omg-snakes · 2 years
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Playing with a Coroner and a Detective is not wise - Skulduggery x Male!Reader Universe
WARNING!: Anger issued Reader, cursing, threatening, mild violence, Fergus x Beryl (They are really people responsible for snger issues) AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !
Part 1 - Gordon’s Testament
Gordon was dead and the Edgley Family was with Gordon’s lawyer, to hear who inherited what. Fergus, Beryl, Carol and Crystal were VERY impatient, while they had to wait for two more people.
“Can’t we just start without them already ?!”, Beryl demanded like a spoiled brat.
“No, we have to wait for the last two people.”, Mr. Fedgewick answered nervously.
Then a man, face completely covered in a scarf, hat and sunglasses, entered.
“I apologize for my lateness, it really didn’t get sooner.”, the man excused himself.
“You are ?”, Fergus asked with annoyance.
“Skulduggery Pleasant.”, the covered man answered.
Beryl scoffed and looked at Melissa and Desmond.
“Of course YOUR brat will be late ! At such an important day he HAS to be late !”, she yelled.
“Don’t talk about my Brother like that.”, Stephanie defended.
Then Melissa’s phone rang and she sighed in relief as she saw her Son’s name appear. She answered and put him on speaker.
“Hello, Son. Where are you ?”, she asked worried.
“Hey Mom ! I am so sorry ! I forgot to bring something to my workplace and had to go there to turn it in, because it was due for today. Then I wanted to drive straight to Mr. Fedgewick’s and meet you all there, but I am stuck in traffic. A car accident happened and I am stuck in here. I will need another 10 to 15 minutes to get out of here. Do you think you can wait that long ? Otherwise I am fine with you all hearing Uncle’s Will without me. It will be saddening that I am not there, but this was really unexpected and I am unsure how long Mr. Fedgewick will have time. He probably has other clients too...”, a teenage boy’s voice explained.
Before Beryl and Fergus could snarl at Fedgewick, to read the Will already, Stephanie replied.
“We can wait. This reading means a lot to you and you are Family too.”
Melissa nodded and smiled at her, while Stephanie’s Aunt and Uncle scoffed in hatred.
“She is right, Son. Just be careful and don’t drive too fast, yes ?”, Melissa said worried.
“I will be careful, Mom. I will be there soon. I am really sorry, that I am so late today. Usually I am always the first one to arrive and this is just embarrassing...”
“It could have happened to anyone, Son. Don’t sweat it. I stuck a lot in traffic and came late to work and meetings. No one was ever mad at me for it.”, Desmond replied happily.
The boy chuckled.
“Thanks, Dad. I love you two, see you soon. And Steph...when I arrive there, you better give me back my SD card.”
Stephanie chuckled.
“I have it in my bag.”
With that they hung up and waited a bit more.
-Twenty minutes later-
He cursed as he ran through the corridors and to the office. Why had this to happen to him at this day ?! Got he could beat himself up about this right now ! He soon arrived at the door and knocked gently.
“Come in !”, Fedgewick’s voice called.
He opened the door and breathed heavily, then entered and closed the door, taking off his coat.
“I am so very sorry that I am late. Traffic was a nightmare. The police gave my side two minutes to pass, while the other got ten. The traffic lights were broken and there was a nasty car accident, so police had to deal with it. Did I miss anything important already ?”, the Teenager asked.
“Are you M/n Edgley ?”, Fedgewick asked.
“Yes, that is me. Do you need my ID ? I have brought it with me, in case.”, M/n replied.
Fedgewick nodded and M/n quickly got out his purse and pulled out his ID card. He gave it to Fedgewick and he checked it over, after that he nodded and gave it back to him.
“Well then, FINALLY we can start.”, Beryl replied pissed and glared at M/n.
M/n scoffed as he sat down.
“Shut it, woman, you are the most disrespectful person here. If I were you, I would be praying that I even got something from my Brother in law. For your personality, I wouldn’t be surprised if he would only give you a boot to the head.”, he replied to her comment.
“You little shit ! Respect your elders !”, she yelled.
“You are older than me ? Then fucking act like it. All I see is a spoiled little brat that is a five year old. You aren’t older than me.”, he scoffed.
“Why YOU-?!”
“Anyways. Now that I am here, let us start, yes ? I still have so much paperwork to do...”, M/n said slightly saddened and rudely interrupting Beryl.
Just then he spotted Skulduggery Pleasant and he gave the person a smile.
“I think we haven’t met before. My apologies, that I didn’t notice you, Sir. My name is M/n Edgley. What is yours, if I may ?”
“It is nice to meet you Mr. Edgley. My name is Skulduggery Pleasant.”, the man covered in a scarf, sunglasses and had said, nodding his head in respect.
“Ah, Uncle talked a bit about you. His best friend, as much, as I recall. Nice to finally see you in person. I was worried that Gordon was messing with me at this point, given I never saw you around.”
The man chuckled.
“I was pretty busy, but came to visit often.”, he replied.
“Ah, that explains it. The job must be pretty serious then, otherwise you would have a lot of time. Every job is different after all.”, M/n said smiling.
Skulduggery nodded.
“He is a weirdo. Who covers their face like this ?”, Fergus scoffed in disgust.
M/n’s smile fell and it turned into an annoyed glare.
“Believe it or not, Mr. Snotty 24/7, there are people that are VERY insecure about their looks and rather hide them. From where would YOU know, what this Gentleman went through, huh ? Maybe he had a terrible accident and his face got it worst or he was attacked once and barely made it out alive or he was born a bit weird looking, that he started to hate it. Who the flying FUCK are YOU, to judge people that hide their face, hmm ?”, M/n snarled back in disrespect, getting fed up with his and his Wife’s attitude.
“You little-!”
“Now then, I deeply apologize for these Crack heads. Can we start ? I fear if I stay any longer with them in here, I will start a scene. I never got along with these people.”, M/n asked kindly and rudely interrupted Fergus.
Stephanie smiled in amusement and Fedgewick chuckled slightly.
“You are almost like Gordon was. Honest and still humorous.”, the lawyer said.
“What can I say ? I take more after him. I liked the way he was as a person and looked slightly up to him. Thanks to him, I am the person I am today.”, M/n said happily.
Stephanie, her parents and Fedgewick smiled at that, while the other half of the Edgley Family glared at him. Then Fedgewick started to give them all his condolences, with Baryl interrupted rudely, wanting to cut straight to the chase, which made M/n lose his smile yet again. He turned to her.
“Shut the fuck up, will you ? Here are people that cared about Gordon. Just because you don’t, doesn’t that mean, that you can tell anyone what to do. If you don’t wanna hear it, then get the fuck out. No one wants to hear your snotty, bratty attitude.”
“How about you learn manners ?!”, Fergus yelled.
“How about you look in a mirror and take your own advice, Fergus ? You, your Wife and your children are all VERY disrespectful. So shut the fuck up and if you don’t like it, get the fuck out. No one wants to hear you, you Gold diggers.”, M/n snarled back in hatred.
“You little adopted shit !”, Carol yelled.
M/n glared at her.
“You, better bake VERY little buns right now, you little Bitch. Get involved again and I might make you shut up in a way you won’t like.”, he threatened darkly.
“Is that a threat towards my daughter ?!”, Beryl yelled.
“Yes, it is ! You all apparently didn’t learn any manners as children, so I might as well, smack her across the face if she keeps it up ! You two grown up idiots can’t even raise your own kids properly !”, M/n hollered.
Stephanie got up and went over to her older, adopted, Brother. She pulled him into a hug, while he continued to glare at the wedded couple with hatred and disgust.
“Calm down, M/n... They aren’t worth it.”, she tried to calm him down.
“I can’t do this anymore, Stephanie ! Everywhere we go or show up with them, they are like this ! They treat everyone like utter shit and think they are the most perfect people ever ! I am sick and tired of it ! All they do is embarrass us ! God, every time we go somewhere with these people, I am in second hand embarrassment ! I have to pretend that I don’t even KNOW them, with their disgusting attitude ! I’m sick and tired of it !”
At that everyone was dead silent. M/n was pissed off and that rightfully.
“I HATE them ! All they do is care about themselves ! They never cared about Uncle Gordon and now they demand to get something from him ?! I hope they get close to nothing from him !”, he yelled.
Stephanie hugged M/n tighter and he hugged back, tears coming to his eyes. No one could tell if it was from rage or sadness, but it, none the less, made everyone go silent at once, while Stephanie was there for him.
After a while, she parted and pulled her chair next to him, so she was close, in case he had another rage episode. M/n was always short tempered and quick to rage when Fergus and Beryl were around with their kids. It wasn’t always like that, but one day, they were just toxic to each other and M/n wanted nothing to do with them since, only if necessary, did he spend time with them. And with necessary, it meant when Melissa forced him to stay and spend time with the whole Family.
“Excuse me...please continue.”, M/n got out with a quiet voice.
He was still calming down, but Fedgewick nodded and started with opening the Testament. Again giving his condolences and everything, this time, no one interrupted him, in fear M/n will lash out again.
Skulduggery kept a close eye on M/n. The Teenager seemed to be between 15 and 18 years of age and he seemed very sad.
Then Fedgewick read out what Beryl and Fergus got.
His Car, boat and a little present. As they asked what the present was, in excitement, he opened a small box and in it laid a brooch. It looked old, but M/n, none the less, smirked.
Gordon’s car wasn’t worth much to sell, the brooch was old and pretty, but not much worth and then the boat. It was a small one and also not worth much, because it was old and needed some work to look better.
M/n would have laughed, if he wouldn’t feel so incredibly sad at the same time. His Uncle was dead. He always brightened up his day after work, always knew what to do with him...He was the best and he left. Why couldn’t someone from Fergus’ side have died ? They were always rude and mean...and they only cared about the money Gordon made anyways. They didn’t like M/n either and they never helped, nor supported him, in anything he did.
It was unfair !
After that, they tried to know what else they got, but that was all, which made Beryl wail. M/n scoffed and stared at her with darkness in his eyes.
“Kindly get out of the room and cry. As many say in my workplace ‘Cry silently, Chantalle.’”, M/n scoffed.  (In my school we knew that term, please don’t take it as offense, whoever knows a Chantalle ! We just had that saying !)
Fedgewick then looked at Skulduggery Pleasant and read out a small text that Gordon wrote down. He left the man only an advice.
“Your path is yours alone and I don't want to dissuade you, but sometimes we find the greatest enemy within ourselves and fight the greatest battles against the darkness within. A storm is coming and sometimes the key to safe harbor remains hidden from us. Sometimes, however, it is right in front of our eyes.”
Everyone stared at Skulduggery with wide eyes, besides M/n. He was very interested in that advice. It sounded more like a riddle he had to solve. M/n got out his phone, opened Word and then wrote the whole thing down quickly. He will figure this out ! His Uncle was very cryptic, but he knew for a fact that this was a riddle. He will solve it !
Stephanie looked at her older Brother and saw that he typed it all down quickly. So he thought it was important and a riddle to solve. She knew, from the moment this stranger entered the office, that there was something about him. Something mysterious and dangerous.
M/n stuffed his phone back into his pocket as he finished and waited for the rest to snap out of their momentum.  Skulduggery only nodded silently. Fergus then told his Wife that they were at least lucky enough to get the few things Gordon had, instead of some stupid advice. She just hissed at him to be silent, which made him cower away.
“He is right, be grateful, Beryl. And you know what the best part is ? This Gentleman is taking it with dignity and respect. Just an advice and yet, he accepts this and doesn’t whine about it. I understand why he liked you, Mr. Pleasant.”, M/n said smiling.
Skulduggery chuckled softly and nodded.
“Thank you. His advices are greatly appreciated. I need them a lot.”, he replied.
M/n smiled.
“My Uncle was cool in that way, aren’t I right ? He helped me with these a lot too.”
“Hah ! A Team member then, huh ?”, he asked jokingly.
“Seems so.”, M/n chuckled.
Then Melissa and Desmond had their turn. He joked about leaving Desmond his Wife, that he successfully took away from Gordon. Of course it was a joke. They were saddened a bit and then Fedgewick read out that Desmond also inherited his Villa in France.
Beryl made a scene at that, while Fergus wanted her to stop her tantrum. She went on about how much worth it is and it made M/n’s blood boil.
“Fergus, put her on a leash, before I snap and slap her so hard that she will see starts, pass out and wake up in a hospital.”, M/n growled out pissed.
Fergus grew worried. M/n never threatened to hurt Beryl.
“Beryl, please calm down...”
“NO !”
M/n snapped up and stalked towards her.
“You shut your ugly trap right now ! Otherwise you won’t like the outcome, Bitch ! I warned you multiple times that I am VERY close to snap at you ! Sit your fat ass down and shut it !”, M/n screamed.
“You are my Nephew ! You have to RESPECT ME YO-!”
The whole room was dead silent and Beryl looked at her left, eyes wide in shock, while her right cheek formed a red handprint. M/n glared at her, his hand still in position to give her a backhand slap too. M/n looked livid.
“I. Said. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT YOUR ASS DOWN, BITCH !”, M/n screamed at her pissed off.
She whimpered and sat down instantly, tears in her eyes.
“Just WHY do we have to deal with people like YOU, Beryl ?! My GOD are you ANNOYING and OBSESSED with showing off and money ! No wonder Uncle Gordon didn’t want you to have anything too expensive ! Such an ungrateful woman like you, I have NEVER met in my LIFE !”, M/n raged.
Stephanie quickly pulled him to his chair and hugged him tightly again. She was his anchor, when he let his rage consume him.
“DON’T mess with my Family, Bitch ! They deserved the Villa, because they CARED about Gordon as a PERSON, not some fucking PAYCHECK !”
“We are Family too, M/n.”, Fergus said softly.
He looked away, scared for his life.
“M/n, Brother, remember what the psychologist said a few years ago, yeah ? Don’t let your rage consume you. Take deep breaths. Relax. No one is hurt. We are all fine. Remember what Uncle Gordon said, yes ?”, she whispered into his ear.
M/n’s rage was gone in a flash as she mentioned Gordon. His eyes went wide and then he hugged her back, tears again in his eyes.
“S-sorry, Steph...”, he muttered out.
“It’s okay. Just stay calm, okay ? No one is hurt and we won’t have to endure them that long anymore, okay ? After this testament is over, we can leave and have some bobba tea, okay ?”
He nodded with a small smile and sat down again, this time Stephanie sat on his lap, to keep him grounded.
“Is he always like this ? No judgment, just curious.”, Skulduggery asked softly.
Melissa and Desmond looked at him worried, while Stephanie felt like she had to answer him.
“Only if someone hurts us, threatens us or if Beryl and Fergus are around him with their kids. He is very overprotective of Family and he hates people that see his Family as an object, they can use. So he gets pissed off very easily.”, she answered softly.
M/n wrapped his arms around his little Sister and hid his face in her left shoulder, still trying to calm down. She felt that he was shaking. Skulduggery only nodded at that. He knew that kind of rage and protectiveness. It has been a while since he saw someone, who was just like he used to be.
“Can we please just continue ?”, M/n asked softly.
Stephanie rubbed M/n’s hands softly, to help him calm down. Fedgewick looked back down at the paper and continued to read, understanding that M/n got more and more unstable.
“With all that sorted out, I want to come to my Niece and Nephew now.”, he read out loud.
M/n and Stephanie looked at him with wide eyes. They will also inherit something ? Is Uncle Gordon serious ?
“I regret that I never had children of my own, but at the same time I felt lucky that I never had any, if I think at what Fergus and Beryl produced.”, he contined to read out.
M/n smirked and Stephanie had to keep her chuckle in.
“Although I have to admit that I saw Steph and M/n like my own kids at some point, sorry Melissa and Desmond, but I had to be honest. M/n, I know that you are adopted and that you always felt like, you weren’t good enough for anyone. That you felt like you never tried or did enough, but I promise you, you are enough. You do enough. You try enough. I know you are only 16 years of age, but you already finished school and college with 13 years of age, thanks to your incredible intelligence. I am proud of you and of how far you have come in such little time. And as you know, I let you move in with me, so you have more space to work and storage notes in and for Stephanie to finally have a bigger room to herself. I don’t want you to move out, so I decided, since you and Steph were both like my own kids that you have to share my house together.”
Their eyes went wide and M/n smiled happily. He was already worried where he should go that had enough space for him to work even from home, but now, this was a blessing to him. And he will share it with his little Sister ! He hugged her tightly, he didn’t mind sharing, all he wanted was for her to own the house too and he was happy they both own it now.
“Stephanie, my wonderful niece, I hope you aren’t all that mad with that decision. I want to give you also a few words, before I reveal what else YOU alone will inherit. The world is bigger, than you think, and scarier, as you can imagine. The only currency, that is worth something, is that, you always stay loyal to yourself, and the only goal, that is worth going for, is to find out, who you really are.”, Fedgewick read out.
She was giving a sad smile, while M/n smiled at her too, saddened, but with slight joy for her.
“Make your parents proud and take care, that they are lucky, to have you, because I am leaving to you all of my possessions, my financial assets and my royalties. They shall with the day, you’ll turn eighteen, be transferred to you. I want to use this opportunity and tell you, that I love you all in my very own way, even those, that I don’t like very much. I mean you with that, Beryl.”
Beryl scoffed softly, but instantly cowered away as M/n glared at her, with a dark promise.
“Before we end this whole testament, I want to remind you of something, M/n.”, Fedgewick continued to read out.
M/n snapped his attention back to him, listening.
“We all know you have serious anger issues and you are very overprotective, maybe even a bit territorial, of the Family. Anything bad, no matter how small, sets you off into a raging storm and that goes to Family only. Remember what I told you. No matter how outraged you get, try to keep a clear head for me, okay ? Rage can make you blind and you could lash out, doing or saying something, you didn’t mean to. Rage makes you think illogically, so please, always try to stay calm enough to take in your surroundings. Think, before you act. I know you are a very smart and clever boy, so please use that head of yours. I know you will miss me terribly, because now you have no one that will help you out, when you are stuck or stressed out, so I thought of something small, but don’t have too much hope on it.”
M/n listened very carefully and he was confused. What was his Uncle planning ?
“I bet you met Skulduggery Pleasant, my friend that I told you a bit about. You two have almost similar jobs. I ask of Skulduggery, as a very good friend, to give you his phone number. He might be able to help you in some problems you are going to be stuck in. And no, Skul, I don’t mean any physical problems, I mean in his job, some problems. After all...your jobs are almost the same. Please help him out when he asks for your help. I trust you enough for this. I love you all and I hope you will live happily.”, Fedgewick finished and took off his glasses.
M/n was surprised and Skulduggery seemed to be too.
“Similar jobs, huh ?”, Skulduggery asked.
“What kind of job, M/n ?”, Melissa asked.
M/n felt himself sweating at that question.
“Marketing ! I got promoted and I do marketing stuff now and I design websites. I didn’t know Mr. Pleasant had something similar to it.”, he lied quickly.
Skulduggery seemed to pick up on it, while the others blindly believed him.
“Ah, yes. I do something quite similar. I am surprised you do such a job as well.”, he replied, playing along.
“You might have some tricks that I don’t know of. Can’t wait to learn from them.”, M/n played it off.
“Of course.”
Stephanie got up and M/n stood up as well. Beryl threw a fit and M/n raced out of the room, wishing Fedgewick a nice day and thanking him for everything. Skulduggery was close behind him.
“Alright.”, M/n said as he was alone with the mysterious man.
“What are you actually doing for a job ?”, M/n asked.
“You say yours first.”, Skulduggery replied.
“I work as a Coroner.”, M/n answered honestly.
Skulduggery was stunned into silence.
“You, a Coroner ?”
“Yep. I worked and studied very hard for it and with 13 years I got the job. I have been very good since, but there are newly some...clients that seem to have died...weirdly. Or better...murdered....weirdly... Any time I was stuck and couldn’t make sense of it, Gordon helped me. He made me relax and then we talked about it, then he came up with conclusions and at least one of them was always right.”, M/n explained.
“You are sixteen and you work as a Coroner ?”, he repeated.
“I had to grow up way faster than others. When you lived on the streets for a while and saw horror at its worst, as a kid none the less, you don’t get scared that easily anymore when you work with corpses.”, M/n said slightly monotone.
“Oh dear... I work as a Detective.”, Skulduggery answered softly.
M/n stared at the masked man in surprise.
“Huh. Uncle was right then. We have similar jobs. You solve the Crime and who did it, while I inspect the corpses and what killed them.”
“Seems so.”
“Though, I bet you do a different Detective job, because I’ve never seen, nor heard of you around here before. So I guess you work on ‘special’ cases. Am I right ?”
“You can call it that.”, Skulduggery confirmed.
“Okay... I have some ‘special’ cases sometimes, that the Crime police doesn’t want to waste their time on, because they think it is stupid or too much of a hassle. I can send you one and you could tell me if that would fall into your categories of ‘special’ cases.”, M/n offered.
“That would be a good idea.”
“Well then...phone number ? I could send you pictures of the reports then.”
“Oh, right.”
Skulduggery pulled out a pen and paper and wrote down his phone number, then he gave it to M/n.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“If we work together a few times, just call me Skulduggery. Sir makes me feel older than I am.”
“Okay, Skulduggery. I will text you later, when I have the reports.”
Then Skulduggery looked at his pocket watch and sighed.
“Well, I have to get going to work now.”, he told the Teen.
He was about to leave as M/n stopped him.
“Yes ?”, Skulduggery asked.
“If you need help or something, tell me, yeah ? I might look like I don’t know a lot, but I know more than anyone thinks. If you are stuck on something, tell me and I’ll try to help. Helping goes both ways, after all.”, M/n said softly, with a kind smile.
Skulduggery felt touched.
“I will. Same goes to you. If you are in ANY trouble, call me. I will come to help.”
“Any trouble ? Even physical ones ?”, M/n asked softly.
“Any trouble. That includes physical trouble. If you feel watched or are being followed, call me and I will come.”
M/n smiled brighter and nodded.
“I will, thank you.”
“You are welcome. After all, Coroner is just as much of a dangerous job, as a Detective one’s is.”
With that Skulduggery left and M/n felt a bit touched. He understood now why Gordon liked this guy.
Masterlist HERE !
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the-sanctuary · 6 years
Mr. Fedgewick read on. “‘To my other brother, Desmond, the lucky one of the family: I leave to you your wife; I think you might like her.’” Stephanie saw her parents clasp each other’s hands and smile sadly. “‘So now that you’ve successfully stolen my girlfriend, maybe you’d like to take her to my villa in France, which I am also leaving to you.
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skeletondreadful · 7 years
Book 1, Chapter 2
Stephanie is 100% autistic and I love her
She’s like me, swimming and music, I love her
Hell yeah will reading pls give Stephanie all of it and everyone bad gets A KICK TO THE HEAD
What the fuck is a wheelie bin??
I’m gonna fight Fergus in a Denny’s parking lot
I’m gonna fight Fergus in an abandoned movie theater
I’m gonna fight Fergus in the mental physical realm
I’m gonna fight Fergus and his shadow self
I’m gonna fight Fergus in the back of a truck going 80mph down the highway
Fuck you Fergus fight me you weak mole looking bitch I’ll toss you on your neck
Ha! The shitty fucks get ZILCH!
Lmao box fight
Lmfao SP got called “exotic”
Hgahajfklalkgkl “I leave you your wife” Gordon is GR9
Beryl better shut her mouth before I put something weird inside it
Yessssss!! Stephanie got sick advice AND everything else!!!
“That’s you Beryl” hahdskalfl he’s dragging her from beyond the grave holy fuck #goals
Get rekt Beryl
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hrm-mh · 8 years
Kapitel 2 - Das Testament
„Desmond, was ist denn jetzt noch?“ „Ich glaube, ich hab noch was vergessen.“ „Wo sind deine Schuhe, Schatz?“
S. 22 - 23 | Desmond und Melissa
„Wusstest du, dass er einmal einen Einkaufsmarkt vergessen hat?“ „Er hat was?“ „Habe ich dir das nie erzählt? Es war der erste große Auftrag, den er bekam, und seine Firma hat alles wunderbar hingekriegt. Als der Markt fertig war, wollte er ihn seinen Auftraggebern zeigen, aber er hatte vergessen, wo er ihn gebaut hatte. Er fuhr fast eine Stunde herum, bis er etwas sah, das ihm bekannt vorkam. Er mag zwar ein ausgesprochen begabter Bauingenieur sein, aber er hat das Konzentrationsvermögen eines Goldfischs.“
S. 23 | Melissa und Stephanie über Desmond
„Wer denn? Es gibt niemanden mehr, wir sind die einzigen Verwandten, die Gordon hatte. Es ist doch niemand von der Wohlfahrt, oder? Ich habe der Wohlfahrt noch nie getraut. Ständig wollen sie was von einem.“
S. 25 | Fergus
„Er hat einen ganz und gar ungewöhnlichen Namen. Wie es aussieht, warten wir auf einen Mr Skulduggery Pleasant.“ „Du liebe Güte, wer ist das denn? Dieser Name klingt wie ..., er kingt wie ... Fergus, wie klingt er denn?“ „Er klingt, als würde er jemandem gehören, der nicht ganz dicht ist! Ist dieser Mr Skulduggery Pleasant etwa nicht ganz dicht?“ „Das kann ich wirklich nicht beurteilen.“
S. 25 - 26 | Beryl, Fedgewick und Fergus über Skulduggery
„Lassen Sie mich Ihnen, der Familie und ... und seinem Freund mein tief empfundenes ...“ „Ist ja schon gut. Können wir diesen Teil nicht überspringen? Wir sind ohnehin schon spät dran. Sagen Sie uns einfach, wer was bekommt.“
S. 27 | Fedgewick und Fergus
„Wenn es etwas in meinem Leben gibt, das ich bedaure, dann die Tatsache, dass ich keine Kinder gezeugt habe. Es gibt natürlich Augenblicke, in denen ich mich aus demselben Grund glücklich schätze, zum Beispiel wenn ich sehe,was Fergus und Beryl produziert haben [...]“
S. 31 | Gordon in seinem Testament
„Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen und sagen, dass ich euch alle auf meine Art liebe, selbst die, die ich nicht sonderlich leiden kann. Damit bist du gemeint, Beryl.“
S. 31 | Gordon in seinem Testament
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omg-snakes · 2 years
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Fedgewick does not like photos time!
He got very angry at the camera. :(
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omg-snakes · 2 years
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Top left: Fedgewick, a Hypo Lavender Masque
Top right: Thrundle, a visual het Peach Lavender Masque
Bottom left: Crotchmonitor, a visual het Peach Hypo Lavender Masque
Bottom right: Partycake, a Hypo Lavender
I put together a comparison of four Lavender corn snakes with varying combinations of Hypo and Peach genes. My hope is to have a way of more easily identifying Peach from Hypo since I have two clutches this season with both genes and it's really, really hard to tell them apart.
I may try again with a higher magnification to see if the differences are more apparent, but as one can tell by their little faces, the snakes were not thrilled to participate this evening so I tried to minimize the disruption to their snakey lives.
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