#Flower Bazar
whiskeycat991 · 10 months
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eikaebana · 3 months
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Shop our collection of Big Daisy Loose Flowers, perfect for adding elegance to your home decor, creating stunning vase displays, or decorating wedding arches. Unbeatable Prices Guaranteed! Visit us at: https://shop.eikaebana.com
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sana-87 · 4 months
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versacherries · 5 months
"the garden of time", met gala theme explained
Inspired by a short story written by J.G. Ballard in 1962, a story set in the XIX century about a count and countess who live in a large beautiful villa full of flowers, where everyday they can see an army or 'mob' approaching their villa from the safety of their balcony. Each evening as the army grows closer, the count plucks a flower from their garden made of crystals, which in turn, pushes the mob back. We discover that the crystal flowers reverse space and time. But they only have a few left in the garden. The outcome of the story becomes inevitable, hence why the story is often seen as a metaphor for evolution and the endless cycle of creation and destruction. One night they run out of flowers, and they're faced with the mob entering their villa. As the villa is being ambushed, we find out there's two stone figures resembling the count and countess, hidden by a large bush full of thorns and roses, that go untouched by water, fire, air, and people around, and seemingly remain there through space and time.
Also known as "sleeping beauties; reawakening fashion", 2024's met gala theme is not to be confused with disney princesses, or a garden tea party (thought I could see the majority of attendees being literal about it).
2024's met gala theme is about garments that have been used and preserved over time. Just like in the story, fashion historians have tried to fight back time, people, and natural elements to preserve the fabric of such pieces. I can see thierry mugler's 1982 and saint laurent's ss1999 collection being present.
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We can expect to see iconic gowns from fashion history that are too fragile to be worn again. "Sleeping Beauties", garments that have remained untouched since they were last worn. Lots of vintage pieces, archive pulls, and sustainability all around.
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moschino ss18
While I expect to see pieces related to the natural elements, we can't ignore the darker side of the book. I can see some guests taking a darker route and alluring to the inevitable doom that is time. They could reference hollywood's obsession with beauty and how time takes it away from you. Or they could go as far as referencing the current state of the world and how human destruction is inevitable. I could see a lot of the newer Maison Margiela collections, or archive pulls from Alexander Mcqueen, as he tends to relate nature with more obscure themes.
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Needless to say, I'm excited for tomorrow's gala. Could be one for the books.
for reference:
haute le mode yt video
theitcouture on twitter
artisanal ss24 maison margiela
harper's bazar article
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blazingsaza · 23 days
Becoming "Mother of Succulents" Day 34:
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First of all,
My roster is growing, LESSGOOOO!!!
Since the last time i've posted these, i've bought more succulents in batches. I tried to bring home the adult ones too just to compare since all i've bought were babies (with roots).
TIPS FOR FELLOW BEGGINERS: if you live somewhere hot and humid and you wanna take home a succulent that's been living it's life in nursery where it's cool and breezy,
DO NOT GET THE ADULT ONES! These plants have been pampered and living their best life in the nursery. So when you take them to the real world, they're prone to get stressed, sunburned and eventually ded.
It is better to care the smaller ones because they didn't spend their time long enough in the nursery, so it's easier for them to get acclimated in new environments.
Second, I hate to be the bearer of the bad news, i killed both Echeveria Lola (it rotted 😭) and String of Pearls (apparently i didn't know how to care string plants 🥲).
We're down to 2 in this pot. Sadge😭
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Also, Topsyturvy is in a bad shape. (I didn't take pictures of her when she was at her lowest unfortunately)
I'm not exactly sure what was the cause of Turvy's deteriorating health, her leafs are getting yellow and just kept shrivelling, prunning, getting smaller and smaller. My research didn't really answer my questions either, but it gave me solution. I gave her an NPK succulent fertilizer, succulent booster and Liquinox B1 vitamins once a week. So my guess, she was both dehydrated and stressed.
After 3 weeks, she grew some healthier roots. Her colors are also returning and produce more farina. She's not 100% recovered yet but she is getting better 🤲📿
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To my surprise, portulaca seems to be thriving! LESSGOOOOO!!
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They seems to be more resilient, so i bought another one LOL
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And now for the wild card: i went to a nearby mall. As it turns out, they're having a bazar. As far as i can see, they only sold clothings, jewelries and some other knick knacks.
Of course i bought one 🤣
This is my Micro Cherry Blossom that allegedly will flower for twice a year
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What i've learnt from tending these plants:
My dumbass always thought that plants needs sunlight to photosynthesis, therefore the more sunlight the better.
It doesn't matter what type of plants that i'm having, if the sunlight is too hot then direct light will most likely be burning my plants. Best direct sunlight for my plants would be from 6am - 9am MAX. Any later than that, it'll burn the plants. ESPECIALLY since i'm living in a tropical country. So usually, i'd move them inside until the sun doesn't scorch my porch anymore.
There's also the matter of watering. My bonsai can be watered once a day everyday but my succulents? They need to be neglected for a while. "For how long tho?" Is the question i asked the internet. Most answers "every 2 weeks". But those answers came from ppl who lives in 4 season countries and I ASSUME it's not as hot as where i am. I tried to water them after 2 weeks and Topsyturvy paid the price 😭. I also noticed my Jade's leafs gotten rrreeeaaallly soft and turning yellow after a week. So instead, i watered them once a week and give them the nutritions they need every 2 weeks.
Welp- that's all the updates regarding plants. I apologize for the lack of art contents. I am very much stressed out bcs of my upcoming wedding preparations and it affected my creative juices. These plants soothes me a lot, so i hope y'all don't mind 🙏
More plant updates and (hopefully) artworks, anon!
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notsosecret-slgarden · 6 months
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Not So Secret - Gently down the Stream
Sponsored by BAZAR, Konoha & LOVE Superstore
BAZAR - Aren house @Uber BAZAR - Kay Bedroom Set @Anthology Konoha - Jest Bushes @Cosmo LOVE Superstore - Country House Shrubs
The beauty of the BAZAR Aren house lies in its remarkable versatility, seamlessly blending into any setting it graces. Whether nestled in the heart of a bustling cityscape with its rugged industrial design, showcasing iron beams and expansive glass panels, or perched elegantly on the pristine shores of a sandy beach, or even tucked away in the serene embrace of a lush woodland, surrounded by towering pine trees from every angle. The BAZAR home caters to those who appreciate simplicity, offering a spacious open-plan room that can effortlessly transform into any desired space, complemented by a luxurious bathroom at the rear.
For the landscaping, I was thrilled to incorporate the Jest Bushes, a dense foliage collection boasting a variety of vibrant green shades that are essential for achieving a natural blend of hues in the landscape. Additionally, the inclusion of the Country House Shrub by LOVE introduced a delightful burst of color, featuring different seasonal variations and flower colours.
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whispers-of-the-past · 8 months
Give yourself time to live.
Something I wrote a long time ago for myself
Death? That ones a sore subject
was the last time I checked
Thinking of it, I suspect
I don't think I'm correct
See, Life and death, both have pain
You just choose who to blame
But don't go killing your brain
For that would be insane
Look around you, share some time
Hear bird songs, and bell chimes
Smell all the flowers and thyme
Choose to live in the prime
You see, in life and death, they
give limited breath, ey
Shall we Look in-depth, lets say
Life, It turned you away
Things you said you couldn’t do
You cant! Now that you're blue
Look at them, and look at you
You need to see the truth!
Don’t wish to disappear
Pat your back, give a cheer
Let me speak now in your ear
I’m proud you’re here
You made it through the bazar
You have come oh so far
Making yourself who you are
You, my bright shining star
You don't know who I am
This site, just a programme
But let me tell you my lamb
There's Green in traffic jams
You will think not for a knife
Only love for your wife
No more dreams of afterlife
Get out and live your life
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pauline-lewis · 11 months
Brouillon pour une newsletter jamais envoyée
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Je mesure mon intérêt pour les films à la manière dont ils restent avec moi, plusieurs heures après visionnage. Par exemple, deux heures après avoir vu Oppenheimer de Christopher Nolan, je pensais plus au chocolat chaud bu au Paul du coin qu'aux heures interminables passées avec Cillian Murphy. Mais samedi dernier, cinq heures après avoir vu Killers of the Flower Moon, j'étalais ma pâte à pizza en réfléchissant aux liens entre le dernier Scorsese et le mythe de la caverne de Platon. Un plan de personnages filmés à travers le feu me revenait encore et encore, me tracassait, j'essayais de donner forme aux idées, j’élaborais des théories dans le bazar de mon cerveau. En faisant glisser la sauce tomate je pensais à ce que Scorsese nous disait de nous autres, colons blancs, ce qu'il disait de notre façon de raconter et de regarder toutes ces histoires et de les piller sans relâche. Je pensais aux vérités qui éclatent pendant cette scène du feu, aux frontières poreuses entre la réalité et à la fiction. Je pensais à l'actualité, bien sûr, je pensais aux hommes, je pensais aux femmes, je pensais aux enfants et je pensais au regard de Lily Gladstone qui me disait quelque chose d'assez terrifiant, que j'avais presque peur de regarder. Le lendemain je me réveillais avec Platon, avec la caverne, avec ces yeux qui continuaient à me regarder — je me réveillais en pensant à cette façon dont on m'a raconté l'Histoire, du lycée aux cours de civilisation américaine en Master. Je repensais encore à cette scène où Molly pose une question, où elle demande une vérité qui lui est brutalement refusée. J'y songe encore, aujourd'hui, en écrivant ces lignes.
Il y a quelques semaines je suis allée voir Les feuilles mortes de Kaurismäki. C'est, pourrait-on dire en simplifiant grandement, une histoire d'amour dans tout ce qu'elle peut avoir de plus dépouillé. C'est l'histoire d'une rencontre fortuite pendant un karaoké entre un homme et une femme. Je me suis retrouvée à penser à ce film sans cesse dans les jours et semaines qui ont suivi la séance de cinéma, et à une scène en particulier. Les deux amants sont dans l'appartement du personnage féminin. Lui a un problème avec l'alcool, elle s'est fait virer de son travail au supermarché pour avoir volé un produit pourtant périmé. On peut dire, comme le veut cette formule un peu éculée, que leurs deux solitudes se rencontrent. Comme dans beaucoup de scènes du film, en arrière plan la radio crache des nouvelles de la guerre en Ukraine. Ansa l'éteint d'un coup et, je ne pourrai pas dire sa phrase exacte, mais elle a cette réplique qui ressemble au vers de Prévert dans Barbara : "quelle connerie, la guerre". C'est à la fois simple dans sa formulation et assez bouleversant (parce qu’on ose jamais, au quotidien, dire ce genre de banalités-là). Tout le film raconte en creux comment cette guerre vit avec ces deux personnages, à leurs côtés.
À Cannes, Kaurismäki a expliqué que la guerre en Ukraine lui avait donné le sentiment que le monde avait besoin d'histoires d'amour ("it made me feel like this bloody world needed some love stories"). Pendant des jours j'ai été hantée par cette radio que l'on a le luxe d'éteindre, par tout ce qui se joue dans ce film dans les interstices — la violence du capitalisme, la tentative d'un amour malgré — malgré quoi, malgré tout. Hantée aussi par l'idée que mon cerveau a, malgré — malgré quoi, malgré tout — de la place pour penser autant à la fiction.
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hvbris · 2 years
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@countlessrealities​ sent:
Valentine's Day had never been a big deal for Summer. She had always celebrated it with her past boyfriends, but that was just because it was what was expected of her. The popular kids of her school had always made a big deal out of it, with the girls demanding presents that they could then show off to the crowd. Having to listen to them bragging and coming up with fake compliments was annoying as hell, but it was part of the rules of the social game and she didn't want to be left behind.
With Salomé there, things hadn't really changed...not for the school. They had for Summer on a personal level. After all, every excuse was good for her to try and dote on her girlfriend. The brunette always showered her with gifts and, while she tried to give back in other ways, she still liked to return the favour, when she could her away with it.
And that was why she had asked Salomé to go out for coffee before the start of their lessons that day. There was a small café not too far from the school, tucked away in one of the alleys. It was nothing fancy, but it had a warm, cozy vibe.
Once they were seated at one of the small wooden tables, waiting for their orders, Summer cleared her throat, trying not to look too nervous.
“So, uh, I know that this is, like, a stupid commercial holiday, but...I got you something,” she started, picking up her bag and rummaging inside it. “It’s just a little thing, but when I saw it at this alien bazar it made me think of you.”
She pulled out a small rectangular box, decorated with a thin red ribbon. Attached to it there was a small piece of paper, where she had written their initial inside a heart. A little childish, perhaps, but she had thought that it would be cute.
Inside there was a hair comb, made with some kind of metal that looked like gold, but felt lighter and slicker. On top of it, a chiselled burgundy flower, vaguely similar to a lily, reproduced down to the smallest detail.
“Sooo...Happy ‘spend all your money on useless sappy shit’ day?”
[[ Summer for Salomé! I hope you don't mind, my girl wanted to get your queen something for V-Day 🤭 ]]
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Salomé always celebrated Valentine’s Day. Or more exactly, she always received plenty of expensive gifts every year, from suitors and boyfriends alike. But it was her first year having an actual girlfriend. Not a fling, not a rich boy-toy only here to distract her, no. This year she was with someone she actually liked. 
She usually didn’t care for Valentine’s Day, and was rich enough that all the designer bags and jewels bored her just as fast as everything else. So why was she so strangely touched by the fact that Summer had a gift for her? 
Not that she hadn’t gotten her girlfriend a present (of course she had, something ridiculously luxurious). But she was used to things being thrown at her in the hope of catching her attention. Summer already had her attention. (And yes, she would have made a scene if the redhead hadn’t bought her something, but she was allowed to make no sense at all).
“Oh, babe, you didn’t need to,” she said with a little smile, head tilted in a way that meant ‘yes, yes you needed to’.
As if the simple fact that Summer had gotten her something hadn’t been moving enough, the gift itself left her speechless. Well, not the gift, not exactly. It was a beautiful hair comb, yes, but she had hundred of those.
It was what Summer said that took all the air out of her lungs. 
‘It made me think of you’
She blinked, losing her usual composure for a split second. And then, the charming smile and fluttering eyelashes were back. “It’s absolutely adorable Summer,” she couldn’t help but downplay, puzzled by the emotions twirling in her heart. 
“I love it,” she still added, and it was true.
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"And of course I have something for you too!” In a twirl of black hair, she got her own bag, took the little blue box out of it. Was it as thoughtful? She didn’t know. It had cost her a lot. And she did think that silver was a lovely color for Summer. But she always threw money at her, would Summer grow bored of it? Just like Salomé was? 
She let none of these thoughts appear on her face, looking just as perfect and proud as usual. And then, she placed the little box on the table, a Tiffany’s box containing an (expensive) silver bracelet with little emeralds. “Silver and green are definitely your colors babe,” she casually added, blowing a kiss at her girlfriend.
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rainerifernando · 1 month
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Suporte para Celular e GPS Flower.
Com duplo pega-pega.
Giratório 360 graus.
Materiais ABS e metal, com 10 ventosas.
Medidas 7 cm altura x 5 cm largura.
Item sem uso, disponível.
Ideal para Uber e Taxista.
Bazar e Papelaria Raineri.
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bhajanmandali · 2 months
Jagran Group in Mundera Bazar, Gorakhpur
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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" Sargam Jagran Party" is very much devotional event organiser, as it is done with full devotion and respect towards the God. The work of the "Sargam Jagran Party" has been appreciated and acknowledged in many State Newspaper like: UP, Bihar, Rajsthan and Hariyana etc. At the very first place it was started with the same group but, now it has expand upto 30 plus people. All the facilities are provide which are needed to conduct Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan sandhya like: Singer's, Instruments, Sound facility, Jhanki etc. We are often called by the people again and again who have used our services.
Mata ka Jagran is a holy programme for all the Hindu community. In this programme all night Kirtan has been sung by the singers and Maa Durga worship has been done.
At Mata ka Jagran firstly we light Akhand jyoti of Mataji. After that Vandana is sung ( devotional song) by the singer or any other devotee who wants to sing. Bhet is offered by the devotee (red color chunni) coconut fruits and shingar matriail along with soe bheta and sweets. Then comes ardass and bhog is distributed to the people who are present there by the devotee. Short break are taken and around half an hour again we start for the further process. Lastly after Aarti and devotional song’s Lonkra and Kanjak Pooja we distribute bhog and Prasad to all and comes to the end of Jagran as an samapti.
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Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
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With the grace of God and good wishes of devotees, our team of Sargam Jagran Party are growing day by day. Now we can count us as one of the best Spiritual event organiser party in the UP state. Our Balaji Jagran very famous in LKO and Outer Areas. We have done a no of Balaji Jagrans most of the cities in Up and we got very nice compliments too. Balaji Jangran is the story of Ramayan’s Sundarkand where whole story is based on Lord Hanuman and their Lanka Visit. We organises the whole event in such a way that you can feel the event in reality with a lots of emotions. You will find yourself connecting with the God. Our Sargam jagran Team always take care our devotees on every single step of the event and organise the all things in such a way that you will find 100% satisfaction from us within your decided parameter of budget. So Please give one chance when you are making plan of Balaji jagran.
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eikaebana · 4 months
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Style your perfect home with our exquisite Artificial Rose Orchid Flower Hangings, meticulously crafted to bring beauty into your living space. Explore our collection for unbeatable prices and amazing deals! Visit us: https://shop.eikaebana.com
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saurabhgt · 3 months
Exploring Shillong: Top Things to Do in Shillong
In the heart of Meghalaya, Shillong is often referred to as the “Scotland of the East” due to its picturesque landscapes, rolling hills, and captivating natural beauty. This charming hill station offers a plethora of activities for every kind of traveler. Whether you are an adventure enthusiast, a nature lover, or someone looking to soak in the local culture, Shillong has something special for you. Here’s a guide to the top things to do in Shillong. So, get ready to be enchanted as you embark on an unforgettable journey through the wonders of Shillong with our Meghalaya Tour Packages.
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1. Visit Umiam Lake
Umiam Lake, also known as Barapani, is a serene man-made reservoir located about 15 kilometers north of Shillong. The lake, surrounded by lush green hills, is a popular spot for boating, kayaking, and fishing. The breathtaking views and tranquil environment make it an ideal spot for a relaxing day out with family and friends.
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2. Explore Elephant Falls
A trip to Shillong would be incomplete without visiting the majestic Elephant Falls. Named by the British due to the elephant-shaped rock at its base, these falls are divided into three sections, each cascading down in a beautiful display. The well-maintained pathways and viewing spots make it easy to enjoy the falls up close.
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3. Stroll Through Ward’s Lake
Ward’s Lake, situated in the heart of Shillong, is a charming man-made lake surrounded by a lush garden. It’s perfect for a leisurely stroll or a paddleboat ride. The lake is encircled by a winding walkway, complete with vibrant flowerbeds and well-manicured lawns, making it a favorite spot for both locals and tourists.
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4. Discover the Beauty of Shillong Peak
For panoramic views of the entire city, head to Shillong Peak, the highest point in Shillong. Located about 10 kilometers from the city center, this vantage point offers spectacular views of the surrounding hills, valleys, and even the Himalayas on a clear day. It’s a popular spot for photography and picnics.
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5. Delve into History at Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures
The Don Bosco Museum, also known as the Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures, is a must-visit for those interested in the culture and history of Northeast India. This seven-story museum showcases a wide range of artifacts, paintings, and cultural exhibits from the various tribes of the region. The skywalk on the top floor offers a 360-degree view of Shillong.
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6. Take a Walk in Lady Hydari Park
Named after the wife of the first Governor of Assam, Lady Hydari Park is a well-maintained garden and mini-zoo. The park is an excellent spot for a relaxing walk amidst colorful flowers, lush greenery, and small ponds. It’s also a great place for kids to enjoy with its small zoo and play area.
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7. Experience Local Flavors at Police Bazar
Police Bazar is the bustling commercial hub of Shillong, offering a mix of traditional and modern shops, eateries, and street vendors. It’s a great place to experience the local flavors, shop for souvenirs, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere. Don’t miss trying the local Khasi delicacies at the food stalls.
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8. Enjoy the Tranquility of Laitlum Canyons
Laitlum Canyons, meaning “end of hills,” is one of Shillong’s most scenic spots. Located about 25 kilometers from the city, this less-explored destination offers stunning views of the canyons, rolling hills, and valleys. It’s a perfect spot for nature lovers and those seeking tranquility away from the bustling city life.
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9. Visit the Cathedral of Mary Help of Christians
The Cathedral of Mary Help of Christians is one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in Shillong. Known for its Gothic architecture, stained glass windows, and peaceful ambiance, it is a place of spiritual solace and architectural beauty. The cathedral also offers panoramic views of Shillong from its elevated position.
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10. Adventure at Mawphlang Sacred Forest
For a unique experience, visit the Mawphlang Sacred Forest, located about 25 kilometers from Shillong. This ancient forest is protected by local tribal customs and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Guided tours are available, where you can learn about the forest’s cultural significance and explore its natural beauty.
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Final Thoughts
Shillong is a destination that captivates every traveler with its natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. Whether you are seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Shillong promises an unforgettable experience. Pack your bags and get ready to explore this enchanting hill station, and make sure to tick off all these top things to do in Shillong!
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boompowummmm · 4 months
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Swarthing zooping atlas trees in a gilpur tweevil of stussful tweevil of postpolmerising zeeping zelulight. Figlet filbet leafs. Flumbering flusping currents. A myraic of nursery flower beds. Guilder - gard bowler junipers. A sinking marble casche amberstone coffee pimented runal beacon. Signs to show we are so high they curve like a rhombus. Phobate constunked theesism. Corentiation; oh the corentiation of livelyhood! Each botique in gatera bazars extend superpermo xorvic light. (For I would buy you such a money mesh my love.) Worfing Xorvic oxivernt free cash deep in our romantic theesisms of xornificatious plausablity in bespering attelana letters in intling. I say; as I sip my zorbal cupestry in ointing pelly.
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Not So Secret - Modern Sanctuary
Sponsored by BAZAR & KraftWork
BAZAR - Cora MODULAR Bookshelf set @Uber KraftWork - Mendoza Collection - Mainstore
In our fast-paced and hectic lives, finding a place of solace and serenity is becoming increasingly essential. Enter the modern sanctuary home, a haven designed to provide a peaceful retreat from the chaos of everyday life. With its minimalist aesthetic, perfect to seek balance and tranquility.
With its clean lines, open spaces, and natural materials it embraces the concept of less is more, with a focus on simplicity and functionality. The use of neutral colors, such as whites, grays, and earth tones, creates a soothing and timeless ambiance, in which both BAZAR & KraftWork excel in.
Apple Fall - Cushion - Satin Trellis Apple Fall - Cushion - Satin, Bronze BLACK NEST - Siisti Book Pile BLACK NEST - Siisti Potted Plant KraftWork - Double Storey Shelf . Stone Sculpture KraftWork - Flower Arrangement KraftWork - Vintage Painting Partition FINCA - Wooden round floor lamp - brown bronze dust bunny - sweet dreams . fiddle leaf tree dust bunny - tabletop plants . sword leaf
BAZAR - Evan rug BAZAR - Lina bedroom Sculpture BAZAR - Lina magazines BAZAR - Mak Candlestick BAZAR - Mak Coffee Table BAZAR - Venice Chandelier BAZAR - Amy lamp BAZAR - Cancun - Candle
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bhajanmandalilucknow · 5 months
Jagran Group in Mundera Bazar, Gorakhpur
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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" Sargam Jagran Party" is very much devotional event organiser, as it is done with full devotion and respect towards the God. The work of the "Sargam Jagran Party" has been appreciated and acknowledged in many State Newspaper like: UP, Bihar, Rajsthan and Hariyana etc. At the very first place it was started with the same group but, now it has expand upto 30 plus people. All the facilities are provide which are needed to conduct Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan sandhya like: Singer's, Instruments, Sound facility, Jhanki etc. We are often called by the people again and again who have used our services.
Mata ka Jagran is a holy programme for all the Hindu community. In this programme all night Kirtan has been sung by the singers and Maa Durga worship has been done.
At Mata ka Jagran firstly we light Akhand jyoti of Mataji. After that Vandana is sung ( devotional song) by the singer or any other devotee who wants to sing. Bhet is offered by the devotee (red color chunni) coconut fruits and shingar matriail along with soe bheta and sweets. Then comes ardass and bhog is distributed to the people who are present there by the devotee. Short break are taken and around half an hour again we start for the further process. Lastly after Aarti and devotional song’s Lonkra and Kanjak Pooja we distribute bhog and Prasad to all and comes to the end of Jagran as an samapti.
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Mata ki chowki represent the ancient culture of Hinduism society. Mata ki chowki means praising the stories of Gods life time experiences in the form of singing. It is generally sung in Sanskrit and Hindi. It is a devotional programme conducted specially for occasions like Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals. In Mata ki Chowki Short time kirtan is conducted in Mata Ki Chowki and it is mostly for 4 to 5 hours. Prayee devote their respect through their prayers in the form of singing. Garlands and Matajis bhet (red color chunni) coconut and shingar with bheta. After that Aarti is done by the devotee who has kept Mata Ki Chowki. Bhog Prasad to Mataji of Kher has been offered followed by Amrit Varsha and Phoolon Ki Varsha of flowers and petals. At last prasand is shared to all people who have been there as the samapti of Mata Ki CHowki.
Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
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