#Frankly that requires more explanation than can be achieved in tags
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The People’s Hero, the Bright Son of Origin, he who is clad in blood.
light, in my head, has always been very Religious, and he has sooooo much religious symbolism connected to him. The Origin is to his religion as the cross is to Christianity, I imagine.
if he hadn’t become the warrior that is Light, he probably would’ve been some kind of religious leader.
ughghhhhhh its like 2 in the morning why did i decide this was the best time to practice rendering and lighting raaaaaagghh
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bellamyblake · 4 years
I saw Your Tags so would you expand on the Bellamy denied Story Line thing?
I think the biggest problem and something that people failed to see in season 7 because they were so focused on the OOC aspect (which I disagree strongly with) is that it’s not about Cadogan or the cult or what they believe in. Frankly, they could believe in shit catching light which kinda is what they believed in, and it would’ve been fine and it IS fine, what the problem is the way the story line and the characters threat Bellamy Blake.
And that is that everyone, absolutely everyone puts him up to high fucking standards that he is not required to fulfill and is not supposed to live up to.
Let’s just dig into it for a moment:
Bellamy chooses to believe Transcedence and that it will bring peace to his people.
I don’t see absolutely anything wrong with that. Frankly, it’s what they’ve been trying to achieve since season 1 (when they wanted to get to the see AWAY FROM WAR and live AT PEACE MIND YOU, anyone remember that????)
(P.S He ends up being absolutely right about the Transcendence thing anyway and that IS the end of the entire SL-it as a choice and the people who chose against it for whatever reason)
So he belives in it.
And he tries to follow it.
And what happens?
His best friend/romantic interest-Judges him
His sister-judges him
His gf/ex-gf-Judges him
It’s not just that they condemn his choice.
It’s that they REFUSE to understand it. Absolutely refuse to understand it.
And here comes the thing-as much as they can not understand it, they should at least respect it. 
THEY NEED TO ALLOW BELLAMY BLAKE to have a LIFE of his own A CHOICE of his own, something he has NEVER EVER EVER EVER had in his life.
I mean it-EVER.
He didn’t have a choice when his mom put his sister in his arms at seven, he didn’t have a choice when he came to earth because it was the only choice because he had to protect her, he didn’t have a choice when Clarke left after Mount Weather and then we have a small interruption in season 3
where again
oh ain’t it interesting
that AGAIN he makes a choice of his own (wrong or right not the point here) to follow PIke and yes he makes a mistake but it is because he wants to protect the people he loves and stop the killings (SOUNDS FAMILIAR? HE WANTS PEACE IN SEASON 7 OH-WAIT?
and then is judged for it again even though nobody else is judged at the same grade for the mistakes besides Clarke and even then she had him in her corner and it was good because he had her in his corner in season 3 but not in season 7 frankly
another surpirse mind you
so he makes a choice in season 3 and the narrative punishes him for it, rightfully or wrongfully so it’s on our minds and consciousness to decide. it is the beauty of the show i believe-to love or hate people who make wrong choices that all of the characters do multiple times.
and then he’s beaten up for it and half of his sl in season 3 is not explained, his choices are NOT explained, his decisions are NOT explained, his scenes are cut off and the rest of it is spend on all characters beating up Bellamy for 2 seasons.
And on and on-at the end of season 4 he makes the choice to leave Clarke to save them all-is it really a choice again? I don’t think so. As much as hers to destroy the mountain I believe.
And in season 6 his choice is to save the person that he loves and put everyone else in danger.
Mostly, he hasn’t had any choices. And if he had he was put in impossible situations like Clarke has which fine, as I said that’s the story.
But, throughout it all, he has NOT made a choice for HIMSELF, for his OWN benefit, a choice to LIVE for HIMSELF.
He hasn’t.
We as a fandom always wanted that or at least those of us bellamy stans who didn’t hate on bellamy and instead tried to understand him instead of calling it OOC. Because we knew, we knew it’s not him, it’s the way it was written.
The SL denies Bellamy Blake everything-his own life most of all.
And it denies him explanation and background for the choices he makes and the life he has in time jumps.
Starting with season 3 and the time jump-we never know the trauma he went to and the thoughts he had to process when Clarke was gone, the PTSD he surely suffered (that is shown in Clarke but not in him? somehow? as if he ain’t a person who can feel things but just a means to an end). And then it proceeds to the lack of explanation when it comes to joining Pike, even the massacre which I think should’ve been showed to show his remorse and refusal to kill all grounders and then it proceeds and is at its worse form in season 5
when we jump into a Head! prevailing more than heart!prevailing Bellamy and we don’t have the explanations for it or how the transitioned happened or what ever he went through for a small part of those 6 years.
he is DENIED that.
Story wise he is denied.
The worst is that he is JUDGED even though he is denied that.
By Clarke by his sister by the other characters and I hate most of all even Jordan saying in season 6-Heart Bellamy that was my favorite Bellamy.
Like shut the fuck up.
He’s not just heart or head Bellamy-he is Bellamy who learned to survive on that Ring the same way Clarke learned to survive in those 3 months after Mount Weather.
He is STILL Bellamy, no different, just a little more reserved, a little smarter, a little sad even, because he lost his best friend, someone we know now he loved and it changed him forever.
And the same thing happens in season 7 where yes we got the explanation as to HOW he got to believe this which I think is great still, and I think Aurora’s moment with him in the cave was MORE THAN NECESSARY and has been necessary for the past 7 years. But he is judged for what he chose to believe, he is judged for the life he chooses for himself
which is a life of peace.
and THAT is the problem. All the characters, they judge him, they hate him, they KILL him and then they say-oh but Bells was sad all this time so yk, I mean he died it makes sense.
He’s been sad all his life. He didn’t deserve to live his life for everyone else only for EVERYONE ELSE TO REFUSE TO LIVE THEIR LIVES A LITTLE FOR HIM.
and considering he ended up being right they sure af ended up betraying the one person who never ever condemned them like this, who always saw things from more than one perspective when it came to his friends choosing things for themselves, who yes might’ve been angry that clarke left but understood, who yes didn’t like the person his sister became, but still loved her when he should’ve been pissed off for years, who offered love and friendship and udnerstanding to clarke when all of the friends she ends up living the rest of her life with hated her mere weeks ago.
And that
once again im saying that
is the tragedy of living.
and a gd awful way of the writers crushing your face into the gravel of reality.
so no, it’s not about whether or not the SL makes sense, whether or not it’s a good or bad one-was ALIE that great? no, but we all took it, this could’ve been taken too, it is about what HE is DENIED as a character.
And it is also about us as a fandom and our blatant refusal to understand this and condemn him the way his friends, the other characters, do.
That is also another tragedy.
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counterror · 4 years
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—    BASICS :      GHOST.
IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? :    he is 6′4, which makes him tall.
ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? :    always.  height is extremely useful in his line of work, and due to his troubled childhood  -  height was the least of his concerns.
WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? :    short.  it might be somewhat longer on the top, but primarily it’s practical and functional  -  wearing the ghost mask would be a struggle both heat and comfort wise if he were to have longer hair.   it means he’s able to pull the balaclava on with little resistance or issue.   aside from short, it’s a deep brown shade and is typically messy, considering he wears the mask more than he doesn’t.  
DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? :    no  -  in fact, usually simon doesn’t even wash his face when he removes the mask after a long day of work.   he maintains his hair himself, which takes him minimal time due to experience, and the most grooming he will do is maintaining his facial hair  -  which he rarely allows to grow past stubble due to longer facial hair bringing discomfort under the mask.  he is low maintenance and doesn’t care to take much time or put too much effort into something that remains hidden.
DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? :   no.  of course, there’s a certain element of self-respect in regards to how his appearance represents the sas / military.   he maintains cleanliness and hygiene, especially because it’s easy to work up a sweat in his gear, and will always be clean and well-presented when showing up to work.   as for general appearance, he couldn’t care less.  he maintains himself for his own comfort and practicality  -  but because no one other than him sees his face, there’s next to nothing to worry about.   he’s never been one to worry over that, either  -  what with always having something more important to care about.    if anything, he takes great care in ghost’s appearance, rather than his own.  everything has to be tip top and functional.  this doesn’t mean he cleans the mask, or worries about it being spick and span.   but rather, he cares how the costume is perceived by others.  if he can add on something extra to make him look bigger or darker, he will.   the goal is to be scary  -  to be mysterious and intimidating.  to make his own comrades nervous.   to ensure this character he presents himself as is taken seriously and able to be continued, he has to take it seriously.
INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ? :    outdoors if we’re talking long, isolated walks / jogs in the wilderness or spending time with his head down in a warzone  -  regardless of climate.  if we’re talking civvie crowds and walking down the high street or interacting with others than definitely inside. RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ? :    rain.  rainy weather is a ghost’s best tool for muffling sound, hiding movement, masking scent and general cover / camouflage.  FOREST    OR    BEACH ? :    forest.  again, another quality tool for a ghost.  PRECIOUS    METALS     OR    GEMS ? :   precious metals would likely make for better weapons / survival tools. FLOWERS   OR   PERFUMES ? :  flowers.  sure, it’s important to smell good but realistically, perfume / anything notably scented would give away your presence.  flowers would also make for a handy distraction / confusion technique.  on top of that, they hold a connection with death and loss. PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ? :    personality, if we’re talking about those in his every day life.  he needs people he can trust and rely on.  those who take too much pride in their appearance are likely to question his own.  he has a strong personality, and it often works best when another strong personality levels him out.  he prefers to know where he stands with people, and can respect and appreciate a backbone.  however, if we’re talking sexually / physically, then appearance.   if he’s only going to see you for one night, he’s not going to give a shit about your quirks.  he’s not going to derive much pleasure from it anyway, so why not at least allow himself someone attractive. BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ? :   alone.  ghost prefers working alone.  he’ll work with a group, or work a mission among a crowd, but he won’t appreciate it.  being alone means not being held back.  it means he’s able to get the job done efficiently and how he wants to.   he also doesn’t trust crowds, and will typically avoid being too close to even his team.  crowds mean noise, physical contact and possible confrontation.   all of which he struggles with.  crowds also remind him of the times his father would take him to concerts  -  and nothing good ever came from those experiences. ORDER   OR    ANARCHY ? :    both.  without order, it’s sheer chaos, but without a little anarchy his job becomes much more difficult and he becomes much more restricted.  PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR     WHITE    LIES ? :   painful truths.  unless of course those white lies mean not getting arrested or discharged.  other than that, ghost prefers the cold, hard truth.  he likes to know where he stands and he will always let you know where you stand whether you like it or not. SCIENCE   OR    MAGIC ? :    science.  without it, the materials and resources for war wouldn’t have been discovered or created.  he has a love / hate relationship with it, however. PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ? :    conflict.  despite conflict being the largest contributor to his trauma and struggles, without it, there would be no ghost and he frankly cannot comprehend that identity and stability crisis.  without war, without conflict, without revenge or anger he likely wouldn’t be alive. NIGHT    OR    DAY ? :    night.   DUSK    OR    DAWN ? :    dusk. WARMTH    OR    COLD ? :    cold.  it’s easier to warm up than it is to cool down.  have you ever tried to wear a balaclava and mask in blistering heat ?  he’s trained to survive any terrain and temperature, however. MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW   CLOSE   FRIENDS ? :    a few close acquaintances.   low risk of emotional attachment / loss but with all the benefits of trust, loyalty and reliability  -  few means more control and a better view of potential betrayals. READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ? :    reading.  expanding his knowledge and skills.  learning new techniques and failed strategies.
WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? :    he smokes, and will often smoke the cheapest, most disgusting cigarettes.  it’s possibly something he’ll use in stressful situations to remind himself of his past.  if he survived that, he can survive most things / people.  on top of that, it’s generally calming and is often used to clear head space. it’s rarely to satisfy his own needs.   ghost also swears a lot, a little more than simon does.  while this is indeed a bad habit, the fact that simon swears less also shows us that it’s a ghost habit, meaning it’s somewhat enforced.  something ghost is known to use in order to intimidate or put down others.  it’s vulgar, blunt and involves a surprising amount of background consideration on simon’s part for it to not only be a bad habit, but to be an effective and functioning psychological process too.  losing his temper, interrupting others and negativity / complaining are also bad habits that require little to no explanation.
HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?    HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED THEM ? :    his entire family was gunned down in his home by two comrades turned brainwashed betrayers.  save for his father, who was located in a cancer hospital and shot dead afterwards also.  simon no longer has anyone.  how has it affected him ?  simon now lives within the fortified shell of ghost.  simon riley no longer exists and was found dead  -  so the tags say.   without ghost or the 141, simon likely would’ve taken his life after succeeding in getting his revenge.  he has never grieved nor mourned for his losses.
WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ? :    he struggles to remember some details of his past.  but upon compartmentalizing, it’s rare he’ll ever look back on them unless on the verge of death / giving up.  fond memories grow stale when you’re the only one in them still alive.
IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? :    there is no easy or hard about it.  it’s his job to kill the enemy.  ghost runs on apathy.  he is objective and analytical.  if it’s his job to kill a target, it’ll get done.  ethics and morals are not a part of it.  were a target to take a civilian hostage, he would shoot the hostage if it meant mortally wounding the target or hitting them in a place that would promptly disarm the target.  if you are in his way and this is his only chance of taking down a high value target, he will put a bullet through you if it means getting said enemy ( unless a superior orders him not to. )   he will take every precaution in order to avoid killing the hostage, but at the end of the day his goal is to take down that target.  however, were a child to be taken hostage, or a child became a target, this would present difficulty.  it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t achieve the mission, but he would not be as quick-thinking or apathetic in that moment.
WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? :    hysterical laughter or vomiting or both.   he may also become violent / aggressive ( throwing or hitting objects. )  though the destruction is often turned inward rather than outward. IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? :    it’s part of his job.  it’s part of working among a team.  but he ensures that he avoids predicaments where he’s not watching his own back or where he’s having to rely on someone else where possible.  there are very, very few ghost genuinely trusts down to the core, one being captain price.  
WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ? :   unknown.  while a younger simon has been exposed to relationships before, they didn’t last long enough for love to develop.  and since the events led by roba / the development of ghost, simon hasn’t been in love.  meaning he’s never truly been in love.  simon is capable of being affectionate, and has been shown to be a family man who values and even treasures the company of those close to him.  but ghost has had a huge impact on this, and upon facing tremendous loss, he’s closed himself off.   a fear of becoming like his father also puts a wall between him and any potential love interests.   realistically, any mild emotional attachment is exhibited through him seeking to spend time with you on his own terms or going out of his way to be around you.
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Why was this election called at that particular time?
Since the passing of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 for general elections, all six types of elections are held after fixed periods.
The Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 (c. 14) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that received Royal Assent on 15 September 2011, introducing fixed-term elections to the Westminster parliament for the first time. Under the provisions of the Act, parliamentary general elections must be held every five years, beginning in 2015. However, a vote of no confidence in the Government, or a two-thirds majority vote in the House of Commons, can still trigger a General Election at any time.
Fixed-term Parliaments, where general elections ordinarily take place in accordance with a schedule set far in advance, were part of the Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition agreement which was produced after the 2010 general election.
In the wake of the Panama Papers scandal, a petition was created on the Parliamentary Petitions Page that called for a General Election after Prime Minister David Cameron revealed that he had had investments in an offshore trust. After the petition had passed the threshold of 100,000 signatures, the government response cited the Fixed-term Parliaments Act in its reply, and stated that “no Government can call an early general election any more anyway.” Except they could.
On 18 April 2017, Prime Minister Theresa May announced her intention to call a general election for 8 June 2017, bringing the United Kingdom’s 56th Parliament to an end after 2 years and 32 days. She required a two-thirds majority as outlined in the Fixed-term Parliament Act before the motion was passed. Jeremy Corbyn, the Leader of the Opposition and the Labour Party indicated he was in support. The motion was passed the following day by 522 votes to 13.
The conjecture and speculation abounds as to why the election was called. Was this to help Theresa May in securing a mandate that differs from Cameron’s election pledges? These were binding them and, quite frankly, an embarrassment when trying to, say, make spurious changes to the NI system. Were those election pledges suddenly unworkable in a politically changed environment? They seem fairly reasonable manifesto pledges in my humble opinion.
Was this truly to help secure a greater majority to help with Brexit? To call the election, a two-thirds majority was needed. Did she really need more? Really?
Was this to help counter opposition in the House of Lords who might have claimed that she had no mandate that was her own from which to operate?
Was this election called to head off channel four reporting of CPS investigating possible prosecutions of Conservative MPs over electoral expenses fraud from the previous election? If, say, 20-30 MPs lost their seats, the majority would likely disappear followed closely perhaps by a vote of no confidence and the Queen would request the leader of the opposition to form a government.
Or, possibly, the Conservatives had achieved everything they wanted from Parliament in the lead up to Brexit. And subsequent Bills were seen as wholly undesirable to future aims and ambitions.
A few Bills were planned to have the UK adopt EU Workers’ Rights, EU Residents’ Right to Remain and EU Protection of the Environment. These Bills would likely eliminate EU workers as bargaining chips from Brexit negotiations. They might hamper a competitive corporate environment in a post-Brexit world if rights were unfavourable for profit. And protecting the environment would likely hurt ambitions for shale gas exploitation and expansion.
Other bills are also pertinent perhaps to other influences, possibly financial pressure and industry pressure brought to the Prime Minister’s business advisor, her very own husband: Philip May.
Philip works for Capital Group and they have c. £1.4t of assets under management. As these assets are invariably held within favourable taxation environments, then the following Bill would have had incredible ramifications. The U.K. International Trade and Investment Agreements (Ratification) Bill. This would align U.K. Tax Havens like Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands and the Caymans into EU laws and disclose who owned the companies registered there. Calling a General Election causes this Bill to fall and no further action will be taken.
Capital group (according to 2016 reporting) have large holdings in a very large defence firm by the name of Lockheed. There was a pending Bill by the name of the Arms Exports Control (countries of concern) Bill. £10bn of arms licences were issued between 2010-2015 to regimes designated “unfree” by Freedom House. However, in calling a General Election, this Bill also falls and the Arms Industry is protected, including Lockheed.
39% of Conservative MPs are landlords (128 of them). The pending Housing Tenants’ Rights Bill which would have (amongst other measures) prohibited the charging of letting or management agent fees to tenants. In calling a General Election, this Bill also falls.
Two awkward Bills about increasing equality, accountability and responsibility for the NHS were felled by calling for a General Election.
A Bill affecting the Conservative party dominance of the Hereditary Peers in the House of Lords has been felled by calling for a General Election.
Mutualisation of RBS, Child Poverty Reduction, and many others have been delayed or killed entirely by calling for a General Election.
As political manoeuvring goes, this General Election is arguably the most suspect, back-handed and devious ploy I have ever seen. All reasons point to incompetence by opposition parties in allowing this to happen… but they are so desperate for power themselves that they were always going to grasp the chance of an early election. Even more reasons point to business and lobbying power having a massive say in the way this country is run. The political and business information shared between Theresa and Philip May is probably incredibly damaging to the electorate who are losing rights. Losing Environmental protection. EU Right to remain. Corporate tax exemptions. Tenants’ Rights. All obliterated.
So while the Tory journalists and Tory TV presenters feed you the rhetoric about being Strong and Stable and how Theresa is the woman for the job… Ask yourself why they called the election. Ask what they are hiding from you. Ask why no-one challenges the corruption, the possible electoral expenses fraud. Ask why no-one has mentioned the ratification of EU investment laws. Ask why this Brexit must be a ‘hard’ process. It would be my humble estimation that a right wing process is underway to roll back a more liberal minded approach from Cameron. A more right wing focus to satisfy the elite. The 1%. The landed gentry and the corporations.
The entirely unconvincing explanations given for calling the election and the unwilling nature to engage with anyone for debates. Or the public... These are warning bells being ignored. Big flashing lights saying: shady. Or the journalists ignoring all this, coupled with the investigatory powers act (snooper’s charter) should have you very concerned with the political direction and implication of a) obliterating all those pending bills, b) riding roughshod over the electorate with more noise, rhetoric, catchphrases, tag lines and little to no substance, and c) hiding wrongdoings, connections, corruption and influence that the electorate would find abhorrent. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for me to see a much more authoritarian government in future years.
While they talk of the future, do look at the past, do look at the actions. To coin a phrase: they’re deplorable. Perhaps more than even I realise, and I reckon myself to be fairly politically savvy. Thank you for reading, and thank you in advance if you share this about. I shall also add more to this blog going forwards.
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
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“Right off the bat, although the title seems to suggest that this a beginner class, frankly, intermediate would be more appropriate.. Sure, some of the beginning is a rehash, but most of this tutorial is ‘eye’s glazed over”. One glaring error the author makes is the HORRIBLE ASSUMPTION that everybody runs Windows10. To get the downloaded Python and Sublime TExt programs to run, he correctly points out that the path statement to the location of these programs must be added to the enviormental variable. Now, in Win 10 it is fairly easy, but not in 7 as most people have. In fact, with his instructions, you will damage your machine, although not seriously as i did. Mainly, it’s not being able to use cmd line functions unless you put them back in. Putting in a new path statement in 7 is quite different than it is in 10. The Author chooses a teaching style that is stating a bunch of facts without proving or explaining them. A great analogy is saying 2+2 = 5 and The sky is green. One would expect him explain himself or hope that some of his hired guns would answer questions in the Q & A section.. Unfortunately, they were there in the beginning but fled after a week. I CANNOT recommend this course to a beginner, because of what I wrote above, and you will lost interest because of the lack of explanations of his dictates.. But since you paid for it, keep it for future reference for when you have a more grounded understanding of the basics As for why I gave it 1 ½ stars? I stuck with 1 star but one of his hired guns is the very attractive Sadeta Kulevic but she seems to be a little English challenged. Several times, someone would post a question and her response was ” I don’t understand your question” Myself, I have issues with the concept of indentation of code lines. Could never get that explained properly. Ms Kulevic, I noticed was studying Computer Networking and since I am a network guy, I know that subnetting is one of the harder concepts to grasp and be able to do in your brain in 45 seconds or less. I offered to trade that knowledge for some more guidance on the indentation issue, but it never got anywhere Good luck” (Mikey B Barrett)
“because of there isn’t subtitle because my mother language isn’t English and i find hard to hear what the teacher say the second reason is the teacher don’t reply all of questions” (Abdelaziz Said Abdelaziz)
“Great set of Python Tutorials. The instructor walks you through the classes and materials in an easy to understand manor. A++” (Mirko Cukich)
  About Instructor:
Ermin Kreponic Suppoman ®
Strongly motivated young IT expert, Linux enthusiast with a passion for troubleshooting network related problems. With an exceptional eye for details and a sense of urgency when it comes down to problem solving. Skills – Advanced knowledge of Linux command line – Installation, configuration and maintenance of servers that run under Unix/Linux type operating systems To name a few: DNS, TFTP, FTP, SSH, APACHE, SMTP, VSFTP and some others – Troubleshooting a wide range of network related problems. Meaning, digging deep for packets on any given network. Using one of my favourite tools for capturing and filtering packets on the network, Wireshark, and resolving end-user issues – Good understanding of Cisco routers and IOS operating system – Configuration and implementation of Linux firewall namely Iptables – Supervision and filtration of network traffic – Tightening down security and pen testing networks for possible vulnerabilities – Good knowledge of network gear brands and their strengths or weaknesses – Preforming system back up – Fair knowledge of Bash scripting – equipment installation, upgrades, patches, and configuration. Personal note: I do not sleep much, but that is not only because I work hard, rather instead it is because I enjoy this line of work, it is extremely rewarding in every way that matters
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Instructor Other Courses:
JavaScript from Beginner to Advanced Ermin Kreponic, IT Expert (5) $10 $195 YouTube SEO Secret: How I got 40,000 subscribers in 2 weeks! Suppoman ®, Your Superhero On Udemy! Teaches 19 Courses to 40k students (7) $10 $195 C# From Beginner to Advanced Udemy Marketing: Boost Sales & SEO with YouTube – Unofficial Learn Angular 2 from Beginner to Advanced Facebook Live: Attract 100,000+ Page fans with Viral Streams …………………………………………………………… Ermin Kreponic Suppoman ® coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon The Python 3 Bible™ | Go from Beginner to Advanced in Python The Python 3 Bible™ | Go from Beginner to Advanced in Python course coupon The Python 3 Bible™ | Go from Beginner to Advanced in Python coupon coupons
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