#Fic Compendium (Ella)
apicelladonna · 1 month
“It’s for the better (good)…trust me, Ari.”
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In another version of that summer, Bathilda Bagshot buried her great nephew in another country...
Far from the corpse of Abeforth and Ariana's older brother who lay waste in the goats' feeding pen.
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apicelladonna · 2 months
Why does this Mads' photoshoot look like a photoshoot in Nurmengard?
Exclusive coverage and commentary!!
The Continental Wizard's own Rosalind Skeeter's interview with wild card candidate for ICW Supreme Mugwump Gellert Grindelwald....
Nurmengard, The Ancestral Stronghold of the Grindelwald lineage, traced to whom? Skeeter's testimony and exclusive photos.
Castle in the Sky, Where in the Alps is it? Find out on page 2
What's in the Dungeons? Your ancient pureblood aunt might be shocked!
Who's your bet's stylist for the upcoming ICW Elections? Muggle florals are in, folks! Find out the meaning of the lavender tie and socks!
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apicelladonna · 2 months
"Albus, meine Schatz. Your student is here. The Salamander fella-"
"Yes, and he has his gang with him," Gellert says lazily as he watched Scamander go through his gates at this view of the tower. "I think they're going to rescue you."
Albus looked owlish as he placed the bookmark on the page he was reading, his tea and sweets left forgotten at the moment.
"Well tell him I'm not here!"
"Oh sure let the dark wizard just waltz out of his castle and say 'Get off my porch you verdammte Kinder!'."
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apicelladonna · 2 months
He paused outside her little sister’s bedroom, noticing the door was slightly ajar. A faint, cool draft slipped through the gap, and a shiver ran down his spine.
"Ari?" he called softly, pushing the door open further.
The room was bathed in the silvery light of the full moon, casting elongated shadows across the floor. Ariana sat up in her bed, her eyes wide with fear, clutching her blanket tightly. Her gaze was fixed on the doorway, and when she saw Albus, a flicker of relief crossed her face.
"Albus," she whispered, her voice trembling.
He moved to her bedside, the moonlight illuminating her pale, anxious face. She was shaking, her hands gripping the blanket as if it were her only anchor to safety. Albus reached out to smooth her hair, trying to offer some comfort.
"Someone’s below my bed," she said in a small, terrified voice.
Albus froze for a moment, his eyes darting to the dark space beneath her bed. "It's probably just a boggart, Ari. Nothing to be afraid of."
He knelt beside her bed, his wand in hand, and took another deep breath.
Slowly, he lowered himself to the floor, peering into the darkness beneath the bed. His heart pounded in his chest as he strained to see what lay hidden in the shadows.
At first, there was nothing—just darkness.
But then, as his eyes adjusted, he saw a shape. His breath caught in his throat as he recognized the figure huddled in the gloom.
It was Ariana. She was crouched under the bed, her eyes wide and filled with fear, mirroring the expression of the girl on the bed above.
The wooden frame creaks.
"Albus," Ariana whispered, "Someone is above my bed."
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apicelladonna · 4 months
Some your middle-aged married Albus&Gellert headcanons?
Where to begin!? These are general musings whether they stayed together in another lifetime or met in secrets during the war.
Albus-Gellert middle aged married fellas let's go
Beverage of choice: Tea and black coffee (Gellert swears that he saw Albus dump a whole sugar bowl into his tea but still frowned and say it wasn't sweet enough for his liking)
Mornings: Albus is a early riser because of his morning classes while you couldn't wake Gellert (night owl) even if it there was a raid unless a necessity.
Bookmarks: Leaf pressed personalized bookmark gift from Elphias- Doesn't or it will crease the binds so he just remembers the page.
When mad: Cold silent anger - passive aggressive temper
Perspective roles: The Sword & The Pen
Love language: Acts of service - Words of encouragement
Favorite body part of their partner:
(Albus: Gellert's hands when they swing animatedly when he is very vocal with his afternoon rants. Or choke him)
(Gellert: Albus' blue eyes that sucked him deep into its trenches and he gladly drowned in them. Albus' plump bottoms/thy lovely peaches to behold)
(Albus to Gellert): 'Dear boy', 'Darling' 'My Cherished Stars',
(Gellert to Albus): 'Schatz' 'Sonnenschein', Any of the languages he can speak that has the endearment close to 'Precious Treasure' he's said it-
Blood troth: Albus kisses Gellert's lips first then the troth, Gellert kisses the scar on Albus' hand first then their troth.
Public Displays of Affection (Albus): Discreet pinky finger holding, the shit you see in Bridgerton and more, says I love you to Gellert with his eyebrow scrunch-
PDA (Gellert): He is a damn peacock with what we've seen in the Lestrange Mausoleum rally where he just shines their blood troth for all to see that he's taken. Basically: This is my husband, have you read his research article regarding the advantages of not eight but twelve properties of Dragon blood? Astounding man he is. Too humble for himself. Here have a copy-
Bedroom intimacies: gone were the days of fiery passion of their youth, when they are in their own little world, when they are alone in their bedroom, a hotel room in europe or where ever Gellert's rallies or Albus' conference were, it was selfishness of the two combined to think they had the time to map out each other's skin, scars, freckles, and marks..
There is no urgency to reach a state of euphoria, each kiss and touch was already bliss in borrowed time.
They will argue for hours end about the most mundane things.
Gellert: Does Albus like me?
Vinda: You do know you are married to him?
Gellert: I know but does he LIKE me?
One time, both were dead tired from their perspective ordeals that they just collapsed on their bed still wearing their coats and shoes.
Clothes: Simple sweaters - vain bastard, only the best silk shirts (Gellert gets colorbinded the minute Albus' wardrobe turned into a variety of bright plum, yellow, and blue. What a way to go-)
Pastime : Discovered a fondness for knitting - Catch up on the books he bought years ago from various old libraries he'd been to in Europe
Godric's Hollow: Will always visit Bathilda for tea if they are in the area and then end their day by visiting and cleaning up Ariana's gravestone.
Favorite color:
(Albus) Gold
(Gellert) Blue
Feel free to add your own takes! Thank you again for this question! I'm sorry it took me long but I wanted to give it my all. Cheers!
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apicelladonna · 3 months
Creator vs. Creation : Prometheus had Blue Fire
There was a creeping silence that followed the loud thud. As if a harrowing realization has reared its head from the dead.
What has he done?
What have I done...
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That is the only line I'm sharing for chapter 1- *disappears*
I am excited to share this because rereading through its last paragraphs, I actually felt some pity for Gellert's situation and now I am being guilt trip by my own work
— Ella, 5 am again
I love Grindeldore I swear this isn't what it looks like!!! Hello new followers of this mad house blog!
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apicelladonna · 2 months
I raise you “The life and lies of albus dumbledore doesn’t happen because Albus visits Bathilda to get those letters early in the timeline and burns them (Along with every other evidences that connects him to Gellert) ala Eliza style fr Hamilton."
(Spends the rest of his days teaching away from the limelight. In his lofty gilded cage of his making.)
Alternatively, Gellert visiting/breaking and entering Bathilda's cottage to get his letters.
And both men alternatively, rereads them and burns them leaving no trails behind. Either to save the other or burn bridges, who knows.
I saved every letter you wrote me...
You built me palaces out of paragraphs- You built me cathedrals...
Do you know what Bathilda said? When I came to collect your letters? She said 'You married an Icarus, he has flown too close to the sun...'
You and your words, obsessed with your legacy... Your sentences border on senseless...
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apicelladonna · 1 month
3 year old Albus whispering to his little rag doll phoenix that his mama told him that he is now a big boy because he has a baby brother named Abeforth.
Little Abeforth does the same a year later, boasting to his befriended goat that he is going to be a big brother to his sibling Ariana.
Maybe, if fates differ, Ariana would be ecstatic to share to the fae or world that she's going to be an aunt to little Aurelius. (When will Albus and Gellert get their own? She thinks.)
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apicelladonna · 2 months
By the edge of the woods where the fairy rings stop...
There is a monster. It looks like a little girl..
But Kendra Dumbledore vehemently denies its existence.
Who knows? They say it did make her husband disappear.
Rumors are so strange in Godric's Hollow.
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apicelladonna · 8 days
(Ferte in noctem animam meam) Grindeldore one shot, post HBP.
Dumbledore’s steps were slow, each one a battle against the searing pain that coursed through his withered body. The blackened, necrotic flesh of his right hand, throbbed like Greek fire kissed it. He felt the corruption spreading further now, creeping up his his upper torso and nearing the place where he thought his heart would be.
The gates of Nurmengard loomed before him, a once-proud fortress now decayed in the shadow of its former master. He stepped through it, the scent of rot heavy in the air. Dead Aurors and house-elves littered the courtyard, victims of the final assault of the dark lord's quest for answers.
The war had turned, its tides sweeping away what little hope had once flickered. Now, that hope rested on the shoulders of the young. All of them carrying the burden of a world too heavy for a hopeful future.
Each step up the spiral staircase was torture. His breath rattled in his chest, and his vision blurred with pain. But still, he climbed. He knew what awaited him at the top. He knew why he had come.
The door to the tower was ajar. Tom had been here.
He paused for a moment, his weary mind spinning through the possibilities. Tom Riddle had sought out the only other dark wizard who had once held the Elder Wand.
He had come for answers, but he would have found none. Albus knew this because he knew Gellert Grindelwald better than anyone alive.
In his arrogance, his pride, his twisted sense of loyalty, Gellert would never have divulged the truth. Not to Tom. Not to anyone.
And now Albus no longer held the wand. Its allegiance had shifted—first to Draco Malfoy, and who knows where after. Perhaps Voldemort had realized this. Perhaps that was why he had left Gellert like this.
Dumbledore stepped through the doorway into the tower room.
Gellert lay crumpled on the cold stone floor, his thin prison robes hanging limply over his wasted frame. His once-vibrant eyes, those piercing mismatched eyes Albus had known so well, were vacant now, staring at nothing.
He was a hollow shell, a body left to rot where it had fallen. Tom Riddle had not even afforded him the dignity of a final word, a final glance.
Albus took a shaking breath, his heart breaking in a way it hadn't in decades. Gellert. The boy he had loved. The man who had turned into his greatest enemy. And now this—just another casualty of a war that had stretched over lifetimes.
With every ounce of strength he had left, Dumbledore knelt beside him. Pain shot through his body, but he ignored it, his focus solely on Gellert. Gently, he took the rigid, lifeless body in his arms, lifting him so that Gellert could sit upright against the stone wall. The old wizard’s hands shook as he closed Gellert’s eyes, those once-bright eyes that had seen so much of the world’s wonder and darkness alike.
There were no words. What could he say? No eulogy would ever be enough for the complicated, tragic life of Gellert Grindelwald. He had been a visionary and a tyrant, a lover and a monster. And now, he was gone.
No one would come to mourn him. No one would check on the man who had once threatened the very fabric of the magical world. In the midst of another wizarding war, with Voldemort's shadow creeping ever closer, Gellert Grindelwald was just another body, forgotten in the chaos.
And Albus—Albus would soon be another as well.
He leaned back against the cold stone wall, his cursed hand resting limply in his lap. The pain was unbearable now, the curse nearly overtaking his entire body.
But for this moment, there was peace. There, in the silence of the highest tower, with the dead all around, he could rest.
Beside the man he had once loved. Beside his heart.
Beside Gellert.
The world could wait a little longer as Albus closed his eyes, resting on the other wizard's shoulder.
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apicelladonna · 4 months
Prometheus, The Modern Tragedy of Gellert Grindelwald
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This account and the fic I'm about to info dump started because I thought re-watching FB3 in 2024 and I quote:
What if it was Albus in the place of the dead Qilin being resurrected by Gellert–who by the way is a crime for Mads Mikkelsen to look that hot while being half submerged in dark magic water being wet and unbothered - Ella, Prometheus had Blue Fire draft at 2am
Bridges burned, Wars won, Hearts tell tale of fury, Gellert Grindelwald does something yet again and the wizarding world pays for it.
aka my sudden hyper fixation with the old gay wizard situationship instead of actually reviewing my final uni tests.
Stay tune, dear gentle readers! Here and at Ao3
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apicelladonna · 2 months
ella what’s the update on chapter 2?
my gdocs:
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apicelladonna · 2 months
And if I say sink, beloved? Further down the trench.
Then waste away, siren! I sleep by the abyss.
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apicelladonna · 3 months
In Between Seconds.
one shot: Albus Dumbledore-centric, on the topic of one (1) Gellert Grindelwald, Grindeldore, Musings.
It is 1991, The Headmaster's office hears a loud crack of magik. Lo, behold in front of him were the same set of haunted blue eyes albeit younger and dimmer.
Or how Professor Albus came to Headmaster Dumbledore for some divorce counselling.
"Good evening," the headmaster said, his eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and surprise. "To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"
The professor took a moment to steady himself, still disoriented from where he once came. "Good evening. I suppose this is rather unorthodox, isn't it?" he replied, his voice carrying the same gentle timbre, yet with an unmistakable edge of youth.
"It certainly is," he agreed, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Might I inquire what year it is for you, my boy?"
"1932," the younger Albus answered, glancing around the room. "And if I may be so bold, what year is it now, Headmaster?"
"1991, Professor." he responded, his gaze mischievous. "Quite a leap, wouldn't you say?"
"Indeed," the younger Albus murmured, almost to himself.
He spared a glance at the desk with the familiar candy bowl still there that he had in his own classroom. "I see we are still fond of sweets even at such age."
"It's the secret to my longevity, of course. There's nothing like a good sherbet lemons to keep a prune like me going." The headmaster chuckled, looking at Albus. He leaned forward and spoke in a calm tone. "So, my dear younger self. Why have you bothered visiting me? Against all our coda on such magik? Time crossing is a fickle thing."
Albus smiled weakly "Forgive the intrusion. I find myself in need of…guidance that only the future could guarantee."
The headmaster hummed, his eyes never leaving the younger man. "May I ask what event has led you to break such a solemn oath?"
His younger self hesitated, then spoke, his voice tinged with sadness. "I just came from a café, where I met with Gel-Grindelwlald. He invited me to reconsider joining him."
A flicker of recognition and sorrow crossed the headmaster’s face. He knew this memory well. “Ah, I see,” he said softly. "Oh the lovely spot, yes. That meeting. A pivotal moment."
"You declined his offer," Albus said, more a statement than a question.
"I did," the headmaster confirmed. "It was not an easy decision, but it was the right one."
The professor nodded slowly, the weight of his own indecision pressing heavily on his shoulders. "He extended the offer for one week. I... I didn't know what to do."
"And how do you feel about his invitation, my boy?"
Albus suddenly looks so small in front of the older wizard and ashamed as his shoulders sagged in his confession.
"...I want to join him.." his voice barely audible. "Merlin, I want to be with him again..."
The headmaster sighed, his eyes reflecting a lifetime of memories and regrets. “Albus, my boy, the path Gellert offers is one of power and domination. It is a path that leads to darkness, to suffering.”
"Love can be a powerful and blinding force," he adds gently. "It can lead us to justify actions we would otherwise condemn. But ask yourself, my boy, does your desire for this friend of ours outweigh the safety of the world?"
The younger Albus looked conflicted, "That is why I am here. Why should we be the one to bear this burden? Do we not deserve happiness? To be loved?"
"I still love him. Even after all that he has done..." he admits to his older self, glancing at him. "Do you?"
And for once, their eyes stilled the same glint of blue. "I do."
He regarded his younger self with pity. He could see how much emotions seep through his face, his heart ached for a reunion.
"You will have a decade before a finality. A lot will change and happen within those years. I have faith in you, Professor." His expression hardened again, his voice firm but compassionate.
"Make the right choice for the sake of magic, for the sake of the world, and for the sake of our own conscience."
"Merlin's beard, I sound so ambiguous when I give out advices..." Albus laughed shakily at his elder self's remark.
Bright blue eyes brimming tears as it has been almost six days since Grindelwald had given him time to think about the offer.
It will be the seventh tomorrow if he returns now.
"We love him too much, do we not?" he asked himself.
" We do. Far too much, my dear boy."
Ella: In my defense, I was brainstorming certain parts of PHBF's logic and it vomited this instead.
May or may not continue unless the wells dry up. This is a WIP until further notice.
What do you think? :"D
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apicelladonna · 4 months
"An eye for an eye, a wand for a wand, a heart for a heart, a galleon for your thoughts."
Prometheus had Blue Fire (Ao3 Fic!) A glimpse-
Summary: Albus Dumbledore supposedly died during the duel of the ICW Supreme Mugwump Election in Bhutan 1932. So how in Merlin’s name is he alive and siding with the infamous dark lord Gellert Grindelwald in his final public rally of  1945? Madness ensued. (Or my trial and error of the Modern-day Frankenstein's Work)
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"...For at the moment, he was more than a man—Grindelwald was an embodiment of something primal and untamed, a force of nature unleashed upon the world.
His rage was quiet, yet seething."
-Chapter 1, Inferno
(Chapter 1 to be posted on Friday!)
This is my first attempt on a world building fanfic! Ft. my sudden plunge back to the wizarding world after ten years and my fave old tragic gay wizard lovers.
Join me in the descend to whatever Gellert was smoking in that skull hookah.
Questions, reactions, suggestions and the lot? I'd love to hear from you!
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apicelladonna · 3 months
"What are you doing here?"
He turns around at the source of the voice, a young lady standing at the edge of the darkness, her form ethereal and shimmering like a wisp of fog in the moonlight.
"Hello," he greets her, his voice calm and measured, "Isn't this where all souls go when they are Passing?"
"It is," she replies, her voice tinged with an otherworldly echo, "but I wasn't expecting you!"
"But I'm already here, aren't I? Am I not allowed to Cross?" he asks once more, gently, to the poor panicking girl. He swears he has seen those eyes before—
It's his own. "Ari?" he breathes, the name a whisper on his lips.
The girl looks at him with fear, her eyes wide and haunted. "You shouldn't be here just yet, Albus. You're supposed to still live a hundred years! Become a headmaster!"
"I don't think I'm suited for that kind of power, Ari," he admits to his sister, his voice soft and filled with a melancholy resignation.
"None is suited for power, brother, but you were supposed to still take it, be burdened by it, not this! T-That!" She points at him directly, her hand trembling.
There is nothing but the impenetrable darkness, a void that stretches infinitely behind Albus.
"What do you see, Ariana?" he asks, his voice a mere whisper, barely audible over the silence that presses in around them.
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What did Gellert do?
-Prometheus had Blue Fire, Purgatorio
well this took a dark turn,,,,this was suppose to be a warm up art!
Chapter 1 of Prometheus had Blue Fire is now on Ao3!
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