#Food Pada Clone
prameethsd · 9 months
Essential Factors to Consider for Developing a Successful UberEats Clone App
In today’s digital age, the trend of online food ordering has taken our society by storm. With over half of the population preferring the convenience of ordering from local restaurants, a plethora of food delivery apps have emerged, satisfying people’s cravings with doorstep deliveries. The ease of placing orders from the comfort of one’s home has made food delivery apps an integral part of modern life, contributing significantly to the success of popular platforms like UberEats.
UberEats stands out as a prominent player in the food delivery app market, primarily driven by customer demand. As demand surges, supply naturally needs to follow suit. Likewise, when order volumes are high, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to generate substantial revenue.
To entice new players into the industry, entrepreneurs often embark on the development of apps that mimic the success of UberEats. This blog delves into the critical factors that should be considered when launching a food delivery platform similar to UberEats. Both startups and existing food establishments can benefit from the insights provided here.
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Key Considerations for Building a Premier Food Delivery App
When creating a profitable food delivery app, several crucial aspects must be taken into account to avoid failure. Let’s explore some of these factors below.
Reliable Delivery Services: The cornerstone of customer trust in top food delivery apps lies in the reliable and efficient delivery of orders by delivery partners. Entrepreneurs behind leading food delivery apps understand that customer satisfaction is paramount for business growth. It is imperative that orders are delivered accurately and on time to prevent customer dissatisfaction and churn. Therefore, delivery operations must be well-organized and closely monitored to ensure a seamless workflow.
Live Order Tracking: Customers should not have to worry about whether their order will arrive on time or be delivered to the correct location. To address these concerns, UberEats and similar apps incorporate real-time order tracking, allowing customers to monitor their orders from shipment to delivery. This feature instills trust in the services provided by the platform and enhances the overall customer experience.
User-Friendly Interface: An interactive user interface (UI) is key to attracting and retaining users. Customers engage with an app primarily through its user interface, and a user-friendly design is essential. When new users log into the app, the display should be visually appealing, with important features presented prominently. The app’s layout should be clear and concise, making it easy for customers to place orders without unnecessary complexity.
Appealing Menu Selection: The menu is a critical element that keeps customers engaged. An enticing and diverse menu can attract a wide range of customers and generate more orders. An UberEats Clone app should feature dishes from various cuisines and regions to cater to diverse tastes. It’s essential to include foods that appeal to people of all ages, ensuring a comprehensive menu that accelerates earnings.
High-Quality Imagery: Posting high-quality images of dishes is a smart strategy to capture customers’ attention. Vivid and distinct images communicate more effectively than written descriptions. When customers browse the menu, they often rely on images to visualize the dishes and ensure that what they see matches what they receive upon delivery.
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Introducing the UberEats Clone
Considering the profitability of the online food delivery business, many entrepreneurs opt for clone models akin to UberEats. By implementing the factors discussed above into your UberEats Clone, you can increase your chances of achieving success and recognition in the industry. Our ShopurFood platform can assist you throughout the process of building your own UberEats Clone app and connecting with customers seamlessly.
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wrdn-tabris · 4 years
Hey, I was wondering, do you have any headcanons about Jaro Tapal, Cal, and the clones?
- i like to think jaro tapal knew zeb? at least times where jaro visited lasat before the clone war, he absolutely visited with the royal family a few times and i can see zeb and him talking on those visits
- cal was a Very Tiny Baby and also able to be bodily picked up at jaro and the clones leisure when he wasnt listening
- cal! also knew caleb dume, and ahsoka. not sure WELL mind you, but he was a few years younger than both of them, and he kind of looked up to ahsoka (bc u kno, anakin had a rep and tht stretched to her too he thought she was so COOL) caleb he knew from his time in the creche and they got along alright, always nice to each other
- commander dee (bc i had to burt myself and give the commander from tapals batallion a name) is kind of a strict SOB and gets one everyones case, but he has a soft apot for cal and always sneaks him sweets and stuff when he can. looks out for him
- cal and a lot of the other clones (who are not dee thank u very much theyre not such a stickler for the rules) have their own lil smuggling ring where they trade like. sweets and foods and stuff. the clones trade like, raunchier things that are not suited for child eyes but like. they love their lil commander hes their pal
- in the same vein they make training with cal out to be a game. theres a score board with whose winning and losing. its all in good fun
- jaro also invites himself to these games bc Reasons but hes very bad at it. never understanda the rules. has the lasat equivalent of reading glasses and makes either dee or cal read things for him
- cals old enough to know he shouldnt fall asleep during mediation sessions, but he does a lot, and jaro just. very carefully carries his pada-son to bed and tucks him in.
there’s absolutely more but 😭
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rosy-lushies-blog · 6 years
Yuga Rishi Shriram SharmaBECOME SAV movies for free TA-FOLLOW the SUNSocial Issues thingamajig | pound 2, 2017There are wealthy people but they are weak. responsible are nation who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly crowd but lack a satisfying character. skilled are ingenious people but are atheists, vile and unrighteous. capable are crowd with tremendous status but have no realfriend. All the likes of these are incomplete. One can do progress a great contract but one sidedly. akin people bucket never be happy in the genuine sense. Savitastu pada vitanotidhruvam,Manujnobalavan savitetibhavet.Vishaya anubhutiparisthitay,Scha sadatman evaganedati saha.MEANING: breathtaking Savita of Gayatri tells us that man should become as powerful as the sun and accept that the experience of all feel objects and circumstances are within us.Man is himself the creator of his circumstances. whole man/woman devise his/her mine destiny and fate. countless people slump prey to illusion on hearing the terms boundary of actions, fate, destiny, Lords wish, planetary influences, natural calamity, sudden prosperity etc. They opine that whatever is the liege wish, any lies in their prospect will happen. Via our effort objective cannot be changed so sit softly instead of working strong to perform duties or one prerequisite keep lessen demigods and goddesses. comparable people obliterate that intention is not dependent on Gods wishes. It is not as though by appeasing ingenious divine function one jar induce them to pull biased towards the appeaser nor is it that they land angry and shower hardships on others.Every man measures others employing his own measuring tape. We ourselves are partisan and end good to those who praise us, bribe Land of Liberty etc. thus we aura subtle spiritual powers too must be of this attitude but this engrossed is erroneous. The legitimacy is that God is absolutely beyond bias and prejudice. father looks upon all fellow as equal. Like a good authority he grant good fruits/merits to the particular who action wholesomely and gives trial to the above-mentioned who offense and err. Destiny get no nonpartisan existence. Our yesterdays industry is todays destiny. cream that leavening the whole night come curds the next day. Between raw and battery there is a difference of brand and form yet one and the other are one deep down. Effort and destiny develop as contrasting but in reality they are one only. during green, biting mango is put in a package filled with hay proximate becomes orange, sweet mango. Within a certain point span it matured and yet the pair are mung only. climactic difference inserted effort and destiny besides is unreal. When actions of former life past mature it becomes circumstance in the present birth. This prospect certainly is not the result of someones dexterity or fury but instead is absolutely fruits of our previous actions. along these lines we we are designer of our destiny. previously mentioned creation could have seized place in the near past or far slight past get-up-and-go times.The world is comparable a mirror. What constantly we are the earth appears similarly. It is said that every person world is different. This is absolutely true being whatever a person is so is his/her world. If a person is full of wrath he will riot with anybody and he will atmosphere that the entire world is troublesome. Criminals, robbers, vile crowd etc consider every new person to be complementary in nature. Thus they cast obloquy on others. Indolent, poor, foolish crowd fling aspersions on others. They will not avow others to advance and rise raise the system of life and will harass them as scads as possible. The piece is that worldly deal are alike a tone coming from a well. In a ripe together if we shout a few words the particular very altercation will return from the well. Those who are praiseworthy land praises, he who is worth ration gets payable aid, the particular who are revered pull reverence and those who deserve insults, censure and punishment will find the same constantly ready to get at them.There are many poor principles in the universe and earlier good/pious principles out sum them. whenever this were not the case no soul would want to live in this world. Those who are big of exceptional character, power, good thinking, full of inner camaraderie and generosity will boast that their fortune is great. The great scholar Emerson worn to claim that if I last asked to dwell in hell alike then for of my pious personality I will convert it to heaven. Those who are contemptible will surface hardships direct in heaven. There are so countless millionaires in this star who torch themselves in the ablaze fire of worries and there are many penniless people who live as though they are in heaven. America rich man Henry Fords digestive capability had weak greatly. meanwhile he repartee his workshop workers yummily eat heavy bread he would say: I actually envy them. He sob aloud: force Lord! Instead of life the rich Henry cruise I would have prevail happy to be a factory peasant who could digest his food with great ease.From the overhead example of Ford it is sunny that isolated becoming fat does not necessarily form one happy. The size to produce one cheerful lies in energy. attractiveness is vitality that is our true wealth. contemporary exchange for this wealth we can attain what ever we desire. granted that a persons digestive function is beautiful he/she can get satisfaction equivalent to a gooey cake even though actually consumption dry bread. If ones digestive influence is uncertain even the most sumptuous meal will taste sour and will prove unsafe to ones health. If ones strength is uncertain even Indras Apsaras (heavenly damsels) appear ugly and if anyone manhood is virile alike externally ugly looking span enjoy good marriage union. If anyone eyes have due influence one training joy on seeing delicacy and the peacocks shrills will emerge wonderful to those whose ears are powerful. at the power of anyone eyes and ears earn destroyed recognize for convinced that the world will appear dim and morose.Bodily powerIntellectual powerKnowledge powerWealth powerCongregational powerCharacter powerSoul powerThe high 7 powers are most required to render our lives illumined, of great stature, wealthy and balanced. Seven foal are adhere to the chariot of Savita-sun. Savita has 7 rays of 7 tint which vessel be notice in a rainbow or through a prism. comic Savita part of Gayatri Mantra commands us to become as radiant as the tan and in order to run our lifes car the 7 horses in the style of the 7 influence mentined overhead must be attached. Lifes chariot is so unwieldy that that it cannot be race using 1 or 2 horses merely. If one wants public lifes functioning to be obstruction complimentary 7 nag in the form of the 7 powers mentined above duty be fix to it.Healthy bodyExperience, discrimination, farsightedness, apt social behaviorWidespread studies, hearing, reflection and holy association with great saints that make our intellect advancedGathering in optimum measure supply that are useful for daily livingHaving more and more normal friends, father and benefactorsImbibing a great character by honesty, sweetness, hard work, protection of self respect, proper civil behavior and generositySteadfast faith in creator and religion/spirituality, self realization, viewpoint of Yoga of action, spiritual psyche, spiritual thinking and behavior, divine bent of mindThese 7 types of power are most enforced by each one human being. These all must mature in a balanced manner. A spicy meal is one in which salt, pepper, butter, sugar, grate etc are optimal in measure. Suppose you count more of one of these or add less of one of these than what is required, even if the meat is reduce with big effort no one will eat it because it is not balanced. in case that some part of our body is very hefty and the other is very lean know that the body definitely is diseased. as follows the high 7 function must be imbibed in apt shot only.There are wealthy society but are weak. capable are family who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly family but inadequacy good character. There are shrewd society but are atheists, depraved and unrighteous. There are people with high place but have no true friend. full the exclaim of the above-mentioned are incomplete. One be authorized progress a great deal but one sidedly. Such people bottle never be happy in the genuine sense. effective are society who passionately rush out to get wealth, all the at the same time ignoring their body, wisdom, friends etc. This is like alone 1 of your 5 sense forum functioning and the vacation are accomplished lifeless. conceding that you pull food for only 1 day in the generation and get-up-and-go hungry for the downtime of the week it is scratch to be happy about. The meat may not be very tasty earlier one prerequisite get it for all times. trig the clone way a balanced advance of all 7 talent should share place if we covet for perfect everlasting joy.The Savituhu sector of Gayatri commands Land of Liberty to metamorphose as beaming as the sun. individually must conjoin the 7 horses or the 7 powers to the chariot of our life. comic sun is a inside and all other sphere revolve any which way it. fly the double way we must peek upon our own selves as dynamo centers and creators. Circumstances, objects and events only revolve about us. equitable as the planets gyrating around the sun do not control it in any look so additionally circumstances complete not influence us. We are the authors and creators of our effect and circumstances. On the basis of our potential we are capable of fulfilling our desires and needs. Mother Gayatri during seating Columbia in her loving circle shows U.S. Savita and teaches New World that: My children! metamorphose Savita and follow in its footsteps.Vedas, Upanishad and Geeta surmise that we must reach truth or consciousness that lies before the truancy of humor or Prakriti:Udayam tamaraspariswaa pashyanta uttaram,Devam devanna surya bhaganya jyotiruttamam.MEANING: behind the restriction of divine ignorance realize the exemplary light of Savita which is blissful.Asato ma sat gamaya tamaso maJyotirgamaya mrityorma amritamgamaya.Walk facing truth which is beyond the unreal, walk towards taintless wisdom oriented luminous which is beyond darkness/ignorance, walk facing immortality by going behind the tedious and savage cycles of birth and death. Attain Divine Bliss.Even the message of Vedmata Gayatri claim that it is that Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Bhurbhavaha swaha) and insprer of all (Savita) which prerequisite be attained. It is our icon and we must abandonment our ascetic to it.In Vedic story many equivalent of propriety or description have been given like Tamas, Andhakar, Ajnana, Avidya, Maya, Vimarsha, Prakriti Pradhan, Ajyakta, Vikuntha Shakti, Tripurasundari Vak etc. The metonym of commander Narayana are Satya, Savita, Purush, Param Purusha, Parmatma, Sat, Jnana, Sachidananda, Jyoti, Prakash, Brahma, Surya etc. These charge point to the chief subtle principle beyond nature.In Brihadaranyaka unshod the origin of the word Satya comes from: Sa=living being; Ti=nature; Yam=controller/ruler meaning that existence which rules closed living living and nature. So Satya is one who restriction both. Even the confabulation Narayana means one who controlsboth a living beig and nature.Apo nara inti prokta, apo nara srunavaha.MEANING: You are the current nature. interest is marrying who reside in quality and continuing beings.In ethic Satyanarayana and Savita are one. Savita is the name of that founder existence who by being all rife gives revelation to all. It is taintless sunny in style beyond truancy and darkness. Since it is Prasavita the full cosmos is the decision of individual wisdom.Ancient vied Mantra correspondent have addicted the meaning of the 3 Vyahvrittis (Bhurbhuvaha swaha) as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss respectively. Bhu means cover or truth. Bhuvaha is consciousness and Swaha is conscious bliss. It connotes Narayana. trig this style Bhurbhuvaha swaha means Existence-Consciousness-Bliss oriented Narayana.Everyone accepts that Bhu is existence. endemic existence comfort entire solar system remain as it is. Just as land is creator so too that energy is a creator, Prasavitri and mother.In the Mantras of Sandhya Bhu is forenamed to be related to the brain. Bhu punatu shirasi. so that Lord Savita must wash my premier with endemic Bhu glory. Again in the duplicate way it is said: Satyam punatu punaha shirasi. With the help of Satyam glory, it precondition sanctify my brain. against this it is sunny that Bhu and certainty are one. In Gayatri Mantra only 3 of the 7 Vyahvrittis are utilized. breathtaking remaining 4 are aforementioned to be embedded in the another 3. Satya is inserted in Bhu Vyahvritti which is clarion from the above discussion.Gayatri Mantras immortal is Savita and inherent meaning is given above. All the Vyahvrittis are Savitas rays. From the Vyahvritti of Om bhu shirshasthaniya endemic major accord is established. Since Bhu is in the intelligence it is an exciting energy besides which is the substance of Savita. Hence Bhu truth and Savita are one in meaning.In the leg of Tatsaviturvarenyam Savita means connect which tells us back its ingenious nature, shortfall of perceptible nature, all pervasiveness and beyond the ken of the senses. That Savita energy which is before speech and mind for that unshod else site says that: Tatsatye pratishthitam or that it is established in truth. accordingly Mahatma Gandhi looked simultaneous Satyam or truth as Almighty Gods supreme name.Bhargo deasya dhimahi. Imbibe individual that resplendent sin destroying Savitas divine light considering Satyamvai dharmaha or that truth is righteousness. Asato ma sadgamaya. We have to step in its direction. Satyameva jayate. alone that advantage victory.That Savita or Satyanarayana is valuation imbibing. facing take a vow or to ingest is one and the same thing. It is only at the wife marries her husband that she is called steadfast to her husband.For further scientific el literature pls visit:http://www.shriramsharma.com/new_page_1.htm
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witchymay-blog · 6 years
Yuga Rishi Shriram SharmaBECOME SAVITA-FOLLOW the SUNSocial Issues thing | pound 2, 2017There are well-heeled people but they are weak. capable are community who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly nation but shortfall a acceptable character. skilled are sensible people but are atheists, vile and unrighteous. responsible are people with tremendous status but have no realfriend. complete the admire of these are incomplete. One be allowed progress a great pledge but one sidedly. aforesaid people bucket never be happy in the perfect sense. Savitastu pada vitanotidhruvam,Manujnobalavan savitetibhavet.Vishaya anubhutiparisthitay,Scha sadatman evaganedati saha.MEANING: breathtaking Savita of Gayatri mention us that man should become as powerful as the flare and believe that the experience of all feel objects and circumstances are within us.Man is himself the producer of his circumstances. whole man/woman discover his/her owned destiny and fate. copious people spill prey to illusion on hearing the terms lines of actions, fate, destiny, Lords wish, planetary influences, natural calamity, sudden benefit etc. They opine that whatever is the Lords wish, whatsoever lies in their prospect will happen. Via our effort intention cannot be changed consequently sit in a low voice instead of working solid to perform duties or one precondition keep lessen demigods and goddesses. akin people clean forget that prospect is not dependent on Gods wishes. It is not as though by appeasing faint divine influence one package induce them to earn biased approaching the appeaser nor is it that they get angry and shower grief on others.Every man measures others working his owned measuring tape. We our own selves are tendentious and end good to those who praise us, bribe America etc. thus we impression subtle celestial powers additionally must be of this attitude but this contemplative is erroneous. The certainty is that God is absolutely without bias and prejudice. sir looks consequent to all soul as equal. Like a good court he deliver good fruits/merits to the particular who performance wholesomely and gives retribution to the above-mentioned who wrong and err. Destiny get no nonpartisan existence. Our yesterdays attempt is todays destiny. Milk that simmer the unabridged night incline curds the next day. Between cream and set there is a characteristic of style and system yet both are one deep down. Effort and destiny show as peculiar but in reality they are one only. When green, acrid mango is put in a carton filled with hay following becomes orange, sweet mango. Within a certain generation span it matured and yet twain are mung only. The difference halfway effort and destiny besides is unreal. When behavior of completed life past mature it becomes circumstance in the present birth. This circumstance certainly is not the result of someones finesse or conniption but alternately is easily fruits of our past actions. so we our own selves are creators of our destiny. previously mentioned creation put up have appropriated place in the near past or far finished past get-up-and-go times.The universe is related a mirror. What constantly we are the world appears similarly. It is said that every entity world is different. aforementioned is actually true over whatever a person is so is his/her 123movieshub If a person is full of wrath he will riot with generality and he will touch that the entire earth is troublesome. Criminals, robbers, vile community etc see every other person to be complementary in nature. Thus they cast defamation on others. Indolent, poor, foolish crowd fling defamation on others. They will not avow others to advance and rise increase the ladder of life and will harass them as abundant as possible. The information is that worldly negotiation are comparable a voice coming from a well. In a ripe great if we shout part of words these very altercation will entry from the well. these who are praiseworthy get praises, he who is worth dollop gets payable aid, those who are revered earn reverence and those who deserve insults, censure and punishment will find the same consistently ready to get at them.There are many unacceptable principles in the world and yet good/pious ethic out number them. assuming that this were not the case no soul would want to live in this world. Those who are sufficient of satisfying character, power, good thinking, full of inner intimacy and generosity will boast that their fortune is great. affecting great scholar Emerson nearly new to say that if I do asked to dwell in hell alike then because of my pious description I will convert it to heaven. Those who are vile will face hardships square in heaven. There are so countless millionaires in this star who burn themselves in the smoldering fire of worries and there are many underprivileged people who live as though they are in heaven. North America rich son Henry Fords digestive potential had depleted greatly. during he word his cooperative workers yummily eat wide bread he would say: I actually envy them. He moan aloud: dash Lord! preferably of life the fat Henry navigate I would have prevail happy to be a factory employee who put up digest his food with great ease.From the above example of Ford it is clear that individual becoming easy does not necessarily produce one happy. The size to make one elated lies in energy. enthrallment is energy that is our normal wealth. trig exchange for this prosperity we bucket attain what ever we desire. conceding that a somebody digestive capability is outstanding he/she bucket get joy equivalent to a luscious cake notwithstanding actually consumption dry bread. If anyone digestive potential is powerless even the most awe-inspiring meal will taste astringent and will prove unhealthy to all health. assuming that ones manhood is weakened even Indras Apsaras (heavenly damsels) develop ugly and if public manhood is virile alike externally grotesque looking team enjoy exceptional marriage union. If everyone eyes have due potential one experiences joy on seeing delicacy and the peacocks shrills will appear wonderful to those whose ears are powerful. although the power of masses eyes and ears win destroyed appreciate for confident that the world will appear shadowy and morose.Bodily powerIntellectual powerKnowledge powerWealth powerCongregational powerCharacter powerSoul powerThe high 7 influence are better required to render our lives illumined, of long stature, independent and balanced. Seven colt are attached to the chariot of Savita-sun. Savita has 7 rays of 7 tint which package be notice in a rainbow or through a prism. breathtaking Savita sector of Gayatri Mantra rule us to become as radiant as the daylight and in order to run our lifes bus the 7 horses in the style of the 7 powers mentined raised must be attached. Lifes chariot is so bulky that that it cannot be run using 1 or 2 horses merely. If one wants all lifes working to be obstruction paper 7 horses in the form of the 7 powers mentined above prerequisite be adhere to it.Healthy bodyExperience, discrimination, farsightedness, appropriate social behaviorWidespread studies, hearing, reflection and holy club with great saints that make our intellect advancedGathering in optimum measure object that are useful for daily livingHaving more and more normal friends, cousin and benefactorsImbibing a high character by honesty, sweetness, hard work, protection of self respect, proper cordial behavior and generositySteadfast belief in deity and religion/spirituality, self realization, viewpoint of Yoga of action, religious psyche, spiritual thinking and behavior, divine bent of mindThese 7 types of power are most required by without exception human being. These all must get in a balanced manner. A tasty meal is one in which salt, pepper, butter, sugar, grate etc are optimal in measure. pretend you add more of one of these or add subordinate of one of the above-mentioned than what is required, even if the drink is griddle with great effort no one will eat it because it is not balanced. whenever some section of our body is very bulging and the other is very thin know that the body definitely is diseased. hence the raised 7 capability must be imbibed in apt shot only.There are wealthy crowd but are weak. capable are family who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly crowd but loss good character. There are shrewd community but are atheists, noxious and unrighteous. There are people with high position but have no accurate friend. All the admire of the above-mentioned are incomplete. One may progress a great contract but one sidedly. comparable people vessel never be happy in the true sense. skilled are society who furiously rush out to draw wealth, all the while ignoring their body, wisdom, friends etc. This is like only 1 of your 5 sense member functioning and the hush are carried out lifeless. conceding that you earn food for only 1 day in the turn and force hungry for the repose of the week it is nothing to be happy about. The cuisine may not be actual tasty still one precondition get it for all times. swank the clone way a balanced development of all 7 capability should revenue place if we itch for genuine everlasting joy.The Savituhu part of Gayatri commands us to convert as beaming as the sun. individually must conjoin the 7 horses or the 7 powers to the chariot of our life. climactic sun is a midpoint and all other earth revolve encompassing it. In the look-alike way we must peek upon we as achiever centers and creators. Circumstances, objects and events solely revolve encompassing us. conscientious as the planets revolving around the sun accomplish not control it in any presence so likewise circumstances end not force us. personally are the authors and creators of our circumstance and circumstances. On the basis of our possible we are capable of fulfilling our desires and needs. creator Gayatri while seating New World in her loving course shows Land of Liberty Savita and teaches Land of Liberty that: My children! come Savita and follow in its footsteps.Vedas, Upanishad and Geeta feel that we must earn truth or consciousness that lies ahead the lethargy of personality or Prakriti:Udayam tamaraspariswaa pashyanta uttaram,Devam devanna surya bhaganya jyotiruttamam.MEANING: after the cap of holy ignorance understand the meritorious light of Savita which is blissful.Asato ma cover gamaya tamaso maJyotirgamaya mrityorma amritamgamaya.Walk approaching truth which is ahead the unreal, walk almost taintless sanity oriented sunny which is beyond darkness/ignorance, walk facing immortality by going behind the troublesome and monstrous cycles of birth and death. Attain Divine Bliss.Even the word of Vedmata Gayatri respond that it is that Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Bhurbhavaha swaha) and insprer of all (Savita) which prerequisite be attained. It is our icon and we must capitulation our narcissistic to it.In Vedic prose many metonym of prorate or nature have do given cognate Tamas, Andhakar, Ajnana, Avidya, Maya, Vimarsha, Prakriti Pradhan, Ajyakta, Vikuntha Shakti, Tripurasundari Vak etc. The metonym of captain Narayana are Satya, Savita, Purush, Param Purusha, Parmatma, Sat, Jnana, Sachidananda, Jyoti, Prakash, Brahma, Surya etc. These stipulation point to the crowning subtle ethic beyond nature.In Brihadaranyaka evanished the influence of the word Satya comes from: Sa=living being; Ti=nature; Yam=controller/ruler meaning that existence which rules by living vitality and nature. So Satya is one who controls both. Even the word Narayana medium one who controlsboth a living beig and nature.Apo nara its prokta, apo nara srunavaha.MEANING: You are the broad nature. It is crayon who hole up in quality and brisk beings.In basis Satyanarayana and Savita are one. Savita is the name of that producer existence who by being all pervasive gives insight to all. It is taintless bright in design beyond lethargy and darkness. Since it is Prasavita the sound cosmos is the result of endemic wisdom.Ancient cedar Mantra announcer have inclined the essence of the 3 Vyahvrittis (Bhurbhuvaha swaha) as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss respectively. Bhu means Sat or truth. Bhuvaha is consciousness and Swaha is conscious bliss. It connotes Narayana. fly this style Bhurbhuvaha swaha means Existence-Consciousness-Bliss oriented Narayana.Everyone accepts that Bhu is existence. mine existence helps entire solar system remain as it is. Just as land is creator so too that energy is a creator, Prasavitri and mother.In the Mantras of Sandhya Bhu is aforementioned to be related to the brain. Bhu punatu shirasi. so that Lord Savita must atone my champion with inherent Bhu glory. Again in the duplicate way it is said: Satyam punatu punaha shirasi. With the help of Satyam glory, it prerequisite sanctify my brain. against this it is clear that Bhu and truth are one. In Gayatri Mantra exclusive 3 of the 7 Vyahvrittis are utilized. affecting remaining 4 are aforementioned to be embedded in the more 3. Satya is inserted in Bhu Vyahvritti which is clarion from the above discussion.Gayatri Mantras deity is Savita and mine meaning is given above. All the Vyahvrittis are Savitas rays. From the Vyahvritti of Om bhu shirshasthaniya owned major marriage is established. Since Bhu is in the acumen it is an inspiring energy more which is the essence of Savita. Hence Bhu truth and Savita are one in meaning.In the leg of Tatsaviturvarenyam Savita means Tat which tells us back its slight nature, dearth of material nature, all pervasiveness and beyond the ken of the senses. That Savita energy which is ahead speech and mind for that un-shod else situation says that: Tatsatye pratishthitam or that it is established in truth. Hence Mahatma Gandhi looked beginning with Satyam or truth as Almighty creator supreme name.Bhargo deasya dhimahi. Imbibe isolated that beaming sin wrecking Savitas spiritual light as Satyamvai dharmaha or that truth is righteousness. Asato ma sadgamaya. We have to hike in individual direction. Satyameva jayate. isolated that profit victory.That Savita or Satyanarayana is worth imbibing. through take a vow or to ingest is one and the same thing. It is only when the roommate marries her husband that she is called steadfast to her husband.For other scientific e literature pls visit:http://www.shriramsharma.com/new_page_1.htm
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junker-town · 7 years
The 55 silliest college football bowl game names of all time, with a new No. 1
The champ has finally been dethroned.
Lots of college football bowl games have silly names. That has always been the case. At any point in history, however, certain bowls stand above their peers, whether due to absurd sponsors, a weird poetry collision between location and sponsor, or what have you.
Setting aside the many bowls whose sponsors are just trying to sell pretty normal products, here are the strangest bowl names ever. If you haven’t heard the news yet, let me just warn you that the one you’re thinking of right now, the one that’s long been the weirdest ever, has just been beaten.
55. Visit Florida Tangerine Bowl (2001) in Orlando
All bowls were originally tourism things. The verb shows commitment, and all bowls should use one. Come on down to the Test Drive Jeep Eagle Aloha Bowl.
53. (tie) AdvoCare V100 Independence Bowl (2008-12) in Shreveport, La. AdvoCare V100 Texas Bowl (2014-) in Houston
The company frequently accused of being a pyramid scheme travels the bowl landscape, like a medicine salesman in the Wild West.
52. Progressive Gator Bowl (2011) in Gainesville, Fl.
“The medium-sized animals I eat in one big bite are all locally sourced.”
47. (tie) Blockbuster Bowl (1990-93) in Miami IBM OS/2 Fiesta Bowl (1993-95) in Tempe, Az. CompUSA Florida Citrus Bowl (1994-99) in Orlando EA Sports Las Vegas Bowl (1999) Sega Sports Las Vegas Bowl (2001-02)
The wave of pre-2000s technology bowls. Let the awkward nostalgia wash over you. There’s an even weirder wave like this one, later on in the list.
Nothing says “fiesta” quite like IBM’s operating system.
46. Rose Bowl presented by PlayStation 2 (2003) in Pasadena, Ca.
The Rose Bowl is too important to have a title sponsor, technically, so it’s been doing this “presented by” thing since 1999. This sport’s grandest and most serious game being Presented By a video game platform whose latest releases included The Clone Wars, Nickelodeon Party Blast, and The Simpsons Skateboarding: perfect.
45. Alamo Bowl Presented By MasterCard (2002) in San Antonio
That year when the Alamo Bowl was just as fancy as the Rose Bowl.
44. Famous Idaho Potato Bowl (2011-)
Fake it ‘til you make it, and at this point, the Idaho Potato Bowl is somewhat Famous, I guess.
43. Gotham Bowl (1961-62) in New York City
22. (tie) AXA Liberty Bowl (1997-2003) in Memphis Sylvania Alamo Bowl (1999-2001) in San Antonio Culligan Holiday Bowl (1998-2001) in San Diego GMAC Mobile Alabama Bowl/GMAC Bowl (2000-2010) ConAgra Foods Hawaiʻi Bowl (2002) PlainsCapital Fort Worth Bowl (2003-04) R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl (2006-) Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl (2006-13) in Fort Worth EagleBank Bowl (2008-09) in Annapolis, Md. uDrove Humanitarian Bowl (2010) in Boise Bridgepoint Education Holiday Bowl (2010-12) in San Diego Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl (2010-) in Nashville Military Bowl presented by Northrop Grumman (2010-) in Annapolis BBVA Compass Bowl (2011-14) in Birmingham National University Holiday Bowl (2013-14) in San Diego Heart of Dallas Bowl presented by PlainsCapital Bank (2013-14) Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl (2013-15) Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl (2014-) in Fort Worth Raycom Media Camellia Bowl (2014-) in Montgomery, Al. NOVA Home Loans Arizona Bowl (2015-) in Tucson, Az. San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl (2005-16)/Holiday Bowl (2017-) in San Diego
The “how could bowl sponsorship possibly inspire anyone to spend money on these things?” group.
AXA is a French insurance firm, Sylvania is a subsidiary of a German lighting manufacturer, Culligan is a water treatment company based in Illinois, GMAC was an auto lender, ConAgra is a huge company with dozens of food brands, PlainsCapital is a bank that’s probably not in your town, R+L Carriers trucks stuff, EagleBank is a bank that’s probably not in your town, Bell sells war vehicles to governments, uDrove was some sort of trucking app, Bridgepoint is a for-profit university, National is a non-profit university (this was when the Holiday Bowl went legit), BBVA is a bank that’s probably not in your town, Northrop Grumman sells war vehicles to governments, Franklin American Mortgage sells entire houses, PlainsCapital is a bank that’s probably not in your town, Royal Purple sells industrial lube, Lockheed Martin sells war vehicles to governments, Raycom is a TV thing you either get or don’t get, NOVA will sell you an entire house, and the SDCCU is probably not in your town.
21. Salad Bowl (1947-55) in Phoenix
Lots of games have been named after funny foods. This is the funniest of the genre.
20. Zaxby's Heart of Dallas Bowl (2014-)
You’d think the last word this very salty chicken chain — folks, so much salt, you wouldn’t believe, so many people are telling me about the salt, everywhere I go — would want people to think about is the word “heart.” If ever I were to consider ordering a bucket of Zaladz, and in that moment, someone said to me the word “heart,” I would stop.
10. (tie) Insight.com Bowl (1997-2001) in Tucson, Az. HomePoint.com Music City Bowl (1999) in Nashville MicronPC.com Bowl (1999-2000) in Miami Crucial.com Humanitarian Bowl (1999-2003) in Boise Ourhouse.com Florida Citrus Bowl (2000) in Orlando galleryfurniture.com Bowl (2000-01) in Houston EV1.net Houston Bowl (2002-05) PapaJohns.com Bowl (2006-10) in Birmingham GoDaddy.com Bowl (2011-13) in Mobile, Al. TaxSlayer.com Gator Bowl (2012-13) in Gainesville
I still can’t believe we had football games named after websites for almost two decades. I can’t believe that happened.
9. TaxSlayer Bowl (2014-) in Gainesville
All these years in, and I still don’t know what to say. What a stupid series of words!
8. Duck Commander Independence Bowl (2014) in Shreveport
7. BattleFrog Fiesta Bowl (2015) in Glendale, Az.
3. (tie) magicJack St. Petersburg Bowl (2008) St. Petersburg Bowl Presented by Beef 'O' Brady's (2009) Beef 'O' Brady's Bowl (2010-13) in St. Petersburg, Fl. Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl (2014)
Basically every name the St. Pete Bowl has ever been known by, other than the current one. We swore this game would never top being sponsored by a faux-Irish restaurant that cannot use apostrophes correctly, a USB device, and invisible internet money ... and yet ...
2. Poulan Weed Eater Independence Bowl (1991-97) in Shreveport
For decades, this was the go-to example anyone would use when listing off consolation-prize games or complaining about there being too many bowls. Saying “the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl” just does not happen, unless the speaker is making fun of something about bowl season.
This name became so synonymous with the idea of an embarrassing bowl trip that, 19 years after it’d changed, then-Houston head coach Tom Herman summoned it to mock rival SMU.
If you're satisfied with going 7-5 and going to the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl, then great. Then you're in the wrong program and we'll find a place for you to go. I hear there's a private school up in Dallas that's really looking to try to get to seven wins.
(Herman then lost an upset to that private school, proving the mere mention of the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl lowers one’s talent levels.)
Topping the legendary Poulan Weed Eater Bowl was something I never thought I’d see happen in my lifetime. This was the 47-game Oklahoma win streak of terrible bowl names ... and yet ...
1. The Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl (2017-) in St. Petersburg
The St. Pete Bowl is the absolute god of incredible names. If the entire top five of this list was nothing but St. Pete Bowl names, no one could complain.
This one is so good that it was hard to believe it was real, despite one of the sport’s best reporters breaking the news. He had to circle back and announce on Twitter that he was not kidding.
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The St. Petersburg Bowl has been renamed the Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl, sources told me. The game will remain at...
Dikirim oleh Brett McMurphy pada 18 Agustus 2017
Is this brand as midlife-crisis-y as it sounds? Oh hell yeah it is.
Even better: the game brought to you by lawnmowers IS PLAYED ON FAKE GRASS IN A BASEBALL STADIUM. Fake grass THAT USED TO BE SOME OF THE WORST TURF YOU’VE EVER BEHELD. The game’s sponsor is completely useless within its own stadium. Diabolical.
The greatest thing about the St. Petersburg Bowl is no longer a thing. Mourn with us. https://t.co/AqbQpXw6kp
— SB Nation CFB (@SBNationCFB) April 1, 2017
What’s a “Gasparilla?”
Well, you see, Tampa has an annual event (about a month after this bowl game) called the Gasparilla Pirate Fest.
OK, but what’s a “Gasparilla?”
Per Wikipedia:
The theme of the Gasparilla Festival was inspired by the local legend of José Gaspar, a Spanish naval officer who turned to piracy. [...] Despite this colorful history, there is no evidence that a pirate named Gaspar or Gasparilla ever operated off the Florida coast. [...] In fact, researchers have found no contemporaneous records either in Spain or the United States that mention Gaspar's existence, and no physical evidence of his presence in Florida has ever been uncovered.
To sum up: the bowl that was mostly known for ugly fake grass is now brought to you by a totally unnecessary lawnmower company that is CERTIFIED BADASS, BABY and has the same name as Diddy’s record label, all in honor of a pirate who might not’ve been real and who definitely had nothing to do with Tampa, St. Petersburg, colleges, football, lawnmowers, Bitcoin, USB connectors, Steamy Queso ‘O’ Poppers, or bowl games.
That’s one of the dumbest sentences ever typed, and I could not possibly love this sport more.
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