#specklekit maybe
@starfalcon555 remember the story I made long ago of Mottlekit and I think it was Greykit sneaking into the DF? What if that’s how they find out
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gray-thistleclan · 9 months
Hey Strawflower, Do you know what you’re gonna name the kits? Maybe Woollykit or Specklekit after Woollyspeckle?
Sorry to bring him up but maybe it could help knowing Woollyspeckle is still around and can watch them grow up. At least Call of The Void says he’s always around you-
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warriorstickers · 1 year
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Cavernclan, Year 2, Newleaf -> Yarrowfur and Fallingfur have gotten Greencough
-> Oatsky’s mangled tail has become swollen and hot to the touch. Glowfish and Rattleripple do their best to control it
-> Oaknettle asks Glowfish for advice about a dream he had
-> Leafkit asks Reedburr where kits come from. 
-> Glowfish, Rattleripple and Viktorclaw go out herb hunting for blackberries. Glowfish heads into the brambles, and very nearly ends up tangled in the brambles.
-> Cherryfreckle finds out she is expecting kits from Glowfish. The two share a moment, and Cherryfreckle hurries to tell Burntheart and their adopted son Pearkit. The news spreads through camp, and everyone is very happy for the couple. Goldstar is especially pleased, as these will be full-blood Cavernclan kits. 
-> Antpaw is made a warrior with the name Antburr. She is pleased to share a suffix with the former Deputy. She is Clever. 
-> Pearkit is made Pearpaw, and apprenticed to Talonripple. He’s become a bold young tom now, and gets along well with his mentor. 
-> Reedburr gets a splinter
-> Oaksky batts the moss ball back at Specklekit as they’re playing. She debates having more kits. 
-> Glowfish and Burntheart go and collect new moss. She congratulates him on his impending litter.
-> Rattleripple goes out to find herbs after several days of being unable to go out due to a storm. The soggy tunnels and lack of fresh air had made them grumpy, and Yarrowfur tries to cheer them up.  Yarrowfur starts a water fight from a puddle splash, and the two have a short water battle, before continuing their work.
-> Cherryfreckle is feeling huge, and comments to her mate that this should be a big litter. That Glowfish thought maybe 4!
-> Oaknettle tripped and caught his claw on something
-> Oatsky’s tail is healed, but the scars are permanent
-> Leafkit has a stomachache
-> Antburr saves Pearpaw from a dog while out on patrol with him and Talondrift in Hayclan territory. Antburr is badly hurt in the attempt with a broken leg, but is commended by Goldstar for protecting her clanmate. He tells her she as good as has Cavernclan blood. 
-> Nettleberry is charmed to learn that Tinykit really admires her. 
-> Burntheart and Fallenfur go on a hunting patrol. They manage to catch some prey. 
-> Twoleg activity has been increasing in the area, and some rumbles have been felt in the ground by the warriors.
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The Cursed Clan Challenge - By Emixunn
Your clan is thought to be cursed! Something terrible happens often and the cats living there are never safe. Maybe their ancestors don’t care about them or maybe a higher power is out to get them. The clan is filled with uncertainty and leaders have a history of going insane yet somehow they’ve remained together this long. Every day threats loom over them and they’ve gotten used to cats disappearing. Though somehow they’re stuck here. Some cats may have pasts they cannot return to or the surrounding land is nothing but wastelands. Maybe they’d rather not be alone… how long will the clan survive for? Or will it go extinct and become nothing but a pile of dust.
You are free to also do this challenge and bend the rules to your liking and add whatever five moon events you want too! You can do the events every moon but I wouldn’t recommend it if you want the clan to last long.
The founders of Lostclan!
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From left to right and top to bottom we have:
Dustystar, a compassionate she-cat who is a learner of lore.
Mossydrift, the trusted advisor who is an adventurous transgender tom.
Erminespirit, the thoughtful, beloved kitsitter and great mediator tom who is the clan’s medicine cat.
Goldshock, the childish young she-cat who is a great kitsitter and speaker.
Badgerpaw, the insecure and battle-hungry tom who is Mossydrift’s apprentice.
Specklekit, a three moon old, nervous, interested in clan history, tom.
Pikekit, a three moon old, insecure, tom
Shadekit, a two moon old, troublesome tom, who loves to splash in puddles.
Gladekit, a two moon old, bullying, lover of stories tom.
Rules of the cursed clan challenge
Every moon a random cat must be sent on a solo border patrol and proceed no matter the situation.
Every five moons the wheel of doom is spun and something bad happens to the clan
Exceptions can be made if the clan is too small
Mass extinction events are ON
Expanded mode so cats can be injured and sick
No forcefully making cats into medicine cats unless it is absolutely necessary
Cats will never retire due to permanent conditions is turned off!
Try keeping at least one founder bloodline alive as a treat
Other options and stuff are optional
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blorboclaw · 2 years
Not sure if you’ve been asked this au wise, but what if ravenpaw decided to stay and help Graypaw and firepaw? I’ve always felt maybe he’d become a medicine cat, but I can see him getting his warrior name - maybe even foul play from tigerclaw taking him out?
OK so for my peace of mind we’ll just have canon go like before and have him come back in Thunderclan once Tigerclaw is exiled, ok? Otherwise I think Tigerclaw or Darkstripe would have just ambushed him and killed him at some point.
Bluestar is kinda paranoid but she agrees to make him a warrior for his role in the story. His name is now Ravenflight. He is kinda paranoid too because Darkstripe is still in camp, and so is Longtail. He’s not that conspicuous regarding Dustpelt because he doesn’t know him as a vocal Tigerstan and he’s his littermate, but he’s still wary of Darkstripe and Longtail.
So when Fireheart doesn’t understand Bluestar’s reactions, Ravenflight helps him. That means Fireheart doesn’t raise any red flags, Sandstorm gets Fernpaw and Darkstripe gets Ashpaw. Swiftpaw still dies and Brightpaw still is wounded tho.
(now slight precision: I don’t think Ravenpaw would want to be a medicine cat, and there already are two medicine cats, including one apprentice, in Thunderclan. Plus, he’s the introverted kind, but not the scholar kind I think)
Ravenflight earns his name once more when Snowkit is about to be taken by an hawk: jumping way higher than anyone else, he takes it down. Brackenfur becomes Snowkit mentor and Ravenflight is trusted with Tawnypaw.
Tawnypaw doesn’t join Shadowclan, because her mentor has been deeply traumatized by Tigerclaw but doesn’t judge her for him, and he, too, feels out of place in the clan. He tells her she doesn’t have to prove her loyalty any more than anyone else, and to send his way anyone who would give her the stink eye. Speckletail is on her side too because Ravenflight saved Snowpaw and she’s eternally grateful, and so on and so forth.
After Bluestar’s death, Firestar choses Whitestorm because he needs a senior warrior on his side. However during the battle against Bloodclan, when Whitestorm dies, Firestar doesn’t chose Graystripe: he is still quite marked by his previous adventures with Silverstream, and Ravenflight, whom he trusts just as much as Graystripe, if a clan hero. The guy killed a crow, a snake (in canon) and an hawk (in au), I mean if there was some kind of super-warrior class he would be in it.
Tawnypaw and Snowpaw become Tawnyheart and Snowsteps. Ravenflight talks to Firestar about the warrior names and also convinces him not to call Bramblepaw -claw, because harmful yadda yadda. Firestar is ok with that and names him Bramblewhisker.
Skyclan is revived.
Rowanclaw, Tawnyheart, Feathertail and Crowpaw are sent to find Midnight. Stormfur and Bramblewhisker accompagny their sisters. Feathertail dies.
Graystripe is not catnapped because Ravenflight and Snowsteps are there (in my AUs, when there are more thunderclan warriors, due to Feathertail and Stormfur staying in Thunderclan for example, the patrol takes less time freeing the cats, and Graystripe is not catnapped).
Leafpool and Crowfeather fall in love, elope, the presence of Ravenflight, Tawnyheart and Snowsteps, again, means a strongest defensive wave when the badgers attack, and Cinderpelt survives. Cinderheart is named Blackkit.
Tawnyheart, Bramblewhisker and Graystripe are given BerryHazelMouse as apprentices. Ashfur has Birchpaw like before. Tawnyheart and Bramblewhisker are each other’s support system and discuss their weird dreams. There’s no foxtrap on the shore and no Hawkfrost. (-> which means in my AUs that Firestar doesn’t die in the Last Hope)
Bramblewhisker and Squirrelflight adopt LeafCrow’s kits. Later, Tawnyheart gives birth to Snowstep’s kits, who in canon would be Tigerheart, Dawnpelt and Flametail, but here they’ve got other names (for example Specklekit, Goldenkit and Mistlekit). Basically Power of the Three is the same, except they have no reason to help Shadowclan because Tawnypelt and kits don’t come to seek refuge in Thunderclan. Hollyleaf kills Ashfur and disappears.
Lionblaze and Cinderheart are DoveIvy’s mentors, yadda yadda. Dovewing later gets close to Speckleheart (Tigerheart) and there’s no “leaving the clan” problem (pretty sure there’s something like that in canon).
Ravenflight is given Bumblestripe as an apprentice, Brightheart is given Blossomfall and Tawnyheart is given Briarlight. No reason except that I wanted Brightheart to have an apprentice and since i change one of the B mentors i can change all.
When Leopardstar dies, Hawkfrost (still alive because no shore/foxtrap event) ambushes Mistyfoot on the way to the moonstone, but Mothwing defends her and she accidentally kills Hawkfrost. That’s one bad guy less.
Great Battle. Ravenflight kills Tigerstar. Firestar still has two lives left. He loses one during “Bramblestar’s storm” (except it’s not Bramblestar’s). Ravenflight, who’s starting to be old too, asks him if he can retire without putting him in a tough spot, and Firestar accepts his retirement. He names Bramblewhisker his new deputy and dies of some random illness between the Storm and AVOS. From there, it’s Bramblestar again.
Ravenflight accompagnies Sandstorm and Alderpaw’s patrol in the Apprentice’s Quest because Firestar had told him about SkyClan (being his deputy) and he wants to meet them. He either saves Sandstorm’s life or dies instead of her. She sees all the red flags waved by Darktail. They go back to the lake, find the two kittens, and way after, a very old Sandstorm meets Leafstar and Echosong again.
TL;DR: If Ravenpaw had come back to Thunderclan after Tigerclaw’s exile, Snowkit would have lived and Rowanclaw would have been Shadowclan’s Midnight cat.
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exocynraku · 3 years
Okay this is a weird au idea, but Honeyfern survives the snake bite au, maybe because Frecklewish (Thunderclan) was watching over her?
your brain is big - briarkit still almost gets killed by the snake, but honeyfern saves her by killing the snake this time! - after she kills the snake and is comforting briarkit, she swears she sees a grateful glow of two clouded amber eyes hiding in the trees. - everyone goes back to camp. briarkit stays in the med cat den for a little while to help with her shock, and honeyfern isnt allow to leave camp cuz berrynose wont let her - eventually shes able to convince berry to let her out with the help of poppyfrost - she goes back to where she saw the eyes, but finds nothing. - over time, she has many dreams about her life, except in each dream, there a golden she-cat watching her with caring eyes. the same eyes that were watching her when she saved briarkit. - she and berrynose have kits! (these kits replace poppy's kits) seedkit (named after seedpaw), a cream she-kit with golden spots, and frecklekit, a speckled, golden tom-kit who was born blind. honey doesnt know why the specklekit came to her it just... felt right. - berrynose vows that frecklekit will NOT become a medicine cat. there is no way starclan is going to make his son something he doesnt want to be. - the golden she-cat honey has been seeing in her dreams comes to her one last time. she introduces herself as frecklewish. honey now knows why the prefix freckle came to her. frecklewish explains how she was killed, and says she knew that honey would be killed, but wasnt gonna let that happen. - honey thanks her, and frecklewish is able to move on into the afterlife (her ghosts kinda just been hanging around all this time) - seedpaw is apprenticed to rosepetal, frecklepaw is apprenticed to brightheart. this is because of berrynose and jayfeather pretty much forcing firestar to not make him a med cat. (jayfeather wants to prove that a blind cat can be a warrior) - seedpaw finishes her apprenticeship and is named seedcrash. frecklepaw takes about two moons longer to finish his apprenticeship but he doesnt mind. - honeyfern specifically asks firestar iffrecklepaw could be named something,,, whimsical? not sure if thats the right word but sure - frecklepaw -> freckledream. - honey and berry are very proud of their kids. seedcrash becomes thunderclans deputy (brambleclaw steps down or something idk) freckledream becomes a inspiration for disabled cats. - briarpaw is crushed by the tree (this happens later). everyone thinks she'll never become a warrior but freckledream, seed, jay, and alderheart send day and night coming up with ideas to help her. - eventually, they find a old twoleg machine (a toddlers toy bike). the top half is all mangled but the wheels are intact. - through lots of different ideas, and help from a few kittypets, the create a "wheelchair", which they call a roller! - they surprise briarpaw with it and over many moons she's able to move once again! - briarpaw is apprenticed to freckledream. because of her injuries, it takes her a VERY long time to finish her apprecticeship (longer than freckledreams) but after lots of trial and error, she becomes a warrior. - briarpaw -> briardash. - timeskip. briardash and freckledream see each other as siblings and are pretty much inseparable. firestar dies and seed becomes leader. - briarlight never picks up a mate, or have kits. this doesnt upset her tho, she likes being able to do stuff without having to worry about a mate or kits. - freckledream has kits with uhh idk. a she-cat. they have kits. - ravenkit, perchkit and reedkit. and in another litter, birchkit and... maplekit. :)
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fan-clan-fun · 6 years
1/2 for the hypnokits thing!! two of my own OCs :D cat 1 in gobyfoot, a cinnamon ticked torbie w/ white feet. she carries classic+solid, and dilute as well as colorpoint. her mate is spiderwhisker, who's a trans girl. spider is a black smoke longhair, carrying cinnamon, dilute, classic and colorpoint.
2/2 while goby is a fast runner, finicky with her food, and is very vivacious, whereas spider is a bit more subdued and prefers to stick to a close group of friends only. they both love each other very much and are excited for kits. would love to see what u make their kits look like! :D
Apologies for how long this has taken me! I hope that the results are satisfactory though :)
Here are three possible kits for the couple:
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The first is a flame point tom who would normally be a ginger ticked tabby if not for his colorpoint messing with it. A possible name for him could be Valeriankit, or Pearkit, and he seems like he might follow in Goby’s paw steps, although less of a -foot maybe and more of a -storm? So maybe Valerianstorm or Pearstorm.
The second is a chunky but not fluffy silver black ticked tabby she-kit with low white. As for her name, perhaps Squirrelkit? or Specklekit? She might be quieter and more thoughtful like Spider, with greater attention to detail. So either Squirrelnose or Specklenose might make for a nice name.
Last is a lovely solid fawn/cream tortie female with low white, named maybe Amaranthkit or Morningkit. She takes Goby’s vivacity, and Spider’s responsibilty and channels it into natural leadership  qualities. She doesnt have any specific skills, besides her go-getter attitude though, so she likely would be a -fur or -pelt, potentially a -stripe if her colors are considered unique enough by the clan.
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Little Stars (short story)
“I don’t know about this,” Mottlekit said quietly, stopping a few steps behind Graykit.
The kit who was somehow both older and younger than her had gotten an idea, one of her many. The idea was to collect a bunch of feathers and attach them to a sleeping warrior with tree sap. The little kit shook with excitement, her laughter already bubbling up as if she could see the confusion on the warrior’s face now.
Mottlekit, on the other hand, saw the inevitable anger. Seeing Graykit’s exasperation with her, she wished not for the first time to have her friend’s confidence, to do fun things without worrying about getting in trouble.
“I’ll target Firebird,” Graykit promised. “You know how nice she is!”
“That just makes me feel worse!” Mottlekit whined. “But we can’t target someone mean ‘cause then they’ll be really mean!”
For a moment, a dark shadow hovered beneath Graykit’s eyelids. Then, more casually, as if she were trying to convince herself that it was no big deal, she said, “no one gets mad at two dead kits.”
Mottlekit didn’t stiffen, well used to the fact by now, and finally, finally past the trauma of having her fragile body held beneath the water. Her mind went to her mother, how devastated she had been, and then becoming a murderer, a kit-murderer.
Mottlekit and Oatkit hadn’t been sure how to react to Goldenkit. His mother killed them and their mother killed him. Some of the Starclan cats, kind and devastated at the whole situation, had gently explained everything to them as much as they could, but even in their young and confused states, they could tell that the warriors weren’t too sure how to explain it at all, that they hardly believed what had happened. Mottlekit was even sure they wanted to keep them separate to avoid conflict. 
It had been Mottlekit who decided to confront Goldenkit. His mother was a murderer for no reason. At least Poppyhill did it for revenge! She needed to defend her mother’s honour, to take out her anger and grief over her own life at the only one around that she could connect to the deaths. When she had approached, his back was to her, and his golden pelt reminded her so much of the leg that had held her beneath the shallow water, claws digging into her little skin as she wriggled, panicking, fighting for air.
But when he turned around, tears welled in his eyes. Snot fell from his nostrils. Mottlekit recognized the look. He was scared.
 How horrible her death had been, how much she and her brother needed each other’s comfort. Poor Goldenkit had no one, his sister lived on. Mottlekit wondered how it had felt, to be flung over the gorge by a Clanmate you were told by everyone to trust, plummeting to the ground in a camp you played in, a camp you thought you were safe in with a warrior you thought you were safe with.
Mottlekit had offered to show him around, pretending to know everything. Oatkit became fast friends with him, too. Finding out that they both loved the same games was enough to stall Oatkit’s resentment.
It was harder with Ferndoe’s trio, and that was no surprise. They may have been killed by their own mother, which was horrifying all on its own, but she was manipulated into doing it by Poppyhill. Mottlekit couldn’t defend that, and didn’t plan on trying to, but with the three’s insults, Oatkit and Mottlekit fought back.
It was never really bad, in retrospect, kit squabbles and kit-hitting, nothing dangerous and nothing the bigger cats couldn’t put a stop to when it got bad. Goldenkit had been caught between them, his friends or his same-aged nieces and nephew.
It hadn’t been a dramatic final fight or confession that ended the fights. It had simply slipped away over time, and maybe boredom. But eventually the caring over who did what stopped. And after a few more moons, they went from indifference to friends when Specklekit had stopped to listen to an elder’s stories, and as the climax grew, more and more kits were attracted to the tale. When it had finished, they were buzzing with energy and wanted to play it out. It was as though they had never been enemies at all. 
In a way, they never had been. They were simply playing out the parts of their kin’s quarrel. It seemed that in that moment, hopping over each other, playfully smacking each other with sheathed claws instead of unsheathed, they all realized that, too.
Mottlekit also realized, too, that she and Graykit had the same sense of humour. They became fast friends, and Graykit would bring Mottlekit more out of her shell, bringing her further away to do fun tasks that while Mottlekit feared at first, was always glad to have done them when it was over. Mottlekit, in turn, taught Graykit how to settle down and have fun without necessarily doing anything at all.
“I don’t want to do it,” Mottle told her now. As outgoing as Graykit was, she had no doubt she would respect Mottlekit’s boundaries. “And you shouldn’t either, not without your partner in crime to shoulder the blame.”
That was their nickname for each other, as well as Mottleheart and Graystar, names they had hoped to one day have. ‘Everyone knows you would have been a great leader!’ Mottlekit had said. Graystar had grinned before replying, ‘and you my deputy.’
Graykit scuffed the earth in frustration. “Eeeh. But we’ve already done every other exciting thing there is to do!”
“We can put a spider–”
“Did that.”
“Uh, we can trick Thornkit into–”
“He won’t fall for it a fourth time.”
Mottlekit looked around, racking her brain and the landscape for an idea. Graykit took her on so many fun adventures. It was Mottlekit’s turn to figure out a fun task to do. But what would be exciting enough? Thrilling enough to be worthy of all of Graykit’s adventures?
Her eyes stopped at a blinding light in the distance, so far it was almost unnoticeable unless you squint really hard and already knew it was there. The idea escaped her mouth before she could stop it. “What if we go into the Dark Forest?”
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