marvelslut16 · 2 years
New Mom
prompt number: 14 "Yes. No. I don't know."
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Rating: E(veryone)
Word count: 3.1k+
Warnings: Some Beth hate. Pining. Sad Jack. Angst. Some unrequited love, but overall fluff.
A/N: This is technically a day late, but I had a funeral yesterday so please cut me some slack. I've had this idea for a while now, and fictober finally made me sit down and write. Also, It's my first time writing for CM so I have no doubt that Hotch is OOC. One last thing, this is a lot more Jack centric than I originally planned, whoops.
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Jack is sitting atop Derek’s shoulders, a large sign you helped him make for his dad clutched in one hand, and the other holding your hand. Your arm is starting to hurt at the awkward position and you’re more than a little worried Jack will drop the sign and it’ll blow away in the wind before Hotch gets to the finish line. Luckily he keeps his hold of the poster board and waves it at Hotch when he crosses the finish line. 
Hotch is all sweaty and it’s next to impossible to take your eyes off of him. A part of you wants to walk up to him and just lick the sweat off of his face, but you can’t do that for a multitude of reasons, obviously.  Derek puts Jack on the ground when Hotch walks to the water table, and he grabs your hand before pulling you with him to his dad. You smile as Hotch places his medal around Jack's neck, the soft gesture proof that he’s an amazing dad, even though he doesn’t see it. 
“Did you see the sign (Y/N) and I made you?” Jack hops around in excitement, still holding your hand. You smile at the memory of laying on the grass this morning with Jack drawing stars and placing stickers sporadically while Jack did all the hard work writing out ‘go daddy go!’
“Yeah I did, Buddy,” Hotch flashes a smile at you before gazing down at Jack again. “The sign is fantastic!” 
“Look at you,” you smile widely at him, heat starting to creep up your neck when Hotch turns his attention back to you. “I knew you could do it!” 
“Yeah, you were right,” he concedes, having denied you for months now when you had confidently told him he would be able to finish the race with ease. 
“Can you say that again?” you gasp playfully, leaning towards Hotch. “I just love being told that I’m right, especially when it comes from you.”
“Oh shut up,” he barks out a real laugh, pulling you into a sweaty side hug. In that moment Jack wraps his arms around both of your waists, and for a split second you can imagine what being a family with your Hotchner boys would feel like. 
The team is coming up with places to go grab some food, but you aren’t paying attention, still reveling in the feeling of the arms around you, when a feminine voice breaks through your clouded brain. “Hotchner!” a pretty darked haired woman waves from the crowd and Hotch’s arm immediately falls from your side. 
“Beth,” he practically sighs, a genuine carefree smile over taking his face at just the mere sight of her. It’s like a cold bucket of water has been dumped on you, the cold water seeping into your clothes and into your bones, making you feel absolutely miserable as Jack’s hand is being pulled from yours. “Jack, there’s someone I want you to meet!” 
Like the sadist that you are, you watch Hotch immediately pull the woman into a tight hug, jealousy pushes down on you like a ton of bricks, and your heart starts to crack under the pressure. Sure, you knew your infatuation with Hotch, your superior, could never work out, seeing him like this with someone that isn’t you still makes you want to rip your heart out to stop the pain. While the team looks on at the spectacle in confusion, Derek turns to look at you- you can feel his eyes boring holes into the side of his head as he tries to inside of your brain. 
Hotch, Jack, and this Beth woman walk over to the group, his arm is wrapped around her back and the childish urge to cry arises. Jack immediately runs back to you, burying his face into your back, trying to hide from the awkwardness of meeting a new person. Your heart starts to crumble as Hotch informs you guys that he’s invited Beth to join the team for lunch, and Jack’s little arms squeeze your middle tighter. 
“Pretty girl and I actually have plans,” Derek announces, further confusing the team since he was so adamant about trying this new burger joint not five minutes ago. “I’ve been promising to take her to go see the new Urban Streets photography installation at the Smitsonian. So we’ll have to take a rain check on the team lunch.”
You sigh in relief at his saving you from a very awkward lunch, a lunch you’re not sure you have made it through the whole thing without crying. However, you tense up again when you feel Jack bury his face further into the fabric of your tee shirt, making no effort to move from you and towards his dad, even with the new information. 
“Can I come with you and Uncle Derek?” Jack asks loud enough that Hotch, who’s standing next to you, hears his son despite the fact that Jack’s face is pressed tightly to your back. 
You pry Jack's arms from your waist, turn around and squat done so you’re eye level with him. “Jack attack, you have to go with your dad today, but we can do something together next weeked if your dad and I aren’t on a case.”
“But I don’t wan’ ta go,” Jack whines dramatically, and you can’t hold back the smile at his cute little pout. “I don’t like her.”
“Sweetie, you just met her,” you whisper, you know Aaron is listening, but you lower your voice so Beth doesn’t start listening in too. Grabbing Jack’s hands you stare into his eyes, “you can’t judge someone that you’ve only talked to once. Your dad obviously really likes her, please give her a chance.”
“Not Judging, profiling,” Derek covers a laugh by clearing his throat, informing you that he’s listening in as well. “She’s not you, don’ wan’ like her.”
“Can you at least try? For me,” he glares at you and you know you’ve won. It’s obviously a low blow to use his love for you against him, but if Hotch is happy again you don’t want to be the reason Jack doesn’t get along with Beth. 
In the weeks since the incident at the triathlon, Hotch has pulled away from you. He’s no longer talking to you about anything besides the cases, nor is he inviting you over to spend time with Jack. Instead you're spending all of your free time with Derek drinking beers, whining to him, and taking your frustration out by demoing the house he’s currently working on.  
Little fragments of your heart start to break off when Beth is everywhere you look. She’s in a frame on Hotch’s desk, her and Jack are his lock screen, she picks Hotch up for lunch when you guys have paperwork days, and she’s at every gathering the team has. It’s starting to become too much, losing both of your boys, and having it rubbed in your face. Maybe it’s time for you to move on?
“Are you really thinking about transferring back home?” Derek asks, finally getting you alone during a dinner at Rossi’s. You had purposefully made yourself late so he couldn’t get you alone before dinner, knowing you’d get questioned and lectured since he saw the transfer request on your desktop as you two were leaving for the day.
“Yes. No. I don’t know,” you sigh, taking a large sip of the expensive wine Rossi cracked open, using the time to mull over your options. “I’m really considering it right now.” 
“So there’s nothing any of us can do or say to make you stay here in DC?” his watchful eyes on you, profiling you to see how serious you’re being. His brows furrow and it’s obvious that he can tell that you aren’t lying, you really want to leave. 
“You’re leaving?” a little voice shouts from the doorway, his voice cracking. “You can’t leave! You can’t leave me!” 
“Shit,” you mutter, whipping around from where you're leaning on the island to see the blonde take off out of the kitchen and towards the bedrooms. You follow after him without a second thought, “Jack! Jack, wait!” 
“What’s going on?” Hotch steps in front of you, face worried as he looks from you to his son, who’s slipping into the bedroom he uses anytime he crashes while the team is having dinner. 
“He overheard a conversation I was having with Derek, and he didn’t like what he heard,” you sigh as you watch the door click shut, there’s no doubt in your mind that the lock is falling into place and all you can do is watch from afar. “Please just let me handle this, let me talk to him.”
“Fine,” he lets out a long sigh, glancing at the shut door one last time before stepping out of your way. “I’ll give you twenty, if he’s not out of the room by then I’m going in.”
Ignoring his comment, you walk around him and go to the room, immediately trying the handle and finding it locked like you expected. You thump your forehead against the door in defeat, you’re heart breaking at the quiet sobs coming from inside the room. “Jack attack, please let me in,” your voice cracks at the thought of making him cry, you can feel the eyes from the team and their partners on the back of your head, all of them coming to see what your shouting had been about. 
“Fine,” Jack’s broken little voice answers, he opens the door a crack before flopping back onto the king bed. You take a deep breath walking into the bedroom, closing and locking the door behind you. 
You flop down next to Jack, both of you staring quietly at the ceiling for a minute- you counted- before you finally say something. “Please talk to me.”
“I don’t know what to say,” he grumbles, turning onto his side and away from you. Your heart shatters, he’s icing you out, for the first time ever he’s not seeking comfort in your arms. 
“Jack please-” your cut off when he jumps out of the bed and away from you the moment you lay your hand on his shoulder. 
“No! You want to leave me,” his brows furrow and he looks just like his dad. But your cute observation is quickly swept to the back of your mind when you notice a fresh set of tears shining in his eyes. 
“Sweetheart, no. I don’t want to leave you,” you whisper, hands reaching out to grab his little ones, and you’re beyond thankful that he doesn’t pull away this time.
“Why would you transfer?” Jack looks so confused, you can practically hear the gears turning in his head as he tries to figure out the answer for himself. 
“Stupid grown up reasons,” you sigh, a tear slipping down your face.
“‘M so sick of hearing that,” he sighs, his voice and posture changing to mimic his father. “I’ll tell you when you’re older, you’re too young to understand, you’re just a kid. Just tell me the truth!”
“You really want to know the truth?” you know his last statement wasn’t directed specifically at you, but adults in general. Jack nods, you sigh before continuing, “I fell in love, and that person doesn’t love me back, not like I love ‘im at least. And I see him every day, it hurts so much. My heart breaks whenever I see him so happy with someone else, and I just don’t think I can do it anymore. The last thing that I want is to leave you Jack attack, but I can’t just sit there and see him everyday.”
“He works for the FBI?” Jack deduces, not really the reaction you expected. 
“Well aren’t you a little profiler?” you sniffle, wiping away tears you hadn’t realized you spilled.
“Daddy!” Jack rips the door open and takes off down the hall. Confused, you follow him, is he smarter than you think and he’s figured out who you were talking about? “Daddy, you need to fire him!”
“Fire who?” your eyes widen in shock and you freeze up, you already know what Jack is about to out your feelings, and in front of everyone. 
“The guy who broke her heart,” you miss Jack pointing at you, too busy making a face at Derek who is starting to cackle. “Please fire him, don’t let her transfer!” 
“You’re going to transfer?” Aaron looks up at you and you don’t know where to look, both him and Jack are giving you matching puppy dog eyes. The rest of the team is staring at you in confusion, minus Derek who is watching on in amusement, and Beth is watching your movements closely. 
“I started the paperwork this morning,” you awkwardly clear your throat, Jack throws his arms around your legs squeezing tightly. 
“When were you going to tell me?” vulnerability slips through for a split second, before his face and eyes harden.
“When I gave you the paperwork?” it comes out as more of a question than a statement. 
“I can’t lose another mom!” Jack cries into your thigh and your heart stops, does he really see you that way? 
Everyone starts to fade away as Jack climbs up your legs, realizing what he’s trying to do, so you scoop him up. Jack immediately buries his face in the crook of your neck, and you can feel tears falling from his eyes onto your collarbone, as well as his body shaking from the force of his sobs. You try to soothe him but all that accomplishes is causing your own tears to spill onto the top of Jack’s head. You can’t leave now, you can never leave Jack. You walk back to the bedroom without another word, assuming that Hotch will be hot on your heels since the three of you obviously have some things to discuss. 
But Hotch isn’t behind you, he’s walking to the backyard with Beth. So you shut the door behind you and try to set Jack down. But all he does is cling tighter and cry harder, so you plop yourself on the bed, leaning against the headboard. Jack quickly resituates so he’s curled up on your lap, and you just let him sit there and cry. Hotch enters the room- without knocking- around twenty minutes later, Jack’s tears have dried, but he’s still clinging to you like his life depends on it. 
“Jack,” Hotch sits on the edge of the bed, reaching out and placing his hand on his son’s back. “What did you mean out there when you said you couldn’t lose another mom?” 
“I already lost mommy,” the boy sniffles, removing his head from the crook of your neck to turn and look at his father. “And I can’t lose my new mom too.”
“Why do you see me as your new mom?” you ask lightly, and know instantly that you’ve phrased the question wrong because he tenses. “I’m not saying your feelings are wrong, sweetheart, I just want to know how you started thinking of me that way.”
“We were doing stuff in class for mothers day this week,” you watch Hotch tense up now, you know how much he tries to avoid mothers day for Jack’s sake. “The class was saying everything their mom’s do for them, and you do that stuff for me. You read to me over the phone when I can’t sleep, even if you and daddy are in a different state. You take me shopping for clothes and toys, and you always get me a pretzel when we go to the mall. You make me and Daddy breakfast and dinner when you guys aren’t working a case, and you help me with my homework when daddy doesn’t know what to do. You come to all of my soccer games and buy me ice cream after to celebrate if we won or to cheer me up if we lost. You do everything a mom does, and I love you.”
“I love you too,” you give him a big smooch on his forehead as you start to sob now, you had no idea those little things you did for him meant so much. 
“Did I do something wrong?” Jack panics when he realizes you’re crying. 
“No, Jackers, I think those are happy tears,” Hotch soothes him, and you nod vigorously in agreement. 
Jack reaches out to grab his dad’s hand, pulling him up to sit next to you against the headboard. Once Hotch is situated, Jack burrows himself between the two of you, your hand in one of his and Hotch’s in the other. “I wish you loved Daddy, then we could be a family.” Before either of you can respond, Jack is out like a light, his crying must have really tired him out. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, you still haven’t looked at Hotch once since he walked in the room, despite the fact that he’s been staring at you the entire time. 
“For what?” he asks genuinely, his free hand reaching to grab yours. “You’re like a mother to him, it’s not that surprising, you’ve clung to each other from the first moment you met. I still remember calling you one night when Haley was out of town with Jess, and Jack wouldn’t stop crying. I knew he would stop crying when he heard your voice, and he did, he always does.”
“I don’t want to get in the way of you and Beth,” you can’t control the way your voice cracks at the mention of their relationship. “Not when you’re finally happy.”
“There is no me and Beth, not anymore,” he squeezes your hand tighter, and you can't help but look at him. “We broke up, actually she broke up with me. She realized that I’m in love with you and that I was dating her so I could ignore my feelings for my subordinate, my best friend. But (Y/N), I do love you, Jack loves you, we are a weird unconventional family.”
“I love you too Aaron,” one last tear trickles down your cheek. “I couldn’t stand seeing you with Beth anymore, that’s why I wanted to transfer. But I couldn’t actually go through it, I couldn't bring myself to leave you, and I could never leave Jack.”
“You are a great mother to him, even without realizing it,” you both glance down at Jack.
“What’s next?” you ask bashfully. Hotch leans forward, his lips landing perfectly on yours, mindful not to squish the sleeping child between you. 
“A long and painful conversation with Strauss,” you giggle at his joke, leaning in to kiss him again. 
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captainsophiestark · 9 months
Each Others' Constants
Annabeth Chase x Platonic!Reader
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Gif is originally from this really cool Happy Birthday Annabeth post! Go check it out and give the creator some love!
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Written for Fictober 2022! Requested by Anon :)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Prompt: “I’m not alone and neither are you”
Summary: Y/N first came to Camp with Annabeth, Thalia, Luke, and Grover. Their lives have all taken very different, winding paths, with many ups and downs, and after the betrayal of Luke, Y/N’s first boyfriend, they decided to go far, far away from Camp Half-Blood for college. They come back regularly, but when they return for the winter break of their senior year, after the Battle of New York, they realize they might need to make a point of coming home a little more often.
Word Count: 2,464
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: Major spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, if you haven’t read it, and spoilers for the beginning of HoO! If you haven’t read either, check them out, they’re great!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I came to a stop at the top of Half-Blood Hill and put my hands on my hips as I looked down into the valley below, a smile on my face. I looked over my shoulder to find the cab driver still staring at me, a curious look on his face, so I gave him a cheery wave. He scowled back at me and then drove off, like a typical New Yorker.
I’d missed it here.
Camp Half-Blood had been like a home to me for years. I’d first arrived eight years ago with a group of other Half-Bloods and our Satyr, and over that time, a lot had changed.
Thalia, one of my best friends, had died and come back to life. Grover, my other best friend, became a member of the Council of Cloven Elders. Luke, my former friend and first boyfriend, had turned traitor only to give his life defeating Kronos. And Annabeth, my baby sister in everything but blood, had grown up into an incredible, beautiful, strong young woman.
I couldn’t have been more proud of her.
As for me, I’d left Camp Half-Blood just before Luke had turned traitor, about four years ago now. Instead of staying around the Camp I’d basically grown up in, I’d left for college, deciding to go abroad and see the world after so many years in the same place, happy but afraid of the outside world. I’d come back last summer, to help fight the Battle of New York, only to leave again once the dust had settled for my senior year of college.
Now, I’d just gotten back for winter break. Camp Half-Blood had been my only family for a while now, so of course, I’d come back to spend it with them. Our normal protective bubble had let just the lightest dusting of snow in, and in the wake of the changes Percy, Annabeth’s boyfriend, had called for after the Battle of New York, the Camp was livelier than I’d ever seen it in the middle of the winter.
I took one last beat to survey the scene in front of me, then started heading down the snow-covered hill to say hello to everyone. They’d known I was coming back for the holidays, but so far, no one had noticed my arrival.
As I got closer and closer to the Big House and the familiar (but newly expanded) ring of cabins, I started to get a little worried about why that might be. I could feel a tension in the air that had only ever meant something bad in my experience here, and as I got closer the tone of voices coming from the people rushing about sounded more urgent than excited.
“Hey!” I called, stopping the first camper I came across. I didn’t recognize her, which felt a little strange, since I used to know everyone at Camp, especially those who stayed over the winter holidays. I pushed the thought out of my mind however as I noticed her worriedly looking behind her, like she had somewhere to be. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know…” she started, giving me a bit of a suspicious look. I stared right back, and after a second, she apparently decided I probably wouldn’t have been able to get into Camp if I’d been a threat. “I woke up and everyone was freaking out about something. One of my friends said they heard somebody’s missing, but I don’t know who.”
My heart dropped into my stomach. We’d just survived a war. We did NOT need some new danger, especially not so soon.
“Where’s Annabeth?” I demanded. “Or Grover, or Chiron?”
“I don’t know… you could always check the Athena Cabin?”
I grit my teeth, incredibly frustrated but trying not to take it out on some kid who’d done her best.
“Alright, thanks,” I said, then took off without another word. If Annabeth had gone missing, especially while I’d been away, traveling the world instead of here, with her…
I turned around at the sound of my name to see Malcolm Pace, one of the Athena kids around the same age as Annabeth, speedwalking towards me. I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or more concerned.
“Malcolm! What’s happening? I found a camper who said someone was missing-”
“Percy. Percy went missing sometime last night.”
I put a hand to my forehead, trying to process the news. My gut reaction was incredible relief that it wasn’t Annabeth, but that quickly faded back into a horrible, sick feeling. I loved Percy like a little brother too, and he and Annabeth had finally gotten to their happy ending. This was not good, in any way.
“Annabeth’s in the Athena Cabin,” he said, taking a step towards me and Cabin 6. “I think you should probably come see her.”
I nodded, dropping my hand from my forehead and letting the urgency of the situation clear my mind. I could sort through the worry and fear later. Right now, there were things that needed doing.
First and foremost, checking on Annabeth.
I marched through Camp with Malcolm, laser-focused on my goal. I passed a few other campers I knew and we exchanged curt nods, but neither of us tried to stop and chat. We all knew there were more important things going on now. Hopefully, we’d have the time for small talk later.
We reached the Athena Cabin, and I found a few younger, worried-looking campers hovering outside. I headed for the door and Malcolm made to follow me, but I paused and put a hand up.
“Malc, I think it might be a good idea if I go in and talk to her alone, for a second,” I said. Malcolm nodded and took a step back.
“Of course,” he said, then turned to the campers still hovering around the door. “C'mon guys, let’s go check in with Chiron and see if there’s something productive we can do to help.”
I nodded my thanks to him as he rounded up the stragglers and got them to leave, then turned back to the door. I took a deep breath, then opened it and stepped inside.
I found Annabeth in the middle of the room, papers and notes spread out all around her. She wore one of Percy’s favorite hoodies, and my heart broke a little at the sight.
“Annabeth?” I said, my voice quiet as I slowly approached her. She whirled around as soon as she saw me, and even though I’d seen her just a few months ago, I couldn’t help being struck with the realization of just how grown up she was now. It felt like yesterday she was a little seven year old wielding a ball peen hammer, ready to brain Luke, Thalia, and I when we’d first found her. Now, she was a junior in high school and almost as tall as me.
And she looked absolutely heartbroken.
“Y/N,” she breathed, staring through me as much as she was staring at me. Her blonde hair was a mess in its pony tail, and she had mascara smeared around her eyes like she’d been rubbing at them. I took a few more steps across the room, and she didn’t move an inch the whole time. Finally, I got close enough to pull her into a hug. As soon as I wrapped my arms around her, she collapsed into me, and I could feel her sobbing even though the tears were silent.
“Oh, Beth…” I breathed as I held her tighter. I wanted to take the pain away, but I knew from plenty of experience that there was nothing I could do except be there for her.
We stayed like that for a few long minutes, not speaking, and I could tell this was an emotion dump that Annabeth had been fighting off for a long, long time. Finally, though, she shifted a little bit, resting her head on my shoulder as the tears slowly calmed.
“We were supposed to be done with this,” she finally muttered. I rubbed calm, slow circles on her back as she continued. “When we beat Kronos in New York, it was supposed to be over. Some terrible prophecy from Rachel for the next generation of demigods. Not us.”
“It’s not fair,” I echoed, squeezing her as tight as I could. “It’s total bullshit that after everything you’ve been through, you have to deal with something else, Annabeth.”
She took a few more shaky breaths, but didn’t pull away from me. She breathed in like she was getting ready to say something, but then paused. I stayed silent, waiting, letting her take her time. Finally she breathed, barely above a whisper, “I’m just sick of feeling so alone. With Percy, I finally stopped being alone.”
My heart shattered in my chest, and I had to fight back a few tears of my own at her words. I could deal with my own emotions later, but right now, Annabeth needed me.
“Why did you feel alone before Percy?” I asked, being careful to keep any kind of judgment or opinion out of my tone. She shuddered, and I held her closer, trying to give her all the love and support I could without saying words. She didn’t pull away to look at me as she responded, her words half-mumbled like thoughts she was still working through.
“When I was a kid, we had such a clear, close group, you know?” she started. “It was you, me, Luke, Thals, and Grover against the world. And then… and then Thalia died. And Grover started working on other assignments and his own quests and goals. And… and you and Luke… got together, and you always included me, but… it wasn’t the same. And after Luke’s quest, he started getting more distant anyway, and then you left for school and Luke turned on all of us, and I’ve made other friends here, but… for most of my life, I’ve had to rely on myself. Take care of myself, be enough for myself. And I am enough for myself. But with Percy… it finally felt like I had a partner to go through everything with. And now, after we survived a war together, he’s gone. And I’m alone again.”
I waited as Annabeth finished her statement, gathering my thoughts and just in case she had something else to say. When she didn’t continue, I held her a little tighter, then spoke.
“Annabeth… I’ve felt that. A while ago and even this past semester away from Camp. I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, but… I remember when Luke started pulling away, after his failed quest. He was my partner in things, we told each other everything. But after that, he stopped talking to me. A little wall went up, and no matter what I did to try to tear it down, it was always there. It only got worse as time went on, and then as you know, we both basically lost him for good when he joined Kronos.”
Annabeth took a shaky breath, and I held her a little tighter, as much for my own comfort as hers. I’d worked through a lot of the trauma that had come from everything to do with Luke for the past few years, but not all of it. Still, I shook it off as well as I could and continued.
“Even in college, it’s been the same thing,” I said. “I’ve gone to all kinds of new places and met so many interesting people, but there’s a big part of who I am that I just… can’t share with them. I’m independent, and I’m glad I’m independent, but… I understand feeling like you’re not really connecting with anyone as deeply as you want to. And it sucks.
"But you will always have me, Annabeth. Just like I’ll always have you. And we will find Percy, and then you’ll have him too. No matter how much it feels like it sometimes Annabeth, I’m not alone and neither are you.”
Now it was Annabeth’s turn to squeeze me tight, so hard it almost hurt. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t need to. After a few long moments, where plenty of things passed between us even without speaking, we finally pulled apart enough to look at each other. Annabeth still didn’t look happy, but she seemed more determined and settled in herself. That shattered look I’d seen when I’d first come through the door was gone.
“Thank you, Y/N,” she said. I gave her a light squeeze.
“Always. And hey, I promise I’m going to make more of a point of staying in touch while I’m gone, alright? This semester especially, I think I was running from… well, almost everything associated with Camp Half-Blood and all the history and pain that comes with it. But I don’t ever want to run from you. So letters, more frequent visits, an illegal cellphone, whatever. Whatever it takes to stay more in touch, yeah?”
Annabeth nodded. “Yeah.”
“Okay, good. Now let’s see what your notes are looking like on the Percy situation, huh? We’ve got a son of Poseidon to track down.”
Annabeth nodded and we finally broke completely apart as she turned to start taking me through all the notes, clues, and evidence she’d gathered so far. I stood by her side as she walked me through it all, and whenever it looked like she might be overwhelmed again, I put a hand on her shoulder and did what I could to keep her calm.
Annabeth deserved nothing but happiness, especially after everything she’d already been through. But if problems and trouble were going to keep popping up and getting in her way, then I was going to be right by her side, through all of it. No matter what.
We’d find Percy, and Annabeth would get her partner back. But I made a vow as we stood in that room, pouring over information and trying to reason out where Percy might be, that I was never disappearing on my little sister again. No matter what directions our lives took us in, or how separate our paths became, I would always be there for her. We’d been the only real constants in each others’ lives for about a decade now, and we were going to stay that way for many more decades to come.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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dixonlvr-online · 2 years
Slow afternoon
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Swear words
Genre: Fluff
Challenge: Emotional damage / Accidents don't just happen / "What are you doing?" @fictober-event fanfiction - The Walking Dead
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The loud crashing sound drew your attention to the garage.
It was a slow afternoon in Alexandria, so you were reading a book you’d found in the house, while Daryl worked on his bike. Everything had been quiet, peaceful, until that loud noise rippled through the air.
You set your book down, heading over to see what the commotion was about. When you opened the garage door, you had to stifle a laugh.
Daryl lay on the ground, under the bike, haphazardly pulling pieces from the motorcycle and letting them drop to the ground.
“What are you doing?” you asked. Daryl, who had clearly not seen you come in, sat up too fast and hit his head on the bike. He groaned, placing a hand on his forehead. You rushed to him, putting on a good show of feigning concern, but you were holding back laughter.
Daryl noticed your small smile and lovingly glared at you. He took your outstretched hand and let you pull him up.
“I was tryin’ to get this piece of shit bike to work, before someone distracted me,” he said, placing his hands on your waist.
“Is that so? Well, don’t let me stop you,” you grinned, pulling away slightly just to tease him. Before you knew it, his hands had been replaced with his arms, wrapped tightly around you to hold you to him.
“Yer not goin’ anywhere,” he whispered into your hair. You laughed, letting the weight of him sink into you, fully giving in to the moment.
“Whatever you say,” you said.
For the rest of the afternoon, your book lay forgotten as you helped Daryl “fix” his motorcycle. Really, you just enjoyed keeping him company, and reality was sweeter than any fiction if it included Daryl Dixon.
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Last Chance
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Felix Volturi x SwanReader(slight)
A/N: this is for all of you girlies always asking me for swan reader insert. This is the first and last swan insert because I don’t like Bella.
The Fictober prompt today was “Adaptable, I like that.” I know it’s coming out a little past the due date but I will have a long headcanon to make up for it 🤍
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“I cannot believe you dragged me into this.”
“You could have stayed home. I needed Bella.”
“If you had kept your mouth shut any maybe minded your own damn business this wouldn’t be an issue.” You spat back.
“Y/n it’s fine.” Bella squeezed your hand, “not like we had much choice anyway.” She mumbled under her breath. You were proud of the progress your sister made. It had been a long winter, but thanks to Jacob you had been able to get her to start being happy again. And of course Alice had to come and ruin everything. As much as she hated you, you both knew she wouldn’t push you too far. At least Bella hadn’t seemed too happy to see her old friend either, to both your and Alice’s surprise. She had left you and Jacob in the truck ready to scream at whoever dared to be waiting in our home.
The guilt trip happened after you and Jacob followed her in. Alice explained that she saw her cliff jumping, which yeah not her best move. You knew about the hallucinations that still popped up every now and then, she told you that she was trying to finally get it to go away. Be able to live her life without having to worry about Edward lingering over her. You left a note to your dad saying you were taking a road trip to lift up Bella’s spirit. Charlie loved the improvement but he trusted you, especially when you had helped Bella so much already. Stupid Alice. Stupid Cullens.
You and Bella sat together on the plane ride over, much Alice’s annoyance. You knew why she didn’t fight you too much, the secret had been eating at you since Bella came to Forks. Why Edward made sure to stay away as much as possible, complain as he might he relied on his gift for everything. And you…you alone threatened the very nature of his being. He claimed he was a protector of the family but you knew better. He heard your thoughts and ran.
“I need to tell you something.”
“What’s wrong?”
You started choking up, “you remember when you woke up at the hospital? After the whole James thing?”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. I shouldn’t have let you go to that stupid game by yourself.”
“It’s not your fault y/n. I shouldn’t have gone without you.”
“Yeah but… I wasn’t allowed.”
“I thought—you said you hated baseball.”
You shook your head “No the day before. When we went to the cullens… They had told us Alice can see the futures…”
“Well when you and Edward left I asked Jasper and Alice about their gifts, and Alice was like ‘I bet I can tell you exactly who you’ll go to prom with and what you’ll wear. As of right now you want to go to school for—‘ and it freaked me out because I don’t want to know my future. I asked her not to tell me.”
You still remember everything about that day. How everyone had kept their distance but began as Alice blinked in confusion. Her tilted as she stared you down. Her anxiety must have been high because Jasper began worrying asking her what was wrong, seeming rather frantic himself.
‘I—nothing. I just…I think I need a moment.’ She disappeared with Jasper following a second later. Carlisle said that her visions sometimes are more like puzzles and it takes time to figure them out. You had nodded feeling uncomfortable at the small talk until Edward and Bella returned. When he began glaring at you the second he walked in you begged Bella to go home. You remember her panic at the desperation in your voice but she agreed and the two of you were dropped off. Edwards icy glare never left you. You felt it until you closed the door behind you.
The two of you weren’t supposed to meet his family until the game, but because Bella wanted you to go with her. The next morning Bella was working on cleaning out her truck, you had been reading and were about to go help her when Edward and Alice appeared in your room. You had already warned Edward you would scream if he came in yours and Bella room again after she told you he watched her sleep. He had threatened you then and you warned him you would eat him out to Bella and she would never think of him the same. He played it off then, you had told her if anything happens to you at night or she finds you somewhere then it was Edward. She had assured you he would never hurt you but she gave him an earful over it apparently. He’s apparently never had the upper hand because he’s hated you since. Alice immediately began saying that you three need to talk in private.
‘Give me back my visions!’ Alice yelled as quietly as she could.
‘What are you talking about??’
She crossed her arms and looked at Edward, ‘she has no idea Alice.’
‘Well she needs to figure it out.’
‘And you two need to tell me what’s going on before I yell for Bella.’ They acted as if you weren’t in the room, and in your own home? You were furious.
‘You know we are more than able to stop you.’
‘Edward I don’t have my gift and even I can see how badly that would turn out for us. Think about Carlisle.’
He must agreed because a small growl seemed to emit from his throat, he cleared before talking to you in saccharine tone, ‘Y/n. We need you to stay here for the baseball game today. I need to be able to protect our family and you possibly getting rid of my gift could hurt everyone.’
‘Please. The only ones who protect your family are Emmett and Jasper. I wish you didn’t have your gift either. Maybe then you’d be able to figure out how to actually interact with people.’
His eyes grew wide, and he got dangerously close to you. ‘Take. It. Back. Take it back NOW!’
‘Hey Bells?’ You said as loud as you could. She opened the door downstairs a few seconds later
‘Y/n, did you call me?’
Edward looked as if he could have kill right then. But he took a few steps back, ‘yeah just wondering if you still needed help. I got caught up in the book I was reading.’
‘Yeah sure that’d be great! I’ll meet you out here.’
‘Guess this conversation is over.’
Alice and Edward looked at eachother. Alice glared at you, ‘Don’t ruin Bella’s fun today. Let her enjoy the game, okay?’
Something about the way she said made it sound like a threat to Bella. And no matter how much you had a distaste for Edward he’d been nothing but respectful to her. At least that’s what she had told you. You worried about your sister, you had been separated since you were little. If anything happened to her—
Bella took your story in silence. “I’m sorry.”
“I should have listened to you from the beginning. I thought it was my fault when he left.” She not her lip and shook her head, “You and Jake were right. But I’m not letting him get off easy. We’re going to save him because he deserves to live with whatever guilt he has.”
You hugged your sister. You forgot how much of a fighter she was at times. She had been so determined to save you she was ready to run to Florida scream at Charlie. You had managed to get her to calm down enough to explain. Edward appeared in your room and said if they had their gift they may be more able to help. You saw Alice outside waiting for the couple she’s the only one .you thought could help. You made Bella apologize and told her you would come up with an excuse for Charlie. This time you left a note for Charlie saying that you and Bella needed to take a breather from the accident and took a road trip up down the coast. You knew he wouldn’t be happy but he knew you were trying to keep Bella’s spirit up. Jacob had only helped the two of you.
“So…y/n did Edward ever get his gift back?”
“Yeah, while you were in the hospital he basically begged me to give it back. I gave it back once everyone got together after you got better.” You didn’t mention that this was after you had a breakdown when Bella was on the run and told Rosalie and Esme what had happened with Edward. Rosalie had told you Esme and Carlisle gave him a stern talking to. And apparently it had changed their view as favorite child. You had made sure to try and give his gift back after Esme had talked to Carlisle. Apparently it worked because it looked like he had seen a ghost.
“Should I take it back again?”
“Can you do it from here?”
“No but when I see him maybe.”
“What about Alice?”
“I never tried to take her gift away on purpose. I should have though because then we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Bella chuckled before getting a serious look on her face
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to but he showed up the second I went outside and invited you out to baseball. Then you got hurt and I was going to tell you then but you kept saying how he saved you and you were so happy. And then after our birthday you were panicking and I didn’t know if you candle anything else. And I’m sure you know why you didn’t say anything after they left.”
“I get it but what about when we were with Jacob and found out about why they didn’t like the cullens.”
“Honestly…I just wanted you to realize they weren’t as nice as they seemed on your own and you told me about hearing him. I didn’t think you were over him.”
“To be honest I don’t think I was at first. But after a while I think it was more of him scolding me like a child. He never took me seriously. And I started looking for the adrenaline rushes to spite him. And they did make me happy.” Bella shrugged and the two of you leaned against each other and fell asleep until you landed in Italy.
The three of you sped off in a sports car Alice decided to “borrow.” She had tried to explain herself to Bella but she just looked out the window. You finally arrived at the festival the town of Volterra was having. You hated running but you also had to make sure Bella didn’t fall before she made it to Edward and crack her skull open.
You both saw him at the same time. You tried to make your “gift” work. Once you figured out you could mess with Edward you would often try to stop his mind reading during lunch. You thought it was a fair deal since he was the reason your sister broke her leg. You hoped this would work. Maybe get him to notice something was weird while Bella.
He seemed to falter a little bit.
Edward, you idiot she’s alive. Look up!
Bella a managed to stop in front of the fountain. God you hoped she wouldn’t make a scene. The whole point was Edward didn’t show himself to the crowd. You bought the two of you enough time to get his attention. He took a step back, and the two of you ran up to him. You looked around, a little girl was staring at the three of you. You were sure you had seen the tiniest bit of reflect when you saw Edward and you wonder how much she saw. You didn’t have much time to question before Edward dragged you and Bella into the alley.
He cupped Bella’s face but she moved his hands away, “you were going to kill yourself?”
“Bella I can’t live without you.” He sounded pained she was surprised
“Didn’t you leave her in the middle of the woods?”
“I was trying to save her.” He snarled at you
“Great way of showing she almost died. again. Thanks to you. If it hadnt been for Sam who knows what would have happened.” You made sure to think of Bella being carried to your house
“Bella. Why didn’t you return home?”
“Are you serious right now?” Bella asked, he opened his mouth to say something before his head turned down to look at two dark figures heading your way. Suddenly his voice changed into the annoying fake politeness he treated everyone else with.
“Greetings, gentlemen. I don’t think I’ll be requiring your services today. I would appreciate it very much, however, if you would send my thanks to your masters.”
God his tone was so condescending, it was clear that neither fell for it. The taller of the two spoke, “Shall we take this to a more appropriate venue?”
“I don’t believe that will be necessary.” His cool tone was now, gone and replaced with an icy retort, “I know your instructions, Felix. I haven’t broken any rules.” Suddenly you were furious again. You wished that he couldn’t use his gift again. And instantly his anger was directed at you
“What are you doing??”
“Keeping your mouth shut. They obviously aren’t asking. So lets just go and get this over with so no one gets into any trouble. Yeah?” The tall one, Felix tilted his head. Seeming somewhat amused at the scolding you gave Edward. Not that you could see much at this distance
The shorter one chuckled and came close enough to see his face, “Felix merely meant to point out the proximity of the sun. Shall we seek better cover?”
“I’ll be right behind you.” Bella, go with Y/n. Why dont you two enjoy the festival.
“No. Bring the girls.”
“I dont think so.” Edward looked like he was ready to attack but if your history lesson with Carlisle served you, he didn’t stand a chance. He honestly looked like Alice would be able to take him. You were so tired at this point.
“For Gods sake. Edward you look like your about to crumble into dust. You’re not winning any fights. Bella?” You offered her your hand, “Come on, we knew the risks.” Bella grabbed your hand and you waited for the two men to show you the way. Edward sulked behind you. After a couple minutes Alice glided in.
“You don’t mind if I join, right boys?” The two continued to walk, with you and Bella close behind.
Alice caught Edward up on Bellas life. Her reasonings for cliff jumping. Not that it was any of his business. Your group ran into another much smaller vampire, but by the way everyone reacted you could tell she must have been powerful. They called her Jane, Bella squeezed your hand. A silent exchange passed between the two of you as you saw her disappear into what seemed to be a storm drain. You squeezed it back letting her know it would be okay. Alice went first, I suppose to catch our fall. Bella went first. You hesitated only because it was Alice that was going to catch you. Felix suddenly went down before you, I guess since Bella was down there, there was no reason for Edward to leave. They’d probably find him anyway.
Demetri gestured for you to follow, you called out into the darkness “You’re going to catch me right?”
“Dont trust me y/n?” Alice joked
“No.” You were most definitely not joking.
You heard a chuckle then Felix’s voice, “I’ll make sure you don’t hurt yourself.”
Good enough for you, you jumped down preparing for a much harder impact. Felix caught you and gently began to place you down. He leant forward as he let your feet hit the ground, “Adaptable. I like that.” He whispered
You found yourself chuckling, “wouldnt want to break anything too close to this many vampires, right?”
“SUre.” he smirked. You went to grab Bellas hand again, you could barely see her in the darkness but you felt like she was raising her brow at you, questioning what she just heard. You simply shrugged and waited for Edward, and then the other vampire, Demetri to join you. Immediately the light was gone and there was no way you would be able to see anything. Edward offered to guide Bella but she pulled away again. You heard some kind of sigh before your other hand was placed in the crook of someones arms. Felix. You felt your face get hot and you hoped their eyesight wasnt good enough to see the redness surely creeping up on your face. You found yourself disappointed when you reached the hallway and the lighting was bright enough for you to see again. 
The only time Bella talked to Edward was about the secretary you passed on your way to the most spectacular looking room youd ever seen. You knew it was called the throne room but the name didnt justify the grandeur of the architecture, not just in this room but the main building you had walked through. You felt as if you had gone on a very private tour you would never be able to afford. Everything was slowed down. You barely registered anything anyone was saying, if you were going to die at least this was a pretty place to do so. You felt the need to curtsy once in front of the three leaders of Volterra. The leaders of their kind. You slightly bowed your head as they eyed you. You realized the people who had come to collect you had gone and taken their place in respective areas of the room. You and Bella clung to each other as the one you would find to be Aro began to speak, you continued to dissociate until you heard your sisters name.
“And Alice, Bella, and Y/n too!” This is a happy surprise! Wonderful! I do love a happy ending.”
You zoned out again as he began to praise Alice. Ugh, it was her fault we were in this mess to begin with. You found yourself staring at Edward, he was becoming more and more frantic as he realized his “gift” hadnt returned. Aro eventually asked to read his mind. Only then realizing what I had done. You debated doing the same to him but you felt eerily calm. This man was of no threat to you.
“Interesting. A girl who is immune to your powers Edward. And another who seems to be able to take them away.” This got the attention of Caius. Who suddenly seemed interested.
“May I?” He asked Bella. She held her hand out and Aro laughed as he found he could not read her mind either, he turned his attention towards you and you simply outstretched your hand. “Interesting, truly fascinating. A first. I wonder if your abilities are immune to our other talents.”
He called for Jane, Jane glared at Bella but Edward tried to be a hero and doubled over in pain. Once Edward was subdued she looked at Bella again. Nothing. You could tell she was upset, she was young no more than 11 it seemed and it was clear she wanted Aro’s approval. She looked at you. You begged whoever was out there for her gift to not work. You were lucky, so very lucky. Aro placated the child and asked Edward and ALice if they would like to stay in Volterra. They promptly declined when he turned to you and Bella, you were both stunned. Caius said the Cullens had broken the law, humans are not supposed to know about them and he was right, Edward made it clear everyday how he hated what he was and would never wish the same on Bella. We had no choice, either we turn or we die. Alice offered to change Bella but you both put together that this did not include you. You squeezed her hand before stepping forward.
“I’ll join. I just--our father...is there anyway you all could stage an accident. If he thinks we ran away he will never stop looking.”
“Bell you’re free to make your own choices. But I’m not ready to die because your boyfriend is an idiot.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” she grumbled, then she straightened and walked next to you and placed her hand in yours. “I’ll stay with my sister.”
“Bella. You dont know what youre doing.”
Bella began shaking, all the sadness she had felt for those first few, terrible months had turned to anger once you and Jacob began bringing her out of her shell again. She was done listening to him, “You lost the right to worry about me when you left me for dead in the woods. I’m staying.”
“How exciting!” Aro clapped, “Felix, would you take Bella and y/n to the room next to Heidi’s? She’s about to come and we wouldn’t want to make a bad first impression on our guests.”
Felix nodded and walked you two out of the rom. You looked back at Edward who was still clenching his fists. You hope neither of them ever got their gift back. He apologized before grabbing both of you and dashing to where you were to stay until they were done feeding. Apparently Carlisle was on his way as word of this whole debacle was just reaching him. You both cried. Realizing your life was over and you hadn’t even had a chance to say goodbye to your dad. Bella continued to apologize saying she should have let Edward go through with it and you apologizing for giving in so quickly. You tried to recount the events of today.
“I didn’t think I had any feelings left for him.” Bella said quietly after the two of you had been sitting alone for some time.
“I’m sure you had a lot left to say to him. It makes sense.”
“Should I have let that Felix guy-“
“No. Empathy is not something to apologize for.”
“Speaking of. Anything you want to tell me?” She offered you a smile so genuine it almost made you cry again.
“He seems nice.”
“Sureee.” You smacked her arm and after a bit more talking about the chances of what would happen to you now that you were here. It didn’t take long for the two of you fell asleep. You woke up to the knocking first
Aro and two women walked in together. Bella woke up slowly but quickly sat up when she realized what was happening. “Already?”
“Not to worry, we won’t turn you for a while until you are ready. This is my wife Sulpicia and this is my sister Athenadora, Caiuss wife.”
“Nice to meet you.” You both kept your head down. Aro explained he would try and change us around 25. Which meant you would be changing first. Renee had chosen Bella because she wasn’t in her terrible threes when she left. You had around 5 years left.Bella had 8. Bell tried to insist she would rather get it out of the way now but you begged her to wait until she was at least 21. Aro laughed at your bickering. Sulpicia and Athenadora explained how Heidi would help the two of you settle in. Get clothes, books, decor for the room. Supposedly she had a real knack for it. They also told you that while you would be sleeping together for the first few nights you would each have supérate rooms until the both of you had changed. Athenadora insisted that you two get separate rooms that connect together so you could continue to hang out as sisters. This made Bella tear up, you were both expecting to be painfully changed and now everyone had been nothing but kind. You wondered if Rdward had actually met Aro or anyone in the volturi. Temporary pajamas were brought by Heidi and Bella collapsed immediately. You were too excited to sleep and found yourself pacing in the room wondering what you were going to have to do, you were going to need to know who you could talk with. You were going to need support. Felix and Demetri seemed nice. Your thoughts lingered on Celis and you felt the corners of your lips perk up. You jumped at the knocking at your door.
“Hello, y/n are you getting settled?” Felix. You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren’t dreaming
“Uhm hi Felix. It’s okay for I suppose.”
“Can’t sleep?”
“Not really…”
“Hmm that won’t do.”
He shook his head, “would you like a tour?”
You looked behind you at your sleeping sister, more at peace than she had been in a long time. You didn’t have to worry about her falling backwards anymore, you wanted to be happy too. You looked back up at Felix and looped your arm in his, “I would love a tour.”
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Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @artaxerxesthegreat @aunt-pipie @heartrise @imtoanonymousforyou @lacychick @quartly @venusdelaroix @volturiwolf @xcastawayherosx @jelly-fishy-babie
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bogusboxed · 2 years
Boxtober -  Day 20: “Headcanons For Cuddling The Proxies.”
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Day 20:
-Proxies (+ Clockwork!) X GN!Reader
“There’s only us.” x “Falling Asleep Together”
-I do not own any of these characters and do not take credit for them.
-If we’re talking post-Brian after Marble Hornets, it isn’t a common thing that happens between the two of you, but when it does, it's very special to him.
-He may not show it, but he enjoys cuddling with you a lot. This is because he likes to ensure you're safe and also since he doesn’t get breaks from his missions often.
-If you're typically a sleepy person and you decide to sleep on his shoulder, he won’t wake you up. He’ll probably just let you snooze until he has something to go take care of. But if you're on a mission with him, expect to be woken up or expect something random to happen.
-He also likes to lend you his hoodie as a blanket because he finds it cute.
-His favorite part of cuddling would be when you fall asleep. It warms his heart to see you completely tranquil around him, even when he could snap you like a twig.
-One time you fell asleep on a mission with him, and he just left you there in the middle of the forest.
-This is extremely rare, even more, rare than Brian. This goes for pre and post, but mostly for post-marble hornets. 
-Tim isn’t the type to cuddle up to you, especially in the early stages of your relationship.
-But you'll find one day, maybe during a movie or show, you're cuddled up to him and he seems into it. And eventually, it leads to cuddling.
-Tim is the best at cuddling, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense due to him not being into physical touch. But, he still manages to be the best at it.
-Expect to be scented like coffee and cigarettes by the end because it's Tim and there's no way he won't try to smoke. Unless you say otherwise, but, yet again, you can't stop him if you're asleep. But he won't do it if you can't handle it or if you're awake staring him down.
-If you were to fall asleep on him, he’d probably wake you up and put you to bed. Or he would try and slowly make his way out of the situation. Then, put a blanket on you and call it a day.
-Though if you fall asleep on him during a mission. He’ll wake you up, but it doesn't mean he’s not incredibly concerned about why you're so tired. And will insist you go to bed in his truck after the mission. Also, he’ll probably give you his flannel as a blanket.
-He’s got a lot of personal problems, so it just takes a lot out of him to try. He is, however, willing to try for you.
-He’ll never admit to it, but, after a while, he finds himself enjoying the physical touch, specifically after a long stressful mission.
-You had plans in the morning? Too bad, because you're stuck with him until he gets a random burst of energy to get up.
-This man is not going to let you go anywhere if he wants to hold you or you to hold him. And it's not him verbally telling you to stay, it's just him having an iron grip on you, making it impossible to escape. 
-He typically likes physical touch constantly and enjoys cuddling daily. However, sometimes he can get grouchy and push you away for a little while. But, try not to worry too much because he’ll be back soon.
-If you fall asleep on this man during a mission, he will be extremely fidgety and may wake you up by accident. But don’t worry, he’ll make up for your lack of sleep later with a good amount of cuddling.
-A bad side to this would be that if you were to deny him of his physical affection, he’d probably ignore you for an hour. Depending on your mood, this could be a good or bad thing.
-Also it would be extremely rare to be lent this man’s hoodie due to the fact he never takes it off other than when it has to be washed. So, if he gives it to you, make sure to thank him and use it.
-After a long, harsh mission, expect him to be even more clingy than he typically is. It’s mostly because he misses you and just wants your attention.
Kate The Chaser
-How did you manage to get her to cuddle with you?- 
-She’s constantly on the move and can’t stay in one place for very long. But, if you can manage to get her to cuddle with you, it’s very sweet and heartwarming. The cuddling normally involves her hands against your arms and whispering sweet nothings to you to try and coax you to sleep.
-Though physical affection may not be her favorite thing it doesn’t mean she will deny you of it. Because she loves you too much to not give in to your pleas for a cuddle.
-Her favorite thing about cuddling with you is the times she gets to fall asleep with her chin on the top of your head. It makes her feel safe and on top of everything.
-If she gets paranoia, expect her grip on you to increase. She’ll use you to ground herself if things start to go haywire for her.
-If you fall asleep on her during a mission, she won’t mind at all and will let you sleep, unlike the others. She’ll even leave you with her hoodie if it makes you sleep any better. She knows that the operator pushes all of you, so she doesn’t mind giving you a break. And by the time you wake up, the entire mission is already over with and she’s carrying you back in bridal style.
-She doesn’t mind doing any lovey-dovey stuff in front of any of the other creeps. And won’t mind if you start snuggling up to her randomly. But do expect her to return the favor.
-Oh boy. 
-She loves cuddling with you whenever you let her, and she’ll typically spoon you unless you want it the other way. And if you can manage to spoon her, she loves it when you play with her hair.
-She also tends to prefer physical contact over other things and loves to see you wear her jacket. It's one of the best things for her. She just loves seeing you rock her staple outfit and sees it as a necessary thing for your relationship.
-Unlike most of the people on this list, she will show you she loves you and her cuddling by straight-up telling you. She will praise you constantly for cuddling with her and, in all honesty, just wants to smother you in her love.
-And if you fall asleep on her during a mission, she’ll probably fall asleep with you. So if you want a mission to go smoothly, try your best not to fall asleep, or else you are going to have to deal with the operator. 
-She flexes the fact you and she are together to a plethora of other creeps to the point you’ve had people you’ve never met before come up to you. And if you want her to stop, just tell her. It wouldn’t stop it completely, but it'd stop a good portion of it.
-Though if someone makes fun of you, expect to stop a fight. To her, it's onsight to whoever dares mess with her partner. She will not hesitate to beat a bitch up.
[A/N -
Today had been absolutely horrendous and I am holding on by a string so, take some HC's in the mean time!!! <333
Sorry for the shorter post like I said today has not been my day and I feel like total crap. I wasn't even planning on posting today but, I gotta keep up that streak so, please forgive me!! <333
love you guys!!! ]
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 2 years
7 - Horror House
Prompt: #7 “Check that again, are you sure?”
Fandom: Scream Five (Chad Meeks-Martin x Reader)
Word Count: 583 words.
Warnings: Blood, killing, swearing.
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“Help me!”
You scream out those words as you run through Amber’s house, blood spread all over your skin and clothes as you cry out your friends’ names. But none of them answer you, the party that raged thirty minutes ago now replaced with a deadly silence.
Your eyes widen when you run into someone’s chest, and you give out a scream.
“Hey, hey, hey! (Y/N), it’s me!” Chad grabs onto your shoulders to make you look at him, his eyes filled with terror and worry when he notices your state. “Jesus Christ, (Y/N)! Did the killer stab you? We need to get you to a hospital-”
You give out a cry, both relieved to have found your best friend. “This isn’t my blood…”
Chad’s skin pales at your words, but he comes back to reality when you grab onto him and cry out some more.
“The killer came out of nowhere, and she stabbed Richie!” You hold onto him tighter, not caring if you stain his clothes. “She tried to kill me, but I got away!”
“She?” Chad holds you back, his mind filled with questions as he listens to your crying rant. “You know who the killer is?”
You hum and nod in agreement, almost chewing your words before they pour out. “It was Liv.”
A silence follows and Chad’s grip on you tightens for a moment. “Liv? Check that again, are you sure?”
Your heart drops. “Yes, I’m fucking sure, Chad.”
“I mean… maybe you’re mistaken. Maybe… Maybe she was trying to help you!”
You free yourself from his grip to send him a glare. “By trying to plunge a knife into my chest?”
“Okay, okay, you’re right, this is dumb… but this is Liv we’re talking about!” Chad gives you a shaky smile, his eyes telling you that he doesn’t want to believe his girlfriend could do something like this. “She could never hurt a fly!”
“She tried to stab me!”
“Well, maybe she thought you were the killer.” He notices the unbelievable look on your face, and he opens and closes his mouth a few times. “I mean… mistakes like that happen all the time, right?”
You take a step back from him, your head shaking as you feel the tears fall from your eyes. “You don’t believe me?”
“(Y/N), of course, I believe you! It’s just…” He shakes his head as well, a sigh escaping from his lips. “It’s just so hard… how could someone close to us want to kill us?”
“I know.” Your lips stretch out onto your cheeks in a cruel smile, your hand grabbing the knife you left in your jeans backpocket. “You should have seen Liv’s face when I cut her throat open.”
His eyes widen, shock spreading faster than his feet can move. “What?-”
He gives out a scream when you plunge the knife into his chest, his blood splattering on his face when you take it out in one quick pull. Chad’s hands fly to his wound, desperately trying to stop the blood from pouring, but he can only fall on his knees as he feels himself weakening. He looks back at you, a glint of confusion, fear, and betrayal in his eyes.
“I love you, Chad. Well, loved you.” You slightly lose your grin. “You should have asked me out instead of Liv.”
That’s the last thing he hears before the life quit his eyes, and the remaining compassion you had for any of your friends washes away.
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rosaliesimp · 2 years
Fictober 2022: New Kid in Forks
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Jasper Hale x You
Prompt: How would that even work?
a/n: You're Bella's sister, nicknamed Sunshine for your innate ability to make others happy. Everything is essentially the same, but Bella is a sophomore instead of a junior when she moves to Forks. You also are in on the secret, for the sake of the story.
Part 1 of 2
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You weren’t expecting everything to go so south, so quickly. Well, north would be the better term, but it didn’t fit with the saying.
You had managed to hold your mother back for a few months, but the moment Bella came back to Phoenix, she begged you to come back to Forks with her.
“Sunny,” she started. You cringed when she used your nickname, remembering how much you loved your sister. “Sunny, please,” she begged.
You had heard the stories about Forks. Even though Bella really just liked it because of her boyfriend, she had told you how there was never, ever sun. Your nickname suddenly seemed unfitting.
“It’ll be so fun. Charlie would love to see you again,” she suggested. That broke you. It had been years since you went to see Charlie… since elementary school. “Fine,” you muttered.
She clasped her hands together with glee, then turned to Edward, her boyfriend, her new ray of sunshine. “Edward, did you hear that? She’s coming with us!”
He certainly heard it the first time, he was only a few feet from her hospital bed, but he smiled nonetheless.
Your sister, darling Bella, had convinced you to move to Forks with her. Really, it was more of guilt tripping, but it worked either way.
You tugged your large bag up the porch stairs, and huffed as you stopped just inside the door. “Charlie’s home!” Bella called, already upstairs and inside her room, probably with her weird boyfriend. She had to tell you about his true nature, or perhaps lack thereof, to get you to stop pestering.
You scanned the room around you, and a muffled sound clued you in. “Hey, Sunny,” he said. “Dad!” you cheered, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He was never one for all those lovely dovey things, but his grasp on you was firm and warm. You missed this.
“Here, let me take your stuff. I don’t have a good place for you to stay… but you can try the upstairs office. It’s a little cramped, though,” he said. You shook your head.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. Anything else I should do before school starts on Monday?” you asked. He shook his head this time. “It’s fine. Being chief has its perks, and apparently, one of those is fast paperwork,” he said, taking a sip of the hot coffee he picked up from the table.
You gave him one last hug for good measure, and hurried up the stairs.
He was right. The room was cluttered, but it would make a good writing room. There was a cold draft coming through the room. You hurried to shut the windows, and realized that they were shut. You shivered, and opted to hunt for some blankets for the small bed they had in the room.
Several fleece blankets later, you had covered yourself completely and were snuggled up tight underneath them.
The weekend passed too quickly, but things could’ve been worse. You knew three people in town, and while two of them were your family, two of them also went to high school, meaning you wouldn’t need to flounder about.
You had a backpack full of textbooks when you met up with Bella and Edward for lunch. They smiled as you approached, Edward just slightly holding Bella off the ground. She was still in need of a wheelchair, but with Forks High School being… not exactly the best place for them with the rainy sidewalks, Edward made a nice replacement for both emotional and literal support.
He held her waist in a way where she could almost walk, and motioned for you to follow the two of them. You held the door open for them, and Bella looked back at you, a beautiful smile on her face. “My dear Sunshine, hurry before you don’t have a place to sit!” she said, a rushed tone in her voice.
“No, no! I don’t mind trailing behind with you. And don’t use my nickname so publicly!” you added in a whisper. She shrugged.
You watched as Edward carefully and quickly sat Bella down in a chair, then took the open seat on her other side. Looking at the tenants of the table, your jaw almost dropped. They all seemed to smile, though not quite as menacing as someone of their species would normally.
“Bella,” you hissed, “you didn’t tell me there were more!” She shrugged as if it were nothing. “Edward isn’t that lonely,” she tried, but she seemed a little apologetic for not informing you.
She gave the whole table an awkward smile, and turned to you. “So!” she started, and the other girl on your left turned right toward you, a bright smile on her face. “I’m Alice! Bella and I go way back. Or, I guess, way forward!” she laughed.
Bella leaned up in your ear. “She sees the future. She’s just a little… eccentric like that,” she whispered. You nodded along. Alice took over from Bella, pointing at each member of the table as she introduced them. Edward—of course—and Bella, the picturesque couple. A beautiful blonde and a muscular man, who were somehow worse than the previous couple, introduced as Rosalie and Emmett. Alice pointed to herself as she said her name, then did a dismissive hand motion in the direction of the end of the table. 
He looked tired, worse than all of him. His hair, blond and just a little long, was a little bit unkempt. He was focused on a book on the table, but he didn’t seem to be reading it. Alice cleared her throat and he snapped back to life, shutting his book.
He took a moment to focus his gaze on you. You both smiled, though his smile seemed to have an edge to it. He stood up, and extended his cold hand. You took it, and nearly had your hand crushed in his firm grasp. “Jasper,” he introduced. “Sunny. Or Sunshine. Or really, just my name,” you laughed, watching his amused smile grow.
“Pleasure to meet you,” he said, then sat back down. There was a hint of an accent in his voice, and you couldn’t quite place it.
Alice glanced between the two of you, and a shit-eating grin appeared on her face. Edward seemed shocked, but quickly regained his composure. “How would that even work?” he asked Alice, voice hushed like a whisper.
Her eyebrows knitted together, and Edward looked away with a sigh. He shook his head in disagreement. You glanced at Jasper, who seemed to have the same idea.
Weeks passed. You realized that you and Jasper had quite a few classes together, and boy oh boy, was he interesting. He was born in Texas, fought in the Civil War, and after realizing that he didn’t feel right about fighting against someone’s right to live, he ran away. Some lady named Maria took him in, then turned him. Crazy life story, but that’s how he got to where he is.
He claimed that he’d never found a mate, but that might change, and you got the idea that he looked at you as a hint to something.
In the beginning of your senior year, you expected everything to continue the same as it did before. And then, Jasper asked for your full attention.
You closed your book, and stuffed it in to your bag, nervous, but anticipating what you could only pray would come from his mouth. He smiled too. “Do you want to go to the Forks Fall Fest?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Part 2.
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asgardwinter · 2 years
no vacations | fictober 22
fictober day 01 | “I chose you.”
summary | You might joke about that a lot, but you’d choose Robin Buckley to be your girlfriend in every fucking universe.
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fandom | Stranger Things
pairing | Robin Buckley x fem!Reader
warnings | tiny angst, full of fluff, implied bisexual reader, first time writing for Robin so it may not be that good
word count | 386
author’s note | kicking in fictober with our dear Robin Buckley, I hope you enjoy this little blurb and I hope you like this whole month's schedule :)
🍂 Fictober 2022 🍂 Taglist 🍂 Robin Buckley Masterlist 🍂
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The moment your eyes landed on your girlfriend’s frame you felt your heart bubbling inside you more than normal. Of course, every single time you thought of her you had that funny feeling awake inside you, but just like that seeing her right in front of you added an extra thing.
You looked around to see an empty store, with Steve in the back organizing some tapes. Just the perfect scenario for you to act.
Carefully, you sneaked towards your over-concentrated girlfriend and hugged her from behind, probably almost giving her a heart attack.
"Holy shit, you scared me!” She shouted, looking back at your smirking face and trying to sound mad.
You pecked her lips softly, in a rushed way to redeem yourself before she could think of a payback. “What? Just passing by to see how my girl is…”
“Well, she is hella tired and really needs vacations.”
“Sorry, I’m your girlfriend not your boss.”
“I know.” She said, making a dramatic change of tone. “But I’m pretty sure if you talked to Keith for 5 seconds you could get me a break.”
“Probably not without setting him up with my friend.” The guy was so inconvenient most of the time it gave you an ick. “He insists on that subject every single time.”
“At least he stopped hitting on you.” She remembered making you shiver just from the memory. “I was getting to a place where I thought I’d lose you.” She joked, gaining a light slap from you.
“You’ll probably be shocked to hear about my hard choice.” You started dramatically. “Choosing you over him? I chose you. A thousand times you.” You said the last part desperately.
There was no one you’d choose except for her.
“So… no vacations?” 
“No vacations.” You laughed at her. “But I sure can help you finish your work earlier today and then we can go hang out at my house. We can pick a movie…”
“Will you let me choose it this time?” 
You thought about it for a second before giving in. “Sure.”
“You’re gonna regret this.”
“I’m counting on it, because you know…” Robin was quick enough to shut your teasing with a kiss, making Steve shout from the back of the store something that you couldn’t care less about what it was.
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marvelslut16 · 2 years
You're mine
Prompt number: 15 "What are you doing?"
Fandom: Stranger Things
Paring: Perv!Jonathan Byers x naïve!reader
Rating: 18+
Word count: 2.4k+
Warnings: Swearing I think. Jonathan being a perv and hella inappropriate. Smutish/fingering technically.
A/N: Um, hello. How is it fictober again? I feel like last years just ended. I don't know what came over me when writing this, but I hope you guys enjoy it!
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Jonathan’s obsession with you started at a very young age, it started the day you transferred to Hawkins elementary school in the middle of third grade. You approached him on your very first day of school, he was the quiet kid in the back of the class that was doodling whenever you glanced at him, and you approached him at recess and asked him to play on the playground with you. Jonathan was obsessed immediately, you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen, and you were the first person to talk to him without teasing him for his haircut, or his clothes, or his face. You were an angel sent down to and for him. 
In the years since third grade there wasn’t a day you spent apart from each other, Jonathan made sure of that. From casual run ins downtown when you were shopping, to convincing Lonnie to take you on a camping trip with them the one time Lonnie actually fulfilled his duties of spending time with his sons. You had gotten so used to being around Jonathan every day that if you didn’t see him it felt like something was missing. The first time Jonathan didn’t seek you out was because he had the flu and was bedridden, it was nearly dinner time when you went to the Byers’ house because you wanted to see him- you needed to see him, it was as if you could not function without seeing him. Your best friend was pleased with your distressed reaction after not seeing him for less than a day, but he held off pushing you further for a while, not wanting to startle you away. 
He remembers the first time he really felt like a perv, it was seventh grade. You had convinced him to go to the playground at your old elementary school to goof around after you both had a very big test in pre algebra. Jonathan was off to the side sitting on a park bench when you were running around the playground to let your stress out. When you went down the slide, the woosh of air forced the front of your skirt up, something you didn’t notice, but Jonathan did. The moment is forever ingrained in his memory, your baby blue skirt flaring up just enough that he caught a glimpse of the pale pink cotton panties you wore underneath. 
And you remember the first time someone ever called him a perv. A very pissed off Steve approached you in the hallway berating you for being friends with a perv like Jonathan, someone who goes around taking photos of other peoples half naked girlfriends. You didn’t believe a word of it, because your sweet innocent and shy Jonathan would never do such a thing, you would know if he was like that, afterall you spend more time with him than anyone else. Jonathan swore up and down that Steve was lying and just wanted an excuse to bully him and break his camera. And you believed Jonathan, because he would never lie to you. 
Sleepovers have become a staple of your friendship with Jonathan, whether it be he sleeps at your house or you sleep at his. Your parents along with Joyce let the two of you sleep in your beds together, all three of them assuming that if something were to happen between you two it would have happened by now, so they weren’t worried and they don’t have an open door policy. Something that Jonathan takes full advantage of, and you're oblivious to abuse of the rules, or lack thereof. 
With every sleepover Jonathan would just grow bolder and bolder. It started off small, moving the sheets down a few inches to get a glace at the curvature of your ass as your nightgown rode up in your sleep. At the next sleepover, less than ten days later, he worked up enough courage to graze his fingers along your pantyline, pleased to see that the pair you were wearing that night was pale pink, just like the first ones he saw a few years prior. After that night it started to snowball, and he became borderline reckless. 
You fell asleep watching a new episode of cheers- a show that you had begged Jonathan to watch? That was fine, he would cover the two of you with a blanket, and pull you into his side until you were curled around him- Joyce thought it was sweet whenever she saw it, but it was anything but. He would cautiously take your hand and slide it up his thighs and onto his growing bulge, and when the excitement from that alone wore off, he would then slowly, carefully, drag your hand back and forth over himself. 
You brought over your well worn white cotton bra, starting to yellow from how old it was? It was perfect for Jonathan! You’d take it off to sleep- naturally- and when tiny little snores left your lips Jonathan would pull it out of your backpack you had stuffed it in after changing into your pajamas, and take it to the bathroom with him. There he would quickly rub one out and ejaculate into the cups of your bra. He always did it early enough in the night that his semen would be all dried up by the time you awoke and put it on in the morning. The insides of your bra would feel weird and crusty when you’d put it back on in the morning, but you always assumed that it was just dried sweat from the day before and that you’d need to wash it again when you got home- you didn’t know any better. 
Jonathan had a series of pictures of you, he made sure he was alone when he developed them- your body is his, nobody else can see the parts of you he does- and then he tucks them in the middle of his copy of ‘where the sidewalk ends,’ before shoving the book deep in his closet for good measure. If Joyce or Will ever found those photos everything would be ruined, Jonathan just knew he’d never be allowed to see you again. And if you ever found them? He’s sure you’d call him a perv and a freak, just like everyone else. 
The pictures varied in borderline innocent to utterly depraved. The first picture of you that got shoved into his book started out completely innocent. He had an assignment for class- to take candid photos of the people around him- simple enough. Jonathan could waste rolls of film taking candid's of you, everything you did was breathtaking and he wanted to capture it all, to get every little face you make. So he obviously chooses to take quite a few candid's of you for the assignment, he obviously takes some of Will and Joyce too so his teacher doesn’t think he’s an obsessed weirdo when it comes to you. But what he didn’t take into account was that you're wearing a shirt that is just slightly too big for you that day, and with the smallest movement it will slide off your shoulder and down your chest a bit. The photo is a complete accident, you’re leaning forward laughing at something he said- you always laugh harder at his jokes than he deserves, and because you’re leaning forward your shirt dips low. Low enough to get a glimpse of your bra, it’s the first time he’s seen a bra on you and not just in your bag. Although the photo is in black and white he can still vividly remember the cream color of your bra that’s on display.
Not long after that incident, he finds himself in the Nancy incident. Jonathan can’t work up the courage to take more risque photos of you, so he goes for a walk around the woods in order to walk off some of his frustration. On his walk he stumbles upon the Harrington house, and movement in the upstairs window catches his eye. The entire time he snaps the photos of Nancy in King Steve’s window, he’s wishing it’s you- not that you’re sleeping with Harrington, but that he could capture you in such a compromising position, one that he doesn’t have to set up himself. He’s angry and upset with the aftermath of the situation, how dare Steve break his camera, the thing that captured his photos of you. He was also worried that you’d leave him when Steve told you, but he didn’t. He went out of his way to befriend Nancy after that and conned a newer, better, camera out of her and Steve. 
After he received his new camera was when he became more adventurous with it. Gone were the days of trying to capture compromising photos of you spontaneously, and here were the days of depravity. It still started off small, photos of your panties on display, the result of your nightgown shifting during sleep. A few up the skirt photos at his dining room table, playing his cassettes so loud that you can’t hear the cameras’ click over the music. No longer did he ejaculate into your bras in the bathroom, no, he did that in the same room as your sleeping form. That was no longer enough for him, and soon he decided to jerk himself off standing above you while you slept soundly, taking pictures to prove to himself that this wasn’t just another wet dream. And one night when he was feeling completely reckless, he stood next to your face while jerking off, leaning forward and resting the tip against your slightly parted lips. He nearly came at the feeling of your soft lips finally touching him there, so he quickly snapped many photos to look back on that day and jerk off to. 
Today started out like any other day, Jonathan picking you up for school, you with your backpack and duffle bag since you’re spending the night at his house this weekend. School was boring as ever, and of course Jonathan, and you by extension, are made fun of. When the day comes to a close you pick up Will from AV club and drop him off at Mike’s because the party is having their own sleepover. When you finally get to the Byers’ house Joyce is already home from work and has you two watch a movie with her, much to Jonatha’s chagrin as he wanted to be alone with you. 
You end up falling asleep on Jonathan’s shoulder some time during what you think is the third movie you three have watched. Jonathan wakes you when the movie ends, you stumble to his room and quickly change into your nightgown before flopping into his bed and immediately falling back to sleep. Or at least that’s what Jonathan thinks. Instead of falling back into a deep sleep- like you normally do- you merely doze off, and Jonathan doesn’t wait long enough to make sure you’re really asleep. 
You wake up to the feeling of cold fingers running up the back of your thighs and towards your center. Your heart immediately starts to pound and you’re about to scream for Jonathan when you hear the familiar sound of his camera’s shutter. It’s Jonaathan who’s touching you like this in your sleep, he’s the one that’s slowly moving your underwear down your legs. You don’t know why you don’t react in that moment, maybe it’s shock, but Jonathan takes it as confirmation that you’re truly asleep. 
The camera clicks in quick succession after that, and his fingers become more adventurous, running over your lips. You bite back a moan at the unfamiliar, but very pleasant, feeling. You feel yourself growing wet, a completely new sensation to you. Jonathan lets out a quiet moan behind you, snapping more pictures as he slides his fingers into your wet core. The new feeling forcing a moan out of you, Jonathan stills at the sound, but he doesn’t pull his finger out. 
“(Y/N)?” he whispers quietly, hoping that you’ve just moaned in your sleep. 
“J-jonathan, what are you doing?” you clench around his finger as you look back at him. Jonathan can’t help but capture one more photo, your confused look and his finger buried deep in you.
“N-nothing,” Jonathan stutters, quickly pulling his finger out of you, and you whine at the empty feeling. Jonathan’s life is flashing before his eyes, what would he do if you decided to never talk to him again? He’d probably die. 
“Jonathan, tell me what you were doing,” you flip onto your back before settling into a criss-cross position, unknowingly giving Jonathan a straight shot to your glistening vagina. The view and the fact that you weren’t running away screaming gave him courage and a confidence he never possessed, not when you were awake at least. 
“I was taking more photos to add to my collection,” he holds your gaze, hands reaching forward to rub the tops of your thighs. 
“You have a collection?” you ask intrigued, you know you should be scared, but it’s Jonathan. You have nothing to be scared about. “Can I see?”
Jonathan is all too excited to show you, springing off his bed and grabbing his book from the back of his closet. You gasp when he hands you a stack of photos, at least fifty of them. You’re shocked that you don’t come across any of Nancy, now that you figure Steve must have been telling you the truth, but there are only photos of you. You in compromising positions, even ones when you’ve showered in his bathroom, how did he slip in without you noticing? But the one your eyes linger on is the photo of his dick pressed to your lips, white hot heat runs through your body and straight to your core.
“When did you take this one?” you ask, not tearing your eyes away from the photo, it’s like your entranced. 
“Two weeks ago, it’s my favorite too,” he smiles at you, sitting down beside you and leaning against the headboard. 
“Jonathan,” you murmur, closing your legs tight and rubbing your thighs together in hopes of some friction. 
“You’re mine, (Y/N),” you should feel scared at how possessive he’s being. You should fight him as his hand pries your thighs apart before finding your wet core again. 
“Will you take more photos of me like this? Without me knowing?” your legs fall open on their own, giving his hand more freedom. 
“I can’t lie to you, I will,” his finger slides up and starts flicking your bud. 
“I’m yours,” you moan, practically orgasming at the thought of all the compromising positions you’ll put yourself in just for him.
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Anyone But the Spin Doctors
Kai Parker x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2022!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Prompt: “Nobody warned you about me?”
Summary: Y/N is loosely a member of the Mystic Falls gang, and basically the only one who doesn't think revenge is the best answer to every problem. After spending some time in New Orleans with their best friend, Kol Mikaelson, they come back to Mystic Falls to find Bonnie and crew exacting revenge on their latest enemy, Kai Parker. But, after Kai showed some signs of humanity and change, Y/N is convinced there's a better way to deal with him. So, they steal an ascendant and go to 1903 to get him out.
Word Count: 2,735
Category: Fluff, little bit of angst (esp. at the beginning)
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Wait, what? You just left him there?" I demanded, staring at Bonnie in utter disbelief.
"Yes. Because that's what he deserves. Did you not hear me telling you about all the awful, horrible things he's done, Y/N?"
"Yeah, Bonnie, I did hear you! Did you not hear me when I brought up how easily our problems were solved when we made friends with people and gave them a chance instead of immediately trying to kill them? Or when I laid out how many times our problems were caused by getting trapped in some giant circle of revenge?"
Bonnie rolled her eyes. I was absolutely fuming, and so was she. I'd just come back from visiting my best friend, Kol Mikaelson, in New Orleans, after hearing my friends fill me in on some new witch who had been causing problems lately. Based on what they'd told me most recently, after going through quite literally a hell of a lot, there was actually starting to be a glimmer of hope for this new witch to be roped into joining our side as a friendly, and not an enemy.
Until recently, when Bonnie had apparently stabbed him and left him for dead after pretending to give him a second chance.
"Look, Y/N, just because your little rehab project half-worked on Kol Mikaelson-"
"Bonnie, Kol is my friend, because we built up trust and mutual respect and stopped crossing lines with each other! We broke the fucking circle of revenge that you people–him include–seem to just love living in for some reason!"
"Does not mean that Kai Parker is redeemable!" Bonnie continued, shouting over me to be heard. "I'm not forgiving him, Y/N! And you have no right to tell me I have to!"
I sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Bon, I know. And I'm not trying to tell you you have to forgive him. I'm sorry if that's what it was coming off as. You have every right to never forgive him, and I'm not saying you even have to be friends with him! But I am telling you that getting revenge by literally stabbing him and trapping him in some nightmare hell dimension, when he was just starting to show signs of wanting to make some kind of change, is the literal worst decision you could've made!"
"I've had enough of this," she said, holding up her hands and shaking her head as she took a few steps back from me. "I'm going to go see Elena, and I don't want to hear about this anymore."
"Fine. I was kinda done talking, anyway," I said. I took a deep breath and reached into my pocket, trying not to look too suspicious as I grabbed the ascendant that I'd stolen from Bonnie when I'd first seen her. Shady, for sure, but I stood by the fact that it was the right move. Every time my friends decided to get some kind of revenge when there was another option, it backfired. This time, I was determined to get us on a different path.
Being a witch had its perks, and it didn't take me long to work a little magic of my own on the ascendant. I saw Bonnie's eyes widen as she realized what I was doing, but then, before she could stop me, I was somewhere else. I looked around, finding myself in a clearing in the woods, a heavy blanket of snow all around.
This feels like a scene out of a horror movie, I thought, and immediately scowled at myself for going there. Not the kind of mindset I wanted to have right now.
I took a deep breath and looked around the circle, hoping for any signs of life, but I came up empty. Despite the fact that every instinct in my body told me not to, I took a deep breath and shouted into the darkness.
"KAI! Kai Parker, are you here?"
I waited, listening intently, but heard nothing. A shiver ran up my spine and I took a deep breath, trying not to let my imagination run away from me.
"Kai? Hello? My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I came to get you out of here!"
"I don't think I've met you before."
I whirled around at the sound of a voice behind me, doubling over with my hand on my heart as the adrenaline spiked and then started to drain away. A tall, handsome man with piercing blue eyes stood there staring at me, his head tilted slightly to the side with one eyebrow raised.
"Kai Parker, I presume?" I huffed between breaths, finally calming down enough to stand up straight again. "You scared the shit out of me."
"And who are you?"
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N-"
"Yeah, I heard your introduction. But who are you?"
"I'm a friend of the Mystic Falls gang, sort of. I've been gone visiting a different friend for a while, but I'm back for a visit. When I got here, Bonnie told me what she'd done to you, so I..." I trailed off then cleared my throat, feeling slightly guilty for what I'd done behind my friend's back. "I stole the ascendant and came to get you out."
"Nobody warned you about me?" asked Kai, prowling a few steps closer to me. I laughed a breathy laugh and held my ground, despite my heart picking up the pace ever so slightly.
"No, they did. At length."
Kai stopped at my words, quirking an eyebrow again.
"And you still came?"
I shrugged. "It sounded like you were interested in making a change, or even just making some friends, but nobody gave you a chance. I've been there before, and it sucks. So I thought I'd come and do something about it."
Kai just stared at me for a few beats, and I swear I could see his mind processing all the new information. I held in a smile at the sight; it was kind of cute.
"Okay, so, I'm kind of new to this whole... emotions thing," he said, waving a hand in the air and grimacing. "But... I'm feeling kind of... weird, right now."
"Weird how?" I asked, taking a few steps closer to him. He stared down at me, looking incredibly confused that I wanted to approach him, but answered any way.
"Weird like... like there's something moving around in my chest, and it's grabbing my heart in a claw and squeezing it."
This time I couldn't help it; I smiled.
"I mean, that could be a lot of things, but... maybe it's a little bit of relief? Or being overwhelmed that I'm here, and that I came for you?"
"Relief... hm, maybe. By the way, it was an absolutely insane choice for you to come here without even knowing me. Why did you... why did you do that?"
I shrugged. "Ever heard of Kol Mikaelson?"
"Mmm... maybe. Crazy powerful, insane Original vampire with a lot of brothers and a sister who like to terrorize the world?"
"Maybe not how I would describe them, but yeah."
"My parents talked about them. They debated trying to step in and put them down a few times."
"Oof. Probably better for everyone involved that they didn't."
"And what's your point?"
"The Mikaelsons first came to town a few years ago, and caused absolute chaos. Honestly, it was pretty terrible, and me and the rest of my friends were scrambling to figure out what to do about them. Kol was especially problematic, and he almost killed, like, half my friends."
"I can see why you speak so fondly of him now."
I rolled my eyes at the sarcasm. "Okay, we didn't really get along at first. But then, while Damon and crew were cooking up some insane attack plan revenge scheme whatever, I happened to run into Kol at the Mystic Grill. He was being menacing and trying to manipulate me, but then a song came on in the Grill, and we both immediately grimaced because it was a terrible song. It was such a tiny moment, but we actually made a real connection over it. And from there, little by little, we became actual friends. Instead of getting caught up in manipulations and scheming and attempts to do each other in, we started hanging out and making compromises about lines we wouldn't cross. And then he stopped being a problem for me and my friends."
"So, ever since, I've kind of made it my mission to give people a chance at redemption before going apeshit with the rest of the Mystic Falls Gang and their insane ass schemes. Sometimes it doesn't work, but sometimes it does, and it saves us all a lot of hurting. And, sometimes, I find a new best friend."
"So you're best friends with a psychotic Original vampire now, because you both hated the same song?"
"Yup! He's the friend I was coming back from visiting, actually. It's crazy how life works sometimes, isn't it?"
"What was the song?"
"Uck, some garbage by the Spin Doctors."
A ghost of a smile flashed across Kai's face, and he huffed a small laugh.
"You hate the Spin Doctors?"
"Big time."
"Huh. So... assuming I go along with this, and don't just siphon your magic and take the ascendant..." he started taking a few casual steps closer to me. We were almost chest to chest now, but I still didn't back down an inch. "What's your plan for stopping me from getting revenge on Bonnie for literally stabbing me in the back?"
I sighed. "What is everyone's obsession with getting revenge all the time?" I cried, throwing my hands up in the air. "Seriously, don't you people have better things to do?"
Kai just raised an eyebrow at me again, so I put my hands on my hips and fixed him with a look.
"My plan is to convince you of the same thing I convinced Kol: there are way better things to spend your time on than some ridiculous revenge scheme that's only gonna make life worse for everyone, you included."
"By doing what?"
"Offering you a better option." I smiled, then gestured with my hands to add a little dramatic flair to my words. "Picture this: touring the world, visiting all kinds of cool new places, singing some good karaoke, and finally escaping all the stress and heartache and negative emotions that come with involving yourself in Mystic Falls drama."
"Possibly tempting... say more."
"Kai, look, I know I don't know you. But I'd like to. And if you agree, I say we go on an adventure together. You're new to the modern world, there's no way you've seen all of the coolest things we have to offer post-nineties. Let's go explore it together. We can start in New Orleans, and you can meet Kol, and then we can go wherever the hell we want after that."
Kai swallowed hard, and although I could tell he was trying to keep up his smooth, cool, scary posturing, I'd gotten pretty good at reading emotions over the years. There were finally some cracks in the mask, and I could see the hope and hurt swirling just under the surface.
"You'd really... you'd really do that?"
"Yeah. I'm all about having adventures, and I want a buddy to go see the world with. So... what do you say? Wanna be my buddy and dip out on the whole revenge thing?"
A smile tugged at the corner of Kai's mouth, and although he tried to fight it, he couldn't hold it in.
"Well, I guess since you came all this way..."
I grinned at him, not even bothering to try to play it cool. I held out my hand, and after a short pause, Kai took it.
"You know I can siphon peoples' magic by touching them, right?" he asked, his grip on my hand tightening just a little. I squeezed right back.
"Yeah, I told you before, I got briefed on your whole deal. Now c'mon, we've got places to see."
With my free hand, I pulled the Ascendant out of my pocket. I could see Kai smiling out of the corner of my eye as I started to the spell to take us back, and our hands were clasped tight enough that I could feel his heart racing through his palm. Sure, my style of dealing with things didn't always work, but a little kindness and an olive branch sure could go a long way.
It didn't take me long to get the spell right, and suddenly, Kai and I were standing in the middle of the Salvatore living room, right where I'd left Bonnie after our argument. I really shouldn't have been surprised, but we were immediately surrounded by the Mystic Falls gang, looking ready to fight.
I swore, clutching Kai's hand a little tighter. He squeezed my hand back, which I hoped was a good sign, and I did my best to stare down my friends.
"Guys, listen, I get that you're not a fan of Kai, but I seriously need you all to back the hell off-"
Their faces immediately transformed into looks of shock and horror, and then they stopped looking at me and Kai and started staring around the room instead. At the same time, I felt just the slightest trickle of my power drain away, and I turned to Kai in confusion.
"I made us invisible," he quickly explained, suddenly looking a little concerned. "I hope that's okay. I needed to siphon you to do it, and we didn't really have time to consult. Agh, just, don't freak out on my-"
"Kai," I held up a hand to stop him, and he immediately froze, looking at me with wide eyes. I could see the fear and insecurity as plain as day, as he clearly worried he'd just scared off his new (and only) friend. "It's okay, I was just surprised. Honestly, it was a great move. We should probably get out of here, though, before they get any ideas."
Kai sagged with relief. "Okay, good, because for a second I thought-"
"Hey. Seriously, it's okay. It's going to take more than a well-timed spell to frighten me off. I'm friends with an Original vampire, remember?"
Kai smiled at me, then started to look confused again as he raised his free hand to clutch at his chest.
"Is this... what is this? Ugh, feelings suck."
"No shit," I agreed with a laugh. Gently, I tugged him towards me with our joined hands, and he looked at me with wonder in his eyes. "You wanna talk about what it feels like?"
"It feels like I'm having a heart attack. And like... like insects are flapping around in my chest whenever I look at you. Are you secretly killing me with some spell I don't know about?"
I couldn't help a small laugh, even as I shook my head.
"Most people call those butterflies, Kai."
"This is what people were talking about when they said that? Weird, but... kinda fits."
I hummed, then on whim that I let myself be carried away by, I leaned up and kissed Kai on the cheek. He turned to look at me in complete shock, a disbelieving but happy and dazed look on his face, and I couldn't help another small laugh.
"C'mon, we can analyze how close butterflies and heart attacks are to the same feeling later," I said, tugging him along with me towards the front doors of the Salvatore house. "Right now, we've got a road trip to New Orleans to begin. And once we get to the car I can show you Spotify. You're gonna love it."
"I can't wait," he said, his voice still a little dreamy as he followed behind me. Now it was my turn to fight butterflies as we snuck out of the house together, still hand in hand. As much as I'd compared him to Kol, I'd never felt like this around my best friend.
Whatever the future held next, I could tell it was going to be an absolutely incredible adventure. And no matter what, I truly couldn't wait to get to know Kai Parker, especially away from all the drama of Mystic Falls.
I had a good feeling about this.
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dixonlvr-online · 2 years
Written in the stars
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Challenge: What could go wrong? / You kept this? / "You're making my head hurt." @fictober-event fanfiction - The Walking Dead
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“When’s your birthday?”
Daryl shot you a side-eye from his spot beside you. 
“Why do ya need to know my birthday?” he scoffed. You lifted yourself onto your side to look at him.
“Because I’m going to find your zodiac sign in the sky,” you said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Daryl shot you a skeptical look, but you didn’t let up. He sighed.
“It’s in January,” he said. You grinned.
“I knew it! Early January, right? You’re a Capricorn,” you said. You snorted at Daryl’s confused expression, lowering yourself back down to face the sky.
The two of you had been sent on a run earlier that day to find new mattresses for Alexandria. After raiding some houses, you’d managed to pile up a few in the bed of your truck. Now that night had fallen and you’d decided to camp for the night, you both lay on the mattress pile together, staring up at the sky.
Daryl pulled you closer, placing his arm between your head and the mattress. You smiled, leaning into him.
“There!” you said, pointing up. It took Daryl a moment to see what you were pointing at, but finally he saw it: a faint outline of a bent triangle.
“What’s that s’posed to be?” he asked. You snuggled in closer, eyes on the pattern.
“That’s Capricornus, the constellation for Capricorn. It’s supposed to look like a goat’s horns, because Capricornus is Latin for horned goat, or goat’s horns, whichever you prefer,” you explained. Daryl stared down at you, trying to focus on your words and not your pretty mouth.
“What, so I’m a horned goat? That what yer tellin’ me?” he teased. You rolled your eyes, lightly punching the man.
“No, of course not. Actually, Capricorns are known as some of the hardest-working star signs. Very ambitious, goal-oriented, persistent,” you said, poking him in the ribs at the last part. Daryl scoffed.
“None of that makes sense. How you goin’ to say everyone with the same birthday is the same person?” he said. You turned to face him.
“That’s not what it is. Astrology is a way of measuring time and predicting events. They use your birth chart, the time, date, and place you were born, to predict different eras of your life and when they’ll occur. That’s why people with similar birth charts can have similar traits or lives,” you said.
“Yer makin’ my head hurt,” Daryl groaned, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“Oh stop. You love it,” you smiled. Daryl shook his head.
“That’s debatable,” he said. “But I love you, so I’ll listen to yer crazy talk.”
The two of you held each other close, staring up at the galaxy, talking through the rest of the night. Daryl may not believe in such things, but he found himself thanking the stars above for leading him to you.
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bogusboxed · 2 years
Boxtober - Day 26: “Headcanons For A Sick S/O”
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Day 26: - [The Puppeteer, Bloody Painter, Nurse Ann & X Virus] X GN!Reader “Blankets” x “I’m doing it, shut up.”
-I do not own any of these characters and do not take credit for them.
The Puppeteer
-If he figures out you’re sick, prepare to be stuck in one place for a while.
-Typically, if he wanted to keep someone in place, he’d use his strings, but he understands it's not the most comfortable thing, so he opted for the next best thing. Which is to cover you in blankets and then proceed to string you up like a caterpillar in a cocoon. It's best not to struggle, or he might laugh at you.
-He might act bossy near the beginning when it comes to your sickness. He'll say things like "I’ve got a mission to attend to" and so on, but the second you cough, he’s right there holding you. This man is a liar about not wanting to help you and will fold when there is any form of pain coming from you.
-And if you dare try to get out of bed for anything, he will pick you up. He doesn’t care if you fight back. All that's going through his head is the fact your sick and need help.
-"I have to go get something!"
"I’m doing it. Shut up."
-He doesn’t mind losing a target or two if it means you're okay. He knows how it feels to be left alone in a time of need, so he will never do that to you.
-Though you should expect him, since he’s a poltergeist, to stay up all hours of the day watching you, if you feel too intimidated, just tell him to cuddle you or he's worsening your condition. And he'll do exactly what you ask, just wanting to make sure you're okay.
-One downside to all of this is that he can’t get you medicine or buy you food in person due to being a ghost. So, he bugs his friends to go and do it for him, which is most of the time, Helen. So, please thank Helen after you recover because he’s probably messed up like twelve paintings due to Jonathan scaring him.
Bloody Painter
-If you tell him you’re sick, he will instantly panic. He’ll probably find a reason to blame himself for not seeing the signs earlier as your dedicated partner.
-And if it's so bad you get bedridden, he won’t let you get up in the sweetest way possible. Either by kissing your forehead to dumbfound you or hugging you back down. He could never find it in himself to hurt you because he's a puppy when it comes to you.
If you tell him you’re getting bored, he’ll bring you some sketch paper to doodle on, and if you want, you can ask him to play Pictionary. Though he’ll beat you at it, if you get a little upset, he’ll let you win, even if he is a literal Picasso.
-A random, dumb idea to have him do is to have him paint the Mona Lisa next to you. I don’t know why I added this, but I think it’d be fun. I also think if you praised him hard enough, he’d say something like "It’s just a sketch" to further his ego.
-If you manage to sneak out, whether it was when he was asleep or when he left for a moment. He’ll usher you back to bed in the nicest way possible, almost like a human to an animal, to be honest. And if you suddenly become too sick to get back, he’ll cradle you in his arms and bring you back. Though he won’t mention your escape attempts, knowing it sucks to be sick.
-Though unlike The Puppeteer, he can go and buy you snacks. He can also get delivery plus medicine due to being human. Even if he doesn’t like to show his face in public, he wouldn’t mind doing it for you.
-But for some reason, when you’re sick, he tends to get more protective of you. It's most likely due to your vulnerable state and how much he’s worried the other creeps will take advantage of it. And if they dare to try anything with you. Well, let’s just say you won’t be the only one bedridden.
Nurse Ann
-Probably the worst in the best way possible to come up with this. If you’re with her, she’ll be able to predict when you're about to be sick and will have been preparing for this very moment. And you’ll notice she's becoming more present in your life as well as more possessive.
-The second you cough, she'll bring you to bed, because she already has a personal infirmary just for this. And if you stay put, you’ll recover from this quicker than you normally would with anyone else.
-And she’ll keep you there in the most doctor way, either by nodding her head in disappointment or by holding you down. She is more aggressive than others, which may be just due to having experience. She just doesn’t want it to evolve into something worse, and if that means a scratch or two, then it's worth it. She is a nurse, after all.
-Though even with all of this, she’ll bring you blankets and do things normal nurses wouldn’t do. She may even go as far as to cuddle with you, but expect her to pull away if she feels you're getting too hot.
-Behind all of her cold-hearted actions is just someone who is extremely worried about your health. She couldn’t stand losing you and sees you as her responsibility. Since she is a nurse.
-If you can manage to escape from your hospital bed, she will hunt you down. She would never hurt you to the point of worsening your condition, but she wouldn't mind scaring you back to your bed. But, if you ever show signs of surrendering mid-chase, she’ll soften up instantly and swing you over her shoulder back to bed.
X Virus
-Oh no. Unlike Nurse Ann, you’ll be in bed longer than you should be. He will go out of his way to extend your stay and may even cause you to get worse. But, he typically has the best intentions in mind, except when he doesn’t.
-He’ll probably be heavily interested in the worst way possible. He’ll make you think he’s trying to help you. But he may test something out on you. He won’t do anything viral that’ll kill you, but something more minor. But, the second he realizes that he’s making it worse, it tears him apart. He had bad intentions at first, but it quickly dissolves into guilt when he realizes what he did.
-He’ll panic at first, fighting his impulsive thoughts, and eventually run to EJ for any sort of help. He knows he doesn’t have the mental capacity to help you at first, so he gets EJ to help out first. And once he gets the basics, he turns into a sweetheart. However, expect EJ to also keep an eye on you. Which Cody and you are both fine with, seeing as Cody can't be trusted with his thoughts.
-Though he messes up at first, he realizes that you are not a test subject and that you are his partner. It stems from his struggle to sympathize with humanity, thinking that it was okay. But, when you aren’t okay with it, he changes it. So feel free to ask anything of him. He is willing to do anything to atone for his actions.
-And if you get up from bed with something contagious, he’ll ask you politely to get back in bed but won’t try and stop you. Even though he wants to, he can’t bring himself to stop. On the other hand, EJ will most likely stop you and get you back to bed knowing Cody won't help.
-If after all of that, you ask him to cuddle, he won’t hesitate to do so. He’ll drop everything, even if he was working on a virus for the operator. He doesn’t care, he just wants to help you out. Though he’ll bring way too many blankets.
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 2 years
9 - Kidnapped
Prompt: #9 “Sounds like a you problem.”
Fandom: The Boys (Billy Butcher x Reader)
Word Count: 463 words.
Warnings: Kidnapping, death threat.
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You shut your eyes close as soon as you feel the bag being pulled from your head, freeing your eyesight for the first time in the past three hours. You blink your eyes open, hissing when you feel the rope sting the skin around your wrists, and you can’t help but give out a confused look when you see four men standing in front of you.
“What?-Who are you?”
You had been expecting a supervillain of some sort. Someone you fought in the past, or maybe a quick scandalous kidnapping planned by your bosses so one of your “superhero friends” could come and save you, maybe to give the new girl some good reputation. But these men, you’ve never seen them before-
“Hey, Supe girl.” The man closest to you speaks up, his lips curling into a cruel smile behind his heavy beard. “Got some questions for you.”
Your blood ran cold when he points a gun at your head, and your eyes widen in surprise.
“And you’re gonna answer them nicely, okay?”
“… Or what?” You straighten your back, your fingers taking a hold of your ropes to see if you can get out of them. “You’re gonna kill me?”
“Oh, we’re gonna kill you either way.” His smile seems to widen for a moment as he ignores the looks given by the other three, and he tilts his head at you. “But if you answer my questions, I promise to make it as less painful as possible.”
You can’t help but give out a laugh, trying to hide the fear hiding in your throat. “Kill me? You look like an ordinary man to me. Not quite sure you’ll be able to accomplish that.”
“She’s right, Billy.” One of the men, the skinniest of them, gives Billy a skittish look. “You know nothing can touch her. That bullet will go right through her. She’s… immaterial.”
“For now.” Billy slightly loses his smirk, his eyes staring at your face with anger in them. “But Frenchie here will find a way…  right, Frenchie? I mean, you did create these ropes, and they seem to keep her contained.”
Your heart drops as you realize that he’s right; you can’t free yourself from these ropes. The smallest of the men gives out a scoff, an accent rolling of his tongue as he speaks a language you don’t know.
“Mais bien sûr.”
“You’re not gonna get away with this.” You thin your lips, your breathing getting heavier. “If you kill me, and Homelander learns about this-”
“Sounds like a you problem.” Billy takes off the gun’s security, and his smile returns. “Now… be a good girl and our questions.”
Somehow, you get the feeling that you’re not going to get away with this as easily as before.
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rosaliesimp · 2 years
Fictober 2022: You.
Fandom: Twilight (not surprising at this point)
Pairing: Edward Cullen... and you!
Tropes: hurt comfort,,, just slightly. eddie has some self confidence problems.
Prompt 1; I chose you.
a/n: tumblr has forsaken me. Won’t upload an image and I can’t find a fitting gif so have this instead. Anyway about 400 words so here :)
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Edward Cullen was everything you had ever dreamed of. He was beautiful, yes, but he was also kind, and compassionate, and so full of love that, when you look back, you never could’ve refused that first date.
He loved you. And you loved him, probably more than you wished you did. So when he pulled away, and you realized that your body was beginning to warm up again, you understood.
You felt helpless. What were you supposed to do? He was in one of those stupid, stupid moods again. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, staring down at his feet. “I lost control again. Why didn’t you stop me?” he asked, a hint of hurt in his velvet voice.
It was your turn to stare at your feet, though not with the self loathing that Edward had. “I… I don’t know. I thought it was fine, y’know, and really, it didn’t hurt that much,” you offered, hoping he would accept that as a reply.
It had only taken a flicker of pain on your face for him to pull away. It wasn’t even his fault. “I’ve had back pain before you, stop being so edgy. At least come sit next to me,” you commanded, sitting back down on your bed, tugging his cold wrist to convince him to join you.
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated. “I’m such a monster,” he muttered.
You felt your heart wrench, and you squeezed his wrist tighter. “You’d be better off with-” “Shut it. You know how I feel about that. Edward, when I went on that first date, I chose you. I chose you then, and I choose you now, and I’ll always choose you. Stop telling me to go hook up with someone else!” you told him, prying his hands apart so you didn’t need to awkwardly hold his wrist.
He shook his head, but he seemed to understand what you were saying. “It’s okay. Really. And if you don’t want to do anything else until I’m like you, that’s okay, but for the love of God, remember that I choose you. Al-” He cut you off, pressing his lips against yours.
He held your hands as he leaned over you. His breath was rigid and sweet. His eyes were hungry for something other than your blood. You smiled as you stared up at him, wondering how someone like you could be so lucky.
“I’ll always choose you.”
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asgardwinter · 2 years
midnight cup of coffee | fictober 22
fictober day 02 | “Nobody warned you about me?”
summary | Joaquín Torres could look like one innocent man but he knew very well the effect he had on you.
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fandom | Marvel
pairing | Joaquín Torres x reader
warnings | implied smut, joaquín torres is one hot man and he knows what he’s doing, slightly spicy
word count | 459
author’s note | So, I wrote this while trying to forget about today’s events — presidential elections are taking away any scrape of sanity I still had. I hope you enjoy the second blurb though, I was really feeling like taking some risk with something more spicy!
🍂 Fictober 2022 🍂 Taglist 🍂 Joaquín Torres Masterlist 🍂
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Could you be more surprised?
Your first dates with Joaquín were magical, the type you came back home breathing deeply to contain the smile and the dreamy atmosphere that loomed around you.
Texts were filled with that warm feeling, the one that makes your heart do a flip and then land in a sequence of excited jumps. Yeah, it was insane.
You looked at him and saw a prince, a sweet beautiful man who would do anything for you and, well, you’d do anything he asked with that smile. Every date was something that gave you more and more hope about a possible future with him.
But you never got somewhere with him.
Joaquín would often leave you on your doorway with a deep and longing kiss, one to leave your knees weak and wanting to pull him right back against your lips. You waited for the day you’d finally bring him in for a cup of coffee, just a little innocent invitation in hope it would turn into more. 
You were so sure you’d be the one to take some sort of action to change the stage you were currently in, Joaquín was too sweet and seemed to be afraid to overstep boundaries — even if all you wanted was for that man to just lose himself in you.
“Maybe you could stay this time.” You suggested with your eyes still closed, nose brushing against his to try to persuade him — even if you were sure you were melting more than him. “You know, get a cup of coffee…”
“You know it’s pretty late for coffee right, cariño?” He laughed against your lips, hands traveling to rest in your cheeks, as if you needed more of his warmth to add to the whole thing.
“You know what I meant by coffee.” You confessed, bothered by his teasing demeanor that was way more outgoing that day.
“Do I?” He distanced himself some inches, which was way more than you could’ve wanted.
Heat flowed to your cheeks, the very same he was holding so carefully in his warm hands. His brown eyes opened and watched you closely with a knowing smirk. “You’re a menace, Joaquín Torres.” That was all you could very eloquently get out of your mouth.
“Nobody warned you about me?” Joaquín said with a wink.
“I probably wouldn’t have believed it.” Because if it wasn’t by you being there no one could get you to believe in how that man could make you turn to puddle with a single wink.
“You underestimate me way too much.” He stated, leaning closer to capture your lips with his, and step by step you crossed the threshold into your living room. “But about your invitation, I’d love a cup of coffee.”
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