#Flower husbamds
i am calling empires s2 Scott and Jimmy’s paring (not the creators obviously) flower fuckers, and none of y’all can stop,me.
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nostalgiaispeace · 4 months
What was the last thing you spent more than $20 on? groceries
Give us a lyric from a song you’ve recently listend to: “do you wanna come to my motel honey?"
Do you wear actual designated ‘pajamas’ to bed? yes
When was the last time you were tempted to do something you’d later regret? this week
Have you ever had feelings for someone who was seeing someone else? Yes. 
Have you ever had feelings for your best friend’s significant other? no
What color is your hairbrush? black
How many times did you ride in a car today? none
Who was the last non-relative to call you? idk
Are you comfortable in your own skin? No.
What are your plans for tomorrow? read
Are you in a good mood right now? yeah
When was the last time you had an ice cream cone? idk
Did you eat breakfast this morning? no
Have you ever been in a cemetery at midnight? No.
Do you live on your own? If not, who do you live with? no. i live with my husband and daughter
How old are your siblings, if you have any? 29
Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? no
Have you ever used your cell phone as a lightsource in the dark? yeah
Is your birthday in less than 6 months? no
How old will you be in 3 years? 36
Do you remember who you were dating in August 2007? yeah
Why did you cry the last time you did? idk
Where are your parents right now? at home i guess
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water? breathe
Have you ever had a crush on a sibling’s friend? no
Do you know where your calcaneus bone is located? no?
Have you donated blood in the last 2 years? no
What was the last free t-shirt you received from? idk
Have you kissed your 10th contact in your phone? no
When did you go to bed last night? 130am
Is there anything you are looking forward to at the moment? yeah
Who was the last person to piss you off? idk..my husband?
Are you a Scorpio? Nope. Are you an Atheist? yes
Are you Asian? no
Are you blonde? No.
Are you taller than 6'0"? nope
Are you fluent in another language? No
Are you in the military? No
Are you female? yes
Are you single? no
Are you a parent? yes
Are you an artist? no
Are you a musician? No.
Are you an athlete? No
Do you like winter? Its my fav
Who did you spend last New Year’s with? my mom and husband
Did you do anything special for St.Patrick’s Day? No.
Did you have a Valentine last time Valentine’s Day came around? sure
What is your relationship with the last person to comment you? besties
Who was the last person to sit on your bed? my daughter and husbamd
Do you have a favorite flower? No
What is the best gift someone can give you? love
Was your last kiss a mistake? no
Would you rather be stuck on a desert island with your ex or a python? neither
Do you kiss on the first date? -
Would you rather visit Norway or BrazilI? norway
Name three objects within your reach? wine, chapstick, my cat
What jewelry are you wearing? I have a ring on.  
Would you get a shamrock tattooed to your forehead for $5000? no
What do you smell right now? a candle
Are you very flexible? I’m not flexible at all. 
Where was your display pic taken? it's marilyn in nyc i think
Do you like Chinese food? Sure. 
Where was the last place you went that was more than an hour away? Why were you going there? ohio
If your best friend asked you to marry them what would you say? no
Are you under the influence of anything at the moment? not really. i've had wine but i don't feel it.
Would you consider yourself open-minded? only a little
Who was the last person to tell you you looked nice? idk
Have you ever been to a nude beach? No
What time is it? 1043pm
What are you going to go do now? watch skins and do this
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