#For once I have to say the fanon redesigns are better
vampstel · 2 years
Scara’s redesign is not my cup of tea… I don’t think it suits him at all
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lustale · 1 month
Hey! I'm a little confused here, what exactly is the difference between Lusttale and Underlust?
I know you said it's a revamp of sorts but I'm just genuinely confused on what the differences are.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are the icks you have with Underlust that originally made you want to redo this AU? I've only ever really seen either the decent aspects of it or the fanon versions so I don't really know most of people's issues apart from the... Weird thing about Chara being in.. That kinda clothing.
Heyy! Ill try to explain :3 <3
Differences i wanted were these:
- Make the storyline more fluid and organized, idk felt like the og story rushed through to try and reach certain parts sooner
- Flesh out characters past the sexual deviant who have random, often uncalled for bursts of angst ( or just have ZERO self control )
- I tried to make some characters make better sense. Example, Chara and their trait/design, the reason for Frisk even going, ect - Give background characters a chance to be shown, not saying the WHOLE au with EVERY monster has to be designed, but its atleast nice and feels more detailed ( even Jerry eyeroll )
^ The AU also switched between being owned by the creator, to the creators mutual ( iirc ), to then being a community owned AU since the OG owner left it for mental health reasons. I originally wanted to continue the story, but rebuilding characters in a way it still resembles the original story with a few kind of tweaks helps it feel new, think like Ink Sans's redesign!
These were icks:
- Some characters had almost nothing fleshed out abt them, i totally understand why some dont (hard to flesh out a entire cast, some characters dont give enough to build off of, ect) but its personality stumping if the character is only shown for a sex joke or be background characters to another angst, example Alphys, shown very little unless to comment on MTT's body, or to be the one to help him (MTT one IS important but after that i barely remember her character outside that..) - I know that separating creator from creation is best way to go about some things, though knowing that they heavily shipped Fontcest (which their own AU was prone to have) and had done nsfw Frans art is gross enough for me to wanna not engage with the original au (small non UL related was a Nazi Chara they drew once, shockvalue humor or not why would you?)
- MTT's plot. I really hate how it went. Its not something im gonna remove, but its something i wanna try and do in a way that doesnt feel so abrupt yk? If that makes sense :,D
Other then the few points i can really give, i also just thought it would be nice to give UL a fresh coat of paint. Not like "i took things into my own hands", but just "this made me and alot uncomfortable, the AU is kinda just sitting there, lets try it " !
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isfjmel-phleg · 7 months
As I've addressed before, very little of Kon's original costume was anything he actually chose. Then around 2001 his look got redesigned to reflect changing trends; the in-universe reason was his having a crisis over his image and turning to a girl who is heavily steeped in what's currently in to give him a makeover. So he doesn't necessarily choose that look either.
And I could make some points about how he's a complicated blend of insistent individuality and acceptance of roles assigned to him by other people, but instead I'm going to point out the one time he did choose his costume--a very short-lived one from his time without powers after the Sins of Youth arc.
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(Superboy 1994 #1, #83)
So these are both of Kon's costumes from pre-2003, and they're both highly trendy and quite flashy, which is the image that he's typically associated with (aside from the later version of the character, which I'm not addressing here). As someone who was created in a lab to be a celebrity, he's very appearance-conscious, and looking "cool" is a major part of his public persona. In whatever form that must take according to current standards.
But, as I noted above, very little of this is on his own terms. Cadmus designed the too-many-belts suit. The leather jacket was a gift of sorts. He goes through several fashionable costumes in #83 before the girl who's giving him the makeover approves. She even gives him a different haircut. He doesn't seem to have an active say in any of this. (And he loses the shades and whatever those things are on his ears almost immediately afterward.)
He does presumably have a say in his civilian wardrobe, which he doesn't use very often, and I've noted before that it's actually, surprisingly, quite low-key. He dresses like an average teenage boy of that time, with a marked preference for blue, red, and yellow. I know this isn't the direction fanon likes to take, and some have argued that these clothes are just another attempt to fit in and not really reflective of his actual preferences, but...I think the evidence suggests otherwise. He could have chosen to, say, go full punk while at school in Hawaii. It would have been in keeping with his public image. His costume's flashy, so why not make flashiness his signature look at all times?
But he doesn't do that. He chooses ordinary clothes. Even when he's with his YJ friends on the way to a concert--a suitable occasion for out-of-the-ordinary self-expression.
And when he loses his powers and has to hand over his original suit to a doctor for testing, he develops a new costume that better functions with the adjustments he's having to make, and it looks like this:
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(Superboy 1994 #76)
He retains the sunglasses and earring, which were originally his choices. The leather jacket is gone, buried with Tana by his request. The new costume is bright and colorful but a fairly basic design--a shirt and pants, more similar structurally to his civilian clothing. Practicality is emphasized; he has only one belt now--a very functional utility belt (and extra pouches on his boots) for the gadgetry he is now having to rely on, and the short sleeves allow for easy wear of the wrist guard that contains his flight ring and controls his shield. He maintains all the Superman colors, but the more prominent use of black sets him apart from his Kryptonian colleagues. The look is less a 90s-ified version of Clark's and more distinctively Kon's own. It has a civilian-like style while still being clearly a superhero's uniform.
And this apparently is his preference when given the choice for a costume. It didn't last long--only several issues of his solo and YJ--since once his powers were back he reverted to the original look. But for a little while he got to be a relatively normal person of his own making. The flashy trendiness is a part that he plays out of obligation, but the evidence suggests that, unconventional haircut and accessories notwithstanding, he's relatively more down-to-earth in his personal tastes than he's given credit for, which says a lot about his character.
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villains4hire · 1 year
Ash Von Graven. (Final Space) (Fanon Reboot)
1. I will just open up with: yes this is an extremely overpowered character, especially for her prologue I plan on doing as her main, really only verse other than flashbacks if you'd like to be in her backstory before her main verse, which I do welcome. Her max power however is plot only, as that's quite literally something she wouldn't use even if she died if it meant using it in a populated galaxy. But think like the incredible hulk but as a Psyker to put it bluntly, she'll always have a pretty heavy power scaling but pulls her punches because of what can happen if she doesn't, but can lose herself to her rage. I am aware she possibly died in the original intended ending, but with Mooncake with her? I doubt it, thus my iteration and continuation but I would've done it anyway.
2. On that note: you can expect self-harm, suicidal tendencies, eldritch-induced insanity, hallucinations and more when she's unstable, but expect whacky humor and her being odd, cute and occasionally creepy best girl when she's stable or just usually fine, and I will stop using the tag when it's no longer an issue. I don't mind putting it where she's just herself. As I do combine both aspects of Eldritch God and Ash together for her personality (including her old self with a mature take but can still be immature like Gary for example), granted, she has more restraint now that she's whole again. There will be times where I will do the new addition to her personality of raging but being in control. I do know how to write mental break and all that, but I really do enjoy her whimsical, odd nature at times and I think it might be neat to combine, so I will stress that while some of it may resemble real-world mental illness, it isn't that entirely and there will be far too many aspects that overshadow it.
3. No offense to the creator, as I have zero idea what went behind the scenes for Final Space, but S3's ending with Fox, Ash was all really weak and flimsy as why she'd betray the crew unless being corrupted by Invictus since HE killed Fox, straight up without even hiding it, so it's why I gave her an even better reason of doing it to save them from Final Space which was canon anyway as the cracks faded from them once he was freed at the end. As I will say Invictus on that note will be replaced with Darth Bane's or voice done by Mark Hamil from 2008, 2014 or 2019 or some other booming voices like 'The Many from System Shock 2' would be really creepy as I couldn't take his voice seriously otherwise. I've watched too much Joel of Vinesauce and his 'Shock Master' if you've seen it.
4. This character is considered to be my OWN RUN of the character like someone else writing a reboot of a character in DC or Marvel comics and out the gate starts at the age of 19 to 23. Why? The series got canned and I wrote my own fanon ending, continuation and conclusion already made. Her characterization has been expanded on but kept to canon-compliant along with slight redesigns to give her fin ears and a tail since her people are canonically lizard people from her homeworld and Olan more or less even wanted her brother’s race to be a race of dog people originally like Lil Cato’s species being a cat people so eh, I’ll do it my way to make her still an alien but adult alien lizard lady. On that note? She is shippable in any verse now due to my massive visual edits, but if you flirt with her? It is presumed she is MENTALLY WELL ENOUGH in the timeline and may just say some odd things here and there and not only that, to put her in inappropriate situations such as joking a little far et cetera. This was done mostly to assure people how committed I was to this change, as I have a total of around 440ish edited icons for my reboot version of this character and more or less I believe Olan would’ve kept her either as a child or would’ve had her be an adult from the get-go rather than do the weird real-time aging up on screen as he was forced by investor meddling. By all means, I am using the story of Final Space, but only up to S3 and even my S3 is heavily rewritten and I may or may not borrow upcoming graphic novel ideas but may simply reject them in its entirety.
5. I suggest reading my ->Final Space Disclaimer<- for my characters.
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This is my faceclaim for her visually and I realize the fin ears are bigger for her icons but it looked weirder with them small since the model wasn’t designed for it compared to my S3 redesign. So this is what she looks like before her glowup after S3 and is no longer temporarily insane.
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My Ash reference! Where her eye was missing on her old form is now a void eye like when she uses her powers, though is just like that now. Granted her other eye also changes to the same color when using them, then I will say that the mohawk period exists but is such a brief time period? That I won’t be using most of the icons from there. As at the peak of her timeline with you/is brought out of her temporary insanity? She grows her hair out again, it flows more similar to how it did in S2 when she was a fluffball when she uses her powers, and both eyes become a void eye and so on. While the mohawk version of Ash exists still? It is a very brief period to the point that I will no longer be using those icons other than the ones I salvaged.
Do I want them to die: Yes, go ahead, talk it out with me though. She’s not going to be easy to kill at all really. Will I have/get icons: I have a lot to them all edited personally. They are available ON REQUEST but you have to give me direct credit for them, so this one time I will ask to tell me if using them and you’ll be immediately approved if I see a link to my blog that stays up. Removing the link is considered you’ve stopped using them in public. Tag: void inheritor (main continuation verse) She doesn’t take Clarence’s middle name until this verse | happy again (her second reference with her hair grown out again) |  stable | unstable | always been you: this is the verse for Ash before her S3 conclusion and my ending and continuation for her as a character. This is for fun interactions as with my main verse Ash and both are intended to be used in conjunction with each other to establish how they know your character. This character is shippable in any verse, void inheritor is now presumably just fused to happy again as a verse if happy again as a tag is used and happy again will remain end game verse. Age: 19-23 verse dependent. Sex: AMAB (Granted she's an alien and literally an Eldritch Being) Gender: Trans Female by human standards but her family, even if human never made many remarks about it. It's the future and in space, I doubt they care. Goes by he/she. Race: Serepentian (Simply her default appearance) Eldritch God (Pretty much her entire being?) Sexuality: If she likes you but she's pretty open so long as you're an adult. I will only smut with her by the way when she's stable, it's kind of weird otherwise in a not okay way I feel. I am fine with her getting a little frisky with it though while stable. Personality traits: Her personality includes even parts of her eldritch half: such as sadism, possessiveness. masochism, trigger-happy, rage-filled. Prone to fits of maniacal laughter and sometimes comedic ramblings, sayings, or just as part of who she is now. As for her more known side? I'd say she's loving, sweet if not a bit odd but can be adorably sweeter now yet is more mature, but is a goofball deepdown and can be pretty cute in how she is if she's really comfortable with you as she will say stuff like ‘pew pew pew’ in one translation when shooting lasers at something with you. She's less weird when it comes to having people like when she met Little Cato as 'property' or a 'pet' and really reserves that kind of behavior more or less to put her boot on some jackass. Has some pretty big rage issues. Has no real sense of shame other than when it comes to hurting others, but is pretty shameless when it comes to herself. Pretty blunt, upfront. Cares, but often too much though it’s why she can tap into so much anger to fuel her powers. Self-sacrificing. Mental traits: Eldritch Insanity spiking can be a problem at times, especially if first coming out of the prologue. This eventually will go away completely once she's older and fully matured as an Eldritch God, but can become more stable given enough time or intervention. This was only a problem due to her refusing to let Invictus mutate her into a mature, yet servile inheritor Eldritch God Spawn of his should anything had ever befallen him after he had completed his goals. When a fully grown Eldritch God? She will no longer experience this as it’s two opposites with her beyond what should exist yet does for her void spawn side, then her original, alien life existence side conflicting and melding together is why to settle down fully it takes a bit of time. It’s like a form of hybrid puberty with her. Physical traits: Expect all caps when talking in her Eldritch Tone: Stands around 4′8 to 5′2 depending on verse and is flat-chested due to her species being a lizard race. Has fins on the side of her head to replace her previous canon ears, then a plain looking reptilian tail that isn't out in the open unless she likes you, feels like it or it's the happy again verse. It reaches to the ground, she can stand on it, hang upside down and it's rather flexible and can stretch. Then can vary from 10’0 in her rage form to 30ish ft tall. See above when she grows out her hair again, but I will note that her 'always been you’ verse I do have her slightly more 'built’ and is 4′8 to reflect the canon change I made I addressed earlier in the bios from how weirdly this character was handled. There’s no real difference other than subtle thickening of the limbs, neck, then only so slightly to the head and waist- a good reference to this bodytype would also be an altered shape of Madeline's as it'd just be the body and limbs with less thickness in the legs, lazy, I know, but eh, close enough. She carries a tablet of Clarence and Fox on it in her continuation verse, and also Fox’s dogtag with her and now his photo in it on the back, reading ‘Fox 7821, the Unbreakable.‘ Powers: Dark Energy Manipulation - Beyond God Levels. But she can only tap into this at great risk of losing control, so I'd say that she could probably blow up a small continent without risk. But to go further is to tap into her Eldritch Blood to a point of great risk. So like, think the Incredible Hulk but not at his Max Power as I'd have to plot that. So I will say at full power that even the likes of someone like One Punch Man, Bill Cipher, or Goku would die for example as it's literally dark matter used by an Eldritch God that you'd expect out of HP Lovecraft levels of incomprehensible horror. Telekinesis - It works how you would expect, she can on that note of mind powers also mind control people, but rarely does it for personal reasons. Flight - not needed to be explained. Pyrokinesis - This is her eldritch flames, it plays into the dark energy manipulation. Eldritch Immortality - she can die and be destroyed after great effort but will resurrect in the void of space and rage-based regeneration as a Void Spawn, so the angrier she is? Yeah, you get the picture and relative theme to the character in canon or otherwise. Regardless, the weapon that was used on Invictus was a one of a kind but not impossible to recreate, it would just take forming an entire galaxy until you found the material you needed in the countless fabrics of reality he ripped through and unintentionally he created for how I headcanon it. I don't plan on perma-killing her other than in bad ends where she's not fully awakened, as in Final Space? There are countless iterations of the characters that have died including Ash as Ash unawakened is simply where she dies, as it's part of Invictus's deal to awaken her. Eldritch Veil - Ash has a true form that looks like her own variant of Invictus when she goes berserk, though can tap into it if she's in control of her rage. Otherwise, her 'humanoid' form is simply her original, default form. Corruptive Nature - if you somehow managed to absorb her, let alone soul suck her? You would either have her prison break or if it's you in particular or someone else? She would act as a parasite that'd rapidly kill the being in question eventually, regardless of who they are. Teleportation - if she knows the location? It depends how far she is from it, though could teleport anywhere if she got angry enough but again, the above. Serepentian Biology - Less relevant in her canon post-verse, but I do have Ash’s species be like reptilian aliens. They’re highly durable, able to survive extremely harsh conditions, then have regeneration, have scales but it’s very smooth and have reptilian teeth, claw hands and feet and has little gecko pads on her feet to climb things like even glass windows, then has a relatively strong bite force, she could bite off a limb for example of a human. Can hiss similar to a crocodile and has a bit of sproing in her jump. She has venom glands that she can shoot out a jet of venom from her mouth about 10 feet, then a diseased bite more akin to a far more lethal version of a komodo dragon, but has to stimulate herself with fighting to produce the diseases and bacteria her body accumulates, so her just nibbling you would do nothing. As for her tongue? She uses it to taste the air to track and if people are well or not and can remember the people she likes via that ability. It is a long teal, chameleon tongue that can be used to snag probably up to medium-sized bird or small dog for its strength at a length of around 6 ft. As for her ‘hair’, it’s more of a purple-down like feather quality that can flex and fluff but grows back like hair. Her species age wise is immortal and usually die from being sacrificed rather than of natural or unnatural causes. Parasites cannot survive in her species bodies, bacteria is also only able to survive in her saliva and digestive tract but ultimately is not effected by viruses or diseases and most forms of poison, pollution, and radiation. Notably, these traits can be strengthened with well, ‘hurting her’ and it’s a part of the culture she was previously that’s a literally cult world filled with weirdoes, but of course not all of them. There’s more to this biology since I’ve been requested stuff already for her post fanon ending verse for smut, but I won’t go into that here. Motivations: Above all, her family and loved ones. To regain better control and then revive Bolo to help rebuild the realities and the damage done... and if possible? Revive her lost loved ones though it’s not something she’s willing to go obsessive over. To be loved and to love. To have fun. Maybe take up a few odd hobbies here and there. To explore. To see the universe and all the realities in the endless spans of existence. Backstory:
I am using the same backstory as canon Ash. But she had one last conversation with her adopted dad, Clarence that made her break down into tears as she had contacted him and wanted to see him- only for him to hesitantly answer in the last few minutes of his life as they said their goodbyes, caught up with what they could and his regrets, how he wished he could take it all back and Ash finally forgiving him, along with Clarence softly sniffling with a few tears somewhere in it for learning Fox was dead, but trying to keep strong but then Ash watching him die.
The similarities end however with my ending of ->sacrifice<- if you click the links, her ->let go<- prologue - her continuation as a character ->goodbye<-
Then her motivations are more or less the simple change that she was subtly going insane, being corrupted by Invictus. Then ultimately her conversation went along the lines in response to Gary, Quinn, Avocado (Quinn not being there) more or less, angry they kept it hidden from her. Though deep down she sensed something was terribly wrong and I base it on her overhearing Avocado saying they were going to die but also the fact he killed Lil Cato’s parents. I will say that Gary ‘killing’ Fox is less relevant here since Invictus made ZERO attempts to hide he did it, but it did start the first major crack in her mindstate which was apart of his plan. Thus what led to the breakdown, bringing Lil Cato more or less with her out of instinct rather than being any form of mentally well. Then her attempted murder of Gary and Avocado would’ve threaded the needle as she would’ve just snapped their necks with telekinesis but instead pushed them away the only way she knew how out of instinct when first breaking and couldn’t control herself, as they were wearing suits, etc. Then it ends with her unable to find Moon Cake at the time before she left with Lil Cato as let’s say he was ‘out’ for whatever reason. Then that led to the whole scenario where they confront her at Invictus and Gary apologizing for failing her, failing Fox and failing to save them all from dying, but begging her to not do this to which she replied, which wasn’t her real feelings, rather all the resentment, being upset, driven insane, yet an unhinged, odd snapping calms mixed in throughout it all, “I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU; I HATE YOU! Though... I guess that’s just how I always end up with my family, isn’t it? HAHAHA. But I’m going to save you all. So. GET. OUT. OF MY WAY.” Then things play out as normal with the Lord Commander arriving and then getting shafted, the added note is that she teleports Moon Cake out after she’s done with him, again, out of instinct and what gives Gary, Moon Cake and then later Bolo who reaches out to them using an artifact they find while on the Arachnitect’s journey to build the weapon which has taken countless dead universes to build should Invictus ever truly return.
As for the Lord Commander? The odd man out from all of this? Eh, we can make him and his forces a reoccuring villain but he’s too afraid to face Ash directly. Otherwise fuck em’, we don’t need him as I like him as a villain and he was cool, but I don’t think he was too important and most likely served a purpose perhaps after S4 since a S5 had been planned. Though the cliche is him taking Invictus’s power something, I suspect it might’ve had to do with time travel again to correct the wrongs with Ash, Fox etc and maybe get the entire gang together, but who knows, we may never know but I think I did a relatively decent job tying things together at least on Ash’s end and totally left it open to mesh with other endings from rper’s without being too intrusive as I’m fine with different people appealing to Ash, just Lil Cato, Moon Cake made the most sense since she liked them the most.
Then for a little tidbit on Bolo though if there are ever any Bolo rpers? I will admit my main ending with my Ash does involve Bolo being her Commander as he leads the new, albeit limited number Titans to rebuild at the behest of Ash. As the two become rather good friends with the whole mind thing, reviving him to the point I’d say besties and act a bit goofy sometimes as Bolo has shown. As for why Bolo was bodied so easily by the Lord Commander? I will say that he had worn himself down an incredible amount in his Titan Massacre that took place off screen/my fanon imagined s4+ flashback. He had unintentionally broken himself into madness in the end, but was glad to have a successor such as Ash deal with the Invictus if he ever came back, and he was totally eating Astral Popcorn as he watched Invictus get blasted and then Gary and Sheryl shoving the Arachnitect weapon into his head, then later exploding probably after they escape going, “WOO! IT TOOK A THOUSAND LIFETIMES BUT WE GOT YOU IN THE END YOU SMUG BASTARD!” Or something like that, as he had honestly thought it was the end so let him have this.
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decayinginred · 4 years
I agree with you so wholeheartedly on Sephiroth’s parentage. Making Vincent his father irreparably changes both of their arcs too dramatically. Although dramatic changes do seem to be the theme in the remake...
It’s honestly one of my biggest “fanon” gripes. But I totally agree with you.
Vincent’s whole arc is that he fell in love with a woman but it was unrequited. Then she falls into the arms of Hojo and experiments on their unborn child. Although Dirge of Cerberus does reveal that Lucrecia did have feelings towards Vincent.... it shows that he tried courting her but she was too guilty over being responsible for his father’s death. The furthest they seem to have gotten was flirting. 
What makes this whole part of Vincent’s story is that of a tragic man who fell in love, failed to have that love returned, still tried to protect her and failed to stop her from making the biggest mistake in her (and eventually the whole Planet’s) life. 
"Hearing your stories has added upon me yet another sin. More nightmares will come to me now. More than I previously had."
When Cloud tells Vincent about what Sephiroth has done, Vincent notes that this is “another sin” he must atone for. Because the way he sees it: he’s responsible for not stopping his mother. The only reason he’s conflicted over fighting Sephiroth is because he’s Lucrecia’s son.
"Defeat Sephiroth... Defeat the son of that beloved woman. Am I on the verge of committing another sin? Or am I atoning as best I can for only watching?”
Not once is the thought of him being the father entertained in the entire Compilation. Dirge especially solidifies this. Lucrecia was specifically redesigned to look like Sephiroth; slender face, hair, etc. It really is a case of “Thank God I got my looks from my mother.” Not to mention he was injected with Jenova cells while still in utero. So that would play with his genetics even further. 
Because the biggest thing people point out on how Vincent is really his father? Looks. Because Hojo has the face of a backed up toilet that contracted leprosy. That’s it. Could Vincent and Lucrecia have slept together? Of course. But that still doesn’t fit the timeline. 
There is one thing to understand about Sephiroth’s parentage: both his parents were scientists too career-driven to care for the consequences. Hojo is... well, Hojo. He dedicated half his career in studying Jenova. Of course he’s going to want play with genetic splicing. What better way to do that but with the assistance of your wife (ambigious, I know) who is also a scientist, who came running into his arms after a disastrous “breakup” (if you can even call it that).
And then that leaves Lucrecia. An emotionally volatile woman who is totally selfish. I know Square really wanted to portray her in this sympathetic light, and we’re told that she’s supposedly this incredible person. But from what can be seen in Dirge? She’s toxic. Her recklessness caused Grimoire’s death. She immediately recognised Vincent as his son. Yet still flirted and dragged him along. But he eventually learns the truth and she can’t cope when faced with potential consequences. Thus leading her to pursue another reckless (and highly emotional) decision to be involved in a relationship with Hojo. 
Not only is she self-centred in her relationships, but also her work. She’s ambitious, dangerously so. She wants to prove her worth - which under any other circumstance is a noble quality. And I really do feel for her in that regard. But her ambition led to her agreeing with Hojo on the experiment to inject Jenova cells into her own unborn child. Dirge made it very clear that she was 100% on board with the experiments. 
In short, Sephiroth is the product of two parents who had ulterior motives. While Lucrecia isn’t evil like Hojo, she certainly isn’t a saint. 
Vincent was just an unfortunate man who happened to love the wrong person. Tried to stop her from experimenting on her own child, but couldn’t. (Which, really, how could he? That decision was hers and hers alone). Vincent’s arc is to highlight Sephiroth’s past..... not to be his actual father.
I really do want Square to expand more on Vincent’s character - more specifically, his time with the Turks. Because there is far more to his character than just Lucrecia. 
.....But I don’t want Square to put in a “SURPRISE!! Vincent is actually Sephiroth’s father DESPITE us saying in several different sources (games, novellas, ultimanias, marketing) that Hojo is the father.”.... just to appease some fans. 
Sorry for the rant. I just.... blech.  
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fight-surrender · 4 years
30 Days of Carry On (At Once)
This was kinda fun, thanks @captain-aralias for doing this! 
1. Favourite major character: god I love Baz with every fibre of my being, but I think Simon is my favorite. 2. Favourite minor character: Fiona because she is who I wish I was. 3. Character you relate to the most: I answered this one earlier, but Simon, always Simon. His feelings of worthlessness resonated so viscerally, it was painful to read and still hurts all these months later. Frankly, his discovery/exploration of his sexuality was a wakeup call for me too. 4. Which character would you like to go to lunch with? Baz. I love cracking open prickly people and getting to their squshy soft side. Plus I think it would be fun to trade snipes. Granted, this would have to be a boozy lunch because in reality I’d probably freeze up and not be able to think of anything to talk about. Maybe I’ll change my answer to Simon because he’d probably be much easier to talk to? Maybe not WS Simon though. I dunno, lunch with strangers is kind of scary, actually.  5. Favourite non-Snowbaz ship: Shenelope. Fuck Micah. Penny deserves better anyway. 6. Favourite non-romantic OTP: god bless Penny & Baz. Their every interaction makes me so fucking happy. 7. Favourite Baz outfit: My knee-jerk reaction is the Gucci rose suit, but I also really love the Christmas eve dark greenish-black suit with the fucking blood pink tie. I love that visual so much. 8. How do you feel about Wayward Son? I can hardly think about it. Still. It cut me to the core
9. Favourite scene from Carry On, besides Chapter 61: I want to be your terrible boyfriend. 10. Favourite scene from Wayward Son, besides Chapter 41: I think the scene at the Hoover Dam where Blue spoke with Simon, it gave me hope. 11. Remind us about something in canon readers might have forgotten about: In Chapter 7 of CO, The Mage vows to protect Simon with his life. I think that’s why Penny’s spell & Simon’s words killed him. It was the only way to protect Simon. 12. What are your hopes and fears for Any Way the Wind Blows? All I want is for Simon & Baz to work their shit out and fucking talk. And have an actual relationship. With kissing, lots of kissing. I fear that Rainbow is going to fuck my life once again with some kind of horrible “real life” twist. 13. An unpopular/cracky opinion you hold, *whispers fearfully* So, I think CO Agatha is kind a bitch. I like her much more in WS though. 14. Something from your head fanon: Simon isn’t bumbling or awkward or dumb, he’s brilliant, just tangled up in his head. 15. Favourite quote(s) “It’s not like I’m a militant vegetarian” And just like that, Simon is ok with Baz and is ready to move on to just being his terrible boyfriend. Plus it’s funny af. 16. Favourite location other than Watford: I think it’s Baz’s house, it’s just so cleverly written, with the wraiths and gargoyles, hauntings and goat sacrifices. Not to mention the Japanese toilet. Thanks to @captain-aralias, the wraith will always be Nigel to me. 17, Favourite location in Watford. Simon & Baz’s room in Mummers House. It’s where all the magic happens. 18. What would be your favourite subject at Watford? Maybe elocution? How to use your voice to make the spells work sounds pretty interesting. 19. What would your magical implement be? My engagement ring was kind of boring, I mean, it was a nice diamond thingy (I’m not going to think about where it came from, I got it in the 90’s before I knew…) Anyway, it was never “me.” For a big anniversary a couple years ago, I had it redesigned in a more organic style with birth stones added for each family member. Now I love it so I guess it would be that. 20. Favourite magical creature. And/or invent a pun-based one. There are no unicorns in Carry On, (well aside from the edible ones in WS) but them. Always unicorns. Although my second love is Dragons. Then Merwolves. I refuse to think they’re all mean, just misunderstood. 21. Favourite canon spell. I haven’t really thought much about this, maybe “Kiss it better” for that moment in WS (you know the one) 22. What would your eighth year spell at Watford be or do? “Cheer up buttercup” which eliminates depression/anxiety. 23. Who would you want as your roommate? Baz, because he’s neat, studious and snarky. 24. Favourite item of merchandise, official or unofficial- Definitely the Baz cutout. 25. Favourite book cover design- The Kevin Wada Carry On cover. 26. Do you want a movie? If yes - any fan casts for the movie? Yes, desperately, yes. Rob Raco as Baz & and Sean Delaney as Simon. 27. If they made a movie, what scenes do you think they’d cut that you’d be furious were missing? Hm, that’s tough. Oh god, I bet they’d cut swaths of the epilogue. That would kill me. 28. If you could ask Rainbow Rowell one question, what would it be? (If you have already, you can share if you like) Not so much a question as a statement, I really, really wish she had marketed Wayward Son as part of a trilogy from the onset. Not knowing that, and reading the book thinking it was a standalone was such a sucker punch. I’ll never forget (maybe never forgive) reading WS, slogging through the pain, desperately hoping against hope for a happy ending, then getting—not that. I literally felt like I’d been punched. I preordered 5 copies of that book and feel really kind of stupid for having done it. Deceived. I really should get over this, but I’m still a little bitter. Needless to say, I’m ordering one copy of AWTWB and I’m waiting til other people read it so I know what to expect. I’m not going through that again. 29. Have you read any of Rainbow’s other books? Yes, all of them. 30. How did you get into Carry On and/or Carry On fandom? I read CO August of 2018. I fucking fell desperately in love and needed more of this world. Those boys. I reread Fangirl. Then tried to find fanfic (which I didn’t know was an actual thing) on fanfix.net (fictional!) I stumbled on to some fanart on Pinterest and noticed that a lot of it came from Tumblr (which I had no idea existed.) Then I joined Tumblr and things snowballed from there.
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