#Fate/Extella Link
neospacewaffles · 1 month
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Happy Traum on NA! Good luck to everyone rolling for Charlie!
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dailyfigures · 6 months
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Nero Claudius ; Fate/Extra ☆ Ques Q
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best-type-moon-couple · 6 months
Round 1, Match 12
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[Red and Blue Sabers Clash!]
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daily-rayless · 6 months
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More Hakuno because I love her. A master of many beloved Servants.
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papika · 1 year
i've been looking through some scans of wada arco's most recent art book, and. oh my god. oh my god. from the fate/extella link chapter.
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oh my god. oh my god??? oh. my god.
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melt-envy · 4 months
When I was just a baby
My mama told me, “Son,
“Always be a baby;
“Don’t ever be a Hun”
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lil’ nature man i love you
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figurecollection · 1 year
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Saber (Artoria Pendragon) 1/7 Scale by Good Smile Company, from Fate/Extella Link
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Pinned Post WIP
(Addendum number ?/???: Fuck it, spoilers ahead. I don't know much more than vague details about JP FGO or anything in NA after the Tunguska mess got me off the game, but anything else even beyond the basic Stay Night VN parts are fair game for open spoilers. Should be obvious and not an issue if you're here, but you know...it's tumblr)
(Preface: I will have zero patience for trans discourse regarding Mordred, Caenis, Artoria, or any of the usual suspects. I'm not super attentive to tumblr, less so to sideblogs, but I will turn on notifications for this if I have to and smack that down ASAP. If you have something negative to say about Mordred holding a sword to someone's throat over misgendering incidents, please hold that thought and vote without commenting specifically about that. I will only ask nicely about this once.)
(Also should go without saying, but this is a relatively sfw-ish sideblog, not the usual horny trans job search death sentence. I have one of those and I am careful about only sharing the url with VERY trusted partners. You can get weird and horny in the usual ways, just keep it to text and FGO official art gacha level ecchi visuals, there's a lot of times and places for fem presenting nips, this isn't that)
I'll make a more solid edit to this pinned post as stuff gets figured out.
Basically, I want to do a tumblr poll tournament about who would make the best parent to Mordred of the bizarre Fate/Nasuverse canon.
There will the obvious choices (Vanilla Saber, Shirou, Salter, Proto Arthur, Sisigou), the obvious comedically bad fuckups (Merlin, Morgan, Lancer Alter, Oberon), some Saber-thirsting lesbian choices (Jalter, Medea, Rin), whatever other random ones I'm feeling (Mash, Guda, Dr. Roman, Da Vinci, Goredolf)
As much as the Pendragon family history is teeming with incest, I'd try to avoid the weirder choices with that (Gawain, Gareth, Aggravain) or the Mordred personal romance options (Caenis, Fran, the rest of the Saber-thirsting-runs-in-the-family crowd, you get it)
Same goes for the child characters people get weird about. We're not putting in Jack the Ripper, Paul Bunyan, Nursery Rhyme, Abigail Williams, The Littlest Santa Jalter, etc, no amount of "She's actually a 2000 year old edtritch dragon god" will make me comfortable about doing that.
Other than that, I'll be open to taking complete left field dumb ass gag choices like Sasuke Uchiha or Goku or other comedically inept anime parents.
At the end of the day, it's still a dumb fun little Tumblr poll tournament about The Cooler betttermyths dot com, and I want people to chill, enjoy it, and vote with their hearts, favoritism, or whatever they just find really funny to pick.
So, more on this as developments happen, but I'll leave the Maury banner, synopsis post pinned, and the Memories at Trifas CE avatar for now and change it later if by some miracle, Kairi motherfucking Sisigou doesn't sweep the whole thing.
EDIT: I don't think I'm including Astolfo btw, I can barely handle that pink loaded Discourse gun on my own time, I don't want to even try to deal with them here.
EDIT 2: Visit bettermyths sometime for real though, it's basically Fate with even less seriousness, good gay little summaries of myths and legends, and like Nasu's works, it can be a fun gateway drug to looking up the source material. Highly recommend it.
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gwimgamer · 5 months
Fate/Extella Link - Unleashing Epic Battles on Android
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Platform: Android Genre: Action, Hack and Slash Release Date: March 14, 2019 Developer: Marvelous Inc. Publisher: XSEED Games Mode: Single player / Offline   Prepare for an Android gaming experience like no other with “Fate/Extella Link,” the action-packed hack-and-slash sequel that plunges players into the mesmerizing world of Fate. Developed by Marvelous Inc.…
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kasunex · 5 months
So, I have to say, despite how much I loved Fate/Extella, I'm not exactly holding my breath on the future of the Extra series.
Extella was a controversial game, and it makes sense why. NeroHaku was handled beautifully, but if that didn't sell you, there's not much else. Pretty much the entire rest of the game was secondary at best and an afterthought at worst. The gameplay was just passable, Tamamo was relegated to being a toxic and possessive third wheel, and all the other servants were mostly contained to their side stories.
I know some people apparently liked Altera, but personally I didn't see it. Normal Altera was robotic while Giant Altera and Haku's relationship felt more like romanticized Stockholm than a genuine bond. Her's was my least favorite route by far, and I never felt more happy in that game then when it was over and I got another route with Nero.
Then you have ExLink, which vastly improved on Extella's gameplay in every conceivable way, while also being the most soulless of the entire Extra series. It's more equal in terms of most servant interactions being optional, but the characters are all so flanderized and Haku is reduced to such a plot device that it lacks any and all heart of the previous games.
So where does the Extra series go from here, anyway? The overarching plot is an absolute mess of retcons and dropped plot threads. We could get an ExLink 2 and 3 that add in more characters, sure. I'd love to play as Mordred and Meltryllis, personally. But if the end result feels as flat and as empty as ExLink, then what's really the point?
I can only hope that with Extra Record the series gets a reboot that allows it to flow better as a series. Because as stands...eh.
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I'm trying to stay on top of things while they're still fresh in my memory, but sometimes brain no worky. I'll get a couple out of the way quickly that won't take long because I didn't last long with them though.
Fate/EXTELLA LINK was probably the most unpleasant experience I've had with a game in the past six months at least. I kept seeing people say how if you like Musou games it's a pretty decent one, so I eventually gave in and tried it when it was on sale. Bad move on my part.
I could maybe have stuck with it a bit longer to see if I could get used to the kind of wonky UI (why can I do the same thing in like three different places, and why is so much of it uglier and harder to read than it really needs to be?) or if the unbearably long recovery lag on basic combos gets better with upgrades/unlocks or there's some way to cancel out of it, but the writing is insultingly bad and made me quit out of the game pretty quickly.
The premise is...fine? Whatever? I guess? Nothing super original, but they could do something fun with it...except they can't go five seconds without pandering to their target audience of horny guys simping for their waifus. I can tolerate a little bit of that even if I don't like it, as long as there's enough other stuff to like and it's not the main focus of things, but this is just ugh.
I will give it points for unintentionally having one of the more confusing perspectives on gender I've seen recently. It lets you choose your player character's gender at the start, but as far as I can tell from the little bit I played that affects literally nothing other than the character model it uses. You can be standing there looking like a teenage girl while someone very vigorously calls you their husband, because the dialogue doesn't seem to change at all.
That could actually be really fun if it were on purpose and it were a femboy malewife situation or a non-transitioning trans man or whatever, but instead [see above about not being able to go five seconds witout pandering to etc.]. It almost makes me want to start yet another sideblog to post about crimes against gender I see in media.
And then the other one I abandoned fairly quickly was Inscryption, which is sad because I was really looking forward to it after how much I liked Pony Island. After like 20-30 minutes though my main reaction was bro, I am straight up not having a good time. It probably does something interesting eventually, but I'm not going to find out because I'm not willing to suffer through playing any more of it to see what happens next.
The UI and controls are annoying, quite possibly deliberately, but that doesn't make me feel any better playing it even if it is on purpose. I don't really like the general aesthetic or tone much either. I don't think there's necessarily anything horribly or fundamentally wrong with it, it's just really not my thing and kind of grating for me. Oh well.
And then I'm behind on a couple things I did play all the way through and had a good time with but haven't said anything about yet: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. Totally coincidentally they're both things where I really didn't like the early entries in either series much at all but was convinced to try a newer one by the sheer number of people saying how good they were, and for a change I actually agree with them.
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best-type-moon-couple · 6 months
Round 2, Match 6
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oddnub-eye · 1 year
Play Fate/Extella Link
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hypetokyo · 2 years
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Fate/EXTELLA LINK Good Smile Company 1/7 Scale Figure : Altria Pendragon -Knight's PE Uniform [AQ]
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