#Altera Larva
melt-envy · 4 months
When I was just a baby
My mama told me, “Son,
“Always be a baby;
“Don’t ever be a Hun”
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zeravmeta · 11 months
castoria whose love for guda was so strong that the weapon forged by the planet artoria avalon is imbued with those memories and emotions of the girl who hated every minute her life long after castoria ceased to exist but continues to stay as the weapon to save the humanity that guda loved so much because castoria cant be there anymore but she saved the world all for the sake of one person vs hakuno who loved nero so much that the lonely draco nero who became a beast because no one was there to comfort her at her death had hakuno reach across timelines to haunt guda and ask them to stand by nero because hakuno cant be there right now but even then they still cannot let nero be alone ever again
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luckythereviewer · 8 months
Ruler of the Moon AU silly idea: Hakuno, once the stuff with Velber is dealt with and Altera becomes her larve self, ends up splitting the Regalia in half and giving Rin the other half as a marriage proposal only for Rin to end up passing out because her tsun heart and brain can't handle it and poor Hakuno is confused and thinks she did something wrong.
They do get together in the end I promise
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mosquitoshow · 5 months
Apología de un cuerpo: Caleidoscopio
Que dificil habitarme, habitarnos
que extraño es compartir mi existencia con el universo a través de mi cuerpo, dejar que el cosmos se experimente a sí mismo a través de mi percepción.
Cuando esta se altera, cuando el alcohol, las emociones, las drogas o los trastornos psiquiátricos la distorsionan, cuando mi percepción se vuelve psicótica, cuando se tuerce como un caleidoscopio, cuando se fragmenta en un millón de pedacitos brillantes coloridos, un millón de piezas pequeñas reflejadas en los espejos de la vida, ¿Es acaso que el universo también es capaz de experimentarse a través de ella?
Cuando el universo se experimenta a sí mismo, me experimenta a mí, como un alien parasita mi cuerpo y me utiliza como un títere, como un demonio se infiltra en mi cerebro, y yo incapaz de decidir qué pensar, sucumbo ante el mismo, ante mis mayores y mas ocultos terrores, porque todo lo sabe, porque crece como una larva en mis lóbulos frontales y posteriores, mi neocortrex es ahora su habitación principal y siempre apaga las luces. Es entonces el universo aquello que siembra en mí y que me utiliza como vehículo .
Cuando me lleno de terror, cuando el pánico infecta cada poro de mi piel, ¿Qué es entonces? Que hace el universo, a realidad que necesita de mí o demostrar en mí para dejar de sentirlo.
Nada es entonces real, nada importa porque nada es cierto, hoy es hoy pero también es mañana y es ayer, todo es todo y sucede en mí al mismo tiempo, mi mente únicamente entonces solo lo experimenta a partir del concepto temporal, del constructo apocalíptico del fin de los días, propio y de la humanidad, el pánico al terror inminente, no de morir, sino de estar vivo con la seguridad de que somos finitos y que no tenemos control alguno sobre dicho acontecimiento al existir en este plano.
¿Qué hacemos aqui entonces? ¿A que vine a ser en este lugar yo?
El sufrimiento es simplemente un síntoma de la falta de información, del miedo a ella, del desconocimiento del plan general, del motivo inicial. El sentimiento es propio y no es general ni compartido, es individual y no repercute en el existir de la realidad que vemos, en la que existimos, ni siquiera estoy seguro de que intervenga en las demás cuerdas que nos construyen, sin embargo está ahí: sufrimos por dolor, sufrimos por amor, sufrimos por la muerte, sufrimos por la ausencia y sufrimos por el exceso... y de qué sirve? ¿ de que sirve cualquier acción que hagamos mas allá de cuanto sufrimiento genere en la vida misma del individuo particular?
Entonces es mejor no existir y al mismo tiempo, habitar al universo, sin que me use ni usarle, siendo uno solo.
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portalagrovida · 2 years
Cascudinho-da-soja gera prejuízo em lavouras de Mato Grosso
O cascudinho-da-soja, popularmente também conhecido como “torrãozinho”, está tirando o sono de muitos produtores das regiões sul e sudeste de Mato Grosso na fase inicial da germinação das plantas. Em algumas propriedades já foram realizadas quatro aplicações de defensivos químicos e há estimativa de 30% de perda nos estandes. A preocupação com o cascudinho-da-soja nas lavouras mato-grossenses é o tema do episódio 57 do Patrulheiro Agro desta semana. Gabriel Berwanger deve semear nesta safra 2022/23 uma área de 1,7 mil hectares de soja em Jaciara. Ele revela já estar na quarta aplicação contra o cascudinho-da-soja e acredita que possa chegar a sete até o final do ciclo. “Ele começou a cortar o caule das plantas. Se for pegar para analisar já tem uma perda de 30% de estande na área. A gente calcula em torno de umas oito a 10 sacas por hectare que vai produzir menos e um custo de R$ 300 a R$ 400 a mais por hectare só com controle dessa praga”, diz Berwanger. Cascudinho-da-soja altera programação de aplicações Na propriedade em que o operador de máquinas Adão Partecka trabalha o cronograma de aplicações de defensivos precisou ser alterado de última hora. “Nós plantamos a soja dia 5 de outubro e já estamos fazendo a primeira aplicação. Não estava nos planos entrar essa aplicação. Está bem crítica a situação. Do jeito que está vai para quatro a cinco aplicações”, relata Partecka. Foto: Canal Rural Mato Grosso Danos são causados tanto por larvas quanto adultos Os danos do cascudinho-da-soja podem ser causados tanto pelos adultos, que cortam a base do caule de plantas jovens, que tombam e morrem, quanto pelas larvas que se alimentam de raízes. Além da soja, o inseto pode alimentar-se também de braquiárias, fedegoso, amendoim-bravo, feijão e milho. O período, segundo produtores e especialistas, é o mais favorável para o ataque voraz da praga. “É uma praga que está se espalhando muito e rapidamente. E, em um período desse em que está mais seco, que favorece o aparecimento, isso acaba se tornando um custo absurdo para uma praga que você não estava esperando muito”, comenta o segundo vice-presidente região Sul da Associação dos Produtores de Soja e Milho de Mato Grosso (Aprosoja-MT), Jorge Giacomelli. De acordo com Giacomelli, o cascudinho-da-soja é um inseto que morre fácil, entretanto há dificuldades em “acertar o alvo”, uma vez que ele fica escondido por baixo da palhada. Pesquisas com diversas técnicas de manejo nas últimas quatro safras estão sendo realizadas em Mato Grosso. O objetivo é identificar a mais efetiva para atingir diretamente o inseto na lavoura. “Trabalhos com tratamento de sementes, pulverizações folheares com diferentes produtos. Nessa safra também estamos realizando um trabalho de tecnologia de aplicação, identificando ângulos aonde poderemos ter resultados de melhor controle desse inseto”, comenta a pesquisadora entomologista da Fundação MT, Lucia Vivan, quanto aos estudos realizados.   +Confira todos os episódios da série Patrulheiro Agro   Clique aqui, entre no grupo de WhatsApp do Canal Rural Mato Grosso e receba notícias em tempo real
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dailyarturiartfgo · 2 years
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Commission for @prometheavarno
Gudako lifting Altera Larva like a lil cat <333
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fateroulette · 5 years
S4 #286 - Altera Larva
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thecuriousinferno · 5 years
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Of all the methods for FGO to get around Tiamat being unsummonable in lore, an Altera style “Larva” servant was not one I expected.
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zeravmeta · 1 year
Top 5 Fate blorbos NOT including Limbo.
this one made me laugh bc like, yeah limbo is my special little princess but also he is one of my many special little princesses, like i love limbo but im not The Limbo Guy, if that makes sense (i have many guys)
That said there are simply too many fate blorbos i have and no easy way to list them in a perfectly objective top 5, so I shall do something fun instead, listing them in tiers. As expected, the list expands as it goes on (not every servant listed obvs)
5. Characters who I am passively aware of. This is for characters who are somewhat relevant enough for me to like. think about
Gilles Saber, Caesar, Paris Hektor, Circe, Lu Bu, Spartacus, Eric Bloodaxe
4. Characters who I have a light inclination towards. Maybe they were useful for farming or I read their profiles and was satisfied
Jason, Billy The Kid, Oda Nobukatsu, , Tristan, William Tell, Medusa Lily, Janta Lily, Tawaru, Achilles, Wu Zetian, Cleopatra, Darius III, Kiyohime
3. Characters who I just like. I look at them and go "its the guy :)"
Senji Muramasa, Fergus, Robin Hood, Leonidas, Enkidu, Nezha, Anne-Bonny & Mary Read, Bartholomew Roberts, Red Hare, Scheherazade, Anastasia, Kyokutei Bakin, Charles-Henri Sanson, Assassin Emiya/Kerry, Ushiwakamaru, Gray, Huyan Zhuo, Penthesilea, Kijyo Koyo, Asterios
2. Characters who I love. This one is a substantial jump upwards in quality and they only have like 1-2 things missing (to me) that prevent them from being numero uno
Altera, Bedivere, Okita, Beni Enma, Sigurd, Saito Hajime, Artemis-Orion, Emiya, Atalante, Baobhan Sith, Cu Chulainn, Romulus (and Quirinus), Caenis, Vritra, Melusine, Boudica, Marie Antionette, Mandricardo, Habetrot, Dobrynya Nikitich, Hans Christian Andersen, Mata Hari, Charlotte Corday, Katou Danzo, Koyanskaya of the Light, Tezcatlipoca, Sen no Rikyu, Kriemhild, Koyanskaya of Darkness
My special little princesses. Play this song while reading
Mash Kyrielight number one forever, saber classes artoria pendragon nero claudius siegfried void shiki miyamoto musashi ibuki douji barghest archer classes david arjuna oda nobunaga artoria pendragon archer swimsuit james moriarty tomoe gozen calamity jane nightingale santa sei shounagon zenobia lancer class scathach artoria pendragon lancer artoria pendragon lancer alter brynhildr tamamo no mae lancer minamoto no raikou lancer swimsuit ereshikigal elizabeth bathory rider class medusa francis drake artoria pendragon santa alter astolfo sakata kintoki rider quetzalcoatl artoria pendragon rider alter swimsuit leonardo da vinci rider murasaki shikubu rider swimsuit caster class mephistopheles cu chulainn caster tamamo no mae nursery rhyme helena blavatsky xuanzang sazang nero claudius swimsuit nitocris leonardo da vinci shuten douji caster ascelpius chen gong artoria caster assassin class phantom of the opera jack the ripper mysterious heroine x ryougi shiki assassin shuten douji scathach assassin first hassan nitocris assassin osakabehime okada izo yu mei-ren kama berserker class sakata kintoki vlad III caligula tamamo cat nightingale cu chulainn alter minamoto no raikou mysterious heroine x alter hijikata toshizo atalante alter jeanne d'arc alter berserker swimsuit xiang yu arjuna alter mori nagayoshi salome miyamoto musashi swimsuit brynhildr swimsuit morgan sei shounagon swimsuit ibuki douji swimsuit ruler class jeanne d'arc saint martha swimsuit sherlock holmes qin shi huang quetzalcoatl samba santa artoria pendragon swimsuit ruler himiko leonardo da vinci swimsuit james moriarty lily iyo avenger class edmond dantes jeanne d'arc alter angra mainyu gorgon antonio salieri demon king oda nobunaga space ishtar kama avenger swimsuit nitocris alter alter ego class meltryllis passionlip sessyoin kiara okita souji alter ashiya douman xu fu larva tiamat mooncancer class bb bb summer sessyoin kiara swimsuit archetype earth foreigner class abigail williams katsushika hokusai mysterious heroine xx voyager van gogh mysterious idol x alter kukulkan pretender class oberon beast class draco nero
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luckythereviewer · 8 months
Rulers of the Moon AU Extella Plotline Final Part
So a bit late on this but here we are with the final part of the Extella outline for Rulers of the Moon. This won't take too long since the final battle pretty much is the same as the game but with the Saber Venus being the result of Tamamo's ritual along with Nero's own knowledge of magic thanks to Simon Magnus. As I left off last time the group splits into two and we eventually have our battle with Altera. Nero does her NP, Altera ends up surrendering, Body of Hakuno reveals that once Hakuno reforms the Regalia and they will cease to exist and while Hakuno and Rin doesn't like it, Rin points out it's the only way they would be able to access all of the Moon Cell's resources to make use of the Heroic Spirit Apotheosis ritual and Body of Hakuno says it's okay if it means they will save Altera and disappears after saying her farewell to Altera and commenting how regular Hakuno is lucky to have someone like Rin at her side. We can't have a version of Hakuno die without having them at least flirt with Rin once. Soon after Hero Altera disappears and returns to her titan self, we have Archimedes who is very upset with how everything has went, specifically thanks to Rin. He comments how she shouldn't even be alive as she lost during the Grail War and Twice's Grail War had no survivors, only victors and those who lost and died. Rin, in turn, comments how he's a hypocrite and reveals everything that happened i.e. him going into the Zero Dark against the Moon Cell's permission and ended up getting corrupted by the Umbral Star, awakening Sefar even though she would not have awaken unless the Umbral Star was nearing the system, which it isn't, and lied and manipulated Hakuno with the 14,000 year system check just to get her to come with him to the Zero Dark and have Altera destroy the Regalia by accident by killing Hakuno thus allowing the Umbral Star to find Earth and finish it's harvest from 14,000 years ago. She also reveals that the Regalia itself controls the jamming radar the Moon Cell has on the entire galaxy to keep Umbral Star from finding Earth in not just their world but all worlds and, without it, the Umbral Star would return to Earth and wipe out all life across all timelines and worlds. Archimedes prepares to fight stating that once he's dealt with Nero and Hakuno, he'll unleash Sefar upon the Earth and make Rin watch before he kills her slowly, stating she'll wish Hakuno hadn't saved her from being deleted during the war.
This threat would be the worst mistake Archimedes ever did because now Hakuno is pissed and has Nero fight with absolute no mercy. Que all the fight with Archimedes, the stuff with him trying to crash Altera's ship into the Moon Cell Core itself, Titan Altera coming to save the day thanks to Elizabeth and her hijinks (the first time her hijinks benefited the group), and with the Sword of Mars and Tamamo stating the ritual is ready, the two together perform Heroic Spirit Apotheosis and Nero becomes Saber Venus and the final battle against Archimedes happens where Saber Venus blows up the Ark of Stars from the inside, while also severing the connection between Altera and the Umbral Star. This initially causes her body to dissipate leaving only the core coding for her being but thanks to Hakuno and Rin, they reconnect her to the Moon Cell's system and Altera remanifests as Altera Larvae. Hakuno immediate thought of seeing Altera Larvae as well as her clearing having a young mind asks Rin if this means they are Altera's moms? Rin, in Rin fashion, immediately is surprised by the comment, and is also not helped when Altera calls Hakuno 'Mama' and Rin 'Mother'. Hakuno basically says that "hey, you're a human, I'm an NPC created by an Alien Supercomputer and we are living inside it, what's an Alien Giantess turn Superweapon reborn as a...whatever Altera Larve is now to add to their absurd situation?" Ultimately Rin agrees and we have a funny moment of Nero wanting to be called big sis by Altera (something she mentions during the game about wanting a sister) and Altera does and over the comms, Altera ends up calling Tamamo Aunt and Tamamo has a moment where she exclaims she's too young to be called Aunt and everyone has the dead pan look given how they mentioned Amaterasu being over 14,000 years old. That night everyone is celebrating and Hakuno, now with the full Regalia, is looking into something. When she figures out it is possible and not split herself in separate pieces in the process, Hakuno, unbeknownst to anyone else, splits the Regalia in half. During the height of the party Hakuno goes up to Rin in front of all the servants, get on one knee and propose to Rin asking her to be her queen as Soverign of SE.RA.PH. and presents her with her half of the Regalia, with it having a red gemstone on it.
Rin accepts, of course, though after she wakes up from passing out as her brain and heart couldn't handle it. Cu, Medusa, and Nameless all facepalm at this moment at Rin being hopeless. Rin becomes Queen of the Moon and Hakuno takes her proper place as Sovereign of SE.RA.PH. Some time passes after all of this as the damaged areas of SE.RA.PH. are repaired, the Millennium Castle aka Tamamo's territory is constructed and all the servants, save for Nameless and Lu Bu, step down as generals, until they are needed once more, and go off to do their own adventures same as they do at the end of Extella. At the same time, not only do the NPC numbers increase but humans, both hackers and non-hackers, start migrating to the Moon, and, soon enough, Rani returns with a familiar face in the form of Living Shirano...though no Living Hakuno. Rani, takes one look at the two, and congratulates them on getting married before explain that, while she was able to wake and cure living Shirano, by the time she had found the two, Living Hakuno's cryostasis pod had finally failed and Hakuno, while was awake for a few moments, sadly passed soon after from her Amnesia Syndrome.
This is Fate after all, we can't have our characters be happy for too long less people forget what story they are reading. So we cap the Extella plotline off with Hakuno and Shirano having the awkwardness of meeting and being aware of things the other doesn't know as well as the developing situation of the Moon with humanity migrating, having an Alien Giantess to raise, and Archimedes still being alive thanks to another version of him from the sliding hijinks of the main Extella series popping up. Not to mention the stuff with Gilgamesh and the next Anti-Cell and much more. All this will be explored during the Extella Link outline.
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personatrash · 2 years
Fate's child servants are such a difficult thing for me to "pick a side" on because I have feelings about each one for different reasons. (This one is gonna be a bit long, I'm afraid)
Jack: adorable character, extremely creative to incorporate the supernatural belief about Jack the Ripper's identity being the vengeful souls of dead children, but you put her in a thong & ruined it. Why
Nursery Rhyme: I actually have no problems with Nursery rhyme. She's not dressed inappropriately, she doesn't say inappropriate things for a child, has a childlike sense of wonderment & makes sense because of how she came into being in EXTRA
Paris: a stupid little idiot moron baby (affectionate). I want to adopt him as my son & keep Apollo way the hell away from him. He's precious but needs to be put in time out for kidnapping Helen. Justifying him being a child by saying Apollo likes him better that way makes the god a creep (which he kind of is) (& his designer to a degree). I don't exactly have a problem with him dressing so feminine I do too if I feel like it, I wouldn't ban my own son from dressing how they want & Paris has often been depicted as more of a feminine man, but maybe pull back around the shoulder area looks a bit too much like lingerie
Gily: seems kinda unnecessary, but he's cute & isn't problematic like Jack so eh I kinda forget he exists until I pull him on friend banner & I'm like "oh yeah, Gil Lily exists"
Alexander: Make him an adult & his design is 10/10 better than Iskandar because it's more truthful to what Alexander the Great looked like in proper history given historical records. Keep him as a kid & it seems a bit sexualized. A child showing skin is more off-putting than an adult showing it
Kama: she grows into an adult one stage later so she's not really a child servant for long just any% speedrun her to stage 2
Chloe: get out. No. Bad. Miyu & Illya can stay if they want but they have to cover up. No loli bait magical girl costumes Chloe better get back to her pervert loli anime though
Abigail: same as Nursery Rhyme except she's spooky this time
Ana: baby & can stay as long as she wants
Altera Larva: also baby & can stay
Hans: like, is he? Idk. Like, he's clearly an adult, but he looks like a child because of Innocent Monster
Jalter Santa Lily: Santa should not be in a training bra & a skirt. Put something on before you catch cold young lady
Leo Rider: was there a real reason for making mama Leo into a loli or are we just catering to a certain demographic
Paul Bunyan: absolutely no problems until stage three. Just stop at stage two please
Sitonai: it's just illya & she's dressed properly. No real complai- what the fuck is stage 4? No what the fuck. Is stage 4
Setanta: he's in arcade so I don't really have much reason to bring him up other than to say hes a cutie pie
Voyager: baby
Wu Zetian: no fuck you. Stage one was pushing it, but ok enough to just get side-eyed but no uproar stage 2 & beyond is just gross & one of fate/go's biggest problems
& the obligatory Mother Harlot: the biggest WHY! in all of fate. You gave the WHORE of Babylon the body of a child. Why? Nero is short, yeah, but she's clearly an adult with a mature adult body. Could they not do what SMT did & kinda be faithful to historical depictions with their own stylized twist? Like having her look like a mature woman who's still recognizable as Nero riding the beast side-saddle in an outfit that Nero would approve of? Or is that just too much. Fuck
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cantillat-moved · 3 years
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This is a log of the rendezvous between Altera ( @gemsofchaldea​ ), Yuuki ( @moonlightmagus​ ) , Shirou and Saber (myself) for the Berserker Island event. It has been optimized for clearer reading, but it should be noted that every line is a different poster/character. Published under permission for posterity and keeping people updated. Under the readmore due to length.  The battle will be shared on a later post.
Sitting on the ground holding Altera’s sword, the young Master has his eyes closed as analyzing the structure – Shirou could sense everything about the weapon, how it had been forged and the eons of years since. Yet he could also sense its corruption, how it was eroding from the inside out, as if winds blowing on the sands of time or as if someone dropped acid on the fabric of its existence. He poured some of mana in his magic circuits, reaching for the damaged parts and feeling its feedback trying to eat away his own circuits, causing him to grit his teeth. He isn’t going to let this stop him from at least trying to find a way to stop its spreading
Meanwhile, his brand new saber was looking at the flashy magecraft. She could sense something happening to her sword, but that was about it. Whatever he was doing still interested her though, the child having a very interested expression as she held a finger up to her lips. She dared not speak though, since that may interrupt him.. Or, she tried not to, but she ended up failing a bit If it's too much effort.. “ Don't hurt yourself for my sake Master ”
Shirou stopped for a moment to dry some sweat from his countenance, a reassuring smile pursed his lips as he looked at her “ I know my limits. I can’t fully repair it but I can at least make it last longer until we find someone else who can. I’ll be ok.”
Altera Larva gave a single nod “Be sure to take a break if you need one.. We're not fighting right now so it'll be okay for the time being.. Well, he was persistent. “ She admired that trait, so she wouldn't do much to stop him. “I'll focus on trying to detect the presence of servants while you fix it..”
“ Some people might come to join us soon, but-- “Shirou projects another copy of the sword, offering it to her “Here, so you won't be empty-handed”
She holds it, though in this form it's with two hands and she's look quite unsure of herself. But when it comes down to it she could probably still put up quite the fight. “Are you able to copy any weapon? “ Altera asked
“Yes, as long I take a good look at them and they are swords I can copy them. They are all hollow on the inside, though.” Shirou replied
Yuuki will have thanked Saber for placing her safely down. A smile full of relief on her face for seeing Shirou safe. She wasn't 100% certain of this new Saber but as long as Shirou trusted them, Yuuki would too. With her Naginata in hand, she'd walk up to them and sigh a sigh of relief. “Shirou, I'm glad we finally caught up to you. Are you hurt anywhere?”
the smile vanished from Shirou’s features “ I’m glad you are safe, Yuuki. Saber. “ he nods greeting them before standing up “ It is a good thing that you are here, can you take a look at this? “ the boy offered the sword he was holding to Saber
Saber could tell from a glance that something was wrong with the sword “ What is that? What caused this?” he  looked at the younger Servant “ May I?” 
For a moment Altera seemed wary of the two new comers, even lifting her sword for a second, before lowering it. So they were Shirou's allies? Ah.. She nods watching the saber closely now “Go ahead..”
Oh that hurt. He stopped smiling. Yuuki stared at him, her smile also disappearing. “...Are you.. not injured?”
Shirou turns to Altera and explains  “This is another Heroic Spirit EMIYA, like the Berserker. But this one is a blacksmith.”
Saber only holds the weapon after the young girl’s permission, closing his eyes as analyzing the structure. 
“Apparently the other guy can use Trace On to destroy a weapon.” Shirou elaborated
“That’s some nasty work. “ the Servant commented. It is a good thing this is a divine weapon and Saber has so much mana
Shirou finally addresses to Yuuki “ I’m fine. I avoided fights until I made a new contract.”
Yuuki sort of stands there.” I don't understand.”
“It was very lucky that we weren’t engaged in combat at the time, but I had to keep moving. I’m glad you are fine.” Shirou explains
Saber starts pouring some mana, reaching the crevices of its structure – it was a good thing that the servant could tell more or less how it was supposed to look like originally thanks to his experience, focusing on repairing as much as he could 
Yuuki  puts her hand to her chest. “I don't understand why you had to make a new contract.. You're.. You're upset with me, aren't you? I-I'm sorry..”
“ I thought that Saber had been taken down. Why else would you summon Mordred and leave me defenseless? So in order to don’t burden Mordred with having to worry about two Masters I did what needed to be done. To be honest right now I’m pissed at myself that I hurt them like that over nothing, but what is done is done. I can apologize and have them kick my ass later” he explained his reasoning. 
The female master stiffened, looking over at her Saber before looking down. “ I got separated from Saber, and last I saw him he was fighting. I.. don't know why I summoned Mordred so much as it was a knee jerk reaction. I didn't mean to leave you defenseless, and even told Mordred I don't know why I summoned them.. We fought and I had told them to quickly meet back up with you. “
“ You panicked. It happens. The important part is that you are unharmed. “he spoke as if it wasn’t a big deal, as if he wasn’t affected by the situation. The boy left a sigh “And instead of staying with you this means that Mordred is out there by themselves. You should go after them, without you around their mana will deplete faster. They don’t have independent action you know.” Shirou commented
Yuuki looked down at her hand, she had 2 command seals left. She could summon Mordred, but that would put her down to 1 and she wasn't sure if that's a great idea or not. ” I'll let them know where we are and have them meet up here. We're trying to all meet up to figure out what to do about..  the Berserker form of you, Shirou. “ She said softly, nodding. She did send a mental message to Mordred: 'We're at the Wasteland area, you need to come here so I can continue to supply you mana better. If absolutely necessary I'll use a command seal to summon you. Is everything alright on your end?’
Mordred replied via their connection: “ Can't yet. Will when I can. Don't use a command seal. I'll keep you updated.”
“Are you going to yank them from wherever they are? It can be dangerous for them. “ Shirou voiced his thoughts when Yuuki glanced the command spells “ Yeah. I saw who that guy was. Fighting version of myself is getting old at this point. Still, I feel like it is my responsibility to set things right.”
Yuuki  zoned back in at Shirou's words, nodding to someone who wasn't even here. “They told me not to, they're unable to meet up with us but will keep me updated. They sounded fine.. Then again, would she even register if they weren't? Saber and I also ran into him.”
Saber was focusing on fixing the sword, so he couldn’t comment whilst Altera was watching him with wide eyes.
“ He was the one that got the two of you separated? “ Shirou inquired
Yuuki nodded. “Yes, it was shortly after that I ran into an another Enemy Servant.”
“I see. “ Shirou went quiet. The boy had nothing to tell Yuuki, nothing to say. At this point he had closed himself off, only focusing at the task at hand.
Yuuki didn't know how to deal with Shirou acting like this. She tried to smile softly, but it looked more pained than anything. This was her fault, wasn't it? She should have just called for Saber. Why had she called for Mordred?! It's not like they were more important or stronger or anything. She sighed, looking for a place to sit. ..”.Shirou why did you force Caster to stay behind? She wanted to go with you, and was even angry at being left behind.”
Shirou eyes drifted for a moment to watch Saber working, his attention returning to Yuuki when she began speaking to him again “ I didn’t force her, I asked her. Sure, Caster is strong, perhaps one of my strongest Servants. I could probably have done short work of that Berserker with her and Altera with me and the right strategy. “ he admitted that . “ However it was the most solid strategy at the moment. We were all unorganized, without any line of communication with Chaldea which leaves all of us vulnerable. And Na’amah can fly and contact all of the other Masters if needed, having to carry me would only slow her down and make her more vulnerable while moving. I was only planning to scout ahead and have Na’amah joining me later but the circumstances changed. “ his voice was calm and evenly, the cold logic made sense to him. He still had the bow that he made resting close to him by a tree so he wasn't entirely defenseless even now.
Yuuki didn't like how he was sounding, how he felt. Was this island getting to him this badly..? Wouldn't he normally have cared more about how Caster felt? She shook her head. “...I think organization be damned, your safety should have come first... “ She didn't care that he had a weapon near by, she wanted his safety assured, especially since she contributed to him being defenseless. “...You're acting very strange.”
The boy tilted his head as if she was saying a completely foreign concept to him: Shirou had never worried about his safety, not one bit. As long he could keep on fighting, as long he could move then his own safety was insignificant. That has always been like that, long before the current mission “ It’s fine. It wasn’t the first time I had to deal with Servants by myself and might not be the last.”
“ What do you mean? We're all fighting together now, you shouldn't have to fight alone ever. “ Yuuki asked
Shirou merely looks at Yuuki in silence: he shouldn't have had to fight alone in this singularity if it wasn't for her... and still he wasn't angry or upset. he was indifferent
The girl decided it was best to stop there, and just sighed, before going over to Saber and sitting down near him. If she kept it up she was going to start crying.
Shirou was honestly confused why Yuuki was upset: he did the best course of action to attain victory: to secure a base, to have a strong servant exclusively serving a strong master who could support them – and he was under the impression that Yuuki was defenseless – and decided to go scouting to see if he could locate the Grail or find any sort of clue. His safety wasn’t important. As long he could prove useful, he didn’t mind his body would end up ruined or anything of the sort. Or course that he didn’t want to die either, but it was a sacrifice he had always been willing to make, as long he can save everybody it would be fine. 
Saber could tell what the boy was thinking but merely focused on fixing the sword. It was much harder than destroying, it was something that might have been forged by the gods themselves. In fact, he was nearing the limit of what he could do
The girl watched Saber, hoping to feel better but she doesn't. She feels terrible, and doesn't know how to fix it. Shirou was alone, its her fault. She took Mordred on accident. She left him alone, and now look at him.. She didn't like this. He was important to her, how could she have done this? “How's it going Saber?”
“Honestly? I won’t be able to fully fix it without a smithy, but it will endure a few uses of her Noble Phantasm. Once or twice, three times tops but it might cause irreparable damage “ Saber assessed the situation.
“ There is only so much you can do without the proper tools, huh? I can keep on projecting copies for as long I have the mana “ Shirou opinionated.
“ Irreparable... So I'm still handicapped aren't I? I'm sorry. I'm not very useful.” Altera lamented
“No , Altera. You are fine “ Shirou  gently pats her head “ That guy had an underhanded technique. As long I'm around you won't be without a weapon “
“I can also assist making extra weapons, or any other sword that would fit the situation. You won't be empty-handed. “ Saber offered
Shirou sighed “ That Berserker is a pain in the side, isn't he? “
“ You're fine, Altera-san. “ Yuuki said, nodding a few times. Her voice was a bit soft, unsure of herself. “We will make sure we can defeat him before there is irreparable damage. We will fight together. “
“ I can probably use any weapon.. I don't mind. So thank you both. I promise I'll fight well for you “ Altera told them
Saber offered her weapon back “If the worse come to pass, I believe we may be able to resummon your weapon once we return home. “
“ That's right, the FATE system can record a Servant's Spirit Origin and restore it to its peak condition, right? I don't know a lot about it, but it could work? “ Shirou considered
“ Ah..? I'm going.. Home with all of you? “Altera  looks surprised before smiling “ I'll try to make sure I don't break my weapon before then! “
“ If you want to, we are partners now. Would you like to come home with me, Altera? “ Shirou invited while Saber nodded and slicked his hair back, getting ready for the upcoming battle.
She normally had more words, but for today was at a loss. Yuuki  just watched, holding her usual smile. “We would be thrilled to have you go home with us.”
A few nods, smile on the small servant's face. She.. Had a feeling that even if they knew what she was they'd still help her. Just like her old Master.
“Welcome aboard, Altera. Let's save the world together” Shirou nodded
Saber contacted to Yuuki, via link : “Are you alright? “
Yuuki replied via Link”: ...I will be, eventually. It just.. it's bothering me how he acting.. I don't understand it. Plus I.. took Mordred on accident. I'm trying to not let it bother me.. allow me to just stay near you please? “
The servant commented via link: “..........This is the kind of person that Emiya Shirou is, this is a side he hides within him. I will stay by your side no matter what happens. “
Yuuki continued via link: “I don't.. I don't like it. I don't want him acting like he isn't worth saving... then again I also showed him that by taking Mordred.. ...I really messed up. I don't know how.. to fix this.. thank you, for being by my side.”
Saber lamented via link: “...You’ll have your heart broken again, Master.” he knew the truth about Emiya Shirou, how he was a twisted individual who knows that salvation wasn’t within his reach: Kiritsugu saved him once, but it was like Tohsaka said – it was a curse. 
“...That's what I am afraid of, Saber.” once again Yuuki communicated with him via link
“This boy has set his path to his own destruction and there is nothing you can do, Yuuki. “ Saber informed her with the connection
Via link: “...I'll walk it with him then. So he's not alone. Or at least, what part of it I can walk it with him. “ Yuuki nodded, making up her mind. She wouldn't let him walk alone, not as long as she considered him family. He meant a lot to her, and even though she's making mistakes she's going to do what she can to show him he has friends, that he isn't alone. Because, with her, he never will be.
Saber he watched Yuuki with a melancholic expression. He was the Emiya Shirou who had diverged from the path for a while, but it came back to him. There was only one path for EMIYA
“Are you two okay..?” Altera inquired 
“Yes, Altera-san! We are fine. Right, Saber?” Yuuki piped up
If she has to ask for assurance from somebody else that's a no or so Altera concluded
“Don't concern yourself over it “ Saber dismissed
“ I don't know what you are talking among yourselves, but we should either think of a plan of action or go meet our target” Shirou called them out.
“ I'm okay to meet him up front, with the copy you gave me master I can probably fool him and get him to drop his guard.. I think I should be capable of fighting him now “ Altera informed.
“ Emiya. You shouldn’t fight him close combat.” Saber warned the boy
“ I know. I’m a human, I shouldn’t face most regular Servants in combat. I know that there are exceptions, but facing a Berserker is way above my capacities “ the young Master dismissed the Servant’s words
“ That isn’t the only thing that concerns me. Because you share the same soul, continuous exposure to him will cause his memories, techniques and knowledge to flow onto you. That includes his insanity.” Saber elaborated 
“ You know I’m aware of that. It happens with Archer and it also happens when I’m around you. You don’t need to remind me, Saber. Him being a Berserker is just the cherry on top.” Shirou reminded the Servant,
“ That means don't unnecessarily exchange blows, Shirou. You and I should provide long range back up. I haven't gotten an update but should we wait for Mordred? “ Yuuki intervened
“ No need. They got their hands full right now fighting by themselves. We should be the ones who come to them, not the other way around. “ Shirou concluded
Yuuki nodded, looking back at Saber before continuing. “You're right, I'm sure no matter what happens, Mordred will be fine. They have to be, right? Saber and Altera-san should be more than sufficient. I'm just.. “ I'm just worried about you having to come to blows with him again, either one of you. “concerned is all.”
“ The situation is dire, but right now we should focus at the task at hand, at our own issues. Worrying about things beyond us is only going to make us lose sight of what should be done, a recipe for disaster. “ Saber commented
“ Saber is right. If you are worried about them, you can go now or focus on what we are about to do. If you get distracted now you might get hurt “ Shirou was curt
Altera nods “ I'm sure they're a strong servant, and if they need help they can ask you.. Oh, sorry let me change.. “ They lifted their sword, almost shakily, but in an instant they were a bright white silhouette, which shifted and grew to an adult
Okay now Yuuki is more distracted by ALTERA BEING AN ADULT?
“ Hm? Is something wrong? “ Altera questioned
Shirou was unfazed  “We are ready to go now. I just hope that he didn't have enough time to heal or cause more trouble.”
Yuuki nodded, holding her Naginata tightly. “ I'll be able to assist long range with familiars and some gandr shots. They won't be as effective as he's probably expecting it now, but it's annoying and covering fire.” 
Saber commented via link: “You might be ready to heal the boy when necessary”
Yuuki replied via link: “I was thinking the same thing. I'll focus as much on producing mana and healing him when it's all over.”
“ You're zoning out again. “ Altera noted
Yuuki snaps to attention. “No I'm fine!”
“ She does that when using the mental link to talk to one of her Servants. “ Shirou states as a matter of fact and, at his point, don't caring about whatever they may be plotting “ Let's go, he should be that way “ he picks up  the improvised bow and started walking. For a brief moment he wished that he had enough mana and knowledge to make arrows like Archer's...
Yuuki rubs her cheek nervously, but she took a few steps forward before paling and stumbling. She was falling instead of walking, she felt like her feet were no longer beneath her, and she wasn't going to be able to stop herself. She wasn't prepared for the sudden drain of her mana. Not that she didn't have enough but it was so shocking and unexpected that it took a toll on her.
Noticing the shift in Yuuki's behavior, Saber stepped forward and supported the Master, holding her  “Are you alright?”
Yuuki was grateful for Saber's assistance, shaking her head as she took a ragged breath. “I.. have no idea. Just, all of a sudden it felt like a lot of my mana was just dragged from me without realizing it.. I felt really faint.”
Saber stopped for a moment, surveying   “ Do you have more than Mordred and myself in the field? Then perhaps there might be another ongoing fight” 
“ Y-yeah, Jekyll came too.. “ Yuuki stammered
“ I see. We should expect more mana drainage then. You better stay back “ Saber adviced
Shirou stopped for a moment to wait for Yuuki, listening to what just had transpired -- he wasn't going to say anything except for the slight frown on his lips before resuming walking 
“ I-I can try to check in with them, but if they're fighting.. Maybe the base is in danger? He said he wanted to stay behind. “ Yuuki doesn't know what to do. “ I can't leave you to go fight without me, Saber.” 
“ If the base was in danger then Na'amah would have had contacted the boy, or Jekyll would have contacted you. I hate to say it, but he is right: you need to focus at the task at hand, free yourself from unnecessary thoughts, and fight. “ Saber reasoned 
Shirou is already in the middle of the vegetation, away from sight, with Altera following him
Yuuki stands up, nodding.” ..Then let's go Saber. If something's wrong, I'll be contacted.”
“ Stay close to me and let me know if you need assistance, Master “ Saber already decided he is going to avoid using her mana if possible, drawing on his own reserves. Mordred and Jekyll might need it more than he does.
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swamp-bumpkin · 4 years
*Me, working in the middle of this sudden heat*: It’s... so.... hot.... why?...
*My overcooked, dried out brain*: Voyager and Larvae Altera. One was made to carry on the light of humanity long after our passing and to share our story with other civilizations in the universe, a role he entirely embraces. The other was made to destroy all other civilizations in the universe and prematurely end their stories while leaving the universe a bit darker, a role she ultimately rejected. Together they play tag.
They are...
The Space Babies
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