maison21 · 7 years
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@berniesanders, the zombie politician who just won’t go away. lost his limbs being stomped in the dem primary, but still crawling after us like he won, trying to eat our brains. time for a figurative 🔥 to end this undead menace once and for all. #fleethebern #shutupandgoawayoldwhiteman #yourtimeisdone #NOTaDEMOCRAT #berniedoesnotspeakforDEMS #russiantoolofdivision #fromherotozero — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2yvONOp
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snorquist · 8 years
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I stopped at 10, but this could be a very long and growing list; # 11 could be: Both remind one of Bobby Riggs, #12 Both refer to themseves in third person, etc., etc. TEN SIMILARITIES BETWEEN TRUMP AND SANDERS 1. Both say "millionaires and billionaires buy elections." Nothing shows the falseness of this claim better than Jeb! Despite spending millions and millions of dollars more of the money provided by the rich than any other candidate, Brother Bush never got out of his single-digit hole. 2. Both say "Hillary is crooked," and use it to rile up their fans. 3. Both claim to be "the voice of the people" of America, no matter how many losing contests and opposition efforts arise to counter this. 4. Both say "the system is rigged" in a false claim that they don't get their share of the delegates based on the voting. In fact, both have gotten more. 5. Both claim to be "anti-Establishment." Trump has a better point in this regard, since he's never held public office, whereas Sanders has never had a full-time job other than that of politician. 6. Both threaten to dissociate themselves from their respective parties if not awarded the nomination through their party processes; Sanders supporters by writing in their candidate; Trump by pivoting to 3rd-party. 7. Both claim funding purity in the financing of their campaigns. Again, Trump has a better case than Sanders on this point, since he has taken far less money from corporations and other sources than Sanders or anyone else. 8. Both are utterly apathetic to getting anyone else elected other than themselves. 9. Both have supporters so blindly devoted that their candidate is the only way to go that they are utterly unwilling to listen to the many arguments against the idea, and 100% willing to use misleading and derogatory attacks against their opponents in their devotion. 10. Both claim to be in favor of one thing, then do or say another time and again. To be fair, though, everyone who's ever run for political office in the United States probably has, as well.
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elwood-r · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7Vqo-Kl0vI)
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