#Felt the urge to put them in a blender (negative)
semothekat · 9 months
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These are the guys. Everytime i see these guys i want to strangle them….
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I hate these guys as a joke but they are ok
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these guys are so fun to make fun of
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 147
Following Keith to his room, his boyfriend didn’t seem enthused about the bags he carried. Sitting on the bed, Lance rested a hand on his belly as he stared up at his boyfriend
“Uh, babe. You okay over there?”
Keith didn’t quite seem to know what to do. Nodding his head turned to shaking his head
“It’s stupid... I got caught up and you’re going to laugh”
Now he needed to know what his boyfriend bought, like yesterday
“I promise I’m only going to laugh if it’s laugh worthy”
“See! I don’t know what I was thinking... I’m so stupid”
Lance’s heart hurt for Keith. Keith wasn’t stupid
“Babe, no. Hey. I’m sure whatever it is, it’s not stupid”
“I just... it was an impulse buy and now I’m not sure...”
Reaching his hand out, Keith came over to him, Lance snaking his arm around his waist as the bags were set down on the bed
“I’m usually the one making impulse buys. You’re overthinking things, aren’t you?”
“A bit. You went outside... you’re supposed to let me know... did you even need us to go out?”
Sprung. Whoops
“Yes and no. I need things for dessert... Coran and Krolia are coming to dinner”
Lance winced. He’d expected this reaction. He also knew Keith was trying to protect his emotional state by keeping away anything he thought would upset him... including Krolia
“I know. Look. She’s your mum. And it’s better we have dinner here than out in Garrison if we all end up fighting”
“You think that’s likely?”
Keith getting cranky and him crying were probably the most likely outcome
“No. But I did manage to distract you. I’m sure whatever’s in the bag isn’t stupid. You’re not stupid. You’re smart. Smart and very handsome”
Keith laughed as he leaned down to kiss Lance on the top of his head
“I get it. Even if I don’t have the brains I have the looks to fall back on”
“I’m pretty sure you’ve got both. Now, I need to know what’s in the bag before I explode”
“Not until you tell me what’s for dinner”
“Ropa Vieja. Don’t worry, it’s the cheats version. When we make it together, I’m going to teach you mami’s recipe”
Keith sighed at him
“You said we could do it together”
“I know. I guess I wanted to make sure it really was something you’d like to learn how to make”
“I told you I did”
“I know. You’re on dessert duty with me. I thought I’d make banoffee pie”
“Do I know what that is?”
“Probably not... sooooo, can I look now? I really want to look”
Keith kissed his hair again
“Fine... but don’t laugh at me”
Lance wasn’t laughing. He was crying and Keith had thought he’d done something horribly wrong as he tried to pull the onesie out of Lance’s hands. It was their first onesie. Black cursive letters across the soft white fabric reading “I get my good looks from my daddy”. It was perfect. And so tiny... Their kids would stuck in an infinite loop of “Go ask your father”, and it was perfect... and so small
“I’ve got the receipt if you want me to...”
“It’s perfect!”
It took a moment for the tension in the fabric to loosen
“You’re crying. I didn’t mean to upset you. I thought and then... I can return them...”
Lance shook his head, Keith still talking
“... we were shopping and I sent Shiro to go look at dog for for Kosmo... and I kind of just grabbed a few I thought you’d like. I mean I didn’t take Shiro shopping for them. Not with him when I want to do this with you, but I don’t know, I just kind of thought of you’d smile and now I’m making you cry. Have you had enough blood? Did you have your nap? Do you want me to go?”
Lance shook his head firmly as he lowered the onesie carefully into his lap. Wiping his tears he smiled up at Keith
“I love it”
“You’re crying”
God. His boyfriend was so self conscious. How could he not love the twins’ first gift from their daddy?
“Good tears, babe. It’s so small. I mean, our twins are so small... and they’re going to real humans. This is too cute... I really hope they get their looks from you”
“I think I’d like a couple of little Lance’s”
“No. Nooo. God, I hope they have your eyes...”
Keith frowned at him. Everyone who’d ever said anything negative about Keith’s eyes should be dick punched. Everyone who was mean to Keith should have been shoved in a blender
“My eyes...”
Were amazing. Keith didn’t fall into the genetic categories for purple eyes, and yet...
“Are perfect. Like you. Here I was trying to cook a nice meal with you mind and you bring home the best present I could ask for”
Perhaps feeling a tad more confident, his boyfriend changed topic from his eyes and what was for dinner
“Shiro said he’d help us baby proof the house. If we make a plan, they’ll help. He and Curtis will help”
Right. That reminded him. Forcing himself to move the onesie aside, Lance shuffled back on the bed, patting the spot between his legs for Keith to sit. Carefully his boyfriend did as he silently asked
“You reminded me. I got distracted and never asked you if you’re really okay with Shiro and Curtis raising our children”
“You asked the other day”
Lance resisted rolling his eyes, instead he tucked Keith’s hair back behind his ear then looped his arms loosely around his boyfriend
“No. I had a breakdown the other day and was crying about it. These are you twins. I swore I’d make all decisions with you, then I went and made a pretty massive decision alone”
“Nothing’s going to happen to us...”
Lance remembered the days when he was the optimistic one and Keith was “Sir Emo Energy”
“I know. I want to have these things in place in case of the absolute very worst case scenario was to happen”
Keith turned, moving to rest his legs over Lance’s left leg
“I don’t want to think about the worst”
“I know. I don’t either. Coran doesn’t mean to scare us. He knows I do better with blunt honesty, even if I can’t cope with it right now. He’s always been honest with me when I asked. I asked him to dinner because I didn’t want to keep feeling awkward. If you don’t think Shiro and Curtis are acceptable, I can ask him to look after them. Or there’s Pidge and Hunk?”
Shiro was the best option. Keith adored his brother. Hunk would love their twins as if they were his own, but depending on how “the worst” happened, Shiro may be the safer option.
Sighing, Keith leaned into him
“I don’t want to think about it, but I suppose you right. Shiro’s going to help me with my will. All hunters have them. It... made me realise I don’t have much to offer as a father. I don’t have a car, I have my bike. I don’t own a house. I don’t have degree or anything... I don’t have much to teach them”
Lance hissed. Actually hissed. His ego not liking this at all. They’d chosen the best human they could have. He was proud of his boyfriend. Both of them were proud. Keith doubting himself was a slap to the ego seeing Keith was so wrong
“Excuse me!? Since when do you have nothing to offer?!”
Keith went to climb from Lance’s lap, Lance holding him so he couldn’t, angrily muttering
“I don’t”
Lance shooting straight back
“You do too!”
“What? What can I offer?”
“That’s useless in the real world when you’re starving”
Rude. He had to set Keith straight about this
“Our kids aren’t going to starve. And you have a lot to offer. You’re smart. You’re brave. You’re funny. You’re great at photography. You’re not teaching them how to ride a motorbike, but you can teach them basic mechanics. I will castrate you if you put our kids on your bike. And you’re still learning. I can see you making pancakes with them. Macaroon one helping you with your bike. Macaroon two hanging off your shoulders as you tell them what you’re doing. Tucking them in. Teaching them to read. How to tie their shoe laces... You think you’ve got nothing to offer? The best thing you can offer them is the chance to know you”
Keith sighed again. Lance wanted to smack him upside the back of the head, but forced himself to listen to his boyfriend’s objection
“That’s all trivial stuff”
Trivial. Trivial was him murdering Keith for hating himself, then bringing him back to punch him in the dick. How could a man show so much love and think he had nothing
“It’s not. It’s important stuff”
“I don’t... I mean, anyone could teach them”
Must. Resist. Urge. To. Throttle... Taking a deep breath, Lance let it out slowly
“That’s true. Every kid goes through loving their teachers more than their parents. But, you’re going to remember all these memories. You’re going to read them stories at bed time. You’re going to show them that they’re so fucking loved. We both know how it feels when the people we love aren’t who we think they are. I was lucky to have Mami. But Papi, he struggled and I felt distant from him as I got older. We know how much that hurts. We’re going to make sure our kids know how much they’re loved and that they can do anything because their daddy Keith had got their backs”
Keith played with the edge of his shirt as he spoke
“You make me out to be some kind of super human. I don’t have my high school certificate”
Keith was a “super human”. He was super amazing and awesome, totally radical, amazeballs... like... the best person he could have by his side ever
“Babe, as a kid, would you have rather be raised by someone who was smart but distant, or someone who loved you and showed you it was okay to be you? You took a different path. There’s nothing wrong with that”
“I feel like... I should have more”
“And I feel like with your line of work it was hard to have more, but now you’ve settled down, you’re going to be a total hoarder. I’ll be transformed into a bat, lost under a sea of things, and you’ll have too much stuff to know what to do with because you’re finally living and not just alive. I love you. We’re going to build a warm and loving family together. I love the onesie. I love that you thought about it. I love that you love the twins. You’re going to be the best daddy you can be”
“Shiro said it sounded like I had cold feet”
And Lance hadn’t? He was pregnant. Him. He. He’d been born without this crazy arse ability. Him. He didn’t know how to grow babies. No clue. That hadn’t been part of his life plan. Falling in love hadn’t been part of his life plan either. Sometimes Keith forgot that Lance had literally waited 37 years to fall in love
“Literally talking to your boyfriend who’s carrying our kids. I think I know what it’s like to be freaking out”
“But you’re... you”
Lance chuckled. Keith was a special flower. Hugging him close, Lance nuzzled into his hair
“The me who’s been constantly crying because you’re finally back, and my heads been up and down, more than you sucking me off. I am terrified. I’m like a zillion other things, but I’m working hard to keep going. You know I’ve been worried. About having the twins. About making ends meet. About you not feeling trapped. About how I’m supposed to give birth now that they’re in there. About how unstable my mood was before I got my stupid arse stolen on Halloween. You know how I keep going? I look at you and think “Fuck. I want to be every bit as good as the man who loves me thinks I am”, because you make me want to be a better man”
He saw the moment and he took it. Keith missed the moment. His bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he tried not to let it wobble
“Now. I want to see what else you got for our babies, then I need blood and maybe a nap before we get started on that pie”
“Can I hug your belly?”
His belly was now a reserved parking spot for cuddle time. Lance had been feeling the twins moving more and more lately, he hoped that Keith would finally pick up on the small movements. His boyfriend adored them so much and he wanted Keith to be the first one to feel them move. The first time felt them move, he hadn’t been sure what it was. It’d started as bubbles, the feeling like bubbles in his belly
“Yeah, babe. Blood and snuggles. You are going to be an amazing dad. I believe in you”
Lance expected Keith to shine with praise, not to cry
“What if they don’t like me?”
“Oh, babe. I’m worried about a lot of things. Like what if I accidentally turn them? What if I accidentally turn you? What if I can’t be a good father? But I’m not at all worried about them liking you. You’re likeable. You’re very likeable. They’ll love you. I love you”
“Am... I really going to be good enough?”
“You’re already good enough. All that other stuff, we’ll work it out”
Keith nodded slowly
“I’m sorry. You’ve been so stressed and I’m dumping this on you”
“Idiot. Yeah, I’m a wreck, but I’m doing better... I mean, I think I am. You’ve been so strong for me. I feel... better. I feel safer. And that’s thanks to you. Now, for like the tenth time, can we please look at what you bought? I’m dying of curiosity”
“It’s not much...”
“Keith. Don’t you dare put yourself down again. Or I really will punch you in the dick”
He was trying his hardest. He hated his injections, but still took them. He hated how much blood he had to drink, but he still ate. He hated throwing up, but he still forced food down for the sake of their twins. What he really wanted to do was show Keith happiness. He’d even face crowds if it meant seeing him smile... Maybe today was the right day. Dinner was on, prep for dessert would take a little while but they’d have time... Today he’d take Keith to see where Mami rested, and tell her all about their twins first onesie from their father.
Lance had changed. Keith blushing over how happy his boyfriend seemed to be. Aside from buying two bat beanie babies because... well, Lance, he’d picked up half a dozen onesies he thought would make Lance smile... and he’d also picked up some pants for his boyfriend. Lance’s jeans didn’t do up anymore. His jeans fitted, but they wouldn’t for much longer. He was worried Lance wouldn’t like his choice in pants, but he felt like his boyfriend had to be tired of wearing the same sweat pants over and over. Keith hadn’t been sure Lance would appreciate his choices, all black. They’d been an impulse buy too. And a couple of shirts with this weird “in built bra” which made no sense when it was pretty much a strip of fabric with elastic on the edge. They were black too. His boyfriend looked great in black. It set off his skin tone and seemed to make his eyes all that more blue.
Standing in front of the mirror, Lance was checking his curves, his smile goofy as he fangs were showing. This was good right? Lance had been staring at his butt for a while now
“I’ve got the receipts...”
“My arse looks great”
Lance’s arse always looked great. He loved that arse
“I didn’t know if you’d like them, seeing they’re womens”
Lance waved his hand at him, still looking at his butt
“Babe. Clothes are clothes. Too many people worry about labelling things. I’m glad you didn’t get flowers. Do you know how sick I am of sweats? Or my jeans digging in? These are great”
“Truly. I’m lucky that you’re two sizes up from me, but pants that are mine... sooooo good”
“There were other colours... I didn’t want to make you feel you had to change clothes... it’s not weird?”
Lance walked over to him, sitting to straddle Keith’s lap. Keith looping his arms around Lance, really not sure if Lance loved the clothes or not. He didn’t live clothes shopping and he had to guess Lance’s size. He’d tried to match against his size then shrink it down, but then he worried that there wasn’t enough fabric to cover Lance’s bump
“Babe. Honestly. Overthinking things again”
“I don’t do clothes shopping”
“Which makes this even more special”
It did?
“You seem in a better mood”
“I’m giving you whiplash again, aren’t I?”
Yeah. He wasn’t used to happy tears. He didn’t know what to do with them
“A little”
Lance snorted at him. Resting his forehead against the top of Keith’s head, his boyfriend nuzzled into his hair
“I appreciate them. I appreciate you. I’m grateful. I love wearing your clothes, and honestly I haven’t been thinking that much about them. You took into account what I needed. What our babies need. I also decided I want to go out today, if we can find some time. I’ve got something I need to do”
Lance going out still left him unnerved and fearing the worst. Sendak was gone, but the threat wasn’t eliminated. All it took was the wrong person to see him and trouble could be on our doorstep again. It wasn’t like in Cuba where no one knew who Lance really was
“You do?”
“I do. It has to be today”
“Am I going to like where we’re going?”
“I think you’ll understand when we get there. I know you get nervous, but... I think I’m finally ready to do this and I need to do this with you”
Lance was confusing him. He shouldn’t need to go anywhere. Anything his boyfriend needed, he could bring back to the apartment
“Where... uh, I mean... Where do you want to go?”
“I want to go see Mami. Before we go back to Garrison. I want to go see her. I know she’s passed, but I want to tell her about the onesie... and that you’re back”
Oh. Keith wasn’t sure he believed in life after death, but Mami... He hadn’t thought much about visiting her grave. Not as much as he should have, for all the love she’d given him. Miriam’s resting place... He didn’t know where his dad’s grave was, or what to do. Adam didn’t have an actual grave. A place to go to remember him. He kind of felt once someone passed all that remained was the memories of them
“Are you... are you going to be okay if we go?”
“Yeah. I didn’t know how to bring it up. I know my behaviour has been pretty concerning, but today, I feel like maybe I can. You helped me make my mind up. I want to tell her that I’m not alone without you anymore”
That sounded like Lance was having a good day. He hoped Lance was having a good day. He wanted to see him happy and laughing. Keith also wanted to pay his respects to Mami, but seeing her grave would make her death all that more real. She was gone and the world had lost some of its warmth. He owed her so much
“We should get flowers...”
“Yeah. I’m not asking to believe she’s still around, but I think I’m ready to see her again”
That sounded a lot like Lance was ready for death. Keith squeezing his boyfriend close to him. Lance might be dead already, but he was still there. Keith didn’t want him leaving him too
“Babe, I’m in no rush to die”
“Did I say... I mean...”
“Yeah. But I’m not going anywhere. Not if I can help it”
Keith blushed in embarrassment, mumbling
“You don’t get to leave me too...”
Chuckling, Lance kissed his hair before leaning back. Keith raising his head to find Lance smiling
“I’m not going to. I’ve got too much to do and if I leave you alone, someone’s going to come along and sweep you away”
“Idiot. There’s nothing great about...”
“La-la-la! Not listening to you being negative!”
Keith groaned. He was only being honest. He didn’t know how to be a father. Then Lance went and believed in him so much his heart went silly. Still. At this stage Keith wasn’t sure that he didn’t actually have a heart condition seeing Lance seemed to make it beat strangely so often. When he was with Lance, it felt like after all he’d struggled, after the hours upon hours of training, and all shit they’d been through, all of came together to make him strong enough to be the man Lance needed. He’d been worrying himself stupid over how to support Lance, questioning everything over and over, but this whole time, all his boyfriend had needed was someone to hold him. He really was the clumsiest, dorkiest, cutest vampire ever.
Kissing his forehead, Lance was all fangs as he smiled brightly
“We should get up. The other two are going to be thinking we’re up to all sorts of lewd things in here”
“I mean, we can...”
Lance snorted at him
“I want to show my arse off. These pants make it look great”
Keith pouted. Lance’s arse was his to treasure, and his alone
“Then maybe I shouldn’t be letting you out the apartment in them?”
Leaning down, his boyfriend whispered
“If you let me out the apartment, I promise you can you pull them down with your teeth later”
That. Yeah. No... yeah. Fuck. He could get behind that. Lance giggled at him, he’d been caught dirty thoughted. Giggling and trying to sober himself at the same time, Lance wound up giggling between words
“Okay. But seriously. Thank you for this. Thank you for coming home. Thank you for... for noticing I’ve been trying. I really have been”
“I know you have, babe. I know. Now, you’re going to let me help with dessert”
“Mmm. I think Curtis earned a break. He didn’t break anything, so that was nice”
“The toaster survived?”
Lance laughed as he nodded
“Yeah. I wasn’t game to let him touch the slow cooker though. It’s all new and shiny”
“I’m not sure I know what a slow cooker is”
“Oh, babe. I have so much to teach you”
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kazekohitori · 4 years
This is a story I wrote in four parts to help me and my friends cope with the loss of Castiel and the end of Supernatural.
Please read CastielXStacie Chapters One and Two and CastielXAllanah Part One before reading this.
Alone in her dark bedroom Stevie lay contemplating her latest resurgence of depressive thoughts. She knew there was no truth to them and yet here they were. These poisonous, self-loathing imaginings that she was alone in the world and without love. She clutched her pillow tighter to her as fresh tears fell from her eyes. Why was she like this? Why was she so pathetic? Why would anyone want her around when she was so clearly unworthy of the trouble she caused those around her? Maybe that was the reason none of the ‘Misha’s Angels’ were talking. Could it be they had started another group without her in order to save face and exclude her?
She thought of the last time they all had spoken. All had been lamenting Castiel’s death. All were heartbroken. Stacie seemed to have the strangest reaction to it though. The last thing she said to the group was, “I’ll find a way.” A very Dean-like utterance she thought. But a way to what? Bring Castiel back? The show would have had to keep going. A way to keep the show from ending? It already had. A way to soothe their hearts from the loss of someone so dear? What was in her power other than writing a very powerful, emotionally absorbing, reality-altering fanfic? Nothing. No one could write such a fanfic. The show writers had ripped the hearts from the ‘Misha’s Angels’ chests, puréed them in a blender, then lit the whole thing on fire.
Allanah said she received a message from Stacie asking her to ‘believe’, but what could that mean? Believe in what? As far as Stevie was concerned she had too little energy for belief these days. 2020 was an emotionally exhausting year. The sooner it ended the better. Not that 2021 would necessarily be better, but at least there would be a some leadership from the White House.
Yes, Castiel was dead. The ‘Misha’s Angels’ had abandoned her. Her Scottish boyfriend hadn’t spoken to her in nearly a week, her live-in boyfriend had broken up with her, and she’d had a fight with her girlfriend. She felt truly alone.
She rolled over as the next wave of falsehoods crashed over her. Something moved in the darkness. She held her breath watching the form that hadn’t been there when she turned off the light. Was she imagining things now? It loomed at the foot of her bed, six-feet tall and humanoid in form. A ghost? It turned it’s head to the side.
“FUCK NO!” Stevie screamed, throwing the pillow at it, and tossing her blankets aside to get out of the room as quickly as possible. She grabbed items from her bedside table and hurled them at the shape as she ran for the door. When the items rebounded she suddenly had a shocking realization. A ghost was scary enough but this was an intruder!
She screamed loud and long as her hands found the doorknob and she wrenched the door open.
“Hey!” The figure exclaimed from the Pelting, recoiling from each projectile. He stepped toward her, “Wait.”
She found a book and flung it at the man’s head, which he ducked and deflected with his left hand. She pulled the door shut behind her, holding it closed while trying to think of a way to defend herself. “Call the police,” she thought but then realized in her haste she had left her phone in the bedroom. “Run to the neighbors.” As this thought came to her the door between her and the intruder flung open pulling her in along with it. With all her strength she was no match for him. For just the slightest of moments she was face to face with the intimidating foe. Blue eyes was all she saw before she let out another scream and ran to the kitchen.
“Knife!” She thought, digging through the drawer. “Where were all the fucking knives?!” She shouted. She could hear his footsteps trailing after her. “Skillet,” she took a step toward the pots and pans cupboard but stopped short as the figure entered the kitchen. Her hands darted around for the nearest defense. Brandishing the weapon with two hands, she raised the wooden spoon between them.
The man stopped in the doorway, his hands lifted in surrender. “I mean you no harm.” His voice was low and husky, his trenchcoated frame silhouetted in the dim light from the living room window.
Though only moments passed it could have been years for all Stevie could ascertain. Staring at his form, the way his shoulders slumped, that ever so slight tilt of the head, that almost weight-of-the-world submissive stance...
“Cas?” The name fell from her lips before she could fathom the understanding that for Castiel, a character on a tv show, to be standing here, in her kitchen, was physically impossible. Misha, maybe. He had once been arrested for breaking and entering. But, no, highly unlikely. And Misha dressed as Castiel doing a little B&E? Extremely unlikely; albeit more likely than Castiel, angel of the lord.
His head tilted slightly, “Do I know you?”
Reasoning that as long as he kept his distance she could safely turn the lights on to get a better look at him. Though he squinted in the sudden illumination, it was him, in all his glory. That dark-chestnut hair, those blue eyes, that chiseled jawline, and those damn perfect lips. She felt herself drawn to them even now.
She wasn’t sure if she believed it or not. Heck, this could be a dream. Perhaps she had drifted off without realizing it and now she was having this incredibly vivid and lucid dream. And if it was? With all the self-doubt and negativity that had been filling her thoughts lately why not indulge in such a perfect escape as a Castiel dream.
“What are you doing here?” She asked as calmly and nonchalantly as she could muster.
He relaxed his stature, “Um,” he looked around, “I- I don’t know. I-,” he looked back to her, still holding the spoon, “I don’t even know who you are or where I am.” He said this despite his better judgment. He knew he didn’t know her but there was something so familiar about her. Had he lost his memory again? Had the being in the Empty done this? Could he be sure this wasn’t some trick created by the Empty as a means of torture? Possibly. But this woman... he couldn’t explain it, he felt drawn to her.
Seeing his eyes dart to her ‘weapon’ she put the spoon down, “I’m Stevie. And this is my house.”
His head raised in acknowledgment. “And... have we met before?”
“Only in my dreams.”
“This house, where is it located?” He took a few tentative steps toward the window and peered out.
“Ogden, Utah.”
“Not far from Kansas,” he noted to himself. “Are you some kind of psychic? The dreams are prophetic, I take it?” He turned back to her.
“No, not that I am aware of.”
“What am I doing in your dreams?”
Stevie felt herself blush, “You’re my boyfriend.” A shy smile came to her lips.
Castiel’s eyebrows shot up hearing this. “Oh, uh,” he stuttered, “that’s- ahem. That’s nice,” he trailed off.
Unsure of what to say or do, Stevie fidgeted with the discarded spoon. This dream was unlike any she’d had before. It was scary, and cute, and awkward, and, well, just plain strange. Memorable to say the least, she decided she must write this one down when she wakes.
“How am I here?” Castiel questioned her, although it was also a question for himself. This woman, she couldn’t possibly have an answer but looking at her he felt she could be the answer. The urge to kneel before her and claim his undying devotion was unfathomable and yet undeniably welling in his chest the longer he gazed at her.
Stevie shrugged and offered, “Manifestations of underlying and as yet unanalyzed emotions I’ve been feeling lately? That’s ultimately what all dreams are anyway.”
He furrowed his brow, “You think you are dreaming?”
She nodded slowly.
“This isn’t a dream. I’m real. My name is Castiel, I’m an angel of the lord.”
“A character on a tv show that recently ended,” she interrupted, “One that consumed my life while it was on and now has me mourning the loss with a giant hole in my heart.”
“A tv show?”
“Yes. This is all part of the healing process. Hallucinations and dreams created to confront and deal with the pain left by that loss.”
“And how do you explain my consciousness within your dream? Doesn’t this ‘dream’,” he used air quotes, “seem a little too ‘real’?” He strode to her, grabbing her wrist with his right hand and wrapping his left hand around hers. “Am I not real?”
Damn this dream was vivid. The warmth of his hand surrounding hers, the breath from his lips, the smell of electric musk that wafted over her from his stride across the room. Is it a dream? All of her senses screamed reality but it couldn’t be. Or could it?
“Kiss me.”
An odd request for someone you’ve just met, sure, but given the opportunity, she had to take it. “In my dreams we’ve never kissed. If you kiss me, and make it passionate, I’ll believe you’re real. Or I’ll wake up.” (Again, why not take advantage of such a situation as this?)
Castiel lowered his and her hands contemplating her reasoning. Looking deep into her eyes he saw no malice in her proposition and, taking her into his arms, he awkwardly yet gently pressed his lips to hers. They were warm and soft, and pliant to his own, much like her embrace. Her body fit to his as if they were two puzzle pieces, finally rejoined after eons apart. Her left palm rested on his chest while her right arm snaked up and around his neck, her fingers tousled his hair as she tilted her head to offer a better angle. Unable to control the longing any longer his grip on her tightened, his strong arms crushed her to his frame abolishing any space between them. His own head tilted, his tongue flicked across her lips pleading access to which she obliged. The taste of her was sweet and enthralling. Their tongues danced in a sultry tango to the melodic crescendo of their heartbeats.
At last they parted, breathless and dizzy. “Wow,” Stevie sighed breathily.
Castiel, uncertain if he may have overstepped his bounds, released her and stepped back allowing her more room to breathe.
She waited with closed eyes. After a moment she peeked one eye open. He was still standing there, in her kitchen, watching her and waiting. She lifted an arm and pinched it. Still there. She slapped her cheeks a couple of times. Still there.
“Holy Mother of God,” she finally whispered.
Castiel tilted his head.
“You are real!!” She threw herself onto him causing him to stumble back and swing her like dead weight. “You’re real! You’re real! You’re real!” She disentangled herself from him. “I gotta tell my girls!”
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palomvs · 4 years
     insert a GOOD tik tok reference here ! hey , i’m izzy ( my middle name , my actual first name is lola , but i thought having my character’s nickname and my name be the same might be confusing , but you can call me either ! ) , i use she / her pronouns , i live in the est timezone and i haven’t left my home in a solid FIFTY-THREE days ! i’m so , so , so excited for this group and to finally give netflix even more real estate in my brain — they really do own this ass ! 
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     ( ester expósito , cisfemale , she / her , muse b ) — oh my god, i totally just saw PALOMA VIDAL walking through greenwich village ! you know, she plays VALENTINA ROMERO on that new netflix show, the village ? i can’t believe they’re already famous at TWENTY. i’ve watched all of their interviews, and they totally come off as BRAZEN and STOIC, but they can also be DEBONAIR and CONSCIENTIOUS. based on their social media, i’d describe LOLA like ( script pages covered in notes , silver rings , iced matcha on a warm day , coconut-scented sunblock ) — totally makes sense that people call them THE PRODIGY.
𝐢. 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
full name : paloma isabella vidal. nicknames : lola , loma & palo. age : twenty. birthday : september 15 , 1999. sun sign : virgo. gender : cisfemale. pronouns : she / her / hers. romantic orientation : heteroromantic. sexual orientation : heterosexual. relationship status : tbd ! passports : spanish & american. languages spoken : spanish , english & a few words of french. label : the prodigy. pinterest board : click here !
faceclaim : ester expósito. height : 5'5". eye color : hazel. hair color : blonde. dominant hand : left. tattoos : a moon on her left shoulder blade , which she got in memory of the long nights she spent on the beach in california ( malibu nights by lany , anyone ? )
positive traits : debonair , conscientious. negative traits : brazen , stoic. enneagram type : type seven , the enthusiast. hogwarts house : gryffindor.
𝐢𝐢. 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
     paloma was born to cristian and alina vidal ( respectively a producer for film and television , and a retired actress turned director ) in los angeles in september 1999 , and grew up in the GLITZ of hollywood from a young age. though many would think a life of premieres , backstage passes and paparazzi would go straight to a little girl’s head , paloma’s parents both made sure her life was kept as normal as possible. she was raised in l.a. , and spent most of her time either in school , or by the water. 
     despite her parents’ backgrounds and careers , it was never really written in the stars for paloma to follow in their footsteps. growing up , she was a particularly active and outdoorsy child , with a penchant for sailing , surfing ( see her HEADCANONS below for more on her surfing ! ) and photography. guidance counselors thought she might choose to become a pro athlete of some kind , or perhaps some kind of sports journalist or photo-reporter.
     throughout high school , she felt a certain lack of direction , feeling torn between her childhood interests and the pull of hollywood , and what she’d seen her parents do their whole lives. in her junior year of high school , the opportunity to audition for the role of audrey in her school’s rendition of LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS came up. landing the role , and the subsequent weeks of rehearsals and performances , cemented the idea of a career in the arts for paloma.
     she eventually made a move towards the industry by attending the savannah college of art and design ( scad ) , as a performing arts major. the opportunity to audition for the role of VALENTINA , in netflix’s upcoming show the village was brought up by one of her professors ( along with her parents’ connections ) , who urged her to travel to new york. within a few weeks , filled with travel and a flurry of online assignments , paloma landed the role and decided to move to new york full-time to be present for the filming of the show.
     though she’s always been known as quite a workaholic , taking on the role of valentina has amplified it greatly. she’s usually the first in and last out on set ( actor-wise , at least ) and is known to prioritize making sure she knows her lines and blocking over beauty sleep. at present , this hasn’t devolved into anything too SERIOUS , but definitely could in the future ( will it be a slippery slope to a caffeine addiction and perhaps something more , or will she correct course in time ? stay tuned to find out ! )
𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚
     VALENTINA ROMERO , known as val to friends , is the village’s resident pretty girl ( with a brain ). she’s what would result if serena van der woodsen , cher horowitz , cordelia chase , elle woods and summer roberts were put into a blender. from a prominent political family , she was raised between party fundraisers , easter egg hunts on the white house lawn , campaign trails and society gatherings.
    much like SERENA , her life has happened under the warm glow of the spotlight , and things always seem to have come easy to her. she’s a little more tame than serena though , and rarely ends up on page six ( when she does end up in the pages of magazines , it’s usually for something a little more decent ).
    much like CHER , she’s known for her fashion , and is the darling of amateur photographers in greenwich village. she’s not really the type to bring anyone down for their taste , but rather one to remark when someone wears something she’s into.
    much like CORDELIA , she’s not one to bite her tongue when something’s on her mind. she’s got a sharp wit , and adores honesty over everything else. again , she’s not known to bring people down for sport , but will rebut anything that comes her way if it’s meant to be damaging to her , her family or her friends.
   much like ELLE and SUMMER , she’s a lot smarter than she looks. she doesn’t always try as hard as muse a , but often ends up with good grades anyway. she’s often underestimated by group project members or fellow students , who see her as the stereotypical DUMB BLONDE. proving them wrong is her favorite sport.
𝐢𝐯. 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
     she took up surfing at a young age , and made it her primarily source of exercise growing up. for a while , many thought she’d either go pro , or end up photographing surfers professionally. since moving to new york , she’s had to CHANGE workout regimes , but that hasn’t stopped her from decorating her apartment with surf memorabilia.
   she loves experimenting with fashion , and is known for her BOLD red carpet looks. from bright colors to unusual materials , nothing is off limits ( as long as it’s ethical ! ) she chose her stylist specifically because both saw eye to eye when it came to taking a risk , rather than playing it safe.
    her favorite scents are coconut sunblock and surf wax , which she found is CANDLE form and is always burning in her apartment when she’s running through lines , practicing her blocking , or hanging out with castmates / friends. it’s also one of her favorite ‘ first day of shooting ’ gifts for the cast and crew around her.
    dried mango is her ABSOLUTE favorite snack , and she’s always carrying some around on-set. her mother used to give her that and frozen grapes growing up instead of candy ( since she has such a sweet tooth ) , and she’s been hooked ever since.
    she’s not one to name-drop her parents’ connections and friends in the industry , but the one connection she’ll proudly let people know about ( when they ask ) is that , yes , hugh jackman is her godfather. he and her father met when the latter produced x-men in 2000 and have been INSEPARABLE ever since. if paloma’s ever able to fake a believable aussie accent , it’s thanks to hugh.
    her script pages are usually covered in notes , made in pencil , highlighter , markers , or whatever else she can get her hands on. over the past few months , and during her time at scad , she found that jotting down her IMMEDIATE thoughts on a scene , her lines and / or her blocking always help her remember things better. she keeps all of her notes and script pages in binders back at her apartment , so she can always look back on her character arc and make sure she stays true to who valentina is.
𝐯. 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
     give me the WILL THEY , WON’T THEY ? , where the paparazzi and magazine editors are all convinced there’s a relationship bubbling below the surface. and who wouldn’t ? paloma and your muse have incredible on-set chemistry , are always seen hanging out outside of work hours , and are expertly paired by their publicists during press rounds. that said , when removed from the flashes of the paparazzi , nothing seems to have transpired ( yet ).
     give me a RYAN REYNOLDS TO MY JAKE GYLLENHAAL ( see this video ) , where our muses cannot be paired together for interviews anymore , after cracking jokes every five seconds instead of promoting the village. they’re fused at the hip on-set , and are usually the ones to go live on instagram during filming breaks , to the delight of fans.
     give me an EX , because working with someone you used to date ( or just sleep with ! ) creates so many great possibilities. was it awkward for them to see each other’s names in the press when casting for the village was revealed ? or did one ( or both ) of them see it as an opportunity to build a friendship ? are they jealous on-set , or can they keep it together ?
     give me CHILDHOOD FRIENDS , with bonus points if the friendship exists because of their families’ ties to the film & tv industry. if people dig deep enough through google images , there’s bound to be a picture of them together as children on some red carpet. perhaps the years of knowing each other have turned them into best friends , or maybe they now can’t stand the sight of each other. after all , hollywood can get competitive and ugly.
     give me the BROTHER SHE’S NEVER HAD , who teases her mercilessly , but will always protect her from the paparazzi. they’re protective of one another and are each other’s rock in the new world that is sudden overnight fame. 
     give me the PLATONIC LIFE PARTNER , whom paloma loves more than her own self. they have the login information to all her devices , they text people back in her stead , they sleep in the same bed , they readjust each other’s clothing on red carpets. one is rarely seen without the other , and the village’s fans revel in the two’s friendship.
     i also have a full WANTED CONNECTIONS tag right here , if you want to peruse and find something that suits you , your muse and your own wc !
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