#Felps pack
chirpthingz · 8 months
one million iq idea to get rid of the snow in the tubbo chunk: have felps break the snow. you know how many hours he has put into his square? what's a couple hundred more. zero complaints. living his best life digging it out. this is his thing. efficient? no. satisfies all parties? yes. call felps
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mis8to · 3 months
๑ guizologia ๑ guizoculture ๑ guizokiller
๑ daraweb ๑ vieturine ๑ daraghost
Dara & Guizo users
✦ Fav or reblog if u use <3
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sillygh0st · 2 months
I vodwatched Cellbit first qsmp vod and wrote down MANY moments that I barely see people talking about o/
Felps crashing the ship bc he trought that It was like using a bike is well know on the comunity, but the ship was also haunted btw
Mike first interaction with richas was him joking about sitting on Richas to hatch him??? My headcanon about qmike being a creeper hybrid with pink feathers was born after this lol
Roier giving diamonds to Cellbit :')
“There's always a fool and a scoundrel leaving the house, you're the scoundrel" (Tem sempre um otário e um malandro saindo de casa, você é o malandro) Cellbit to Richas
Richas taking time to write and writing that she would like to live with her parents :')
Cellbit asked richas who were his parents and Richas responded “vocês” (pac mike Cellbit e felps) <3
Cellbit saying 4 papais aww
Richas saying that he will live wherever his parents want :')
They calling quackity a vagabundo 😭
Slime with Richas for 0.1 seconds and cellbit coming shouting "não não Richas!! Papais!! Papais!!” ( He didn't wanted richas to be with slime and wanted richas to be with his papais :’)
He keeps saying "our son" awwww
"Take the sword your pai gave you!" (Pega a espada que o pai te deu!)
Richas raising the "feed" sign and his 4 papais all desperate looking for food to feed him :'))
Cellbit fighting with Bobby oh no
Cellbit saying he loves Roier but not Bobby aww :’)
Cellbit e slime KISSING!!!!
"Desculpa sou meio manco" (1:49:21)
Cellbit talking photo of them together ,,
"Abrigado pela comida"
"Você só odeia os ovos pq não tem um!!"
Quackity 1% Richas father + Cellbit 24% too yayyy
“You teach spanish and we teach crimes and guns!” Cellbit to quackity talking about Richas LMAO
Quackity singing nossa nossa assim você me mata omg I forgot about this momment
“oi filho!” (Cellbit to Richas)
Everyone dying bc of a bull and a muscle zombie 😭😭
Richas model disappearing and everyone freaking out bc he turned into a tall white thing 😭😭😭 also first time that cucurucho got mentioned for the Brazilians :O (Cellbit and felps were saying his name wrong for like 20 minutes LMAO)
“seus outros papais” “papai felps”
Mac e pike 😭
Richas doing parkour and Cellbit freaking out about him taking fall damage :’)
Richas falling into a hole and Cellbit screaming “tá tudo bem!! papai tá aqui) (its okay!! papai is here) :’(((((
felps said "eu peguei 4 packs" (I got 4 packs) and clarified that wasn't about pac their friend (pegar can be "got" or even "make out", even bc pac and pack rhyme ) and Cellbit said that was the first day, and that they needed a party before??????? while felps said "Not yet" about making out with pac???? ON THEIR FIRST TWO HOURS ON THE SERVER???
Cellbit and felps wanting to teach richas how to kill and richas that he will become a murder machine awwww
Richas died :’) cellbit screaming on chat saying everything wrong was funny
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Cellbit telling felps that they need to lie about what killed richas LMAO they didn't wanted the others papais to be mad at them so yeah the necromancer appeared spawned 10 skeletons said “he is watching” and vanished cellps my beloved
Now cellbid said that they need to say that the necromancer had white eyes bc they have herobrine trauma LMAO (pac e mike old series)
“WE ARE CLONES FELPS” (seeing their dead bodies) is also the first time of cellbit saying that there is something wrong on the island :)
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Cellps telling tazercraft and quackity ABOUT the “necromancer” but mike don't believe anything that they said LMAO
“Cocorocho vagabundo” - pac
OHHHH FUGA CRUMPS 👀 some long time before this cellbit and richas they hide them under a chest, after (2:42:00) mike says that he saw a white figure (they were saying cucurucho) opened and put something on the chest, felps went to open It and the tnt exploded, killing him. Richas almost split out that It was her and pai Cellbit that put the tnt there, Cellbit says that he didn't put in there, Pac says “oh yeah I don't think you would do this with …. felps'', saying it on a weird and different tone, probably the CC remembering that on fuga cell killed felps 👀👀👀👀👀 FUGA CRUMPS FUGA CRUMPS
Cellbit and pac went to a cave and the iconic celltw kiss happened omg
Cellbit talked with pac about them (fuga four) creating a secret laboratory under the favela where they would do secret and paranormal experiments ohhhhhhhh (chume paranormal LMAO)
Cellbit and pac founded a very weird place that looks like a mine maid by player with MANY torches, one moment cellbit lost pac and freaked out LMAO (they keep calling the place the herobrine cave lol)
“A casa do cocorocho” (they got cucurucho name wrong)
Cellbit wants to sing a lullaby for richas :’) pac is getting Diamonds to do a armor for Richas too awww
Cellbit gave pac a pickaxe and also asked for a stick while pac said “por você cellbit eu te dou 10 paus” (“for you cellbit, i gave to you 10 paus”, pau = stick/dick) and they both laughed
Cellbit almost threw away richas slime "não vou jogar fora o primeiro presente do meu filho” (im not going to throw away my first gift of my son) :’)
CELLTW AGAIN. They are returning to the favela and Pac said that the day was beautiful and Cellbit straight up said that “com você nele o dia é sempre mais bonito né pac” (With you in it, the day is always more beautiful, right?)
Cellbit and pac returned to the favela with felps Mike e Richas!!! Felps and pac (idk who else too) honked to each other???? 😭 awww also Cellbit screaming for richas and running for him :’)
Cellbit and felps screaming and calling each other Crazy for talking alone (with their chats) lol
They are going to do richas first quests!! They are going to give a bath to Richas, Cellbit accidentally hit (pinched) him oh no babie :( they finished their bath and Richas Said “obrigado pais!” While Cellbit and felps suffered from how cute it was
RICHAS ON BED WITH HER FIRST LULLABY BY HER 4 PAPAIS :((((( richas sleeping while they try to be quiet to not wake up the baby!!! They are calling him cute <3
Oh wait they are singing a demoniac lullaby to awake her? 😭😭😭😭 What's wrong with them <3 they want richas to never get caught with his guard down, “olhos sempre abertos richarlyson” ,,,
“sleep with your eyes open" *kisses sounds from all her fathers*
mike caught richas getting up (prob richas admin geting ready to leave) and they started to be like “oh no he is in that age already ,,,,” and while calling their child cucurucho and STILL kept getting cucurucho name wrong LMAO
Richas sleeping model was put into their only bed and now are incredible sad that they lost their only bed 😭😭😭
RICHAS SLIME!! his placenta haha :’) they are so happy framing It on their house aww
Cellbit dancing to the sounds of a dying skeleton? 😭
Pac e Mike logging out!!! Also Cellbit sending kisses to pac and pac too omg celltw ,,😭😭
“beijinhos!!” (little kisses) - Pac e Cellbit for each other AWWWW
Cellbit talking with felps about bbh being the “necromancer and 100% ready to throw the blame on him 😭😭
Cellbit seeing felps talking to himself on the other house and calling him crazy while felps do the same for him god cellps I love you
Bbh appeared to talk with felps and Cellbit and give to them armor, cucurucho also appeared but disappeared quickly D:
Bbh talked with them about the federation oooooooh
Bbh left and after richas woke up!! Bom dia Richarlyson!!
They are making richas cativeiro room!!
“tem cheiro de cativeiro, tem som de cativeiro, tem gosto de cativeiro, mas não é um cativeiro!” felps to richas LMAO
They are putting him to sleep now!! cellbit tried to sing a demoniac lullaby for her but felps stopped him saying that it's a too old song!! So felps singed a song with alien high pitched noises 😭😭
Moments from the vod to yall!!!! so many lgbtqsmp moments and cute ones :3333
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
It starts like this: Felps, one of Camp Half Blood's newest campers, has been kidnapped by Santa Claus.
Technically, he's been kidnapped by a mystery god with a bone to pick with Olympus, and he's being held captive and livestreamed on the Official Tartarus YouTube Channel. When the stream ends, so does he, and he's got one week before he's lost for good.
And this would be a problem if the camp's temporary director, Mx. Cucurucho, wasn't so confident that there's nothing wrong. Don't worry about it, kids! Getting kidnapped is just one of the many risks that comes with being a demigod!
But it is actually a problem because he's going to die in a week, and only one person seems to fucking care, and everybody thinks he's insane because of it. Because if the gods aren't concerned, should they as demigods really be?
See: Cellbit arrived back at Camp Half Blood at the same time as Felps and the other Brazilians, and he's been miserable since. He was at camp before, hated it, and now he's back, and he still hates it, and he just wants to leave. But Mx. Cucurucho is adamant that no demigods can leave he camp's borders, it's too dangerous, and that's bullshit, especially now that Cellbit's best friend has been kidnapped and he isn't allowed to go on a quest to save him.
But, well. Who's gonna stop him, right?
So Cellbit packs his backpack with stolen bullshit from the camp store, and he sneaks out of his cabin, and he sneaks out of camp... and he's immediately almost killed by a scorpion the size of a car. But then, at the last second, he's saved by another camper and, whoops. Turns out he was followed this whole time.
Roier hasn't left the camp's borders in years. As one of the youngest campers, he's only been on one quest, and it didn't exactly go well. So when he sees one of the new kids sneaking out to go on a quest of his own, he, of course, followed.
At first, Cellbit doesn't want him to come alone. But then Roier tells him that it's pretty cursed to go on a quest without three people, and if he brings Roier, then he only needs one more person! Isn't that great?
Their third group member comes in the form of a very sleepy Jaiden, who had wandered over from some late-night ''strawberry picking' and who is more than happy to get to go on her first real quest.
And so they go: the Athena cabin's black sheep, the Hermes' cabin's secret weapon, and the Dionysus cabin's only living camper. A perfect questing trio.
(Felps is going to come home. Cellbit knows it. The question is if he'll be allowed to go home with him...)
Or: a qsmp pjo au.
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wsdanon · 1 month
Felpac Week AU Day: Dungeon Meshi AU \o/!!
hi guys \o/ just posting this one on tumblr for now. This is part of mine and @routeriver 's dungeon meshi au!! and for day six of @felpacweek \o/!!
it's quite honestly heavily based off a scene from the manga--a flashback of falin and marcille--but i have of course made sure to change it so it's consistent with felpac + qsmp. i'm kind of just taking the bones and building off of it
hope you enjoy, reblogs are appreciated \o/!!
Felps had asked him if he wanted to see something cool and—maybe against his better judgement—Pac had said yes. 
They’ve been adventuring together for a little bit now, anyway. If Felps really wanted to kill him, Pac’s sure him and Cellbit would’ve found a much easier way to do so down in the dungeons. 
So, he follows after Felps as Felps leads him through a forest. And tries very hard not to think about the fact Felps had taken his hand to do so. 
Felps is relaxed as he walks. Nothing tense in his posture at all, and a small smile on his face. 
Pac, however, probably looks like the living embodiment of anxiety. He’s being taken—alone—to an unknown place in the middle of a thick forest on the outskirts of town by someone who kind-of-maybe watched while his leg was eaten. And to top it all off—that person is hot and is holding his hand. 
Mike would laugh at him for the latter. Or chastise him for holding it to the same level of stress as the former. But he doesn’t get it. 
“Here.” Felps diverts from the path he was on and tugs Pac over to a bush filled with red berries. “Are you hungry?” 
“Are they—Are they even safe to eat?” 
Unfortunately, Felps lets go of his hand to pick a few. 
“Yeah, I think so.” He shrugs, and pops one into his mouth before offering his handful to Pac. “I mean—I’ve been eating them.”
“Um… okay.” 
Hesitantly, Pac takes one. He just holds it, though. 
“I’m not dead yet, right?” Felps jokes, before eating another. “I’ve eaten worse, probably.”
And Pac has, too. Probably. Assuming this isn’t poisonous. 
But him and Mike had to get creative while they were kids. And then again when they’d just escaped prison and didn’t have any money. 
As a sign of good faith, Pac eats the berry. And it’s worth the whole fearing for his life thing when Felps beams at him.
Felps takes his hand again and leads him back onto whatever path he was following before. 
“A few years back,” Felps starts anecdotally, “I got lost. So I had to eat cigarettes.”
Okay Pac doesn’t feel so good about eating the berry now. Not if that’s Felps’ measurement for whether something’s edible or not. 
“It was all I had on me!” Felps says—his voice rising in pitch a little as he tries to defend himself. “And it’s fine, see? I’m still alive. And I made it back to civilisation a few days later, so it wasn’t for long.”
“Felps, you—you don’t even smoke!”
A frown crawls onto Felps’ face, and he takes a moment to respond. 
“They’re good for bartering, you know?” 
Oh. Right. Pac had almost forgotten why he knows that Felps doesn’t smoke—cigarettes and the like were traded a lot throughout the prison. But even if Felps wasn’t bound to Cell, a pack of cigarettes wouldn’t have won him over. 
Although, Pac is sure he does other things. 
“Oh!” Felps speeds up a little, and Pac stumbles to adjust his pace to keep up. “We’re almost there!”
There turns out to be some hole at the bottom of a hill. Standing a metre or so away, Pac can’t quite see down into it. 
Felps lets go of his hand again to crouch by the opening, and Pac feels his heart rate spike.
“Felps!” He hisses. “What are you doing? It’s probably, like, a bear cave or something!”
Felps looks back at him, clearly amused. 
“It’s a dungeon. But only a small one—come take a look.” 
At Felps’ beckoning, Pac slowly inches closer. 
He’d say his self-preservation is usually better than this, but curiosity has always won out over it. That, or pretty faces. In this case there’s both, and Pac is helpless but to play the role of the cat—he can only hope the second half of the saying is relevant here, too. 
Pac crouches down next to Felps. The opening is certainly big enough for a bear—which means it’s easily big enough for both of them to crawl into. 
It’s not particularly dark in the dungeon. There must be some opening up the top allowing the sunlight to shine through a bit. There’s water throughout it, but definitely enough land to comfortably stand on—a small slope down from where they’re standing which turns into a patchy pathway leading to a large bit of ground in the middle. 
“Should we go in?” Pac asks. 
A small dungeon like this seems like it’d be perfect to study from. He’s only ever been in ones that are way more developed—which have a lot to offer in the way of learning, but these early steps are some of the most important ones, right?
“Sure.” Felps shrugs and sends him a smile. “I already have a few times.“
Still… despite his burning curiosity—despite how this could advance his theories—he hesitates. Felps is already ahead of him. He turns to look back at Pac. 
“It’s perfectly safe.” Felps assures him, holding his hand out for Pac to take. “There’s plenty of sunlight, you know? And we’ll be able to see if anything shows up. Just stick to the dry parts and you’ll be fine.”
Pac takes Felps’ hand, and lets himself be led down into the dungeon. 
It’s beautiful. Pac has always loved gardens. And while this is more mossy cave than garden, the air swarming with sparkling sprites certainly adds to the magic of the place—quite literally. 
Pac takes a moment to just stand there and soak it all in. It’s nothing compared to the absent hum of power from a grown dungeon, but it’s definitely something. 
“What do you do here?” Pac asks. 
“Oh, I just sit.” And when Pac turns to look at him, he already is. “And I nap sometimes. It’s a nice place for a nap.”
“I—Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
He should probably take samples. Of the water, and the dirt—anything he can get his hands on. They won’t be in town long enough for him to study it properly, so he’ll need to make sure he gets some of everything he could possibly need. 
Starting with the pond, he pulls a couple waterproof vials from his bag as he approaches. The water isn’t exactly crystal clear, but it’s not worryingly murky, either. 
The sunlight doesn’t quite reach it, but Pac thinks he can see enough to note a bit of a drop-off. Nothing too serious—just that even right by the edge he could probably submerge his hand up to his wrist. Which makes it a little more difficult to grab samples of whatever the waterbed is made up of. 
Mostly just because he’s a little worried about the consequences of sticking his whole hand into an unknown dungeon pond. 
But this is for science. And the science is for an important cause. 
He kneels down by the edge of the water and—
“Oh—My god!”
—throws himself back, fumbling for his staff. 
“There’s a slime!” Pac throws an arm back blindly to protect Felps, and readies his staff to fire. “Stay back! I’ve been practising atta—“
“Woah, wait, Pac!” Felps tugs on his arm with the staff, effectively throwing off his aim. “Calm down! It won’t come into the sunlight, see?”
As Felps promises, the slime doesn’t advance. It curiously pokes at the edge of the sunlight before sinking back into the water. 
“Oh.” All of his tension drains out of him as the word does. 
And he feels a little silly for the overreaction. 
“Mhm, see?” Felps lets go of his arm, but urges him further away from the edge of the sunlight. “We’re safe here. It’s okay.”
“Right.” Pac laughs self consciously, face warm with embarrassment. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Felps’ face blanks for a moment, before he smiles. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “It’s sweet, you know? That you wanted to protect me.”
It sounds like he isn’t saying something. But Pac doesn’t want to think about that right now. 
It’s not like they haven’t all protected each other while adventuring, anyway. Felps’ magic in particular has saved them more times than Pac can count. Surely that makes up for… 
He’s not thinking about it. 
“Anytime, you know?” 
Maybe the wrong answer. Felps quickly turns his face away, looking towards the ceiling of the dungeon. He points up. 
“There’s bats up there.” Felps says. And sure enough—Pac can just see glimpses of them huddled together among the stalactites. “I think the slimes eat the bat shit—what’s it called? Guano?—and then they convert it into magical energy. It’s what keeps the dungeon alive.”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Felps shrugs, and throws an easy smile his way. This one seems a bit more normal. “I’m just guessing. Haven’t really been here long enough to know for sure, you know? But it makes sense, right?”
“It does.”
Felps sits down, and after a moment Pac does the same. Samples can wait. Maybe he just needs to sit for a bit—take it all in properly. 
There’s a whole ecosystem at play here. Pac had suspected that a little, of course, but this early dungeon—without all the bigger distractions—really highlights how much is interconnected. How intricate it all is.
The bats have to eat, too, after all. Maybe those berries Felps picked earlier. And for the bats to eat the berries, the berries have to be able to grow, which is probably its own whole mini-ecosystem.
Out of the corner of his eye, Felps shifts—lying down. 
“Wake me up when you’re ready to go, alright?”
How did Felps even find this place?
Well… it is Felps. It’s not totally surprising. It probably doesn’t even have to do with his skill with magic—if anyone was going to stumble across a budding dungeon, it’d be him. That’s just the kind of person he is. Something about him invites this kind of stuff.
It’s been nice getting to know this side of him. It was there in prison, of course, just… suppressed. 
He smiles a lot more now. And not just when it’s only the two of them hiding away together. 
And Pac should probably tear his gaze away from Felps before Felps opens his eyes and catches him staring. 
He pulls his notebook from his bag and writes down what he’s already learned. Writes Felps’ theory, as well as his own. 
He has a long way to go before he can reach his goal, but this is a good next step.
hope you enjoyed \o/!! check out the ab.aeterno tag for more from both me and jaime \o/
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astroninaaa · 1 year
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I tried the best I could. I’m sorry, son.
I just wanted to take you out of this island. This place isn’t safe, and the Federation won’t let us leave.
When I arrived here, I never thought I’d have to take care of someone... but you became so much more than that.
I’m sorry for not being there all the time. Every braincell I burned with those stupid riddles, all the hours I spent locked inside that office...
It was all for you, Richarlyson.
Keep trusting dads Forever, Pac, and Mike... and if somehow I’ve managed to bring him back, dad Felps too.
By the way, your dad Quackity really does love you and wants to protect you. I suspected him at first, but I can hear the truth in his voice.
If I’m no longer here... dad Quackity now has my 20%, okay?
I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel alone.
Remember when I told you about that time in my life when I felt utterly alone? Loneliness is the worst of all prisons.
Worse than the one I was in with dads Pack and Mike, and worse than this island.
I’m sorry for putting you through it too.
It’s my biggest regret.
I love you, you big-headed egg.
Try to learn to fish something that isn’t crabs.
Imortalyson forever.
plus the book cellbit gave richarlyson at the start of it all, which is how richas knew the truth before anyone else:
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I need them to trust me. It’s the only way.
I love you. I love dad Forever.
I need them to believe the opposite.
It will hurt, and I’ll do terrible things. But I’ll destroy them from inside. All of them.
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fruit-sauce · 1 year
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back at it again with my insane AUs that make no sense to everyone except me
I can barely describe this myself but I'll sure try:
These were mostly based off the designs lining up well, they don't all make sense, some can best be described as "I just felt it made sense" so I'll try my best
Jaiden/Nihilego - Even with Baghera and Forever's connection with the Federation, Jaiden is preferred and is treated really nicely/Lusamine is obsessed it; blue; I was more thinking of the Lillie Nihilego from the anime
Vegetta/Buzzwole - buff; "its my six-pack!" - Vegetta/Buzzwole liking to flex and show off
Nihachu/Pheromosa - Very pretty and feminine, as well as super badass; Niki's sweater reminds me of Pheromosa's shiny
Tubbo/Xurkitree - Tubbo immediately building that giant drill "world eater"/Xurkitree having said that it once raided a powerplant; they both relate to machinery in some way; it was either Xurkitree or Guzzlord ngl
Philza/Celesteela - green; flying
Tina/Kartana - color palette has lots of orange and white; both relate to plants, Tina - carrots/Kartana - grass type
Felps/Guzzlord - Felp's square he's digging out/Guzzlord having eaten mountains and buildings
Slime/Poipole - Slime is.... slimy.../Poipole being called "UB Adhesive"
Ironmouse/Naganadel - Purple and Pink color scheme; this one is another one where there is little reason, it just felt right
Antoine/Stakataka - Antoine's builds (specifically the pillars at his Moon) reminded me of Stakataka; the skin I used in the photo, you can see stuff peaking through his arms and legs that match with Stakataka's eye things
Missa/Blacephalon - there is no explanation for this one; I guess Blacephalon's shiny matches well?
Quackity/Cosmog/Cosmoen - just a little guy; Quackity being stuck in water/Cosmoen being stuck, unable to move or do anything until it evolves
Etoiles/Solgaleo - Star/sun symbolism
BadBoyHalo/Lunala - Night/bat/etc. symbolism
ElQuackity/Necrozma - Darker color scheme; in ElQuackity's last days, he came in to say things, then it started raining/Necrozma stealing the light from the world
Mr. ------/Lusamine - He managed to get all the members to the island for whatever reason and Lusamine obsession with the Ultra Beasts (and the room with all the frozen Pokemon resembles the ice chambers the latest members were in)
Baghera/Lillie - Based off recent lore and the "Manager's Children" AU/headcanon; I really like how Lillie from shy and meek, to gaining confidence and wanting to go out on her own journey (both in game and in the anime),
Forever/Gladion - Also from "Manager's Children" AU/headcanon; Forever and Baghera having a sibling-like bond
Cellbit/Type:Null - Close relation to Forever/Gladion; Cellbit works for the Federation/Type:Null was created by the Aether Foundation
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guckies · 1 year
Minecraft is not normal when you actually think of the mechanics, I was thinking about how qsmp members would carry their things if it was like fantasy mechanics and these are my thoughts so far:
Antoine, Bad and Mouse all use Pocket dimensions because the image of antoine taking out a multiple pics of cucuruchos ass trying to find the right photo is peak comedy
Quackity walks around carrying more things than he needs that occasionally fall out of his hands.
Baghera has a magical satchel because she is the It girl of the server like come on the feds are obliviously obsessed with her
Forever also has a magical backpack but that’s just because he’s the president…
Tubbo has a multitude of backpacks he switches out when they get too full
Pierre has a backpack full of necessities hidden in his most visited places so he’s always prepared but is never actively seen with a backpack
Foolish, Fit and Pac have big rucksacks with all there essential items they need although Pac also carries a small satchel of chemicals because we believe in Scientist Pac supremacy
Mike has a tool box he takes everywhere although you can see him just hauling boxes in and out of the tazercraft train sometimes
Felps has tool belt with two unenchanted pickaxes and torches
Philza he only has two and those are the ones he carries because he barely leaves him home all the other 30 million backpacks are left in a corner until he needs them
Pol has a singular bag but has a big go pro chest like harness for his cameras
Etoiles… how does he fight when carrying the weight of the world on his back… we’ll never know… but that one backpack looks like its about to burst like bro go put things away!!!
Mariana has two birkin bags.
Slimecicle… he just stores it in his body unless he uses the one heavily decorated bag the kids gave him that he always carries
Missa has a tool bet with just some random things like sand in them also it might be magical but no one is really sure least of all Missa
Cellbit’s back is hurting… someone tell him to put some backpack away..
Roier carries two backpacks and a Fanny pack for his peter parker photography moments
Willy wears like an army vest full of wires to make mines but also has a gym bag that everyone’s very weary about
Vegetta. I struggle to ever know how he gets half his things so… BOOM! It’s magic connected to his chests at home…
I definitely haven’t done them all so feel free to add more :]
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
alright so I said the other night that I came up with a huge bullet point list detailing a qsmp au that I have no intentions of writing, and several of my lovely anons told me they were down to hear about it so here we go
the inspo for this was kind of like a fusion of breaking dawn (yes from twilight) and the underworld movie series. it's a modern setting where the federation is essentially the vampire government. they watch over all known vampire covens to make sure they aren't taking risks that could possibly expose the existence of vampires to the human population. vampire hunting groups that exist, but for the most part they're small and scattered around the world and don't communicate with one another.
something ends up changing though. covens are attacked by strange green creatures that the vampires believe are created by the hunters, but they're not entirely sure where they come from (these are the binary entities). the creatures are incredibly strong and many covens that are attack lose members.
several of the covens attacked have connections with each other. they slowly form a network finding others around the world that were attacked by these strange creatures, and realize they all have one thing in common: only covens with vampire children were attacked.
the federation backs off saying they don't know anything about the creatures, sounds like the vampire hunters are up to something but they stay out of that stuff. it's very strange, so the attacked groups come together to investigate what the hell is attacking their children, and if the federation had anything to do with it. eventually, they declare themselves one giant coven, and the federation doesn't like that.
info about the groups under the cut!
before joining up into one group, the individual covens originally consisted of:
Phil (ancient), Chayanne (roughly 10-11 years old*, turned when he was 5), Wilbur (very new vampire, literally got turned a few months ago by Quackity), Missa (ancient vampire who got stuck at the bottom of a well for three centuries so he's still catching up with stuff)
Jaiden (new vampire, turned 2-3 years earlier by Roier), Roier (turned 5 years prior by Vegetta), Bobby (around 9-10 years old*, turned within the last year by Roier)
Foolish (at least 300 years old, probably older, he changes his age every time someone asks), Vegetta (200 years old), Leo (turned when she was 7ish, is now 9*)
Fit (roughly 150-200 years old), Ramón (8-9ish*, turned when he was 4 not by Fit)
Bad (between 600 and 800 years old), Dapper (11*, got turned when he was 9 by Bad)
The Brazilians: Cellbit (around 200 years old), Felps (50-60ish, turned by Cellbit), Pac and Mike (no one knows how old they are exactly but they're a bit younger than Cellbit. Also no one is sure which one is older but they know one of them turned the other), Forever (werewolf, not a vampire. Doesn't age because he's pack bonded with vampires and is around 90 years old), Richarlyson (8 years old*, turned when he was 4 by Cellbit)
The French: Baghera (130ish, turned by Etoiles), Etoiles (600-700 years old), Aypierre (300ish?), Antoine (100ish, also turned by Etoiles), Pomme (7 years old*, turned within the last few months by Baghera)
Solo vampires not in a coven who get involved anyway:
Quackity (60ish), Max (70s)
Charlie (24), Mariana (24)
Now if you're wondering where some other eggs are, they have their place either later on in the story or as backstory. These are just what I imagine the groups to be at the start of everything
*Vampire children do age in this world. When a child is turned they continue to age until they reach a point of physical maturity and will stop. This age is different for every individual, but ranges from late teens to early 20s. No one is sure what affects when a vampire child will stop aging, but some theorize a diet of solely animal blood can cause them to stop aging earlier due to a lack of proper nutrients
I have so many notes about this au including backstories for most of the characters and how they all got their children but I don't want to make this insanely long so please send me asks about the groups!! If not I might just make a post talking about the characters in more specific detail but yeah this au is very fun for me to rotate in the brain microwave lol
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A follow up to the declawing torture, 9 and a bit years later.
XCOM2 au, references to, well, torture. And mutilation. And various other terrible things. Also Felps being a manipulative little guy making Cellbit look after himself.
The archive is rarely the warmest room on the ship. With cheap ink and home-made paper, they keep it cool and dark in an attempt to preserve the papers as long as possible. The humidity is drained, too, though that can be said of the entire ship. It was Philza's first, but it's Cellbit's now; they both have a desk here, but only one is commonly used.
There's a stack of papers on Cellbit's desk, ones he is doing his best to work through. He's looking, he's looking - somewhere in this mess he knows is the answer, he knows there's something about the missing civilians to be found here. He's pulled out the whole drawer from the filing cabinet - one draw for each problem, with colour-coded labels for shelf-stored items, those are the rules from long before Cellbit came to the Avenger - and he has so many pieces they just... Don't fit together.
His finishes reading the page - looking at the patterns, he can see why Max is convinced his partner's disappearance fifteen years ago is related despite being pre-invasion - and reaches for another.
His fingers seize up, refusing to bend and grab it.
Cellbit looks at them, and sighs, and uses the still functioning hand to rummage around in a drawer. He grabs a heat pack, snaps it, and lays it over his screaming knuckles.
There has been trouble with his hands ever since... that, but cold tends to make it worse. A minute or two and it will be fine - sore, but fine - he just needs to wait.
Cellbit hates waiting.
But he's good at it.
He sits there, gently flexing his fingers and waiting for full movement to return. They almost bend far enough to continue working, when the door slips open.
"Hey Cellbo."
Felps sounds more than half asleep already, wandering in and towards his favourite corner. There's a few old, spare cushions there, placed down purely because of Felps' habit of sleeping anywhere his friends are. Cellbit has caught Tubbo napping there before, too, though in all matters it's usually Felps.
"Heya Felps," he waves to his best friend, forgetting the hot pack for a moment.
It slips from his hand, to the desk, to the floor.
Cellbit curses, and reaches for it, and as he does he hits his suffering hand against a drawer handle.
"Fuck!" he yells, louder than before, immediately moving to cradle the hand against his chest. "Motherfucking bastard drawer."
He kicks it for good measure, and then Felps is there - significantly more awake, and holding the hot pack out to them.
He reminds himself to breathe, "I'm fine, Felps. It just surprised me; feel free to rest."
But Felps doesn't. Instead he takes Cellbit's hand, pulling it out and exposing it. He hums as he rubs circles into the hurting muscles, noticible even through Cellbit's gloves.
Cellbit tenses, and Felps frowns.
The humming stops dead.
"I'm going to check it, okay?" Felps asks, fingers shifting to Cellbit's gloves.
"There's no need," Cellbit promises. "I just caught myself badly, that's all."
Felps /looks/ at him, and Cellbit... Cellbit could say no, he promises he could, but it's late and he's cold and for all he never wanted Felps to know, hiding it would be more suspicious.
If he's lucky, Felps won't be able to tell.
"Alright," he concedes - because it's Felps, it's always Felps, and what wouldn't he give for his first and closest friend?
"Alright," Felps replies, a little too serious for either of their likings.
Felps is so careful as he removes the glove, making sure not to tug or pull at the skin beneath. It's his left hand - the hand with the neater scars - but they are still immediately obvious.
But Felps doesn't say anything, not yet, just... Looks at them.
Cups Cellbit's hand between his own, and gently massages the skin.
Their eyes meet, and they know - they both know.
Cellbit doesn't stop him as he takes his other hand, gently removing the glove there too.
They both look down - five more scars, three neat, one messy, one carving down the length of his hand.
"Cellbit..." Felps starts.
"Don't," Cellbit whispers back, voice cracking. "Please, don't."
And Felps doesn't say anything, but he breaks Cellbit anyway - a kiss to every scar, and then pulling Cellbit into a hug.
He can feel the questions, he can sense them burning on Felps' tongue - Cellbit trembles in the hold, and it's nine years ago again. There's a scalpel to his knuckles and Cucurucho is smiling eerily down at him and the surgeon's eyes are laughing as he carves away his bones, his skin. There's no pain but there's blood and then he could meet their eyes but how because he's terrified, terrified, terrified and they /took his claws/ and cut open his bands and his bones have never been right, not since and not again.
His trembling grows to a shaking, and drives them both down to the metal floor. Still Felps keeps holding him, wrapping an arm across his back and another tangling into his hair and he's started humming again - one of his stupid, cheerful songs.
And Cellbit - Cellbit cannot cry, he has no regrets, but it hurts and it hurts and it's been nine long years and his claws were only the start. He cannot cry, but he cannot stay silent, so he laughs as he sits on the archive floor, Felps wrapped tightly around him.
Felps, Felps, Felps - finally, finally, his best friend is safe. His best friend is safe, and here, and Cellbit would destroy countries if Felps only needed him to.
"Has a doctor looked at it?" is the question Felps asks, once Cellbit quietens down.
He's still playing with one of Cellbit's hands, moving the fingers and poking the joints, treating it with the curiosity of any other new, strange thing.
Cellbit laughs again, and it's bitter, and it's dry. "A doctor did it."
Felps pauses - looks to Cellbit's face, then back to the hand. "They're a shitty doctor then. Has a real doctor seen it?"
"I think Fed doctors count as real doctors, just about."
The words slip out, and Cellbit has said too much; Felps freezes, glazes over, then comes back with something determined in his spine.
"We're going to see Doctor Ruiz."
"Felps..." is all the objection that Cellbit can quite manage. Anyone else he would fight, but Felps...
Felps squeezes his hand, "it'll be okay - I'm here. You don't need to be scared."
The infirmary is thankfully quiet for once, everyone injured well enough to be up and about the ship, only needing to check in every so often to check healing process. The doctor is at the computer, updating notes on... Cellbit's pretty sure those are Foolish's notes.
"Hey doc." Felps greets her like a friend. Given how often he has to come by, given his condition, she may as well be.
"Felps," she spins her chair around to face them. "And... Cell? What has he done this time?"
"Cellbit," he corrects her, flinching a little at the name.
"Cellbit has old injuries that need checking," Felps says. "It's not me this time."
The doctor doesn't seem convinced, but does bring up Cellbit's notes - first on the computer, then transferring them to her tablet, "how can I help you, then?"
"It's really nothing," Cellbit tries to say, even as Felps tugs his right hand - his worse hand, but not the one troubling him today - towards the woman.
She looks at the scars, then her tablet, then squints at Cellbit.
"Cat hybrid...?" she hesitates a little.
Cellbit dies a bit inside, but nods; Felps squeezes his arm in reassurance.
"How long ago did this happen?"
Cellbit glances at Felps, and knows he won't like the answer - he knows Felps is going to destroy himself over it, but he also knows he has no way out of this situation.
"Nine years."
As expected, Felps flinches, and he clings harder.
Cellbit takes back his hand, and uses it to hold Felps tight.
"Does it cause you trouble?" she asks.
"Nothing a few minutes with a heat pack fails to solve."
There Cellbit hesitates. Because, yes, constantly. But admitting that, saying that, confessing that he's been in constant pain for nine years, with fluctuating functionality, while Felps is right here and his best friend is intelligent enough to /know/ why this happened...
"I see," the doctor says, noting something down. "Have you ever received treatment for it?"
That makes Cellbit laugh - the day after he was declawed the stitches tore, and he had to fucking replace them himself. The idea of having any proper treatment... "Fuckers didn't even stitch them properly."
He can almost /feel/ Felps go pale - he certainly feels him freeze up against his side.
He glances to him.
"Do you want Felps to leave?" the doctor asks.
And... Yes, but no. Cellbit doesn't want Felps to hear this, doesn't want a single secret of it whispered even to the doctor, let alone to the person for whom the sacrifice was made. He doesn't want Felps to know, he doesn't want the guilt, or the pity - he made his choice and, fuck it, it was worth it. He doesn't regret a thing - not the pain, not the stiffness, not the agony. There's not a single thing he would not have given for Felps, and now he has him back...
Now he has him back, Cellbit thinks if he's not there, he's going to lie to the doctor just to escape.
If Felps isn't there, and he's being forced to remember this... Cellbit doesn't think he'll be able to stay present.
"No," he answers, and it tastes like ash - to condemn his best friend to guilt, just so he doesn't have a panic attack in the doctor's office. "No, he- Felps stays."
His fingers clamp tighter on Felps' shoulder, keeping him close.
Felps does nothing.
Doctor Ruiz hesitates, but carries on.
"Can you tell me about how it happened?"
Cellbit shrugs. "I was undercover in the Federation. On orientation day, I was taken to a Cucurucho's office, where a surgeon was waiting. Dental anesthetic in both hands, metal cuffs to keep them still, had my ears pinned while it kicked in and then the bastards cut out my claws."
"Follow up care?"
"I passed out and woke up in blood soaked bandages, and had to deal with it myself."
Against his side, Felps whines. Cellbit clutches to him tighter, putting his fear into his body that he might keep his mind clear.
Felps already knows something is wrong - if he can get through the doctor's appointment, it will comfort him. Cellbit doesn't care about pain, but Felps cares about him being in pain, so...
So he'll try.
He'll try, because for some stupid reason Felps loves him, and Cellbit has to deal with that.
"Any infection?" she asks. "Other complications?"
"I don't remember well," he confesses. "It was nine years ago, and I was busy."
Neither Felps nor the Doctor like that answer.
The Doctor flicks something on her tablet, quickly reading. Then she flicks back, and looks at him again. "Laser?"
Under his arm, Cellbit can hear Felps whispering a combination of half-formed prayers and curse words. He shifts, holds him closer, whispers an apology in his ear.
It breaks the chain; Felps slaps his thigh, and goes quiet.
"Did you receive other injuries during your time there?"
Cellbit nods, "there's also scarring on my back and shoulders. And Cucurucho," he gestures at his head. "I was in one of their departments."
He glances at Felps; the Doctor sees the look, and doesn't press. Instead she moves on, eyes promising to discuss the other scars some other time.
"This is not an area I'm much familiar with," the Doctor confesses. "But would you mind an x-ray? Sometimes it causes damage to the remaining bone, which will worsen over time."
Cellbit does mind, but Felps looks at him and... And he agrees.
Doctor Ruiz has to do everything in the infirmary, except occasionally when Aypierre helps. After a really bad mission Philza or Bad might help triage, but that's about it.
It saves time, though; the x-ray machine is just the other side of the room. Felps has to let go of Cellbit while it happens, waiting back by the computer and far from the radiation.
The Doctor tries to flatten Cellbit's hands, preparing them for a clear picture.
It takes everything Cellbit has not to scream.
He swears instead, and she frowns, but finds a pillow to place them on - allows him to keep his knuckles bent, if only because they cannot flatten at all.
The x-ray does not take enough time for the pain to fade, though the doctor does not call him back immediately. He's allowed to sit there gathering himself as she reviews the pictures.
She also has to take more from other angles - that might be why.
Eventually, when the sharp pain has faded and everything has levelled out, she comes over and sits on the x-ray table.
"The good news is there are no loose bone fragments," she says. "I'd like a full CT scan of your hands, but it's awaiting repairs - once it's fixed, I would like you back here so I can assess the muscle damage. Some is obvious, but I'm not sure of the extent."
Cellbit hates that, but he can see how Felps is, so... so he nods in acquisition.
"For now, you said heat helps?"
"I have some heat packs - the camping ones - I grabbed from a sports store," he says.
"I'll requisition more with the medical supplies," she says. "It won't be a reliable supply, but it's fewer questions. Do you take anything for the pain?"
Cellbit shifts, "it doesn't do much, so I don't tend to bother."
And it must be bad, it has to be worse than he thought, because she hands him a bag of boxes of tablets.
"Please take something when it gets bad, at least," and she sounds so tired, like she's said this at least twenty times before. "Do I need to explain how long term pain fucks your body up, or are you going to behave?"
He takes the tablets.
"I'll... try," he says.
"You'd better," she sighs. "Side effects are on the leaflets, come back if there's problems. Once the CT scanner is fixed we'll look at your hands in more detail, and I'll do some research; physio could probably help, but the joints seem unstable."
He... doesn't really like the sound of that, but he nods, and he takes it, because he knows that he has to - there's a doctor sat near him, and he has to do what he's told.
Felps deems himself no longer banished, coming and sitting in Cellbit's lap.
The pressure throws his brain a second. He wraps an arm around Felps' waist, and remembers how to breathe.
"Thank you," he says, because all he wants is to escape.
"I'd tell you to stop pushing them, but I know a loosing battle," the doctor says. "Chief Tubbo said the parts should be ready tomorrow; I'll see you in a week?"
Felps is here, and will hold Cellbit to that; he nods anyway.
It fades into an awkward quiet, until eventually Felps pulls Cellbit away.
They end up back in the archive - Cellbit and Felps both sat on the cushion pile. Cellbit has coffee, and water, and Felps forced one of the painkillers on him.
Felps has some sort of fruit juice, and given the colour Cellbit is a little afraid to ask.
They drink quietly, Felps leaning on Cellbit's arm and Cellbit leaning back. It's quiet, and it's still, and it isn't working but Cellbit is struggling to hold his glass.
The mug is fine, with the handle to loop his fingers through. The glass...
Well, he abandons the water just as soon as the pill is taken.
"Why did you do it?" Felps eventually asks, voice too quiet.
"I had to," Cellbit says. "They did this shit to all the hybrids in the department. There was this one woman-" she's dead now, or at least Cellbit hopes she's dead. "- never got her name. The office called her Junior. Fish-hybrid. They carved off all her scales, and used skin graphs to stop them growing back. The air con caused her gills to get infected. Didn't see her again after that."
Felps shakes his head, leaning closer, "did you?"
"Yes." Cellbit says, because there were no other paths he could have taken.
Felps takes one of his hands, and holds it close. His fingers are back, tracing over and over the scars on his skin.
"There's always an option," Felps says.
"They took you," Cellbit replies. "I couldn't let them keep you."
Felps holds the hand tight, and leans against Cellbit's side, "you could have."
Cellbit uses his free hand to turn Felps' face towards him. "No. I couldn't have. It was worth it, Felps. I found you, didn't I? You're safe now - we're both safe now."
Cellbit begs Felps to understand, to realise the cost was worth it - his claws, his hands, it would have been worth even his life. More than his life! Felps is his best friend, and Cellbit is a selfish man. If it had cost other people their lives to get him back then, well, what would he have cared? Felps would have been safe, and that has always been the first thing to matter.
"You'll stay safe?" Felps asks. "You promise?"
"As safe as I can," Cellbit replies.
"No more sacrifices."
... And Cellbit cannot promise him that, so he holds Felps closer and they both fall onto the cushions, curled up in the warmest part of the archives.
"Cellbit." Felps says. "No more sacrifices."
"... I can't give you that," Cellbit says. "But I promise I'll always bring my family home."
"And you'll come with them?"
"If I can."
He can't promise it, he can't, he can't - there's so many variables, so many things that can go wrong. He can't stay away from the missions, not always, not when there's secrets that just loot and recordings will never fully capture, not when Pac and Mike go out so often, and Felps might be his best friend, but they're his family too.
And hell, Roier - Roier is out there so often, and Roier isn't Felps' family yet, but Cellbit knows that the cute spider hybrid is his own. His heart, his heart...
It's a terrible thing, to have family.
To have people you are afraid to loose.
"Cellbit. Please."
And Felps is begging, his family is calling for him, and Cellbit is a weak and mortal man.
He closes his eyes and turns his head, tucking it into the small of Felps neck.
"I'll come home to you," he promises. "No matter how long it takes, I will not leave you. Not if you're taken, not if I'm taken; I promise I'll always find you."
Felps relaxes, finally, and smiles, and laughs, and pretends he hasn't just torn the heart from Cellbit's throat as he picks up the hand and begins to massage it once again.
"Does this help?" he asks. "It's kind of fun. Your hands are all squishy."
"I have no idea," and Cellbit doesn't, because his head is full of doctors and surgeons and scalpels, and he's hyperaware of his hands.
He cannot stop thinking about them, cannot stop feeling them, but now Felps is touching them and...
And he thinks of Felps, not of scalpels and blood.
"We'll try, then," Felps says, and it feels like he means more than just massaging Cellbit's knuckles.
And what can Cellbit do but try?
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Yay thank you!!
Felps is strawberry finch coded and also woodpecker coded cause of the symbolism for optimism
Pac and Mike feel like they’d both be budgerigars since they like to travel in packs and get lonely without the other /also the colors kinda match with the two of them/
Cellbit is a mix of barn owl to bleeding heart dove for me considering owls tend to be a symbol for wisdom
Forever has the vibes of a osprey aswell as a toucan, and osprey tends to be known for being goal oriented and toucans also share wisdom and tends to be fairly social
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starry-bugs · 11 months
howd the green team werewolf au come about? i’m super interested :o also, is everyone else human? any other supernatural beings in there?
so the idea came to me via the purgatory bus discord server where we were talking about how green team is so very wolf pack coded and then it spiraled out of control from there
and everyone else is basically the same as they are in canon, bird hybrids, demons, felps, etc. its sort of an (un)lucky coincidence that everyone on green team turned out to be werewolves. but maybe that was on purpose, who knows?
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sillygh0st · 3 months
WOAH okay im still vodwatching cellbit first qmsp vod AND
felps said "eu peguei 4 packs" (I got 4 packs) and clarified that wasnt about pac their friend (pegar can be "got" or even "make out", even bc pac and pack rhyme ) and Cellbit said that was the first day, and that they needed a party before??????? while felps said "Not yet" about making out with pac???? ON THEIR FIRST TWO HOURS ON THE SERVER???
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Personal headcannon, the reason the Brazilian pack haven't turned Cellbit yet is because they saw him eat Pac's leg and thought "We can't make him any more powerful"
The truth is actually much funnier.
So Felps shows back up after Cell has escaped from prison, and they somehow become legitimately good friends. Eventually, Felps is like "Welp! Time to settle down and join a pack! Maybe my new best friend will want to join! :D" and he fully just asks Cell (not yet Cellbit) if he would want to be turned into a lobisomem, too, so they could hang out together as ugly dog things in the woods together. You know, normal best friend activities! :D
And Cell, who is just starting to become a Normal Human Being for the first time in his life, is like "...Not now, but if I'm thirty and I'm still not a werewolf or whatever, yeah, you can turn me." Because he didn't believe in the supernatural at the time, he just thought that this was some kind of weird marriage proposal. And he loved Felps, just not quite in that way, but he wanted to let him down gently.
Felps, unfortunately, fully just took that as 'Please turn me into a lobisomem when I'm 30 years old if I'm not one already', so he's been telling Pac and Mike to wait on turning Cellbit for years so he can be the one to do it. And the rest of the pack is just fine with waiting.
There's a literal timer on Felps' phone counting down to Cellbit's 30th birthday. Meanwhile Cellbit has no fucking clue about any of this and will later hope that him marrying Roier means that Felps will give up on the whole timer thing. (It will not.)
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calamizada · 4 years
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↬ prints da live do 20 de fevereiro de 2020 da live da Triz;
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twitchblog · 3 years
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like or reblog if you save like ou reblog se você salvou !! | @kittengoul on twitter.
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