#Fire Chief who lowkey knew that Fireman!Schlatt would end up tolerating you in the end one way or another
ohworm-writes · 9 months
Hello hello worm its me Winter back again with fireman!schlatt ideas
Fireman!Schlatt who is a seasoned firefighter now, been on the job for a good few years and has made a name for himself. Now, pair him with a firefighter!reader who is a newbie and has been placed under schlatts wing.
Maybe Schlatt isnt too fond of having the reader under his wing, maybe he doesnt think that the readers got what it takes to be a firefighter. But... maybe something happens that changes his mind...?
*i run away frolicking and giggling
Fireman!Schlatt whose, at this point, remained a firefighter for the past five or six years, the job everchanging but still familiar enough to him that he thinks he could do the job blindfolded.
Fireman!Schlatt, who is one of the few members left from when he originally joined Ladder 131, two or three others remaining behind with him and not running off to explore life or another department.
Fireman!Schlatt, who refuses to go up higher in his job, deciding firmly to remain a firefighter as long as time will allow.
Fireman!Schlatt, who is tasked on occasions, which are far and few between, to allow individuals new to the job to shadow under him.
Fireman!Schlatt, who fucking hates having these kids follow behind him like lost puppies and kittens (no offense to Jambo, of course), which leads the Fire Chief to entrust the job with somebody else.
Fireman!Schlatt, who purposefully tries to exude an intimidating and scary aura to make the new recruits scatter, which always works without any hiccups.
Fireman!Schlatt, whose called to the Chief's office one day, door barely cracked open as light chatter fills the room inside, and while Fireman!Schlatt can, of course, identify the Chief's rough and commanding tone, the other is... new.
Oh fuck no.
Fireman!Schlatt, who enters the room not a second later, lips pressed into a tight and forced smile as he nods towards the Chief, confirming that he wanted to see him and discuss the item at hand.
And the Chief only gestures to you, saying nothing else for the moment as you beam the toothy grin, one that parents would have loved to see their children show off in family photos as opposed to the one Schlatt has painted across his lips.
The Chief makes a noise, Fireman!Schlatt immediately noting to turn towards him (you do as well, but he could honestly give less of a shit about you or your existence).
"Schlatt. You will be responsible for watching out for our newest recruit. I suspect ther' won't be any issues, correct?" "Yes sir, no issues."
He'd wave for you two to leave the office, and even though you were the furthest from the door to start with, you're the one opening it up for him to walk through. He does, begrudgingly, as you gently shut the door before it clicks.
You'd have this smile, though more relaxed at this point, as you stick your hand out between the two of you, stating your full name and number, which vividly reads '22'.
Fireman!Schlatt, who stares at your palm in disinterest and states his own name and badge number in a monotone voice, scowl edging up onto his face as his nose and eyebrows scrunch. Rolling his eyes, he'd lead you about the station, purposefully walking too fast and talking too quickly just to piss you off.
But you don't... get pissed off, that is. You merely stare in awe, smiling and mentally noting down what everything was, where it was, the importance of it and otherwise. You'd catch up with him no problem and comprehend him with ease, filling in any blanks if needed (though, generally, it wasn't).
Fireman!Schlatt, who listens to you drone on at lunch about your time at the Fire Academy, your experiences, struggles and anything else that had to do with the job that you had learned. You're passionate, he'd give you that, but so typical and naïve.
Fireman!Schlatt, who wonders if he was ever this fucking annoying, sneering at you continuously as he analyses you- you're dead weight. You'll put all this effort in your work and you'll still always be behind, he can tell. The overenthusiasm, the selflessness, all of it.
Fireman!Schlatt who finishes leading you around and stays completely silent as you attempt to initiate small talk on multiple occasions with him, trying desperately to get away from you, but you just continue to follow him around as you ramble.
Fireman!Schlatt who notices you fall just as silent as him from behind his back, sighing in relief, glad that you finally took the hint to shut up... but it's suspiciously quiet, and he can't help but subtly look over his shoulder to see what you might be up to.
Fireman!Schlatt who swears to every god that if you're upset or crying right now, he's going to lose his shit- ...
Fireman!Schlatt who sees you crouched next to the ground a few feet away from him, a big, wide grin painted across your lips, practically with stars in your eyes as you pet Jambo, the orange tabby greedily taking in all the love you have to offer.
Fireman!Schlatt who listens to you coo and compliment the cat, softly calling him a "pretty kitty" and "a ball of sunshine" and a "precious, handsome boy", rubbing his little tummy as Jambo rolls on his back across the floor, purring loudly.
Fireman!Schlatt who wants to snap at you to get the fuck away from his cat, but... can't, because as he watches you and the cat interact, Jambo quickly forcing you to sit down so he can crawl into your lap and rub his face against your clothes, rubbing his scent all over you, Fireman!Schlatt softens, just barely at the sight before him.
Fireman!Schlatt who squats down next to you as Jambo forces you to lay on your back against the floor so that he can lay right up on your chest and rub his face against yours as he settles in for a nap, and gives the cat ear scritches, not saying a word to you.
Fireman!Schlatt who decides to himself that maybe, just maybe... you aren't that annoying, and that he could maybe get used to being around you because his cat (the traitor) appears to be enjoying your touch and affection more than his.
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