#Ferndoe and Poppy’s kit
@starfalcon555 remember the story I made long ago of Mottlekit and I think it was Greykit sneaking into the DF? What if that’s how they find out
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warriors-last-words · 2 years
I mentioned that Poppyhill is based on The Haunting of Hill House's Poppy Hill and that Ferndoe is based on Olivia Crain (more loosely).
So I'm gonna show one of my favourite scenes of the whole show, which also gives you an idea of how Poppyhill manipulated an already vulnerable Ferndoe.
(Note the mention of Poppy Hill's daughter drowning-- the same way Poppyhill the cat's two kits died)
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Continued on a second post, because there are many more screenshots coming!
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Dark Forest voices
Here comes another interesting headcanon! What if everyone in the Dark Forest had their own, deeply disturbing sound when they talked?
Alderstar--his regular voice, mixed with the fading-echo like sound cats hear when their life drains away and the world around them becomes blurred.
Bonus: his voice claim is Arthur from BBC’s Merlin (newer seasons for older--aka current--age).
Angelpaw--his normal voice (a monotone and unexpectedly deep voice), underlaid with the yowls and hisses of his now dead father.
Avery--his regular voice, with the dull clang of a live-trap door closing.
Batear--his regular voice, along with the screech of bars in the night.
Birchflight--their voice + the sound of a BMX bike's wheels scraping on gravel.
Bluedaisy--regular voice along with the rushing sound of air as you fall.
Claudrat--his regular voice, overlaid with soft whispers that give the feeling of different messages, to not trust him, to follow him, and rarely, of how much fun they will have.
Darkbrush--their regular voice (an annoying British-tinged voice), the squawk of fresh-kill travels beside it.
Emberdawn--Her regular voice, with the rush of a river during a heavy, dangerous storm.
Bonus: Her voice claim is Effy (is that how you spell it?) from Murdoch Mysteries (newer seasons for older--aka current--age).
Fallenfire--her regular voice, mixed with the hoarse rasp of a dying cat.
Ferndoe--her regular voice, mixed with the tune of a low, painful wail.
Bonus: her voice claim is Olivia from Haunting of Hill House.
Foxfire-- his normal voice mixed with the bubbling of water streaming into a sewer.
Froglight--his voice mixed with a growling squeak.
Gorseheart--his regular voice along with the sound of skin ripping in the heat of battle.
Bonus: his voice claim is George from Murdoch Mysteries (newer seasons for older--aka current--age).
Grousemane--his normal voice. That’s it, because he came from Starclan.
Bonus: his voice claim is Gwaine from BBC’s Merlin (newer seasons for older--aka current--age).
Hootpetal--her normal voice, with a touch of splintering teeth, the cracking bone along with the trinkling blood of the nerve.
Bonus: her voice claim is Gwen from BBC’s Merlin (newer seasons for older--aka current--age).
Jackdawfoot--his normal voice, mixed with the thump of a Twoleg on a small Thunderpath (sidewalk).
Kindlepaw--regular voice, mixed with the crackling of flames too close.
Loonfur--her regular voice, mixed with the sound of blood roaring in your ears when your heart races and you feel afraid.
Milkdud--their regular voice (higher pitched but demanding tone), the drips of blood upon leaves lurks beneath it
Myrtlewing--his normal voice, mixed with the disorienting sounds when caught between wakefulness and sleep, nightmares spilling into real life.
Bonus: his voice claim is Merlin from BBC’s Merlin (newer seasons for older--aka current--age).
Perchclaw-- his normal voice, with the warning hiss of an adder about to strike.
Pigeonfang--his normal voice in addition to the growling of a stomach that hasn't felt food in many moons.
Poppyhill--her regular voice mixed with the sound of a low whistle on the moor during a cold, windy night.
Bonus: her voice claim is Poppy Hill from Haunting of Hill House.
Riverrush--his regular voice (a playful and upbeat tone), mixed with the sound of a dangerous river, rushing water certain to drown an unfortunate soul.
Rosefrost--her regular voice, mixed with the ominous shattering of ice just before a cat falls into icy water.
Sharkstar--his regular voice, mixed with the rumbling thunder of a storm that would make kits wail.
Skullmoon--their regular voice, along with the crackling of mouse bones under one’s foot.
Snailstar--regular voice + the sound of sand trickling out of an open paw
Snipvoice--their regular voice, along with the sound of footsteps crunching along the snow, alternating between walking and running.
Snowwing--his regular voice, with the sound of a paws following in the undergrowth, heard but unseen.
Stickpaw--regular voice, only strained and tired, along with a screeching when loud noises are made.
Stonefern--his normal voice, mixed with the distant barking of angry dogs.
Treatpaw--her regular voice (a small yet friendly voice that can quickly turn horrifying), tainted by her sister’s dying yowls
Trickpaw--her regular voice (a large and boisterous voice that can be sweet as catmint), the dying sobs and cries of her sister can be heard alongside it.
Webstripe--his normal voice mixed with the sound of waves getting stirred up by a boat.
Whispkit--their regular voice (whispery and quiet voice, everchanging), the wails of other kits speak beneath it, speaking of debts unpaid.
In addition, it’s possible that the longer one is a resident for, the more their voice resembles the sounds over how they actually sounded in life. It’s very gradual, so much so that it is very hard to notice.
It’s something the Dark Forest cast would become used to, but would absolutely frighten anyone else. The fading echo of Alder’s voice might even disorient them!
Btw Jackdaw killed kittypets, which is why his voice resembles that.
Myrtle’s was inspired by a time I was having a nightmare while half-awake, which made it feel more real and WAY more frightening than a normal nightmare. I of course had to give it to my favourite boy.
More TBA, feel free to add yours!
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first I realized the connection between Ferndoe’s adoptive kits drowning and Poppyhill’s, her ‘enemy’s’ kits drowning. 
Then I remembered that Fern’s old kits are friends with Poppy’s kits.
And Mottlekit and Greykit ventured to the Dark Forest. 
And maybe Wormkit can learn that he doesn’t have to be through an experienced to acknowledge the pain it causes, because Mottle and Grey were through very different (though connected) circumstances and still manage to be good friends and support each other (plus both share what Blackkit went through, Grey being killed by her mother and Mottle drowning)
and what if they offer all this advice before they know just who the mother of Blackkit and Mudkit is
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