#Flaco Update
dduane · 10 months
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windienine · 6 months
i liked hearing updates on flaco as much as the next birder but i'm tired of the notion that he was "better off" in central park than in a zoo. any animal that has spent its entire life in a controlled captive environment up until that point being released into a non-native environment, into a habitat that doesn't match its needs... it just isn't going to thrive. flaco was dying and a lot of ornithologists and zoologists figured as much beforehand.
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themanyfeelsofaudrey · 8 months
One Chicago Rewatch Recap
So I recently decided I wanted to do a full rewatch of Chicago Fire, PD, and Med because it's been a while since I initially started watching all of these shows back in 2021. I just finished season 1 of Fire and I have so many thoughts: *Peter Mills! I completely forgot that he existed but I remember the first time watching it not liking him? But I can't remember why because so far he's great. *Shayveride having the most wholesome friendship hits so much different now *On that note, I really wish they would've been able to have a baby together, I think it would be so cool to see Kelly with a 10ish year old now in the current seasons. *Otis :( *Everyone looks so young!!! *What was the reason for the show to introduce Jimmy, Boden's stepson, only for him to never be mentioned or talked about ever again *Herrmann and Cindy being the original wholesome power couple in the franchise god I love them *I've never been a Dawsey shipper but I love the pining and tension between them in season 1 *Voight being the main antagonist for the first half of this season is so funny to me. The way his character is written is just *chefs kiss* *Also the entire PD backdoor pilot episode is incredible (and so was Meds if I'm remembering correctly) *Scott Eastwood just. randomly being in a few episodes of this franchise sends me *I honestly forgot about the Molly's storyline so when Herrmann didn't just own a bar from the beginning I was a little confused *I completely forgot that Joe Cruz just straight up abandons a civilian (Flaco the gang member) in a burning building and then announces that the floor is cleared but it made me CACKLE I will always ride at dawn for Joe Cruz, if Joe Cruz has 0 fans I'm dead Overall I love this season and it's nice to see how exciting the shows used to be with the original cast and everything. I do think out of all three shows, Fire has done the best job at staying consistently good and entertaining (although the arson investigation storylines are starting to drive me up the wall) Anyway I plan on doing these little updates whenever something major happens or at least once for the end of each show's season. Also if anyone is interested in a really helpful tool to watch all of these episodes in the proper order there's an amazing spreadsheet with all of the info on it that is kept up to date. Speadsheet made by @PetitCartonVert on tumblr and it is pinned on their page :)
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lakemermaids · 11 months
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Important Flaco the owl update
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virtuallightchopshop · 3 months
Explicación #1 > Explicación #2 (Está)
Nuevamente con las aclaraciones, voy a decir sobre los potenciadores.
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Tienen fuego "inofensivo" saliendo de su cuerpo.
Aunque pueden hablar, su voz sería bastante fuerte y ronca. Con esto suelen gruñir.
Esta forma es controlada primordialmente por las emociones, con sus consecuencias siendo consumidas por esto.
Pueden conservar sus habilidades naturales, aumentandolas, o adquirirlas de una inspiración. Siempre van a tener la capacidad de viajar en dimensiones.
Cuando regresan a su forma normal, tienen una jaqueca fuerte durante unos días.
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Es una variante Nightmare más débil pero controlada, siendo que su consciencia es quien lo controla.
Su cuerpo está rodeado de una nube, aunque pueden despejar las que están en su cara.
A diferencia de los Nightmares, son incapaces de hablar a menos que su cara no esté tapada.
Conservan todas las habilidades y condiciones que los Nightmares.
Cuando regresan a su forma normal, tienen un poco de ceguera durante unos días.
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Sus brazos están cubiertos de llamas. Su boca está tapada en X, impidiendo que sus portadores puedan hablar. (Los Manifiest pueden hablar)
Principalmente se activan cuando su portador desea fuertemente algo o está en peligro.
Pueden crear una dimensión de bolsillo, dónde crean gente para dicha dimensión. Pueden "manifestar" o materializar cosas a partir de la nada.
Cuando regresan a su forma normal, no recuerdan mucho lo que pasó.
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Si alguien es atrapado en un juego, su apariencia se deteriora.
Pueden llegar a acceder en los archivos del juego para modificarlo.
Si lo amerita, pueden fusionarse con los personajes del juego.
Si salieran del juego, su apariencia no cambiaría en lo más mínimo.
Update: No necesariamente tienen que ser como los de la foto, depende de la personalidad de la víctima su nueva apariencia.
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Son increíblemente flacos y su cuerpo constrastas con los colores (Cabeza blanca y cuerpo negro).
Pueden modificar la realidad en un rango mínimo.
Pueden crear una dimensión de bolsillo, dónde crean gente para dicha dimensión. Además, pueden convertir a la gente en Trollges o en criaturas raras.
Aunque pueden morir, si están muertos durante la transformación, se convierten totalmente.
(En estos universos también existen las Puella Magi, dónde también existen varones, pero sus reglas son las mismas que en el manga/anime).
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nullarysources · 7 months
Celebrity owl Flaco dies a year after becoming beloved by New York City for zoo escape
Sad update to something I posted at the start of this month, by Ruth Brown for the AP:
Flaco, the Eurasian eagle-owl who escaped from New York City's Central Park Zoo and became one of the city's most beloved celebrities as he flew around Manhattan, has died, zoo officials announced Friday.
A little over one year after he was freed from his cage at the zoo in a criminal act that has yet to be solved, Flaco appears to have collided with an Upper West Side building, the zoo said in a statement.
RIP to a real one, one far realer than me
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soyromantica-nobolud4 · 11 months
update el chico en el que estoy interesada me habló ayer y estuvimos como al menos 2 horas hablando(? no me parece nada raro igual xq el flaco es como un pan de Dios o eso parece. la cosa es que me cae DEMASIADO bien, y se que no hay chances de que podamos estar juntos xq yo soy yo, y él es 10 veces mejor xd. Seguro que hasta se avergonzaria de lo q estoy diciendo xq el posta cree que es feo, yo solo debo decir que es moy lindo y moy buena persona
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daily-escuella · 3 years
I'm going to keep my writings, series and other things here for easy navigation! Specific warnings are tagged in each story!
(TBAs are fics I have in progress that are mostly finished/should be finished soon enough!)
Charles x Reader
Drawn Out Feelings - F!reader - SFW - Chaptered
Drawn Out Feelings - Bonus Chapter - F!reader - NSFW
Another Year - GN!reader - SFW
Keeping You Warm - F!reader - NSFW - Chaptered (with nsfw chapters clearly marked)
TBA - F!reader - NSFW - (Chaptered?)
Javier x Reader
Honest Day's Living - GN!Reader - SFW
Gone Fishing - GN!reader - NSFW
Choked Up - F!reader - NSFW
Danger in the Frozen Dark - GN!/Masc!Reader - SFW
TBA - F!reader - SFW (With a skippable NSFW chapter) - Angst
Arthur x Reader
Lesson Learned - GN!reader - SFW
Save Yourself TBA - GN!reader - SFW - Angst
Kieran x Reader
TBA - F!reader - NSFW
John x Reader
TBA - F!reader - NSFW
Micah x Reader
God You're Disgusting - F!reader - NSFW
Ugly Scars - GN!reader - SFW - Angst
Other Fics
Hang With My Friends - Javier one shot - SFW (violent themes) - Angst
C'est la Vie - Flaco Hernandez x French F!reader - SFW
Día de los Muertos - Javier's sister - SFW
X - GN!reader grinding on Modern!VDL Gang at a party - NSFW
Javier Observations
#01 - The strangling
#02 - The speed of healing
Javier's Backstory
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Touch of Red Series
Javier Escuella - Charles Smith
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toxicpeep · 3 years
Me wanting to draw: wow I think I’m gonna draw my other oc’s for once!
Flaco: :0
Oh god flaco..........
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zldane · 6 years
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reddeadreference · 3 years
Blog Progress Update (Travel Blog Style 😎#11)
Gonna go rob a bank~
FUCK I forgot this is the mission where I have to go back and see Edith FUCK
Alright time to finally go get Tilly’s necklace and Sadie’ Harmonica because I keep forgetting…
Found out the stage coach is still in that river Micah and I left it in… oh and so is that TREE across the road (owwie…)
Got the items and since I had to deal with Emmet Granger to get Sadie’s I’m gonna go deal with the other three, get those outta the way. I do have to do EVERYTHING I can as Arthur to get all his journal pages, the second playthrough he will do absolutely nothing extra, only the bare minimum so john can do everything.
From Flaco yelling from the shack some of the Del Lobo we killed outside were named Anselmo, Elisio, and Gonzalo. No idea which was which unfortunately..
Alright so… I’ve never been good at drawing against Billy Midnight… Arthur I am so sorry for this recurring nightmare you’re about to have.. I SWEAR I’M TRYING- I did it on the second try O_O
*lil Jack voice* I’m getting better! =D
Arthur jumped off the train, knowing it would hurt… but NOT knowing he would get up in just the right way for the train to BONK HIS BRAIN.. He’s okay…he’s okay…
Alright, saved the best and my favorite for last. Into da bayou I go… yet again…
I love Mrs Belle she's so cool.. and pretty… and I like her clothes
I plan on getting through the chapter so I can get to Shady Belle for those camp photos (cause I'm sure the outfits are similar for there if not the same, it's pretty much the same temperature I think. I really wanna get photos of the house.
Great now that Dutch is back in camp he and Molly are fighting… awesome… I got a scene where Molly asks Abigail for advice and Abigail gives it to her straight but Molly isn’t having it… oh Molly..
On the other hand Karen and Sean were hanging out looking out at the water. They did the she looks at him when he's not looking then he looks when she's not looking… she did look mad a few times though…
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I'm very curious about why Karen is drinking so much in this chapter.. like it makes sense for after she loses Sean but- ... does she think he only likes her when they're drunk .. cause he thinks she's too much when she’s sober that’s what he said at the party that night… or she just thinks she’s no good when she’s sober... omfg… Karen no Q-Q
Pupper! Doggo! Cain! Woo!! 
(Fuck Micah, fuck him to hell, let me kick HIM)
As much as I need to get to the next chapter… knowing what comes next… I don't wanna go to the next chapter.
I'm gonna get a few more pretty photos then I'm doing the next mission. I swear. 
*Two hours later*
(That better have been read in your head as the SpongeBob guy… that's how it was typed. XD) 
Yeah… so about that thing I said I'd do… I didn't. *Insert John Malaney meme "and then I didn't!"*
Decided to go get Trelawny before going to do John or Hosea's missions so that way I can get him and his scenes at camp before moving.  
Did both his missions… he should be in camp… where the fuck is he?
Bill’s optional stage coach robbery with Tilly popped up so I wanted to get a photo of him with the map before greeting…. Bill… my dude… you know how to read that thing right? Map’s upside buddy…
Tilly, honey, your voice is too nice, you do not sound threatening at all… (I mean she’s probably not actually that mad at Bill… but still) -  Also I would have photos of the map and of Tilly on a horse but I deleted them all by accident T-T
Hopefully Trelawny will be at camp when I get back so I can get some photos of him… swear I had at least a few… but they’re gone…and this was before I deleted the other photos… (Damn magician…)
My journal on the companion app isn’t updating anymore… which sucks because it gave me really clear photos of the pages… maybe if I do another main mission…
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AW I missed Trelawny pulling a crow from Susan’s ear to make Karen laugh! DX
Anyone else make sure they walk past people with camp chores (sack, hay, bucket) so that people will comment. Like a child trying to impress their parents. “Look! I do good thing! Praise me!”
Trelawny came up to me “I know you saw me in town with my wife” like dude… if you’re talking about Saint Denis… I’ve seen EVERYONE in that town. But also i never heard the dialogue you hear when you get close enough to where she lives. I don’t think you CAN hear it until Trelawny is in camp/more with the gang.
I still have no idea where the fuck he sleeps. He has no tent… it hasn’t been night yet. I’m just hoping Dutch and Grimshaw don’t yell at me to leave before it becomes night.
Okay i’m bored.
I swear I had Valentine bank photos… now I gotta go BACK ugh.
Uhhhhh I got the photos and decided to give Arthur a haircut
“Good job I sharpened my scissors this morning” (Cause I’m at max length)
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Bruh… What happened to your head? (Doesn’t this happen when essential NPCs get shot? Who shot him????)
…found the bank photos.. I didn’t need to come back here… eh I need Downes photos anyway…
Okay had to break the lock but *hacker voice* I’m in.
Well either Archie smokes or he shared this bunkbed with someone. (one of each pack in the nightstand) Only a pillow in the wardrobe and open horse medicine in the cabinet.. Wild West Heroes, no. 132? Cool. There’s a booze box inside… beer… no one to chase this time. Can’t go into what I assume is the kitchen..
Okay, back at camp I saw Bill standing by a tree (bright red shirt so I knew it was him) and I get over there and Jack is sitting on the ground behind him “Hiya Arthur” Arthur’s response “Gentlemen” then Jack does the cutest little finger gun in the entire universe LOOK AT THIS PRECIOUS BOY T_T
Well… time to finally head over and help Hosea and get some shots of the manor…
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sleepdeprivedqueer · 3 years
So, since I have been getting back into Red Dead Redemption, I went ahead and made myself an oc. At some point, I will get the pic of my online character. But I dont know when that will be, but I shall try my best to describe her for a fanfic.
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Name: Michelle Iris
Birth town: Tumbleweed, New Austin
Parents: unknown
A supppsed to be father figure: Flaco Hernandez
Gang: Del Lobos/Dutch Van Der Linde
Height: 5'3
Weight: 146 lbs
Age: 24
Hair length: To her breast
Hair color: Dark brown/some points black
Horse: A blue roan Missouri Fox Trotter mare named Splash
Body type: Curvy but has a little bit of added thickness to her tummy, ass and thighs.
Winter clothing: A black leather jacket that buttons on the side with a blue, purple, and whitr poncho wrapled around her shoulders. Leather fingerless gloves, normal pants with knee high boots.
Spring like weather (Like the Heartlands and Big Valley): A gray leather jacket that buttons on the side, same leather fingerless gloves, normal pants and knee high boots. Or a plain white shirt without buttons wearing a black leather long jacket over it, pants, same boots, sleeves rolled up with the gloves.
Summer like clothing: A red or white shirt with any vest that she has, sleeves rolled up.
Pistols: Two blue and gold Volcanic pistols.
Main rifle: Bolt Action.
Main repeater: Lanchester.
Main Shotgun: Pump Action.
Hat(s): A sombrero and then a normal western white leather hat.
Any close members in the gang: Héctor Secada.
Personality: Playful, tease, curious, caring, supportive, is that one friend who is everybody's therapist, loyal, protective, trusting, anxious, that one person who will try to earn respect, one scary noise and she is out of there, or she will try to fight the person, creature, thing, or ghost, maybe even a ghost, seductive.
Hobbies: Sight seeing, exploring, night trail rides and or early morning/sunset trail rides.
Favorite place on the map: Big Valley.
Past story: A runaway from Tumbleweed who ended up killing three Del Lobos, brutally. Getting trapped inside a barn after a group of Del Lobos found her blood covered bodies and the hellish bloody bodies. A member of the group, Héctor, watched her, befriended her, and then convinced thr group to let her go. Not fully but to keep her free but she needed to stay at the ranch. But her acts weren't forgotten and she would be called a witch or 'devils daughter'. Her and Héctor got enough to get two horses, him a brindle buckskin Missouri Fox Trotter stallion and her a blue roan Missouri fox trotter mare. After a year, the two had to be seperated, Héctor needing to go back to Mexico. Michelle being moved up to the mountains with some others to the leader's, Flaco, camp. After being pushed around by them and Flaco ignoring her, she tried to prove herself only to fail at any attempt. It wasn't until she overheard Flaco talking about the near by bears and went to take care of them herself. It didn't go as planned, and got a long slash on her back, being heavily yelled at by Flaco infront of the others, them getting a good laugh out of it. Being tired of trying, after her back was healed, she packed what little things she had and left one night. The next day she found a injured man that was attacked by wolves.
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And that's when the story picks up, it is gonna be a Javier Escuella x oc, the man needs lots of love. I will try my best to keep the characters in character, I do not own anyone except my oc, the idea of Héctor, and that's about it. Everything else belongs to Rockstar. I don't know how much or what days I will update, I have been busy these past few weeks with things such as family matters. But I will try, this story will not be light hearted, there will be sex jokes, death, gore, thoughts and talk of sex, murder, basically the game. So it will be for mature readers, I hope any of the readers that read it that you will enjoy it. That's all, have a goodnight, or a good rest of the day. Bye!
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mcu-padawan · 4 years
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Star Wars
heirloom (Luke Skywalker)
solace (Obi-Wan Kenobi)
let it be me (Obi-Wan Kenobi)
flaco (Cassian Andor)
in your arms (Luke Skywalker) 
Talking to the Moon (Bucky Barnes)
Peaky Blinders (on hold)
Staying Neutral (Micheal Gray)
Feel free to use these as banners / icons! If you want me to change the background color let me know :) Credit is appreciated with a like / reblog!
Rex & Ahsoka (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Phoenix Squad (Star Wars: Rebels)
Cal Kestis (Jedi: Fallen Order)
Bo-Katan & Ahsoka (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi)
Rey (Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker) ☼
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith) ☼
Rebel Pilot Luke Skywalker (Star Wars: A New Hope) ☼
The Child with Soup (The Mandalorian) ☼
Queen Jamillia (Star Wars: Attack of the Clones) ☼
Jedi Me & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) ☼
Aayla Secura (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
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yeetmetotahiti · 6 years
Fandom List:
The fandoms I will write for(this is going to be constantly being changed and updated)
Caring for Arthur while injured
Sleeping(cuddling) with Arthur
Teen reader in the gang
Fishing and hunting with Javier
Robbing with Charles, Javier, and John
Mtl give a knife to a crab
Which gang members are ticklish
Javier pining for a new gang member
Sean, Kieran, Dutch, and Javier’s s/o being Australian
Which gang members radiate big or small dick energy
How each gang member plays with Jack
Javier and John with a southern s/o
Sean pining over a new gang member
New gang member snorting when laughing
Arthur helping reader date Sean
Javier with a half Mexican s/o
Javier and Charles with a Scottish s/o
Kieran and Javier fighting over reader
Arthur, Dutch, Hosea, Javier, and Charles seeing new gang member all dressed up
Gang members receiving a lap dance
Sean smut
Javier with an emotionally distressed s/o
Cooking with Javier
Javier and reader cuddling for warmth
Javier and Charles dating someone outside the gang
Medic who speaks Spanish when Javier first joins the gang
Arthur, Dutch, Javier, and Charles with a taller s/o
Arthur taking s/o’s virginity
Hosea and s/o with big age gap
Sean, Javier, and Arthur comfort an s/o with depression
The gang reuiniting after death
Some Javier headcanons
What the gang thinks of modern music
Romantic Eagle Flies headcanons
Reader with depression
Javier with his baby
Reader getting called short by Micah and not having it
A 15 year old joins the gang
Arthur, Charles, and Sean with a very insecure s/o
Dutch, Arthur, and Javier react to reader getting dying in bank heist
15 y/o member of the gang getting a score on their own
Javier and virgin reader
Arthur visiting Sean’s grave
Arthur taking care of injured female reader
Javier and reader share a bath in town
Headcanons for a girl dating Karen
Arthur and Abigail comfort reader with anxiety
Arthur and Dutch’s s/o has a voice kink
Javier’s s/o has low self-esteem 
Charles bringing reader out of their shell
Dutch fingering s/o under the table
Dutch with a virgin s/o
What type of s/o the entire van der linde gang would want
Low honor Arthur and male s/o having a baby
Arthur getting a new dog
Javier and Sadie meet again in Mexico
Charles falling for a female like Sean
Javier, Arthur, and Charles are dared to tell you about their feelings for you
Arthur with a hot tempered male s/o
John asking male s/o out
Josiah takes you out on a date
Arthur and male s/o with dog
Arthur and male s/o adopting a baby
Charles, Dutch, and Kieran with an s/o who draws them
Charles’ s/o cuddling Taima
Female in a poly relationship with Arthur and John
Arthur, Charles, and Javier’s s/o gets their horse stolen 
Arthur falls in love with a woman he went to collect debt from
Dutch falling for the gender neutral reader but their kid hates him
Cuddling with Charles headcanons
Being best friends with Kieran, Molly, and Swanson headcanons
Dutch with a short s/o headcanons
Javier and Dutch calming down a stressed out s/o headcanons
Charles patching up a young female gang member
Flaco Hernandez sfw and nsfw headcanons
Some more Flaco headcanons
Arthur being self conscious about his weight
Arthur, John, and Lenny catch their friend cheating at poker
Cuddling with Flaco headcanons
John’s s/o having a big dog
Some soft Flaco headcanons
Flaco’s s/o getting hit on
Flaco telling stories to a young outlaw
Arthur finding a lost foal
Bill smut hc’s
Flaco’s s/o hates his spitting
Nsfw and Sfw Flaco with a small s/o headcanons
Arthur and Charles with an s/o who has a condition that can be passed onto their child
Arthur and Copper headcanons
Top huggers
Stargazing with Arthur, Javier, and Charles
Romantic Lenny headcanons
Random headcanons
Random headcanons vol. 2
The gang at Disney World
If the gang made it to Tahiti
Dutch and Hosea’s voices switched
Dutch with an s/o with a big age gap
The gang as gifs part 1
The gang as gifs part 2
The gang as gifs part 3
The gang as gifs part 4
The gang as gifs part 5
If the gang had show horses
Dutch with a 19-20yr old s/o
Charles and Javier with an s/o who hates their face being touched
Dutch and Charles with an s/o who squeaks when they laugh
Eagle Flies with a shy s/o
Lenny having a huge crush on reader
Eagle Flies, Charles, and Lenny first kiss with a shy s/o
Dutch, Hosea, Arthur, and John before the gang expanded
Domestic life with Hosea hcs
Charles and Eagle Flies impressing a crush
Arthur with an s/o who found a foal
Arthur, Charles, and Javier with an s/o who sneezes cute
Arthur, Dutch, and Hosea find an abandoned child
Cooking Mexican food for the gang
Good Omens:
Their s/o driving just like Crowley
Finding out their s/o is another magical being
How Zira and Crowley spend a nice day with their s/o
What they do when their s/o is having a bad day
Aziraphale with an s/o who hates their face being touched
Sweet Aziraphale hcs
Aziraphale and Crowley playing Animal Crossing
Game of Thrones:
How they react to their s/o being just as skilled in battle as they are
Sandor being touch starved and letting you touch his face
Convincing Daenarys not to burn King’s Landing
Jon Snow s/o headcanons
Sandor reacting to seeing bruises on your hips after you’ve had sex
Sandor killing his brother then proposing to the reader
Sandor and reader go for a ride where reader gets hurt
Sandor accidentally hurting the reader
Podrick cuddling with s/o headcanons
Petyr in a relationship headcanons
Having sex with Sandor Clegane but he’s afraid to hurt you 
Lupin the Third:
Lupin, Jegin, and Goemon protecting their s/o
Jigen and Goemon with a hacker s/o
Nubbins Sawyer getting pegged
The Sawyers with a vegetarian 
Sawyer family wedding traditions
Kissing Chop Top headcanons
Chop Top with a goth s/o
Chop Top’s morning routine
Chop Top with a chubby s/o
The Sawyers at the lake with their s/o
The Sawyers with an s/o who has ADHD
The Sawyers as dogs
Jason and Chop Top out on a night drive with their s/o
The Sawyers with an s/o who can sing
The Sawyers with a hotheaded s/o
The Sawyers with an s/o who has a stuffed animal collection
The Sawyers with an s/o who doesn’t think she’s attractive
The Sawyers with an s/o who pole dances
The Sawyers as dads
The Sawyers with an s/o with a bad sunburn
The Sawyers with an s/o with depression
The Sawyer brothers proposing 
The Sawyers getting a lap dance from their s/o
Bubba, Chop Top, and Nubbins with a black s/o
The Sawyers with an s/o who defends them from a victim but takes it badly
Chop Top writing letters to his s/o while in Vietnam
The Sawyer twins in a shady motel room with their female s/o
The Sawyers with an s/o who twerks
The Sawyers with a housewife s/o
How the Sawyers celebrate their s/o’s birthday
The Sawyers going on a first date
The Sawyers reaction to their s/o saying “I love you”
The Sawyers with a jealous s/o
What pet names the Sawyers would give their s/o’s
The Sawyers scared after watching a scary movie
The Sawyers with an s/o with bad period cramps
The Sawyer brothers with an s/o who dies in front of them
Jason with a like-minded s/o
How the Sawyers relax with their s/o
My OCs:
Thomas Reed
Thomas’ face claim
Mood board made for my oc!
Thomas’ backstory
Info on Thomas
He gots a fish
New horse who dis?
Gang preferences
More pictures
Just some landscape pictures
Thomas the train
Rio Bravo
How he joined the gang
Just some more pics
ALL 50 questions about my oc because I’m stubborn and very tired now
Me and vannderlinde’s adventures
On who can call Thomas “Tom”
I got him a new Ardennes horse!
He got new clothes! Pt. 1 Pt. 2
My Yakuza oc
My Texas Chainsaw Massacre oc, Olivia
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Take Care
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Fandom: Red Dead Redemption Pairing: Flaco Hernández / F!Reader Summary: You’ve always taken care of whatever jobs Flaco has for you. Maybe he should return the favor? Length: 3,972 words Warnings: (18+) Sexual Content Other Locations: AO3
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What kind of twisted mind did you have to think this was even remotely a good idea?
Your long-coat was lined with dense fur, but it did little to nothing to keep warmth in your bones as you pressed on through the blizzard. Whether by pure memory or dumb luck, your horse seemed to recall the familiar path through the snowy wilds that lead up to the frozen lake. Snow clung to your eyelashes in thick clumps and frozen, effectively prevented you from seeing more than a foot or two in front of your horse’s head. You could only pray that the blizzard had deterred the wolves from leaving the safety of their dens, because there was no way in hell you’d be able to get a proper shot on any of them with how violently your body shook with chill.
As the pair of you quickly ode through the small creek, you winced and again asked yourself why on earth you made the journey out here?
Maybe it was because you liked money, or killing, or both. Maybe it was because of the warmth that tingled your fingertips every time you returned to the small cabin in the middle of nowhere with a smoking gun and a few more numbers on your body count. Maybe it was that grin you got every time those gloved hands hands you a fat stack of cash for each job you completed without fail.
Or maybe, it was purely Flaco Hernández.
Yes, you were deep in cahoots with the infamously wanted outlaw and gunslinger. You’d met him by accident one evening, coincidentally also during a blizzard. You’d effectively gotten completely lost on your way to meet a man by the name of Hamish Sinclair and found yourself up to your knees in snow. You’d almost cried aloud when you stumbled upon the little cabin nestled in the trees by the frozen lake, quickly rushing over and settling your mount in a makeshift stall next to the building before pushing inside. Whether it was a good or rather horrible twist of fate that you had found yourself face to face with the barrel of a gun that day, you still couldn’t say. Though, in a way, the outlaw had saved your life. He’d sent you right back out into the blizzard after deciding you were much too small and pathetic to pose a threat, offering a small reward and the name of one of his enemies who was camping nearby in exchange for a night’s rest in the warm shelter of his little home.
Only an idiota would have turned him down.
But that wasn’t the only way Flaco had saved your life.
It was purely dumb curiosity that brought you back the second and third time, wondering what had brought the rough-edged man up to such a remote location. A man of his caliber certainly wasn’t about to willingly turn over his life story to some stranger who’d stumbled into his hideout. So it started out with jobs. Each trip you made up the mountain was a new job opportunity and a chance to learn a fraction more about the gunslinger. At first, it really was just bits and pieces of information you had to piece together, but the longer you lingered around his ankles like a lost puppy, the longer his stories grew. He even allowed you to stay and warm up in his cabin now when he had initially shoved you back out into the cold after handing over your payment and little bit of trivia from his life. His stories sent you to distant places you’d only heard about, making your head swim with images of horses thundering through deserts and skies filled with gun smoke.
You’ll never forget the first real story you got out of the outlaw. A tale of forbidden love and stolen horses that brought a gleam to his eye and a deep laugh in his chest. You had been curled up on the floor close to the fire he’d kindled to life after you’d returned from a job with blood spattering your face and clothes. Knees were pressed up to your chest and an awestruck look rested on your face as you listened intently to him spin his story, much like a child would. Never again would you see a gleam in his eyes like that until you found a cigarette card bearing his resemblance at the end of your pack of smokes.
Holding it up for a moment, you lifted the cigarette from your lips, bringing the card closer to your face until your brows lifted in surprise. Darting your gaze between the man cleaning his gun at the table and the shockingly handsome young man in the artwork you wondered if the image was anything similar to what the outlaw had been like in his younger days.
“Whatchu got there, retaco?”
Slowly handing over the card, eyes still glued to the image, the dark-haired outlaw placed aside his gun before plucking it from your grasp. Sniffing a bit, the card was turned a few time between his finger before that wonderful gleam you’d caught before returned.
“Voy a ser condenado, I can’t believe those fools are still making these things. Ay, I had the looks back in the day but they should update it with mis miradas madura, eh chica?”
The smirk and wink he offered brought a warm flush to your face, unable to form a response or even so much as nod before he threw his head back and laughed. He leaned forward a bit and tossed the card back to you, making you fumble to catch it as he spoke with a chuckle.
“Loosen up there, chica. I’m only having a little fun with you.”
You were certain that he was, but that didn’t stop you from pulling the card out of your coat pocket once you mounted your horse again and began to leave, filthy and sinful images running through your head that made you shiver and quickly shove the card out of sight once more.
In truth, you hadn’t a clue when you began to find the outlaw so attractive. Was it when he handed over enough cash to pay for that new thoroughbred you had wanted after a simple mission to intercept a supply wagon? Or maybe it was when he muttered that single ‘thank you’ when he’d caught you leaving two fresh elk carcasses outside his cabin? Whenever it was you’d decided upon the wanted man’s attractiveness, you would never admit your desire for him loud, especially after that night in your tent when you were left with just your sensitive nerves and wandering thoughts.
Snapping out of your thoughts, you found yourself leaning forward quite a bit in the saddle, meaning you were on the telltale slop leading up to Cairn Lake. Your frozen fingers gripped the reins as tight as you could and you nudged your horse on a bit faster, wanting to reach to potential fire as quickly as possible. Even through the horrendous blizzard, you could faintly see a fire flickering through the small window of the cabin as you reached the top of the slope. Trotting over the ice sheet, you more fell out your saddle then slid off, leading your horse over and tying him in the little makeshift stall. Unfortunately, you were too frozen to even think about spreading some hay for the beast right then, so you shoved your hands under the armpits of your coat and waded through the knee deep snow to the door.
You opened and closed the door as quickly as you could, not wanting to risk an angry Flaco berating you for letting the snow and cold in, but you were quite surprised with what you did receive from him.
“Ay, look what the cat dragged in! Quickly, sit. I had a feeling you would show up.”
Flaco Hernández expecting you to come? And preparing for it?
Turning from the door, you were met with the familiar sight of the outlaw in his favored chair, carving away at a piece of wood while the fire roared warmly. There was a new sight by the fire, though, which was a large pile of rather warm looking furs. As was that… coffee? Certainly you were dreaming. This couldn’t be the outlaw you’d spent the last year and a half doing dirty work for.
“Well? Going to warm up or do I have to toss you back into the snow?”
You shook your head quickly, teeth chattering as you made your place by his feet at the fire, taking up an armful of furs and wrapping them snugly around yourself. Flaco gave what seemed to be a content grunt and returned to his carving, the cabin going silent for a few moments aside from the fire and the wind howling outside. Eventually, he broke the silence again with the thunk of his knife as he drove it into the wooden table. Carving in one hand, he reached through the number of bourbon bottles strewn about and retrieved a shining coffee cup, reaching it out for you to take with numb fingers.
“Get some of that in you before your bones freeze, eh? And get that coat off, let it dry and you stay under those pelts. Can’t have my pequeña asesina up and dying on me over a blizzard.”
The way he chuckled as he spoke sent a different kind of chill down your spine, but you listened to his orders. Dropping the furs for a moment, you placed aside your hat that had somehow managed to stay on through the blizzard before beginning to unbutton your coat, only now realizing why the cold had you succumbing so easily. With an embarrassed flush rising to the bridge of your nose, you made sure to look away from the older man as you slid off your coat and tossed it aside, revealing the silk and lace top you wore that exposed nearly everything.
“Well, now. What’s this, chica? A gift for me?”
You couldn’t tell if the man was poking fun at you or not with the way he leaned forward in his chair and gave a sultry grin. You had an excuse for the top, though your lips seemed to be frozen shut at the moment, leaving you unable to explain your infiltration job and how you had been required to dress like a lady for the evening. That last thing on your mind when you left was changing out of the top, all you had thought about that evening after several disgustingly rich pigs had groped and attempted to flirt with you was Flaco. You’d daydreamed of how he’d swoop in and scare away those swine with a curl of his lip and a snarl before leading you off somewhere more private.
Now the daydream made you feel utterly ridiculous, not only for forgetting to change your top, but for even imagining that the gunslinger would protect you like that.
A cup of coffee was finally in your grasp and the furs were around your body once more, sincerely hoping the warmth that you felt flood your face wasn’t too visible as the outlaw continued to stare you down with that damn smirk. You dared not look at him more than a glimpse from your side-eye, wondering if he was thinking as hard as he appeared to be. Had your silence thrown him off guard? Or was he thinking up a job to send you out on for intruding on his home in the middle of a blizzard? You got your answer as he finally leaned back in his chair and spoke again.
“I know you came for work, and I just so happen to have a very special job that only you can help me with.”
You perked up at the offer of helping him out, having grown so accustomed to working for him that you found great pleasure in killing in his name. The furs slid from your shoulders a bit, and you slightly lowered the mug you held, giving him an attentive look that made him grin and chuckle once more.
“Someone is eager, eh? I like that. Now, come here, I don’t bite.”
Come closer? You’d never been closer to Flaco than the distance between the fire and his feet so you couldn’t help it when you moved rather sluggishly. Was he about to attack you? Had he finally decided no one who knew so much about him and his life could live? Nonetheless, you stood, allowing the furs to fall from your body and taking a half step towards where he sat like a king in his throne. He smirked at you, leaning back a little more and allowing his legs to spread a bit. You knew better than to take it as an invitation, but the sight and indecent thoughts that flooded your head still made you swallow thickly.
Another half step.
“Almost there.”
Finally, a full step, and you were positioned between his boots, looking down at him as his eyes gave you a once-over.
“Good, good. Sit on my lap, won’t you?”
You blinked in surprise, almost choking on how thick the air had grown in the cabin, and your expression made the man smile and reach out to place a firm hand on your hip.
“I’m not going to hurt you. You still need warming, I can help.”
Oh god, oh god, oh lord. This had to be a dream. No way was this real. You were dreaming this, dreaming of the Flaco Hernández holding your hips and pulling you closer until you were straddling his lap. You were imagining that seductive glint in his eyes and the way he licked his lower lip as your hands pressed to the firmness of his chest that rested beneath his thick fur coat. You wished it was a dream, yet there was no dreaming up how slowly the gunslinger removed his gloves. There was no imagining how those murderous hands reached up and stroked the side of your face and cupped your cheek like you were the most valuable thing in the world. You could never picture the beautifully dreamy look on the man’s grizzled features as his thumb brushed over your lips.
Your eyes fluttered shut as he spoke, he hand that still rested on your hip gripping a bit tighter and almost rocking you into his lap.
“You think I don’t notice how you look at me, chica? How often you come running up here to see if I have work for you? I may be old, but I have seen desire before, and you have got it bad.”
The second pull was harder, managing to make you gasp this time as you felt the line of his shaft through his trousers.
“You run off so quickly, killing whoever I ask, whenever I ask, and rush back with that smile on your face and your gun still smoking. You like taking care of old Hernández, eh?”
You didn’t dare speak, not wanting to risk shattering this too-good-to-be-true moment and simply nodded, savoring in the warmth of his chuckle as he brought his lips close to your ear.
“Well, perhaps it’s my turn to take care of you, princesa.”
The moan that escaped your lips was one of pure surprise and excitement, your hands withdrawing slightly from his chest as his hands moved to work open your pants. He clearly knew what he was doing, drawing soft gasps and whines from you as his fingers teasingly stroked you through the denim of your pants and his hot breath lapped at the sensitive spot right behind your earlobe. Unable to stop yourself, you found yourself seeking out more friction and reaching one of your own hands between your legs in an attempt to press Flaco’s fingers harder into the seam of your pants. Unfortunately, that action stopped him entirely, and he hummed bemusedly as his larger, calloused hand wrapped around your own.
“Ah, ah. None of that. Let me work my skills and you enjoy the ride.”
Whining indignantly, you allowed the outlaw to place your hand back upon his chest and resume his ministrations. His lips moved down your neck as he teased you, the scrape of his facial hair on your frost chilled skin combined with his touch drawing pleads for more from your lips. It seemed he wouldn’t be listening to your demands anytime soon, so to sate yourself at least a little, you worked his fur coat open and found the broad expanse of his chest hidden beneath a faded green shirt with just a peek of dense hair emerging from the open collar. Your wandering hands explored as much as you could reach, feeling his barreled chest through the thin fabric, allowing your fingers to slip underneath and find a rather lovely happy trail and more scars than you could count on both hands. It seemed the gunslinger was enjoying your curious touches, though, as he offered a pleased growl against your skin.
“Such a curious little thing, prying into my life now exploring my person as you please. It’s only fair that I explore you in return.”
Oh, you enjoyed the sound of that.
Every nerve in your body was alight with anticipation and you found yourself holding your breath as Flaco’s hand finally found the inside of your pants and your awaiting cunt. As those magical fingers slowly dragged back and forth across your lips the breath you had been holding was released in the form of a shaky moan, your hands bracing you on the man’s chest and preventing you from collapsing into him entirely. His mouth was off your neck now, leaning back to watch his handiwork and admire the delicious expressions you gave. Your eyes were blissfully shut as you rocked your hips into his rhythmic movement, slowly looking down at him and feeling your heart jump at how he licked his lips again. Oh, how you desperately wanted to kiss him, not just to wipe that grin off his face but to finally know if he tasted like the whiskey he drank or not. Before you could voice or act upon that desire, however, a large finger was slipped inside you that made you cry out the man’s name.
His digits were much larger than your own and easily felt a dozen times better. He only had one inside you and was simply working it in and out, yet you were already putty in his hands. Every nerve in your body was on fire, sweat had begun to form on your brow now and the blizzard you’d trudged through to get here was far from your mind. All of your senses had been enveloped by the infamous criminal, and it seemed he’d become quite taken with you as well.
“Your thighs are shaking so much, hermosa. How long have you been wanting this? How many nights have you cried my name into the dark?”
Words were failing you at the moment, leaving you unable to do more than keen loudly in response to his questions. The truth was too long and too many. You’d wanted the man shortly after having his gun in your face for the first time, and now, with his fingers working wonders on you, you were no longer ashamed to admit that fact to yourself.
When a second finger joined the first inside you, your arms gave out, leaving you clutching at Flaco’s back from under his coat and resting your head on his broad shoulder. He found great pride in having you moan and beg for him so close to his ear, and that grin he wore only broadened when the rough pad of his thumb found your clit and you had to bury your face into his coat to muffle a scream. He was good and he knew it. Too good, in fact. The combination of his thumb on your clit and his fingers curling inside you left your entire body trembling and the knot in your gut winding tighter and tighter. No longer could you moan, only gasp and keen as you grew ever closer to the precipice of pleasure.
Until suddenly he stopped moving.
Your eyes shot open, leaning back to give him an indignant look only to be met with a serious glare that had you practically melting. The hand holding your hip lifted to your chin, holding in firm between his fingers as he brought your face so close to his you felt his hat being pushed back and your noses brushed together.
“Who do you belong to? Who is the only man who makes you feel this good? Tell me, chica, and I will let you cum.”
Swallowing the excess saliva that had formed in your mouth, you finally spoke.
“You do.”
“I don’t think I quite heard you, little one. If you are too shy to answer then I suppose I can’t finish the job.”
Gripping the front of his shirt, you felt his fingers curl inside of you slightly and that was enough to get you to shout the answer he was looking for.
“You! I belong to you! Every bit of my body, every drop of my blood belongs to Flaco Hernández! You’re the only one I want!”
His hold on your chin tightened as he pulled you in to meet his lips, his fingers finally getting you back to work and bringing that wave of bliss rushing closer. His mouth easily overtook yours, tongue claiming dominance you didn’t bother fighting for. He tasted like spices, cigar smoke, and his signature bourbon. He could tell how close you were, and when you both were out of breath and your climax was near, he pulled back just enough to growl against your mouth.
“Cum, mi princesa. Cum for Flaco.”
And so you did.
His name falling from your lips and your entire body tensing as lava flowing through your veins and fireworks burst behind your eyelids, you let yourself fall apart in the hands of one of the most wanted outlaws in the country. He urged you through your orgasm with gentle praises and soft caresses along your pussy, making your body twitch with aftershocks and causing you to moan softly. Finally, once the waves of pleasure had subsided, you collapsed fully against the man’s chest, your arms loosely wrapped around him and your face pressed against his neck. Watching as Flaco took the time to lick his fingers clean, a soft tremble of want wracked your body again, one that he felt and couldn’t help but chuckle at.
“Are you satisfied, little one?”
You nodded silently, fighting to keep your eyes open now. The powerful orgasm had taken what little energy hadn’t been sapped away by the blizzard, and the warmth that crept through your limbs made it incredibly difficult not to fall asleep then and there.
The gunslinger took notice of this and adjusted your position in his lap so he could take you in a bridal hold, standing with a soft grunt before he crossed the cabin and laid you upon the soft pelts and blankets that lined his bed. His ungloved hand found your face again, caressing your cheek with the tenderness of a newlywed husband and allowing a smirk to cross his face.
“Rest. I’ve got another job for you when you wake.”
Through your lidded eyes, just before they embraced sleep, you caught sight of him palming a rather noticeable bulge in his trousers, and you decided it definitely wasn’t a mistake to make the trip up in the middle of a blizzard.
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crispyimagines17 · 7 years
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Just click on the [x] and every single imagine about our beauties will be shown! Enjoy and don’t forget requests are open :) (english and español)
Last updated: Apr 5th, 2021
| M a s t e r l i s t |
+ A L L   T H E   C O N T E N T +
Tom Hiddleston  [x]
Sebastian Stan [x]
Timothée Chalamet [x]
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The Dolan Twins [x]
Keanu Reeves [x]
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Tom Holland [x]
Alexander Skarsgard [x]
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Lorenzo Zurzolo [x]
Jacob Elordi [x]
+ O N E  S H O T S +
Keanu Reeves { “Coffee”  /  “Daisy’s”  }
Henry Cavill { “Flaco” / “Baby Please Come Home” }
Timothée Chalamet  { “For the Love of Gogh”  / “Lovely Gestures” / “Get Free” / “Maria Bonita”}
Spencer Reid   { “Mixed Feelings” }
Tom Hiddleston  { “Bistro” / “Happily Ever After” / White Demon }
Sebastian Stan { “Spanish Skills” / “Dream a little dream of me” }
Chris Evans { “Baby Please Come Home” }
+ H E A D C A N O N S +
“Navidad con Tom Hiddleston incluiría”
“Christmas with Tom Hiddleston would include” 
“Christmas with Tom Holland would include”
“Christmas with Timothée Chalamet would include”
“Dating Sebastian Stan would include”
“Dating Tom Hiddleston would include”
“Dating Timothée Chalamet would include” 
“Dating Noah Centineo would include” 
“Dating Keanu Reeves would include” 
“Dating Robert Pattinson would include”
“Dating Jake Gyllenhaal would include”
“Dating Henry Cavill would include”
“Dating Jude Law would include”
“Dating Alexander Skarsgard would include” 
“Dating Ben Hardy would include”
“Dating Joe Mazzello would include”
“Zachary Levi Dating a foreigner would include” 
“Tom Hiddleston Dating A Med Student Would Include…”
“Being Timothée Chalamet’s Best friend would include”
“Romantic Night with Tom Hiddleston”
“A roadtrip with Tom Hiddleston would include”
“Visit México with Timothée Chalamet would include”
“Your birthday with Timothée Chalamet would include”
“Being the youngest Shelby sibling would include”
+ S P E C I A L S +
Xmas Specials
New Year’s Eve
Valentine’s Day
Oscars Time
+ C R I S P Y   W E E K +
Crispy Monday’s
Friday I’m in love Mood
His Lordship’s Fridays
Cuddly Saturday’s 
+ N O V E L S +
Gossip Girl 
Skyfall  (Coming Soon...)
American Beauty (Coming Soon...)
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