#Forgot to add more text over bonk but oh well-
ombiblombi · 11 months
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@b0nkcreat @handbagman
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rendezvousrenjun · 4 years
ring ring rejection | four
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au masterlist | prev | next  ✰ pairing :  highschool!renjun x reader (+ dreamies + best friend!mark) ✰ genre : fluff + angst ✰  word count : 3.9k → a/n: happy renjun day! the bolded words are translated actual quotes from renjun himself incorporated within the story. hope you enjoy!
The world with Renjun felt like velvet. But velvet isn’t a feeling? Well it wasn’t-- not until you started visiting him during rehearsals. Velvet was when Renjun sighed after messing up a line, the pink of his lips turning a richer color after biting down on them in frustration. His voice flowed unbelievably smooth. Yes, it was velvet indeed. 
“Run this over with me one last time I promise!” Renjun would ask you after school often these days. His matching yellow bracelet is on display as he reaches over to take a hold of your wrist to stop you from leaving the dance room where rehearsals were constantly being held until the show. 
But Renjun is a perfectionist. You’ve grown close enough to him to know that by now. It also meant him practicing like no tomorrow every single day. Which also meant, you, being his number one supporter, got home late more often than not. 
It was around six pm when you began to sprawl out against the floor where Renjun continued to pace endlessly, looking up at the mirrors that surrounded the two of you from time to time to watch his expression. You close your eyes, listening to the velvet of his voice again. You know you were probably supposed to go home to start homework, or get tired of listening to his script over and over, but you didn’t. Ah the stupid things we do when we like someone. 
“y/n are you still listening? Sorry for keeping you for so long… you’ve probably memorized my script at this point…” you look up to see him start to crouch down to your level, “I just realized we are the only ones left right now.”
“We’re always the only ones left Junnie.” 
In the past, you would’ve flipped out at this close proximity; the two of you alone in a room with no one else. But now you admire his crooked tooth when he smiles wide at you, getting up again to run through it “one more time”. 
It was a pattern. He had integrated himself into your life just as you had his. But this pattern was bound to be broken.
You were late to follow Renjun for his last rehearsal before the show. It was unfortunate, but there were matters you had to take care of concerning your transcript and councilor. Finishing what you had to do, there was a pep to your step walking to the dance room, expectant and excited to see his expression when you present him the sour gummy bears you had stashed in your backpack. You imagine an entire scenario in your head, ending with “oh y/n! These are so sweet-- just like you! Would you perhaps want to go on a date???” In which you would answer, “Of course juNNie what took you so long?!?”
Giggling to yourself, you knock on the door to be greeted by Jisung. Behind him you see Yoojung patting Renjun’s shoulder, her hand lingering there making you feel some type of way. Jisung notices your sudden drop of expression and bonks you on the head. 
“Ahh” you rub your head without any real intention of making it feel better. 
“It’s been awhile my favorite tutor!” Jisung cracks up at you and takes your head into his hands to hold you like a basketball, dragging you inside the room towards the back of the mirror. You start tickling his armpits blindly, unable to see him as his hands make you look downwards. He begins to giggle uncontrollably, but does not ease up on your head.
“Jisung why the heck did you have to get so tall, you evil baby giant!” 
His chuckles get increasingly loud, making you somewhat frustrated but overall genuinely glad he was here to distract you from being maybe, just maybe, okay maybe totally, a bit upset. 
The ruckus makes Yoojung turn to look at the two of you, Renjun following suit. He sees you kicking aimlessly at Jisung’s ankles, suddenly aware of his own leg length. He watches as Jisung releases your head, and goes in to hug it instead. He thinks you look like you’re going to suffocate, that it must be uncomfortable for you. 
Yoojung is looking at Renjun again, “why do you look so annoyed?” she pokes fun at him, squeezing his arm. 
“I’m not though?” he snaps away from whatever he was thinking, his face stretching out into a smile listening to Yoojung’s voice. “Okay Junnie…” 
The way she adopted the nickname from hearing you say it countless times makes Renjun shiver. It certainly sounds different. But that didn’t mean he didn’t like it. 
“Oh y/n! I forgot to introduce you to my duet partner Chenle.” You stop trying to eavesdrop on whatever Yoojung and Renjun were saying, turning your attention to Jisung taking your wrist to pull you towards the group of performers in the other corner of the room. 
Renjun saw it in the corner of his eye. The wrist pulling.
“Chenle this is my favorite junior, y/n-” Jisung puts his two hands together and shows his palms in a begging-type mannerism to point towards you, bending his knees a bit. Chenle raises his eyebrows at you, then furrows them, his mouth opening a bit as if he’s had an epiphany--
“Oh! You’re Mark’s partner in crime!” 
“You know who Mark is?”
“Who doesn’t know who Mark is?”
“You have a point.”
You weren’t able to give Renjun the sour gummy bears. You left quite abruptly when Mark and Haechan busted into the dance room to get you so that you could let them hide in your house (tldr; they said not to question them and so you didn’t, too used to their shenanigans). Chenle and Jisung yell out that they hope to see you soon, whilst Renjun is in the middle of his conversation with Yoojung, not being able to say anything. 
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As the three of you were all going to the same event, Mark offered Haechan and you to carpool with him and his mom. Naturally, the three of you got ready in his household as well. Mrs. Lee slowly opens the door to Mark’s bedroom where you ended up changing after Mark insisted he’d just change in the bathroom. 
Fiddling with the hem of your dress, you turn around so that your back faces the mirror, unable to tie up the backing. You give up trying to figure out how to clasp your dress and text Mark asking him to call Mrs. Lee for help. She knocked softly before closing the gap swiftly afterwards, making sure no one else could invade your privacy. She looks at you through the mirror and her kind features soften even more, her cheeks raising as a maternal smile makes its way to her mouth. 
“Oh dear, you look like an absolute angel.” 
She calmly makes her way to your back to help tie up the dress. 
“Really?” your voice is soft, her presence reassuring.
“Well, you always look like an angel, but today especially you’re an absolute stunner!” Mrs. Lee giggles while playing with your hair. In times like these, you’re extremely grateful to be a part of Mark’s life, gaining another parental figure as sweet as Mrs. Lee has always been a blessing. For as long as you’ve known his family, they’ve always been your second home. Her eyebrow quirks up along with a corner of her mouth, “so I heard Renjun is going to be the host of this event…”
“Mark told you?”
“Mhm… do you plan on telling him how you feel?”
“I don’t know… he still likes Yoojung and I really don’t want to be the one who gets in the middle of that, you know?”
She takes ahold of your shoulders, having the both of you sit at the edge of the bed. She looks down into your lap and takes your hands before patting them rhythmically, as if comforting a baby. “Sometimes y/n, just sometimes, although it’s good to be considerate of others’ feelings,” she looks you in the eyes, “you have to be selfish for what you really want for yourself too.” 
The blaring sound of a car horn suddenly penetrates through the walls of the house, Haechan’s frantic screaming being heard and calling both of your attention. Mrs. Lee’s expression is grim as you burst out laughing, the two of you making your way downstairs to find that those buffoons trying to start the car without you guys. 
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“Remember to text Haechan’s mom thirty minutes before you guys head home!” are Mrs. Lee’s last words as she drops the three of you in the parking lot and rolls her window back up. You can see her beige minivan transform into a single black dot on the outstretch of the road, the horizon line being more prominent as the sun begins to set into it. 
Haechan checks the time on his watch, “why are we here thirty minutes early? y/n are you really that excited to see Renjun??”
“Oh shut up-”
“Haechan! I need to use the restroom! Wanna go with me!?” Mark suddenly interrupts, subtly nudging you with his elbow. 
Haechan starts walking down to the restroom at the end of the plaza, expecting Mark to follow. But before he does, he places a hand on your shoulder. Your gaze meets his and he starts to remove his suit jacket to place it on your shoulders, patting down your arms. “Mark…”
“Hurry! What are you waiting for?” he pushes you lightly towards the plaza, jogging shortly after to catch up to Haechan.
The plaza is built like a classic colosseum, luxurious arches and columns sticking together to form a dome-like shape. The venue is exclusive and wide, making you feel small in comparison. Its backdrop are the soft hues of dusk, floating around it like a painting you would see on the ceiling of a castle ballroom, the ones with tiny naked babies dancing amongst the clouds. The night air is chilly, hitting your cheeks and legs until they blossomed into a rosy color. The lights perched outside the entrance adds to the overall glow that entrances you inwards.
You bust open the heavy door, opening up the beautiful theater. The floor is black and glossy, tiny specks that resemble stars glitter all the way down to the stage that waits at the end, in front of the velvet red seats. The velvet feeling is back again. Warm yet sophisticated, taking up the feeling in your chest as your feet lead you downwards. Each step you take towards the stage feels slower and slower, the shoes you wore making you wobble a bit, causing you to hold onto a gold painted pillar that lines up with every row of seats. There are only a couple people scattered around, but the busy attitude and bustling makes the temperature of the arena swell with heat fast. You take off Mark's suit jacket, the lights making the silk of your dress shine. Then finally, you see him. 
Renjun emerges from the curtain of the stage to frantically ask someone with a headset to fix the lighting in the middle. You can see the stress embroidered into his forehead, his side to you. You are still making your way down the steps slowly but more confidently, when he turns around to look at where the light is supposed to be, which happens to be right behind where you’re standing. 
The light flashes brightly behind you, causing him to squint and cover his eyes with the back of his left palm. As it dims, and the headset person asks him if it’s alright now, he slowly moves his hand away to reveal your figure walking towards him. The knit of his forehead falls, his face loosening. He’s awe-struck by you, his gaze lifting from your footsteps to your smiling face, angelically looking down at him. This moment is almost deja-vu, like he’s seen it in a dream. A moment that feels as if it’s stuck in time. It almost feels like he’s watching you walk down an aisle at a wedding. He’s frozen, unable to hear or grasp anything besides you. 
When you realize he’s essentially checking you out, you freeze on the fourth to last step. If you thought Renjun was gorgeous when you first saw him, in this moment he was the epitome of fucking perfect. He was velvet in a velvet suit, his black t-shirt tucked in underneath, his hair pushed backwards like a dapper gentleman you would find in an old film. There’s deafening tension between where you are and where he is. Like two planets in orbit. Except Renjun might as well be the entire sun. 
He’s confused with the panging in his chest, if it was stage fright or-- no it can’t be. His hands ball into fist, his thumb beginning to rub over his index’s knuckle. Get a grip.
“y/n!!” He hops off the stage, ignoring the sudden pounding in his heart that’s reached his ears and made them red. 
You walk faster, setting Mark’s jacket in a seat at the front, before excitedly shaking your hands out to him, “Junnie!!”, expecting him to take your hands and swing them around. Instead he jogs over to you to put you in a choke-hold.He starts patting your head like some type of drum, messing up Mrs. Lee’s previous work. 
“You must be really nervous huh?” 
“How could you tell?” He takes the two of you into the front seats, making sure not to hurt you while carrying your head in the hold. 
“I could hear your heartbeat since my ear is squished in your chest.” You try to look up at him, only to find him spaced out at the stage. He’s chewing his lip to calm himself down. Holding you also helps, like a teddy bear trapped under his arm. “Renjun?”
“Mmm?” he still doesn’t look at you. 
“You’re more than enough, okay?”
He snaps out of his trance, and looks down at your head peeking out of his arm. He shows you his toothy grin that you’ve missed more than you thought, which urges you to continue.
“Not only for hosting this, but just as you are as well.”
The tapping of his foot comes to a halt, anxiety melting little by little hearing your comforting words. 
“Thank you y/n.” 
He releases your head and attempts to fix the strands of hair that he messed up. “Tell the rest of the gang I said thank you for being here too.” 
“Where are you going?”
“To go and get ready silly.” He gives up trying to fix it and ruffles the top of your head again before heading behind the curtains. 
Mark and Haechan scare you in your seat as you sit still, not moving after Renjun had already disappeared. Chatter spreads more into the room as more occupants sit down. One of them being Jaemin, dressed to the nines with his own suit, causing Haechan to jokingly bow down to his feet. You shift in your dress, worried Renjun is freaking out backstage. 
“Hey, he’s going to be fine y/n.” Mark tells you after the lights start to dim little by little. “And remember, our friend Lucas is coming! Cheer up a bit, everything will run smoothly!” He smiles at you and you reciprocate. 
You’re still stiff in place when Yoojung arrives and finds your group near the front. She’s dressed so well that even you feel butterflies in your stomach at the sight of her. 
“Hello buddies!” She greets the four of you with a small yet elegant wave of her hand. “Do you mind if I sit here with you?”
“Actually,” Mark surprisingly cuts her off, “I’m reserving a seat for our friend Lucas.”
Yoojung begins to laugh. She holds her stomach, her laughter coming up like tufts of powder leaves a compact when you pat it-- airy, light, and a little mocking with the amount of fallout. 
“Well that’s not a problem!” She finally says after a chuckle.
Even Jaemin at the end of the row stands up due to how confused he is with Yoojung’s strange acting. All of you are a bit perplexed until Lucas himself comes down to the bottom row and greets not only the four of you, but Yoojung as well. 
“Babe! I didn’t know you knew Mark and y/n as well?” Lucas comes behind Yoojung to hug her slender shoulders, smiling at the rest of you in front of her. 
Shock. Shock would be the word, no the feeling, that came with this situation. Yoojung has a boyfriend. Yoojung’s boyfriend is Lucas. Lucas is your childhood friend. You sit down to process this.
“Wow…” Haechan says in a scoff before looking behind him to see Jaemin on his phone. “What a small world.”
“Sure is!” says Yoojung before sitting down. Lucas sits in the middle of her and Mark so that the two of them could awkwardly catch up. Your phone starts to blow up with texts, reminding you to silent it. You look down to see 5318008 group chat notifications. 
→ JAEM: renjun don’t go through with your performance for yoojung → Full Sun: yoojung has a boyfriend jun… she’s been leading you on… idhigrfeoerihy → JAEM: read your text injun! yaaaaaaaaa → JAEM: read → Full Sun: read this → JAEM: your → JAEM: TEXTSSSSS → marky: RENJUN FOR HEAVEN SAKES CHECK YOUR PHONE GD IM TRYING TO TEXT THIS TO YOU WHILE LUCAS IS TALKING TO YOOJUNG → marky: LUCAS IS HER BOYFRIEND WTF → marky: DIDNT EVEN TELL US TOO >:( → Full Sun: THIS WHOLE TIME TOO??? LIKE THE AUDACITY THAT GIRL HAS TO BE TALKING TO YOU LIKE THAT AND HAVE LUCAS BE HER MANS WHATTT → JAEM: im so pissed for u jun, this whole time she could’ve said SOMETHING literally ANYTHING to indicate she’s TAKEN → marky: she’s either really flirtatious and oblivious oR idk → y/n: junnie please look at your phone or else we’re going to start calling you!
Jaemin taps your shoulder, the lights of the theater dimming completely, signalling the show is about to start. You could tell how worried he is for Renjun right now, but with the look he’s giving you, it’s too late to warn him. 
Renjun enters the stage. He scans the entirety of the thousand people audience before seeing the six of you. He already knows you’ve invited Lucas, so he doesn’t question his presence, smiling at him in acknowledgement instead. You can see him take a subtle breath before speaking into his microphone.
“There’s a bright sun inside everyone, it’s up to you to discover it. I believe that when you are working hard to achieve something, you will shine brightly. Although you might not see this brightness yourself, it will show in everyone else’s eyes.” he smiles into the crowd, “And to that, I am your host Huang Renjun, presenting you all the forms of art from singing, painting, and other forms of expression which make people feel their brightest self. Please enjoy the show!” 
You’re the first to clap, Renjun smiling at you before introducing the first act. The way he carries himself and talks about art throughout the night is soothing and oh so very hot. He’s so well spoken, his words about each performance having an impact on the audience members. You’re able to see the world through his eyes. 
“Next we have a dancing duo who have been very passionate about their craft for as long as I’ve known them. Although these two have gone through a tough time due to their peers and parents doubting their abilities, I believe no matter how hard it is, if it’s the route you choose to go for, you’ll be able to p-push through till the e-end.” He pauses a bit, and you can tell he’s become a bit nervous after he stuttered.
“WOW! KNOWLEDGE IS SEXY!” You yell at him, drawing the crowd’s attention to you standing up and raising both of your hands to give him a thumbs up. Haechan and Jaemin follow your lead shouting “yea!!” and “that’s right!!” to ease up the mood. 
His shoulders relax again and he continues, “Please welcome Park Jisung and Zhong Chenle!”
About two hours pass, boredom never making its way in the plaza. Your phone vibrates with a text.
→ Full Sun: Renjun’s back must hurt from carrying this whole show damn
You hide your face in your hands to stifle your laughter, as it would be rude to laugh during a performance. You slap Haechan’s shoulder, his eyes enlarging at you in mock surprise. 
The end comes faster than all of you anticipate, the worry and anxiety hitting the four of you again.
“I hope you all have enjoyed the show so far! Now I would like to dedicate a song to someone very special to me.”
Jaemin crosses his fingers hoping Renjun won’t say Yoojung’s name.
“Accompanying me on guitar is my good friend, Lee Jeno.”
The audience applauses while Renjun stands next to Jeno who is tuning his guitar. Mark grabs your hand and squeezes it, the tension eating him alive as well. Haechan grabs Jaemin’s hand to cover his right ear, and your right hand to cover his left. 
“This is for the girl who holds a heavy feeling over my heart, as heavy as the books I hold for her.”
Haechan whispers in your ear, “Is this his way of saying ‘if you know you know’?”
You look over to Lucas and he’s cluelessly smiling at the stage. Yoojung’s face seems to remain stoic, her expression unreadable. But you know. You know that she knows. And that she’s aware of this fact. 
Renjun begins to sing as Jeno effortlessly plucks at the strings of his acoustic. The song is sweet and the emotion in his voice is intense and feathery. Even if you know this isn’t for you, in the moment you’d like to believe it is. Just until the song is over. Just until this magic night is over, you’ll be selfish, even if it’s only to yourself. 
The song begins to dwindle down, the line sung carrying a sweet connotation which causes Lucas to drape his arm across Yoojung’s shoulders. You want to scream at them to stop, just to stop until the end of the song so Renjun doesn’t have to see. But he sees. And he pauses. 
Jeno continues to strum despite Renjun’s pause. You get chills down the sides of your arms and the hair at the back of your neck stands in fear for how Renjun must feel right now. He clears his throat. The audience is a little confused. Lucas whispers to Yoojung before going outside to what you assume is the restroom. Yoojung stands up after a minute and follows him out. Renjun’s eyes are following. 
“Thank you for listening. Have a safe night everyone!” 
He hops off the stage like he did for you, except this time he’s running after someone else. The thousand pairs of eyes watch him push the heavy door, a standing ovation taking place even after he’s left. 
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