kekelas. Di musholla sekolah ini pula, aku sering berlama-lama. Sekedar rebahan dan menikmati kipas angin turbo wkwk. Kelasku panas sekali.
Aku juga pernah sholat di musholla sekolah lain. Itu jaman-jaman aku sering tour de school untuk ikut lomba ekstrakuliker. Meskipun cuma tingkat kota tapi ini menyenangkan wkwk. Musholla smandupa waktu itu kecil sekali, jadi kami mencari masjid terdekat, yang apalah daya ternyata sebelahan sama kuburan. SMAN 4 masjidnya keren. Letaknya di depan dan luas pula. Masjid SMAN 17 luas, tapi ga ada dinding :( hanya tiang-tiang di berbagai sisi. Jaman aku sering kemah dan ikut diksar, musholla bumper terasa sangat sempit. Bukan karena kecilnya, tapi deg degan karena waktu yang dikasih dikit sekali. Peluit pelatih terasa menyeramkan wkwk (maafkan waktu itu masih muda).
Aku juga ingat pernah sholat di masjid Universitas Swasta, selepas ujian sbmptn pertama. Juga masjid SMK 6 yang merupakan tempat ujian sbmptn terakhir. Sholat zuhur yang hampir kesorean karena jadwal ujian soshum yang baru mulai pukul 10 dan selesai hampir jam 3. Masjid belakang bimbel, tempat kerja terakhir, inget banget karena disana sering doa supaya masuk UI :)
Aku ingat lagi pernah sholat di banyak rumah orang. Jaman-jaman ngajar privat dimana-mana sampe keliling keliling dan nyari tempat sholat dimana-mana, karena kalau nunggu pulang kerumah, udah habis semua waktu sholat saking jauhnya. Sering mampir di masjid agung tiap kali balik dari mudik. Apalagi jaman masih nyari kerja atau kerja serabutan. Habis mudik malah bikin tambah bersalah. Capek. Tapi ga tau harus ngeluh ke siapa. Duduk disana cukup bisa menenangkan.
Sekarang. Setelah kuliah. Ternyata lebih banyak lagi tempat sholat yang aku singgahi. Pernah dari zuhur sampai isya sholat di perpus kampus. Sholat subuh di musholla bandara. Menyempatkan sholat diantara jeda transit pesawat yang cuma setengah jam. Sholat di berbagai penginapan saat belajar kabur wkwk. Masjid Kampus Tarakan, sebuah pulau di Kalimantan. Masjid Raya FEB Universitas Airlangga yang lantainya kayak dari pualam. Sejuk. Bersih. Luas. Masjid Asrama Haji Bengkulu. Masjid deket Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya. Masjid Telkom University yang adem banget. Di luar atau didalam masjid yang rasanya sama aja, sama-sama adem. Masjid Raya Bandung. Musholla Farm House-nya Lembang. Dan yang paling disyukuri dan bikin tenang adalah... Masjid Salman ITB. :)
Banyak lagi sih yang ga aku inget atau inget tapi entah gimana nyeritainnya. Ya walaupun jalannya cuma kesini-sini aja, tapi tiap kali inget ternyata aku pernah sholat dibanyak tempat, bikin senang dan bersyukur. Allah ternyata (lagi-lagi) ngasih nikmat banyak banget. Tiap tempat yang pernah disinggahi membawa ingatan dan mengingatkan akan banyak banget bentuk nikmat.
Coba deh kamu inget lagi, dimana aja kamu pernah sholat, dan ada cerita apa sampai kamu bisa sholat disana.
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recindia · 5 years
Modern constructed farmhouse for sale in Dera Mandi, Chattarpur, for sale, 1.25 acre of farm with swimming pool, located in Mandi Hills outskirts of Delhi, Chattarpur a known place for the farm houses. www.realestateschannel.in Call/Whatsapp +91-9899788810 #saleprice: negotiable #buy #farmhouse #mandihills #chattarpur
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farmhousedencr · 6 years
Farm House in Delhi NCR
The Farm House For Sale In Delhi NCR news reveals that the costs of realty have been increased exceptionally in a recent couple of years. The most pricey locations of Delhi such as Vasant Kunj, Asola, Chattarpur, Dera Mandi are evidence that their cost increased. The industrial residential or commercial properties, locations in Delhi such as Connaught Area, Vasant Kunj, Asola, Chattarpur, Dera Mandi, and so on have ended up being too pricey in recent a few years.
Farm House For Sale In Chattarpur
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Plot Area: 1008 Sq. Yards @ ₹39683/Sq. Yards
Society: Gadaipur Farms
Under Construction
Possession By Jul 2018
Facing Road Width: 30 Ft
Description: 1008 sqyd plot available for sale in Farm House in Chattarpur, the plot is part of 2.5 acres farm scheme. Luxury Farm House In Chattarpur is best For you and your Family.
Buy Farm House In Vasant Kunj
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7 Crore
1 Bedroom, Farm House in Vasant Kunj
Plot Area: 1200 Sq. Yards @ ₹58334/Sq. Yards
Highlights: New Booking
Under Construction
Possession By Jun 2018
Facing Road Width: 27 Ft
Description: 1 Bhk Farm House For Sale In Vasant Kunj, Luxury Farm House In Vasant Kunj is half km from main Vasant Kunj road, the price is Within Your Budget, Delhi registry plot, part of gated society
Luxury Farm House In Asola
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₹ 8 Crore 1 Bedroom, Farm House in Asola
Plot Area : 1 Acres @ ₹8000000/Acres
Society: Asola Farm
Highlights: Resale
Ready to move
0 to 1 years old
Description: Buy Farm House In Asola. find Luxury Farm House In Asola quite easy because of many Farm House in Asola that have come up with the fluctuating Farm House price and good connectivity has made things much easier.
Buy Farm House In Dera Mandi
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₹ 6 Crore 1 Bedroom
Farm House in Dera Mandi, Delhi South NCR
1 Bedroom
Plot Area : 1 Acres @ ₹6000000/Acres
Society: Dera Mandi
Ready to move
10+ years old
Semi furnished
Facing Road Width: 60 Ft
Description: Ready To move to Luxury Farm House In Dera Mandi, quite easy because of many Farm House in Dera Mandi that has come up. Moreover, with the Buy Farm House In Dera Mandi price and good connectivity, Top builders & developers, Available affordable Farm House For Sale In Dera Mandi.reserved parking, Vaastu compliant, visitor parking, waste disposal, the road facing the farm is 60 meters wide.
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farmhouseindelhincr · 6 years
Farm House in Delhi NCR
Delhi makes it a good alternative for Farm House in Delhi NCR property realty customers. Big business advancements in Noida and also Greater Noida in the vicinity additionally adds to Ghaziabad's tourist attraction to Delhi Residential property purchasers. Also on the cards is a 1500-acre municipality, a hi-tech city in Ghaziabad. The city has emerged as one of the best financial investment destinations for Delhi home buyers. Ghaziabad will certainly additionally be linked by the recommended Metro line in Delhi City Rail Company's Phase II web link from Anand Vihar to Vaishali at Kaushambi. The project is set up to be finished by September 2010. There is likewise a proposition to create 14 overpasses which will certainly aid in minimizing the traffic congestion, causing an increase in real estate value in Delhi.
Farm House For Sale In Chattarpur
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Plot Area: 1008 Sq. Yards @ ₹39683/Sq. Yards
Society: Gadaipur Farms
Under Construction
Possession By Jul 2018
Facing Road Width: 30 Ft
Description: 1008 sqyd plot available for sale in Farm House in Chattarpur, the plot is part of 2.5 acres farm scheme. Luxury Farm House In Chattarpur is best For you and your Family.
Buy Farm House In Vasant Kunj
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7 Crore
1 Bedroom, Farm House in Vasant Kunj
Plot Area: 1200 Sq. Yards @ ₹58334/Sq. Yards
Highlights: New Booking
Under Construction
Possession By Jun 2018
Facing Road Width: 27 Ft
Description: 1 Bhk Farm House For Sale In Vasant Kunj, Luxury Farm House In Vasant Kunj is half km from main Vasant Kunj road, the price is Within Your Budget, Delhi registry plot, part of gated society
Luxury Farm House In Asola
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₹ 8 Crore 1 Bedroom, Farm House in Asola
Plot Area : 1 Acres @ ₹8000000/Acres
Society: Asola Farm
Highlights: Resale
Ready to move
0 to 1 years old
Description: 1 bhk Buy Farm House In Asola. find Luxury Farm House In Asola quite easy because of many Farm House in Asola that have come up with the fluctuating Farm House price and good connectivity has made things much easier.
Buy Farm House In Dera Mandi
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₹ 6 Crore 1 Bedroom
Farm House in Dera Mandi, Delhi South NCR
1 Bedroom
Plot Area : 1 Acres @ ₹6000000/Acres
Society: Dera Mandi
Ready to move
10+ years old
Semi furnished
Facing Road Width: 60 Ft
Description: Ready To move to Luxury Farm House In Dera Mandi, quite easy because of many Farm House in Dera Mandi that has come up. Moreover, with the Buy Farm House In Dera Mandi price and good connectivity, Top builders & developers, Available affordable Farm House For Sale In Dera Mandi.reserved parking, Vaastu compliant, visitor parking, waste disposal, the road facing the farm is 60 meters wide.
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propertyaclmarts · 3 months
For more information about Farmhouse In Dera Mandi, Farmhouse In Ghitorni, Farm House In Jewar, Ready To Move Farm House In Chhatarpur, Mini Farm House In Chhatarpur, Mini Farm House In Ansal, please visit the -  https://property.aclmarts.com/
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propertyaclmarts · 3 months
For more information about Farm Land In Dera Mandi, Farm Land In Dlf, Farm Land In Ghitorni, Farm House Plot In Dlf, Farm Plot In Chhatarpur, Farmhouse In Dera Mandi, Farm Plot In Ansal, please visit the — https://property.aclmarts.com/
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propertyaclmarts · 3 months
For more information about Farm Land In Dera Mandi, Farm Land In Dlf, Farm Land In Ghitorni, Farm House Plot In Dlf, Farm Plot In Chhatarpur, Farmhouse In Dera Mandi, Farm Plot In Ansal, please visit the – https://property.aclmarts.com/
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propertyaclmarts · 4 months
For more information about Mini Farm House In Chhatarpur, Mini Farm House In Ansal, Farm House Plot In Dlf, Farm Land Near Jewar Airport, Land Near Jewar Airport, Mini Farm House In Dera Mandi, Property In Jewar, please visit the – https://property.aclmarts.com/
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propertyaclmarts · 4 months
For more information about Farm Land In Chhatarpur, Farm Land In Dera Mandi, Farm House In Chhatarpur, Farm House In Western Greens, Farm Land Near Jewar Airport, Low Price Property In Jewar Tappal, please visit the – https://property.aclmarts.com/
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propertyaclmarts · 4 months
For more information about Furnished Farm House In Delhi Ncr, Investment In Jewar, Farm House In Brijwasan, Farm House Plot In Dlf, Farm Land In Kapashera, Farmhouse In Dera Mandi, Plot in Jewar, One Acre Farm House In Delhi Ncr, please visit the — https://property.aclmarts.com/
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propertyaclmarts · 4 months
For more information about Farm Plot In Bandh Road, Farm Plot In Brijwasan, Farm Land In Chhatarpur, Farm Land In Dera Mandi, Farm House In Chhatarpur, Farm House In Western Greens, Farm Land Near Jewar Airport, Low Price Property In Jewar Tappal, please visit the – property.aclmarts.com/
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propertyaclmarts · 4 months
For more information about Farm Plot In Bandh Road, Farm Plot In Brijwasan, Farm Land In Chhatarpur, Farm Land In Dera Mandi, Farm House In Chhatarpur, Farm House In Western Greens, Farm Land Near Jewar Airport, Low Price Property In Jewar Tappal, please visit the – https://property.aclmarts.com/
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