#Forever thinking about that one user who said they're trying so hard to finish their PH fic WIP
crispycreambacon · 6 months
Every day I check the Puppet History tag in AO3 and every day I get disappointed seeing my own fics stare back at me
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flowercrowncrip · 1 year
whats the worst encounter of ableism you've had, online or irl?
whats the funniest encounter of ableism you've had, online or irl?
whats something you see thats overhyped in regards to disability or cripplepunk?
do you have an ideal mobility aid or ideal disability aid in general?
feel free to skip any/all :)
cw: suicide, ableism,
1-The worst encounter of ableism I've experienced was from a psychiatric nurse my GP referred me to during a mental health crisis. I told the nurse that I was having thoughts about ending my life and he told me that he felt sorry for me because my physical disability meant my life would never be worth living. Obviously "you're doomed to feel this way forever" isn't a safe thing to say to someone trying to get help during a mental health crisis. If he could have done more to help me end my life I think he would have, and this is one of the reasons I'm so afraid of the risks around assisted suicide for disabled people.
I feel the need to add that several years on from that appointment I'm so happy that I'm alive. I've had 15 months of therapy and I'm on meds that work for me, I have the right support and equipment to manage my conditions, an extremely fulfilling job, and an amazing support network. My disability is worse than it was back then but I feel so much more content with my life.
2- The funniest example of ableism is more a story of ableism in the sense that no one had thought properly about disabled access. Only the result was that me and some other students accidentally broke into a nightclub.
I was at uni making a video with a group of disabled students for disability history month. We were filming in the student media centre which was on the first floor of a shared building. On the ground floor and basement there was a nightclub. All of the organisations shared a lift.
So we go up the lift while the nightclub is selling tickets during the day, but in the time it took for us to finish filming, the nightclub had closed and locked up. We didn't know this, so just took the lift back down when we wanted to leave. Immediately as we stepped out the lift, the burglar alarm went off.
It was the loudest thing I have ever heard in my life. It was so loud that it was totally impossible to think. All we could do was try to get away as quickly as we could so we went to the doors, which were obviously locked.
So we went back up in the lift away from the noise to figure out what to do next. We called the campus security and tried to explain what was happening but they didn't seem to get it. Eventually they told us that they were heading over our way anyway (because of the alarm) and would check in on us when they came.
When they arrived they were knocking on the lift door convinced that we were stuck in there. When we said we were stuck in the building, not the lift they didn't get it.
They looked at us, a group of disabled people including someone with a cane, someone using crutches and me, very obviously a wheelchair user, and told us if we couldn't take the lift we could "just take the stairs".
I had to awkwardly point out that wheelchairs don't go do down stairs at which point they became very embarrassed (which I won't lie was quite funny)
In the end we had to wait an hour or so for the owner of the nightclub to drive up to campus with the keys and alarm codes and it was all fine.
3- I think that the value of independence is overhyped everywhere, including in disabled spaces. I've seen a lot of disabled people state that they're somehow better than other disabled people who they view as less independent than them. Relying on mobility aids, medications, carers, family members benefits and other supports don't make you less strong, less deserving or less anything.
I really struggled with my own feelings around this when I was a teenager. I found it so hard to ask for help because I thought it made me a "bad disabled person", and seeing that insecurity reflected back at me from other disabled people online only reenforced it.
4- My ideal mobility aid would be a fully waterproof electric wheelchair. I'd love the sensation of rain or hail in my face without being stressed about my chair. Or be able to go to the beach along one of those mat things and into the sea.
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mistaeq · 4 years
The Jobros: Finding out their s/o is Pregnant with Twins
TW // none
Original Request: Can you do the jojo's reaction to their s/o being pregnant with twins after a long time of trying? You can find this here.
The sweet @serenityblaze44 asked for this same prompt with the Jobros, so... here it is! <3
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As soon as you tell him, his eyes widen, like a cat who saw his favourite toy. It's almost as if he was a kid, and you were telling him that Santa was gonna bring him his favourite gift ever. No wonder, he'll be speechless for some seconds. Not only one baby, but two? This sounds all the way like a dream becoming reality. Living in the street like he did years ago, he could only dream about having a family.
You've been trying so hard to have a baby, you both felt ready, and after all the danger he went through along with Jonathan, Robert wants to settle down and have a family, finally starting something serious. But you had a lot of problems with getting pregnant, and he was losing his hope. Until you told him you were expecting a baby. And now, you were telling him they were two, two angels of his growing in your stomach. This feels crazy.
Speedwagon won't force you and won't get angry, if you don't feel like you'd like something like this, but he'd love to name one of the twins Jonathan or William if there's at least a boy and Erina if there's at least a girl. These people mattered so much in his life, and would be the happiest if he could bring these names with him forever. If you don't like the idea, he will respectfully accept it, and he's open and ready to hear your own ideas, too!
He wants everything to be completely organized, when the twins will come to the world. Every parent buys furniture and clothing for their baby, even before the birth, it's a pretty common thing. But Robert more or less behaved like Joseph buying stuff for Shizuka with Josuke's money. Speedwagon almost bought an entire baby store out of happiness and excitement. He's enthusiast and nervous. Bear with this loving gentleman.
"What do you mean I don't have to buy six cribs for the babies? What their two ones break and we need to change it?" he groans, handing you a bag, you looking at him with questioning eyes. "Nevermind... y/n, will you hold these fifty pacifiers for me while I get the twenty pairs of baby shoes out of the car?"
Speedwagon can't keep the news to himself. He'll call Erina before everyone else, and then all his friends, like immediately, to tell them the good news. He looks calm and rational, but he spent most of his life in London's street, and few years won't erase his loud and impulsive attitude. It's probably a good thing, after all. Even gentlemen can be excited. A little sudden, but hearing it makes Erina so happy, she'll be like an aunt for your kids!
He would enjoy reading books to your stomach during your pregnancy. He would have done it even if they weren't twins, but he claims that being them two, he'll need to work twice the amount he did before to teach them stories and literature. Robert is an amazing man, but still a too grown baby, he'll never stop his ideas about how to teach the children something. He just thinks about what he'd like to do or hear if he was a child.
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He stops practicing with his hamon for some seconds as soon as you tell him. Funny, he was so focused on his training that he swore he started hearing things. You didn't just tell him that the baby bubble growing in your stomach are in reality two baby bubbles. He... oh, forget it Caesar, you must have dreamt it. But you're right next to him, and almost immediately repeat what you just told him, making him realize what he heard is true.
It takes a while for the italian boy to realize it, but when he finally does, you can tell he's happy. Mamma mia. The adrenaline and excitemente in his body won't stop flowing, this is why, when Caesar will hug you, pick you up and jump around, hamon bubbles will still be coming out of his fingertips, and you find it the cutest thing ever. It's the physical proof of how happy you make him, there's no way to deny it. Family is all he ever wanted, over his flirting habit. You're the right one for him and he knows.
Prepare your kids and your stomach to get a whole load of opera music during your pregnancy. Caesar is a great lover of opera, and will care about his kids to be as informed on it and respectful of the genre. Either he'll put on some of it, of he'll straight up sing it for you and your future children. His singing voice isn't actually so bad, you notice, and this is how he earns the task of singing them the lullabies when they'll come to the world.
"Hey! What do you mean I get to sing them the lullabies... I'm good at opera... not baby songs..." he whines, almost sounding like a baby himself. "Fine... but at one condition. You change the diapers and I sing the lullabies. Take it or leave it."
He cares a lot about his family's traditions to go on. Being the flamboyant italian he is, Caesar prides himself on the love for his close family and relatives. He doesn't have a huge request for you, but he cares about what he's gonna ask. The father-to-be would be happy, if one of the twins is a boy, to give him Antonio as a second name. Like his own second name, and his grandpa's too. He secretly hopes the twins are a boy and a girl, he's always wanted a baby princess.
The young Zeppeli will grow twice more protective and caring of you. This translates in him not letting Joseph get closer to you than three meters away. This is how you learn to speak even louder to talk with people. Your loving boy will always be in front of you to keep you safe. You appreciate it, but sometimes he's exaggerated.
He'll probably beg you on his knees, for you to allow him to teach the children how to master the hamon technique when they'll grow up. You can't really deny it, sometimes it's useful. During your pregnancy, Caesar and his calming waves helped you coping with pregnancy pains and cramps, massaging your belly and leaving some bubbles around to soothe and distract you. Oh, your caring italian love.
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When you told him the good news, his heart exploded with happiness and excitement. However, Noriaki is known for being a pretty calm boy, and he tried his best to keep calm after your words, too. You had to tell him to let go and don't worry about wanting to hug you, or pick you up and kiss you, or even cry, if he felt like letting it all out.
Before you even got pregnant, Kakyoin and you had been trying every single way on Earth to have a baby. Take count of your most fertile phase, buy a lot of pregnancy tests, using different positions, praying, making rituals, crying and asking Siri, in tears, why Noriaki couldn't manage to get you pregnant. Did those ways work so well that you got twice more pregnant than you expected? Nevermind, all you know is that you and your loving cherry boy are gonna have two beautiful babies.
"Listen... why do you think I can't get my baby pregnant? We've been trying every single way... do you have any advice?" as soon as Siri answered, Kakyoin's eyes widened, and raised an eyebrow. "Hey, don't give me the 'Sorry, I'm not sure what you said' treatment!"
One of his first thoughts, is that there's a small - but now it's higher because the babies are two - percentage of chances your babies might be stand users. Yes, it's not the highest percentage ever, but it's still there, and Kakyoin is pretty afraid of it. Stand users' lives are never calm and quiet, he had the occasion to prove this himself. They often go towards almost deadly experiences. He's gotta be a good dad and protect his children.
Hierophant Green is overjoyed! Noriaki and his stand worked hard, to create some decorations for the babies' room with emeralds. Green is a neutral color, since you don't know whether the twins will be boys, girls, or both. Still, you don't think colors like pink and blue are gendered, that's some stereotypical bullshit. But you had the luck of having green decorations, perfect for anyone, from Hierophant's power.
Kakyoin secretly hopes that at least one of the babies, no matter whether it's a boy or a girl, will have his hair color or hair noodle. Think about it, wouldn't it be funny, cute and incredibly special to have a small version of your husband/boyfriend walking around the house? Oh god, what if they're identical twins? Three Noriakis? Oh my.
Even if this might embarrass him a little, you'll often get to see his parents during your pregnancy. First of all, to give them the good news about the baby being in reality two babies, and second of all because mrs. Kakyoin would be on cloud nine, getting the chance to give you some parenting advice. That's also how you get to know some interesting information and curiosities about your man's childhood. The cutest things ever. But this... is another story.
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Okuyasu.exe has stopped working. What do you mean two babies? He thought the shocking news were finished, after the pregnancy announcement. He's gonna ask you a billion times, on the verge of tears, if you're joking or messing with him, knowing how much these news matter to his heart. When he gets you're serious, Okuyasu just lets go and cries. He feels so damn happy.
He learnt to hate your period as much as you, honestly. Because everytime you got it, it meant another month in which he had failed in getting you pregnant had passed, and this made him feel useless and disappointing. You never thought anything like this about him, but making him understand this is pretty difficult, he wouldn't have forgiven himself until he succeeded. You wanted a baby and Okuyasu wanted so too, so he would have given it to you, no matter what.
"Oi... did you... you know, bleed this month already?" Okuyasu asked, with the eyes of someone who was afraid of asking. But you shook your head. "This is good, love... but let's not get our hopes up, shall we, y/n?"
He doesn't really have any special requests or ideas for your babies' names. Or better, he does have one, but will never tell you, as he thinks for sure that you'll never agree with doing it. Okuyasu would have liked the kanji "兆" ("chou": trillion) to be in at least one of your babies' names, to remember his brother. But your boy is pretty sure you'd hate it, and he'd never suggest this. You'll probably feel there's something he's not telling you and find out anyway.
Expecting two babies is tiring, and you'll need to rest a lot. Okuyasu would like to join you and hold you in your sleep, but he also wants to be awake to take care of you, get you something to eat or drink, or put in order his messy house to make it look at least decent for when the babies will come. This is why, while you take your naps, he works around the house and lets The Hand cuddle with you. It's always him, after all. He feels the way you hold his stand.
This leads to the father-to-be being often pretty tired, too. He overworks himself. At night, when he finally joins you in your bed, happens to fall asleep in a matter of seconds, wearing his ordinary clothes instead of his pajamas. You can tell he's gonna be a good dad. Some mornings during your pregnancy, if you happened to wake up before him, you'd quietly turn off his alarm clock for him to rest more.
Okuyasu's dad is on cloud nine too, as his family is going to get larger. Mansaku totally wants to take a photo with you two and his grandchildren, as soon as they'll be born. He accepted you and behaves with you the same caring way he does towards his son. He's changed in a better man, despite his appearance. But the first person Okuyasu told the good news to, was Keicho. He purposely went on his grave, because he knew his brother would have been proud.
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You tell him the good news while he's working. Not only it'll make his day better, but it'll also hopefully get his mind off of that giant bunch of papers on his desk, for once. The capo suddenly stops, moving his gaze towards your eyes, then your stomach, then your eyes again. You'll have to repeat, or he'll be sure he's imagined what you said because of the too much time spent working. But there's no joke or dream, you're pregnant with twins.
Screw all the papers and all the work that's left. He's gonna get you in a so tight and warm embrace of his, and never let go. Libeccio's for dinner that night? Guaranteed. He's usually a calm man, but whatever is related to his family, gets celebrated. When you announced your pregnancy, you had a dinner with the whole gang at the restaurant, but this time Bruno would rather have something more personal and private with you. Make the dinner romantic.
When you were still trying to have a baby, Bucciarati was the one who managed not to lost his temper when every attempt of yours resulted in a negative pregnancy test. But when you weren't around, I won't say he cried, but was pretty close. He was afraid of not being able to give you what you wanted, and usually ranted about this with Abbacchio. Bruno wanted to be the shoulder you could cry on, and couldn't breakdown too.
You both decided to wait some time before telling the gang about the baby being in reality two babies. They were still excited for your pregnancy itself, Mista and Narancia above everyone, and giving another shocking news would have probably brought the peace to say arrivederci. They still managed to get you confess, the look in Bruno's expressive eyes was too happy not to notice.
Just like Giorno would do, Bruno wouldn't be happy if his two angels ended up being involved in Passione's business. He totally will let the gang around his babies, as he trusts them, but during your pregnancy you both decided that the one of you taking care of the babies on a certain day, wouldn't even think of getting close to Passione's headquarters with the children. And you agreed with Bucciarati, for your little ones' safety.
"You'll agree with me that our children's safety is the most important thing, tesoro mio..." Bruno murmured, caressing your cheek. "Let's not bring them close to this place ever, I beg you. I'm sure you'll understand."
He would enjoy talking and interacting with his babies by laying his head on your stomach, kissing it and listening to them moving in the last weeks of your pregnancy. Sticky Fingers is in love with you too, and Bruno won't ever lose the chance to close you in a cuddle sandwich between his body and his stand's to make you feel protected and let you know how proud of you he is. Bucciarati will be a special dad, indeed.
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svucarisiaddict · 5 years
could you write about the reader working at SVU and she has been secretly sleeping with Stone?? (maybe not a relationship, more like friends with benefits) and it all comes out during a case they're working on? Added bonus of a jealous Sonny? :) xxx
Tiptoeing around Peter’s bedroom you found your clothing piece by piece. Everything but your panties. “Seriously?” you whispered. “Where the hell could they be?”
“Looking for these?” He was holding your panties up, well what was left of them anyway. Peter had a most satisfied smirk on his face.
You rounded the bed to take them from him. “That’s the second pair this week, Peter. These aren’t exactly inexpensive.”
“I’ll buy you more.” He grabbed your waist pulling you back into bed causing you to giggle. “Or,” he said kissing down your neck, “you could just not wear any.”
“Hmmm…you’d like that wouldn’t you?” you sighed as his fingers ghosted up your thigh and hiked it up.
“You have no idea,” Peter whispered.
“We’ll be late, Peter,” you murmured not really planning on stopping the attention he was lavishing on you right now. Peter was a gentle, passionate lover that cared about your pleasure as he did his own.
“Probably,” he stated.
Sonny’s head shot up when you flopped into your desk chair across from him. “Right down to the wire,” he commented. He pushed a coffee over to you. “Looks like you need this more than me.”
Your brows shot up. “Not sure whether to say thank you or screw you.” Taking a sip from the cup you made a face. “Where did this coffee come from? 2010?”
He chuckled. “I made it with my French press.”
“Carisi. Y/L/N. Need you two at Bellevue. Michelle Martin, 35-year-old assault victim. She was attacked outside a bar in Chelsea last night,” she informed the two of you. “You okay, Y/L/N?”
“Yeah. Sonny made coffee with his French press,” you said pushing the cup back to him.
Liv grimaced. “He got me on that one today too,” she replied.
“See if I ever do anything nice for you guys again,” Sonny remarked as he stood and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair.
“If that’s nice, I’d hate to see if you did something mean,” you quipped.
“Just for that you’re driving,” he said then pushed the button for the elevator.
When the doors opened Peter stepped out from the lift. “Y/N. Carisi. How are you today?”
His eyes met yours and you could feel the blush creep across your cheeks. “Doing good. What have you been up to?”
Peter’s eyes stayed locked to yours. He was silent for a moment. “Just work. Not getting much sleep,” he said.
“Sounds rough,” you replied. The pull to this man was unreal. If Sonny hadn’t been standing there you’d pull Peter into some empty office, or closet, or…”Uh, we better get going,” you said seeing Sonny holding the elevator.
“Nice seeing you. Maybe we’ll run into one another later?”
“Perhaps. You have a good day, Peter.” He was still standing there when the door slid close.
Sonny pursed his lips and cocked his head. “What was all that about?”
“It’s a bad idea, Y/L/N,” Sonny said with the shake of his head. “He has issues, not to mention he’s the ADA for our department.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about. I simply exchanged some pleasantries with the man,” you said defensively.
“I’m sure that’s not all you’ve exchanged with him,” Sonny mumbled.
“Excuse me?” you said.
Sonny shrugged. “Just sayin’.”
“Tell ya what. Don’t talk to me unless it pertains to the case or work,” you sneered. “Until then steer clear of me, Carisi.” When the doors opened you stomped from the elevator out to the SVU.
The drive to the hospital was quiet except for the radio playing quietly and the muted noise of the city. Sonny turned to you a couple looking like he was going to say something but stopped himself.
The questioning went smoothly. The victim was able to give an account of the events of the previous night, and give a brief description of the perp. While you talked to the doctor and SANE nurse, Sonny interviewed the two friends that had been with her the night before who hadn’t seen her with anyone.
The next stops were the club, Michelle’s apartment and then to get street and club footage.
When you finished it was late in the evening.  Sonny was waiting for you leaning against the hand railing. He had two cups in his hand and held one out to you.
“A peace offering,” he said. “I’m sorry. What I said was inappropriate. I still don’t like him.”
You accepted the coffee as the two of you fell into stride next to one another. “Thank you. And you don’t have to like him.”
“So it is true?” Sonny stated.
“God, Sonny. You just don’t know how to shut up do you?” Deciding to take a taxi you tossed the keys to Sonny. “See you back at the station.”
“Y/N. C’mon, huh. I’m sorry,” he called out.
Without turning you stuck your middle finger up at him and continued walking.
Sonny was already back when you shed your jacket and sat at your desk to start writing up Michelle’s testimony. Numerous times Sonny tried to speak to you but unless it was work related you ignored him. The squad room was basically deserted.
A smile crossed your face when your phone buzzed. “Hi. Yeah, I’ll be done soon. I’ve missed you too.”
“Bet I can guess who that was.” When you didn’t respond to his snarky remark he continued. “You can’t ignore me forever,” he said in a hushed tone.
You scoffed. “Watch me.”
“I really don’t get you, Y/N, ya know? I’m just trying to look out for you,” Sonny snapped. He leaned back in his chair causing it to creak.
“I don’t need you or anyone else look out for me! In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a grown ass woman. My sex life is none of yours or anyone else’s concern. So mind your own business, ” you shot back. At that moment you were thankful it was late so no one could hear your conversation.
“It’s hard to mind my business when you’re making the monumental mistake of sleeping with Stone! He’s a womanizer, Y/N. You’re just another notch on his bedpost.” Sonny stood and threw his pen on the desk.
Pointing a finger at Sonny you stood as well. “Maybe I’m the user. Maybe I’m the one making notches! Ever think of that? Or maybe you’re jealous you’re not one of the notches.”
“Carisi. Y/L/N. Interrogation 1. Now,” Liv’s stern voice caused you to freeze. “Go!”
Sonny shook his head. “Unbelievable.”
“You’re the unbelievable one,” you muttered back at him as the two of you walked to the interrogation room.
“Sit,” Liv directed. The chairs scraped along the floor. She placed her hands flat on the table and leaned over. “First of all, the way you two conducted yourselves just now is unacceptable. You’re detectives for the NYPD, not a couple college kids fighting over the last beer. Whatever issues the two of you have with one another needs figured out or you’ll be assigned a new partner. As far as the name that was brought up and the context, I’m ignoring it. For now.”
Your eyes darted to her. “Lieu. I can-”
She held her hands up. “I don’t want to hear another word.” Turning to Sonny she said, “as for you, sometimes it’s best to keep your opinions to yourself no matter how much you think you’re helping someone. Especially when it comes to their sex life.” Liv placed her hands on her hips. “Now, go home. I’ll see both of you back on Monday.”
“But it’s only Thursday,” Sonny piped up.
“Right take an administrative day,” she confirmed. Liv turned on her heel and left the room closing the door firmly behind her.
You uncrossed and crossed your legs. Neither you or Sonny said anything for several minutes. Taking a deep breath you decided to be the first to speak. “I’m human, Carsi. I get lonely. I have needs. And Peter, he’s safe, no strings. I appreciate your concern, I do. But I went into this thing with Peter eyes wide open.”
Sonny considered what you said for a minute. “I just worry. I’ve seen how he can be with women. I hate seeing you hurt. I said some things that I’m not proud of and for that, I apologize. I hope you can forgive me and we can still be friends.”
“As long as you forgive me and stay my partner,” you said then smiled.
Sonny rose from the chair and rounded the table. “Bring it in,” he said with open arms and a dimpled grin.
You stood and walked into his arms. “Thank you for caring so much. It feels good,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his middle.
“It’s what I do,” he replied giving you a squeeze and kissed the crown of your head.
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undeservedfavor · 4 years
Update Varies
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The Bucketlist
Mini-Series of Short Stories
St. Valentines Day [EN]: Chapter 4
Two months has passed as they continued to work together until they finish the movie and gained so much awards and credit.
"Woohoo!!! Guys! Let's party! We all deserve it for all the hard work!" Director said.
"I think you guys need to talk about something. I don't know but while working with the both of you, we all feel sexual tension in the air." The celebrity Catherine said to Gisela when she noticed that Dorian is eyeing her from afar.
"H-he thinks he's so hot that he can get everyone. Though he told me he had indecent proposals in the past, 3 SMS, 4 Calls, 6 DMs, and 2 missed calls... He's not that hot." Gisela told the actress.
"Woah, so updated, are we?" Catherine gave Gisela a knowing look and a knowing smile.
"Can we talk?" After the Dorian's invitation, he and Gisela went to the nearest park.
"Whenever, I see that sand box, I remember Plage Solitaire. The most peaceful beach on the planet." Gisela just nodded to what Dorian said.
"I-im sorry." They both said in unison.
Then, they laughed a bit with embarrassment.
"L-listen-..." They said again in chorus.
"You go first." Dorian said.
"No. You should go first." Gisela said.
"Uhm, here you go... C-can we be together?" Dorian asked Gisela who shed tears immediately with the question.
"You don't understand. You don't wanna be with someone so-called 'Damaged Good'. I don't want you to regret it. You don't wanna be with me. You don't need to due to pity. You don't-..." Gisela's anxiety is overwhelmingly obvious.
"We do not know those things yet. Those are 'What ifs', you're far from a 'Damaged Good'. For me, you're a beautiful 'Work-in-progress' and hell, despite the controversies I had, I'm still in good condition, whatever you're going through, I will go through it with you. Whatever you're thinking, I'll help you overcome it. If there's someone who can try and understand you, that's me. For me, this isn't the time to waste time and fool around, this is not like the roles I play, this is real. You are real. I don't care how hard it is but no matter what, I wanna be a part of something so beautiful... A part of your plans in the future. Please. For old times' sake, let me be with you all the way." Gisela, lost for words nodded crying as Dorian also shed tears.
"Gisela, thank you. I love you..." Dorian whispered to Gisela as he caress the woman's hair, embracing her long and tight enough to make her feel safe.
"Let me drive you home." Dorian told Gisela.
They both started living under one roof at Dorian's condominium unit.
One morning, as they're lying on the bed, Dorian hesitantly asked about Gisela's list...
"Dear Piggy... A-are you still gonna continue with that list?" She showed him the list seeing number '6' crossed out.
"Back in the beach, I haven't really finished the list yet. Now, it's done. I actually skipped on number '6' and went straight to number 7, 8, 9 and 10. 'Cause you're not just any random guy... Technically you're my little Dino, but... You're the one." Dorian checked the list out due to his curiosity.
1. Earn a lot for the future. ✓
2. Quit the medical industry. ✓
3. Spend more time with the only family - Merian. ✓
4. Finish writing my novels and posting it to my writing/social platforms. ✓
5. Buy a house in Plage Solitaire at a chosen paradise to 'live and die' for. ✓
6. Have virginity taken by a random guy and leave him clueless afterwards. *Skip this part.* ✗✗
7. Get a writing job. ✔
8. Take care and fully pay insurance. ✅
9. Have the one closest to my heart, help me choose a casket and designs for the tomb.
Plus, choose a church for the blessing and perfect spot in the graveyard/cemetery.
10. Chose a great necrological service speaker. I want a great Eulogy.
Dorian just looked carefully at Gisela's face and embraced her tightly.
Then, she spoke...
"I know. I'm a weirdo." Gisela told Dorian.
"Piggy... You're kinda like scaring me with these things but if this is the way I can be with you, I'll understand, process and digest every single bit of it. I'm not even gonna ask you why you made this list in the first place but if you're ready to not give up on life, I'm gonna go with you if you decided to get yourself checked." Dorian said.
"I'll tell you when the time comes..." Gisela said.
The couple decided to go shopping.
No ordinary shopping but he's only doing it for Gisela even if he doesn't wanna consider the thought.
"You know what? I think this one will be okay. Ah! I know! Maybe I can also have a reservation my own. Same color as I've chosen for you. So when the time comes... We're still gonna go as a couple. Even if it's the after-life." Dorian joked a bit.
"Don't. Even though, couple shirts, couple rings and other couple stuff might be cute, I don't want you to think about a couple casket. You're a born villain. And villains don't die unless it's passed hundreds of years already. Plus, they don't even age. Time flies for them gracefully like a bloodline of a vampire." Gisela joked him back.
The next stop is to the cemetery.
They're choosing tomb designs.
"This is perfect, 'In loving memories of...-" Gisela was cut of.
"We can choose the designs Piggy but it's good to personalize those messages." Dorian said as he wrote things down on a paper.
You have lived a life full of love.
Soon, we'll meet and love again up above.
To the place where there is never-ending peace.
Your Dorian
Gisela smiled at Dorian and they went to the cemetery.
Gisela insisted to choose a spot.
"This spot is nice. The one near the tree." She said.
"I would already reserve those two spots next to each other. So that I can lie down with you forever when the time comes..." Dorian said Gisela shed tears and hugged Dorian.
"I don't wanna take you in this journey with me. You're not welcome this early to where I'm heading. Sorry for being so difficult but thank you for having number 9 checked off my list." Gisela said as she embraces her boyfriend.
A day after Dorian's shoot, he went home to Gisela and the house was empty.
Their things are scattered all over the floor.
The entire house was messy.
There are no traces of Gisela everywhere.
She's missing.
"My dearest, why end up dodging the bullet once more? Running away and hiding again on me like that." Dorian whispered.
He searched everywhere for her and in a place he thought Gisela would go to.
"She's not here. She went through a deep trauma after she saw her parents died in the car accident. I know my cousin can be a handful, but please, don't give up on her." Merian said.
Dorian just nodded and headed off.
Dorian did not bring his car along to find Gisela in the hardest and most hidden places in the city.
As he was walking along the subway...
He found a cying woman.
With hands on her head and her hair covering her face.
Her hairs are tangled and all over the place.
Her skin's full of dirt.
When Dorian tried to look at the woman's face, he was shocked.
It was Gisela.
He brought the woman home and cleaned her up.
She fell asleep crying.
As soon as the woman woke up, she said she's gonna use the toilet.
"You sure you can stand?" Dorian asked. The woman just mindlessly nodded.
Dorian thought to check on Gisela when she's taking too long.
He did not lose hope until this sight.
He found Gisela lying unconsciously on the bathroom floor.
"Gisela!!!" He lifted the woman and brought her to the nearest hospital.
Dorian waited for hours for a doctor to come up to him and say that Gisela's okay.
"A-are you with her?" Dorian nodded as the doctor approached him.
"I'm doctor Ariel James Devant, Psychologist." The doctor introduced himself.
"We did not ask for a Psychologist, we need a Physician to have Gisela checked!!!" Dorian almost lost it.
"She's not physically sick. Not until now. We have pulled up a few counselling records of Gisela. In fact, I was her batchmate in Med-school, she quit and did not finish Med-school. So she just continued being a nurse. Because of her parent's car crash, her parents died in front of her in a car accident. She then became my first patient. I have checked on Gisela a few times and she never went back to the clinic afterwards. She's so indenial that something's physically wrong with her and insistent that she's nearing death, that she shuts down people who wanna have her checked by a professional or by any doctor. She has been diagnosed with constant fear of death that it lead to a severe case of anxiety." Doctor James said.
Dorian was not able to process what's happening and could not speak.
"People who has Thanatophobia, would not like to talk about death for it has caused them depression. On her case, it's different. For that's the only thing she wanna focus and talk about out of fear. Like her whole entire world revolves on the thought that she might, oh sorry, that she 'WILL' die. She already decided that for herself. Anxiety took a toll on her that her brain was mentally pausing because of too much stress, overwhelming worry, overthinking and unshown worry, sometimes this can cause nausea and problems with balancing." The same doctor continued talking.
"Maybe this is the reason why she 'slipped' in the bathroom. She lost consciouness in the bathroom because she might have hit her head on the floor. Now, there's internal bleeding, we need to have an operation ASAP to prevent brain mass. You have to prepare because the operation is risky, after that, she may go under a few days, weeks or even months in coma. Worst case is never to wake up." Another doctor spoke.
"My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is doctor Jessie Ulysis Voltaire. Neurologist and Physicist." He introduced.
After that, they all worked on Gisela's operation.
They spent hours to finish it and what they said was true...
Gisela fell into a coma for weeks now and counting.
Dorian held the woman's hand in his...
He got a Pig and a Dinosaur stuffed-toy that he put on the hospital bed beside her.
"Do you remember this Dear Piggy? You're Dinosaur's here to wake you up. You're my nurse. You shouldn't be lying there for a long time, at that bed. You're supposed to be the one who's taking care of me." Dorian said.
The woman was just unresponsive.
She was still deep asleep.
"You should have told me what you're going through. I should have understand. A-are you punishing me for loving you so much?" He said, sheding tears as he kissed the back of Gisela's hand.
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