#Fiona Flannail
thewatchau · 3 years
Winter in the Spire
Author’s Note: The second Winnie and Fiona write up
Bard’s Note: Huge thank you as always to @theshapeshifter100 and a preesh to Scout Winnie on Discord as well!
December had rolled around,a thick frost blanketed the ground, while the top of the Spire was tipped with snow. While there was no true rest for the Watch, candles decorated every nook and cranny, fallen boughs of pine and yew and box tree hung over and on the doorways and walls.
A wreath of holly and ivy hung on the main door, while, more wreaths were set on the tables in the kitchen. Herbs burnt and the kitchen had been working non-stop since dawn. Heavily herbed bread baked into decorative figures, stews simmered and meat was being roasted.
Winnie sat in the kitchen, watching the snow fall outside while petting Sadie in her lap.
Fiona took a break, as much of a break as she could. Most of her bread had been baked now. Only one more to go and that was in the oven. So she brushed her hands free of flour and went to join Winnie.
“I almost want to be out there!” she commented, looking out of the window. “It’s so hot in here.”
“Yeah!” Winnie seemed to agree. “I’m waiting for a runner, I got something for Sadie.”
“A runner? All the way up here? That’s a brave runner. I hope you’re paying them well!” Fiona tried dusting her hands off again, but the flour seemed ingrained into her fingerprints.
“Yeah, they’re a bud of mine. I paid them a drawing and a bit of money.”
“That’ll be worth it,” Fiona smiled. It wobbled slightly as she remembered the letters by her bed. “Looking forward to tonight? Drinking and eating usually cheers everyone up!”
“Wait! I think I see them!” Winnie sprang up and ran out to meet the career runner. A few minutes later, she came back with a package.
Fiona leaned forward, curious. “Will you open that now? Or wait until tomorrow?”
“I’ll open it today, Sadie probably knows what it is.”
“She looks excited!” Fiona commented as Sadie looked up hopefully, tail wagging across the floor so much it swept the flour away.
Winnie opened the package and pulled out a couple of dog toys, which got Sadie to stand up and bark excitedly.
Fiona grinned and chuckled as they’re given to Sadie, who began to chew on them with earnest.
“Such a good girl,” the baker commented.
“Oh no, she’s a troublemaker! She’s just acting innocent,” Winnie laughed. “She’s stolen food from my Watch rations multiple times when I clearly feed her enough! I practically feed her more than enough due to the treats she gets.”
Fiona just started laughing. “There’s another Watcher I know who would sympathise! Her raven eats everything!”
“Ivy? I know her.”
“I don’t know her name, but she’s blonde, somewhat short and a bit stocky. She’s a Messenger see so she comes and goes.”
“Oh that’s Ivy alright.”
“I’ll have to call her that when I next see her. I wonder if that would freak her out?” Fiona grinned mischievously.
“She doesn’t come often,” Fiona remembered. “We don’t usually get Messengers, since the road’s rather dangerous for horses. Steep and narrow, easy to lose your footing.”
“I can see that, almost slipped and fell on the way here.”
“Same when I arrived. Another reason I haven’t left! Don’t want to make that journey again.”
“Wait you’ve never left?” Winnie turned to look straight at Fiona.
“Not since I’ve arrived, no. I send letters to old friends of course.”
“That’s kinda sad, it’s nice out there. But, I can see why you would stay.”
“It’s a lovely place, the kitchen always needs hands, I get to experiment with my bread, which I love doing. Maybe I’ll go somewhere else in the future, but I’m happy here.”
“I might stay here for the holidays, I don’t really have anyone else to hang out with.”
“You’ve got me!” Fiona grinned and held her arms out. “While I’m not working admittedly, but that’s on hold for a while until the bread’s ready.”
Fiona leaned her head back on the table, avoiding the candles and the wreath. “Can’t wait for this to be over. So much food, we’ll have leftovers for weeks!”
“Yeah! I’m not sure if we will be able to use it all before it goes bad.”
“It can be fed to the ravens, they’ll eat anything! If not, someone will want them.”
“Anything in particular you’re looking forward to? I can tell you now, the bread is some of my best yet!”
“Honestly, I’m not sure.”
“Well, the stew will be as it’s always been, nearly everyone likes a hog roast. And nearly everyone will be drinking alcohol. Naturally.”
“Eh, not a fan of alcohol.”
“I used to drink, but I don’t anymore. It messed with my head too much.”
“It can do that.”
Fiona lifted her head up to look into the kitchen. Everyone was till rushing around, or just rotating the hog on repeat while trying not to fall asleep. The bread was almost done, but not quite.
“I could just fall asleep,” she leaned her head back on the table. “Will you wake me up if I fall asleep?” she half joked to Winnie.
“Ahhhh,” Fiona relaxed on the table, almost completely slumping against it. She half expected Sadie to notice, but the dog was still chewing on her new toys.
Fiona did end up napping, not intentionally. She jerked awake when Winnie nudged her.
The baker looked around, and with a hurried thanks, rushed back into the kitchen to rescue her bread.
Author’s Note: This is December 1614. So, Winnie knowing Ivy is a reference to an rp that was never finished and I think I’ve written it up, maybe, but it ends quite abruptly on account of being unfinished. We’ll see on that one
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theshapeshifter100 · 5 years
(Day 9 of @thewatchau‘s prompts)
The year Hank turned 22 was the year the Watch moved in.
There was an old Mage’s hold, further up the Rúnach river and less than a day’s ride from Imforis. No one really went there, no real need, and there was the old children’s story about the place being haunted.
Imforis was barely a village, definitely bordering on a hamlet. Everyone knew everyone. So when a stream of people came through out of nowhere, it caught attention.
Hank could hear them from his house. He and his mother were drying herbs, when the rumble of carts and chattering of voices could be heard all the way from the road.
He and his mother had shared a look, before Hank left the house and jogged down the track to the road. Well, calling it a road was laughable, just a slightly wider track.
“Hoy, a local!” called one of them, spotting Hank. He was easy to spot, being as tall as he was. “We’re on the right track to the Hold right?”
“Far as I know!” Hank hollered back.
“Great! Some folks be coming by river by the way!”
“Noted, thanks!” Hank paused for a bit, and had peered down at the long train that was slowly walking by. “What are you doing?”
“Fixing up the old Hold for the Watch!”
“That what?” it sounded familiar.
“That Watch! The organisation that’s going to look into the Enemy.”
Oh, yeah. The Enemy, who was currently hiding in the Western Forest right now. The forest they were currently backed onto. Hank didn’t like to think about that too much.
“Is that old place really good for that?!”
“That’s what we’re hoping!” that person had gone too far now to continue talking, and no one picked it up again.
Hank just, watched for a while, as horses pulling carts of stone and wood clopped by, and people carrying tools marched on. They were really going to do this.
Well their problem.
This continued on and off for the next few months, and finally, the rush downed down.
For about a week.
Then began a smaller trickle of people passing through town. Most would just go straight through, some would stop and look.
Most of them weren’t impressed. They’d look around the small market, some of the old buildings that were barely holding together, then look uninterested and leave.
Hank was not a man prone to anger, but every time he saw someone turn their nose at his home, he wanted to punch them. He would fold his arms on his stall selling herbs and feel his fingernails digging into his arms.
Then, again, things started to change. Someone he didn’t know wandered up to his stall, looking nervous.
“Er, hi,” they said, their accent more eastern than western. “Um, do you have a bakery?”
“’course, just down there, turn left. Got a loaf a’ bread sign. Can’t miss it,” Hank pointed them in the right direction, being of a reasonable sort.
“Ah, great! Thanks!” the newcomer grinned and walked off the same way Hank had pointed.
That newcomer kept coming back. Every market day.
“The Hold get’s crowded,” they explained. Frank was their name. “And I’m not a fighting type, just, some miller, you know?”
“What’s a miller doin’ joining the Watch?” Hank leaned on his stall, hands relaxed now.
“An army marches on its stomach my friend,” Frank shrugged. “Hoped to see if any of the bakers here would be willing to help out.”
To that Hank chuckled. “We have one baker, who deals with the whole village. She doesn’t have a lot of time.”
“Or an apprentice?”
“Yeah, but they’re busy too.”
“Shame,” Frank nodded to himself before changing the subject. “You know, some of these old buildings could really do with some work.”
“I know,” Hank sighed. “Ya don’t need to tell me. We try ta work on them every now and again. Probably the only reason they haven’t fallen down yet.”
“Well,” Frank leaned an elbow on the stall too, avoiding the carefully arranged bundles of herbs, “there were a bunch of folks from the Order of Stone that came, and a few other unaffiliated builders and carpenters that fixed the Hold up. Maybe we could get them to work on those buildings?”
Hank blew out his cheeks and raised his hands. “Not my place. I just sell herbs and help out where I can.”
“Oh come on Hank!” Frank shook his head. “I’ve only been here a few weeks and I can already see you’re a man who loves this place. And people can see that. People trust you around here.”
“They also know all my embarrassing childhood stories.”
“All the more reason to trust you,” Frank moved off the stand. “I’ve got to head back, but, think about it okay?”
“It’s not my decision to make!” Hank called after the miller as he left.
“You must know whose decision it is!” Frank called back.
Hank did. And she was stubborn.
He presented the idea to her though. Knocked on her door and told her of Frank’s offer.
“I’m not getting some weirdo from the Order of Stone to fix up those buildings!” she snapped. “They don’t understand these things.”
“Like what? They know stone, they know how to build things, they’ve been refurbishin’ the old Hold, how’s this any different?”
He knew the answer, and she gave to him.
“They’re not us.”
“If they had one of us with them then!”
“Are you volunteerin’ Hank Greenwood?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
He paused. Both his siblings had left home. It was just him and his parents to look after the pigs and to grow, gather and dry herbs. Both of these could be labour intensive, and his parents… they weren’t old. They could manage without him for a little bit.
“I am, yes.”
Her eyebrow went higher. “Well then. Let me know how you get on,” and she closed the door.
When he next saw Frank he told the miller what happened, and then everything happened, very quickly.
It didn’t take long for the builders to arrive, and Hank found himself co-ordinating between the builders from the Order and the handyfolk of Imforis. He wasn’t cut out of this! He was simple man, he prided himself on it! He wasn’t meant for giving orders like this!
But, here he was, running back and forth and trying to deal with arguments as the builders critiqued the old repairs and the local handyfolk taking that as an insult. The architects wanted to change the old buildings and were angrily and loudly shot down. Sometimes, both sides were just far too stubborn, but they slowly got something out of it.
No builder had managed to replicate the old Feadhainn architecture, and that showed. They tried to repair the oldest buildings, to make them habitable again, but some of them were too far gone. Those ones were torn down and new, more modern buildings out in their place, mostly made of local wood.
Hank could feel the ripple of anger throughout Imforis when this happened, and the new building felt like an unwelcome growth. Something you’d go into the nearest market town to see a doctor about.
He could see it from his stall, and he just rested his head on his forearms.
“Erm, excuse me?”
He lifted his head up, feeling a bit too tired to be dealing with an unfamiliar customer today.
“Yes?” he answered. The woman standing before him was clearly not from here, with curly red hair, bright blue eyes and pale skin. “Can I help you?”
“Could you tell me about some of these herbs? I don’t recognise all of them,” she said. At least she was polite, made a nice change.
Hank blinked for a second, trying to get his brain to work. Thankfully, he had learnt most of these while he was learning to read.
He rattled off a few of the more unusual ones, and the woman folded her arms, thinking before buying a few bundles.
“You look tired,” she commented as she handed over the necessary coins. “Long day?”
“Long month,” he sighed.
“Wow,” she looked around, “lots of work going on. Got anything to do with that?”
“Everything to do with it.”
The woman winced in sympathy. “I can see. It’ll be over soon enough, you’ll see,” she smiled, and then held her hand out. “I’m Fiona Flannail.”
“Hank Greenwood,” he shook. “Don’t tell me you’re involved with this lot?”
“Me? Oh no, just someone, wandering around. I’ve actually got work at the bakery,” she pointed in the right direction. “That’s what the herbs are for.”
“Never seen anyone bake with these,” Hank noted.
“Me neither!” her grin was giddy. “That’s what’s exciting!”
Hank found himself smiling too, her glee infectious. “Well, I hope you stay around for a while Miss Flannail.”
“We’ll see Mr Greenwood,” she had this odd smile on her face, which in his tired state, Hank couldn’t quite place. “Well, I’d better get to work. I’ll see you next time!” she waved and disappeared to the bakery while Hank waved back.
Fiona had been right, the construction didn’t last too long. At least, not on the old buildings. One of the builders had built up some rapport in Imforis, so built themselves a house, and became the local carpenter. Meanwhile, more people trickled to and fro from the Hold, and not everyone liked being there.
From what Hank heard, it was like a Guard base, but bigger, and not everyone wanted to live in a barracks. In fact, some people just, liked Imforis.
More houses were built. A school was built, which was a first, most people sent their children to the nearest town for schooling. All the old houses were clustered around the forest edge, but new houses built up on the north and south sides, arcing around to an extended business hub. A doctor popped up, so now they didn’t just have a herbalist.
Sitting at his stall now, with his daughter working on her school work beside him, Hank marvelling at the whole thing. In 15 years Imforis had changed into something twice, three times the size of what it had been.
It all happened, he supposed, because the Watch decided that the old tower just north of them would be perfect. How strange, that one decision could affect so many people.
(Phew, that might be the longest one I’ve done so far! To date it, well the Watch was announced May 1599, so I imagine construction would begin not too long after that.
I actually messed with my own timeline here, because Fiona wasn’t originally going to show up until 1600/1601, but given that the timeline is mostly in my head it’s pretty fluid and subject to change. Also yes, Fiona is slighlty flirting with Hank)
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thewatchau · 3 years
Winne and Fiona Meet
Author’s Note: Been a while since I posted an rp write up! All the ones I have have been sitting for a while, and while I haven’t seen our Scout Winnie for a while, I did get permission at the time to post these, hopefully that still holds!
Bard’s Note: Thanks to @theshapeshifter100 for writing and posting this! I don’t have Winnie’s tumblr url, but thanks to her as well!
Lunch at the Spire was a lengthy affair. There was usually someone who came in way too early and stayed until three in the afternoon. Or people would just, forget and come running into the kitchen at four absolutely starving, only to find Fiona cutting up some bread and leaving it on the counter for them. That was pretty much what was happening now.
A fresh loaf of bread was out of the oven, and Fiona was watching the door, waiting for someone to come barrelling through.
Someone did, their green cloak behind them and a collie dog not far behind. They grabbed a slice of bread and sat down nearby.
“Thanks goodness I wasn’t too late!” they declared, taking a bite.
“It’s why I’m still here,” Fiona smiled. “I’m trying a new recipe; do you like it?”
“It’s amazing!”
Fiona’s smile widened to a beam. “I’m glad. I just messed with the rosemary and thyme ratio, but, uh, you probably want to eat. Sorry,” she checked her slices again and continued cutting the loaf.
The newcomer ate the slice of bread, tearing off a few pieces to give to her dog. “No it’s ok, seeming there’s not much else to do right now.”
They had a point; it was more or less empty in the kitchen apart from the three of them.
“Well, I usually have more rosemary,” Fiona started slowly, but her words began to speed up, “but I made the amount of rosemary and thyme more even, and I’m glad it worked!” she leaned over the counter. “You have a lovely dog! What’s their name?”
“Her name is Sadie.”
“Well hello Sadie!” Fiona waved down at the dog. “You seemed like my bread too!”
Sadie barked in agreement, slightly muffled from the bread she was still chomping on.
“She’s a good dog,” the Watcher noted. “Helps me out with getting places. My eyesight in my right eye isn’t as well as it was before.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Fiona had the right amount of concern on her face. “I’m glad she helps with that, er…” Fiona paused, realising that she knew the dog’s name, but not the Watcher’s.
“Winnie. My name is Winnie.”
“Hi Winnie, I’m Fiona,” Fiona offered her hand out, then realised it was covered in flour, so withdrew it sheepishly.
“Nice to me you!” Winnie responded. “Don’t worry about the flour, my hands are usually covered in sawdust or paint from my hobbies.”
“In that case,” Fiona took Winnie’s hand, the baker having a firm grip. “Are you new to the Spire?”
“Yeah I’m new.”
“Well then, that explains why you missed the rush. I had such a hard time getting up the slopes here.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty hard to get up here.”
“So, what will you be doing? We always need more help in the kitchens.”
“I can help around whenever it’s needed, if not needed I’ll probably be looking out for stuff.”
Fiona gave a small smile. “Great, and looking out for stuff is what Watcher’s do here. Have you gone to the top yet?”
“Not yet.”
“You really should. Either in a welcoming tour, duties, or just sneaking up. It’s a wonderful view. Make sure you pick a clear day. Not much fun watching clouds.”
“Ok! I’ll check it!” Winnie and Sadie to go check it immediately.
Fiona was left standing in the kitchen, not expecting that to happen right now, but hey, it was a nice day. Winnie would get a good view, and it’s not like Fiona was going anywhere.
A few more Watchers drifted in and out, and she half wondered if Winnie and Sadie were going to come back.
They did, after about an hour later while Fiona was packing up, all bread gone for now. Sadie’s fur was all ruffled, and Winnie’s face was pink from the wind.
“You were right!” she declared. “It’s a great view from up there!”
“Excellent! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’m just about to take a quick break before working on tonight’s dinner.”
Most of it was already underway, gently bubbling in some cauldrons over the massive fire in the back of the kitchen.
“Ok! Maybe we can hang out together while you’re on your break!”
“If you’d like,” Fiona was a little unsure, feeling like she definitely looked older than Winnie, but if the younger Watcher was okay with it, then fine. “I’ll make us both some tea and we can sit down somewhere.”
“I’d love to hang out. Not much else I can do.”
“Oh, I’m sure that’s not the case! I’m sure you can do many things!” Fiona plopped some leaves into some boiling water and gave it a quick stir, waiting for it infuse. “Do you like your tea strong?”
“I’d prefer weak, but either is fine,” Winnie shrugged, before adding, “I mostly do painting and woodcarving,”
“See, that’s something,” Fiona poured out Winnie’s first, then hers a few seconds later. “Even if it’s not directly contributing to the Watch, the rest of us have to keep morale up. An army marches on it’s stomach, and you need people to keep spirits up,” as she spoke Fiona walked around the counter and handed Winnie her tea.
She took a sip of it. “You’re right on that. I also like to go on walks in the forest, I saw some interesting things on my recent walk.”
“Oooh, interesting?” Fiona found a seat in the empty kitchen, not wanting to go too far. “I’m told most of these mountains are unexplored.”
“I think I discovered a fairy village or something,” Winnie spoke nonchalantly, taking another sip of tea.
Meanwhile Fiona sat up straighter. “Really now? You might have stumbled upon a Fae Garden,” she had lived near the Western Forest for a few years, so she sort of knew Fae Gardens.
“Maybe. There were fairy windows and doors everywhere. I even found an offering hole. I put a small stone in it.“
"Good good, it’s good to keep them appeased,” Fiona had a thought about her, sort of, sister-in-law, which made her go quiet for a bit. “I, er, take it you didn’t see any Fae?”
“No, but I did have an interaction with one,” Winnie took another sip of tea, as if this wasn’t alarming in any way. “One decided to put a small wood chip in my shoe.”
“Oh wow, that’s quite rare, they must like you.”
“Yeah, might go back one day,” she looked at Fiona. “You went quiet for a bit. Are you okay?”
“Er, yes. Sorry, my head was elsewhere for a moment,” Fiona smiled, trying to be bright, but it looked strained.
“No, I can tell something’s on your mind. What is it? You can tell me.”
Fiona shifted awkwardly. “It’s complicated. I just, left some important people behind.”
Winnie seemed to realise what Fiona was talking about. “Oh, I see now. I wouldn’t know, being an orphan and an only child. I’ll see if I can do anything to help.”
“Thank you,” Fiona’s smile grew wan. “I just, left with no warning. Well, no outward warning. It’s been so long… The longer it is, the harder it is to go back I guess.”
“She must be getting so big now… She probably won’t remember me…” Fiona trailed off in thought.
“That’s really sad,” Winnie commented, and Sadie placed her head in Fiona’s lap, hoping to comfort her.
Fiona smiled and gently stroked the border collie’s ears. “It’s my own fault… No, it was, and it wasn’t. My own mind turning against me.”
“I know that feeling.”
Fiona just nodded, and then shook her head as if to shake away the thoughts.
“Anyway, a bit happier conversation. Where are you from Winnie?”
“I actually come from House Jameson. I don’t remember where I was before that.”
“Oh so you’re not far from home then! And, why wouldn’t you remember? Most people don’t remember what happened when they were little anyway.”
“True,” Winnie seemed uninclined to continue, so Fiona continued to talk.
“I’m from House Brody originally, so a bit different. Still wet, just, a different wet.”
“That seems nice.”
“It was, but it was nice to move on. Made a lot of friends in Noefrach.”
“I don’t have many friends, if any at all. The only friend I have so far is Sadie.”
“Well, hopefully that will change here. We’re a friendly lot,” Fiona gently nudged Winnie’s shoulder.
“I can see,” Winnie peered over the counter to look at the cauldrons. “You think it’s ready?”
“Not for a few hours,” Fiona didn’t even need to look. “Dinner won’t be until six. Already smells good though. It’ll be a good hearty stew tonight.”
Fiona drained her tea and leaned back with a sigh. “Good to relax,” she hummed while stretching her fingers. “Kneading is such hard work something.”
“I can see that.”
The two of them continued to gently talk, killing time until more cooks filed into the kitchen, and Fiona had to go get food ready for many hungry Watchers.
Author’s Note: I’d put this somewhere between April and December 1614, nice and broad I know, sorry
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thewatchau · 3 years
Hazel and Fiona-House JJ attacks
Author’s Note: Another part of my 1615 catch up, staring Bard Hazel Daley and Watcher/Baker Fiona Flannail. 
Bard’s Note: Biggest of preeshes to @theshapeshifter100! 
The cooks and bakers were among the earliest risers in the Spire, the earliest risers in the Watch generally. So Fiona was already stirring when she heard shouting from outside.
With a groan she sat up in bed, her curly red hair sticking up and out like a bush was growing there instead. Her roommate groaned as Fiona swung her feet out of bed and found her boots. They were just getting up as Fiona poked her head out of the door.
In the barely grey light of pre-dawn Watchers already running around. A handful of ravens flew overhead and down the mountain while several green cloaked individuals organised themselves. As she stepped out, she overheard barking orders, splitting up the groups to go down the mountain and either investigate or fight back against, something.
She’d been up here long enough to know what that something was likely to be.
Fiona, still in her nightclothes, ran towards the kitchens. An army marched on its stomach after all.
Hazel startled awake, staring up at the ceiling. For a moment, she wondered what woke her up, until she heard something clattering on the roof.
It wasn’t rain, it sounded like a dog had somehow managed to get up there.
Hazel slunk out of her bed and across the room, grabbing the nearest vaguely weighty item, a candlestick. Hands shaking and palms sweaty, she turned to face the bedroom window, shuttered tight against the constant rain. She wasn’t a fighter, she was just about strong enough to carry props and books, and coordinated enough to not trip over her own feet!
Still, she held the unlit candlestick, listening to the clambering and scraping. She wasn’t quite sure what she was going to do with it. Throw it? Hit them with it? It wasn’t that heavy.
She jumped as a thud landed on her roof, and the clattering and skittering doubled. She swallowed and backed up until she hit the wall, holding the candlestick out like it would protect her. Her breath rattled in her lungs and there was a point where she wasn’t sure if she was hearing the creatures or the thudding of her own heart.
Then it screamed.
The shrill keening shriek sounded like a child’s scream pitched up several octaves. Hazel cried out and clutched her ears, the screaming piercing right through to her brain.
The screaming faded, but more screaming picked up. Quieter, further away, but picking up. Soon it sounded like the whole of Noefrach was filled with high-pitched screaming.
The candlestick fell to the floor with a clatter and Hazel crouched on the floor, hands clasped on her ears trying to block it out. Fear was clawing its way up her throat and her eyes locked on the window, convinced they were going to tear their way in.
The screeching died down, and with one last clatter, the creatures seemed to move on.
Hazel waited in the dark, minutes crawling by. Faintly she heard the clock tower chime the time. She waited until it chimed quarter past the hour before slowly standing back up, grasping the candlestick.
Guilt curdled in her gut, and she began to creep downstairs to check on her apprentice. She hadn’t even thought about them.
As she went downstairs, she heard her apprentice scream, and she ducked just in time to avoid a shoe being thrown at her head.
“It’s me it’s me!” she cried, the shoe clattering on the stairs behind her. “It’s just me.”
There was an audible sigh of relief and the sound of a light being struck. A candle glimmered into life, relieving the pale face of Hazel’s current apprentice.
“You-you heard all-all that?” they asked.
“Yeah,” Hazel breathed. “I, I think they’re gone.”
The apprentice visibly swallowed. “Okay, okay. I, I er, I don’t think I’m going to go back to sleep.”
“No, me neither.”
Fiona had only just stopped.
Still in her nightclothes, she’d baked and cooked as Watchers poured in at an unprecedented rate. They didn’t have enough rations to hand out, so just handed out slices of still hot bread and hoped it would do. Most of the Watchers coming in were eating and running, many of them prepping to go down the mountain. Others were running food up to the scholars and rookerers and the observers.
It was organised chaos in the kitchens. All the cooks and bakers were running around, grabbing ingredients and helping where they could. The cacophony of shouting and chopping and boiling. Knives were getting tossed into a sink, paddles with scalding hot bread were being carried overhead, bowls were carried to the front in piles of five, balanced precariously.
It was only the practice and skill they’d all gained from being up here that prevented things from going horrendously wrong. Tea, bread, porridge, and pottage were served up with clockwork regularity with all the kitchen staff in their nightclothes. It wasn’t until mid-morning that any of them had time to breathe.
Fiona leaned against the counter and felt her forearms shake as tiredness set in. Lords, she was exhausted.
Word was coming in of what was happening, snatches of overheard conversations. Sightings of the Enemy’s monsters in the foothills, heading roughly southwest.
Not for the first time her mind went to Hank and Ellie, so close to the Forest, so close to danger, and how close she was to danger. Guilt built and she scrunched her eyes shut. Not now. Not the time. She needed to get through today. Today was the Watch, tomorrow she could think about other things.
In the back of her mind, a small voice reminded her that she’d made that excuse far too many times.
As predicted, Hazel and her apprentice did not sleep that night. There were no further noises, but they stayed huddled in the front room, blankets over their shoulders and clutching mugs of hot tea.
As dawn finally broke, Hazel went outside. Her horse was a bit spooked, but the danger had passed. There was barely any damage either, some moss dislodged from the roof, some stones torn from the dormouse mural, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed.
They’d gotten lucky this time.
Author’s Note: Set during the House JJ raids in April 1615, and this is the beginning of a thing for Fiona, which I’m not entirely happy with, but it’ll be submitted at some point
Bard’s Note: Ooooohhhhh raid stories! Also fun fact: my grammarly chrome extention says that the tone of your story sounds “Anxious” and “Disapproving,” which sounds about right for at least one of these’s character’s internal monologues XD Fantastic work as always. 
For those who are curious, here are the two reports that reference these attacks: Distorted Echoes and Distorted Echoes: Update. 
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thewatchau · 4 years
Moonlit Winter Night
Author’s Note: Last one! Short and sweet.
Bard’s Note: Thank you SOOOOO much to @theshapeshifter100 for all of these prompts for Inktober 2020! It’s been a genuine joy to read all of these!
It was amazing how many people that house could hold.
It was a small, one story house on the edge of Imforis, and yet it currently held Mags’s parents, Nora and Breas, her two brothers Hank and Bran, and Hank’s girlfriend Fiona.
To be fair, that house had coped with all but one of them before, maybe it was because she’d been gone for a while. She’d gotten used to having more of her own space, that house seemed so tiny now.
The door fell shut behind her as she and Rena stepped out for a moment. She felt the frost crunch beneath her boots and her breath fogged in front of her eyes. The moon shone large and bright across the garden, with the beginnings of the Western Forest a stone’s throw away.
The frost sparkled in the cloudless night, and Mags found herself not as cold as she’d feared. It wasn’t like House Jackie thankfully, now there was a place of extreme temperatures!
Rena leant against her leg and she leaned down to ruffle his ears. The night was still, with barely any wind movement. It was peaceful, almost looking like a painting with how the moonlight was shining.
Rena went stiff and his ears pricked under her gloves. She looked up and followed his gaze into the trees, where a green light was shining.
It flashed across her eyes, and her mind went blank. She remembered nothing else of that night.
Author’s Note: Winter 1603, Overnight Defence. This is my last one, 16 days late, and I did skip a couple out of having no ideas. Been good fun!
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thewatchau · 4 years
The Overnight Defence - The Greenwoods
Author’s Note: First in a three part series, in honour of the Overnight Watch’s anniversary. Not many of my characters were actually that affected, either they were in a major city, were lucky enough to sleep through it, or had other problems on their minds
Up first, a direct sequal to this prompt!
Bard’s Note: Thanks to @theshapeshifter100 for this incredible submission! Trigger warnings typical of the Overnight Defense abound here, guys, plus a few others: implied kidnapping/mind control, building fires, getting lost in the woods, etc. Let me know if there’s a TW I missed; this one is intense (which I LOVE but I want people to stay safe). 
Hank was having a wonderful night. The house hadn’t been this full in a while and having managed to wrangle both his siblings home at the same was damn near a miracle.
He, his Ma and his Da had gotten everything ready and all the walls were covered in evergreens from the forest, holly, yew and spruce took up most of it as well as some brightly coloured herbs. There were celebrations in Imforis proper that they’d go to later, but for now it was him, his family and Fiona, who was on her way to being family.
Her curly red hair stood out among the dark haired Greenwoods as she talked animatedly to his Ma, Nora. They got along pretty well, with his ma often going to the bakery Fiona worked to try her bread experiments. Right now it seemed Nora was giving Fiona some ideas about herbs to try.
His Da, Breas, was leaning back in his rickety old chair, having half a conversation with Hank, but the two of them would trail off to take in the atmosphere.
Hank noticed Bran looking outside, and followed his gaze through the closed shutters. The angle of the moonlight coming in was a bit different, and Mags hadn’t come back in yet.
Hank raised an eyebrow and stood up, Bran joining him a few seconds later. They only time they ever seemed to be on the same page was when it concerned Mags.
“Hank?” Fiona asked, noticing him get out of his chair.
“Mags isn’t back yet.”
“Hank,” his Ma sighed. “She’s a grown woman now, she can look after herself.”
“Just, let me look, alright?”
“If it makes you feel better,” Nora shook her head and returned to her conversation with Fiona.
Bran had already made it to the door and opened it, seemingly unconcerned by the cold. Hank at least grabbed a cloak and put on his boots before leaving.
The night was still and cloudless, the moon shining down onto the frost covered grass. Bran was already squatting down, looking at it.
“She and Rena went into the woods.”
“Sorry?” Hank walked over, and looked down and Bran pointed out the frosty prints. Boot prints and small fox prints, leading right into the Western Forest. “Maybe she went to visit the foxes?”
“Maybe, they’ll all be awake now,” Bran straightened up and looked at the woods. Hank followed his gaze, and felt a shudder go down his spine.
“Something’s not right,” was it him, or were the trees darker than usual?
Bran looked for a bit longer. “We need to look for them.”
“I’ll let Ma and Da know,” Hank turned to go back to back inside, only for Breas to slam open the door and rush out. “Da?”
“You found Mags?” he asked, casting around. “No?”
“She’s gone into the woods.”
Breas cursed under his breath, repeatedly, he gestured in the general direction of Imforis as he muttered, and Hank followed his gaze.
He could see the glow of the bonfire from here. That was odd, they never usually could see it from here…
Imforis was burning.
Nora and Fiona sped out of the house, stomping their boots onto their foot properly and throwing on cloaks. Breas clapped his hand onto Hank’s shoulder, snapping him back.
“Your ma and I are going to help in Imforis. Come with us or look for Mags, your choice.”
With wide eyes Hank looked between the glowing horizon and the dark woods. Bran was already walking towards the woods, his Ma and Da were beginning to walk down the road, and Fiona was waiting on his decision.
He swallowed, and turned to follow Bran into the forest.
He could almost feel him sigh with irritation, but his little brother slowed down for him, ponytail swishing as he looked behind him. There was a crunching of frost as Fiona ran to catch up.
“Can you follow the tracks?” Hank asked Bran, who shrugged.
“I can try,” with that he turned on his heel and began to walk into the forest.
“Don’t step on the tracks,” Hank warned Fiona before following his brother.
“I can’t even see them, but okay,” Fiona followed, hitching up her skirt as she walked.
The forest was thick, thicker than he was used to. He swore it wasn’t this dense yesterday. That log wasn’t there either, or those mushrooms.
“What the fuck?” Bran came to a sudden stop. The light had abruptly dropped, leaving all three of them blind for a few minutes as they adjusted.
“Lost them already?”
“Shut up.”
The figure of Bran crouched down again, and Hank and Fiona blinked rapidly to get their eyes to adjust faster.
“There’s no tracks,” Bran announced.
“How can there be no tracks?!” Hank struggled not to burst out. “Come back and look again!”
“I am looking! They stop here!”
“Let me look!” Hank stomped his way over and crouched down to have a look. Bran sighed irritably and stood up as Hank came to the same conclusion.
He could clearly see the intents in the frost that were Mags and Rena, but Bran was right, they just stopped. There weren’t any left or right, they didn’t appear to backtrack or jump anywhere. They just stopped.
“Bran where are you going?” Fiona suddenly cried, and Hank whipped his head in time to see Bran wandering off.
“What are you doing?! We need to stick together!” he sprung up and ran to grab his brother by the arm.
“I’ll be fine,” Bran snapped, yanking his arm out of Hank’s grip. “You two stay together,” he brought his fingers to his mouth and let out a piercing whistle. As the noise faded there was a rustling noise as foxes appeared out of the bushes and owls appeared in the trees. Bran then faded into the forest like the feral child he’d always wanted to be.
“Bran?” Fiona wandered up to where he had just been.
“I forgot he could talk to animals. He’ll be fine,” Hank groaned. “Come on.”
“Where? Hank I’m not even sure which way we came in!” a note of panic was creeping into Fiona’s voice, and Hank agreed. The forest had changed drastically in the space of a few hours, and they were in the edge of it still. With Bran gone, he suddenly felt a lot more vulnerable.
Fear began to claw its way up his throat and he stepped closer to Fiona.
“MAGS!” he called into the dark forest, his voice high pitched from fear. “RENA!”
“She won’t hear you!”
“Rena might,” he cupped his hands to his mouth. “RENA!”
He heard a faint high pitched bark and screech. There was no answering call from another fox.
“That way!” he pointed in the direction of the call and began to march through the undergrowth. “RENA!”
“Hank wait!”
“We can’t lose them!”
“We also can’t see shit!” Fiona snapped. “And how do you know that’s Rena?”
“Because they responded, RENA!”
There wasn’t another bark or scream.
“Look, I’m going to go back and get a torch. Stay here!” Fiona turned and ran back the way they came.
The dark closed in as she left and Hank subconsciously wrapped his arms around himself. The back of his neck prickled and he shot his head around, feeling like the trees themselves were watching him.
“Come on,” he stamped his feet and tried to shake it off. It was just the woods, yes there was dangerous stuff in there, but not this far towards the edge. It was fine, it was just dark. The dark always made things seem scarier.
Still, he felt an incredible amount of relief when a bright ball of light came bobbing through the trees, and Fiona returned with the torch. Once she was next to him she held it out for him to take.
“You know this forest. Lead the way.”
They wandered the forest for hours, calling out for Mags and Rena. They heard nothing after the first bark, but kept going roughly where it had come from. The feeling of being watched barely faded, and as the night drew on, they knew they couldn’t keep going.
Even with the torch it was near impossible to see and the more they walked, the more likely they were to keep irreparably lost. Hank left markers as best he could, but they didn’t seem to do much.
The two of them came to an unspoken agreement as the torch flickered, and turned around. They headed back the way they came, hoping it would take them home, and bubbling with unspoken fear about being lost forever in here.
Finally Hank’s markers became more obvious and the dark less cloying. The trees began to part and Hank could see the sides of his house.
“Finally,” he breathed, and the tension shattered as he and Fiona picked up the pace. The moon was starting to lower and when they left the trees the moonlight almost blinded them. They paused and shielded their eyes as if they’d walked into sunlight.
In the better light Hank could see the twigs in Fiona’s hair and the mud splattered on both their boots and clothes. They looked like they had been doing, exactly what they had been doing; tramping through the woods.
Hank turned to face the forest and took a few steps back, stomach churning. “We didn’t find them.”
Fiona grabbed his arm. “Don’t you dare go back in there.”
He looked back at her and then at the woods. He took a step back. Then another. Then another. He didn’t stop until his back hit the side of his house.
“Fuck,” he voice wobbled. His brother and sister were still in there. Age didn’t matter, he was supposed to look after them. That was what he did.
“Hey,” Fiona put a hand on his shoulder. “You watch, Bran will have found them, and all three of them are on their way back right now. It’ll be alright.”
“And you know, I can’t see a fire glow anymore. It’s under control in Imforis.”
“Okay,” Hank slowly sank to the ground, knees up against his chest. Fiona took the smoking, burnt out torch from him and planted it into the damp ground before sliding down next to him.
The two of them watched the woods until the sun rose.
Bran came out first, stumbling and exhausted. His face was scratched and his clothes torn from thorns and snagging branches. Mud caked his lower half and a small amount of dried blood originated from a spot on his head, where it looked he might have hit it. He saw Hank and Fiona huddled against the house, and slowly shook his head.
Hank scrambled to his feet, dislodging Fiona’s head from his shoulder and marched over. “You have to have found her.”
“I didn’t,” Bran blinked rapidly. “We couldn’t find them.”
Hank gripped his brother’s shoulder’s in both hands, green eyes glaring into wide brown as they both blinked back tears. “You had to have done! You can speak to animals for fucks sake, did none of them see them?!”
“Hank,” Bran spoke softly, breath hitching. “Hank that hurts.”
Hank hadn’t realised that he’d been digging his fingers in, and rapidly let go, stepping back. “Sorry, sorry Bran.”
Bran nodded and tucked his hands into his armpits. “Ma and Da back yet?”
“No. Not yet,” it hadn’t occurred to Hank that they might not be coming back.
Bran visibly swallowed and looked away with an unsteady exhale.
There was a faint crunch of frost which caught all of their attention. All three heads spun towards the woods to see a figure stepping out.
“Mags!” Bran moved first, quickly followed by Hank. The brothers quickly slowed as Rena stepped in front of Mags, and they got a good look at her.
She looked pale, her clothes in a similar state of mud and disarray as Bran’s. Twigs and leaves were tangled in her hair, and her eyes were glazed over as she walked, or more stumbled.
Rena didn’t look much better, his normally glossy coat foamy from sweat and tangled. His head hung low and he was dragging his paws, but he was still trying to protect Mags.
Hank waved in Mags’s line of sight to try and get her attention. She slowly blinked and looked up, slowly registering who was there.
Hank tried to ignore the fact that her green eye looked like it had changed shade. It used to be the same shade as his, but now it was a brighter, more verdant green. Maybe it just looked that way because she was so pale.
“Hank? Bran?” she slowly signed, and began to blink. “What happened? Why are you…?” she looked down and saw the state she was in. “Why am I…? Ow my head…”
Hank walked over and pulled her into a hug, and even more amazingly, Bran joined it.
Later in the day their parents would come back saying that Imforis needed repairing, and Hank would go down and start helping. Later they would learn that Mags had no memory of the night, and if Rena did, he wasn’t telling Bran.
But now his little sister was home and safe, and that was all that mattered.
Author’s Note: Hank was 26, Bran was 23, Mags 20, Fiona 24
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thewatchau · 5 years
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(This is Ellie’s mum, and those who remember that profile, you’ll remember that it was mentioned that her mum suffered from post-partum psychosis. This profile goes into more detail, so hopefully it’s accurate, and if you’re sensitive to that, maybe skip this post)
Artisan Baker and Cook Fiona Flannail
DOB: 29th April 1579 (35)
House: Jameson
Location: Guardian Spire
Spent the early parts of her life in House Brody with her family. Her family owned a bakery and she followed suit. She learned to cook common Duilitinn dishes, but her speciality is artisan or decorative bread.
She left home in her twenties to find interesting ingredients, and maybe learn magic, as it was another interest of hers. She wandered into Imforis, where she met Hank. She settled nearby in the Imforis bakery, and began to use the herbs he found and grew in her baking. She loved what they did to the flavours of the bread, and loved experimenting with the magic ones. As time went by, she became less of a customer, and more of a friend to Hank. Then, something a bit more.
She put off marrying him, as she wanted to explore the region a bit, even though she hadn’t left Imforis in a few years. Honestly, she was a little scared of marrying him, she didn’t want to be tied down in one place, and she also didn’t want him to feel like he had to leave home, since it was clear he was happy and content here.
In 1603 was the Overnight Defence. There was a big gathering in the Greenwood household, including Bran for once. It wasn’t until late in the night they realised that 1, Mags and Rena was missing, 2, parts of Imforis was on fire.
The family, plus Fiona, split in two, some going out to find Mags, others trying to help out in Imforis to put out the fires, although, creepily, they never found who, or what, started them. They found Mags the next morning, and neither she or Rena remembered anything. Fiona didn’t know her well, but everyone else said her green eye was a brighter green than before.
Things calmed down, one thing led to another, and she gave birth to Ellie on 6th May 1605, and she expected to be happy about it. She wasn’t.
Within two weeks something went very wrong. She began to think that everyone was watching her with Ellie, even if it was just the two of them in an otherwise empty room. Her mood began to swing violently with her thoughts racing at times. She was too restless to sleep, but didn’t want to see anyone either. She began to resent her child, sometimes convinced that this was all her fault. The rest of the time she trying so hard to be a good mother to prove them all wrong and also because this was her baby, she should love her! Right?
All this was driving her up the damn wall. Nora Greenweed, Hank’s mother, was incredibly helpful and patient during this time. Fiona waited until Ellie no longer physically relied on her, and then left. She couldn’t take it anymore, and she assumed that distance from her new family would make things better.
It was hell for a little bit, thoughts flipping between ‘I abandoned my baby’ and ‘I’m free’. She initially headed for House Jameson, to try and find work, but her mental state made her co-workers gently push her towards House Schneeplestein for proper help.
She got that help over a period of months and returned to House Jameson, uncertain about going back to Imforis. She settled back into baking and mostly focused on that, taking on elaborate bakes. She kept putting off going back to Imforis, worried that the whole Greenwood family hated her for leaving like that. How could she begin to explain why she had done that without sounding bonkers?
Her friends would occasionally nudge her to try. Not maliciously, but at least give her a chance to explain to them, and, see what happens next.
Fiona eventually lied to them, saying she was going try going to the Hold to be closer to the Imforis. She actually left Noefrach in the opposite direction, heading for the Spire. She began working in the kitchen there, uncertain how long she remain there. She doesn’t intend to remain in the Spire, but there’s where she is currently.
She has a letter in her room for Hank which she keeps meaning to send. So far, she hasn’t brought herself to do it.
She’s a slightly mischievous person and openly curious, always willing to experiment. Recent years have put her in a bit of rut, which she is slowly climbing out of.
(I realised after I posted all those profiles that I forgot about the Overnight Defence for all of them. So this mostly covers the Greenwoods, and I might write a fic about it. Maybe.
She’s also, a Watcher, for once. I finally made another character who’s a Watcher?! Or at least, works with the Watch)
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thewatchau · 6 years
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Tales From The Watch: Pre-1614
Last Updated: 5/01/2020
This is a comprehensive list of every narrative-based (or sorta-narrative-based) story post written for the Watch AU! If you’re in the mood for a fanfic, you’re in the right place.
Some of these posts can also be found on the Bard’s Journal masterlist, but most are links to reblogged versions where other Watchers added their input or responded to the excitement. They’ll be listed in chronological order according to the events themselves, but the dates indicate when each fic was posted. Beside each link is a list of the Watchers featured within and/or a brief synopsis.
OOC AU Novelization Story/Theme Thoughts
More Tales Masterlists:
First Impression (9/05/2019) - Jackie and Marvin butt heads after their first meeting
Recruiting the Guard (3/16/2020) - Marvin reevaluates his opinions of his companions as they try to win allies in the Guard Coalition
Mistakes (4/15/2019) - A tragic accident lands the first blow against the hopes of a very young Chase Brody
After the Fall (4/27/2019) - Months after the events of "Mistakes," a young Chase is alone and mourning his fallen friend when two adventurers stumble across him hungover in the snow…
Fire and Dark (4/21/2019) - Chase feels guilty after getting Sean hurt and the rest of the group does their best to help
Changelings (12/22/2019) - Helen and Cyril Paris
Irna's Magical Focus (12/14/2019) - Mage Irnas
Cyril's Ring (10/01/2019) - Inktober Day 1 feat. Ivy's Parents
Frail (10/08/2019) - Inktober Day 8 feat. Gus's Mother
Ornament (10/17/2019) - Inktober Day 17 feat. Mage Irnas
Fae Folk (12/21/2019)- Mags Greenwood-Paris
Swing (10/09/2019) - Inktober Day 9 feat. Paris Family
Treasure (10/21/2019) - Inktober Day 21 feat. Paris Family
Legend (10/15/2019) - Inktober Day 15 feat. Bard Hazel
Dark Whispers (7/08/2019) - Watch AU events of KJSE- aka the second attempt on King Sean's life- from Henrik's perspective
The Rebuilding of Rúnach Hold and Imforis (12/09/2019) - Hank Greenwood-Paris, Fiona Flannail
Wild (10/16/2019) - Inktober Day 16 feat. Mage Irnas
Freeze (10/04/2019) - Inktober Day 4 feat. Mags
Familiar Nimbus (12/12/2019) - Mage Irnas
Dark (10/26/2019) - Inktober Day 26 feat. Graham Family
Autumn's House (2/06/2020) - Autumn Green
Ancient (10/23/2019) - Inktober Day 23 feat. Paris Family
Green at Jameson's Titling (2/06/2020) - Autumn Green, Lord Jameson
Jameson's Disappearance (12/03/2019) - Ivy Paris, Mage Irnas
Creative Assistance (12/24/2019) - Bard Hazel and Ivy Paris
Pattern (10/10/2019) - Inktober Day 10 feat. Charles
The Morn that Never Dawned (3/09/2019) - A Poem about The Overnight Defense
Gone are The Lords (3/11/2019) - A Song about The Overnight Defense
A Civilian's Watch (3/29/2019) - Jen Quillan
The Burning of Cnocrann (6/21/2019) - A young Jen Quillan sees effects of The Enemy's raids firsthand in March 1604
The Enemy's Influence (12/27/2019) - Mags Greenwood-Paris
Work for Ivy (3/01/2019) - Ivy Paris visits House Brody for the first time in March 1604
The Origin of Watcher Licenses (4/30/2020) - The attack on Fort Conchúr in mid-1604 that led to various security measures
Ivy's Choice (12/04/2019)- Ivy Paris
Build (10/05/2019) - Inktober Day 5 feat. Mags
Ghost (10/22/2019) - Inktober Day 22 feat. Paris Family
Injury (10/29/2019) - Inktober Day 29 feat. Mason Family
Raids (12/19/2019) - Mason Family
The Last of The Lords (3/11/2019) - Lord Brody drinks away the pain in the castle as the north falls under attack
Tread (10/20/2019) - Inktober Day 20 feat. Gus Graham
Ivy's Grief (8/31/2019) - One year after her mother's death, Ivy still struggles in the aftermath
Ride (10/28/2019) - Inktober Day 28 feat. Ivy Paris
Famines (12/20/2019) - Mason Family
Beginning Pages (11/10/2019) - Keyes's origins
Dreams of Green (12/06/2019) - Emily Keyes
Familiarity (12/19/2019) - Emily Keyes, Vio Stormcaller
Lost in the Madness (5/02/2019) - Mayhem Prompt Day 1 & 2
The Calm (5/03/2019) - Mayhem Prompt Day 3 & 4
Stories Untold (5/05/2019) - Mayhem Prompt Day 5
He's Listening (5/06/2019) - Mayhem Prompt Day 6
Dizzy (10/24/2019) - Inktober Day 24 feat. Ivy Paris
Silent Connections (5/08/2019) - Mayhem Prompt Day 7 & 8
Try to Fall Asleep, The End is Near (5/10/2019) - Mayhem Prompt Day 9 & 10
TIE (5/12/2019) - Mayhem Prompt Day 11 & 13
Winning (5/13/2019) - Mayhem Prompt Day 12
Dark Silence (5/14/2019) - Mayhem Prompt Day 14
Puzzle (12/31/2019)- Emily Keyes
Sling (10/19/2019) - Inktober Day 19 feat. Ivy and Mags
Singing (12/29/2019) - Vio Stormcaller
Keyes's Crisis (10/06/2019) - Emily Keyes
Archives (12/11/2019) - Ivy Paris, Emily Keyes
Recovery (12/18/2019) - Emily Keyes, Vio Stormcaller
Messenger's Guild (12/05/2019) - Ivy Paris
Ivy and Otto (6/03/2019) - Ivy Paris
Husky (10/06/2019) - Inktober Day 6 feat. Ed
Misfit (10/18/2019) - Inktober Day 18 feat. Ed.
Clouds (12/30/2019) - Vio Stormcaller, Emily Keyes
Enchanted (10/07/2019) - Inktober Day 7 feat. Mags
Charles and Mags's Wedding Part 1 (4/21/2020) - Ivy Paris, Charles Greenwood-Paris
Charles and Mags's Wedding Part 1.5 (4/21/2020) - Ivy Paris, Charles Greenwood-Paris
Gus Considers the Watch (9/22/2019) - Ivy Paris, Gus Graham
Charles and Mags's Wedding Part 2 (4/21/2020) - Ivy Paris, Cyril Paris
Magical Records of Magical Lands (12/13/2019) - Mags Greenwood-Paris
Ivy the Messenger (12/10/2019) - Ivy Paris, Gus Graham
Mistrust (12/29/2019) - Ivy Paris, Gus Graham
Mags Joining The Watch (12/06/2019) - Mags Greenwood-Paris
Connor, Missing In Action (7/11/2019) - Connor Spewraith, Morgana Spewraith, Roisin Spewraith
Charles and Mags's Wedding Part 3 (4/21/2020) - Mags Greenwood-Paris, Charles Greenwood-Paris
Charles and Mags's Wedding Part 4 (4/21/2020) - Mags Greenwood-Paris, Charles Greenwood-Paris, Ivy Paris
Charles and Mags's Wedding Part 5 (4/21/2020) - feat. the whole Paris family and Greenwood family, plus some friends
Charles and Mags's Wedding Part 5.3 (4/21/2020) - feat. the whole Paris family and Greenwood family, plus some friends
Charles and Mags's Wedding Part 5.6 (4/21/2020) - feat. the whole Paris family and Greenwood family, plus some friends
Mindless (10/02/2019) - Inktober Day 2 feat. Mags and Charles
Bait (10/03/2019) - Inktober Day 3 feat. Bran
Ripe (10/31/2019) - Inktober Day 31 feat. Yarra in Tandeli
Gus in Fort Conchúr (12/08/2019) - Gus Graham
Contrast (12/08/2019) - Ivy Paris, Emily Keyes TIME PLACEMENT SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Not a Chosen One (12/26/2019) - Gus Graham SPANS FROM 1597 TO 1612
Snow (10/11/2019) - Inktober Day 11 feat. Yarra
Enemy's Magic (12/17/2019) - Ivy Paris TIME PLACEMENT SUBJECT TO CHANGE
May 1613
Ivy In May (5/01/2019) - Ivy Paris
Exposed Scars (5/08/2019) - Emily Keyes, Dawn Elizabeth Hatch, Roisin Spewraith
July 1613
Travelling (12/30/2019) - Ivy Paris
October 1613
Bard Emily Keye's Birthday (10/13/2019) - Ivy Paris
Years and Years (9/02/2019) - Emily Keyes, Dawn Elizabeth Hatch, Vio Stormcaller
December 1613
Holiday Celebrations (12/25/2019) - Ivy Paris
Dawn’s Reaction  (12/15/2018) - Dawn Elizabeth Hatch
The Map Incident (12/15/2018) - Emily Keyes, Dawn Elizabeth Hatch, Viera
The Enemy’s Music (12/15/2018) - Emily Keyes (Letter)
The Next Morning (12/16/2018) - Emily Keyes
The Map Incident II (12/16/2018) - Emily Keyes
The Bard is Screaming (12/16/2018) - Emily Keyes, Viera, Dawn Elizabeth Hatch
Stop Watching (12/16/2018) - Emily Keyes (Letter)
The Bard’s Speech (12/16/2018) - Emily Keyes, Vio Stormcaller (implied)
Fay’s Reaction (12/18/2018) - Fay
More Reactions (12/16/2019) - Ivy Paris, Gus Graham, Mags Greenwood-Paris, Fiona Flannail
Keep The Watch (3/21/2019) - Emily Keyes, Vio Stormcaller
The Intercepted Messages (12/18/2018) - Emily Keyes
A Winter Raid (12/18/2018) - Emily Keyes (Letter)
Roux’s Observation (12/18/2018) - Roux Ker, Emily Keyes
Hope and Blood (3/11/2019) - Dawn Elizabeth Hatch, Emily Keyes, Roísin Spewraith
Hope and Blood (Narrative Edition) (8/06/2019) - Dawn Elizabeth Hatch, Emily Keyes
Storytime and Sign Language (3/21/2019) -  Dawn Elizabeth Hatch, Yarra Greenwood-Paris, Ed Greenwood-Paris
Next: 1614
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