gatheringfiki · 1 month
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Drabble Challenge 8 is now officially open!
We are only playing Sat - Sun, so please come back on Tumblr to check it often. (From now on until Sun/Mon midnight whatever time you’re on)
STEP 1: Pick one of the following prompts:
"On the count of three."
Early morning walks while it's still cool out
Elmosolyodni: to slowly break out into a genuine smile when being overcome with emotions, like love or utter happiness.
Marks of belonging
"I made a mistake of thinking 'this can't possibly get any weirder than this'. Sorry."
"You want me quiet? Mmmmmake me."
Buying/renting their first property and moving in together
Independent travel AU
Step 2: Write a quick response of at least 100 words (a classic drabble is 100 words, but we’re making concessions).
We won’t be counting, but the challenge here is to be concise, while having a clear link to the prompt you’re responding to. There is no upper limit, but remember the prompts get snatched pretty quick.
Fili/Kili or any fictional Dean/Aidan pairings, clearly mark your warnings etc.
Existing verses or brand new work are both fine.
Step 3: Refresh Tumblr and use the notes to check the last person that has reblogged this post with a response (IMPORTANT!)
Just ordinary reblogs to spread the word are ok (ignore those), but you’re looking specifically for the latest reblog that had a drabble added.
Step 4: Reblog from that person, adding your response. You also need to copy-paste the prompt list and REPLACE the one prompt you responded to with a brand new prompt (anything you like).
I.e. you claim one and you put one back. There are still 10 prompts.
Step 5: Format your post. Response text and updated prompts list MUST be hidden under the ‘Read more’ button.
Only 2 lines should be visible on the dashboard: 1) which prompt you’re claiming, pairing, rating, verse, possible warnings and 2) ‘Read more’.
Step 6: Tag your response: #Drabble Challenge 8 so that whoever wants to, can blacklist the whole event.
Next person:
Step 1: Find the latest reblog of this post with a response.
Step 2: Pick one of the prompts from the updated list (always find the latest reblog!)
Repeat Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, Step 6 etc. The list of prompts is forever evolving.
This event is meant to be snappy and fast, creating a caterpillar of reblogs, crawling all over your dashes.
How to resolve possible problems:
Two people writing responses at the same time for 2 different prompts from the same list. This is not a problem: So long as the second person responding finds the latest reblog, their prompt should still be available on the updated list. Only 1 prompt is replaced at a time.
Two people writing responses at the same time for the same prompt (AKA my prompt disappeared by now): Find the latest reblog, add your response and add your own prompt as number 11. From now on there are 11 prompts. However, this is meant to be snappy, so please don’t spend half a day writing 100 words…
Meanwhile, @linane-art will kick-start this, and provide the first example.
Have fun! Any questions - give us a shout. If it starts going wrong, there may be a mod reblog, setting it straight again.
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linane-art · 5 months
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Something sassy this way comes...
It probably reeks of horses, cheap wine and sex, and will challenge all three of you to a duel, all at once!
You'd think I'd have something written for it, but no. No writing. Only in my head.
Bonus fullsize Fili
Bonus fullsize Kili (if that's more of your jam)
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i-am-still-bb · 3 months
FiKi Week by @gatheringfiki - Day 2 - 06.23.24
“Love doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints; it takes and it takes and we keep loving anyway.” 
NEW AU - Outlander (1940s) AU
“So what will you do today?” 
“Probably just read, and take whatever tea and treats that Mrs. Baird offers. And I might go out for a walk to look for that henge that Thorin mentioned last night.” Kili sat in the upholstered armchair in the corner of their room. His feet were tucked beneath him and he was curled forward around his book. It always reminded Fili of when they first met. Kili had been sitting in such a position, shoes off, and bare toes wedged between the seat cushion and the arm of the chair. Fine if it was your own chair, but decidedly not fine when said chair was in the University library. Fili had been instructed to inform this wayward patron that he needed to collect his things and leave and not to plan on returning unless he was going to remain fully clothed. 
“Stone circle,” Fili corrected absently. He was doing up the buttons on his white shirt. 
“It’s a stone circle, not a henge. A henge is a circular earthen wall or ditch. A henge can have a stone circle, but you can have either without the other. Stonehenge has both.”
There was a spark of sarcasm in Kili’s reply, “Interesting.” He was decidedly more interested in how the circles were used and decorated than how they were constructed. 
“It is,” Fili responded earnestly. 
“I’ll go looking for a stone circle then.”
“Just don’t get lost. I can join you if you care to wait.”
Kili snorted.
“You’re right,” Fili acknowledged. “But do ask for directions, please? You’re as bad as Thorin.”
“I am not.”
“You both got lost on a street that had no intersecting streets. More than once.”
“I promise I’ll ask for directions.” Kili turned back to his book. 
“I’ll see you later,” Kili said, not looking up from his book. “Don’t stay out too late looking at old and moldy papers.”
“I won’t,” Fili straightened his tie. “Don’t forget to eat something,” he teased. 
Kili hummed and turned his face up for the quick kiss that he knew was coming without tearing his eyes off the page of his book. 
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
“Kili!” Fili shouted into the rain. His voice was echoed by DI Fundinson and the handful of constables that he had been able to gather for a search party on such short notice.
Mrs. Baird had not seen Kili since he had gone out shortly after midday. When the hour had gotten late and the rain had gone from a gentle mist to a pounding deluge she had assumed that he had been with Fili at the Manor House. It had not been until Fili returned, dripping and cursing and willing to murder for a cup of hot tea, that anyone had realized that Kili was missing and had been for hours.
The locals knew the location of the stone circle that Kili had gone in search of. And one of the constables had quickly spotted the bicycle that Kili had borrowed leaned up against a tree near the main road out of town. 
Fili’s hair dripped in his eyes. His torch lit a small circle that was tightly enclosed by fat drops of rain. 
Mud sucked at his shoes. Heather and low hanging branches pulled at his clothes which were soaked all the way through. 
He shouldn’t have let Kili go alone. He should have put personal projects and genealogy aside to indulge Kili’s interests.
Fili did enjoy seeing the old stones, looking at and trying to puzzle out what animals or figures  had been carved into the stones. Carvings that were interspersed with far newer scratchings of dates and initials that simultaneously amused and annoyed them both. But the stones did not hold his interest as long as they held Kili’s. Kili had notebooks filled with the painstakingly copied designs. His letters during the war frequently had at least one doodle in the margins, sometimes that doodle would take up an entire page or more as Kili worked through visual problems. Fili saw them so often that he even began to draw them when his mind drifted during some interminable meeting or another. 
Fili could not see far in the rain. He did see other lights bobbing in the distance appearing and disappearing around trees, other searchers, or a low hill. It was dark in a way that Fili had hated for many years. The dark that seemed to suck and absorb any light that someone dared to put forth. He preferred to stay under the streetlights of Inverness, London, or any other city. But now that darkness made the search even harder.
His voice was raw with shouting when a hand gripped his shoulder.
“They’re calling it a night, lad.”
“Did they find him?” Fili looked over Thorin’s shoulder where he could see the lights gathering together.
Thorin shook his head, flicking rain from the brim of his hat. “Dwalin said that he will have men out here with the first light. With as dark as it is we would only be feet away from him and we wouldn’t see him.”
But he’d hear us. Fili did not say that. Because if Kili could not hear them that opened the door to a whole host of possibilities that Fili did not even want to consider. “I should stay. Keep look—”
“You should go home,” DI Fundinson gruffly interrupted. “You’ll be no use to anybody if you are dead on your feet.”
Fili started to protest.
“Stay at the Manor House,” Thorin said. “It is closer.”
The next day brought sun.
But no sight of Kili.
They did find his old jacket with the frayed cuffs that he refused to replace inside of  the stone circle.
After a week of no new information DI Fundinson had trained dog handlers brought in from Edinburgh.
“I have more in my other account, but I’d have to go down to Oxford to access it.”
“That is a handsome sum,” DI Fundinson said. “I wouldn’t offer too much otherwise you’ll start to attract all kinds of malarkey. As it is, most of the calls won’t lead us anywhere.”
Fili roughly ran his hands through his hair and paced the study in the Manor House. He was aware of how he looked. He hadn’t properly slept in over two weeks. He could barely eat. He was wearing his belt a notch tighter than when he and Kili had arrived what seemed like an age ago.”
“I would give everything I have to find him.”
“Dwalin’s right,” Thorin said. 
“We can always increase the amount in the future. It’s harder to decrease the amount.”
“Why would I want to decrease the reward?” Fili snapped.
Dwalin and Thorin shared a look, but said nothing. 
“They’re saying that if I don’t take up my post with the new term then they’re going to find a replacement!” Fili shook the letter on the University letterhead.
Thorin looked up from his book. He closed it on his thumb. “It has been two terms…”
“But we haven’t found Kili yet.” Fili dropped into an open armchair. Most of the flat surfaces in the study were covered with books, papers, and other detritus of academic life. He scowled and stared out the windows at the snow capped hills and the low clouds that threatened more.
“There’s nothing to do but wait now.”
“I still look!”
“Those hills have been scoured. You can wait for news just as well at Oxford as you can here.”
“I don’t know…”
“I’ll keep you up to date. I’ll send along any news no matter how small. You need to start living again. Refill yourself a bit rather than just pouring yourself into this search. I know you love him, but you can’t just stay like this forever.”
Fili’s voice was small when he spoke, “I don’t know how much more I have to give.”
Thorin does not push him to explain.
Fili leaves in the end.
He moves into the small flat above the bakery that they had picked out together. It was a short walk for the college where Fili would be teaching and only a handful of steps from a grocer and a pub, and a bit further along there was the library and the green.
Kili had been excited to begin exploring the town; absorbing inspiration for his work from the architecture.
Fili did not jump up when the phone rang.
He would have leapt to his feet when he first arrived here. But he’s well settled into his faculty apartments at this point having been teaching for several terms already. The snow doesn’t stick around for long here. But even those dustings have ceased now that  spring has started to creep in. The apartment is less cold and drafty than it was a few weeks back.
But he sat down heavily when he heard the words that came down the line.
“We found him. He’s here.”
“Is he…?”
“He’s alive.”
Fili was on the next train north. 
He thought that this was the end. He thought he had given all he would have to give.
But it was just the beginning. 
Fili would give and  he would continue to give until he was no longer breathing.
Everything @silvermoon-scrolls @metztlilua @I-am-pinkie
Fili/Kili @dubhlachen
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lindariellanthir · 1 year
Art by Nabi3 on DeviantArt
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blvckskylover · 18 days
Good folks,
Damsel in distress is looking for a knight in shining armour!
I really need some restless soul to write Fili/Kili fanfic with Lion Shapeshifter! Fili 🥹 I'll take anything - short, long, fluff, smut, hurt/comfort (maybe not angst)
Just- this idea has been haunting me for a long time. I'm sorry.
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alwaysfarawayeyes · 11 months
GatheringFiKi Trick or Treat event 2023
Trick Prompt: Something in de the Depths
Pairing: Fíli/Kíli
Rating: T
I spontaneously wrote a short prequel to my nearly (!!) finished story called ‘Ripped apart’.
I’ve also posted it on AO3 here. You can read Ripped apart here.
Fíli had seen them looking. They were staring and pointing when Kíli was close to him, when he and Kíli were together, just talking and holding hands. The councilmembers tried to be discreet, but Fíli noticed their scrutiny anyway.
Thorin's new council had formed within weeks of the great battle at their doorstep. The necessity of a council in Erebor had become painfully clear in the weeks directly following the battle. Balin had been run ragged to keep up-to-date on all the rebuilding, trades, cleanup, payments and new citizens, but it was just too much for him and Thorin to manage.
The council had a specific function. Thorin needed them to be his eyes and ears to keep up with everything happening within and around the mountain. They were tasked with researching and advising Thorin on all matters deemed important by them. 
Most of the councilmembers were old, some had even served Fíli’s great-grandfather Thrór.
Most of them were set in their ways, steadfast in their beliefs.
Most of them had rumors of corruption surrounding them, but none of these accusations had ever been proven.
All of them had too much power.
Their staring continued over the weeks that followed. Their whispers stopped when Fíli got too close. Their long documents were quickly hidden away when he walked past them. Something was wrong.
He confided in Kíli first. "They're just old and can't handle the sight of so much love and beauty when they look at us." Kíli joked. Fíli laughed along, but in the back of his mind warning bells were going off. He needed to keep Kíli away from them.
He confided in his mother. She was thoughtful, promising to look into it. 
He did not tell Thorin until he had overheard a councilmember mention Kíli by name while scowling and gesturing wildly. Kíli was no longer safe.
Thorin was busy, he always was, but he generally made time for his nephew. “Come in.” Thorin invited after the knock, putting down a folder of papers on top of a wobbly stack of other files.
Fíli thanked both his uncle and the member of staff who provided them with a cup of tea.
"It was a long day." Fíli sighed after they had both taken their first sip.
"And many such days will follow this one. It is the burden of ruling." Thorin agreed.
"I did not expect to be talking and sitting quite as much as I have been." Fíli confessed.
Thorin laughed. "It is different from our lives in the Blue Mountains and our life on the road." Thorin agreed. "But we can accomplish much more from our seats now than we ever could with our swords."
"It depends on what we want to accomplish." Fíli countered. "A band of orcs can hardly be thwarted from behind a desk."
The fire in the hearth provided a welcome noise during Fíli’s silence. Thorin looked at him expectantly. Everybody knew Fíli rarely visited for purely social reasons. There was always a purpose.
"I wanted to speak to you about the council." Fíli started after a particularly loud pop in the fireplace.
Thorin’s fingers tightened around his cup.
"What about them?"
"Perhaps I've read the situation wrong, but they seem preoccupied. By me and Kíli.”
Thorin frowned, pausing before saying “It seems only natural the council would take an interest in the heir to the throne of Erebor.”
Fíli felt his heart hammer in his ears. Thorin must have said it deliberately. The singular heir. Him and Kíli had always been the heirs, especially since their bond as Ones was publically acknowledged by Thorin.  
“So they are interested in me specifically?” Fíli asked, careful of his phrasing. He gripped his mug to keep his hands from shaking.
“In Kíli as well of course, but you especially. You are the most important Dwarf in the mountain after all. After me of course.” Thorin’s smile was strained. He put his cup down and folded his hands tightly together. “I am afraid our time is up. I want to finish this before I head to bed.”
Fíli nodded as he got up. He tried to smile, but his face felt numb. His suspicions had been confirmed. Something was brewing.
Want to know what happens next? Read it here.
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fililoveskili · 3 months
Pleasure Without Boundaries by KiliDurin
Fili Durin works at a local sex-shop, bringing home a small box of toys every month that will go untouched by him. Behind his back his brother Kili is the one with enough curiosity to try out the toys, and knowing his brother's schedule makes it easy for him to wring out pleasure from his body when he needs to.
Until one day Fili returns home earlier....
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cicolilia · 1 year
I don't know if anyone made a "It's consuming me" video for FiKi before, but I made one anyway, basically includes all the show Aidan was involved.
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Y’all, let’s fuel some fires 🔥 and give our writers some recognition!
Drop your favorite Explicit/Mature Durincest fics/Drabble/Oneshots/Etc. (Can even be your own!)
Let’s get this party started 🍻🍾🎉
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kaetien · 2 years
Fictober prompt #1: “I chose you.”
The Hobbit
Fili reassures Kili of his importance in his life.
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silva-13 · 2 years
Come on, brain, it's sub-specialisation exam on Thursday, let's get some knowledge into you. Fast! Now!
xx error warning xx
xx out of order xx
xx plot bunny's running xx
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gatheringfiki · 4 months
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FiKi Week 2024: 22nd - 28th June
Welcome to one of our favourite events! Yes, the FiKi Week is back <3
During this one week of 22nd - 28th of June we encourage you to post all kinds of fannish creations (fic, fanart, edits, photosets, headcanons, music mixes, anything!) inspired by our beloved short but hot brothers and specific daily themes, which we provide.
This year, we return to the idea of quotes, in hopes that they might inspire a wide range of responses. And so:
Sat, 22nd of June:
“They say there are two kinds of hearts: the ones that love and the ones that go to war.” ― Unknown
Sun, 23rd of June:
“Love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints; it takes and it takes and it takes, and we keep loving anyway.” ― Lin Manuel Miranda, Hamilton
Mon, 24th of June:
“Never have I known a soul more familiar than yours, more worn into softness, more moulded to the very shape of my fingers, so that they may curl in it and hold you fast and steady.” ― Unknown
Tue, 25th of June:
“Golden child, Lion boy; Tell me what it's like to conquer. Fearless child, Broken boy; Tell me what it's like to burn.” ― Unknown
Wed, 26th of June:
“Perhaps you should be scared. I am only what you made of me. Whatever you are, you are enough.” ― Unknown
Thu, 27th of June:
“Baby, we were born with fire and gold in our veins.” ― Unknown
Fri, 28th of June:
“You have always been my fate, my destiny, my happy ending.” ― Unknown
I'm sorry, I've been jotting those down throughout last year, but apparently I have been crap at recording the sources!
Please tag all your responses with #FiKiWeek2024 and/or tag us: @gatheringfiki and we will do our best to re-blog and spread the word!
There aren’t any rules here, guys, except that this is a FiKi only event (no other pairings accepted) - respond to the prompt in whatever way you wish, and have fun!
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linane-art · 1 month
Free Fanart Prints
Folks, I'm having a massive clearout, as I prepare to replace my kitchen. Among the things that are being chucked is a heap of my fanart prints, in A3 size, on regular paper or sometimes white cardboard. They cover most of the fanart I have ever drawn, except maybe for the really recent ones (haha, what recent ones?!)
Would anyone want any of those prints? If not, they will be disposed of - this is your last chance.
The prints are completely free, and you can have as many as you like (including all of them, if you wish, I have about 15x each), but I would ask you to cover all of the shipping cost, please, from the UK.
If you're interested, please let me know ASAP. They probably won't survive the weekend at the latest...
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i-am-still-bb · 5 months
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Erebor Revisited :
The Sacred & Profane Memories of Captain Felix Rivers
A Brideshead Revisited AU
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lindariellanthir · 1 year
Art by creepy9 on DeviantArt! ❤️
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youuuuegg · 4 months
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