#Felt a bit hopeless waking up to a big job rejection but then I saw all this and yeah
satari-raine · 2 months
Well, I woke up very emotional this morning.
Thank you to those who shared that post, genuinely, it means a lot to me. And an extra thank you to those that donated, I'm honestly flabbergasted. While giving just to do it is definitely appreciated, please message me and let me know if you would like anything in return. I want to thank you for your generosity.
Otherwise, yeah. Just hoping you all are having a good day today.
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 1.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 2k
A/N: ahhhh so this is my first series that I’m posting here! I’ve went for the fwb!au but I will do a mob one soon too. It will be full of angst, smut, friendship, love, heartbreak, absolutely everything. I hope that you all will like it, and I would appreciate it if you comment, reblog or send a feedback!🥰
Also my tag list is open for the series!
Warnings: mentions of smut, swearing
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It was a Friday night and that meant party all night.
Well not for you.
You weren’t a party girl. Sure you went here and there on some frat parties with your friends, but every Friday? Hell no.
The Friday nights were reserved for a book and a cup of tea.
You were a shy one, you kept your circle small. Tom, Harry, Anna and Amelia.
You were a big bookworm, and hopeless romantic. A great duo for sure.
Sometimes you felt like an ugly duckling. Amelia and Anna were gorgeous and appealing brunettes, just like other college girls, but with a great personality. They were a whole package if you asked me.
You would say that you were an average looking girl. Nothing to special.
You just wanted a guy that would love you for who you are on the inside, not outside.
Too much books, I know.
“Maybe it’s time to head to bed.” You said to yourself, after you caught yourself overthinking, again.
“Jesus Christ.” You sighed, the doorbell waking you up.
It was 20 minutes past midnight, and you were now worried who is at the door at this time.
“Again?” You groaned, rubbing your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s late, but I really needed a break.” Tom spoke, running his palm through his messy hair and massaging his scalp.
You motioned him to the living room, styling your hair that was sticking out everywhere, as much as possible.
“Great, I look like a zombie.” You murmured to yourself as you went to the couch where Tom was seated.
“Want anything to drink or something else?”
“Yeah…something strong?” He said, pushing his back flat on the couch.
“You know that I only have wine here.”
“It will do the job.”
“So..will you tell me what is tonight’s reason for your visit?” Your figure sat next to Tom’s, enjoying a late glass of wine as well.
“She saw me with Stassie today, so she went bonkers.”
Ah. Typical Tom.
Well let’s go back to the start shall we?
If you were honest, there was a lot, but still nothing to tell that wasn’t familiar to everyone.
Tom. Your typical frat boy.
Hot guy, astonishing body, soft curly brown hair followed with the dark brown eyes that had every girl drooling. His charming smile that he flashed to every single girl, covered up his conceited behaviour. Although he was a very charismatic person, he was a bit big-headed.
Did I say a bit? I meant a lot.
Parties were his scene. Tom loved the attention he got from the people almost immediately when he would enter the party place. Girls were basically throwing themselves on him, waiting for him to acknowledge them.
Tom was aware of the effect he had on the ladies, and he sure took advantage of that.
Every weekend there was a new one in his sheets.
He didn’t do feelings, some girls knew, some didn’t. So the morning after he would throw them out of his room half naked, all shattered and with the disgusting feeling that they were used.
He had a reputation, after all he was the most wanted boy out here, everyone’s dream was to become something to him.
Unfortunately no one had succeeded.
Did Tom say she a minute ago? Oh yes.
She was Sophie. And no, she wasn’t his girlfriend, but she sure didn’t think that way.
Sophie was your classic example of a girl that doesn’t understand the word no.
She was one of Tom’s flings, a beautiful, but fake girl. They got together at her 20th birthday party, it was just a one time drunk sex. Tom waited for her to feel asleep after a long session, so he could just go home and get at least a little amount of sleep.
However the next day at college, Sophie was like a limpet.
She didn’t let him breathe, even though Tom explained how he worked.
To be rejected or not interested in her was a unknown term for Sophie.
“Look, we shared a night, had sex and that’s all. It’s how I roll sweetie okay?” He desperately tried to get her off of his back.
“Tommy, I know how you do things, but you can’t lie about the chemistry. We just need to be together. And the sex is amazing.”
And that’s how it started.
Tom was loud and clear, not just with her, but with his friends and other ladies that she isn’t his girl, and never will be.
He really hoped that Sophie would let him be after a while, and she really did, but Tom just couldn’t keep it in his pants.
The Spring party.
Everyone got shit-faced, Tom was super turned on by a sweet brunette that clearly wasn’t interested in his lame flirting.
Sophie came in for a refill in the kitchen, but she was a godsend for Tom at that moment.
“Soph, sweetie mind if I get you a drink?”
“Thought you were clear about your feelings for me Tommy?” She answered, playing with the end of her dress.
“Yeah, yeah..How about I get you that drink, and we could catch up on things, ya know like old times?” He crossed his arms on purpose, flexing his biceps.
“I knew you would come back.” Sophie laughed, wrapping her slim arms around him.
It happened again. And Tom left like the last time, but once again Sophie didn’t get the message.
It became much more harder for him to avoid her, she was all over the place. She ruined his possible hookups, tried to meet his friends, brothers. It was getting on his last nerve, and even though he said that he doesn’t do relationships, she didn’t give up.
Sophie just wanted to be in the spotlight, and Tom was a great opportunity.
“Dear God. I told you that this lifestyle of yours would cost you. You should’ve refrain yourself for one night. Now you have a fake and crazy girl on your back, and no freedom as well.” You said, secretly eyeing him, he was hot you couldn’t lie.
“Thanks for not helping Y/N. Fucking hell I just want her to disappear, she is hundred percent crazy!”
“Why don’t you for once think rationally. Call her, take her for a coffee, tea whatever, sit down. Talk. Like normal people, tell her how things are, use your magic. But be nice and direct, she needs to get it in her head.” You tried your best to help him, after all he was your best friend and crush since preschool.
Stupid choice I know.
“I think so, but I wouldn’t be surprised that she spreads the news that I took her on a ‘date’, not a ‘can you please fuck off’ coffee.” Tom spoke clearly annoyed, filling up his empty glass.
He was tipsy already, and so were you. The wine absolutely did the job.
You were now nervous, your heart thumping against your ribs, the silence wasn’t an issue between the two of you, but tonight something was different.
“Why are you laughing?” You questioned, looking at Tom.
“Nothing darling, just remembered the day at elementary school.”
“Oh God. Which one?”
“You know, when you almost punched Elizabeth when she said I gave her a flower, and that I’m her best friend now.” He looked at you smiling like a child.
“Hey! You couldn’t blame me I loved you, you were my bestie I thought you betrayed me!” You stated, turning your body to his.
“Oh loved?” He grabbed his chest, trying to look hurt, but failing after a loud laugh escaped from his lips.
Your hand slapped his chest playfully, as an answer.
“This wine is crazy, I’m definitely going to consume it more.” He spoke.
“Well you for sure will if Sophie freaks out again.”
“New bottle?” You asked, standing up, your legs wobbly from the alcohol that was running in your system.
“Sure, it’s a long night after all.”
You tried to be as relaxed as you could be, but Tom’s presence tonight didn’t let you be.
Tom was also tense, the wine messed with his mind, he didn’t got laid for days, and the silky white shorts of yours didn’t help him at all.
You were in front of him, opening a bottle, but he just couldn’t control himself. His eyes were glued on your slim legs and tits.
He knew that under those hoodies that you wear on a daily basis was an incredible body.
Tom finded you attractive, absolutely stunning. He thought about you on his bed, whining for him, he really did wanted to have sex with you, but he couldn’t. You were his best friend and Tom didn’t want to hurt you.
But fucking hell. Tonight you were making him go nuts.
“I’m worn out.” You said exhaling the air.
“Live a little Y/N. Your nose is 24/7 in those books, give yourself a break, don’t be so boring.”
“Me boring? Oh excuse me that I don’t have such a dynamic life as yours.” You rolled your eyes.
“Hell yes you are, when was the last time you had sex?”
“What?!” Your cheeks were burning, and you couldn’t believe he asked you that. Sure you two had conversations about sex, but only about his sex life, and by that I mean who he slept with not how and where.
“You heard me, c’mon we’re friends you can tell me everything.”
Stupid Tom.
“Yes we are, but I would love to keep the informations about my sex life to myself.”
“So you’re a virgin?”
“TOM!” You almost chocked on the wine.
“Well?” He smirked, feeling how you got more and more shy from the conversation. God he wanted to fuck you so bad.
“No I’m not a virgin!”
“Then you can tell me when was the last time hm?”
“I don’t remember ok?! Jesus, the last time was probably the week before me and Noah broke up.” Your voice almost a whisper, realising that you were presumably too boring.
Tom just whistled the ‘wow that’s tooo long’ whistle, earning an annoying look from you.
“If it helps you I didn’t bang a girl for like a week, maybe more?” His answer turning into a question.
“Yeah, that helped me a lot, thanks Thomas.”
“Always here to help you.”
You once again slapped him playfully, but with the arm where your glass of wine was, spilling the beverage on his shirt and sweatpants.
“Fuck, sorry! I’m drunk, I-shit.” Yes, you were absolutely drunk, because the sober Y/N wouldn’t try to dry Tom’s crotch with her hands.
Tom’s eyes opened widely. The feeling of your palm rubbing his now hard dick, speeded up his breathing.
Your knees were on the couch, and your body extremely close to his. You still didn’t have a clue what you were doing.
“If you’re gonna clean me up like this, I might spill some of this by myself darling.” He groaned, raising the glass in the air.
That was enough to send your mind to reality.
“OH GOD. I’m so sorry, oh my God this is so embarrassing right now.” You tried to sit back down, but Tom’s hands stopped you.
Before you could fall on the purple carpet in your living room, his grip brought you into his chest.
Your hands were on his thorax, his arms on your lower back.
“Shit, am I on his lap right now?! What the fuck is happening?” You thought inside your head. What a great situation to be in.
“You’re making me so hard now Y/N.”
You were speechless. This wasn’t happening.
“I think it’s a big shame that you don’t have any kind of relief after a long day.” He whispered in your ear, breathing in the sweet scent of your shampoo.
“Tom.” Your mind was hazy, you tried your best to resist this, but holy shit you wanted this since forever.
“How about I suggest something to you darling?”
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98prilla · 4 years
Spiritual follow up to Cornered. Inspired by @coquettishcass and their lovely art.
He doesn’t know quite how it got this bad. He just knows one minute it was fine, and the next minute it wasn’t.
Deceit had shown up, all suave suit and knowing smirk, butting in on the latest dilemma. The others dismissed him, of course.
But something was different. He could feel the frustration rolling off the side, at not being listened to, not even being given a chance, and the more he looked, the more he saw.
The scowl on Deceit's lips that he’d taken as perpetual disdain was a mask to hide the sting of being ignored, the splash of yellow on his clothes was to make himself brighter, force them to notice him. He could see the fury and hurt and hopelessness on him like a well worn coat, and frowned, thinking of Virgil.
Once they’d opened up, actually gave Virgil a chance instead of dismissing him, everything had become smoother. He’d opened up, he’d been heard, he didn’t need to be scary anymore to be accepted.  
Why was Deceit any different? He was just trying to help. He was putting on the act he thought they all might listen to, at least be forced to pay attention to, because he didn’t have a seat at the table.  
And truly, was his idea so bad? Thomas needed a break, they all knew it, perhaps he and Virgil felt it more than the others, but he needed a day off. Hed scheduled the day off, before one of his friends texted asking if he could help a friend of theirs move.
Deceit’s plan was simple: say he couldn’t. The reason didn’t really matter, Thomas was sick or had an appointment elsewhere or had family stuff going on. Patton, of course, wouldn’t hear it, thought they should help, because it was “the right thing to do" and Logan thought they should just tell the truth but…
But why not lie? Thomas needed the day. Deceit had an excuse. A simple text, no one the wiser.  
He met Virgil's eyes, who had been standing silently, anxiously, taking the arguments in. He tilted his head, teeth teasing his lip, and nodded, as if reading Roman’s mind. He nodded back. At the least he’d have Virgil on his team, then.
He cleared his throat, stepping forwards. Deceit’s eyes narrowed, shoulders tensing in anticipation of a blow yet to come. Logan simply looked done, and Patton gazed at him with those puppy dog eyes, making his next words even harder.
“I think Deceit’s right.”
“What?!” Patton.
“surely I misheard, Roman you certainly did not just agree with me.” Deceit, and Roman almost laughed at the genuine surprise in his voice.
Now it was all wrong. Patton is speaking, scolding, lecturing about the right thing to do, Logan is talking over him, trying to convince Patton that a break is needed, Deceit is defending himself, his actions, trying to defend Roman, but no one listens.
It is too loud, too confrontational, too much. Words are overlapping and he can’t hear right and he’s swamped in noise, ringing in his ears, despite his hands clapped over them because it was too loud and too much and his fault and if he was just better he wouldn’t be cowering right now, he’d be doing something-
“ENOUGH!” He flinches at the volume, so loud and so close, but the others stop their fighting and he sighs in relief at the utter silence in the wake of Virgil’s shout.
Roman realizes Virgil is standing before him, eyes crackling and arms spread, as if to hide Roman from view. He finds the gesture oddly soothing, oddly protective, Virgil shielding him from the stares, the glares.
“Shut it, Pat.” He snaps, a hint of tempest tongue lacing his words. Roman flinches as Patton draws back as if struck, hurt flashing across his face, but Virgil clearly doesn’t care at the moment. Instead he turns to Roman, instantly softening as he crouches down before him.
“Hey, Princey. You ok?” he murmurs gently, and all he can do is shake his head because no, he’s not. He’s tired, bone deep tired. He’s been running on nothing, brainstorming for days. Just the thought of going out, of moving, makes him want to crumble to dust.  
“Ok. That’s ok, Ro.” He feels Virgil turn back to the others, hears the steel in his voice.
“Roman was right. Deceit is right. The “right thing" Pat? It’s not always the right thing for Thomas. You might not get this, but some of us are exhausted. There’s a reason today is a relaxation day. Lie, tell the truth, I don’t care. But we are not helping with a move. We are not leaving the house. Thomas is going to sit on the couch and eat chips and watch the office bloopers again and I’m going to go take care of Roman, and no, you cannot help,” Virgil stopped Patton before he could speak “because if you’d just listened for once instead of berating and scolding him for having an opinion different than yours, he wouldn’t be like this!” His tempest tongue had returned on his final words, and even Deceit looked shocked at his outburst, but he didn’t care, right now.
“Don’t come find us until you’re ready to apologize and mean it.” Roman is as stunned as the others when Virgil turns back to him. He is amazed at how fast that face goes from hard and furious to soft and concerned.
“Your room?” He asks, and Roman nods, he doesn’t care, really, just needs to not be here, and his room will do as well as anywhere else. Virgil nods, placing a hand on his shoulder, and they sink out.
“sorry" is the first word out of his mouth as they rise up in his room, face burning with shame. What kind of prince falls apart this easily, can’t handle a simple argument, made a fool of themselves as he had?
“Nope.” Virgil, popping the “p". He looks up, confused, despite his tone, Virgil is watching him seriously.
“I have reviewed your apology and rejected it,” Roman wilted, seeming to grow smaller, “because it’s unnecessary and you have nothing to apologize for, Ro.” Virgil finishes firmly and Roman simply gapes at him because of course it’s his fault, everyone is upset because he spoke up.
He realizes Virgil is looking around the room, and internally curses. It’s a mess right now, crumpled up papers strewn across the floor, rejected ideas thrown aside, his art supplies scattered throughout the room, his clothes tossed everywhere. He hadn’t had the energy to clean it, to stop trying to think because it was his job and he could do it, just one more idea, and he’d call it a night.
“Roman.” He jumps. He’d forgotten Virgil was there, he’d zoned out. He was swaying on his feet, unable to hide just how tired he was without the others there to pretend for.
And Virgil is furious, he knows exactly why Roman didn’t speak up, didn’t tell them it was this bad, that he desperately needed a break, that he was one step away from falling apart. But it isn’t Roman's fault, and he doesn’t want Roman thinking he’s angry with him, so he pushes that away in favor of kinder feelings as he realizes Roman is crying, silent tears, face almost numb.
“Let’s get you to bed, okay?” he guides Princey to his bed, he's almost sleep walking, and climbs beneath the covers with no added coaxing. He tucks Roman in, about to excuse himself when Roman’s hand grabs his wrist. He doesn’t speak, but the desperation in his eyes is easy to read and Virgil softens.
“You want me to stay?” Roman nods so fast it makes Virgil chuckle. “ok, Ro. Music?” He asks, and Roman nods again. Virgil pulls out his phone and taps on the playlist he’d made ages ago for moments like this, when he was feeling overwhelmed. A mix of instrumental tracks, ambient noise, calming songs.  
“When you feel better I’ll help you clean all this up, yeah? Maybe we can play a Smash tourney or something.” Virgil says as he sets his phone down on the nightstand, looking back over to Roman. He is still crying, curled tight, but he nods slightly, smiles bravely. Virgil lets out a smile himself, surprising Roman by slipping under the covers with him, becoming the big spoon. Usually that’s Roman’s role, the protector, the warmth giver, but today Roman could use the safety and security more than Virgil could.  
He’s proven correct as Roman curls tighter against him, burying his head against Virgil’s chest, crying until his sniffles die down into breathy gasps. Virgil is holding him tightly, murmuring sweet things in his ear, how special he is, how important, how amazing, how remarkable, how talented and strong and brave, and Roman doesn’t have the energy to argue against him, because Virgil is wrong. He is none of those things, doesn’t feel like any of those things, he feels weak and silly and stupid. Especially after today.  
But Virgil won’t hear it, just responds fiercely that he’s wrong, he’s worth so much more than he knows, than any of them realize or acknowledge, that he is important and very, very loved, until Roman starts to maybe believe him, just a bit.
“thanks.” He manages, feeling himself starting to drift. It’s warm, and quiet, and Virgil’s presence screams of safety and calm and peace, and he can’t help but succumb to his exhaustion.  
“Of course, Ro. I’m always here. I’ll always help, if you need it. Doesn’t matter if it’s Remus or Patton. I’ll be here.” Roman wraps his arms around Virgil’s middle, hugging him just as tightly as Virgil was, taking in his scent of coffee and wood shavings, never having been more grateful in his life for Virgil.  
They would worry about the others later. Right now, right here, they were content to catch up on all the sleep they’d been missing.
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