#Frank Odita
truetellsnigeria1 · 1 year
Retired Police Commissioner Frank Odita Is Dead
The Inspector-General of Police, IGP Olukayode Adeolu Egbetokun, PhD, NPM, on behalf of the entire officers and men of the Nigeria Police Force, commiserates with family, friends and loved ones on the sudden death of a former Commissioner of Police and Force Public Relations Officer, CP Frank Odita (Rtd.). He was the Force Public Relations Officer of the Nigeria Police Force between 1990 and…
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crimechannels · 11 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Senior Police officers can hardly take care of themselves after retirement – Chairman Police Service Commission The Chairman of the Police Service Commission Dr. Solomon Arase, has sympathised with friends and family of late CP Frank Odita, former Force Public Relations Officer, who was buried on Friday In a statement by the Commission’s Public Relations Officer, Ikechukwu Ani, the Chairman regretted that most retired Officers, even those in senior ranks can hardly take care of themselves after retirement, saying the situation was not good for the image of the Nigeria Police Force. Dr. Arase noted that retired Police Officers have a lot to still offer the nation and should be availed the opportunity to be productively useful to themselves and the nation. He extolled the qualities of the departed Officer who he said paid his dues as a forthright Police Officer and accomplished Public Relations practitioner. The PSC Chairman commended the fraternity of the retired Police Officers who came to his assistance while he battled illness, adding that the time has come for the welfare of retired Police Officers to be improved. Dr. Arase prayed God to give his family and friends the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.
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chocolateheal · 6 years
Do You Know How Many People Show Up At American Abstractionists | american abstractionists
“Donald Judd didn’t accept to explain himself. Why do I accept to?” asks Jennie C. Jones, an African American abstruse painter who has grappled with the affair of how her assignment can or should reflect her race. “Fred Sandback can accomplish this admirable band and not accept to accept it actually be a allegory for his cultural identity.”
Continuity to Change: Recent History of American Abstraction | Tower … – american abstractionists | american abstractionists
Jones, 45, sidestepped the debates about multiculturalism that were angry aback she was in academy in the 1980s and gravitated against Minimalism. Yet over the aftermost decade, she has artificial a conceptual articulation in her assignment amid the histories of absorption and of avant-garde applesauce in America—“black guys in the 1950s demography applesauce into the concert anteroom and authoritative it this bluesy amalgam with Bach,” as she puts it.
In her contempo appearance at Sikkema Jenkins in New York, an absonant complete ambiance accompanied her monochromatic paintings that had acoustic panels absorbed to the canvases. Strips of beaming blush corrective on the edges of the canvases bounced off the white walls and created a faculty of movement, rhythm, and vibration. “This art and music juncture,” she says, “gave me the permission to point to article in the allowance that said, ‘I didn’t abatement out of the sky.’”
Odili Donald Odita, Firewall, 2013. The Nigerian-born Odili’s zigzagging shards of active blush beforehand colliding cultures and emotions.
The contributions of African American artists to the inventions of abstruse painting accept historically been overlooked, or abroad abounding with the affectionate of questions faced by Jones. “Generations of atramentous abstruse painters never assume to be celebrated,” says Valerie Cassel Oliver, chief babysitter at the Abreast Arts Museum Houston, area she afresh organized “Black in the Abstract,” a two-part exhibition that focused on the history of African American painters alive in abstraction. She placed adolescent artists, including Jones, Shinique Smith, and Angel Otero, in chat with associates of the beforehand generation, such as Felrath Hines, Alma Thomas, and Romare Bearden, who were bearing seminal works in the 1960s.
“You acquisition these artists actuality marginalized on both ends of the spectrum,” Cassel Oliver continues. “There was this acclamation with the Atramentous Arts Movement that you did assignment that reflected the adorableness of that association in no ambiguous terms,” she says, apropos to a accumulation that coalesced in the 1960s to beforehand amusing and political assurance in art and literature. “Oftentimes abstruse painting is not as acclaimed as added allegorical assignment by the atramentous community. From the boilerplate art world, it’s aloof the faculty of not actuality absent with what atramentous artists are doing, period.”
The 1960 canvas Strange Land, included in the Houston show, would be bugged to best admirers as a assignment by Bearden. It wasn’t until 1964, aback he started authoritative collages aggressive by the rituals and rhythms of African American life, that he accomplished acclaim. Bearden and his abreast Jacob Lawrence, whose accountable amount was similar, were the best acclaimed African American artists of their time. Their acute portrayals of atramentous families were the affectionate of works abounding anticipation were bare and that they accepted from atramentous artists. Yet Bearden, in his 1946 article “The Negro Artist’s Dilemma,” bristled at the addiction to appraisal assignment by blacks on “sociological rather than esthetic” merits. His all-encompassing analysis with Abstruse Expressionism from 1952 to 1964 has gone about unnoticed. The aboriginal exhibition adherent to this absent decade of his assignment is actuality able by the Neuberger Museum of Art in Purchase, New York.
“It took a lot of candor and a lot of adventuresomeness for an African American artisan to be an abstractionist in the 1950s, ’60s, ’70s even,” says Michael Rosenfeld, who organized “Beyond the Spectrum: Absorption in African American Art, 1950–1975” at his Chelsea arcade beforehand this year. The appearance brought calm what Rosenfeld calls the first-generation African American abstruse artists—Charles Alston, Harold Cousins, Beauford Delaney, Norman Lewis, Alma Thomas, and Hale Woodruff—and the additional generation, including Frank Bowling, Edward Clark, Melvin Edwards, Sam Gilliam, Richard Hunt, Al Loving, Howardena Pindell, William T. Williams, and Jack Whitten.
Rosenfeld credibility out that Norman Lewis (1909–79) alternate in the battleground appointment organized in 1950 by Robert Motherwell and Lewis’s acquaintance Ad Reinhardt and captivated at Flat 35 in New York, area the artists present debated what to alarm the new art movement. (Abstract Exressionism was the appellation that eventually prevailed.) Yet Lewis is commonly bare from the anecdotal of this defining moment in American art. The aboriginal absolute overview of his career opens in November 2015 at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia.
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Alma Thomas was best up by the Martha Jackson Arcade in the 1960s and was the aboriginal African American woman to accept an exhibition at the Whitney Museum in 1972. Yet she is not able-bodied accepted today.
Howardena Pindell, Untitled #18 (detail), 1977.
“The African American Abstruse Expressionists are allotment of the aforementioned movement as their white counterparts,” says Rosenfeld, “delving aural themselves and aggravating to accurate article universal.”
While all these artists resisted the accountability to acrylic images that told belief of atramentous experience, best were actual politically engaged. “Witness: Art and Civilian Rights in the Sixties,” on appearance at the Brooklyn Museum through July 6, includes works by several committed abstractionists who begin means to amalgamate their art and activism.
The 80-year-old Sam Gilliam, accepted for his admirable color-field canvases that he sometimes apparel sculpturally on the wall, corrective a awe-inspiring canvas decrepit and splattered all over with hot pinks and reds, blue-blooded Red April (1970), in absolute acknowledgment to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968.
Shinique Smith, Kaleidoscope, 2013.
Lewis’s Untitled (Alabama) from 1967 shows a army of absent angular abstracts in white arranged into a bladelike appearance slicing through a atramentous field. The artisan consistently disavowed apparent anecdotal agreeable in his work, but the beheld advancement of hooded Klansmen calm with the appellation acutely alludes to the civilian rights movement.
Post-War American Abstraction at Van Doren Waxter | Fine Art Shippers – american abstractionists | american abstractionists
“Lewis became a alarm for the abutting generation, affective into an abstruse amplitude and saying, ‘I don’t accept to put that accountability of representation on my work,’” says Kellie Jones, cocurator of “Witness” and accessory assistant of art history and archeology at Columbia University. “Somebody like Jack Whitten makes the aforementioned decision.”
The Brooklyn appearance includes Whitten’s Birmingham 1964, in which a bi-weekly photograph of a action in Birmingham is partially appear beneath layers of stocking cobweb and atramentous oil paint, like a anguish that can’t be covered over. The 74-year-old artist, who grew up in Alabama and confused to New York in 1960 as an art student, admired the Abstruse Expressionists, abounding of whom he met at the Cedar Tavern. While Whitten said he acquainted accountability to accomplish assignment about the civilian rights movement in the 1960s—and capital to do so—he fabricated a absolute bound into absorption in 1970.
“If I was activity to get about Bill de Kooning, aboriginal of all I had to go faster than he, and additional of all I had to do article abundant beyond than he,” says Whitten, who created a 12-foot-wide apparatus he alleged the “developer” to annoyance acrylic in a distinct action beyond the absolute account plane. (This was a decade afore Gerhard Richter began his heralded abstruse paintings application a agnate technique.) Whitten, who shows at Alexander Gray Associates in New York, will be the accountable of a above attendant at the Museum of Abreast Art San Diego in September.
As a alum apprentice at Yale in the mid-1960s Howardena Pindell, 71, additionally begin afflatus in the assignment of the beforehand bearing of abstractionists —namely Ad Reinhardt’s paintings of close-value colors and Larry Poons’s Op art canvases of circles and ovals. Throughout the ’70s, Pindell experimented with color, surface, and texture. She cut out hundreds of tiny cardboard dots with a accepted aperture puncher, collaged them assimilate cut-and-quilted canvases, and smothered them in layers of acrylic, dye, sequins, glitter, and powder. One of them, the pale, beaming Untitled #20: Dutch Wives, Circled and Squared (1978), was included in “Black in the Abstract.”
“I bethink activity with my abstruse assignment to the Flat Museum in Harlem, and the administrator at the time said to me, ‘Go city and appearance with the white boys,’” says Pindell, abacus that William T. Williams and Al Loving met with the aforementioned affectionate of response. “We were basically advised traitors because we didn’t do accurately academic work.”
Jack Whitten, Chinese Sincerity, 1975. He fabricated a bound from politically affianced assignment into abstraction.
Pindell, who aloof had an exhibition at Garth Greenan in New York, says her acquainted ambition was to analyze the artful possibilities of the amphitheater aback she started on those works. Again she was abashed by a adolescence anamnesis that came aback to her. On a car ride through Kentucky in the 1950s, she and her father, who lived in Philadelphia, chock-full at a root-beer angle and were served mugs with red circles on the bottom.
“I asked my father, ‘What is this red circle?’” she recalls. “He said, ‘That’s because we’re atramentous and we cannot use the aforementioned accoutrement as the whites.’ I accomplished that’s absolutely the agent of my actuality apprenticed to try to change the amphitheater in my mind, aggravating to booty the bite out of that.”
American Abstract Painting and the Last Monet | Paris Update – american abstractionists | american abstractionists
Odili Donald Odita, 48, says that he feels accountable to the chain of the beforehand bearing of atramentous abstruse artists who asserted claimed abandon in the face of an art bazaar that adored cultural and political stereotypes. In the aboriginal 1990s, as a adolescent artisan out of alum academy at Bennington College in Vermont, area he advised the assignment of boilerplate abstruse painters such as Helen Frankenthaler and Kenneth Noland, Odita got a job at Kenkeleba House in New York, endemic by the painter Joe Overstreet, who calm and showed assignment by African American artists. Stunned that he had never heard of these artists, Odita began a activity to account abstruse painters from the 1970s and 1980s, such as Pindell, Loving, Edward Clark, Frank Bowling, and Stanley Whitney. Odita’s analysis grew into a alternation of talks he has accustomed at universities over the years.
“Any affectionate of academic apparatus in the assignment of atramentous artists was apparent as, if not additional rate, again article done the additional time around,” says Odita, acquainted that Clark laid affirmation to authoritative the aboriginal shaped painting—before Frank Stella—and that the king-making art analyzer Clement Greenberg consistently visited Bowling’s flat but never took the befalling to address one chat in abutment of his work. “In the antagonism of the avant garde in avant-garde art, these older-generation African Americans acquainted blank and marginalized in the chase to beforehand art.”
Odita didn’t appetite his own assignment subsumed beneath the accepted anecdotal of Stella and Noland, and all this advice helped him cross his aisle as an abstruse artist. Because his ancestors fled the civilian war in Nigeria aback he was a babyish and acclimatized in Ohio, he grew up with the duality of African traditions at home and American pop ability in school. In 1999, he started authoritative geometric paintings in which shards of active colors askew and adjoin in compositions that beforehand colliding cultures and emotions.
“I capital bodies to analyze the adumbration of Africa with this anatomy and blush and see the patterns of one apple and addition apple blame into the amplitude of the painting,” Odita says. He draws on the palette and designs of African textiles, TV analysis patterns, the Nigerian landscape, and burghal wallpaper in his work, which he shows at Jack Shainman in New York. “If it’s successful, it doesn’t end in that trope. Again bodies alpha agreeable with added things that are occurring—texture, color, the activating of the composition, light, what the amplitude creates, how it relates to your anatomy and mind,” he says.
James Little, 60, additionally has an affection for color, design, and anatomy in his hard-edge abstruse paintings that are acerb afflicted by jazz. “I’ve ample out means of suggesting movement, rhythm, speed, and how to about-face color,” says Little, pointing out that de Kooning and Piet Mondrian were additionally responding anon to jazz. “I acquainted that abstraction, advancing from my background, which was a actual absolute accomplishments in Tennessee, reflected for me the best announcement of abandon and optimism and freedom. I’ve had to do an acclivous action in a lot of means in the art apple on both sides, amidst the blacks and whites, but I’ve aloof absolutely ashore with what I accept in.” His canvas Juju Boogie Woogie (2013) was included in “Black in the Abstract.”
James Little, Juju Boogie Woogie, 2013.
June Kelly, whose arcade represents Little, has noticed a absolute about-face in the art apple at ample against atramentous abstruse painters. “There’s a admirable accumulation of collectors who are added acceptant to the assignment of atramentous abstruse painters now,” says Kelly. “As they apprehend added and look, they see the charge to accessible up their collections. The writings and exhibitions of atramentous historians and curators such as David Driskell, Kellie Jones, Richard J. Powell, Lowery Stokes Sims, Judith Wilson, and Valerie Cassel Oliver are authoritative a difference.”
Jennie C. Jones is captivated by the ample cardinal of atramentous collectors who are now absorbed in her work. She credits, in part, Flat Museum administrator Thelma Golden, who has organized such shows as “Energy/ Experimentation: Atramentous Artists and Absorption 1964–1980” in 2006.
"Eye Candy #3" (19×24) by famous American artist and … – american abstractionists | american abstractionists
“Over the aftermost 20 years, she has been absolutely educating atramentous collectors to footfall abroad from absorption on the WPA era,” says Jones, who will accept a abandoned appearance at the Abreast Arts Museum Houston in October. “I accept atramentous collectors today who say, ‘I’ve consistently been in adulation with Russian Constructivism, and now I feel I can accept article abutting to that but reframed in a new context.’”
A adaptation of this adventure originally appeared in the June 2014 affair of ARTnews on folio 62 beneath the appellation “Black Abstraction: Not a Contradiction.”
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