#Flurby gets an ask
p1nkwitch · 10 months
How do YOU think Peter would react to coming home to find someone else making Elias Lonely?
Sorry for not answering earlier anyways.
Hm realistically? Probably smug at first, a sort of: look how low you have fallen to get so lonely.
Afterwards, if it continues and Elias gets worse, he may start to get annoyed and be bothered by it. Simply because that sort of thing is their deal. Peter could objectively feed from it, but it would be grinding on his nerves.
Someone else other than him got to Elias and is making his life miserable. That won't stand.
So after his smugness and then the realization that he is not actively enjoying this like he wants, he may get angry and sort it out.
This man does leave the job of killing others if it's not with the lonely to others, and he has threatened Elias, but they have their own way or game to play it with. So by then, he would try to snap Elias out of it, do some cleaning up about the avatar, and then once Elias is fine, be smug again.
He is not going to want to admit he was worried. So teasing and being smug till Elias kicks him out for a bit, but not for long anyways. Peter did do him a favor and he will milk out the fact that he took the effort to make him less lonely to mess with him as well.
Loop of them both bullying the other while simultaneously actually having feelings about the other they don't want to deal with.
They probably make out and go feed on someone else's misery to wash it out before just being maybe a tad softer with the other after the whole ordeal. Elias may offer a name for Peter to sacrifice and Peter may get something nice for Elias.
(If they make our on the couch and then fall asleep there, that's just me wanting them to be happy a bit)
Anyways I hope this answers your question. I love getting to talk lonelyeyes.
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lasalebete · 1 year
about the writer meme. 1, 8 and 13 :)
(also i love your writing i hope you have a great evening)
1. of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?
Okay so. Tbh, really, all the latest fics I've written!! I hold my Vargas stuff dear to my heart 💓💓 I do have some favourites though - that would probably be Nucléaire, Don't tell me, Engagement des combats and A gap between the coffee table and the couch (honourable mention: Show and tell wink wonk). And OUT of Vargas, I think that'd be The sea goes to sleep and Jonah Junior And The Process Of Gradually Scaring Peter Lukas. ALSO a continuation of one of Flurby's fics (which I will not name here for I have it posted in. Anonymous.). Dear god while looking through my ao3 to reply I stumbled upon fics which I had completely forgotten about. I don't even remember what they're about and I DON'T plan on finding out!!
8. is there a character you love writing for the most? the least? why?
Okay lately it has been. Lucien. But I think that shows. Marc as well. My deranged blorbos. There's also Kate who is blorbo from my other obscure novel. Oh also I love writing the characters from tap. And a character I love writing the least... Well that'll be Mathias (I'm mainly talking about Vargas but thats because it's what I've been writing. For months on end. Send help) and well, I don't really DISLIKE writing him it's just. Sighs. It's hard. That man is a mystery.
13. who are your favorite writers?
Ohhh my god. WELL NOW first that depends on if we're talking about published writers or fanfic authors. I'll do both bc why not (this ask is starting to get very long huh)
Published writers:
Fred Vargas (NO SHIT SHERLOCK), I've been reading Camus nonstop for like three weeks so count him in, I've been really into Daniel Pennac, Maïakovski, Terry Pratchett, Ray Bradbury, many others I'm probably forgetting.
Fic writers:
The Vargas server (wink wonk) which is full of amazingly talented people, Magicalghost96 my good friend Flurby who writes insanely good and long fics, god I'm too tired for this. My braincells are shutting down, SO I'LL JUST SAY: every member of the Library server, anyone who has ever written tap content cause I owe you my life. This reply is already way too long I shall not add on.
Writer ask game!!
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everettxjenkins · 6 years
Untreated Viral Hepatitis Leads To Liver Cancer
Untreated Viral Hepatitis Leads To Liver Cancer. A quintessence of liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, is increasing in the United States, and well-being officials character much of the rise to untreated hepatitis infections. Chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C are culpable for 78 percent of hepatocellular carcinoma around the world cyclo flurbi gaba. In the United States, as many as 5,3 million common man have chronic viral hepatitis and don't know it, according to the May 6 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). So "The liver cancer rates are increasing in comparison to most other principal forms of cancer," said Dr John Ward, manager of CDC's viral hepatitis division and co-author of the report more bonuses. Viral hepatitis is a important reason for the increase. The rate of hepatocellular carcinoma increased from 2,7 per 100,000 persons in 2001 to 3,2 in 2006 - an commonplace annual increase of 3,5 percent, according to the report full report. The highest rates are seen among Asian Pacific Islanders and blacks, the CDC researchers noted. This is of involved with because opportunities exist for prevention. "There is a vaccine against hepatitis B that is routinely given to infants - so our children are protected, but adults, for the most part, are not". In addition, brilliant treatments happen for both hepatitis B and C. "These will be even more effective in the approaching when new drugs currently in development come on the market". It takes decades of infection with hepatitis before cancer develops, and Ward said a lot of restored cases are among older people who were infected before vaccines or serviceable treatments were available. Screening of anyone with chronic hepatitis is essential to prevent or treat liver cancer, Ward spiked out. Others who should be screened include people born in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe, where hepatitis B is endemic; vivid men; injection psychedelic users; and hemodialysis patients. Hepatitis C was only identified in 1990 so people who had contact with a blood fallout in the 1980s or earlier also need to be screened for hepatitis C. "In the long term, similarly to 20 or 30 years and beyond, our prospects are very bright as far as preventing liver cancer from viral hepatitis. But we still have about 50,000 persons who become infected with hepatitis every year and we would get pleasure from to get that rate discount still". May is Hepatitis Awareness Month. "Ask your doctor for vaccination for hepatitis B, and enquire if you should be screened for hepatitis B or C". According to Dr Eugene Schiff, director of the Center for Liver Diseases at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, at cock crow diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma is leading to prevent cancer, and diagnosing cancer early is essential to successfully treating it. So "Unfortunately, the lion's share of cases that are referred in with a diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, it's already too far advanced". Public tutelage campaigns are key because most people with hepatitis don't know it, added an transmissible disease expert, Dr Marc Siegel, an associate professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center. This should encompass a massive vaccination campaign against hepatitis b. Eventually, a vaccine for hepatitis C will be developed, "but it won't be anytime soon". For now, interdiction is the only system to stop hepatitis C from spreading ghana herbal store. Since it is commonly spread through procreant contact, "cutting down on the number of partners and using a condom - these are the main protections".
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p1nkwitch · 8 months
I love your fics cuz Peter's like: I want you at your worst, give me your worst. Sometimes I might need to take a minute to process it but also sometimes I will straight up bask in it. Your worst cannot drive me away in any real capacity.
Listen, i find the idea of two awful people loving and hating each other so much so compelling and Peter wanting the worst of Jonah even if he knows it will tear him apart just muah, kills me.
Likewise Elias/Jonah feels the same way and i am delighted by it.
They both know how terrible the other is, can be, and its the thing that still keeps them together anyways. They want to kill each other, they love each other, they like even the worst the other has to offer.
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p1nkwitch · 11 months
Here me out. 10 for that prompt list and Lonelyeyes.
Sorry it took me this long! Between lonelyeyes week and having to finish the good omens au, i was busy. Anyhow!! Here you go i had a fun writting this.
10.  “you died and left me on the hook for a hereditary marriage contract”
Peter was furious, he read the paper in his hand, over and over again, till eventually he crumpled it in his hands and put it inside his pocket. He quickly put on his coat and went to the Magnus Institute at a quick pace. 
The letter had been clear, there was no line that he could use to escape, no loophole. He even called his uncle on the way there, wanting to check just in case, but Nathaniel merely let out a sigh and told him it was in fact a clause that Mordechai had signed up with Jonah Magnus many years ago. It just so happened that no other head of the institute had any need to call upon it till now. James Wright instilled his right to it and now Peter was seemingly stuck. Cursing loudly he hangs up on his uncle telling him to keep it cool.
When he finally arrives at the building, he takes no time at all to make his way to the office of the new head of the place. Elias Bouchard.
Peter had liked James, in fact he had fancied him quite a bit, before his death, the two of them had a bit of a relationship. Which was fine by him, Peter came and went to the sea and back to land to spend some time with James whom he held fond feelings for. Quite…romantic in kind in all honesty.
He flushes just thinking about it. Unfortunately they were still working for opposing forces, therefore they were very prone to fights, so in his last trip, they got into a big one. Things were said. Peter left to simmer on his feelings for the next ten months, expecting to get back to James with a cool head. Unfortunately by the time he did come back he was informed the man was dead and he missed the funeral as well.
It really just…well it shook him quite badly, enough that he refused to go to the institute at all to meet the new head of the place. Telling Nathaniel he was done with it and to find someone else.
That of course didn't seem to work for long, because now he got this stupid bloody letter!
Peter grumbles but he struggles to remember where the office is, he tends to get lost easily in the stupid building and the sensation of being watched made him feel sick, enough that it distracted him too much to properly know his location. Eventually he finds someone from staff who points him to the right direction and so he finds himself in front of James' office.
Rosie tries to stop him but he starts to use the lonely when she picks up her phone and tells him after a few seconds that Elias shall see him. He quickly enters and closes the door behind him.
The man in front of him was sitting behind his desk with a set of glasses that were slightly sliding off his nose, they were red rimmed, which contrasted a lot with his dark gray suit.
“Ah, Mr. Lukas I was not expecting you today, what can I do for you sir?” 
He almost deflates. Elias was at most a couple of years younger than Peter, maybe barely hitting his thirties. He was shorter than him, which he noticed when the man stood up and pointed to the seat in front of him. The feeling of being seen was present so at least the man knew what he was or James picked someone with promise for the spot.
Thinking of James makes his head hurt for a very specific reason.
“What you can do is get rid of this” He takes the crumpled paper from his pocket and slams it on the desk, sliding it towards Elias who picks it up and reads it. His eyebrows raise till eventually he looks up at him with a blank expression.
“This is a bit of a surprise to be honest, but unfortunately…i can't do anything about it. I legally cannot undo the contract”
Peter chest burns.
“You cannot expect me to think its ok for James to pawn me off to you! We aren't in the 18 or early 19 century. We don't arrange arranged marriages anymore!”
Elias makes a sort of motion with his hand. “Maybe not here but its technically not-”
Peter glares at him. “I'm not going to marry you because James lost his mind before he died” He doesn't like looking people in the eyes, it's horrendous, instead Peter stares at the spot between their eyes. This is why he notices how Elias' expression turns pinched and his mouth turns slightly downwards at his outburst.
“Mr.Wright was under all his faculties before his untimely demise Mr.Lukas. A heart attack is a heart attack, not a reason to question his sanity. Albeit its quite the shock that he thought about this. He did mention you to me, as he was training me. I presumed you two were close from the way he spoke of you…very hm, yes fond”
Peter shivers and steps back feeling that horrible sensation of eyes raking over his skin, of being known.
“Knock it off. He did not-”
But Elias nods and walks around the desk to stand in front of him.
“He did, I was very curious about what sort of person he would talk so fondly of, you know? Ah it was a pity when i found out you were quitting your place as the representative of your family, i wanted to meet you. Albeit of course also not under this circumstances”
Peter feels a mix between shame and…and he is not sure. Especially as Elias' hands landed on his coat's lapel, he was fixing up his lapels and letting his hands linger for a bit. Making his skin crawl and his face burn. Elias is handsome. He will give him that, he also has sharp eyes, the same color as James too, a very cool shade of gray.
“Listen, I'm not the sort of person you get to know, that's not how I work, but even less so…I don't do arranged marriages! Why would James even think this is a good idea to begin with at all?!” Elias tilts his head and says he doesn't know.
“But it's not such a bad thing isn't it?”
Peter gapes at him.
Elias smirks at him, his lip slightly lifting upwards, it was both very nice on his face but also very insufferable.
“Take it as an opportunity, besides i talked to Nathaniel on the phone and he was mentioning something about you perhaps soon having to find a wife, since you were now no longer doing business with the Institute” Peter didn't know-
His face burns in shame about this little bastard knowing so much about him and yet Peter had nothing on him. “He wouldn't-”
A tap on the chest makes him look down at Elias. What a…handsome devil.
“But he would, now as I said, you can call this a blessing in disguise. Arranged as it is, we can make this work. You still travel, and leave for most of the year as you Lukas tend to do. I'm busy and I don't have time to dwell too much in relationships, they all bring me headaches. So…a transaction if you may. A marriage in name but its more of a…collaboration if you will?”
Swallowing a bit he asks carefully what that would entail. Elias smirk gets more wicked and there is something on the way he does it that just tickles the back of his brain. There is something so very…familiar in the motion.
“Well, for one, I do not like your replacement, I can tell you that right now. Conrad is a prick” Peter can't help but snort and smile just a bit, a hint really.
“Yes, that tracks”
Elias' eyes flutter and Peter has to look elsewhere, he is handsome, so what? Peter is still placed in a binding contract between entities and a marriage that he never asked for.
“Still what else? I want to win something out of this whole farce”
Elias walks around him like a predator measuring up with their prey, it makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“Well, I only want some time to talk, perhaps dinner if you may. It is a marriage, perhaps not conventional or legal yet, but one made by our predecessors and bound by our entities. Quite the thing isn't it? As for you, well, what is more lonely than this? A marriage with no love?”
It is true, but that's not…
What fuels his loneliness is not the complete lack of something, but an absence. Peter is lonely because there is something to miss. An empty relationship as miserable of an affair as that is, doesn't feed his patron at all, because its not making him lonely, just miserable. Fun for a watcher not for Forsaken.
“I'm afraid you are going to need something else to sell it out to me, Mr.Bouchard. That's not how it works for me”
“Oh? And how is that then? Aren't you sad about what happened to Mr. Wright? Isn't it lonely enough to be married to someone else than the person you actually…cared about?” He was sure he was going to say love, in that case Peter would have just sent Elias to the lonely. Clenching his fists he tells him through clenched teeth to watch it.
Elias' eyes narrow and his expression turns wicked.
“Why? Isn't it the truth? Mr.Wright was fond of you but i'm sure he got over it quickly when you left him”
Peter stares and then grabs him by the tie, gripping it tightly as Elias smiles at him. “Grinning little freak, shut up”
“Perhaps that was what did it, you wore down his heart” Peter face twitches and Elias eyes seem to drink it all in. 
“I am going to get rid of this little contract, after all who cares if you are dead right?”
The beholder laughs and grips his wrist tightly with a hand as he leans so close to his face Peter has to step back, yet Elias follows.
“Do that, and I will shove so many memories of other people's lives and their thoughts about you that you will turn into a blubbering mess Peter dear, don't test me. Im being kind darling”
The niggling sensation on the back of his brain intensifies, the tone, the posture, the bossiness.
The eyes.
“Well, its a good thing i dont give a shit about James, he was a douchebag and he had a horrible sense of fashion too, you on the other hand have a nicer look” Elias face turns outraged for a second too long, his eyebrows twitching in consternation. Peter grips him by the jaw. “What the fuck James?!”
His expression turns blank and then resigned before going to be amused. “I suppose I gave my hand away too early, huh? Hello Peter” Oh he is going to kill him for sure. “Oh sod off, you won't”
“Stop messing with my head!”
“Stop making it so easy darling. Put some more effort into shielding those thoughts. Now, about that marriage-”
Peter headbuts him. “You fuck-” Elias is grabbing his forehead, his expression turned into that of outrage. “What is your blood problem-”
“My problem?! You died and left me on the hook for a hereditary marriage contract!!! What the hell is wrong with you! What- How are you alive, what is this? What the bloody hell is going on!”
Things devolve for a while, mostly into Elias explaining while looking sour that he was in fact Jonah Magnus, that he swaps bodies, that he changed his and when Peter did not come to meet his new body he had to find a way to drag him back. He was going to wait till there was a founding party, but Nathaniel did in fact talk about making Peter find a wife soon and Elias…
Oh Elias was possessive. Peter could see it in the way he described his plan and the way he grabbed onto him as they sat on the small loveseat in his office. The way his hands touched him and his lips curved up in smirks that had him flush.
“So I invoked the right to pass you along, honestly Mordechai and I were really drunk when we made that clause back then. Neither of us were actually thinking clearly, it was a wild weekend. What can I say? When you mix your vices and bring in your friends..”
“Ugh, can we not- I dont want to know how you fucked my grandfather. That's just gross”
He glares as a warning so Elias lifts his hands in surrender.
Peter holds his face in defeat. “I'm not marrying you. Not now”
There is a long pause, Peter knows what his words mean, the implications. Elias probably can see it too, is likely smirking like the Cheshire cat. 
“Just- just shut up would you? Just…” Peter doesn't want to marry, not now, not like this, let alone not when he is processing a lot of information that he is trying to be cool with in such a short amount of time. “Let me think”
“Be my guest”
Like this he just tries to sort his thoughts and what he found out and eventually he reckons, the best course of action is to keep going as they were. For now at least. “I'm going to continue to work, and drop by to…talk about business”
Elias' expression is guarded, Peter rubs his own jaw deep in thought, the cons about this whole thing are growing, are exponential, this whole thing is wrong and will have dire consequences for him.
Yet the pros….
Well Peter was a gambler at heart. What's life without a bit of spice? Without a bit of a spark to make things interesting? Elias, James, Jonah or whatever he wants to call himself is his spark of chaos. Painful as it is to admit it.
“Dinner? Your place or mine”
He can see the momentary surprise at the acceptance. Soon it flickers into smugness, but Peter brushes it off. 
“Oh? Is that so-”
“Well yes, I haven't gone out with Elias Bouchard yet, perhaps i don't like him, perhaps you are…boring, or perhaps you are interesting enough to keep around. Maybe to even stay over at my flat”
Elias' face is wild. “Maybe i find you boring instead”
Yet Peter shakes his head in fond exasperation. “If you did, you wouldn't have basically trapped both of us into an arranged marriage under the suspicion that I would soon find a wife. So, dinner this friday? Your treat this time since you basically almost made my blood pressure burst”
The chuckle is a mockery, but it suits Elias and its…he has a lovely voice. Charming and low and makes something twist on his gut.
“I can live with that. For now we can be engaged, that at least will keep your family off your back, isn't that great?”
“You are so horrible” Elias' hand touches his cheek.
“I am and yet here you are?” 
Here is indeed. Peter tilts his head to brush his lips against his palm, he can see pink on his cheeks for the first time and he really is starting to like the idea of figuring Elias out. He seems more expressive than James. With a hum he leans downwards and kisses him.
Its different but also familiar. He feels arms wrap around his neck and when the kiss deepens a bit too much, Peter retreats and starts to drift into the lonely to meditate a bit about this whole thing.
Peter laughs this time at the pout on Elias' lips when he begins to slip away from his grasp. “Pot and kettle you utter insane bastard. I'm going to try and process the whole 200 year old dandy thing, now, see you on friday Mr.Bouchard”
Peter is almost gone when he hears him say goodbye.
“-Mr.Lukas, its a pleasure to meet my new fiance”
Peter's face burns all of a sudden as Elias gets the last word in before laughing at him.
Horrible man! 
Yet…it does serve him well.
Enough that in a few years he will propose to him properly this time, with rings and a silly post it note to seal the deal. Curse him for being charming and a bastard, he is weak to such things.
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p1nkwitch · 1 year
I love your fics cuz they're like
Peter: Elias is an asshole who never apologizes or feels sorry for anything he says or does
Elias: Peter I'm sorry for-
Peter: nonono this is bad and wrong and I hate it, actually.
And your fics are like
Peter: my husband is an asshole who needs to be knocked down a few pegs
Elias: *is knocked down a few pegs*
Peter: ...no not like that >:(
GHDFJ i love every instance of Peter thinking he wants something but when he gets it he realizes it wasnt the way he wanted, especially if it comes to Elias. Like, he is internalizing his feelings and he thinks oh, making him miserable will make me happy.
But jokes on him, it doesnt make him happy, because ultimately he does care, which he hates. He cares so much that by the time he gets it, meaning Elias feeling bad, he feels actually wrong about it!!!
This man can never win!! He wants to be right, he wants Elias to be on his level, but if it happens in a way he didnt expect he just shuts down like an old computer and he has no way to process his feelings for it.
I love one emotionally constipated man!!
Also i love your messages truly!! Make my day, also if i dont reply to someo f them, its just cause i love them and want to keep them.
Peter lives in the eternal struggle of loving and realizing it when its the most inconvenient.
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p1nkwitch · 9 months
For the fanfic ask, 23.
23- fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Ohhh this is a good one!!! thank you for asking. I have a bunch of wips and ideas for future fics that i want to sort out, but a few i didnt manage to write, lots of au's really. Honestly i should try to make more fics set in canon im doing too many au's but i just have fun to put them in situations and there is so much i can do before i get tired.
Lets see, there was a sort of dnd one shot of a sort. With druid Peter living alone and Warlock Elias ending up in his forest by running away from danger, roomates ensue. I have a wip for that one that maybe some day i finish it.
A baby aquisition fic in canon. I just always vibe with the Peter would be an accidentally good dad take and the shenangans it ensues. On the same vein something about beholding and the lonely giving them a kid and the proceeding panic it would bring.
A pokemon one, i wasnt even...planning anything too hard, i just wanted something chill, just them being rivals since they were kids, but they grow up and just get together, Elias as a pokemon professor and Peter as a gym leader, power couple if you must. I had ideas but i never got the energy to write it despite it.
Vampire roomates! ghjdfkfd this was a bit silly and spicy, just elias being a vampire and being peter's roomate due to circumstances. Peter being jealous of Elias feeding from others and him daydreaming about it.
I always vibe with the werewolf/witch peter and demon elias in a modern fantasy, no full ideas just, i love the idea. I still think of my tattoo and flowershop au and im just sighs, i am very fond of supernatural creatures what can i say?
Lots of things i wanted to do but didnt manage really. I should try to be more productive this year, i just dont like repeating ideas too much. gotta keep it fresh.
Anyhow, thank you so much for asking!!! it makes me really happy.
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p1nkwitch · 2 years
Okay, okay, here me out on this. Lonelyeyes, but make it good omens flavored. With Elias as a demon and Peter as a angel.
EHEHEHE You sure like to poke my brain!!! I love this idea and i can assure you i will write it. Because i love Good Omens an insane amount and also yeSSS.
Angel Demon relationship, enemies to allies to lovers, the BIGGEST EPIC SLOWBURN-!!!
Yes, i want all of it. Anyways.
Peter the angel of the gate and Jonah the serpent, who eventually becomes Elias.
The slow burn of them falling in love and of neither of them being able to say or do anything about it because they cant- The denial when they realize, the indulgences regarding each other. Jonah taking advantage of what he thinks Peter is being nice due to being an angel-!!!
Peter not caring much about humanity but finding some joy in it and in having Jonah around and if the world ends there is no more Jonah. Also Peter getting attached to his fake son Martin, because he helps to raise him as they are to look after him for the first 12 years of his life!!! Parental lonelyeyes, dating yet not, slow burn. I am screaming crying and all that. i have to write it, but i am busy and tired and sighs, i will eventually i promise there is a lot of things i want to write now.
Also we got the Them, in Jon the antichrist with his best pals, Sasha, Tim and Gerry! And in the other side of the most epic failure of a child switch, Martin the fake antichrist, raised by a pair of disfunctional supernatural creatures <3
Agnes as Anathema Device!!! The girl with a whole future set on her back. She could be Agnes Nutter yes as well, but i think its more fitting.
The horseman with Oliver, Melanie, Basira and John Arhmhest-
Also if you wonder why Basira? Well her trying to cut Jon off from consuming live statements in s4 makes her a good famine in my eyes. I got more ideas and characters for the rest but im sort of ordering it in my mind yet. Im debating if i should do a one shot or like a short fic 3 to 5 chapters. Anyways, an idea for later.
Point is i truly love this idea so muuuuuch, thank you for throwing it my way it made my day!!! Sorry i took a while to reply lots of stuff to do and it sort of slipped my mind. Ahhh you can send me more ideas or just scream my way if you want i am having a blast with it <3<3
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p1nkwitch · 8 months
Any plans to let Peter finally properly be a lighthouse keeper?
Funny you said that anon. I was supposed to make a one shot. Things went out of control. Thank you for the idea also apologies it took so long, i realy was aiming for something short but errr.
The theme of horror, consumption of the things you love and monsters got to me and shit happened.
Its a supernatural piece but i hope it still brings you some joy!! It sure did to me. I will post the updates quite fast since i already wrote all of it.
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p1nkwitch · 11 months
I know it’s been a hot minute but i got a new little idea for you~ I’m doing a gift exchange and one of the prompts I got was for Lonelyeyes as dnd characters. So consider Peter as a elf grave cleric and Elias as a human onomancy wizard who is secretly a litch. Also wouldn’t it be funny if Elias tricked Jon into becoming a warlock with Elias as his patron. Lastly Martin should be a paladin. Anyway all that’s to say, what are your tma dnd head canons? 😉💕
OHHHH first of all I am now waiting to see that lonelyeyes fic cause ohoho. Secondly all those ideas are so goooood.
Fun thing is a have a few ideas. Cause of a few conversations with some friends. So!!!
Peter was a paladin like his family wanted, but he got tired and jaded of having to go around "helping" and ended up becoming a druid so he could live alone in the forest. Either he is a human or an aasimar because fluffy wings. His family is a bit cultish so you know. Regular Lukas.
Elias/Jonah is a warlock, he started as a wizard but ended up as a warlock while trying to figure out ways to cheat death. He is a shapeshifter.
Tadeas is a human paladin. Rosie is a tiefling ranger.
Jon thought he was a cleric but he ended up as a warlock. I think it would be funny if he is a tabaxi or a Kenku.
Martin is a half dwarf. However he got his dad's normal height which is why his mom doesn't like him after he left. He is probably a rougue. Cause sneaky sneaky stabby stabby.
Tim is a half elven bard. Because he is charming and actually being a bard means you gotta get a degree and Tim is smart and will cast vicious mockery to fuck with you.
Sasha is a human wizard with very low wisdom I assure you.
Melanie is a half orc barbarian
Georgie an elf necromancer.
Daisy a werewolf monk and basira a human ranger.
Gerry is a half elf fighter and a sorcerer.
Also simon is an air genasi magician.
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p1nkwitch · 11 months
this might sound crazy but bear with me here.
choke me down and swallow your heart was genuinely such a good fic and the way it captured the two characters was so so true to themselves. that said, i did internalize that the bit with peter having a bird was canon and thought for ages that it was like canonical that peter lukas saved a bird as a child. i was planning on using it in my ongoing fic and then was doing my research and realized that it is not in fact canon.
how would you feel if i were to still use some variation of that scene in my fic?
First of all. AWW, I'm super happy you loved the story. I poured a lot of love into it!!
As for the bird thing shdjd it's ok. Its not the first time I have used or referenced it on my fics, it's like the cats. They just are <3 still I feel very happy you thought it was canon. It is to me at least in my heart.
Now, as for your question, go ahead!! I don't mind at all!! In fact, I'm flattered that you would, it always makes me happy when people ask to use bits of my ideas to add to their own. It feels like we are making a group project and that's amaizing.
So yeah! Go ahead anon, enjoy it and have fun!!
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p1nkwitch · 2 years
Today we are imagining one of those soul mate AUs where you see in black in white until you meet your soul mate, then you see in color.
I imagine Elias and Peter having a meet ugly and not even realizing that they can see in color now because they're too busy yelling at each other. And probably don't even notice till they've stormed away from each other.
Apologies for taking so long to reply, know anon that i love every lil fic idea you give me and that i want to make them a long fic too. So i keep them saved up. But!!! This one was fun and i love horrible meet cutes, so-! You get a shot lil fic for your patience and ideas!! Im sorry if i take long or it seems im not reading them. Trust me i do and i am delighted every time i read your asks!
Elias was used to the world in shades of gray, occasionally if he feels particularly curious, he uses beholding to watch from the perspective of someone who found their soulmate, just to see what its supposed to look like.
Some days he is a bit bitter, about his inability to see the world for what it is, but the lack of a soulmate doesn't really upset him. It just frustrates him that his ability to perceive the world depends on him meeting some random person who won't ever be more than just an annoyance to his plans and whom Elias will ultimately outlive.
Making the time where he will see in color just temporarily. Frustrating, he knows.
So it's funny how he, who grew used to seeing the world like that, doesn't notice how it slowly fills in, how Elias who tries to be as perceptive as possible cannot possibly realize that the room around him starts to get more and more colorful until its a glaring hole in his awareness.
No, Elias doesn't notice any of it, because he is too busy yelling at Peter Lukas to care about his walls going from light gray to a soft green, he is too busy complaining and cursing this sorry excuse of a Lukas to notice how Peter’s eyes turn a soft light blue, or how his dark gray coat was in fact navy, or how everything turns into beautiful shades that he only ever saw in someone else's eyes.
Its not until Peter goes into a puff of fog that Elias sits down and stares at his desk.
His very dark brown desk.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me-”
Peter was happy to only see the world in shades of gray, it meant he didnt have something as stupid and foolish as a soulmate. He wasn't meant to, that's the point, its why he tried to meet as few people as possible, he dreaded the idea of ever finding the person who would spark up the world into color for him. Allegedly of course, for all he knows everyone is into some sort of long con and they are all coloblind and like to pretend there is such things as color.
Anyways, it would be reasonable to say that Peter would realize immediately that his world view changed so radically, considering his aversion.
But unfortunately, he doesn't, because he is too busy being told off by a short and bossy little man who should know better. Peter is too focused on Elias' face and more specifically his eyes to see anything else.
Because the world may change colors around him, but Elias' eyes remain the same shade of gray through all of it. The only familiar thing he can focus on.
And if he thinks for a moment that he looks anything remotely handsome, or that his eyes are rather striking then Peter is just losing his wits and should go back to the Tundra to spend the next ten months thinking about how stupid that was.
Peter finally leaves but only because he takes his eyes from Elias and realizes with a painful twist in his gut, that through his tunnel vision he ignored the obvious change of scenery. Colors and shades that he has no name for assault his vision. Peter needs to go, so he uses the lonely, getting the last word in and panicking alone on his beach.
Thankfully forsaken seems to dull color, as nothing there is as bright as it was outside.
“Oh for fucks sakes, out of everyone in the world it had to be him?”
And even though neither of them were happy about the development at first and would in fact hate it, they did eventually get drawn to each other and if neither acknowledged that the other could see color because of them then that's their own issue.
Peter likes yellow, likes how cheerful it is and how some shades just make people infuriated, he also likes…Elias blond hair, that was perhaps the second color he saw and the one that caught his eye.
Elias loves green, always has since the first time he used beholding to watch through a couple eyes in the park. But, he will admit he is fond of navy as well, that maybe light blue is also pretty especially if its in the eyes of an annoying sailor.
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p1nkwitch · 2 years
Hehe for the unhinged character bingo. Elias/Jonah.
EHEHEHEH YES!!! The blorbo....Here you go.
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I am very normal about Elias, so so normal. I want to study him like a bug and also shake him in a box until he cries.
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p1nkwitch · 2 years
I have a new dumb hc to offer you. What if Elias loves all the worst food trends of the last hundred years? He loves charcoal ice, the unicorn frappe, bone marrow toast. His favorite being those meat jello molds of the 50s. He always brings one to institute party’s because he wants it to come back! Poor Peter is forced to deal with it. He hates that Elias always wants to try trendy stunt food.
I love this so much! Like yes i can totally see Elias loving food trends from before, and forcing others to eat them with him too! Like Peter would be never ending suffering at home because Elias just wants some weird old fashioned food that could possibly leave you sick.
As for Elias, i offer you this. He misses all of those food trends terribly so, but every time he jumps bodies his newer one cannot eat what he used to like because their taste buds are different. So this man is just sitting there seething internally because the food he used to like doesn taste the same and its driving him insane.
Not only that!!! But some things dont taste the same because the ingredients are also different so he is just sitting there moresely tasting his wird old timey food and when Peter asks he says it tastes different and Peter is just like bruh-
DHGFDK, everyone at the instittue is utterly terrified of what he may bring the next time, they are just compltely baffled and have no idea if he is torturing them or if Elias is just doing some sort of long bit, that he is refusing to divulge to anyone.
So far the poor souls who have tasted his food have all just gotten rid of it. Jon is surprising resiliant to the food, albeit he doesnt necesarily like it.
Also since i like the idea that Peter is the one who cooks most of the time, the concept of Elias getting a recipe and just giving it to his husband and telling him to do it for him is hilarious. Like Peter watches the paper, looks at Elias, looks at the ingredients and he just tries to peace out via the lonely.
"Elias this is just disgusting"
"Oh hush, you should try it before you complain!!" And its like they sit in front of each other, Peter looking utterly morose about what he just made and Elias excited about the prospect of eating something familiar and when they both try it. Peter who looks disgusted and Elias who looks dissapointed.
"Did you use the right measurements for this? It doesnt taste like i remember"
Peter is trying to not gag at the taste, his reply simply that Elias has no idea what taste even is like.
Honestly i love the headcanon of Elias loving old timey food and trying to get people around him to enjoy it as well. Its just delighful, this man is 200 years old and he has the memory of desert he ate like 120 years ago ingrained in his brain, but he cannot replicate it and his body simply doesnt like the taste. Just peak comedy.
Thank you so much for the headcanon its delightful!!! I love it so much and im sorry for taking so long to reply! Just know that i enjoyed it very much and would love to hear more headcanons.
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p1nkwitch · 1 year
We've had werewolf Peter. We've had (cheshire) cat Elias. Now I'm not telling you how to live your life but you should imagine werewolf Peter and cat Elias together at the same time because it's quite amusing and cute.
Well dear anon, now that i am free, i shall start writting again. So you are in luck that i needed my fix of sweet dumb shenanigans.
Some werewolf peter and catboy elias fluff so i can chill out.
I will start writting some of the lovely ideas i got in my inbox so!!! more to come soon.
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p1nkwitch · 1 year
I’ve been trying to finish all the fanfics I’ve had in my tabs for like weeks now but everytime I get close I just get distracted by a new fic of yours I’ve found. I’ll be down to two and then I’ll see you wrote for a specific trope I didn’t know you would before and suddenly I’ll have like 7 on my hands-
(It’s just!! Your stories are always so fun and amazing!! How am I supposed to pass them up!!)
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AWW thank you so much!! thats such a great honor. ghdkfd i always try to write about different tropes cause, my brain is just, oh i need to do more i cant repeat my ideas. I must reinvent this in a new way. Which is fun but also my god. I am so glad you are enjoying my silly little stories with the awful old man!!!
Just delighted and it really makes me so happy to know it!!! i always want to rant about my fics if given a chance.
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