#Foodian AU
maznanangy · 2 years
I dont like cj friskins so i almost never add him in any aus or the like. Though it would be funny. He can shapeshift into his fursona - amii
He's living his best life good for him
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thequimmqueen · 4 years
I dont have any other ideas tbh... i think allan would be a good fit. Actually i do have a question. Do hybrid foodimals have like. Traits from both parents or do they only inherit one parents food form? - amii
Well! You're in for a long and detailed explanation! Hope you don't mind.
As you know, in My hcs of Munchmore (and therefore the AU) the food pyramid influences a lot of things, in the original Munchmore the monarchy, and in this Au plenty other things since this one is more of a democracy/everyone’s just as important
one of the things that the pyramid affects is sometimes, the dna, as a candy parent can have more power/flavor intensity than, for example, a meal that doesn’t have a strong flavor. If you’ve ever seen fusion restaurants (let’s say one that mixes korean and chilean food) the children of different kinds of foods are like that! the intensity of the flavor is the thing that decides the kind of meal the foodian child ends up being, in some cases not entirely but partly
now to the question in specific, yes and yes! Kids in munchmore are made like in a recipe, if the parents are 2 ingredients that can be used for a common kind of food (say quinn mocha scoopian+timm disco plumm= Lynn MochaPlum scoopian) the hybrid is a perfect mix, sometimes when the parents are an odd/very different kind of foods their kids end up being a fusion of both (say, like those recipes/restaurants that manage to make a delicious flavor that’s both sour and sweet at the same time! or in general very different foods) and of course,there’s cases when the mix doesn’t turn out good, which turns out makes the kid only entirely similar to one parent since the dna’s can’t fuse properly
For the 1st case is not rare to inherit a birthmark or special trait (see toasty coconut for example) and neither is for the 2nd case, but for the third is rare to have major similarities to the other parent, only subtle little things (for example Marty’s a burgerzilla who only inherited a few capabilities from daniel, which aren’t part of his appearence but how his body works)
but! this is how it is for food forms, in their human forms they do have more aspects inherited from both parents ¿any questions?
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ccwastaken · 4 years
Radley's Defeat
AN: Small Beastley au story that takes place at the end of PL2. The character Pearl that gets mentioned belongs to @dragongirl2. This story contains some uh. Slightly sexual implications.
He was so- angry. Rage seemed to course through his very veins as his arms shook, his hands curled into fists so tight his nails cut into his palms. He exhaled shakily and blinked. Out of the corner of his vision he could see his broken glasses lying on the ground, discarded as useless junk.
Useless junk...
He looked over his shoulder, at him. He looked back at the ground, then, calm as ever, he got to his feet, and moved over to him.
"Shida..." His voice was as soft as a whisper, but full of malice as he approached, limping slightly. "Ohh Shida..."
His bo- no, no he wasn't that anymore. His former employee backed away as he approached. Radley grinned to himself in amusement. "You're scared of me?" He asked, his amusement leaking into his sinister tone. "Now why would you be scared of little old me, Sargeant Pepper? Hm?" He looked up at him, admiring the blood leaking from the gash over Sarge's left eye. "Is it because you know what you've done?"
"Is it because you know you took MY trust, my precious, precious trust that you worked so hard to earn, Crushida," he could see the panic in the Sargeant's remaining eye and he revelled in it. "And threw it into the DIRT!" He reached out and grabbed him by his shirt, yanking him with a surprising amount of strength. "Is that it?" He asked softly.
Shida said nothing, just glared into his eyes. One of them was half closed, and beginning to swell, but Radley didn't seem to even be aware of it.
"You know I couldn't let you do this- you're- you're an evil man, Radley and you know that-" Shida said. Radley glared at him as he spoke, his anger mounting. "You knew you were hurting people, yet you didn't care. You're- you're no better than your mo-"
He was cut off by Radley slapping him. Hard. Shida stumbled back, his hand over the stinging spot where he'd been hit.
"Don't you dare even think to say something so vile to my face..." Radley hissed. He closed the gap between them. "You've gone soft, Shida."
"I haven't, I just care about people now, unlike you." The Sargent retorted.
"I should've known- I should've known when you came to me with that thing you call a child-"
"You leave Pearl out of this!"
"When you came to me talking about a human girl! I should've known they'd turn you to their side!" Radley grit his teeth, and suddenly grabbed Shida by his broken arm, and yanked it as hard as he could. The army Sargent yelped in pain and gripped his bandaged arm, seething in pain as he doubled over. "You're soft. That girl-" Radley leaned down to him. "You couldn't help yourself, could you? Take one look at a woman and everything WE'VE worked for together goes out the window."
"I've been nothing but loyal to you-"
"LOYAL?!" Radley screamed at him, and then his angry face twisted into a grin of malice. He chuckled. "Ohh Shida I don't think teaming up with two humans to ruin the plans of the man you supposedly 'love' counts!" He stepped back and looked behind Shida as the two humans in question. One dark skinned, holding a weapon Radley himself had designed, and the other, just a young boy in a Fort Onion helmet holding a pepper bomb. Radley chuckled.
"You disgust me, you know that?"
"I'm realising the same about you." Shida replied softly. Radley's grin dropped, and he scowled.
"Consider yourself fired." He said softly. His leaves, which thankfully were unharmed, fluttered, and Radley took off. Shida watched him fly away, not a trace of emotion on his face.
"Crushida-" Sasha said, breaking the silence. She walked over to the foodian. "Shida...?" The army Sargent looked at her, and smiled, though she knew there was no joy in it. "I'm sorry I-"
"Don't be." He cut in. "It had to be done."
Sasha looked down at the ground. He ran his hand down her hair, then pulled her closer. She hugged him, closing her eyes. He stared down at her with his one good eye,admiring the way her hair moved with the wind. He knew their time together was limited at best with Radley gone but- just for this moment he'd pretend it wasn't. He looked over at the boy, still frozen in place, though he was shaking.
Shida pulled away from Sasha and walked over to the boy. He kneeled down. "You're one hell of a brave kid, Faniel." He said. The boy smiled nervously. "I know soldiers who wouldn't be able to do what you just did here." He took off the helmet and ruffled the boy's dirty blonde hair. "Good aim too. You're the one that hit his eye, ain't ya?"
"Y-Yes sir that was me-" Faniel replied quickly. "Did I do okay? I-I feel like I got in the way-"
"You did great." Shida smiled at the boy before standing up. He scooped the tiny human up into his good arm. "You wanna sit up front on the way back? I think ya earned it."
"I-I can?" Faniel sounded excited. Shida grinned and nodded before walking towards his red pickup truck. Sasha watched the dot flying through the sky for a moment, wondering where Radley was going, before following them.
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xoxavery · 4 years
There's a Lot More Info on The Snackimal AU from The Human foodians Side.. but i don't know if an Ask Is enough to Cover all of it and i don't know if i should Share The Stuff Trough Your askbox in parts.. i really don't Wanna seem like a Bother to you.
its no bother at all! sorry for not being super active and leaving this unanswered for a while, you can totally send the information in asks, or u can make a post and tag me in it, either way works, id love to hear more :)
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maznanangy · 2 years
People usually treat shapeshifting foodians fine. Some get more looks than others but generally theres not really anything bad going on - amii
I know Friskins isn't a foodian bit imagine he's one and, even though he doesn't have any problems shapeshifting, decides to be a furry. a catboy even
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maznanangy · 2 years
best way i can describe draksons traits in his most humanlike form is that hes basically part dragon in appearance. horns, a tail, wings etc. id imagine theres other foodians that have something similar but hes the one that comes to mind - amii
Oooh neat 👀 it would be funny if people don't care about them. if Friskins is there around with cat ears and tail then sure Drakson can be a dragon
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maznanangy · 2 years
Hm. Dont have much to say on the foodian au but i imagine some peoples human forms have more foodian features than some. Johnny (bacoburn) only has light stretchmarks seen on his torso and some light grey parts on his eyebrows. Drakson (dragonfruit one) has... a lot more features - amii
I'm actually curious about Drakson foodian features:0
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maznanangy · 2 years
Yeah i think ripley would shapeshift into a humanoid radish in munchmore just to blend in better. Then in the pl dimension shes in a humanoid 'monster girlesque' form - amii
Monster girlesque Ripley...
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maznanangy · 2 years
Ripleys a radish shapeshifter. She changes her form depending on which dimension she is - amii
Wait that's so smart,,,
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maznanangy · 2 years
I feel like munchmore and the pl world have been friendly with each other for a long time in this au. Sarge n radley just decided to invade bc they're like that - amii
They're just a bit different lol but it makes sense there are shapeshifters in Munchmore:] I'm thinking about Ripley now that you mentioned Munchmore... I imagine she has been investigating about these people as well since they're still from Munchmore
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maznanangy · 2 years
I feel like there would also be some shapeshifting foodians that stay exclusively in munchmore so they're well known - amii
Oooh yeah I see👁️👁️
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maznanangy · 2 years
yeah i think for radley, making soldiers that are the same sentiency as him is something thats more trouble than its worth. hes not going to invest in constant brainwashing. though id imagine hes curious abt the shapeshifting aspect. gonna say thats why the Sundaesaurus changes forms when it gets hit. because radley studied his shapeshifting prisoners enough - amii
Oh yeah makes sense he studied them when they were prisoners, now I'm asking... What were the reactions of the Munchmore foodians when they found out there were shapeshifter? Did they know? How did the shapeshifters (the ones that were captured) reacted? Did they hide their foodian forms?
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maznanangy · 2 years
Yeah the main difference imo is that the frankenfoods would probably be more like munchimals while the shapeshifters are more like foodians. I dunno if theres even a distinction between radley and his radishes - amii
Imo the main difference between Radley and his radishes is, besides the obvious humanoid appearance of Radley, he's sentient while the radishes are more like minions following orders without thinking about it. or idk Munchmore is weird lol
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maznanangy · 2 years
I feel like radley wouldnt want to intentionally make shapeshifting foodians bc that would require having to make them sentient. And they could rebel against him at any time. Plus its too morally challenging to figure out if its ethical or not - amii
I was about to say that it wouldn't be weird for him to do it cause he created the burgerzillas, but then I think more and. yeah no they're different things. making food monsters and making sentient nearly human (or at least with human features) creatures are certainly two different things
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maznanangy · 2 years
Yeah yuko just doesnt really give derps vibes. So. Yeah sorry no idea - amii
Damn I don't have any ideas for the au😔
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maznanangy · 2 years
I mean i do like the idea but i hc yuko to be wylan's mom. I cant see her being a foodian at all, let alone a derps one - amii
Yeah you're right Yuko doesn't give me derps vibes:/
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