gale4winds · 2 years
“Birds, what wonderful creatures. Elegant, agile…and free” I thought to myself while my eyes traced a canary flying overhead. My focus slowly shifted from the bird to the coral hues that dusk had to offer. Looking down I remembered that I had been sitting on the castle wall, its cracked cobblestone cold beneath me. In my lap lay my journal, filled with numerous drawings of the birds I had seen over the years, while in my right hand I held a piece of charcoal that I had been using to sketch. I stood up dusting myself off taking in my surroundings.
To my left stood the kingdom of Eden.The kingdom itself isn’t all that big containing a castle and a village further south of it. The castle was constructed from white marble detailed with silver accents that caused the building to become almost blinding in the sun’s shimmering beams. It stood higher than any god looking over the entire realm including the village further south, this is where most of the people typically lived, doing their everyday routines. The village was never silent; you could consistently hear the faint chatter as well gossip amongst everyone, the clanking of iron clashing iron undoubtedly coming from the blacksmith shop complemented by the sweet aroma of delectable strawberry pastries, from the bakers stand, put out to cool down in the autumn breeze which wafted its way over to me.
While to the right of me was a lush pine forest cloaked in mystery. It’s dark green brush hid its wonders from me, well all except one. A giant maple tree stood high enough to penetrate the forest canopy. Its dark brown bark was more of a roar and its leaves mimicked the shades of a sunset. This tree was where most if not all winged beasts declared their home.
Lastly, I looked directly in front of me to find an endless castle wall decorated with vines that have coiled the dull stone from top to bottom. Holding up rotting gargoyle statues which wait for the day they crumble and be relieved from duty. This infinite wall carefully divides the two worlds, one of eternity the other of change never letting one spill into the other, only allowing the azure sky to be generously shared between them.
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. “How close I was to the edge again I don’t remember” I thought to myself. I take one step forward. “Just how many more steps would lead me to freedom, one maybe two” I take another step. “How much farther before I fall?” I lifted my leg and began moving it forward. I then lowered my foot, part of me wanting to touch the solid stone again while the other wanted, well hoped that I would have reached the edge. I kept going closer and closer just a little bit furth-“GALE” a familiar voice boomed.
Startled, I opened my eyes to see my foot dangling dangerously off the edge. I fumble backwards on to the frigid cobblestone. A shaky breath escapes my lips. “I was so close” I mumbled. “Get down here now” the same voice spoke only this time it was cold and angry. I stood up once more looking back to the forest hoping to see the maple tree before I made my descent, but due to the sun setting visibility was limited and I couldn’t make out anything. I slowly turned myself back to Eden where my father, the king, stood waiting. I began climbing down a vine which hung from the wall. I hesitantly approached my father, feeling myself begin to tremble the closer I got, stopping only a foot or two in front of him. I waited in suspense till he spoke.
“Gale I just want to protect you, you know that right?” he said those words as if he actually worried for me, but I could tell not an ounce of emotion backed them up. I stayed silent staring at the ground while fiddling with some dirt. I was then greeted with a pricking pain as he swatted his hand across my face. This caused my head to jerk to the left, forcing me to look at something red in a tree nearby. It was a northern cardinal, “my favorite” I thought. “GALE” my father growled, grabbing my face causing the winged creature to fly away in a panic. This brings me back to reality. “ Did you hear me?” he asked in a hushed tone, forcing me to stare into his cold brown eyes. My vision began to blur as tears formed. “You look just like your mother right now you know that” he taunted. “You’re just like her crying for no reason.” His voice grew louder. “You have everything you could ask for yet here you are weeping like a lost dog” his voice erupted. “If you so badly want to cry I’ll give you something to cry about!”he yelled.
A firm fist struck my cheek, sending me to the ground causing the rough gravel to scrape my elbows. I yelp as I feel sharp jabs and kicks along my body leaving behind bruises in their wake. His golden rings begin embedding themselves into my soft flesh, opening old wounds as well as leaving behind new gashes for my skin to bare. I lay there motionless, only comforted by the warmth of my blood leaking from my body. At this point I go numb as I wait for what feels like an eternity for my father’s bludgeoning onslaught to cease. Soon he tires, breathing heavily as he fixes the gold on his fingers. He is about to go back inside but not before giving me one last kick to the stomach causing me to regurgitate “you’ll be sleeping out here tonight” he said in a calm voice. “Being totally honest, a part of me likes his calm tone. I wish I could hear it more often without being disciplined,”I thought.
A sigh escapes my lips as I lay there in my filth, with no energy left to move my mind begins to wander to the cardinal I saw earlier “Why” I muttered “Why couldn’t have you taken me with you”. I looked up to see the sun that had just set and in its place was a pale moon shining down on me with pity. “one day i’ll be up there with you” I choked out before finally letting the sweet release of sleep engulf my body.
* * *
My eyes fluttered open feeling the illumination from the now rising sun, while the moon I had only just seen moments before my slumber had started to wave its final goodbye for tomorrow night would be a new moon. I sat up taking in my environment realizing it had rained. “How did I not feel the rain?” I thought. As I became more awake I noticed my clothes were completely soaked. I guess the pain in my body blocked out any other sensations. Shifting my head to the left I see a puddle. I gazed into it, seeing my reflection. What I saw was so much different from the young boy I used to be. I see my tired eyes wanting to be put to rest, I see my body decorated with unhidable scars and last I saw my face had been stained by blood. I slowly ran my hand along my cheek wincing at the soreness. “I used to be able to smile. I don’t remember exactly when, but I remember that I used to do it so often and now the only thing my face can do is frown.”I thought.
I stood up shakily trying not to lose my balance, eventually hobbling my way over the vine I used yesterday. I leaned carefully against the wall feeling the cool sensation against my shoulder which helped soothe my fiery skin. I held the vine in my hand for the moment feeling its soft mossy texture compared to my cut hands. Gripping the vine tightly, I tried sporadically to climb up onto the stone rampart, burning and tenseing just to make it to the top. Somehow I manage to swing my leg around and onto the wall allowing me to hoist myself up and roll onto my back feeling the icy cement on my freshly formed wounds.
Catching my breath I steadily sat up noticing that I had left my journal up here yesterday, luckily the leather cover prevented any serious damage from the rain. I slowly opened it, feeling the scent of charcoal hit my nose. The pages inside were damp. They felt fragile if I tugged too hard I feared I might rip them. I flip through my numerous drawings stopping for a brief moment at the northern cardinal. I ran my hand along the page feeling the edenments from when I pressed too hard on the paper. While staring at the drawing some movement in the corner of my peripheral vision caught my attention. Sitting only a couple inches from me was a northern cardinal. Only this one was yellow.
“Strange,” I whispered. Its illusive black eyes stared back at me like it knew what I was thinking. I carefully reach my hand out not making any erratic movements for I fear the feathery beast would take flight, never to return. Keeping my hand still as possible I reached further, steadily closing the gap between us. Even with the feathery thing being only a few inches from me I felt as though I was reaching across a canyon to get to it. Finally I had the feathered creature practically in my grasp. I could feel the warmth radiating from its golden feathers, how clean they were unfit for my scarred hands. Right when I was about to gently close my fingers around its delicate little body the silence was shattered abruptly by my winged friend being snacthed causing it to emit a shreak that pierced the air while also my heart.
I looked up to see my fathers twisted ugly face glaring back at me. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? ‘’ he spat. I Stayed silent, shifting my gaze slightly to see the yellow cardinal in his hand flapping hopelessly trying to escape his iron grip. “This situation felt…familiar where have I seen this before” I thought. The bird struggled for a bit but eventually my fathers clutch became too tight as its fluttering wings flapped less and less finally coming to a halt. Its once lively eyes filled with light soon faded into a dull lifeless husk. My fathers clasp became so tight you could hear the bones of the poor thing bending, snapping, and distorting with a fine crunch. You could see a crimson liquid spilling out of its mouth onto the speckled concrete creating a copper stench in the air. “I know I’ve seen this before… but where?” I asked myself. I snap out of my daze when my father drops the yellow carcass, its limb body hitting the edge of the wall before bouncing off into the land below leaving behind another blood splatter in its place.
My father then charges at me grabbing me by my throat letting my body hang like a rag doll. I began to struggle against his grip flailing wildly to break free. My vision became spotted, my father slowly morphed into a big black blob until I couldn’t make him out.he then spoke “I feed you, cloth you, provide anything you need yet you still want to leave” he paused ‘Why”. This cause me to stop for a moment “This situation it had happened before” I thought “Only this happened…to her. I remember vividly the sounds of her bone breaking, the sight of her blood dripping, the odor of copper filling my senses. History was repeating itself. For a moment I felt that there was no escape so I stopped. “Promise me you’ll stay with me” he growled “Promise me”. “I-i p-promise” I squeaked out. My vision began to return as his clasp loosened. He threw me onto the freezing gray bricks. I sat there choking for air waiting for him to drag me away. I looked out towards the maple tree knowing this was probably the last time I would see its grand appearance. I looked over the edge. I had a choice, either stay and suffer an eternity or go and be free but only for a moment. I rose slowly onto my feet.
“Let’s go,’’ he commanded. I didn’t budge. My father turned back only this time his face had an expression of genuine confusion. He began“Didn’t you hear-”. “No,” I interrupted. His face went blank for a second. “What did you say?” he questioned. “No” I spoke this time more firmly. “Do I need to drag you by your-” He tried to talk but I cut him off once more. “What happened to you…dad? What happened to the man who was once filled with love, the man who cared for his wife and child, the man who had potential to be a king?” I asked with tears flowing down my face “And how did Hades himself manage replace him going as so far to murder his own Persephone hmm?” I could feel my throat tense as I awaited his answer. “HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU UNGRATEFUL-” I take a step back this caused him freeze “What are doing” He said “She- mom had a choice you took that away from her and for what just to have a piece of metal laid upon your head, How do feel my king?” I mocked. “Don’t you dare ever bring up your mother” he hesitated “It was complicated, you’re too young to understand, now get away from the edge please” he begged. I let out a sigh “Alright, but only if you can answer one question “Was it worth it?” I asked. “What?” He looked confused once again.. “Did the end justify the means?” I roared. His face contorted and shifted, unable to find words he looked around as if the answer could actually be found. Finally his face decided upon a wicked smile “Yes” he answered. I paused for a brief second feeling the slightly hurt, part wanted so badly for him to say no but I wasn’t surprised. I stared directly in his eyes, not breaking away and said, “Well I’m geuniley for you. I hope you spend the rest of your life as an all-powerful king in almighty castle with everything at your fingertips…alone, thinking about how you not only killed your wife…but your son as well.
“What no?” He cried. I turned towards the edge….. held my arms out,…… looked at my father one last time……. And jumped. I heard my father scream something but it became drowned out by wind rushing past my ears. The ground racing towards me looked like it was made of emerald shining from the morning dew, the smells of mint mixed honeysuckle took over my nose making me grin. The wind made my body feel cold yet at peace. “Is this what it feels like to be free” i thought. I looked ahead to see the robins, sparrows, and northern cardinals around the maple tree so elegant as they flew. I then close my eyes. Took my final breath. My grin now a smile. Thinking to myself at least I got to see birds one final time.
Copyright 2020-2022 C.J. Flores
This is a short story I wrote junior year for a project i revised it a tad, but i suck with grammer so if you see any errors feel free to correct me. I hope you guys enjoy it.
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