#Fran O’Toole
stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre | UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
Three members of the Miami Showband are killed by Ulster Volunteer Force members posing as members of the security forces when returning from a performance at The Castle Ballroom in Banbridge, Co Down. (Four of the killers were actually members of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), an official reserve force for the British army). At the time, the Miami Showband were one of the most popular…
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flaviatomaello · 1 year
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Fran O’Toole era el cantante de Miami Showband en 1974. Tenía 28 años y con su esposa, Valerie, eran padres de dos hijas pequeñas. Rachel tenía tres años, Kelly dos. Era el suceso local de una banda que se había iniciado en 1962 y había atravesado decenas de formaciones diferentes hasta lograr estabilizarse con su presencia y la participación del guitarrista Tony Geraghty, el trompetista Brian McCoy, el saxofonista Des Lee y el bajista Stephen Travers. Cuando decidieron juntarse, desconocían su condición de origen, su opinión política y su religión.
Eran tiempos de “The Troubles” (los problemas), el conflicto que mantuvo en vilo a Irlanda del Norte entre fines de los ´60 y 1998.
En mi último #reportaje para #Conversaciones te cuento la #trágica #historia de #MiamiShowband , los #Beatles #irlandeses y entrevisto a uno de sus #sobrevivientes @StephenTravers
#FlaviaTomaello #periodismo #journalism #crónica
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baycitystygian · 4 years
25: A song by an artist no longer living
“Here I Go Again”- Fran O’Toole/Miami Showband
these guys were SO good and Fran was a cutie and it’s so sad that the only way I heard about them was from the Netflix documentary about what happened to them 😭
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inkymp · 3 years
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watchdoginsider · 3 years
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scannain · 3 years
Galway Film Fleadh appoints Dr. Annie Doona, Garry McHugh, and Ronan McCabe to board
Galway Film Fleadh appoints Dr. Annie Doona, Garry McHugh, and Ronan McCabe to board #GalwayFilmFleadh
The Galway Film Fleadh has appointed Dr. Annie Doona, Emeritus President of IADT, Garry McHugh, National Director – Young Irish Filmmakers, and Ronan McCabe, CEO Animation Ireland, to the Board of the Galway Film Fleadh. They will join existing members, Fran Keaveney, Kate O’Toole, Sheila Morris and Siún Ni Raghallaigh.   I am thrilled to welcome three such distinguished new members to the…
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kiro-anarka · 5 years
Nuevos documentos impactantes han revelado que el oficial de inteligencia del ejército británico Robert Nairac fue responsable de la planificación y ejecución de la Masacre de la Miami Showband, en la que murieron tres miembros inocentes de la banda musical. Los documentos nunca antes vistos del ejército británico fueron divulgados como parte de una acción legal al abogado Michael Flanigan, quien representa a la viuda de Fran O'Toole, Valerie Andersen. Tres miembros de la banda murieron cuando asesinos lealistas detuvieron su minibús en un falso puesto de control militar cerca de Banbridge en el condado de Down en julio de 1975, explotaron una bomba y luego abrieron fuego. Los pistoleros arrojaron una bomba de relojería al minibús para que pareciera que el grupo lo había estado transportando, pero explotó prematuramente y mató a dos de ellos. Los pistoleros restantes abrieron fuego contra la banda, matando al cantante principal Fran O’Toole y otros dos miembros de la banda, Brian McCoy y Tony Geraghty. El ataque fue llevado a cabo por miembros de la Pandilla Glenanne, que incluía miembros de las Fuerzas de la Corona y paramilitares lealistas de la UVF. Nairac se ha r
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seachranaidhe · 5 years
Fresh Nairac link to Miami Showband Massacre in army papers
MoD documents publicly name British soldier for first time
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EXECUTED: Captain Robert Nairac was abducted and murdered by the PIRA in 1977
Previously unseen British army intelligence documents have linked undercover British SAS soldier Robert Nairac to the Miami Showband Massacre.
Three members of the band, including lead singer Fran O’Toole, were murdered when loyalist killers stopped their…
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altekmediagroup · 5 years
How To Maximize Your Company Exit Valuation
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How To Maximize Your Company Exit Valuation The 5 Essential Elements
"If I Could Turn Back Time" This was supposed to be an exciting time for Craig, yet he was somber. “Larry, I was working the dream…started the business and worked my butt off over the years all the while dreaming about the future reward. Now I’m about to ink this deal as I need to sell and move on in my life….and the deal is ok but certainly not what I dreamed of.  I thought by having good financials I’d sell for a premium. The buyer’s valuation includes other factors I didn’t anticipate and now realize it’s impacting my exit valuation.  If I could turn back time I’d sure do things differently!” In 25 years as CEO of various businesses, I’ve heard this reflective comment from Sellers many times.  I have felt the pain of selling a business at or below market but have also experienced the euphoria from selling for a premium.  There are two primary drivers that might cause a business owner to wish they could turn back time and both are avoidable.  The first is not starting preparations early enough, most often caused by the uncertainty of exactly what actions to take.  The second is doing some of the right things but not all of the necessary things.   Like a pilot working the checklist for landing, doing a great job managing just a few of the critical steps isn’t enough to maximize the outcome. It’s for this reason I developed a campaign that extracts the uncertainty of how to prepare early and guides an owner through all 5 of the essential elements for maximizing exit value. Setting the Targets – What Will Great Look Like Blake asked Ken, the company owner, what good looked like for the future of his business.  Ken replied his goal was to sell within 5 years.  Blake asked, “if you hit that goal will it make you ecstatic?”  Ken hesitated in his reply and realized at that moment that perhaps it was the wrong target. This is a foundational element and the starting point for the campaign.  Planning templates are used to facilitate setting various key targets.  Among them is certainly a desired “when” but much more powerful is identifying “how much”.  Setting a desired exit value allows you to assess the reality of the target and set your company strategies needed to achieve your desired future outcome. Know Your Environment Karen was an avid surfer often drawing analogies between surfing and being a CEO.  Standing on the shore assessing the tides and waves before heading in, it hit her that she could be doing a better job of having better awareness of her company environment. An ocean wave can slam you or propel you. The same applies to understanding the dynamics of your market including the cycle of multiples being paid and who the potential acquirers might be.  Owners often declare, “I’m not ready to sell.”  Well, timing might be everything.  You don’t want to miss a wave that might come from market multiples rising or even a particular company that is aggressively acquiring. Building the Right Strategic Bridge Steve read the strategic plan to give insight to his client.  He asked, “when this is executed, do you know what the impact will be on your future valuation?”  Fran hesitated in answering and that proved Steve’s point in asking the question. Critical with this element is having the templates to make a bridge between your strategic plan and your enterprise value plan.  It’s common in strategic plans to see the focus on driving revenues and profits, essential of course to do.  But it’s important to realize that acquirers are looking for more than just great financials.  They will be looking at other aspects of your business such as various performance trends, customer concentration, quality of contracts and the list goes on.  You need to know early on what these other factors will be and leave time to prepare to impress and excite the buyer. Having the Right Organization Mike was expecting the focus of the due diligence work to be around his company’s  financials.  He was surprised by the questions relating to his team and individual people.  Your team in many cases will be what truly excites the potential buyer.  You will want to be fully prepared to impress the buyer as they delve in to your team’s experiences and pedigrees; who the critical personnel are, organization structure, compensation and benefits programs and ultimately your organization culture.  Readiness in this area can either excite or turn off a potential acquirer.  I have backed away from many deals or adjusted the acquisition price downward because of concerns related to the organization coming along as part of a transaction. Having the Right Deal Team Sarah received a call from the acquirer’s lawyer. “Hi Sarah, we need to talk about the due diligence process because we are getting frustrated and may withdraw our offer. I’m sure your lawyer has taken care of you over the years but he’s not a transaction attorney and quite frankly is out of his element.” Your company accountant and lawyer that helped you get to this point might not have the proper experience to get your exit deal over the finish line.  You don’t want to find yourself executing well on all of the other key elements of this campaign only to find that you didn’t assemble the right team to get the deal done. Don’t let the uncertainty associated with preparing your business for maximizing exit value keep you from starting early and addressing all 5 essential elements.  You worked hard starting and running your business, now promise yourself to never utter the words, “If I could turn back time”.
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Larry O’Toole Founder, Yosemite Associates [email protected] Expertise: CEO, Corporate Director, Author, Consultant, Keynote Speaker /Exit Optimization, Planning, and Management Learn More …           Key Words Business Insights, Business, Insights, Altek Media Group, Altek, Media, Video, video production, online, online magazine, digital marketing strategy, digital, marketing,  strategy, Blogging, social media, Marketing Funnel, Brand, Content Management System, logistics, Lean manufacturing, manufacturing, CEO, infograhics, instagram, facebook, linked in, google, Key Performance Indicator, Automation, Optimization, exit planning, Public relations, video, Advanced Manufacturing, Agile, lean, oem, smart, supply chain, Net Neutrality, Big Data, Data Mining, Actionable Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Personalization, Voice Recognition, Chatbots, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Smart Factory, Industry 4.0, Quantum Computing, BlockChain, Technological Unemployment, Digital, benchmarking, flexable, Kaizen, prototyping, robotics, six sigma         Read the full article
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balkantimes · 4 years
Kanadski konzervativci izabrali novog lidera za suočavanje s Trudoom
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Kanadska Konzervativna partija izabrala je novog lidera Erina O’Tula (Erin O’Toole) da pokuša da povrati vlast od liberala Džastina Trudoa (Justin Trudeau) čiji je kredibilitet narušen nizom skandala, premda će za pobedu i privlačenje mlađih glasača na izborima biti potrebna šira vizija od kritike popularnog premijera, pišu svetski mediji.
Bivši oficir
Članovi Konzervativne partije izabrali su bivšeg vojnog oficira i ministra za pitanje veterana da ih predvodi na putu povratka na vlast naspram skandalima opterećene liberalne vlade, piše Volstrit džurnal (The Wall Street Journal).
Novi izbori bi mogli biti raspisani već na jesen, pošto Trudo mora da obezbedi podršku parlamenta za plan za postpandemijski oporavak privrede, ukazuje američki list. Ipak, iako je podrška premijeru i vladi pala ovog leta uglavnom zbog skandala, većina anketa liberalima i Trudou daje malu prednost u odnosu na konzervativce.
Poslednji etički problem Trudoove administracije usledio je pošto je otkriveno da je vlada potpisala ugovor s humanitarnom organizacijom povezanom s premijerovom porodicom i drugim članovima administracije, ističe Volstrit džurnal i dodaje da je prošle nedelje ostavku podneo ministar finansija Bil Morno (Bill Morneau) kao najveća politička žrtva afere.
O’Tul (47), koji je u kanadskim vazdušnim snagama stigao do čina kapetana, posle čega je imao advokatsku karijeru, na stranačkim izborima je vodio kampanju s obećanjem da će se boriti za obične radnike, zastupati agresivniju spoljnu politiku, posebno u pogledu Kine i štititi kanadske institucije i istoriju od političke korektnosti.
Konzervativna partija je na izborima prošle godine osvojila najviše glasova, ali je raspodela glasova išla u prilog Trudoa i liberala, koji su, kako ukazuje Volstrit džurnal, zahvaljujući dominaciji u najnaseljenijim delovima zemlje, dobili najviše glasova, ali nedovoljno za apsolutnu većinu u parlamentu, pa su obrazovali manjinsku vladu.
Loš trenutak za izbore
O’Tul će se uskori suočiti s teškom odlukom da li da pokuša da iznudi prevremene izbore za duel s Trudoovim liberalima, što neće lako opravdati u jeku najgore ekonomske krize od Drugog svetskog rata, ocenjuje agencija Frans pres (Agence France-Presse).
Prva prilika za izazivanje izbora biće, ukazuje AFP, krajem septembra kada Trudo bude tražio odobrenje parlamenta za masovan plan potrošnje za socijalna izdavanja i životnu sredinu koji bi pomogao oporavku Kanade posle ekonomskog pada.
Konzervativci moraju da dobiju podršku najmanje još dve partije da obore liberale koji imaju 155 od 338 mesta u parlamentu.
Iako je Trudoova popularnost pala proteklih nedelja usled novih etičkih skandala, liberali čija je vlada potrošila milijarde dolara da pomognu Kanađanima da prebrode pandemiju, po anketama i dalje imaju pet do šest odsto prednosti.
S druge strane, podvlači AFP, politički analitičari ocenjuju da konzervativci mogu sačekati do proleća da pokušaju da iznude prevremene izbore.
U senci pandemije
O’Tul preuzima Konzervativnu partiju u kritično vreme za Kanadu, pošto je više od 9.000 ljudi umrlo od posledica korona virusa i dok zemlja pokušava da preokrene nagli ekonomski pad, a i Trudoova vlada posrće pod etičkim kontroverzama, ističe Vašington post (The Washington Post).
Kao i skoro sve drugo, i stranački izbori konzervativaca su bili u senci pandemije, ukazuje američki list. Novi lider je trebalo da bude izabran na stranačkoj konvenciji u junu, ali je glasanje odloženo i rezultati su objavljeni u noći između nedelje i ponedeljka u uglavnom praznoj prostoriji kongresnog centra u Otavi. I samo objavljivanje je kasnilo pošto su svi glasovi stigli poštom, a pokvarila se mašina za otvaranje koverata, pa su volonteri morali to da rade.
Dosadašnji lider konzervativaca Endru Šir (Andrew Scheer) kritikovan je što prošle godine nije uspeo da proširi podršku stranci mimo njene baze, navodi Vašington post, ocenjujući da su njegovo protivljenje abortusu i istopolnim brakovima oterali neke glasači. O’Tulov glavni rival na stranačkim izborima, Piter Mekej (Peter MacKay) rekao je da su Širovi stavovi o društvenim pitanjima visili oko njegovog vrata “kao smrdljivi albatros”.
O’Tul, koji je osvojio je 57 odsto glasova na izborima, kritikovao je Mekeja kao “blagog liberala” a sebe predstavljao kao nepokolebljivog konzervativca koji se protivi “kulturi otkazivanja”. Ipak, i on je rekao da podržava LGBT prava i pravo žene da biraju da li će imati abortus, ali i pokušao da privuče socijalno konzervativne glasove, rekavši da u toj debati treba poštovati sve.
Analitičari, kako navodi Vašington post, kažu da će O’Tul morati da se fokusira na jedinstvo partije i da artikuliše sveobuhvatnu viziju za postpandemijsku Kanadu, kako bi proširio privlačnost stranke povrh njene tradicionalne baze u ruralnoj Kanadi i uporištima u Alberti i Saskačevanu da dopre do mlađih glasača i ljudi iz urbanih centara.
Nova vizija ili kritika Trudoa
Premda su se konzervativci od gubitka vlasti 2015. mučili da efikasno odgovore na Trudoovu popularnost, analitičari kažu da bi novi lider mogao da izazove liberalnu platformu, posebno dok premijer nastavlja da se bori sa skandalima, piše Njujork tajms (The New York Times), dodajući da je četvoro kandidata za novog lidera Konzervativne partije bilo ujedinjeno u stavu da je Trudo izneverio Kanadu.
Nekoliko istaknutih članova Konzervativne partije je tvrdilo, da bez obzira ko pobedi, glavni prioritet treba da bude nuđenje alternativne vizije budućnosti Kanade umesto fokusiranja na slabosti sadašnje vlade i Trudoa, koji je pre poslednjeg skandala s humanitarnom organizacijom bio upleten i u druge, kao kada su se pojavile njegove fotografije iz mladosti s obojenim licem.
O’Tul je odrazio to raspoloženje, mada je uputio oštre reči na Trudoov račun, dodaje list. On je naglasio potrebu da se predstavi kredibilna alternativna politika i pozvao glasače, uključujući članove sindikata i starosedelačke narode, da promene tradicionalne obrasce glasanja i razmotre da podrže konzervativce.
Trudo je prošle nedelje izneo opsežne viziju za postpandemijsku Kanadu i imenovao novu ministarku finansija Kristiju Friland (Chrystia Freeland), uz najavu da će suspendovati parlament da bi se pokrenuo plan vlade za ekonomski oporavak, što je, kako piše Njujork tajms, naišlo na kritike da pokušava da ućutka parlamentarne odbore koji ispituju njegove veze s humanitarnom organizacijom koja je dobila državne ugovore, ali i plaćala stotine hiljada dolara naknada za govore Trudoove majke i brata.
Te optužbe su oštetile Trudoov kredibilitet, mada, dodaje Njujork tajms, prema ocenama analitičara pa čak i konzervativnih, liberalna vlada je u očima Kanađana prvu fazu pandemije prošla prilično dobro, dok je pozitivno ocenjeno i imenovanje nove ministarke finansija koja se, za razliku od njenog prethodnika, više slaže s premijerom po pitanju potrebe za većom potrošnjom.
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre | UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre | UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
Three members of the Miami Showband are killed by Ulster Volunteer Force members posing as members of the security forces when returning from a performance at The Castle Ballroom in Banbridge, Co Down. (Four of the killers were actually members of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), an official reserve force for the British army). At the time, the Miami Showband were one of the most popular…
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stairnaheireann · 3 years
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre | UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre | UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
Three members of the Miami Showband are killed by Ulster Volunteer Force members posing as members of the security forces when returning from a performance at The Castle Ballroom in Banbridge, Co Down. (Four of the killers were actually members of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), an official reserve force for the British army). At the time, the Miami Showband were one of the most popular…
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stairnaheireann · 4 years
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre | UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre | UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
Three members of the Miami Showband are killed by Ulster Volunteer Force members posing as members of the security forces when returning from a performance at The Castle Ballroom in Banbridge, Co Down. (Four of the killers were actually members of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), an official reserve force for the British army). At the time, the Miami Showband were one of the most popular…
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stairnaheireann · 5 years
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre – UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre – UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
Three members of the Miami Showband are killed by Ulster Volunteer Force members posing as members of the security forces when returning from a performance at The Castle Ballroom in Banbridge, Co Down. (Four of the killers were actually members of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), an official reserve force for the British army). At the time, the Miami Showband were one of the most popular…
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stairnaheireann · 6 years
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre – UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre – UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
Three members of the Miami Showband are killed by Ulster Volunteer Force members posing as members of the security forces when returning from a performance at The Castle Ballroom in Banbridge, Co Down. (Four of the killers were actually members of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), an official reserve force for the British army). At the time, the Miami Showband were one of the most popular…
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stairnaheireann · 7 years
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre: UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
#OTD in 1975 – Miami Showband massacre: UVF volunteers (some of whom were also UDR soldiers) shot dead three members of an Irish showband at Buskhill, Co Down.
Three members of the Miami Showband are killed by Ulster Volunteer Force members posing as members of the security forces when returning from a performance at The Castle Ballroom in Banbridge, Co Down. (Four of the killers were actually members of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), an official reserve force for the British army). At the time, the Miami Showband were one of the most popular…
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