#For now I will keep on spreading positivity and love in the RenMei fanbase like I always do <3
renxmaiden · 5 months
I had a lot of fun drawing for RenMei positivity week 2024
I also enjoyed and appreciated seeing other people’s creations for it (Mostly on twitter that is because no one partook in the event on tumblr lol)
But I will also be quite frankly honest, because of very extreme low numbers of participation, I will not host this event again next year.
It will be the first and final time that I will do this. RenMei does not have a lot of active fans unfortunately which is the reality and as much I adore the ship, if the fanbase is severely inactive then might as well not host a fan week event for it
I created this event because I was sick and tired of seeing negativity and ship hate like last year because it happened all in one month so I thought of creating this event to combat against that and spread positivity instead. But I also held very extremely low expectations
And so, I think from now on, I will only do self challenge week events for myself only. I’ll keep on spreading the Ren x Jeanne love and positivity on my own. As for @renmeiweek , I will put the blog under password protection.
I’m sorry if anyone is disappointed in reading all of this.
On the other hand, I am super happy being able to see others enjoying the event as well as being extremely happy to see other peoples creations for it. I heavily appreciate them a lot and I will cherish them greatly forever.
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renxmaiden · 2 years
Honestly really glad I made the decision to isolated myself away from the main SK fandom for good because it’s just wasn’t it for me even though it’s peaceful.
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