#Felicity also likes pink and red tho
Lan having a hobby for yarn crafts like crochet and knitting that she uses to make cute bags and clothes for herself and her Darling 😩
(Especially likes making halter tops and the like for herself for fun, especially since skirts/longer shirts have a tendency to get caught on more stuff when she slithers around)
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myladyofmercy · 3 years
young royals rewatch
episode 4
out of the darkness and in to the light
is the dirt thing a swedish tradition?
not even at his brothers funeral wille can really cry
love hiw the credits are slow and empty in this episode
i would hate to gave my grief be televised to the nation
that kitchen/dinner table looks way to simple for a royal family doesn't it?
is that the first time his dad speaks?
the queen choking on her food. pls choke and die.
i hate how noone has any phone cases on tv shows. you could include so much more personality with that
did linda find the old letter or did simon get send a new one because he didn't pay yet
august definitely has body issues and possible ed
you can pause a chess game at any time that was unnecessary
wille needs his brothers? he just lost his real brother! fuck of august
the blue scarf of sadness
is that the dame tie as he wore during the statement in ep1?
august you insecure little shit
wille wears more hair products when he's trying to be composed (now and later before christmas)
okay did simon know remember was eriks favorite song or was it accidentally? did wille tell him?
why is the soloist always standing in the back row tho? shouldn't he be front and center?
that chandelier looks fake as fuck tbh
pink hair girl supremacy
i wonder what the official speech looked like?
blue and red contrasting colors
simon looks like a kicked puppy
willes new room. i made a whole post aboit that.
empty bed. empty heart.
i wanna hug wilhelm
why was his bed lamp on already if they just came into the room?
malin talks
panic attack incoming
i wonder what happens if you call the number?
negative energy i banish thee
need more wille and felice friendship in s2
why wasn't mickes door locked?
love the green walls tho
poor simon
i have no clue what all those pills say
oh no. straight sex.
he's wearing socks. she's wearing a shirt.
augusts psychosexual obsession with his second cousin. someone should tell freud about this. he would prob have a blast
was it royal?
yes give the guy who owes you money more stuff
also did he sell them for so much money he still had drugs left for the party?
love it everytime maltes curls come out
no unnecessary miscommunication i love it
love that linda saw them hug. yeah your daughter has a friend now!
august is so insecure
erik wasn't your brother he was wilhelms so fuck off
dump him
malin mvp
wille again with the pinterest lights
why isn't simon eating at the dinner table tho?
good soup
i still don't know what augusts motive was? like what did he expect to happen if sara told felice? or did he hope she wouldn't do it? and just have it be awkward between them?
still willes bedlamp is on
they propped the note up against the frog
love the acting in the confrontation scene with simon and micke
för min och saras skull. there is that word again
alexander is like an excited puppy
also where is that random building they're always going to? like does it belong to the school or is it just empty and unused?
dead poets society vibes but with much more toxic masculinity
he's getting eriks old place in the society. nice :/
love the representation of both kinds of party. the dancing one in ep1 and now the sitting around a table and playing games one
wille isn't the first born. he doesn't want to be either
love the scene where wille smiles at vincent
where did the drugs he slipped in his pocket go? lisa i need answers
the longest piss in the history of television. both wille and august should see a doctor
also they are talking about their feelings with their dicks in their hands i can't
football field here we go
playing drunk and high must be so much fun
i wanna see all the takes for this scene
also i love that it started snowing accidentally. it gives the scene that much flavor
speaking of flavor. hello astroturf
love that simon really did delete willes number
did wille remember simons number or was it still saved in recently contacted or smth?
elias i love you
the face touching probably reminds simon of micke
du är så fin
the hug!!!
i wonder how long they took to get back to hillerska
there was another bed simon did you know that
why is wille shirtless? did he throw up on himself
the loud breathing again
that track isn't on the soundtrack is it?
jag tycker om dig också
this seems kind of fruity to me ngl
the shaky ass grab
they're not even pulling their pants of properly those horny little shits
fuck off august
love the little ouch
it's going down. I'm yelling timber
fuck off august
i love the soundtrack so much
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dettiot · 7 years
Felicity finally meeting the star player aka Oliver on her friends(probably Dig, I could see Oliver as a pitcher and Dig catching as a duo) baseball team - the one she she finds does those attractive af pants(honestly tho what magic is there in baseball pants to make them so hot???) better than anyone else out there. (this may or may not be inspired by the days me and my friends used to watch the guy she was crushing on play because of those damn attractive pants) (I LIKE A GOOD BOOTY OK)
“I still don’t understand why I had to come to the game.  Everyone knows that Oliver Queen and John Diggle are the star players,” Felicity said, squinting at the bright sunshine and then rummaging in her large pink tote bag for her prescription sunglasses.  “No offense to Barry and Tommy, of course.”
“Trust us, you’ll want to see a game,” Caitlin Snow said.  
In unison, Lyla Michaels and the Lance sisters, Laurel and Sara, nodded their heads.  
“Okay …” Felicity said, settling the sunglasses on her nose and following the other girls out to the field.  
She had transferred to Star City Senior High three months ago, a skinny sophomore who was more comfortable with computers than with other people.  To Felicity’s utter surprise, she had quickly found a great group of friends, starting with Caitlin and Sara, who were in a few of her classes.  And through them, she had gotten to know Lyla and Laurel, who were both seniors.
Having friends was great … most of the time.  But getting dragged to a baseball game, with end-of-semester exams looming, wasn’t one of those times.  Yet all the girls had been so insistent on her coming, Felicity had been worried what would happen if she didn’t go along.
But if she did go, she risked embarrassing herself, yet again, in front of Oliver Queen.  Because whenever she was around him, she seemed to end up tongue-tied and fire-engine red.  Or, even worse, babbling like an idiot.  Which was not fair–she had a genius-level IQ!
For some reason, Sara seemed to think Felicity had a chance with Oliver and kept pushing her and Oliver together.  Since Sara’s sister was dating Oliver’s best friend, that meant there was plenty of chances for Sara to push Felicity towards Oliver.
“It’s gonna be a lot of fun,” Sara said, linking arms with Felicity.  In her red tank top and black jeans, her hair in a high ponytail and her sunglasses on, Sara was effortless cool.  Meanwhile, Felicity felt like a little girl in her full skirt and t-shirt.
“If you say so,” Felicity said, her eyes widening as they approached the field.  “Wow.”
The baseball complex was much more elaborate than Felicity had expected for a high school field.  More than that, though, after growing up in Las Vegas, she was still a little bit breathless when she saw so much green grass.  
The five girls chatted as they found seats in the bleachers and waited for the start of the game.  Other than Sara, Felicity was the only one who wasn’t dating a baseball player.  Which at least meant she wasn’t the … eleventh wheel?
“And now, taking the field, the two-time reigning state champions, the Star City Stallions!”
The crowd went wild as the home team took the field.  Felicity could see the speedy Barry take up his position at shortstop, and Tommy heading out to right field.  John Diggle, Lyla’s boyfriend, was warming up on the mound.  And even though she told herself she wasn’t looking for Oliver, she scanned the field for him.  
“Where’s Oliver?”  The words slipped out before she could hold them back, making her blush a little.
“Behind home plate,” Laurel said, chewing on a piece of gum.  
“Behind … ?  Ohhhhhh.”  
All the girls sitting beside Felicity exchanged looks and grins that were verging on smirks.  Felicity could see that from the corner of her eye.  But all her attention was focused on home plate.  
Because Oliver Queen, in full catcher’s gear, was crouching behind home plate, his already-snug-fitting baseball pants stretched across his very, very, very nice ass.  
“Oh my God.  I’d pray to that if I wasn’t Jewish,” Felicity breathed out before her cheeks lighted on fire.  
“What about being Jewish would preclude you from praying to Oliver’s ass?” Lyla asked with a grin.  
“First Commandment.  You shall have no other God before me,” Caitlin said.  
Sara snorted.  “Why are we talking about commandments with all the lusting we’re doing?”
Dimly, Felicity heard the other girls debating the question, but she was not paying attention.  Which was probably violating some code of friendship, but … now she understood why they wanted her to come to this game.  Now she knew that whatever she was feeling for Oliver Queen wasn’t just some school girl crush.  No, watching him crouch and kneel in the dirt … she felt like a woman for the very first time.  
A sharp pain in her side brought her back to Earth.  “Ouch!” she said, rubbing her side as she turned to look at Sara.  “What was that for?”
“Go tell Oliver good luck.”  
She blinked.  “Excuse me?”
Sara gestured to their now-empty bench.  “It’s tradition.  Each ball player needs the girl they like to tell them good luck before the game.  That’s where Lyla, Laurel and Caitlin are.” 
Felicity looked around and saw a clump of players and girls along the first-base line.  Then she looked back at Sara and bit her lower lip.  
As much as she would like to go wish Oliver good luck on the game … it wouldn’t count.  Not when she wasn’t the girl he liked.  
“Trust me, Felicity,” Sara said softly.  “He wants you to be the one to cheer him on.”
For a long moment, Felicity looked at the girl who had become her best friend.  Sara was outgoing, wild, always up for a good time.  But she was also incredibly loyal and read people better than anyone Felicity had ever met.  
If Sara said that Oliver liked Felicity … she couldn’t help believing her.  
Swallowing, Felicity glanced down at the field and saw Oliver, still behind home plate, glancing towards the first-base line.  And there was something about his body language that made him look … wistful.  Sad.  A little lonely.
“Okay,” she said, standing up quickly.  She wavered a little and took a deep breath, before climbing over the bleacher risers towards the walkway that would take her along the first-base line.  
She edged down the line, not getting too close to the other couples.  She took another deep breath, then looked over towards Oliver.  He wasn’t looking in her direction anymore, which meant she would have to get his attention somehow.  
Licking her lips, Felicity called out, “Number Twelve!”
Oliver’s head whipped around, and even behind his mask and from this distance, she could tell his eyes widened in surprise.  Then, he gracefully rose from his crouch and jogged over towards the line, pushing his mask up to reveal those gorgeous blue eyes, a slightly-stubbled jaw, and a wide, beaming smile.  
“Hey,” he said, not sounding even a little out of breath as he approached her.  
“Hi,” she replied shyly, gazing at him.  “I’ve never been to a game before, so I … I didn’t know about this tradition.”  
He leaned against the railing that separated the bleachers from the field.  “It’s a good tradition.  Especially if you have a girl.”  
“I … I’m surprised you don’t,” she said, feeling a rush of pleasure at the words coming out flirty instead of shy and vulnerable.  
“Well, you need the right girl.  Else she’ll wish you good luck and you’ll go 0 for 4 with an error,” Oliver said, looking right at her with a small smile.  
Felicity found herself smiling back.  “Maybe I shouldn’t wish you any kind of luck.  Just to be safe.”  
His smile widened and his hand reached out to gently hold her elbow.  “I don’t play safe.”  
Oliver leaned up and just like she knew what she was doing, Felicity leaned down.  And when their lips met, Felicity found herself thinking that Oliver’s way was the best way.  
And from now on, she sure wasn’t going to play it safe.  
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