#Five Rotten Pebbles
digi-056 · 1 month
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Eepy Pebbles
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diviningrodtv · 1 month
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"Alright slugcat, you've finally clambered your way into my chamber."
"Now what do you want-"
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"Fine! We'll talk when they get here, it won't take very long anyway."
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diviningrodtv · 1 month
i want to just
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crush his bones >:]
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diviningrodtv · 1 month
i want to grip you pebbles, i want to grip you so hard.
"Excuse me!?"
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digi-056 · 1 month
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*attempts to backflip over sister*
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diviningrodtv · 1 month
Opinion on miros birds
Also God like purpose organism Bixby mixing the giant flying Centipede With a levison
"I've never personally encountered any, Wilson however....tells me I could probably deal with them just fine." "And I think I know why..."
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"As for the purposed organism you mentioned. It sounds like a terrible idea in my opinion. Though I suppose the appeal may be in the challenge of creating such a monstrosity."
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diviningrodtv · 2 months
Has pebbles ever faced any apex Predators.
“Plenty, at this point.”
“Although to be fair, they’ve also had to face me.”
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diviningrodtv · 2 months
How fast can pebbles run
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"I can run a bit faster than your average slugcat."
"I would like to test my limit, but decent long and flat areas are hard to come by."
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diviningrodtv · 2 months
zooms behind u (pebs) and pets ur antenna
"Huh? What-"
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digi-056 · 2 months
OH! That's cause there's no music in your playlist! Drag some music onto him!
The main menu should opened when you double click on his torso as well!
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digi-056 · 2 months
Desktop Five Pebbles Release!! (FLUX Version)
Would you like to pet a Pebbles? I think you do.
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Well now you can! With the Five Rotten Pebbles FLUX shell!
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Make randomly generated slugcat noises at him!
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Have him play your music for you!
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Gag up endless amounts of pearls for him to hold!
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Attempt to ask him questions via annoying games of charades!
Download him todayyyyy!!!
His file name is dg_pebblesflux.nar and you will need to download the Ukagaka music player FLUX to use him since he is a shell for it. (Edit: There's also um, Downpour references, be warned)
Download for FLUX
Winamp themed speech balloon
Ukagaka set-up information
If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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diviningrodtv · 2 months
Five Rotten Pebbles ref time yay!
So, I realised I probably had enough already existing resources to make a good reference post. Though, I got stuck using the pico8 color pallete for the video there.
✨Notable Features✨
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Fluffy ears/balding old man hairline - Due to biological contamination from the creatures the rot cyst ate before his puppet, mostly Wilson, he is now slightly fluffy. He is very annoyed by this fact, do not point it out, do not pet- "Do and call him and 'Ear-terator' >:]"
"Mascara lines" - You know that one graffiti graphic where Pebbles looks like he has bleeding mascara? That. You don't come out looking your best after being eaten alive by a rot cyst.
Outfit - After the rot dug through his chest it was easier just to wear his robes backwards.
Feets - Feets, they're digitigrade and have two clawed toes. He might be taller if he stood up straight too.
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Handhandhandhand - He can use every rotten arm of his like a hand, but they only have two clawed fingers and don't have any thumbs. You also won't get infected by rot if you touch him, or if he bites you. Normally he just rests them on his sides and shoulders.
Rotten arms cont* - They're in there. Like, it would fucking hurt and he might bleed to death if you tried to rip them out. After all, they're the corrupted remains of his umbilical arm.
Glowy - His claws and internals are a bright blue, and if you caught sight of him in a dark room, they, along with his eyes and some spots on his ears, would glow slightly.
He also likes to stand up on his rotten arms to scare random creatures he doesn't like. Scavs.
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Nom bite chomp - Iterators in this world cannot leave their cans for three main reasons. First, the barrier of genome modification. Second, puppets do not contain enough brain matter to remain sentient when disconnected. And third, the puppet would soon starve to death, as it is incapable of eating. Pebbles, luckily, was granted the solution to these problems in the form of being eaten alive by one of his own rot cysts, yay! Unfortunately, he now has to eat lizards and other random garbage to survive. Someone please get him a kitchen. He does not need to move his mouth to speak, but his voice gets louder when he does, which is ideal for yelling at things. His teeth are black and needle-like, so I would not recommend daring him to bite you.
Other bits n bobs - He's completely disconnected from his systems. No just opening gates, no connecting directly to overseers, or to the communication arrays. He must suffer. Expect to find him struggling to get an overseer to connect every time he needs to send a message. At least he can still read pearls.
If I missed anything you want to know, just send in an ask!
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diviningrodtv · 2 months
"I showed the slugcats the current date and now they refuse to stop quickly placing their paws on my face over and over! Has anyone else out there experienced this phenomenon? How do you make it stop!?" -Five Rotten Pebbles
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diviningrodtv · 3 months
The closest pipe pip-pip-pipped in warning of an incoming creature, the borders flashing dark in colour.
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...it was a slugcat, its mouth dripping golden fluid.
(Seems Escort found themselves to the group, wherever that may be... Saint will be there in a moment, Escort's just taking up the whole pipe.)
"What came through the pipe?"
"Oh, it's just a slugcat drooling void fluid."
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diviningrodtv · 3 months
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