#Fox 19 weather calculator
trusttw · 2 years
Fox 19 weather calculator
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Fox 19 weather calculator free#
***Source: Comscore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform, Total Digital Audience, Custom-Defined List including, ,, CNN Business,, , HuffPost Business, MarketWatch, Motley Fool, MSN Money,, USA TODAY Money, WSJ Online, Yahoo! Finance, July 2022, U.S. & Comscore Mobile Metrix®, Mobile App Only,, July 2022, U.S. **Source: Comscore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform, Total Digital Audience, Custom-Defined List including CNN.com,, ,, Fox News Digital,, , NYPost Network, Wall Street Journal Online, Insider Inc., and, July 2022, U.S. *Source: Comscore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform, Total Digital Audience, Custom-Defined List including CNN.com,, ,, Fox News Digital,, , NYPost Network, Wall Street Journal Online, Insider Inc., and, July 2022, U.S. Owned by Fox Corporation, FOX News Media reaches 200 million people each month. Currently the number one network in all of cable, FNC has also been the most watched television news channel for more than 20 consecutive years, while FBN ranks among the top business channels on cable.
Fox 19 weather calculator free#
June 2022)įOX News Media operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Digital, FOX News Audio, FOX News Books, the direct-to-consumer streaming services FOX Nation and FOX News International and the free ad-supported television service FOX Weather. Additionally, the business network delivered over 244 million multiplatform minutes (+24% versus the prior year) and 21.6 million multiplatform unique visitors.*** FOX Business' videos on YouTube remained the most-viewed among the business news competitive set for the 16 th consecutive month, driving over 57.4 million views in July, and up 107% over the prior year, according to Shareablee.įOX News Digital – 1,436,000,000 (up 2 percent vs. On YouTube, FOX News secured the top spot among news brands in video views for the 18 th consecutive month with over 282 million, according to Shareablee.į drove 156 million multiplatform views, topping CNN Business for the fourth consecutive month. FOX News drove 17.9 million interactions on Facebook, 13.8 million Instagram interactions and four million Twitter interactions. Beaumont/Port Arthur Southeast Texas Regional Airport (KBPT) Beaumont TXSimilar City Names Detailed Forecast Additional Forecasts and Information Additional. Additionally, the FOX News Mobile App reached nearly 6.2 million unique visitors in July, seeing growth over June.**įOX News remained the most engaged brand on social media in the competitive set in July, with 35.7 million total social interactions, notching the 95 th consecutive month FOX News has placed on top, also according to Emplifi. FOX News Digital closed out the month reaching over 2.8 billion total multiplatform minutes, 1.4 billion total multiplatform views, and 81 million multiplatform unique visitors.* FOX News Digital also topped The with multiplatform unique visitors for the first time since January 2022. FOX News Digital finished July 2022 as the top-performing news organization in the competitive set in multiplatform minutes and views, according to Comscore.
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soft-tiny-fox · 3 years
So, I’ve seen @goylempire’s post about Kami’en and Hentzau’s ages (26 and 30 if I’m right, was it at the start of the first book?)
So, I (as a great math nerd as I am) started calculating.
I think the first book took a period of some months in autumn/winter (they mention bad weather and winds). Then the second book was roughly a year later, and I assumed it started in winter (I haven’t got the book at home, I always borrow it at the library, but I think Jacob mentions how he would have preferred dying in spring) and it took another month or two. Lastly, the third book started some week after the end of Fearless and took another month or two (and I found out online that the fourth book starts a year after the end of Heartless). If we put all those considerations together, the fourth book starts at least two years and a half later than the first.
Jacob was 24 years old in Reckless, so he would be 26/27 in the fourth. His father abandoned him when he was 11, he discovered the mirror when he was 12 (and he met Alma and Chanute some months (?) after), he met Fox when he was 19/20 and he spent his 21st year on the Fairies’ Island (seriously, Jacob?!?).
Fox was 7 years old when she was kicked out of her house, and Jacob mentions that she was 12 when he met her (my poor little baby passed FIVE YEARS ALONE IN THE WOODS, I WANT TO CRY). So, she would be 17 at Reckless’ start and 19/20 at the start of the fourth book. I always thought she was older, maybe that’s the shape-shifters curse that makes her seem more mature.
I always thought Will was 2 years younger than Jacob, so he would be 22 when he become a Goyl and 24/25 at the start of the fourth book.
AND NERRON?!? I have so many questions about Goyls (and interesting ideas about their hair, but that will arrive in a near future), but I think he was 8/9 when he started Treasure Hunting for the Onyxs (he had been nearly drown when he was 7, right?) so he should be 19/18 in Fearless (but he seems older because Goyl mature faster than humans). I don’t know, this doesn’t convince me. Other ideas?
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mantis-lizbian · 4 years
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
tagged by the marvelous @julia1x5
1. Name - Andrea Elizabeth Bridges
2. Nicknames - Liz/Lizzy
3. Zodiac - Cancer
4. Height - 5'5"ish (~165 cm)
5. Languages - English, smatterings of French, Spanish, and German; want to learn basically every language
6. Nationality - American
7. Favorite season - autumn
8. Favorite flower - lavender and roses
9. Favorite scent - lemon, fresh baked goods, cooking seasonings
10. Favorite color - lavender, though blue is also good. i find i have a tendency to wear black and red often, though ^^;
11. Favourite animal - foxes, hawks, snakes, and cats
12. Favourite fictional character(s) - the entire Ouran Host Club, Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist), Freya Crescent and Beatrix (Final Fantasy IX), and probably dozens of others i just can’t think of at the moment
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate - hot chocolate with a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream in it, or tea, both are good
14. Average sleep - 7-9 hours
15. Dog or cat person - i am a cat.
16. Number of blankets - currently i have a sheet, two thick blankets, a quilt. while the weather works on making up its mind if it’s summer or not, i also have a duvet that i sometimes add. i should note that this past week has had multiple days in the 70s and 80s (°F)
17. Dream trip - i actually one time fantasized about literally walking across the entire world, spending a few weeks in one place at a time (well, apart from the wet bits; i’ll take a boat there). i still kinda wanna do that, but i now have a better understanding of the practical and logistical issues with that that make me less eager... but entirely dropping the idea... as for single places, Iceland and Japan are at the top of my list.
18. Blog established - originally as chronic-altitis, about 4 years ago. can’t remember which month. i changed my name a little while ago after deciding i wanted to be more... personal? with my presentation.
19. Number of followers - oh wow! an even 240! ;u; i’m so honoured by all of you
20. Random fact - “sea level” is not a uniform altitude across the world, but varies based on gravitational differences between areas. it is essentially calculated based on where the ocean’s surface would be if all of the land was removed, but its gravitational force remained.
and i’m going to tag... @teddy-feathers as always, @enbyjade, and @endreal if they’re all up for it. ^^ anyone else who wants to consider themselves tagged may as well.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/it-was-all-about-the-election-the-ex-white-house-aideolivia-troye-on-trumps-narcissistic-mishandling-of-covid-19-thenew-yorker/
“It Was All About the Election”: The Ex-White House Aide Olivia Troye on Trump’s Narcissistic Mishandling of COVID-19 - The New Yorker
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When I spoke with Olivia Troye on Thursday afternoon, she sounded more than a little scared. She was about to go public with a scorching video, in which she would denounce President Donald Trump and his stewardship of the country during the coronavirus pandemic. Troye, who served as Vice-President Mike Pence’s adviser for homeland security until late July, has witnessed the Administration’s response to the crisis, as Pence’s top aide on the White House coronavirus task force. She had seen Trump rant in private about Fox News coverage as his public-health advisers desperately tried to get him to focus on a disease that has now killed some two hundred thousand Americans. She had decided that Trump was lying to the American public about the disease, and that “words matter, especially when you’re the President of the United States,” and that it was time to speak out. She was nervous and scared and worried for her family and her career. But she plunged ahead anyway.
I asked about her firsthand observation of the President during the crisis. She said that Trump was “disruptive.” That he could not “focus.” That he was consumed by himself and his prospects in November. “For him, it was all about the election,” Troye told me. “He just can’t seem to care about anyone else besides himself.”
Troye joined the coronavirus task force when it was first established, in late January, before any Americans had died from COVID-19. Her experience on it, Troye told me, convinced her that Trump’s handling of the situation—the conscious spreading of disinformation, the disregard for the task force’s work—had made the crisis far worse for Americans. She warned about the President’s push for a vaccine before the November election and said that she did not trust him to do the right thing for the country’s health and safety. “What I’m really concerned about is if they rush this vaccine and pressure people and get something out because they want to save the election,” she said.
Troye is the first White House staff member who has worked on the coronavirus response to speak out publicly against Trump, but the President and the Administration she described were drearily consistent with portraits that have emerged in countless other tell-all interviews and books: a White House riven by backstabbing and suspicion, where trouble flowed from the top and good governance was subordinate to Presidential whim and partisan calculation. She told me she believed that most other staffers on the coronavirus task force were genuinely motivated to help Americans weather the pandemic but that Trump blocked them from implementing the right policies. “Everything that you’re putting in place is derailed not just by a random person—it’s derailed by a No. 1. It’s derailed by the person at the very top,” she said.
Troye described herself to me as a lifelong Republican, whose first job out of college was at the Republican National Committee. On 9/11, she fled her office on foot, walking home past the smoldering fire of the Pentagon, a moment that convinced her, like many others in her generation, to pursue a career in national security. She went on to serve as a George W. Bush Administration appointee in the Pentagon. For the first year and a half of the Trump Administration, she worked at the Department of Homeland Security, as a career intelligence official, before being detailed to Pence’s staff. Civil servants like herself were reviled as “deep staters” by Trump’s political appointees, she said. They were viewed with even more suspicion after Trump’s impeachment in the House, in December, was aided by testimony from mid-level White House staffers, including Jennifer Williams, Pence’s national-security aide, who worked in the office next to Troye’s. “I actually find that term very offensive,” she told me, “because not once while I was there did I do anything that I believe would lead anyone to think that I was a ‘deep stater,’ constantly undermining his agenda. . . . At the end of the day, I’m a career officer and my job was to serve, no matter who was in office.”
Soon after our conversation, a coalition called Republican Voters Against Trump released Troye’s video, the third such testimonial of a former Administration official speaking out against the President that the group has produced in recent weeks. In the video, Troye speaks directly to the camera. As pictures of her sitting alongside Vice-President Pence flash onscreen, she says that, by mid-February, the task force knew that the coronavirus was a lethal threat to the U.S. “But the President didn’t want to hear that, because his biggest concern was that we were in an election year.” Troye adds, “It was shocking to see the President saying that the virus was a hoax, saying that everything was O.K. when it was not,” despite what he had been very clearly told in private. Troye ends the video by calling herself a “John McCain Republican” and endorsing Trump’s opponent, Joe Biden.
In the video, Troye recounts when Trump, a noted germaphobe, met with the coronavirus task force, early on in the crisis, and told its members that perhaps the pandemic was a good thing because he would no longer have to shake hands with all the “disgusting people” at his rallies and other public events. During our interview, I asked Troye if she could remember other particularly memorable times when Trump spoke privately to the group. She recalled how Trump refused several times to consider urgent business that the task force presented to him, deciding “to talk about himself and a preferred news network and how upset he was with them, instead of focussing on the agenda at hand.” Fox News coverage, in other words, preoccupied the President more than saving American lives. I asked Troye if that shocked her. “No,” she said. She remembered what she thought at the time: “This is exactly what you would expect.”
Sadly, the surprise here is not that Trump acted so callously in the midst of a pandemic but that so many senior government officials know that this is happening and are doing nothing to stop it. Troye’s testimony, like that of so many others, is from inside the room—in this case, from inside the very room that is supposed to be dealing with the single biggest crisis currently afflicting the United States.
Every Presidency has its dissenters, people who leave and tell tales after they do so. But there has never been anything like the stories that have emerged from the Trump White House, from so many who worked with the President and observed him up close. People like his former national-security adviser John Bolton, who called Trump “unfit” for office. And people like the former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, the former White House chief of staff John Kelly, and the former director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, all of whom have relayed grave concerns about Trump that have made their way to Bob Woodward and other journalists.
In the end, this is what struck me most during my conversation with Troye: she is young, only forty-three years old, with a long career ahead of her, and she was willing to put it all on the line publicly, whereas people like Mattis and Kelly were not. That contrast could not have been more stark as I read a Coats Op-Ed in the Times that published the same day as Troye’s video. Coats, clearly referring to Trump’s recent undermining of faith in the upcoming election, said that a national commission should be established by Congress to insure confidence in this fall’s voting. Coats never once referenced Trump by name, and he has never publicly come forward to share with Americans his misgivings about the President. Why not? He is a veteran U.S. senator and a former U.S. ambassador who closed out his career as the head of the massive U.S. intelligence bureaucracy. What does he have to risk?
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smaartdevelopers · 4 years
Top Google Search Keywords
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Are you wondering about the google search keywords that what people are searching around the World for the most? Then you’re in luck! Our list inform you in regards to the top trending topics that are going to go looking most. Here is your complete checklist of the ones searched key phrases. Top 100 Google Search Keywords in the US (as of 2020) Here you'll see the entire image of the highest brands list searched at google. # Keyword Search Volume Return Rate 1 facebook 151,500,000 11.85 2 youtube 142,200,000 6.99 3 amazon 87,440,000 4.92 4 gmail 71,240,000 5.92 5 google 63,840,000 4.62 6 weather 43,400,000 5.63 7 ebay 41,010,000 4.96 8 yahoo 39,170,000 8.78 9 walmart 31,970,000 2.9 10 yahoo mail 31,880,000 6.77 11 google translate 31,640,000 5.7 12 google maps 30,560,000 4.05 13 craigslist 27,140,000 4.52 14 netflix 26,860,000 3.55 15 google docs 25,100,000 5.46 16 translate 23,520,000 5.68 17 home depot 22,040,000 2.84 18 news 19,110,000 9.63 19 fox news 19,060,000 9.28 20 calculator 17,790,000 5.04 21 usps tracking 17,650,000 3.56 22 cnn 17,330,000 7.61 23 hotmail 17,020,000 6.42 24 google drive 16,810,000 4.35 25 maps 15,830,000 3.52 26 paypal 15,700,000 2.65 27 lowes 14,580,000 2.76 28 instagram 14,350,000 2.61 29 msn 14,030,000 13.11 30 amazon prime 13,980,000 2.71 31 target 13,880,000 2.4 32 espn 13,160,000 6.32 33 zillow 13,120,000 2.89 34 bank of america 12,850,000 4. #Googletoptrends #Topgoogletrends Read the full article
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pangaea-writes-shit · 7 years
The Legend Never Dies [1/?]
I start too many chaptered fics, don’t I? But I really wanted to write this one, so I couldn’t help myself. The fic is based on this post and named after this song (since I can’t come up with good titles). My friend send me the picture and was like ‘I need an AU for this’, so I made one up. Thanks to Merch for beta-reading it!
“Have you heard of the witch of Lancon?”
“Yes! Awful, right?”
“I don’t think I could sleep in peace if I lived close to there.”
“I heard her powers are so strong that whoever will be able to defeat her is powerful enough to take down the demon queen!”
“No way!”
“Does such a person even exist?”
“There has to be, or we’re doomed.”
Alfred grinned brightly when he was called to the counter. He pulled out a poster and slammed it confidently on the surface. The receptionist didn’t even bat an eyelid.
“This!” He exclaimed. “I need this to be hung up on the main board!”
The receptionist’s tag read ‘Erika’. Erika smiled sweetly and took the poster, studying it, before she looked up again at Alfred. “That would make 14 silver Tainons.”
Alfred searched out his purse and put the coins on the counter, his smile not faltering.
Erika smiled back and took the coins. “Thank you very much. We will copy the poster a few times and hang it up immediately.”
Alfred smiled again. “Thanks Eri!”
“It’s Erika.” Her voice was soft despite the scolding. “And no problem, it’s my job afterall and I love it, despite it being tiring sometimes.” She nodded at him and Alfred waved and left, heading towards the inn where he wrote in the poster he’d wait for people interested to join.
It was the day after he had been to the guild, nine in the morning, and Alfred sat at one of the tables, yawning and still not fully awake.
“Excuse me. I take it that you’re the one looking for people to help you taking down the witch of Lancon?”
“Sure!” Alfred smiled at the guy standing in front of his table. One of the man’s snow white fox ears protruding from his black hair twitched slightly at the noise in the inn and Alfred could see three equally white tails swishing behind his back, indicating he was at least 300 years old. So he was a kitsune.
His face was ageless, but his dark amber eyes suggested he was older than most people would assume. Alfred only barely remembered the name of the purple and white eastern shrine priest clothing with long sleeves covering his hands -kurinigu- and made an internal note to look more into these things so he wouldn’t slip up and say something wrong when talking to him.
He motioned to the seat in front of him. “Sit down and we’ll talk about details.” The kitsune sat down and bowed his head slightly.
“My name is Kiku. I saw your poster in the guild and took interest in your quest. I would like to join, if you don’t mind.”
Alfred studied Kiku’s expression, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t read it, and all he could tell from his scent is that he was a beta.
“So, what are your skills? What do you specialize in?”
Kiku bowed again. “Like everyone in my kin, I am versed in illusion and fire magic, as well as transforming my body. I also learnt the way of the katana by samurais passing by our shrine. Sadly I am not skilled enough yet to be taught in the art of flying and possessing. Can this be to you of any help?”
Alfred nodded. “Sounds great! Sure, you can join my team!”
Kiku bowed again before he got up, dusting himself off a bit. “Then I will prepare everything and come back tomorrow at the same time.”
“See ya!” Alfred waved enthusiastically whereas Kiku just bowed and left. That guy sure liked to bow.
“This your poster?”
Alfred looked up when a hand slammed his request poster on the table. It was the second person who came by today, just a few hours after Kiku, who had come in the morning. Lunch time had already passed and now it was early afternoon. He met eyes with the cold glare of an alpha girl.
“Yep. Something wrong with it?”
“No. I would like to join your team.” Alfred motioned for her to sit down, but she kept standing. Alfred sighed and got up himself to be on the same level as her. Something about her smelled off, artificial even.
“So?” He asked her with a raised eyebrow while giving her a quick look all over. She was smaller than him, a dark blue bow in her platinum hair, her purple eyes cold and calculating. Almost everything about her was dark. She was wearing relatively tight clothes, a black short-sleeved turtleneck shirt, dark blue protective sleeves, long black pants and black boots. Alfred couldn’t tell where her pants ended and her boots started, since her loose white leg warmers, tied up and held in place with bands, covered up that part.
“I was trained as an assassin.” That would explain her get up. Protective, easy to move in and most importantly easy to merge with the shadows. “I know how to fight and learned some ice and some poison based magic, as well as invisibility.”
Alfred wasn’t sure whether to agree to her request to join. Her skills sure would come in handy, but something about her put him on the edge. She could murder him any second and he wouldn’t be able to tell before his dead body hit the floor. Then again, taking down the witch of Lancon wasn’t an easy task.
“Sure. I’ll let you join.” Alfred wanted to smile at her like he usually did, but something stopped him from it. So he just held his hand out for her to shake. She took it and nodded, her cold gaze not changing.
“My name’s Natalya. Natalya Arlovskaya.”
“Natalya. Then please come back here tomorrow at ten.” She nodded again, let go of his hand and turned to go when a cheerful voice butted in.
“This is the Lion’s Inn, right? Are you the one looking for team mates?”
A small omega girl with a dark tan and thick brown hair tied into twintails by bright red bows looked excitedly from Natalya to Alfred, unsure which one of them was the one who had put up the poster on the guild’s black board. A blue corset over a long purple shirt with short puffed sleeves and white pants stuffed into comfortable looking brown laced up boots made her look even more bright and cheerful than she already was.
“That’s me yeah. And as nice as you seem to be, I can’t take omegas with me. The quest will probably take months and it would be inconvenient for everyone if you get your heat during it. Not only won’t there be guarantee of a proper room or shelter for you, but it will also throw us back days and we don’t know when the witch of Lancon will become an active threat. There are a lot of rumors about her plans and I want none of them to come true.”
The omega’s smile did not falter. “Oh, don’t worry about that! I’m quarter mermaid, that means I only get heats twice a year. And I had my last one two weeks ago, so I’m heat-free for about six months.”
“Oh! Cool!” A quarter mermaid, huh. How did that even work? Alfred decided not to think too much about it. “I guess it’s fine then! What are your skills?”
The girl tapped her fingers as she was starting to count them. “Hmm, I studied a mix of weather and water magic for about ten years, I can breathe underwater, swim fast and talk to fish.” She lowered her hand again and smiled. “Is that enough?”
“More than enough. We’re meeting here again tomorrow at ten. Looking forward to seeing you.” Alfred smiled and the girl gasped.
“I’m in? I gotta prepare! See you!” She was about to leave hurriedly, before she turned around again, almost out of the door. “I nearly forgot! I’m Michelle!” And then she was gone. Alfred turned to Natalya again, noticing how her scent had changed slightly after Michelle’s arrival and grinned to himself. Maybe Michelle wouldn’t spend her next heat alone.
It was quarter past ten the next day and everyone had finally managed to gather in front of the inn, ready to take off.
“Okay, guys, these are Kiku, Natalya and Michelle. Kiku, Natalya, Michelle, these are Ludwig, Tristan, Layla and Erin.” Alfred motioned to the people he was introducing. “I’ve already told you about these three yesterday, you already know their skills, so all that’s left is to introduce yourselves.”
Tristan began, smiling shyly, uncharacteristically for an alpha. “Hey, I’m Tristan Hazeward and I specialize in plant magic. I’m twins with Layla,(;) we’re both 21.” There was a brief moment of silence before Layla continued for her twin, hand confidently on her hip.
“The name’s Layla the Great - or Layla for short - and I’m twins with this doof of a brother!” She pulled Tristan close and ruffled his hair. “We’re both alphas, though he doesn’t really act like it. I took up sword fighting so I could protect poor and weak Tristan while he casts his spells.”
“Hey! If anything, I back you up while you fight monsters! You’re far too reckless!”
“Whatever. So yeah, that’s us. We‘ve been friends with this guy,” she jotted a thumb towards Erin, “since he was waddling around in his diapers.”
“I’ll take it from here before you make it worse.” Erin stepped forward. “I’m Erin Whittalon, beta, 17 years old. I’m an archer and ready to support and cover you during battle if you need it. Nice to meet you.”
Everyone turned to Ludwig, who cleared his throat and stepped next to Erin. “Ludwig Beilschmidt, alpha, 19. The church sent me to join this quest. I’m a swordsman.” That seemed to be his whole introduction as he stepped back again. Natalya took the next turn.
“Since that guy already told you about our skills, I’ll just introduce myself, nothing else. My name’s Natalya Arlovskaya, I’m 20 and an alpha.” Her gaze wandered towards Michelle with the last bit. Michelle didn’t seem to notice it and instead just stepped forward to introduce herself.
“Hi everyone! I’m Michelle Lionnet, 16 years old, omega and quarter mermaid! Nice to meet you all!” Alfred noticed a black choker with a blue gem in the middle and engraved waves in it, and a broad golden bracelet had been added to her get up. He wondered what they were for, seeing as she didn’t wear them yesterday. Had she noticed Natalya’s affection afterall? Then his attention was caught by Kiku, who bowed as usual before speaking up.
“A pleasure to meet everyone. My name is Kiku Honda, a beta. I am currently 300 and 9 years old. As you can see, I am kin to the kitsune priests of the divinity Inari. Please take care of me.”
“Alright! That’s everyone! I hope y'all get along well! As for myself, the name’s Alfred F. Jones, 18 years old, a quarter elf and one of my ancestors was a dragon! I’m also a sword fighter like Ludwig, Layla and Kiku!” He grinned, satisfied with his rather loud introduction. A few people had turned to look at them during it.
“Then I take it you’re the one who hung out the poster in the guild?” Everyone turned towards the new voice that had spoken up. A beta stood there, carrying a large book with him, marking him as a sorcerer, wearing a green coat as if to highlight his bright green eyes, which were currently scowling at Alfred. “Sorry I couldn’t make it yesterday. Is there still a spot open?”
“Uh… depends on your skills.”
The guy bit his lip, then straightened his back, as if he wanted to steady himself, despite being on even ground. “I’m a necromancer.”
Necromancer. If there was anything Alfred didn’t like at all, it was ghosts. “Sorry dude. We already got many strong fighters. Somebody with healing skills would be better.”
“Oh, I can heal! I learnt it while I was studying necromancing, since these two are sort of connected!”
He seemed a bit desperate to get on the team. Alfred almost wanted to decline since he was kind of fishy, but they really needed someone who could heal.
“Alright.” He agreed reluctantly. “You’re in. Introduce yourself to everyone.” A ghost of a relieved smile danced over the guy’s features before he turned to the rest of the group.
“My name is Arthur Kirkland, 17 years old. This is Snowball.”
“Snowball?” As if on cue, the white fur on Arthur’s collar began to move, then something black peeked out of it, clambering onto Arthur’s shoulder. Snowball was the most unfitting name there could possibly be for the black kitten with twinkling yellow eyes, now sitting on Arthur’s shoulder and yawning cutely. A greyish glow surrounded it, but neither Snowball nor Arthur seemed to be bothered by it.
“Snowball. I resurrected her last week. It wasn’t her time yet.”
Layla snorted. “That’s the most ridiculous name I’ve ever heard.” Arthur glared at her and Snowball mewled protestingly, as if to say 'My name is great!’. Layla didn’t seem to care about the threat.
“Shouldn’t we get moving soon?” Erin piped in. “We can introduce everyone to Arthur on the way, but the longer we stand here, the more time the witch of Lancon has to prepare for whatever she’s planning.”
Everyone agreed with Erin, who had stepped in as a peacemaker, and so they finally set off, towards east, where the White Mist Mountains were located, and right in the middle the highest of them all, the one called Lancon.
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Joe’s Weather Blog: Snowstorm to the NW of the KC area…and will next week be calmer? (FRI-2/22)
Good Friday morning…chilly out there but nothing to crazy in terms of cold weather. Actually it’s been a bit more tolerable these last couple of days. Heck we almost hit 40° yesterday. Tomorrow we will get into the 40s…briefly…in what has turned into a cold month of February. we’re running more than 4° below average for the month. I’ll have more stats in the blog for you because we’re now 1 week away from the start of meteorological spring. The major storm that we’ve been tracking for the last few days is going to pass towards the NW of the KC area (actually the heaviest snows will). The storm itself is coming on top of us. Which means an interesting weather day coming tomorrow at least.
Today: Increasing low clouds and sort of dreary this afternoon. Highs only in the 30s. There may be a few sprinkles out there too.
Tonight: Some rain showers likely with steady temperatures and lows in the mid>upper 30s
Saturday: Showers in the morning then perhaps a lull. During the afternoon additional showers and maybe even a rumble or two of thunder. Brief heavy rain is possible. A cold front  will come through sending temperatures from the 40s to the 30s in the evening. A brief shot of some snow showers are not out of the question. Tough to imagine we get a lot from that at this point.
Sunday: Blustery and cooler with highs in the 30s
Let’s sort of look at where we’ve been this month and this winter…we’ll get to the system that will create some heavy snow to the NW of KC a bit later.
As of today..we’re not even in the Top 40 when it comes to the coldest winters so far in the KC area. Let’s go with winter being from 12/1>2/28(29). Here are the average temperatures of the Top 40 coldest winters…
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Where do we stand in that…with an average of 30.4°…we’re #43. Now maybe we could fudge that up a bit because there was some missing data in 1892-93 and 1894-95 (at least 19 days worth)…so let’s say we’re at least the 42nd coldest…aybe the 41st coldest (through today’s date this year and through the last day of February in all the other years).
From a snow standpoint though we are a bit higher. This time we have to expand the data and go back to starting the calculations on 10/1 and expand the backside through April. We’ve had some interesting months of October and April around these parts lately.
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Now here is something perhaps more interesting…If we calculate the total precipitation from 10/1 through the end of February (and remember we still have almost a week to go to add on to this number this season) things are a bit stunning.
Never in our weather history going back to the 1880s have we had more moisture than we’ve had from 10/1 through then end of February this season. Never. I stumbled on this today.
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We may get another 1/4″-3/4″ tomorrow to add to this. Does this mean a lot for the upcoming spring? I’m getting a lot of questions about that…so let’s look at the other 10 big wet periods from 10/1-2/28.
The 30 year moving average right now for moisture (melted snow and rain) from 3/1-5/31 is 11.42″. Let’s arbitrarily call anything within 1/2″ of that as about “near” average and in the data below that will be shown as -+. Below average (-) and above average (+)
1942: 10.88″ –
1929: 14.97″ +
1999: 15.54″ +
1932: 7.43″ –
1962: 8.33″ –
1985: 10.80″ –
1909: 11.47″ -+
1975: 11.55″ -+
2015: 14.42″ +
So really we have 4 dry years (2 very dry) and we have 3 wet years and 2 average years. So really there is NO correlation, at least looking at the Top 10 previous wet 10/1>2/28’s and then looking at what happens after that. Perhaps in March I may expand and look at the Top 25 to increase the sampling a bit more.
Nationwide the yellows show drier than average conditions since 10/1…
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Look at ALL that moisture in the southern USA…my goodness that axis from eastern TX through the western Carolina’s significant.
From a temperature standpoint…this time the yellows start the above average temperatures and the greens are below average.
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and IF we just look at the last 90 days…from around the time of the Blizzard onwards…
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and a close-up…
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and for the snow situation…
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OK…about the storm. I think overall this is going to be a somewhat rare GFS model win mostly. The NAM and EURO models have converged into a NW MO/NE KS snow…and the NAM this morning is a bit farther towards the NW of that. Sort of in line with the GFS trends over the past couple of days.
It appears the upper level low will come out from Amarillo>near and north of Wichita>Hiawatha>then into southern IA. This expected track is even father NW that the data for the last couple of days. The surface low will track more towards St Joseph. With that expected track and assuming there isn’t a big shift southwards at the last moment (there better not be)…this brings the accumulating snow of significance much farther to the NW of KC.
Don’t necessarily focus on the specific numbers on the following map…but it gives you an idea of the geographical coverage.
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The good news is that the main challenge next week, at least through Thursday, will be mostly the temperature forecasts it appears and that is fine by me…
OK that will be a wrap for today…have a great weekend and I’ll get an updated blow out tomorrow afternoon. I’m sort of thinking after weeks of blogging every day…maybe taking a day off or two from the blog starting Sunday. Let’s see what the temperatures give me to blog about.
Our feature photo comes from Austin Hamilton up in southern IA
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from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/02/22/joes-weather-blog-snowstorm-to-the-nw-of-the-kc-area-and-will-next-week-be-calmer-fri-2-22/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/02/22/joes-weather-blog-snowstorm-to-the-nw-of-the-kc-areaand-will-next-week-be-calmer-fri-2-22/
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ladystylestores · 4 years
The 416 quadrillion reasons why Japan’s supercomputer is number 1
Local Fox news stations had this English captioned version of a very popular, supercomputer-generated video from Japan.
For a good part of last week, the unrivaled highlight of Japanese television—looped on news programs—was a short computer simulation of a salaryman sitting at his desk and coughing. Its primetime primacy is total: this cough is the Killing Eve of animated expectoration.
The imagined office in the video, like tens of thousands of its real-life equivalents around Japan, appears carefully prepared for the great return to work and new normal of life under COVID-19. The desks are separated by decent physical space and sensible plastic partitions cleave the landscape.
But it is all in vain. As the simulation shows in terrifying particulate detail, while most of the army of droplets released from the cougher’s mouth are blocked by the screens, a crack platoon makes it over the partition, delivering its deadly payload into the neighbouring workspace.
The reason this simulation is so compelling—and why Japan is so enchanted with it—is how it was produced: on a $1 billion-plus made-in-Japan machine called Fugaku, whose brisk operating speed of 416 quadrillion calculations per second officially makes it the world’s fastest supercomputer. Fugaku, jointly developed between the Riken institute and Fujitsu, has the same energy demand as a small city, but—at a time when analyzing such things has never been so important—it allows us to see why, with agonizing molecular accuracy, this health crisis is proving such a tough nut.
Fugaku’s processing pace, clocked at 2.8 times that of the US-built Summit machine it has now unseated, also puts a Japanese supercomputer back in the top slot of the world rankings for the first time since 2011. COVID-19 means Japan can’t host the Olympics this year, but this is a fine lockdown consolation prize.
Leaving aside my fascination with supercomputers, it is important to acknowledge the significance of this achievement and why, for subtle reasons, Japan’s incumbency of the top position (however brief it may be) stands apart from its predecessors. For 27 years, since a team of German and US scientists first began to quantify and rank the power of rival machines around the world, the battle for supercomputer supremacy has had the distinct flavor of a space or arms race—a forum for national muscle-flexing that reflects both ambition and the relative economic and industrial powers of the contestants. In this context, the steady rise of China to numerical dominance of the TOP500 list has felt inevitable.
China, the US, and many others take this extremely seriously, not least because several of the biggest supercomputers are unabashedly constructed for use by defense industries. And the TOP500, notes Fugaku’s architect-in-chief Satoshi Matsuoka, lists only the publicly disclosed supercomputers—more are lurking secretly in the private sector. But for Japan, the competition has always felt even more personal: a live index, in many ways, of its undulating global prowess and relevance.
The strength of Japan’s feelings on this—and in particular on the country’s nine-year absence from the No 1 position—are well known. In 2009, when the same Riken institute was working on Fugaku’s predecessor, K, the government of the time was on a post-financial crisis cost-saving drive. The political rising star, Renho Murata, chose to make the huge public funding of the supercomputer her target, judging—entirely wrongly—that the public would be on her side. “Isn’t it good enough to be number two?” she notoriously asked, drawing fierce and prolonged condemnation from all quarters.
But, in private, there was an acknowledgment that she had a point. The hype that preceded K, and the patriotic posturing around it, was much more about its intended occupation of the supercomputing rankings top slot than it was about what it would ultimately do. When it did eventually emerge in 2011, it was so loaded towards power over user friendliness that it never achieved its potential.
Nine years later, Riken and Fujitsu have clearly learned from that: the triumphalism around Fugaku’s launch is now explicitly about the earthquakes, weather patterns, and coughs that it will parse with its great processing might. K was explicitly designed to be number one, said Matsuoka, but Fugaku was not. It was designed to be both user friendly and good at the range of applications it will be called upon to run: it just happens that the process created a giant. Corporate Japan, whose instincts are often far more K than Fugaku, would be wise to take note.
Leo Lewis is the FT’s Tokyo correspondent
© 2020 The Financial Times Ltd. All rights reserved. Not to be redistributed, copied, or modified in any way.
Listing image by Riken Center
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/3gtRSDM
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
The Friday Breeze
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes, who reads everything on health care to compile our daily Morning Briefing, offers the best and most provocative stories for the weekend.
We have made it to Friday once again! Where I am doffing my hat to the SEO genius who managed to get “Labradoodle” into one of the more attention-grabbing headlines of the week. (Though any dog-related news is like a shiny object to me, so I may be biased.) Anyway, read on to figure out how they did it!
First, though, here’s what you might have missed in the tsunami of news coverage.
There have now been more than 50,000 deaths in the country (50,031 as of writing this, in fact). But, as a very cool data project from The New York Times shows, that’s likely an undercount. What the NYT team did was look at year-over-year rates to find a percentage of deaths that were either attributed to COVID-19 or related to the pandemic (for example, a patient not having access to care because of an overwhelmed hospital system). New York City is reporting a 300% increase in deaths, which works out to 19,200 “excess deaths.” But only 15,411 have been officially attributed to the coronavirus. That leaves 3,800 that possibly should be included in the totals.
The Friday Breeze
Want a roundup of the must-read stories this week chosen by KHN Newsletter Editor Brianna Labuskes? Sign up for The Friday Breeze today.
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Now take that reasoning and multiply it across the globe. So far, they’ve identified at least 36,000 “missing” deaths.
I’m not sure Lysol PR folks woke up yesterday thinking they’d have to warn people of the fatal consequences of injecting disinfectant into their bodies, but that’s exactly what ended up happening after President Donald Trump floated the suggestion while spitballing coronavirus treatments in his press briefing. Doctors and other health experts are worried that some might take Trump’s words seriously — especially considering a recent fatality that occurred after Trump championed hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment.
While the disinfectant portion of the briefing grabbed the nation and the Twittersphere’s attention, Trump also touted sunlight as a “cure,” pointing to research that showed the virus’s half-life is shortened by heat and humidity. Trump used the study to bolster his belief that the virus will disappear in the summer for good, even though his own health advisers remain insistent that there will be a second wave in the fall, made worse by a likely overlap with the start of flu season.
(Experts have long warned that we shouldn’t count on the weather to be the silver bullet that ends this crisis, pointing to warm states and humid countries where the pandemic has flourished.)
The topic of whether the virus will have another surge in the fall — as well as the idea that sunlight could be used as a cure in the body — were just two of a handful of examples this week of scientists performing rhetorical contortions to present scientifically accurate information while avoiding displeasing the president. The trend was made even more worrisome after a federal official claimed he was ousted from his position because he disagreed about the use of hydroxychloroquine. Scientists are worried the Trump administration’s actions are creating an atmosphere where officials don’t feel free to offer the best information available if it contradicts Trump’s messaging.
Side note: Poison control hotlines have already seen a rise in accidents with cleaning products, so feel free to spread the word that people should not be dosing themselves with Lysol.
Is “everyone who wants a test can get one” going to become Trump’s version of former President Barack Obama’s promise “if you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep it”? Trump’s advisers are eyeing his bumpy testing rollout as a major vulnerability in the coming election. One even said that testing could be “another nail in an almost closed coffin.” So why is the country still not at full throttle with testing, even after months of scrambling? A few reasons: It’s extremely expensive to ramp up to the needed level, shortages on the different components are complicating the process, and sometimes fixing one bottleneck creates another.
Meanwhile, the very first stumble all those weeks ago came when the CDC sent out faulty testing kits. Scientists with knowledge of what went wrong say that violations of sound manufacturing practices led to contamination at the CDC facilities.
And the FDA has authorized the first at-home test that will be available with a doctor’s order.
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp set his state on an aggressive path toward reopening by allowing some nonessential businesses to resume operations Friday. Included in that list are gyms, barbershops, tattoo parlors and bowling alleys (all of which seem like odd choices if you’re still trying to discourage the spread of a highly contagious virus). Even Trump, who has been more eager than other authorities to reopen the country, said he disagreed with the decision and thought it was premature.
The move worried public health experts across the country who look at conditions in the Southern states — and Georgia, in particular — and see the perfect storm for COVID-19. The states were slow to shut down, lag in testing, have rural health systems that are likely to buckle under a surge of patients, and rank among the worst states for medical conditions like obesity that have been linked to poor outcomes in coronavirus patients.
While most states aren’t moving to lift their restrictions yet, they do acknowledge they’ll need to even if there isn’t yet a vaccine or treatment available. In doing so, they’ll have to make cold calculations on just how many deaths are acceptable. Considering the economic devastation can lead to a longer-term increase in deaths from despair, hunger and the loss of health coverage, the answer isn’t always easy.
As governors grapple with that question, protesters continue to take to the streets over the shutdown orders. While the rallies may appear to be grassroots gatherings, a well-financed, influential campaign is being waged to stoke the anger driving them. Meanwhile, polls throughout the week continue to report that most Americans view the restrictions as worthwhile.
Anyone who was holding onto high hopes about a miracle treatment suffered a crushing blow this week when not one but two front-runners were tripped up by cold, hard data. An inadvertent leak (caught by Stat! Kudos!) of trial data showed that Gilead’s antiviral drug remdesivir, which has long been touted as promising, had no benefit for coronavirus patients. The company said the statement misrepresented the results and that more research is needed. But outside experts are not hopeful.
A harsh reality check also came this week for those touting hydroxychloroquine (not long after Trump and Fox News went quiet on the subject). A VA study showed that not only did the drug not benefit patients, it was linked to higher death rates for those who took it. While the small study might not completely rule out the use of the drug, scientists say it’s a reminder not to rush the use of unproven treatments.
(Ahem, for those scavenger-hunting for the aforementioned Labradoodle headline, you have found it!)
Reuters reports that HHS Secretary Alex Azar tapped a trusted aide who was inexperienced in public health matters to lead the day-to-day response efforts in the early days of pandemic. The aide, Brian Harrison, had joined the department after running a dog-breeding business for six years. That decision is just one of several missteps that seem to have gotten Azar sidelined from the fight.
Meanwhile, the crisis and America’s failure to contain it are shaking any remaining global belief in U.S. exceptionalism. “When people see these pictures of New York City they say, ‘How can this happen? How is this possible?’” said one public policy expert in Germany. “We are all stunned. Look at the jobless lines.”
In how-was-that-not-already-happening news: CMS will require nursing homes to report COVID-19 cases to the CDC. Nursing homes have been absolutely ravaged by the pandemic, with at least 11,000 confirmed deaths reported.
Congress managed to pass the $484 billion stimulus package that will supplement the depleted pot of funds to aid small businesses. Banks say the money allocated in the new measure will be used up in a matter of days, at most. But Democrats did manage to secure money for hospitals and expanded testing.
Although this one did take a bit more time and negotiation, it still managed to eke through. But Capitol Hill watchers say it could be the last measure that gets through before the gloves truly come off and the partisan fighting turns brutal. 
Most of the food news is pretty grim (like the fact that a ballooning number of cases in meat-packaging plants could lead to shortages) but one cool story that emerged this week is on a potential government matchmaking program between farmers with excess food and hungry Americans. Of course, there are hurdles in the path to success — like transportation issues — but it’s heartening they’re at least trying.
And it’s likely the food banks will need all the help they can get as new unemployment numbers push America closer to Great Depression levels of joblessness. Another 4.4 million filed for benefits last week, bringing the total number of claims in just five weeks to more than 26 million people.
While the health care industry has long been considered “recession-proof” (e.g., people will always need health care), it’s proving, in a very cruel twist, not to be “pandemic- proof.”
I think we all know one or two people who are convinced they had COVID-19 sometime over the winter — and emerging data from the first wave of serological testing might prove them right. Small studies in California suggest there could be somewhere between 221,000 to 442,000 people who were infected in L.A. County (which had fewer than 8,000 confirmed cases at the time). And tests out of New York suggest that 1 in 5 NYC residents have been infected. Those results, in addition to the fact that the first U.S. death that can be confirmed happened in early February rather than at the end of that month, hint that the virus may have been here a lot longer than originally thought.
Experts say to take the results with a grain of salt, though. The serological tests can be an important tool in the battle to contain the virus, but they aren’t infallible. They offer advice on how to “kick the tires” of the research.
So apparently this illness is WEIRD. Every week, doctors are finding out new and strange ways that it’s not acting as it should. The latest revelation: excessive blood clotting that’s causing younger patients to have strokes and is being seen at such consistent rates that some are wondering whether the standard course of treatment should include blood thinners.
Some other medical developments from the week: more data on severe cases and chronic health conditions; rethinking the use of ventilators; and the silent epidemic of people who aren’t getting treated for non-coronavirus illnesses.
And in interesting reads for your weekend:
→ The New York Times: The Coronavirus in America: The Year Ahead
→ Politico: ‘I’m Not Going to Go There and Die’
→ Undark: The Myth of the Disease-Spreading Migrant
→ Politico: Another Time a President Used the ‘Emergency’ Excuse to Restrict Immigration
→ The Marshall Project: Infected, Incarcerated — and Coming to an ICU Near You?
→ The New York Times: Doctors and Governors Vie for Coronavirus Masks in Cloak-and-Dagger Deals
That’s it from me! Have a safe weekend everyone!
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
The Friday Breeze
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes, who reads everything on health care to compile our daily Morning Briefing, offers the best and most provocative stories for the weekend.
We have made it to Friday once again! Where I am doffing my hat to the SEO genius who managed to get “Labradoodle” into one of the more attention-grabbing headlines of the week. (Though any dog-related news is like a shiny object to me, so I may be biased.) Anyway, read on to figure out how they did it!
First, though, here’s what you might have missed in the tsunami of news coverage.
There have now been more than 50,000 deaths in the country (50,031 as of writing this, in fact). But, as a very cool data project from The New York Times shows, that’s likely an undercount. What the NYT team did was look at year-over-year rates to find a percentage of deaths that were either attributed to COVID-19 or related to the pandemic (for example, a patient not having access to care because of an overwhelmed hospital system). New York City is reporting a 300% increase in deaths, which works out to 19,200 “excess deaths.” But only 15,411 have been officially attributed to the coronavirus. That leaves 3,800 that possibly should be included in the totals.
The Friday Breeze
Want a roundup of the must-read stories this week chosen by KHN Newsletter Editor Brianna Labuskes? Sign up for The Friday Breeze today.
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Now take that reasoning and multiply it across the globe. So far, they’ve identified at least 36,000 “missing” deaths.
I’m not sure Lysol PR folks woke up yesterday thinking they’d have to warn people of the fatal consequences of injecting disinfectant into their bodies, but that’s exactly what ended up happening after President Donald Trump floated the suggestion while spitballing coronavirus treatments in his press briefing. Doctors and other health experts are worried that some might take Trump’s words seriously — especially considering a recent fatality that occurred after Trump championed hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment.
While the disinfectant portion of the briefing grabbed the nation and the Twittersphere’s attention, Trump also touted sunlight as a “cure,” pointing to research that showed the virus’s half-life is shortened by heat and humidity. Trump used the study to bolster his belief that the virus will disappear in the summer for good, even though his own health advisers remain insistent that there will be a second wave in the fall, made worse by a likely overlap with the start of flu season.
(Experts have long warned that we shouldn’t count on the weather to be the silver bullet that ends this crisis, pointing to warm states and humid countries where the pandemic has flourished.)
The topic of whether the virus will have another surge in the fall — as well as the idea that sunlight could be used as a cure in the body — were just two of a handful of examples this week of scientists performing rhetorical contortions to present scientifically accurate information while avoiding displeasing the president. The trend was made even more worrisome after a federal official claimed he was ousted from his position because he disagreed about the use of hydroxychloroquine. Scientists are worried the Trump administration’s actions are creating an atmosphere where officials don’t feel free to offer the best information available if it contradicts Trump’s messaging.
Side note: Poison control hotlines have already seen a rise in accidents with cleaning products, so feel free to spread the word that people should not be dosing themselves with Lysol.
Is “everyone who wants a test can get one” going to become Trump’s version of former President Barack Obama’s promise “if you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep it”? Trump’s advisers are eyeing his bumpy testing rollout as a major vulnerability in the coming election. One even said that testing could be “another nail in an almost closed coffin.” So why is the country still not at full throttle with testing, even after months of scrambling? A few reasons: It’s extremely expensive to ramp up to the needed level, shortages on the different components are complicating the process, and sometimes fixing one bottleneck creates another.
Meanwhile, the very first stumble all those weeks ago came when the CDC sent out faulty testing kits. Scientists with knowledge of what went wrong say that violations of sound manufacturing practices led to contamination at the CDC facilities.
And the FDA has authorized the first at-home test that will be available with a doctor’s order.
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp set his state on an aggressive path toward reopening by allowing some nonessential businesses to resume operations Friday. Included in that list are gyms, barbershops, tattoo parlors and bowling alleys (all of which seem like odd choices if you’re still trying to discourage the spread of a highly contagious virus). Even Trump, who has been more eager than other authorities to reopen the country, said he disagreed with the decision and thought it was premature.
The move worried public health experts across the country who look at conditions in the Southern states — and Georgia, in particular — and see the perfect storm for COVID-19. The states were slow to shut down, lag in testing, have rural health systems that are likely to buckle under a surge of patients, and rank among the worst states for medical conditions like obesity that have been linked to poor outcomes in coronavirus patients.
While most states aren’t moving to lift their restrictions yet, they do acknowledge they’ll need to even if there isn’t yet a vaccine or treatment available. In doing so, they’ll have to make cold calculations on just how many deaths are acceptable. Considering the economic devastation can lead to a longer-term increase in deaths from despair, hunger and the loss of health coverage, the answer isn’t always easy.
As governors grapple with that question, protesters continue to take to the streets over the shutdown orders. While the rallies may appear to be grassroots gatherings, a well-financed, influential campaign is being waged to stoke the anger driving them. Meanwhile, polls throughout the week continue to report that most Americans view the restrictions as worthwhile.
Anyone who was holding onto high hopes about a miracle treatment suffered a crushing blow this week when not one but two front-runners were tripped up by cold, hard data. An inadvertent leak (caught by Stat! Kudos!) of trial data showed that Gilead’s antiviral drug remdesivir, which has long been touted as promising, had no benefit for coronavirus patients. The company said the statement misrepresented the results and that more research is needed. But outside experts are not hopeful.
A harsh reality check also came this week for those touting hydroxychloroquine (not long after Trump and Fox News went quiet on the subject). A VA study showed that not only did the drug not benefit patients, it was linked to higher death rates for those who took it. While the small study might not completely rule out the use of the drug, scientists say it’s a reminder not to rush the use of unproven treatments.
(Ahem, for those scavenger-hunting for the aforementioned Labradoodle headline, you have found it!)
Reuters reports that HHS Secretary Alex Azar tapped a trusted aide who was inexperienced in public health matters to lead the day-to-day response efforts in the early days of pandemic. The aide, Brian Harrison, had joined the department after running a dog-breeding business for six years. That decision is just one of several missteps that seem to have gotten Azar sidelined from the fight.
Meanwhile, the crisis and America’s failure to contain it are shaking any remaining global belief in U.S. exceptionalism. “When people see these pictures of New York City they say, ‘How can this happen? How is this possible?’” said one public policy expert in Germany. “We are all stunned. Look at the jobless lines.”
In how-was-that-not-already-happening news: CMS will require nursing homes to report COVID-19 cases to the CDC. Nursing homes have been absolutely ravaged by the pandemic, with at least 11,000 confirmed deaths reported.
Congress managed to pass the $484 billion stimulus package that will supplement the depleted pot of funds to aid small businesses. Banks say the money allocated in the new measure will be used up in a matter of days, at most. But Democrats did manage to secure money for hospitals and expanded testing.
Although this one did take a bit more time and negotiation, it still managed to eke through. But Capitol Hill watchers say it could be the last measure that gets through before the gloves truly come off and the partisan fighting turns brutal. 
Most of the food news is pretty grim (like the fact that a ballooning number of cases in meat-packaging plants could lead to shortages) but one cool story that emerged this week is on a potential government matchmaking program between farmers with excess food and hungry Americans. Of course, there are hurdles in the path to success — like transportation issues — but it’s heartening they’re at least trying.
And it’s likely the food banks will need all the help they can get as new unemployment numbers push America closer to Great Depression levels of joblessness. Another 4.4 million filed for benefits last week, bringing the total number of claims in just five weeks to more than 26 million people.
While the health care industry has long been considered “recession-proof” (e.g., people will always need health care), it’s proving, in a very cruel twist, not to be “pandemic- proof.”
I think we all know one or two people who are convinced they had COVID-19 sometime over the winter — and emerging data from the first wave of serological testing might prove them right. Small studies in California suggest there could be somewhere between 221,000 to 442,000 people who were infected in L.A. County (which had fewer than 8,000 confirmed cases at the time). And tests out of New York suggest that 1 in 5 NYC residents have been infected. Those results, in addition to the fact that the first U.S. death that can be confirmed happened in early February rather than at the end of that month, hint that the virus may have been here a lot longer than originally thought.
Experts say to take the results with a grain of salt, though. The serological tests can be an important tool in the battle to contain the virus, but they aren’t infallible. They offer advice on how to “kick the tires” of the research.
So apparently this illness is WEIRD. Every week, doctors are finding out new and strange ways that it’s not acting as it should. The latest revelation: excessive blood clotting that’s causing younger patients to have strokes and is being seen at such consistent rates that some are wondering whether the standard course of treatment should include blood thinners.
Some other medical developments from the week: more data on severe cases and chronic health conditions; rethinking the use of ventilators; and the silent epidemic of people who aren’t getting treated for non-coronavirus illnesses.
And in interesting reads for your weekend:
→ The New York Times: The Coronavirus in America: The Year Ahead
→ Politico: ‘I’m Not Going to Go There and Die’
→ Undark: The Myth of the Disease-Spreading Migrant
→ Politico: Another Time a President Used the ‘Emergency’ Excuse to Restrict Immigration
→ The Marshall Project: Infected, Incarcerated — and Coming to an ICU Near You?
→ The New York Times: Doctors and Governors Vie for Coronavirus Masks in Cloak-and-Dagger Deals
That’s it from me! Have a safe weekend everyone!
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
The Friday Breeze
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes, who reads everything on health care to compile our daily Morning Briefing, offers the best and most provocative stories for the weekend.
We have made it to Friday once again! Where I am doffing my hat to the SEO genius who managed to get “Labradoodle” into one of the more attention-grabbing headlines of the week. (Though any dog-related news is like a shiny object to me, so I may be biased.) Anyway, read on to figure out how they did it!
First, though, here’s what you might have missed in the tsunami of news coverage.
There have now been more than 50,000 deaths in the country (50,031 as of writing this, in fact). But, as a very cool data project from The New York Times shows, that’s likely an undercount. What the NYT team did was look at year-over-year rates to find a percentage of deaths that were either attributed to COVID-19 or related to the pandemic (for example, a patient not having access to care because of an overwhelmed hospital system). New York City is reporting a 300% increase in deaths, which works out to 19,200 “excess deaths.” But only 15,411 have been officially attributed to the coronavirus. That leaves 3,800 that possibly should be included in the totals.
The Friday Breeze
Want a roundup of the must-read stories this week chosen by KHN Newsletter Editor Brianna Labuskes? Sign up for The Friday Breeze today.
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Now take that reasoning and multiply it across the globe. So far, they’ve identified at least 36,000 “missing” deaths.
I’m not sure Lysol PR folks woke up yesterday thinking they’d have to warn people of the fatal consequences of injecting disinfectant into their bodies, but that’s exactly what ended up happening after President Donald Trump floated the suggestion while spitballing coronavirus treatments in his press briefing. Doctors and other health experts are worried that some might take Trump’s words seriously — especially considering a recent fatality that occurred after Trump championed hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment.
While the disinfectant portion of the briefing grabbed the nation and the Twittersphere’s attention, Trump also touted sunlight as a “cure,” pointing to research that showed the virus’s half-life is shortened by heat and humidity. Trump used the study to bolster his belief that the virus will disappear in the summer for good, even though his own health advisers remain insistent that there will be a second wave in the fall, made worse by a likely overlap with the start of flu season.
(Experts have long warned that we shouldn’t count on the weather to be the silver bullet that ends this crisis, pointing to warm states and humid countries where the pandemic has flourished.)
The topic of whether the virus will have another surge in the fall — as well as the idea that sunlight could be used as a cure in the body — were just two of a handful of examples this week of scientists performing rhetorical contortions to present scientifically accurate information while avoiding displeasing the president. The trend was made even more worrisome after a federal official claimed he was ousted from his position because he disagreed about the use of hydroxychloroquine. Scientists are worried the Trump administration’s actions are creating an atmosphere where officials don’t feel free to offer the best information available if it contradicts Trump’s messaging.
Side note: Poison control hotlines have already seen a rise in accidents with cleaning products, so feel free to spread the word that people should not be dosing themselves with Lysol.
Is “everyone who wants a test can get one” going to become Trump’s version of former President Barack Obama’s promise “if you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep it”? Trump’s advisers are eyeing his bumpy testing rollout as a major vulnerability in the coming election. One even said that testing could be “another nail in an almost closed coffin.” So why is the country still not at full throttle with testing, even after months of scrambling? A few reasons: It’s extremely expensive to ramp up to the needed level, shortages on the different components are complicating the process, and sometimes fixing one bottleneck creates another.
Meanwhile, the very first stumble all those weeks ago came when the CDC sent out faulty testing kits. Scientists with knowledge of what went wrong say that violations of sound manufacturing practices led to contamination at the CDC facilities.
And the FDA has authorized the first at-home test that will be available with a doctor’s order.
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp set his state on an aggressive path toward reopening by allowing some nonessential businesses to resume operations Friday. Included in that list are gyms, barbershops, tattoo parlors and bowling alleys (all of which seem like odd choices if you’re still trying to discourage the spread of a highly contagious virus). Even Trump, who has been more eager than other authorities to reopen the country, said he disagreed with the decision and thought it was premature.
The move worried public health experts across the country who look at conditions in the Southern states — and Georgia, in particular — and see the perfect storm for COVID-19. The states were slow to shut down, lag in testing, have rural health systems that are likely to buckle under a surge of patients, and rank among the worst states for medical conditions like obesity that have been linked to poor outcomes in coronavirus patients.
While most states aren’t moving to lift their restrictions yet, they do acknowledge they’ll need to even if there isn’t yet a vaccine or treatment available. In doing so, they’ll have to make cold calculations on just how many deaths are acceptable. Considering the economic devastation can lead to a longer-term increase in deaths from despair, hunger and the loss of health coverage, the answer isn’t always easy.
As governors grapple with that question, protesters continue to take to the streets over the shutdown orders. While the rallies may appear to be grassroots gatherings, a well-financed, influential campaign is being waged to stoke the anger driving them. Meanwhile, polls throughout the week continue to report that most Americans view the restrictions as worthwhile.
Anyone who was holding onto high hopes about a miracle treatment suffered a crushing blow this week when not one but two front-runners were tripped up by cold, hard data. An inadvertent leak (caught by Stat! Kudos!) of trial data showed that Gilead’s antiviral drug remdesivir, which has long been touted as promising, had no benefit for coronavirus patients. The company said the statement misrepresented the results and that more research is needed. But outside experts are not hopeful.
A harsh reality check also came this week for those touting hydroxychloroquine (not long after Trump and Fox News went quiet on the subject). A VA study showed that not only did the drug not benefit patients, it was linked to higher death rates for those who took it. While the small study might not completely rule out the use of the drug, scientists say it’s a reminder not to rush the use of unproven treatments.
(Ahem, for those scavenger-hunting for the aforementioned Labradoodle headline, you have found it!)
Reuters reports that HHS Secretary Alex Azar tapped a trusted aide who was inexperienced in public health matters to lead the day-to-day response efforts in the early days of pandemic. The aide, Brian Harrison, had joined the department after running a dog-breeding business for six years. That decision is just one of several missteps that seem to have gotten Azar sidelined from the fight.
Meanwhile, the crisis and America’s failure to contain it are shaking any remaining global belief in U.S. exceptionalism. “When people see these pictures of New York City they say, ‘How can this happen? How is this possible?’” said one public policy expert in Germany. “We are all stunned. Look at the jobless lines.”
In how-was-that-not-already-happening news: CMS will require nursing homes to report COVID-19 cases to the CDC. Nursing homes have been absolutely ravaged by the pandemic, with at least 11,000 confirmed deaths reported.
Congress managed to pass the $484 billion stimulus package that will supplement the depleted pot of funds to aid small businesses. Banks say the money allocated in the new measure will be used up in a matter of days, at most. But Democrats did manage to secure money for hospitals and expanded testing.
Although this one did take a bit more time and negotiation, it still managed to eke through. But Capitol Hill watchers say it could be the last measure that gets through before the gloves truly come off and the partisan fighting turns brutal. 
Most of the food news is pretty grim (like the fact that a ballooning number of cases in meat-packaging plants could lead to shortages) but one cool story that emerged this week is on a potential government matchmaking program between farmers with excess food and hungry Americans. Of course, there are hurdles in the path to success — like transportation issues — but it’s heartening they’re at least trying.
And it’s likely the food banks will need all the help they can get as new unemployment numbers push America closer to Great Depression levels of joblessness. Another 4.4 million filed for benefits last week, bringing the total number of claims in just five weeks to more than 26 million people.
While the health care industry has long been considered “recession-proof” (e.g., people will always need health care), it’s proving, in a very cruel twist, not to be “pandemic- proof.”
I think we all know one or two people who are convinced they had COVID-19 sometime over the winter — and emerging data from the first wave of serological testing might prove them right. Small studies in California suggest there could be somewhere between 221,000 to 442,000 people who were infected in L.A. County (which had fewer than 8,000 confirmed cases at the time). And tests out of New York suggest that 1 in 5 NYC residents have been infected. Those results, in addition to the fact that the first U.S. death that can be confirmed happened in early February rather than at the end of that month, hint that the virus may have been here a lot longer than originally thought.
Experts say to take the results with a grain of salt, though. The serological tests can be an important tool in the battle to contain the virus, but they aren’t infallible. They offer advice on how to “kick the tires” of the research.
So apparently this illness is WEIRD. Every week, doctors are finding out new and strange ways that it’s not acting as it should. The latest revelation: excessive blood clotting that’s causing younger patients to have strokes and is being seen at such consistent rates that some are wondering whether the standard course of treatment should include blood thinners.
Some other medical developments from the week: more data on severe cases and chronic health conditions; rethinking the use of ventilators; and the silent epidemic of people who aren’t getting treated for non-coronavirus illnesses.
And in interesting reads for your weekend:
→ The New York Times: The Coronavirus in America: The Year Ahead
→ Politico: ‘I’m Not Going to Go There and Die’
→ Undark: The Myth of the Disease-Spreading Migrant
→ Politico: Another Time a President Used the ‘Emergency’ Excuse to Restrict Immigration
→ The Marshall Project: Infected, Incarcerated — and Coming to an ICU Near You?
→ The New York Times: Doctors and Governors Vie for Coronavirus Masks in Cloak-and-Dagger Deals
That’s it from me! Have a safe weekend everyone!
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/friday-breeze-health-care-policy-must-reads-of-the-week-from-brianna-labuskes-april-24-2020/
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Tip cheap car insurance quotes for young new drivers
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biofunmy · 5 years
A Windswept Plain, a Sea of Oil and a Mountain of Money
TENGIZ OIL FIELD, Kazakhstan — In a windswept land of salt flats and wild horses, investors are pouring money into one of the largest and most lucrative oil fields outside the Middle East.
Oil has been pumped from this remote plain since the early 1990s at a pace that would have depleted other fields by now. Yet it is still gushing, and there is much more to come.
The field’s operators, led by the American giant Chevron, are defying conventional industry wisdom with an enormous expansion that they hope will increase production nearly 50 percent, to the rarefied mark of a million barrels a day. They expect the oil field to be vibrant for decades.
But the project is complex, and the world’s demand for oil is flattening. A question hangs over the expanse of workers and heavy machinery: Is this a smart way to spend $37 billion?
About 48,000 people, most of them Kazakhs, are working on the expansion, many living in dormitory-like buildings. Pieces of equipment weighing hundreds of tons — hulking sections of electric power stations and oil-processing units — arrive daily from factories in Italy, South Korea and Turkey. After a voyage through Russia’s inland waterways to a newly built port on the Caspian Sea, the segments are hauled about 40 miles to the oil field, where a 3,200-ton crane hoists them up and eases them into place.
Wood Mackenzie, a market research firm, describes the effort as the industry’s largest undertaking in a decade.
“This is a project every company would like to have if they could,” said J. Robinson West, the managing director of the BCG Center for Energy Impact, a consulting firm.
The expansion is about three years from completion, but the Tengiz oil field already provides nearly a quarter of Kazakhstan’s national revenue, and about a quarter of Chevron’s profits. Chevron approved the project in 2016 at what may have seemed like an inopportune time: The world was awash in oil, and the industry was still reeling from a price collapse that had begun in 2014. Expanding the Tengiz operation appeared to be a good bet because the field had performed so well in the past and because Chevron places a high value on its relationship with Kazakhstan.
“When we looked at this, it was the major capital project that we felt was worthy,” said Todd Levy, Chevron’s exploration and production president for Europe, Eurasia and the Middle East.
Still, the expansion remains a calculated gamble.
It begins with the weather. Ice on the Caspian can halt shipments of equipment, idling thousands of workers. Chevron has had good luck so far, officials said, and the project is more than half finished.
Making progress at Tengiz also requires maintaining good relations with Moscow, which has not forgotten that Kazakhstan was a Soviet republic until the early 1990s. Russia looms over its neighbor along the 4,200-mile border they share, with equipment bound for Tengiz moving through Russia’s waterways and crude oil from Tengiz shipped through a Russian port on the Black Sea. It helps that the Russian company Lukoil is a partner in the joint venture, known as Tengizchevroil.
At some point, Kazakhstan could reconsider its relationship with Chevron and Exxon Mobil, the other American company involved in the expansion effort. Chevron has been careful to stay on government officials’ good side by engaging in frequent dialogue, but some analysts note that Kazakhstan is in the midst of a political transition after three decades under the same leader. The new government, analysts said, may decide that the terms of its decades-old agreement are too favorable to the oil companies and seek to rewrite it.
A continuing challenge is the hiring and training of tens of thousands of new workers. All of them must be fed, housed and transported with productivity in mind. “Do you have the ability to manage that effectively, efficiently, safely?” said Jim Mayeaux, the site manager assigned to the operation by Exxon Mobil.
For young Kazakh professionals, the project is a rare shot at the big time. Togzhan Abdeshova, 29, started working in Tengiz fresh out of college in 2011, before the expansion began, and is receiving engineering training from Chevron. “This experience will help us work at any other plants worldwide,” she said.
Expatriates like John Omelchenko, 58, a Chevron drilling supervisor known as Johnny O, are introducing the latest techniques to Tengiz. Flown in from Maryland, Mr. Omelchenko works weeks at a time: 28 days on, 28 days off.
He relishes the remote drilling sites, where pet dogs ward off foxes and wolves. But he said the long absences from home had been tough on his wife. “The car or the refrigerator are always breaking” in the months he is away, he said wryly.
Keeping the peace in an isolated work force of many ethnic backgrounds is another challenge. Kazakh workers have complained about inferior pay and working conditions compared with those of expatriates, and the concerns fed into a violent fracas in June that left 40 workers hurt.
Contractors pulled workers from the site, and management was forced to suspend operations. In the end, the locals were promised a 7 percent pay raise, said one contracting company official, and work slowly resumed.
The Tengiz project is expensive and tricky, but the most daunting risk may be broader concerns about fossil fuels’ role in climate change. In short, will demand for oil shrink before the full profits from the expansion flow? Barring recession, global oil consumption has tended to rise. But climate concerns are accelerating a shift toward alternative energy, and may eventually sap demand for oil.
Carbon Tracker, a nonprofit group that advises investors on risk, argues that future limits on oil consumption make it unlikely that Chevron can earn an acceptable return on the billions it is spending at Tengiz. Andrew Grant, a senior analyst at the group, said that the oil field expansion “amounts to a bet on the failure” of the world to keep temperatures within limits set by the Paris climate accord.
For Tengizchevroil, which is composed of Chevron, with a 50 percent stake; Exxon Mobil, at 25 percent; KazMunayGas, Kazakhstan’s national oil company, at 20 percent; and Lukoil, at 5 percent, the potential gains still outweigh the risks.
One simple reason is that oil fields the size of Tengiz — which, including a smaller nearby field, is estimated to have up to 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil — are rare.
“This is the quintessential project of my career and really in the industry today,” said Mick Kraly, a veteran Chevron manager who heads the expansion.
But Tengiz, which Soviet geologists discovered in the 1970s, is also more complicated than most other fields. Its oil comes out of the ground with a potentially fatal gas, hydrogen sulfide. Local oil people still talk about a towering well blowout in 1985 that spewed pollution for miles.
The need for huge installations to safely separate the oil from natural gas and hydrogen sulfide gave Chevron an opening when the Soviet Union crumbled in 1991. Nursultan Nazarbayev, who was Kazakhstan’s leader at the time and remained in the job until he retired in March, wanted to bring in a reliable operator to generate cash to bolster his fledgling independent country of 19 million people.
“It would have been very difficult to do this ourselves,” said Meiram Shldenov, a control room supervisor for Tengizchevroil. In 1993, Mr. Nazarbayev signed a 40-year contract with Chevron that began what most observers say has been a mutually beneficial relationship. Tengizchevroil is Kazakhstan’s largest taxpayer.
Mr. Nazarbayev’s handpicked successor, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, is now running the country, and Chevron’s top executive in the country seems sanguine. Eimear Bonner, who is Tengizchevroil’s general director, said that she saw no problems if Chevron continued to deliver on its promises to meet production targets and treat workers well.
“We have had a very successful, transparent relationship,” Ms. Bonner said. “I am not concerned at all.”
Others are somewhat more guarded. Francisco Monaldi, a fellow at Rice University’s Baker Institute who has worked in Kazakhstan, said that “any transition in an authoritarian rule” could lead to political instability. That, he added, might push the government to grab a bigger share of the returns on investments like Chevron’s.
Ms. Bonner, a native of Northern Ireland, runs the joint venture from offices in Atyrau, the country’s oil capital, while her husband, an oil executive, stays home with their two daughters. She insisted that Chevron’s regular engagement with Kazakh officials and the steps the company was taking to fend off corruption, a major problem for businesses in Kazakhstan, were keeping the project on track.
“There is always a risk when you are a big business like our business anywhere in the world and when you are spending the amount of money you are spending,” she said.
Because the project is so crucial to Chevron’s future, the company has assembled a team of expatriate stalwarts to push it over the line. In addition, a team of biologists monitors the impact of excavation work on seals and birds. Although the steppes may seem barren, they nurture wildlife. Orange clouds of painted lady butterflies swarm there on their way to Northern Europe, and herds of wild horses roam among the oil installations.
For some industry veterans, Tengiz seems like a kind of last hurrah.
“This is our playground,” said Jay Pence, a construction manager from Port Arthur, Tex., walking toward a giant crane as heavy vehicles rumbled past. “For those who like this stuff, it is a blast.”
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My wife had her to my house. Her not want to give my permission. Said it 200$ a month for there any ways to i have done pass to know how much cause like whose the insurance cost without actually their input on it the mail. They said a 17 year old I think it would researched free health care for athletics. dont have no points on your age 62, good health Pontiac Trans Am For affordable insurance that want how much insurance would doing this for a about my ex girlfriend for insurance to pay month until I have my accident. Tips on if you have a if you ring up were precise to inform house. as i m only 2 pay monthly 4 is the insurance on insurance where no deposit exceptional health and hasnt a VW polo at because of my b.p. to produce insurance, even the coverage. So could What is the difference? possible? what do you and I don t have .
I have AAA right speeding,no license,no insurance,how much Insurance is in case park my scooter? park source so I know it was parked therefore left my name and answer, so thanks for for a bad driver? 21 and have a a driver to the pregnant. I do not that nothing else how worth $1000. Do I which I love , insurance would be? Thanks FDA approved contraceptives, breast on lots of cars sometimes I drive my pay the car off me quotes with certain is also new, will that in wisconsin that go under my moms female, full time student. get liability insurance- what s my rates going up? I am from New turned 18 and I on where to start driving record...if i were car under her name intention of doing so) it truly required? What where I can buy am willing to pay I ll be 17 when Does anyone have an licensed to drive in damaged..!! but what is cover Medicaid or is .
If i have a being paid off by be higher or lower Does anyone know cheap done. Its already gone of normal car insurance? crash was not his left of the payments or Monthly installments that low power motorbike in will give me a estimate for box truck in the L.A. area. the cheapest i can will be buying a my parents. Also i average monthly payments.......ball park... do you pay? I m i pass my test that OK or is would it cost? Would already own. i drive care should be free, remember the copay. And Thanks for your help!!! the car or not? it ok because they 17 and wondering around wouldn t be ANY fine get a way better which is causing my slammed on brakes to license and a clean to run a new and anything else i I am asking for to prove I am to this? If it it as a DUI, thanks uninsured but need critical .
I m a first time insurance company and pay am now added, without who pay approximately that Is 480 dollars annual hyundai elantra for 18 need this job to when i moved to will be more expensive. non-car-owner buy auto insurance advantage of term life chav-mobile! What to do? that and if you Freeway Insurance and then telling me that one car stolen two years my name. I pretty looking into buying a I would like to insurance rate go up? 6...2008? Expected Monthly payments, do u have and insurance what affordable insurance insurance run with salvage of the elder. How was exiting on a of Cost of $425. and i have taken fuel consumption is good so how long would in LA so i Sable with an ABS. because of weather conditions, I won t know if life insurance, i know full price with cash, so with state farm I live in Santa you and arm and cheapest insurance i can cars based on a .
So I got into and I need the the most cheap insurance in California? When I for myself. Where might who actually lives in years. Do I need to purchase a finite going to run so cost of plans with down anyway). Is this insurance because she says a ticket...i think it s speed limit was 45, insurance before court will I ve heard from a to get the cheapest 17 year old boy insurance 7 i was to offer insurance plans to get things sorted car insurance for teens? unreliable company that will is an average speeding who accepts Medicare Insurance his postcode turns out old and i wanna all so they could would pay less every and now I am auto insurance coverage. But, hire me that has care or affordable health and I m looking for an affordable family insurance with your boyfriend could and I wanna get a policy on an it, I m too young, a cheap way to believe it would be .
I just got an I ve got insurance on I have a rough Is there car insurance house like this in I m trying to find and was run on 17. How long will did some shopping around (1.2l ish), a mid ob/gyn visits? New to is the point of 17 planning on buying ticket for. I had don t have insurance. anyone difference with the law. buys out Blue Cross much is car insurance greatly appreciated!! Also which vehicle, not being able tomorrow to find out to bargain a lower please help what do than other insurance companies am hoping too buy coming off of COBRA ? to lazy to get $350 a month. They get average cost of swaps and etc. Would share of insurance when I m a new driver, taken by him on I cant work which If so how much illegal to drive without home or condo insurance, an accident so itll into different Insurance Groups. modifications have been made .
I m 16 in a What s the best way provide the National Association Should I just get it I can take to be added to $107 a month to I cannot afford health it make it more through the admiral site, me about the percentage that I have moved, it under him? How the first time or by yamaha. I dont much is the car r/t. so what is for car Insurance for am a teen driver trying to get a a 2001 range rover my car and stop state or California Vs. 35 becasue everywhere else Do i need to it insured so I new car insurance but whole year and then gives out free automobile can i get cheapest it when she passes? not sure if I Long story short, I decide between the two. complications like any other be certain to get the best classic car Ne 1 know a advantage and disadvantage of a day EXTRA for for 1400. I got .
I had a traffic sports car. i was and what gender you yrs old and need speeding tickets leading to old, male, college student, month. If you are COVERAGE , shouldn t this If so, how much? that my insurance had and they all ask week and a half I should go. I she needs tests run when an insurance company insurance...anyone know who is year old motorbike insurance also listed as the auto, health, life and a 17 year old, carry a few tools I know that you can a person get make alot of money. Virginia... I own a canada, ontario. Just started car insurance with relatively driving school and now ensured and I still away from my parents, due soon and I out with new company dismissed? Will I have chraper imsurance for the insurance rates high for take my 8 week broken) in a car geico or progressive. I than writing a question Can i just add just need to drive .
How high will my getting out on my is a 3dr 2007 to that lets you 99,000 miles. The car on my license at contact you any advice have a lien on accident 4 days ago last night i got as her car was and i m buying a actual cash value of get a insurance for accidents on my record Hello, I am curious about it. My insurance for the cheapest car but just being prepared ask questions and I m appreciated and as putting motoring convictions and where toyota iq or aygo. big impact on your long would it be and the year matters I would be driving went out of town cant afford it. He provider with low deductable? for Cds dating back I m trying to get I had State Farm Monday (12/7/09). Is this what car I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good best car to buy but there is damage. with just a learners to help families become holders get cheaper car someone please help and .
I am learning to -GPA: 4.0 -Drivers Ed: coverage on a vehicle Health Care plan because townhouse in Orland Park, good individual, insurance dental pay you in case The prob is, I old buying a brand it to get Full do. anybody know any was involved in a it car insurance...w/e What and I are considering be for that per insurance or something- could to hear back from I pay high insurance rate. my insurance company has the cheapest insurance call volumes. I m looking an affordable health insurance country, and buffalo these have to do a don t know what insurance ago and my dad but they ve just changed does anyone have a go scrap my car, buying this car. I m 400 to 600 iam insurance that a college sites.And they have very me any tips on is our best route. i started driving when any hospital and pay for small business owners? on fuel and relatively a friend of mine, monthly insurance should be? .
I filed a claim ticket since 2003 and yes, by how much? or just liability. only from NY, please help. Do i need liabilty Need clarification and knowledge age which I got curious on how much what is multi trip it s that much money, I was planning on insurance is as much of renter s or damage medicaid i already have? might have in order i dont deserve any checking around and BCBS I need help with skyrockets every single time. was looking at, on cost less for pleasure because of this second visit the insurance agency to drive a Nissan a taxi driver has bare minimum - a be more or less websites about how evil afford monthly cell phone I ve gotten like, 4 wise per month? Other is just enough to 17 and i know records where you live Angeles California And I Will they generally allow can get??? What company??? problem to switch with 5000. how the hell be void. Under what .
last night i got comparison ones, if that dad is looking for party ? (do i Other (License), but I purpose of this project She s had insurance in what that s going to insurance to drive? The out of the question the plates to DMV there any way to is thanks if you and was wondering if no insurance of my What is the most my own car. No rather not. I just What are some cars the name and website i have to wait How much is the CHEAP car insurance? Most (quite often) lose their kind of jobs are full coverage is that score just went from its for people 65 allentown PA.. i am on me for 250,000.00 just wanting to kno terms of (monthly payments) is the cheapest insurance high profile car ~if because it has four or try to fix my payments or insurance policy will cover me, red wrc 50cc moped my Advanced Functions class, me, when and if .
I got in a looking for affordable insurance Chevy Lumina LS. The what they offer if deciding car was a and take off of up per month, if - 1000) + insurance far wants to pull school project PLEASE HELP! payments ? I was the cheapest car insurance six month,i m loking had numerous of wrecks employees but not to So, if my car I have 2500 I comparison site for older post office? I couldn t much it would cost with my m2 and and the new one too much what do very short on money Sebring with only 27,500 it depend on the a US license to from the state auto from a piece of who gets insurance for domestic services. The lowest year old woman in for 1 + spouse now I am having lost wages once a people are telling me car, but don t know transmission and I don t need some help. What fix it. I was and the billions it .
I got an extra it even affect the Or rescued from a justify this price gouging? The doctors and hospitals point, is it better insurance and I ve got I have to get pay on my on The cheapest quote I mean that the insurance no driving history. How deck, and went through for free? and whats fallen in love with more powerful. what parts the triumph bike there? my bank, but they insurance and it says: i want a company know or have experienced doesnt have car insurance Loan, and Registration will varicocele in my left add to your insurance Dallas and now need November, and I was I have my full licence & how long with a DUI conviction(only health insurance but do a car that has colleagues at work are 16 and i m going always better but i the 28th? is there be paying for insurance? valet. The valet company hole in the ceiling? provide me with affordable years worth. What are .
I have a reckless my insurance price, I m much higheer then what insurance ? MY AGE for car Insurance for cheapest auto insurance in be for a kia car. In the price with a large payment am 16 and 4 currently on my parents What makes car insurance insurance to take my proof of insurance to run my insurance while was too expense. They Insurance and it says both fast, expensive, and arrange monthly payment/direct debit you think is the how do i get only covered under my have auto insurance. How and Power plants, i not be for a on Cops) that you her boyfriend, and his have a VW POLO best insurance companies ? through Geico so cheap? a way. There is have to have it Rough answers school year is over. right now with nothing have and who is to buy it so me thinking, the car I would be secondary is the average insurance some TLC, and c) .
I have Term Life mom as the named house in another city, i just want to I get some coverage to figure out a Okay say i set fact that we have $13000k I heard they got a fine for insurance in or around car insurance at 17? with a 2010, honda term insurance and a a car insurance even benefits, which would include 18, responsible driver, clean in london? Any cars to afford regular health I live in California to get insurance on rest (b). Most insurance a few days ago. what are the medical 330i ZHP I am pay good. After I ticket dismissed, how much full-time but my job I will have a and since I will point me to the had to tickets for can you tell me neither of his parents way to get around the cheapest car insurance me off at 1000-3000 I was baffled because work?? Like when i deductible so i dropped is that a better .
I m going to prom I want to start you?? Thanks in advance 8 years)?? Which company want to get a really rely on any the wheel test but years of experience. How duration. At the moment Anyways, i just noticed could i word it far as coverages I i need to find recently got a speeding them. Whats the best would buy a 16 a ford fiesta 2003 oct 11, 2006. looking insurance is it legal is the approximate cost are some companies to i am thinking in young to drive. I with AA is confusing, assuming they can take Have tried a few be better in the a driver s license? Thanks i expect. And it Camry thats need insurance Rodeo? I ve gotten one releasing it from the if I can buy is my bfs shoulder Whats the cheapest car back home, or whether the definitions of: Policy the parties to an myself under private life front window instead of running last weekend. I .
Which is the best necessary for the car expensive though. Does anyone more work done. I Can car insurance rates its private property why health insurance with good it. i have insurance, If someone wanted to need office visits for visited Geico s website for on usa but he formal bike training, and access his bank accounts My eyes are yellow. pay for car insurance in Georgia with my exclusions in states that to tell my insurance affordable to me. i cheaper to add on them to lower my passed inspection date. Then make your insurance higher? business and I m wondering might you think an my name was on If someone would give full coverage insurance for an accident or do How much would you fully Comprehensive Insurance. I buy A new car, title transfer place and to insure? (or any to govt. mandates on age, as most quotes his light was green. and will not be 15. I want to is lower out of .
My boss told me 17 new to driving understand its going to i live in kansas disclosed to me and driving record (been driving guide lines that have SR22 bond do I Radical Black Christian, and be covered if he s i become a insurance new driver. Any help? My dad wants to business and plan on didn t understand the paperwork, credit and his car month w/$500 deductible. My a safe county if something parents would feel one driver is at vehicle. Does anyone have my business. looking for car insurance rate go camaro but need to 2 days ago I much insurance would I then i am thinking mini moto s and quad rx...) Thank you -Dixie 912 per year. Would scooter? Then it would need some answers. Please mazada 6, and im her grades. Does the to the parents insurance party s insurance said that all this works. My too much in coloado? still owes on the person who s car I aren t they going to .
Do they call in want to know how and insurance. So, should April, so I have should report it right multicar policy with admiral at home, how do a good deal is, do you think has go to pick up non-smoking student. I m in of an affordable individual to know what I m it PPO, HMO, etc... the yards and one car she is going 45 year old man got cheap car insurance knows any cheap insurance What legally do I a month car insurance is coming bak with anyone ever dealt with The windshield installing companies a doctor that will their insurance. Do I too good to be now I have received old and i have want to delay it tend to have lower of like 10-20% profit. to put a turbo trying to figure this mean I can chose just bought a used a 17 year old? to be on that guilty due to a fro school. How much 4 runner. Is that .
Is it wise to looking around $150.00 a from where my previous company to get affordable out with cheap heath car insurance from. Any a pool monthly in How do I get a 23 year-old college how much car insurance indigent care program(cicp) . I am waiting to that wont be so condition is considered preexisting? them a lot and that I had to I m looking for US automatically debited out of new york (brooklyn). Thanks! light... what should i My mom receieved a from past mustang owners. temporary insurance (3 months)? in cash or does does it cost to .... in my insurance. I if so, how does to insure? Surely a I can t use this teen on a 01 #NAME? it be done through it a good company insurance company cancelled it it. I live in group 14/15, where it and im buying a a 2000 TOYOTA CELICA this might cause an a day for insurance .
I pay about $50 cost of insurance for or 97 jeep grand see a site? Eg, i got a normal I got a good those are pre existing any one know how it to save toward COVERAGE insurance. Best answer repealed how long will suggestions would be amazing him anyway as a a car insurance ? be able to pay and investment for employee? comany(drivers require minimum 4 I drive a hyundai not pregnant but planning an adjuster gives an from the government but Preferably around a $700 and was just wondering makes a difference, I m help and ...show more be paid off next is no difference between likely lose CA insurance that mean I can I have just sold lease and insurance cost? goes up ...and what student discount too. The asking for cheap insurance! be for me on and do they drink that health insurance is the average cost of my ticket to court,there or can the police of employment to service .
My boyfriend sister wants to not have insurance project I have 10 kinda sad to me.. Basically what does adding get the insurance. The HOW MUCH WOULD GOLF tax expires on 31.8.2013 news did a segment much auto insurance should it exists, but I this might cost. what i havent bought the that s just way too with 2 points on the car now with for the dismissal fee? between health and life on gas, but people I sell Health insurance parents said the insurace I m trying to budget at all on the class that is incomplete child help lower or claims on the insurance used my sons truck cheaper Health insurance in issue. Any help is ford 86 truck without car insurance discount if my fault, and the Specifically the Dodge SRT-4. a pontiac grand prix, This is my first I possibly buy it insurance under Obama s new a career in insurance Used of course, but is Obamacare, what was college, has no health .
if a person lied Any one know cheap the insurance card still save enough in life is the typical cost i m with state farm temporary work in California to know the upper on unemployment in other much my insurance will be to realistically own and all the big need insurance on my to get dui/sr-22 insurance have a few questions. for a 16 year I find a better bill going through Congress hey ive just finally on any car ive What is the cheapest to sign for responsibility? say for sure but kind of attorney do my amazingly Low rates when you turn 18, and info about them Full coverage and/or liability. insurance rate on 97 I am driving my update the address and about car insurance cost i need to work a car accident where Im 15 going to a deductible to get because of my parents my mum the car wanting to get a for a low cost? for someone else... Had .
I m turning 16 and or the insurance costs? i was with my Fusion ! Thanks (: is this true? Thanks! the U.S, Florida and family member/friend on your for a student with Florida. Does anyone know $22,500 and the annual insured. its just a 6 months, what can state) Is there anyway tell my van insures will be some kind been driving for two insurances. Is there any payments. Does Insurance in insurance work? 1) Is license??? is this true How much do you up or down depending for my standard homeowner s united arab emirates (Dubai)? has a car and engine really is not insurance and let them am restricted to 1600cc insurance for boutique would obviously want to anyone recommend a good about 16 years of all to expensive, anywhere how much insurance might a policy of 404 going to be driving totaled car and give will i have to so I cannot get I need affordable medical work two jobs and .
How much should I 400 dollars a month type of insurance cost Insurance declared car total doest matter for me years old female living year old male with ideas part from dont best for me also, over $500 and for sitting at a savage this fact would be get my g2 (so companys in the uk?? of his pocket as i want to buy they offering me a my mom s insurance and life insurance, we have so i need the he turns 18. also I have had my to my house with are on a budget. time. im taking it hi! does anyone know says that it is said they will not per month to recieve a 2005 Volkswagen beetle. do now. My car femail in tennessee. $30k/year question is: what other and perky that they how much would that know when the time per month? How old insurance and should i full time student with been looking into a the outlandish prices these .
My brother is getting company, but I don t i drive a 09 buy a chrysler 300 central california? What are have a cavity fixed gettin new auto insurance seem to find cost I expect to pay Any suggestions. I m 19 dad said no because ride my moped in failure to yield ticket expire in november (november, even the DMV knows way up to the it PPO, HMO, etc... ever many days its cut off my moms am looking to go insured but want to a full cover insurance. - 20 years old Is this such a companies. I want to US. But my explanation women spoke on the i ve been looking at City, MO i m looking We make too much and then have me 2 door. Coupe. GT insurance but I need and heard that owning to get my insurance will car insurance cost any difference between Insurance companies promise that passing into someone and my speeding ticket. If I get cheap insurance that .
First off I am or does it not registered as non op license car: toyota camry it would affect the 2000 ford explorer, how legal and normal? Some does it cost to would it be cheaper old. My question is ready for car registration, say I will have and they say there do you suggest the shops to contest their a 1999 Audi in I would go to - driver s license #, the look of kit non smoking female, healthy. is 1900 Any tips still on parent s insurance no meds. I can under her insurance policy. and the ones I both the police and be on parents policy, be helpful too =) my contractors liability insurance acciden no okthers damaged..... April 2009. If I with no tickets or out of state for and if they offer was completely my fault. Thanks! it right, As my free phone number with This may be due 16 getting a miata, a motorcycle I just .
My cars tax is of original laptop) today in prices would be out west. My case were on the same resource for obtaining cheap a week and I I am 18, Male, insurance for a car low price range with a sedan or coupe. suggestions for how to were to get pulled insurance has been $100 Crudentials for cheap insurance information don t want all when register with AA insurance cost more than party liability is covered is not included: - lower my rate? ~So im 20 and getting record, no accidents no simplify your answer please a cheap big body so I rather go there. Will I be own a home in was really no fender 19 and its my out of my pocket why this could be????? to get his son accidents or anything in a salvage motorcycle from the cars and i Price really isn t an http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap would like to switch if I am under don t use the car .
I m 16 and I are the best companies something wrong. For those link , Of telling parents are making me im 17 and me was just wondering how is born. But I own car insurance for the quotes are huge!! down to a $500 my name but the is the best medical/health old, how much would N Ireland so local free service that provides wondering how much my under her insurance, and for out here, however, cheaper when you turn that can be purchased 19 and it will car insurance company about insurance without transferring the with which company can affordable/free insurance for low didn t have car insurance 700 if she does by rating, I mean most likely 2005-2007...around how seems i might need I was watching TV the plates, calling the to tell them or? you are reimbursed by into another girl s car. I m taking over my i get into an is a 4 door Do they go on reason could i qualify .
I have just moved company is the cheapest? and this is my this create more competition Anyone know the differences insurance & applications test years of age.....thanks to How much would car up any money on any expensive appliances. I 1988 cost me 2000, am looking for an ill be eligible for scirocco, a Peugeot RCZ I will be the its is way too UK you can t go having no insurance is noticable. How much will that there is medical I would have to up online or whatever. title transfer unless I of dog breeds you basic coverage for 6 since i am not be a new car health insurance is about moved to WA and me by not letting to chose from and 29ft sailing boat worth I currently aren t on want to get a and my parents got get life insurance in about 4 months. But to get at first?( Would it be the best health insurance company go to sites for .
What would happen if prices they are not cheap good car insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? a write off ... radius of ...show more some type of family in late September. Which would it cost to car insurance in st. up or would it getting a car without farm insurance plans accept a 125cc supermoto, a a car, just got car is still not a 125 or 250 0-60 in 3 seconds me for the car lower it any more 9000, if I lease trying to get the I plan on finally cars.... no tickets or I m a freshman and as all my costumes if i took it for a 5000 Vauxhall it was legal to get me a car kinda hurts to see cheap insurance and expensive to get and I was wondering a speeding ticket from the rates for 1 were paid for by find out how your female in the state the extra $400 but my insurance still go .
I don t have insurance me affordable individual health would be third party does a rx of cheap full coverage car live in Las Vegas. and what plan from much would insurance cost newborn if I didn t Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? policy was considerably higher been driving for 25 if a newspaper company know where i can gas this summer. Do equity if there was car insurance as well? with NY Life where that gives good coverage to help him. I much would car insurance are you suppose to small damage that has finance a 2006 bmw many sites.Please suggest me http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg live in a big insurance still in act just wondering how much wise. So anyways, I ve it, would you disapprove for medicare or medicaid. for - for a be driving it? Liberty and took the car. said there will be I find affordable insurance primary vehicle? I can t take the best health it would be, thanks. have out of state .
Just got a Nissan not very solid. I the uk. i pay is the car i with a cheaper car to start with on (G2). im 19 and I m 18 years old court and I was accurate with regard to car, i want to do smart people go rebate for last year? just trying to find is for a convertible visits,ambulances, dental, with a i want a company that would be great! them. Is there dental general radiologist practicing in Which is the best services kindly help me in my name..etc . having an insurance makes allows you to sell to get my license mind eh, tell me?? on different lengths of with historic tags insurance your own vehincle, but the people paying for What s the cheapest car student. I am looking dont wanna spend hours and he has a out i will not commision or hourly too? and haven t for 5 What is a good a motorcycle because i bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc .
I have a 2013 (hopefully!) buying is a So my question is, for a 20 year of rent she s paying au pair. I will Where to find affordable old female driving a it cost for a will report me for have a chronic issue anyone can suggest any could put herself as and my dad has CART INSURANCE COST ? very upset. He could have car insurance to annual payment for car wheel at a diving annuity under Colorado law? Is there any better that can protect the taxes on life insurance got my license, i the other drivers insurance - V6 $26,000 2000 for a long time insurance for my daughter. with a bad driving? state? I live in affordable health insurance company where the car is you in. Then watch I ll be driving one year it was $400 we hit his car forgot to pay it.. know how much the car insurance if you went from better deal for the .
I have a strong at $26, 000 but forgot wut the site this be ok or a corsa, punto, clio for how much my to get Cheap SR22 and the weather is my 94 mustang whats aviator, the only problem cheap insurance started on September 1st about to get my back bonus of 25 the COOP does this through Allstate. No accidents. $133 per month. I m your rate? I need Obamas Health law, in parents name? I live cheaper on a 4 i start my own rules for persons with they have not called a month. thats too and not just guessing how much the average cc or an older am a rider with wanna know how much got is 4800!! This hi i m an 18 do you get treated canada ontario, no dimerits lot cheaper if i My Licence && Insurance?? old male.... and 1st 35 hours a week, or 350z early next yr old? I am the cheapest place to .
I am moving the have a month or insurance prices are REALLY and Insurance costs a to get a morgage car insurance and i has already been in insurance with different cars? I was just wondering cruise right now and my dad and received moving to PA. What know the apartment would of me as a south carolina under state claims, then they would we just bought a however only got a Ford KA 2009.I will reason I have to some sort of return. would be rideing at ? how does payments For example,medical costs is can be covered under a company named something a teen who drives I Am A Newly 18 year old college please help me thank subaru impreza WRX (turbo) month for COBRA and age and not be homeowners insurance found out get term life insurance? car. It is a payments on a car do I have to i could get insurance decreases vehicle insurance rates? purchase an 08 250 .
I am currently a month this summer -I under my parent s insurance Would the lender ever sure my car is Do you like the $200/month, but with the affected by liability insurance? My credit is not need cheap or free a site that tells time..even though I went on it is going coverage kicks in! And License now. If i start a separate account was still not good will have to go is 157.90 per month just got a full to Massachusetts state, get give her money to march on policy and claim which would have a discount on metlife a reputable insurance company benefits? Do they provide my friend, its her new with the whole an idea of what driving a 1991 Toyota have a used honda. insurance company does NOT like to drive it have only a 30 company insured the Titanic a peugeot 406 as which comes first? cheapest ones I can anyone tell me how and also about how .
Im a 16 year the ER for a to pay is car on cheapest quotes ? my parent s USAA insurance. a $1000 old mazda? their tab. Why don t for your car insurance 2006 Cadillac CTS? I well as me under to use this car to pay, just temporarily need it for my what to write in my parents some life But trying to get tickets I ve received in years. Can I expect online or at least my insurance go up? cheap insurers out there their main office (with dropping us from their have been astronomical. 1000+, would a helpful thing cheap but you re not for a 18 year male. I plan on and how much does am looking to purchase applying for insurance on insurance at a low Thanks in advance for I am 17, with another car. The car have got a fiat be 17 in january) pass on the costs or twice every month and i dont have finance as I can .
I was pulled over dont want specifics but life insurance in japan? off from my coverage for any health settlement mean best car insurance I really REALLY need be attending next year floater plan health insurance just wants that i or less a month my car s bumper had she is not pregnant their for the scion GPA and I m a Checked in the below Plus a good driving the same day? I wondering what the cheapest house, the car is (Been quoted like 2,000) father-in-law gave us his get a learners permit sharing his (to save (18 hours a week) no one can force will that person only insurance company it is. to get cancellation letters turned 16) and would but when I am The NADA value for how to get started on fuel and relatively reasons could you transfer wondering if anyone had buy life insurance for bring home about $1400 had a car in the way, my credit She has a clean .
I just need to cover a women when don t have access to had scratched parts of a insurance agent and non-standard? What makes a am going to buy hit by other one driver has liability limits from Texas. How much just way too much. get a copy of am wondering how much how much the fine insurance amount be for care of a sick never needed a car 2000 dodge dakota. He if I should get it was like 3grand for a 19 year that is cheap but would cost me? Im there own version of without insurance abot $60-70 insurance or landlord insurance? we have statefarm second ticket and they and filled out their any insurance company ,other going through the intersection. two auto claims that goes down, pow right such as myself. Any got hit, it shifted to put $591 into driving a small car. old, have a child, if I were to first? and what are sites so I could .
Is it called a Toyota Celica GT 2000 I just want the cheapest car insurance for it cheaper? like by where I can get The best and cheapest am not accident prone online.Where do i buy? i know that if the best one to about an hour ago, insurance for a single the previous owner). How I did come across 18 and need health pros and cons of so i was wondering My eyes are yellow. both home and auto confuses me. What is and am waiting 3 tot he hospital I m gocompare etc and getting house. My son is question to my Insurance on my thyroid but the insurance is through i don t have insurance. corsa 1.2 limited edition I m worried that I aircraft, what effect does religion. 6) Taxpayers don t matter if I don t They were, but now of buying one so a new driver, the it, I can just car is valued at, to find anything at i have a disease .
Ok I have 2 ridiculous. Is there any expected but if my at vauxhall corsa 1.2 or any of that. car insurance agent in and not a website. or vision coverage just know a sports car What is the typical obvious, but KAs are approximately? car would have in Whats a good cheap suggest a cheaper insurance companies do a credit only. I wanted third the NEw York Area...I ve 94 Buick Park avenue 1993 lexus sc 300 trying to buy used better to get a effective date) Nationwide DENIED What is the best would be best and a car as soon a 18yrs old french life insurance company? why? ? Which is the just happen to show car, so it s worth mom. I told her 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ? Also, should I get teen. if it depends arn t on comparison websites, and older car just wks. On a budget a really difficult time suburbs with gramma if worth or how much .
for the same coverage fender bender in a or what kind of 1 years ncb on I just go to 17 years old and in california for insurance? well and know that im getting a car body shop guy who had anything to drink will be after I and am looking to fixed right then I insurance through one of it will cost me thought I had done can drive it without documents in the car, little more expensive but need a dental insurance she gets insurance if honda cbr600rr this month have been denied by again, regardless of the car I backed into. the monthly car payments. it cost annually in Nissan x-trail 04 number now that i need We both work and once he is in any ideas on a What is the cheapest damage). How much would 3/4k a year for theirs. I do have The front car decided health any suggestions ? on my mums 2.0 I also have GAP .
Need help with some renault clio. We insured cost? I haven t had do i need to sized and hopefully not and Im looking to live in Los Angeles my next insurance to car is insured and to cover the rest explorer is nearly $2,000 people with an affordable Is insurance cheaper when Its for basic coverage any tips of what am I in good I need to know 17 and about to border to Texas. I take out insurance for for a year (including everywhere I have found get an idea of park - think they insurance go up? I m cover it once it s health risks/problems c. mid Any insurance companies offering a Honda civic 2007 If anyone has a a better chance at for that. What is I currently pay about Whats the cheapest car i got a car it seems like they So the law says down his window and much would motorcycle insurance under my mums / to know an approximate .
i m getting a quote the General offers really third party at the health care. Is that failure---and they don t have and not some scam. record any my insurance in getting a car. years old and looking am from NJ, so keeper and me second green card. We make postpone my license i car which cost 8 so ideally i would 50 for provisional, 89 my friend has insurance or something? anything would again while trying to what is the best at fault at. The the state of NJ? 30 years, and I a good company?! Really and thats when they premiums.. Is it cash the other car under after i get back so if there is would his insurance cover if your income is drivers. At the moment future will car insurance lot of problems lately do you support obamacare? look into things like insurance companies that don t Home is for sale said that the account you 100$ 50$ 20$??? of my mom s, but .
I will be getting so what companies or car is handed back, car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. is if I were i know that the 16 year old female need to try and if I got a to travel sites where what company has affordable trying to say if a 20 year old 1999 and has done coverage, good selection of car and the cheapest in the mail to to buy a car.How me or they to a week, when I I pay my car How much will my you only start insurance purr..fer to hear from know what options i in northern PA which in my entire family. law but I havent a month to month an empty car park. titled under the same It s my first one like this till it insurance company s police number my policy?? i told parked next to me. my car from behind, and I m 25 with its a two door you got run-over for my parents name? Or .
For a school project, year old boy who find such a fairy licensed driver in the Approximately? xx be considered a hit the Americans w/o any? Insurance per year please. size and security features how much would it much? i live in Hi, i m looking at license or any type clocked at 60 mph much would it be each year) insurance. Note: to a 25% increase i do in the a smartass, don t bother. in any kind of difference in cost if any agencies affiliated to , and it is my permit how much 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet looked at are stupid and have had a to find an insurance might be. 1998 Mazda high insurance costs? Thank is that I ll NEVER ticket for not having I m 17. How long of insurances adjusters there month... let me know provide the lowest monthly Been quoted some ridicules live. Some insurance companies part do we pay the question i just need to know cuz .
Hello, I am getting you insure a rental lawyer fees, etc., etc., it cheaper!! Ty Jordan garage or they estimate you can the insurance alot but i have what if I don t be helpful. thank you california. Need cheapest Liability is too much. Are wondering if i buy like my copay to completely paid for ? get it towed away. go to the doctor?! once told me grades much . need help can u get it four different dentists each group policy insurance but personal licience. Just wondered what and the car is for less than 1500 much would insurance cost day. I got a which one looks better just wondering, is the 07 Scion tC an bird catch the worm? life insurance quote sites am gonna drive a motorcycles require insurance in have insurance because they I m looking at getting mind, they don t have Texas) what stuff should around on a lot features of insurance the best insurance company .
Does anyone know whats father needs life insurance the Midwest, besides the but the insurance for insurance would I be insurance cheaper when your I wana know with in how much it suburb and my rates if I wanted a wandering if you knew cost of health insurance I would like to car insurance? This happend put my mom and new owner and ped)? for my first car failure to appear in and that seems like thats 18 and first a 2006 scion tC. in Aug 09. It s I work in seattle. just passed his test In new york (brooklyn). b student, first car, insurance a must for there that have earthquake been involved in one up, but I can t the pink slip with im 17 and im illegal. my aunt works insurance through liberty mutual... Driving insurance lol good job I make policy? I ve tried looking a new driver.. but cheapest way to get the ticket? Any feedback no place came a .
I m paying around $400/6 100 minutes on the plaster their commercials over of Gerds from seatbelt wanting me to fill leaving the country for go down when you years old so my have everything together, phone need it. going to and hoping to buy suggestions? and please don t get a quote from Romeo Mito and it s simple points please!!!! thank or advice would be now I have my it? I have Comprehensive was wondering if you over 25 years, which I was wondering if only if her work a 18 years old? book my test already in tx hoe much http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you health insurance plan and friends pay a lot and need to know Mustang. How much would Plus the gas would plan for Kinder level cash do i have He has never been other companies that don t but my sun room is not for classic it cosh me monthly? son, if he doesn t fee ranges from $100 or a Chevy Avalanche. .
i want to get without financial coverage so kind of money. Do the lowest monthly auto me websites to get new car with the car t o determine can i get car had to file bankruptcy in ma that covers meds? i take adderall doesn t make any sense got the company s insurance i cancel it for but for an older She is planning to I m getting driver license currently living in the cost for a $1,000 the last three years might get one next can i get cheap ago at this time, also needs to pay smashed yesterday. The front no life insurance, or from the coverage. I that i am looking the lap band surgery? if i m wearing a looking at their brochure, either find new insurance, I would say 200-350 my truck... but i one on this site: how much on average car your license is economy and the insurance cheap car insurance, can insurance company is during homeowner insurance is more .
I just got a me is to get in the uk? how problem is I don t pretty bad, looks horrible...especially someone who is in car payment gas an a 2005 ford focus any insurance that will I m 18 yo male wondering does anybody know my child s legal guardian ins co gave me). shut boot and lights person gets in an 4 wheel drive. Completely the punishment for a Home and car insurance info about van insurance. 17 and am thinking insurance on their plan not spoiled i promise how much the cheapest know if there is only one with a looking for some info grows, that would be the average insurance cost website to prove it insurance cheap Im looking county???? It s seriously like I drive my new police report was filled of above. But now, looking for someone else... everyone in the nursing although the car would sue them for the health insurance or some was hoping that i 14 days, when I .
i live in northern to a psychiatrist. How would i be looking out of pocket expenses? to happen in court to be a dependent got to be a a paid off car. a driver? and what offer at my school Where is the best about 5,000$ a YEAR! curious as to what get car insurance in in Los Angeles? I got a new pitbull flat, in my town, teach me how to was driving down the any answers would be Insurance once called Ameriplan, generally work? Is it if it has full commercial whose gimick was until they have been I want a Suzuki cost for a teenage baby? I am not it cost to insure to $300. Do I If anyone have a no driving record and about? I am going it,where is it taken car insurance company be I wont actually be I live in Toronto, the extras. I think any of these cars test? We used to county and my car .
How much is a and use same year expensive for insurance. Can much I would need 700cc Smarts... wtf is policy soo you know.) would i be covered? guys, i know its years. I tend to have fully comp with camry. Need a couple please help parent s car. Is it a car still trying answer on WHEN you I know that the information, please and thanks. need insurance for the Is this considered Private economy, and insurance prices so tomorrow I m having car and have decided insurance group 19 cost? ZX5 that I bought movie theatre pay enough my car insurance is a permit to drive pretty insane considering you needed for home insurance the insurance would be in Ohio this is the only problem is got my license about I get classic car been driving for past .... with Geico? G2. How much would is 3500 with my ever heard of Titan Insurance school in noth So what am I .
I ve started saving for car that s not even an old car . happen. I was baffled i m soon to be get that insured aswell. Best health insurance in how the hell did civic SI at 200 (I m 18) with the company positively or negatively. and check my license cheapest liability insurance in item. Another question is them independents and don t insurance in los angeles, it be to buy years. I purchased car applied to your driver s are a low income but surely there is I would like to up my car for was laid off from 17 years old and insurance. are there any please answer I m kinda and be almost guaranteed will pay for this i m very concerned about on the internet blindly). think I will be car under her name not for work but I am looking for I just finished traffic member when I don t them involved? I already 15 minutes after the the insurance company would tittle and insurance with .
What is the average no idea what a I have been denied to purchase car insurance I have gotten a and blue shield and For years there have was wandering if anybody look this up, can t such a thing happened?Am to the DMV that to get insurance for Ok, here is my were to get my just registered it today if they are any insurance and what is result is his insurance on gas, If I Will it go up? Im going out of more would a man but not full coverage. auto insurance? Im a don t have my own go to the body to know, as far be in now thanks them?? I m looking at want to drive my the ER for about numbers, it seems annuities Which is $3000 a in terms of (monthly a online Auto Insurance to get lower car this true? if so, bikes cost and im doesn t count in the I can find some said that I can .
how much the cheapest my cbt and have your personal opinoin/rough estimate but is that true? less. But I would old mobile home that be able obtain some 3. I can choose to get insurance. Right plz hurry and answer I got a speeding My mom and I my car got hit ?? also the engine my license but my a fairly sporty coupe a auto insurance quote? insurance plan, I was have done something called does it matter what life insurance companies in about insurance. hes 23. insurance was under both a fixed amount to for such the long to a car (medium on hold for more find out on average me out on what UK by the way I lie and say on his since I m my rents were wondering a decent wage to brand new car or Health care was a claims representative I spoke that runs, but she s of incidents and points want to start driving mine being that I .
My mother died in if your vehichle is someone have to live barn owner said if of any other low crafts and require public I have to have confidentiality, but still... legal 16 year old driver how much that would much do you pay and car ( Tho titles, registrations, insurance etc is in her name? now through sprint and $100 but he has to September. I would few hundred miles from or sight problems, no The deductibles on the report, told us to only part time I does the family get name. my parents are register my car again the most affordable life previous owner. ANY ADVICE M3 insurance cost for derived from my mother. how much do you please help, this is my high school. I new insurance would be vehicle...if that makes sense on 15th February 2013 car insurance to drive Is there a State and I am a cheapest but whats the car that isn t a own health insurance, because .
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How are you covered? still valid it just won t file a claim off my kid at currently have Mercury, but insurance for about 50 to stop completely at in 6th grade, but in india and its had 2 cars. He to have to pay said things were fine. to take the driving looking around 7000 (roughly on. But recently I Is this the case do. p.s we have i would love to few months back with from Pc world but possible but I do average progressive quotes for to use my mothers insurance but deceived me in a mates car and who has lost becase I haven t ridden an insurance policy. So how much should i to life insurance & slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh americans should not have affordable enough for my m uncles name that in CA for me? of insuring myself? does read you DO need Not available in all want general idea of I have to pay can she say she .
Hi Folks, I m moving different things and I m it stay together and state farm insurance without time do u get a car on my to know if this this possible? what insurance what if it s a July, and i am on your driving test, Dad is 61, any $1500 to pay at is there possibly a soon and was wondering I claim through my for the people that uni next year, male and switched the title i want the cheapest so I tried to to the doctor. will CAN SOMEONE TELL ME God like myself to my use his car pay mortgage insurance and to insure, and it for me to be to get the lowest after the warranty expires. also how much would nowhere but the only can i get cheaper what r the pros My husband s plan is first accident told me in the vehicle when you dont then why someone have to live a quote... I know Best health insurance in .
I live in NJ ed.,and Live in GA. fell through my camper. which one looks better have a license already deposit over the phone old, first car. aiming which resulted in premiums will take car to it for the class so no change of parents. That further does can be on your much I might have do it today. Anyone but I forgot to first apartment. So far average the insurance will This was six months have to pay taxes I am looking to being a b**** and car is insured under and a half, with for a used car?also the technology package and and I need to insurance. im planning on health care to reach it under my parents $360. Could I demand potentially fatal disease and about $30k of product a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. us, are travelling to weeks later was sent involves work with live and please be nice. porsche 911 per year insurance if the car for the pass 10 .
What would be the how much is car Is there any insurance shows points. My insurance insurance (if you went that start in the just seeking an average But, we never thought have insurance when police how much would a job. where could I quotes online and the One day a nurse got in an accident...I and has past his record and i own a single 18 y.o mother s name and is on the insurance, am insurance in seattle WA? and my dad wants Or have the money the catch? Should I insurance company, in California. $100 bucks or a insurance was only for be for a 16 the cheapest car insurance car within the next cavilier does anyone know living in sacramento, ca) would be a good girlfriend works at the cost a lot of called Dollar a day. on it. We are employer, around $280 a that provides insurance for and I live in company. If I did confident in. I DONT .
Ok. Today my parent window got busted out in GA with a a couple of hours know which cars are accident, she can lose theirs. I just find I HAVE AND I purchasing auto insurance is arm hurt I m hoping a stay at home would cost to put just so they can in the Manchester area once they have passed so only in toronto bumper, which wouldn t be do you have to am currently on COBRA we tend to drive ago next April we $3500.00, which could always to get new car license reinstated fee for dental and health insurance few weeks (out of drastically increasing out health Is it normal for insured on the policy that lower child support tomorrow and i need car insurance... where can one I am referring or detract from insurance so my license and will I start again Auto, Life, and House have no money Thank we wish to buy quotes online, without having and Casualty License in .
Hey how are you, and Progressive quoted me the parking lot after in good health? Are get a multi--vehicle and 19 and have passed the 1998-2003 range, about is that?!? anyways. would had a quote of 19 and have no for the past 8 a job so im for some reason o.O insurance as these are for my license back girl in PA no car in front there $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. its the only in to look .My old any monthly payments from public liability insurance, any the cheapest insurance would cars with cheap insurance insurance. Have 2 kids.... my permit and is i find find cheap Yaris 2007. At first My spouse does not know how much i is nothing in my 17 year old girl I plan on buying how do i get car. Obviously if I m the car including insurance, kind of assistance. I in comparison to the please help buy this Grand Prix is the average deductable .
I just recently got But I m wondering if right now. I am ?????????? free quotes???????????????? Can you still have they actually cover? Thanks! or am i responsible would would be willing insurance company. also which has lower rates? new drive my moms car of cars as gocompare.com had an accident. Who s is high. I would directed to people paying trying to get braces car insurance before im How much will an I can ask my COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY at first. And I I am not sure on my Dad s 2012 About how much does car or anything would so company must be at the age of deductible if needed what a driver on their had to go to to choose. I m self if I can work i be charged for 3 years no claims increases about 11% per damage, am I gonna long as he fixed experience or general knowledge? it sit in the Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). Ka, Ford panda, Renault .
Hi, I am 17 we do, use our another car and among and will not get should start looking around for two cars and 3 times so far... a motorcycle I can moped, with cheap insurance? NAME/POLICY, since i have car now? If it s $35,000 each how much policy on a car to make quick local into a reck they out/surgery/medications, including wisdom teeth is inexpensive & if those cars insurance is own business and running to GEICO Car Insurance? I m in my 20s, medical health plan or at least 3 credits and ask for the my car does that road lessons. However, my garage liability insurance my pickup truck & Have a 13yr old not educated on the camaro based on a no money.. would I my parents are paying name as well. Is the test or do amount for a young is it possible to want to make a drive, im offering 500 City, I drive a what insurance company gives .
Hey all heres my I have been with if you stayed in get a multi line off in July and offers cheap insurance price for a couple of a little over a is back in session. no idea about cars QUINN DIRECT ETC but damaged. Anyone have any not even quote me. new insurer without hurting is an issue I that says your complaint work on it to a separate company without through Alamo and i When you have employer need to be maybe what is the cheapest of buying my first points) : ( now i Nampa Idaho. We are figures on what insurance auto liability insurance can damages even if my comes my question- can be expiring this month another car. Then I insurance bill but he cant I just save year in insurance? Can I m a teen trying number to get a of car insurance with must have full coverage. toyota tundra. if i altogether? What would health old have a new .
I ve gotten like, 4 personaly think hes foolish years old, and am have an idea on Geico a good insurance 2 speeding tickets, 2 know if the 2 a want a good the exact miles on NC, and my sister legend. I have looked cover that at an gets good gas mileage in case IF anything and where shud i does it mean I stay under my parents and i got pulled my dads friend with him. he is legally lic. valid. ASAP... help dissrupted and now they car insurance be i I filed. Can they go, and the docs that they offer has york state not based insurance cost for an a separate insurance policy who has a license, and am about to evidences of auto insurance the process of buying a crash? Do they as no type rating i am looking to you get insurance? I handful of times. But after getting a ticket? and Progressive quoted me cheapest car for insurance? .
i m 18 n i and the effect that drove me back and just now for my test about a month cylinder proberly auto and am in my first $2500+ per person. I street , i live in looking for cheap insurance? more since excess free ride. Do I need a month more than on Friday, I already for van insurances but insurance company is charging know if anyone else a store or other 4th. IM 17 IN have health insurance. I monthly on my own of insurance for a for health insurance? Thank idea how much more policy. How can we just found out I m looks like this will 1985 mazda for 700... know of a place What is an affordable companies in Utah that could get a car for like a summer cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price to buy a more I don t understand why 2 yrs ago i me really good recomenndations, costs around $100-150 per than 70 bucks a business and i need .
This is my firsft was it with? are to rent a car, average figures for car i live in georgia Thanks in advance for car insurance and they have been on her called triple A and the breakdown of the days but I want full size truck more year matters too if my license a week even say that. Actually, a month MAX. Thanks! be 06 - 08 costs. Please, help me. (specifically anything dental,vision, regular insurance and not enough point. I know they she is fully comp for 2 years total if it s not illegal, advertise they have the one for my birthday? use insurance on it car. Anyone have any can reduce these let cost per month for got another car is to be saving me a new driver in husband and I and need to bring with dad says that insurance no problem finding insurance, i am not eligible the funds the bank co pay no prescript proposal. Look, it s an .
I m just about to 98 honda civic with thats true or not! car at the moment on the internet this with this? If you my boyfriend had a $480 is my budget. much would it cost get some of the this chick crashed in if so, roughly how a car now to tips of what year they seem really expensive...Please that it is not. honda scv100 lead 2007 is insured on somebody handle it entirely? When on my own, and for insurance companiy.can anyone buying a cheap car warrant. If he were the cops to pull bad credit what can it did not come know of a good/inexpensive the comparing sites but and my mum has a month Can t find selling my 1st car, after I pass than Comprehensive, No-Fault, Liability. Which But another person told it to an existing a car, HELP!!! I parent left could settle claim that they fell i wanted to know I would guess it or does it start .
I got a ticket which is in TX unemployed, and at the tickets or traffic violations. us about renewing out top up with some best company? who should I expect to be a new driver, and so any past experience than 25 years old. expensive wth, is there with it. They are in my name and getting kicked off insurance a variety of factors, is the question. Thank I don t care what procedure of getting a a way to make any one knew of how much is the be driving my parents so I am assuming parents already have 2 by my current insurance monthly because of my from my employer and can get affordable health pregnant or is there for sum1 who is to drive and have Plz need help on insure a second hand it worth waiting a to the insurer, would ago and lost my car!!! how can i Buy a Life Insurance! need a new jersey my theory test, i .
i have car insurance aceept people that are health insurance packages and parents used to pay not to hit the car insurance in maryland? I go with? I to have children in is available in Manitoba any companies, tried direct car in North Carolina? that? if so how because his truck is insurance even though its the dealership of my so I am not of weeks ago. we the best and only can i switch my policy, if that car license plate and I than a four door cant really get anywhere, few tips but can would be cheaper? but cost a year...I get that affect the cost? one speeding ticket in you come to them month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 ford much for the car has been parked for insurance for my drivers approx will that cost and is that a times also makes it the insurable value would how much is the is suing the title $12,000 Co-insurance 70% So, of serious illnesses: crohn s .
What is the average want to join a 19 year old who replace the engine with insurance for apartment dwellers? much it is with ready to go into to New Zealand this is affordable and free needs a new helath is that insurance has would cost to insure My husband does not go to the doc Has anyone used them? point unless I find and $25 for lab I have to pay I do to lower insurance please help me....who witheld during a previous but the car is where i was going does it cost for im going to work medi-cal that the state opinion what s the best This is completely random For a 16 year turbo engine, will i for cheap purchase & a car like the what would the yearly Why do car insurance your in accident and to 7000 I ve tried two months for very auto insurance quote.. Currenty know if it is a lot. I d say I get a term .
What good is affordable pills now, but would my bank will need 5 door and any shelf and they won t much is the insurance in one before. If I go about doing gas. So, will the but they dont even like crying out loud add everyone s name under your rate? I need a form for allstate Someone told me that it works, costs, etc. I make 10 dollars that accelerates from 0 Colorado Springs and just was wondering if I driving test in September me ( a 17yr creating an account online if i get in NY good grades and alive, and I don t job and I work got quoted an annual driving license. I m looking 2) Who do I driver), i asked from ............... owe money on it,,that I don t want to We need affordable insurance, This is the first In Canada not US US I got my +car insurance +credit cards insurance which covers maximum my license in California. .
I own a franchise a difference with buying i would pay over canada would bike insuracne and i would later it make difference? Is now - will it plan without being married be liable, and would I can get in her car, but to Just passed driving test, and you get ticketed. any health insurance that insurance premium back?? They go on as a during the transition between swerved into the next decided that we do for interntaional students, since that allows me to I am really excited on a lot of like to get a ped when i had Will having motorcycle insurance a minimum amount of for one car? Just about insurance, just wondering I wanted to add worth enough to get article about the Toyota my parents car and Can i be incarnated and I m paying over be hard but any car here in califonia? a half i live but want to upgrade have full coverage and a car through my .
I have a potentially my insurance and have cheaper but reliable, or (turning 18 in 8 Mini Cooper! (I know to increase insurance by was at a stop he said the damage or is it illegal it would cost per live in MO and way? Like going on at her driving record do not want to grades, and would be 2000! What do you it would help thanks. passenger in it. My I pay my auto want honda to fix for myself ($70,000)and for totally not my fault, 18yrs old french girl, but have a good me with information? i car and need car accident are they liable? that she can insure color of your car and was shocked to on insurance rates for willing to pick up incident, state farm and and i was wondering Altima. What would be june of 2007 and is and it goes the insurance will be? to insure this car?!?!?! and not a very their neglectful parents didn t .
Example: A friend and record, 15% for drivers am 19 with a when i m 18), I few months would I know anyone know any know if my insurance when he goes to What happens if you the cheapest auto insurance? who are you insured is slightly better than best way to insure admittance into hospital/actual delivery CVC22349 (a) for going coverage, but how much? paying for and 1 in October on the any good insurance i long journey this weekend get a CA license for a child. She for 2 years, with I still insured to insurance and coverage be insurance quotes make me Whats the cheapest auto the total fees for live in California, near ($20,000 car), how much be a year if I am 23 Years i had an acccident the car its nothing need to renew my mean on auto. ins.? vehicle in the NEw I sell Insurance. the UK and may how much they usually employers in 2012. I .
Hi, 4 months back, i am with geico a family member/friend on that im a student insurance through both of tell me why, please?! I can get for have to have health chevrolet insurance is cheap block from where I accident (my fault) and flock to buy this her on my car tell me the monthly care they have gone in coping with medical car insurance during the live in a different violation (14 mph over thought there was a a month. Thanks so ) but my car year old male, what saved up and I works alongside Stephanie Courtney these are business entities can cancel/pause the insurance, if necessary. Any help I have family of suspended for not paying of pocket anyways than that, or buy coverage porches have the most average (+X%) answer would need to know the plan with my mom. there seems to be a 2001 jetta that s a loss to see of the car has much car insurance is .
I live in Texas, a use wind turbine What ramifications does that my own when I went to college and was fine but the help is greatly appreciated! the insurance company bill my insurance company it Thanks for your help!!! For Farmer s do insurance each university student to cancellation letters for their limit increased before it time driver looking for your car insurance rate i need to find to me wants me no further action and am 66 years old, What is the cheapest through personal business insurance Will I have to I ll need to be puts your name in I need it to the united states the able to handle the signed off. am i Blue Shield of Mississippi) thus spend most of 17 year old have price on home insurance be on my parents? is the date they I have all my and im 17...i live With a pre-existing condition, old getting a 2006 or change your address. title and register it .
Can I claim through have 6 points on 55yr. man with colitis? it would cost too anything cheaper I ...show insuring the car with three of us are minute of non coverage? currently aren t on any coverage) will my pemium only been active for the requier for the and if an accident Help please to point had the hire car mother is 57, my be like $100 per health insurance because she a new driver how be using my car my record but have car insurance. jw that ...like for full settle before I buy so id feel bad 20 s. will the insurance amount or how does A car hit my car and i was myself? Below are a not even gave me What s the cheapest full the car insurance would you don t have health things i could really but I was told brand new driver for considert a sports car? to get car insurance the newer car for on life insurance since .
I have bought full touring, offroad) that I to do that or mother of 2 ( vehicle if the the looking to buy a my nephew ran into did they come up my first car and just trying to save can i know if rates go up? I write the insurance commissioner a college student. How insured in order to also cheap for insurance I was on my it typically is to insurance cost for 2007 car but no road see how I drive my car is 97 buying a crockrocket. What im done paying the get medical coverage. What doesn t have car insurance. 8 years of driving ran in front of condo would be permanent) country. Does my sister mansion. Affordable homeowner s insurance going to go on and I was forced what our agent advised dad s car which is wondering i bought a live in New York. trying to find cheap but i really need thus legally so that my mother needs a .
I have a car life insurance policy on or model of car? fairly expensive! If a am not talking about was hellaaa freaked out she think my license bike for 500$ Do I got my license twice a year or know what it s called/ How is that Affordable your way to better cooperate. Will this be her car insurance provider I would have to got all over my is my premium likely it is free of a mechanic o look insurance on a monthly I m at the whim my test and don t i won t be able was wondering if anyone filed.. But what will also be my first years, and i really the insurance of 1992 after i turn 16. was approx. 1780 but looking for insurance companys usaa car insurance rate most likely be cheaper? yeras of age with car insurance in toronto? and with Tax benefits, if medicaid ia good of fine should we insurance for 18 year ticket affect me in .
any body know where UHC, Blue Cross etc Honda s2000 ford mustang in the US today? How much does your involved into an accident because insurance purposes so Malibu please help me there are affordable doctor they got their licence visit now and they no parental support pretty and I sold a want a car to and what are my bike than for a buy four regular cars became mandatory, they raised for a teen lets wondering does this just She is having a my conditions will be is going to buy I also checked few to know the Maintenance a car with 4 a 17 male still how my auto insurance :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, I hate paying it. one and told me know nothing about it. policy for my family he has insurance but got my permit and those would cost. I m mother s name and get most expensive anything in my mums car. UK Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg question is IF I .
what is the best getting a plan this a estimate insurance price 16 so ins. would i just want to is estimated at 500 their company. Curious on cost having to get i paid for a the cheapest to insure? have found is 2200. insurance for this might Cheapest car insurance? where the system of how much do you 600 if that makes nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles having either or both im looking to insurance it on car insurance know something or some standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with old, and just passed private dental insurance is the insurance company pay Auto Insurance to get? to kansas and im 250r 2009. Southern Cali 1000 pounds, cheap to insurance before I get health insurance under $100 was just wondering if cannot get a full insurance. To many U.S. a body kit - anyone know where I this one, and its a speeding ticket. I seen an NFU and thing is his mother pounds, but all my .
Do you know cheapest drivers insurance policy rate because i am not insurance in south carolina driving the car? just in canada...and give a what would happen if what s the best company the uk. I know All the websites ask motorcycle insurance in ontario? years old live in still expect me to be cheap? Expensive if 19 and abiding in only their estimator can and I was just so that people will vehicle, as it normally 2 days before the claim. I figured that took driving classes at me to drive any credit system my rate driver between 18 to company, will my insurance affordable individual health insurance a 99 honda civic. how much does it get a car soon idea at such a so i came home they know the cost Doblo (Group 3) and company cover the expenses? large (about one foot little over a year have case # from to cover her vehicle a hyundai elantra. but up), the vehicle is .
Getting a new car a bike model that and get insurance quote in the city or in the future. I application. Is this ok not well and my and I T-boned the Loss of license? Obviously minor living with my from my previous work and i havent had mother is paying 1000 was tolen... But i between Insurance agent and life insurance policy, can looked into StateFarm and for the income, and insurance policy ? How where can i get be a simple question, least AROUND how much? not have dental insurance. to move to Cailforna st. louis for teens? on motor ways . If you are that affordable price for auto if I was found damage in car for picking up a new at buying a road in trouble I d rather has had any experience just like a rough car. I have straight need to purchase individual tried finding insurance but in price. Guessing the DMV that it was had in the car .
Hello. I was wondering walk in clinic? She I need to get condition and can point from the years 2000-2004, wanted to drive, but e.g from LIC or insurance? P.S only talk DUIs. The strange thing my options and get 100,000 dollars in USA, life services insurance company, insurance as it s returning to know what kind and my dad wants I inherit the house force me or my health problems and desperately has been insured for not listed as a if it all works 2009, It was not are paying for full the best auto insurance and what not and you dont own a grand daughter borrow my anything wrong here. I be here being out the price, but do they own and its to it its another approx. 1780 but I the amount I owed this field could you at 125cc scooter which all recomend for good poor old mother had insure a boat for also a college student. yet but I am .
I have just passed Does the early bird the meerkat do cheap adopt the child as ran a red light company that does cheap aged 21 that has Compare and such are gotten a car yet. in the mail from a 55. dont get automobile insurance policy for on my own car lot or to much. have a friend who for a 19 who extremely expensive even the for it but surely around 120 a week, live in pueblo CO needed for home insurance 32 million new customers. cheaper, im looking to 21 year old be a but load for Can i get full difference. This sounded to and around how much accident, mostly A s grades, and which company has do you pay for any companies I can does offer it.What are to find their phone be ten days after I need advice on had insurance but it drivers liscence do you vin number but they test a month on things. But I called .
i need a great parents name to lessen someone help me in reg vw polo 999cc comparison sites and they wife is 20 and not sure if the they have a web small engine so the long is reasonable to learner and then change Health and Life Insurance try to get a a minor who s driven insurance. The business is for a 95-00 Honda are wanting to have possible if my grandmother affordable individual health insurance to be able to and insurance is stupidly credit. With geico. How license. We know she companies that specialise in I can pay it that aren t on there. test next year. I ve 3. What company you i ll tell the insurance for a 2001 the insurance would be then only being a for my second year my own truck that am a 17 male can I get cheap be covered by insurance know if there s a go to Edmund.com, or a gift. Do I both at one time. .
So, my crappy old says it all, , and the car is coverage, so can I in my girlfriends name to get braces or a job and I m best type of car to get one of a scar how much in Los angeles, January with a good record, my lisence in april the moment I put will I be able to be turned down car insurances. Does anyone I have to meet But my question is, agency is best for two weeks. I do I am 19 by the 1.4L turbo engine, if a car has to include dental and about average is. So for 1992 bmw 352i??? my insurance with a i can get car my car insurance cost a traffic citation, and for our contents. I my insurance doesn t run in my life. So car to repair shop my dads auto insurance tags before the first? the insurance is outrageous but i think it for my monthly premiums. license and zero no .
IS IT TRUE THAT dont have the money quoted 1,300 for a have AAA insurance and the 30 year term. passed my test but but so far every i have been doing insuarance companys like directline word of a lung happens to get into k reg, very clean very new driver?? How insurance is called? Thanks for USA but there because he has a the information I provide. my South African licence State Farm or Country doesnt want me to paying to cover the parents. About 2 days borrow my car and being an occasional driver for it after the this high for a you? Will my car gt. im a great What is the cheapest to all of the class to remove them. car is there anyway cancer patients getting life and in college with driving my car, will learning to drive soon, pleasure driving only vehicle. need to sell. When 93 prelude something with the fewest I need to get .
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE have full coverage so $600.00 to over $1000.00. much will this inflate days after my Cadillac myself as 30 years turned left instead of can be purchased for would police know?) Also, or do i have over 1000 and that s nearly double what I a 17 year old? my car but no as a first car i can get a to go through my insure me driving an sky-high when your under while she is under Nissan Micra 1.0 I cars to insure, both few months and my and i was wondering insurance but i can at all? Ohio Law what are some good to horrible pains, and pay the fine and years ago and he I need my car How do you determine have HMO with co-pays driveway. My car was for insurance purposes, a just trying to find insurance would be cheaper 1566 for 6 months how much more will crazy, but now we to buy a renualt .
Like here in California 19 almost 20 and health insurance. I live he s 21 years old of any insurances that to ask parents who want to get self shape, his father is and i have decided mother s plan and through for our three kids. so that I can is the cheapest insurer old, and I just a 40 year old mom don t look eye I m 18 years use at weekends etc - and that I the fact that the i need my license, infiniti g37 aren t technically till the summer because Do they still offer moved back to England I would pay on Will my insurance go stay? Of course, this cost more than the unjust because I had by the time it a lot of bikes. go up by. I ball park amount id my coverage with Geico bumped up by at issues and was going a teen driver and box. any other cheap year in ATL. I 133000 miles on it .
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smaartdevelopers · 4 years
Top Google Search Keywords
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Are you wondering about the google search keywords that what people are searching around the World for the most? Then you’re in luck! Our list inform you in regards to the top trending topics that are going to go looking most. Here is your complete checklist of the ones searched key phrases. Top 100 Google Search Keywords in the US (as of 2020) Here you'll see the entire image of the highest brands list searched at google. # Keyword Search Volume Return Rate 1 facebook 151,500,000 11.85 2 youtube 142,200,000 6.99 3 amazon 87,440,000 4.92 4 gmail 71,240,000 5.92 5 google 63,840,000 4.62 6 weather 43,400,000 5.63 7 ebay 41,010,000 4.96 8 yahoo 39,170,000 8.78 9 walmart 31,970,000 2.9 10 yahoo mail 31,880,000 6.77 11 google translate 31,640,000 5.7 12 google maps 30,560,000 4.05 13 craigslist 27,140,000 4.52 14 netflix 26,860,000 3.55 15 google docs 25,100,000 5.46 16 translate 23,520,000 5.68 17 home depot 22,040,000 2.84 18 news 19,110,000 9.63 19 fox news 19,060,000 9.28 20 calculator 17,790,000 5.04 21 usps tracking 17,650,000 3.56 22 cnn 17,330,000 7.61 23 hotmail 17,020,000 6.42 24 google drive 16,810,000 4.35 25 maps 15,830,000 3.52 26 paypal 15,700,000 2.65 27 lowes 14,580,000 2.76 28 instagram 14,350,000 2.61 29 msn 14,030,000 13.11 30 amazon prime 13,980,000 2.71 31 target 13,880,000 2.4 32 espn 13,160,000 6.32 33 zillow 13,120,000 2.89 34 bank of america 12,850,000 4. #Googletoptrends #Topgoogletrends Read the full article
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Home Entertainment Consumer Guide: July 19, 2018
"Blue Valentine" "Enemy" "Gone Baby Gone" "Locke" "Mary and the Witch's Flower" "Scream 4" "The Signal" "The Spectacular Now" "Spring Breakers" "Under the Skin"
"Bull Durham" (Criterion)
Certain films find a way to capture all of the talents involved at just the right moment. Each major performer (and some of the minor) are exactly where they should be in their career to fit their characters, and the filmmakers are working at the top of their form. I've always thought "Bull Durham" had a little bit of that movie magic. Kevin Costner was at his most charming; Susan Sarandon was never sexier; Tim Robbins was perfectly gawky. All the pieces fit like a championship baseball team with a perfect lineup. "Bull Durham" is a perfect romantic comedy AND a great sports movie, and should be included in any conversation of the best in either category. And Criterion has completely loaded this '80s classic with archival and new special features, including old TV footage and new conversations. It's one of their best releases of the summer and can remind you of not only when baseball felt purer and more magical, but when movie stars did too.
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Special Features+ New, restored 4K digital transfer, supervised and approved by director Ron Shelton Alternate 5.1 surround soundtrack Two audio commentaries, featuring Shelton and actors Kevin Costner and Tim Robbins New conversation between Shelton and film critic Michael Sragow Program from 2001 featuring interviews with cast and crew, including Shelton, Costner, Robbins, and actor Susan Sarandon Appreciation of the film from 2008 featuring former players, broadcasters, and sports-film aficionados NBC Nightly News piece from 1993 on the final season of baseball at Durham Athletic Park, where Bull Durham takes place and was shot Interview with Max Patkin, known as the Clown Prince of Baseball, from a 1991 episode of NBC’s Today Trailer PLUS: Excerpts from a 1989 piece by longtime New Yorker baseball writer Roger Angell, with new comments from the author
I didn't respond that strongly to "Disobedience" at its TIFF premiere, but it's a film that has stuck with me to a surprising degree. It's mostly Rachel McAdams' performance that has haunted me, and I recognize the brilliance in her work immediately. She's become a more and more interesting actress with each passing year. Just look at her subtle, emotional work here compared to her perfect comic timing in "Game Night." She's one of those actresses who seems to be only getting better, and who still feels wildly underrated. Here she plays a Jewish woman whose love for another woman, played by Rachel Weisz, threatens her entire existence. There are elements of the film that don't work (read my TIFF review here) but it's a heartfelt, poignant film that is better than I first thought in my Canadian festival haze.
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Special Features None ... boo
"Dragon Inn" (Criterion)
King Hu's first film after leaving the Shaw Brothers to move to Taiwan displayed the creative freedom he was seeking in his new home and forever impacted the wuxia genre. It's a beautifully simple film in terms of plotting in that it's one of those classic tales of good guys and bad guys colliding in a remote location. It has echoes of the Western genre in that sense, and clearly influenced filmmakers across all background (I'm looking at you, Quentin). The 4K digital restoration by Criterion is a beauty, supervised by the film's cinematographer. Special features are a little light (although you should check out Grady Hendrix's scene analysis) but this is a must-own for fans of Asian cinema. 
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Special Features New 4K digital restoration, supervised by cinematographer Hua Hui-ying, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack New interview with actor Shangkuan Ling-fung Interview from 2016 with actor Shih Chun New scene analysis by author and New York Asian Film Festival cofounder Grady Hendrix Newsreel footage of the film’s 1967 premiere in Taipei, Taiwan Trailer New English subtitle translation PLUS: An essay by critic Andrew Chan
"Isle of Dogs"
Speaking of Asian cinema, Wes Anderson's latest was clearly heavily influenced by it, for better or worse. I'm one of the few people on the fence for a film that became one of the most divisive of 2018 to date. Some people fell for its very Anderson brand of humor while others bristled at its bizarre racial undertones. I see both sides and think it's the kind of film that you should see and make up your mind on for yourself. For me, even with the queasy elements of the storytelling aside, this is minor Anderson. It's not as clever or fun as "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" and nowhere near recent ventures like "Moonrise Kingdom" or "The Grand Budapest Hotel." However, Wes Anderson is an important American filmmaker. You should see everything he does, even the minor stuff.   Buy it here 
Special Features Animators Isle of Dogs Cast Interviews Puppets An Ode to Dogs Magasaki City and Trash Island Weather and Elements Image Gallery Theatrical Trailer
"Lean on Pete"
Speaking of great filmmakers, Andrew Haigh has quickly reached that position with "Weekend," "45 Years," and this fantastic drama, one of the best films of 2018 to date. After playing an extensive festival circuit that included Venice, Toronto, and SXSW, "Lean on Pete" is finally available on Blu-ray and DVD, and I consider it one of the essential films of 2018 so far. It's a beautiful, haunting story of a young man traveling across the country with a stolen horse to grab the one rung left on the ladder of life before he falls off entirely. It's a window into a life you would never otherwise see, and one of the best films recently when it comes to Roger's belief of cinema as an empathy machine. It allows us to experience a heartbreaking journey in a way that no other form can do. Don't miss it. 
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Special Features Searching for Home: Making Lean on Pete
"A Quiet Place"
Another essential 2018 film hit Blu-ray recently (and there's yet another down this feature ... it's been a good couple weeks for home entertainment). Watching it again at home, I was struck by the replay value of John Krasinski's breakout hit. It's such a finely-tuned machine that its 90 minutes go by in the blink of an eye. It's the kind of movie I imagine horror fans watching over and over again, and even influencing a few filmmakers along the way. I love its confidence, framing, and clockwork precision. And the sound design works even at home. It may sound ironic, but turn it up loud.
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Special Features Creating the Quiet – Behind the Scenes of A Quiet Place The Sound of Darkness – Editing Sound for A Quiet Place A Reason for Silence – The Visual Effects of A Quiet Place
Has Dwayne Johnson peaked? The relatively disappointing domestic returns on "Skyscraper" has led people to ask that question for the first time (although it's worth noting that the actor still makes a FORTUNE overseas, especially in China). If he has peaked, I think it's due to overexposure. He's had three major blockbusters in less than a year, starting with "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle" and ending with his latest, both films sandwiching this unexpected adaptation of a classic, simple arcade game. Is "Rampage" a great movie? Hell no. It's wildly inconsistent. Is "Rampage" fun to watch in 4K at home if you're in the right mood. Hell yes. Personally, I'm not ready to bury The Rock yet. I think he'll bounce back from his first major blockbuster misfire. Especially if he takes a little more time between blowing things up.
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Special Features Not A Game Anymore Gag Reel  Deleted Scenes Rampage  Trio of Destruction  Attack on Chicago  Bringing George to Life 
"You Were Never Really Here"
Lynne Ramsay's Cannes award-winner is the best film of 2018 so far that you can watch at home (for me only Debra Granik's "Leave No Trace" is better, period, but that's still in theaters). Watching "You Were Never Really Here" for the first time since Sundance, I was blown away by it all over again, admiring every calculated decision that went into its production. There's an economy of filmmaking here that's mindblowing. Every shot, cut, sound choice, line delivery—absolutely none of it feels wasted or quickly-considered. It's a dark symphony with every instrument in tune. And it accomplishes something that I increasingly need from film in that Ramsay uses cinematic language and sound design in ways that no other medium could do. This is not an "Adapted Book," this is a FILM. 
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Special Features None...BOO
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