#Freaking Out {Cracktastical}
maireyart · 1 year
Obito + community service
Art request #11. Thank you for this request, anon! Post-Kaguya (or just post-war) Obito is my favorite Obito, and naturally this art has spiralled out of control 🤪 Obito: Rebuilding the World.
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Building Buildings AU headcanons: * Obito lives, his chakra & Sharingan are blocked. * After some time they (somehow) unblock the Mokuton for construction purposes (the Juubi's bijuudama destroyed some towns, Mokuton users needed), and he can shape his chakra only the way it is needed for this ability. If he tries anything else, it just doesn't work. * Obito has no idea how to use Mokuton for construction & architecture, so Yamato teaches him. * Since he can't use chakra even for simple things like sticking to surfaces or climbing walls, he sometimes needs safety gear that he hates, but everybody else finds it amusing :D * The goggles are very useful -- there's a lot of dust from the debris. * Gradually Obito starts enjoying this a lot and is glad he can do something like this. Aaaand some amazing cracktastic headcanons from @cool-thymus 🧡 * Yamato is like: "I'm NOT going to fraternize with a war criminal, not even if he is your former teammate, senpai." And then in a couple of days: "Here, Obito, I made you some soup! You need your strength, you're doing great!" * Yams is a bit of a control freak, and everything should be by the book. And then there's Obito 😆 Yams is carefully showing Obito how to put together a neat building, while Obito creates something similar yet super weird/morbid/questionable. Y: Obito, what is this? O: What? I followed your instructions. You told me to follow my instinct. Y: This is not.. I meant your Mokuton abilities, chakra-wise! O: ... I did what I did. * So as a "punishment" Obito gets to live in his weird building for a few days under the leaking roof (he ignored some construction rules for the sake of the morbid beauty of said roof). * And when Yams comes back to check on him, he finds Obito sitting on the floor, totally unphased, the roof is leaking, water streaming right above Obito, BUT he had mokutoned a cute little umbrella over his head sprouting from his neck/shoulders. And again he deadpans, "I did what I did." Thanks @cool-thymus, I think I died laughing 🤣
Any other headcanons? 🤣
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fanonplussed · 9 months
thanks @lu-sn for tagging me!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
first fic ever published: Settling Down, Settling In
this was Beka Cooper post-canon fic from 2011 and also the only het fic i ever wrote lollll though i then proceeded to publish nothing else for 8 years, i do still have a lot of fondness for this fic, and for the many, many het YA fantasy novels that have shaped the way i read and write
last fic published: a patient kind of guy
actually i lied, there's het in this fic too...specifically comphet, and the explorations thereof (it's a Be My Favorite fic, specifically a Pisaeng character study, nuff said). actually really proud of this one cause i like to think this fic showcases how far i've come in terms of being able to write angst, smut, humour, longing, and complex themes all in one 6k word fic
any fic i wrote for a ship only once: Five Times Wen Qing Writes to Jiang Yanli
huh, turns out i write quite a lot of ships only once, but i'm particularly proud of this femslash fic, firstly because in general there's not enough femslash in the world, and secondly because the MDZS ladies in specific deserved better!! also there's an incredible podfic recorded by some incredible people for it and listening to that was the COOLEST FREAKING THING
favorite fic for ship with most works: Thirty Years of (Someone Else's) Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
you know what, i loved this ship SO FUCKING MUCH and this was hands down the most joyful cracktastic fic i've ever written and it's all about THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP and yeah, if i could pick one work to remember of everything i wrote for these boys, it would be this one. sigh.
fic i wish more people read: Dad Joke
speaking of joyful cracktastic fics about the magic of friendship lolllll Macau and Chay have so much potential to be INCREDIBLE together as romantic/platonic co-conspirators and i didn't even realise until i finished writing this fic--this legitimately started out with me wanting to have Macau yell "it's a dad joke" about calling Pete 'dad' and then i woke up from my 24 hour writing fugue state with new, inconvenient macauchay feels lol guess the joke is on me (also i sometimes read this fic again and still laugh at my own jokes and i'm v proud of that)
fic i agonized over the most: Starving, Faithful
okay i'm sure i agonised over The Long Road Across The Wilderness - 荒尘渡 too (42k words of yi city boys on a big bang deadline ><) but FUCKING HELL the sheer amount of SCREAMING i did about the vegaspete post-credits scene for Starving Faithful man, and how it didn't ALIGN THEMATICALLY with how i'd conceptualised vegaspete in chapters 1 through 4 with the HUNGER and the OWNERSHIP and i rewrote that ending scene SO many times (with very patient, intelligent handholding from my incredible beta) and in the end just kinda went fuck it and gave up lol tbh i still have no idea if it's as resonant or consistent as i wanted it to be but overall i think i did pretty okay with that fic anyway
fic that sprang fully formed from my mind: Seven Years
444 words of Xue Yang character study that just flowed out in like 10 minutes inspired by this piece of fanart, one of the coolest collab and writing experiences i've had because i'm a plotter so that's basically never happened to me before and has never happened to me again lol (maybe i should actively look for fanart i like to see if inspiration will strike again hmm...)
work i am proud of: all of them. genuinely. i worked hard on every single one of those fics and at least one person has enjoyed reading each one of those fics, and i dunno i just think that's really, really cool. fandom is really pretty special <3<3<3
tagging @ghost--houses and @giraffeter
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spectrum-skull · 2 years
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“...I just had the realization that the three people I am currently dating are all gremlins and have a knack for causing chaos.”
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janiedean · 3 years
In which I decide to mess up a fairy tale (Cinderella in this case!), just for the hell of it. So... Cracktastic Tales presents... your dose of entertainment! Melara is Cinderella, Maggy the Frog is the fairy godmother who tells you the truth in your face and Jaime is prince charming. Of course, not everything as it seems. Cuz it turns out Jaime becomes interested in lord Renly's lady knight, everyone thinks Jaime will choose Melara and Melara notices things. 1/?
Meanwhile, Cersei is hellbent on destroying Melara, only to be thwarted by Maggy at every turn (she's tots enjoying it too). And Bronn is the one of worst fairy godfathers Tyrion has ever met, but he doesn't mind. Tysha doesn't mind him either. And Melara is having a blast at the ball, despite everything cuz at least Jaime was honest with her. And if she somehow meets a young nice man from the Riverlands, well... there's no reason to say that her time at the ball went unrewarded. As for Brienne? No fairy godmother, no curfews at twelve, no magic, just herself. And she tots didn't expect for Jaime, freaking, Lannister to be interested in her. And that fact leaves everyone at the ball reeling cuz it's not Melara lord Jaime will be courting, it's Brienne of Tarth. It's the most scandalous thing they've heard, but neither courting party cares. And what happens to Cersei? Let's just say she blew a several gaskets. And everyone lived as closest as happy as they could (cuz this is Westeros and anything can happen, but they'll be okay whatever destiny throws them anyways). The End. P.S.: I had sent something similar before, but I think Tumblr ate them. So, again I send it, fingers crossed that you got it this time. I hope all is well, Lavi! Have an awesome day!
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stellalux-universe · 4 years
So I just finished rewatching Bravo’s 100 Scariest Movie Moments for like, the thousandth time and I wanted to mark down the one’s I had seen. I wrote down some notes too, just some thoughts in case anyone is curious about my thoughts and likings. 
[X] 100. 28 Days Later- Controversial, but I see this as an infection movie as opposed to a zombie movie, but I will not bore you with my rant on the subject.
[X] 99. Creepshow- Classic, have to see this if you haven’t already.
[  ] 98. Zombie
[  ] 97. Cat People (1982)
[X] 96. The Birds- Gotta love a Hitchcock movie.
[X] 95. Jurassic Park- Love the movie, not sure I agree with it being above The Birds or Creepshow but 🤷🏼‍♀️
[X] 94. Child's Play- Fuck creepy dolls man.
[  ] 93. Pacific Heights
[X] 92. Village of the Damned
[  ] 91. Shallow Grave
[X] 90. Night of the Hunter
[X] 89. Alice Sweet Alice- Great movie, definitely recommend. 
[X] 88. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
[X] 87. Black Christmas (1974)- Love this movie.
[X] 86. Wizard of Oz- Agree that the witch and the monkeys are fucking creepy, and because it’s geared toward children it probably caused quite a few nightmares, but don’t think it’s as scary as some of the lower entries.
[  ] 85. Blood & Black Lace
[X] 84. Blue Velvet
[X] 83. The Others
[X] 82. Terminator- Eh.
[X] 81. The Howling
[X] 80. Poltergeist- LOVE this movie, the original is amazing.
[X] 79. Dracula (1992)- I watched this movie when I was like 5 and thus began my love for horror movies so this one holds a special place in my heart, plus the fucking aesthetic! 
[  ] 78. The Brood
[X] 77. Signs
[X] 76. Evil Dead- LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie, Sam Raimi and all of the absolutely fake blood and gore you could ever want.
[X] 75. Candyman
[X] 74. Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory- See notes for Wizard of Oz, same deal. Creepy af but scarier than Candyman? Eh.
[  ] 73. Blood Simple
[X] 72. Them!
[X] 71. The Sixth Sense
[  ] 70. The Stepfather
[X] 69. Re-Animator- One of my favorite movies period tbh.
[  ] 68. The Black Cat
[  ] 67. Duel
[  ] 66. The Tenant
[  ] 65. Marathon Man
[X] 64. Near Dark
[  ] 63. Deliverance
[X] 62. The Wolf Man- Classic
[X] 61. The Devil's Backbone- Absolutely gorgeous film, as is typical with del Toro, everyone knows Pans Labyrinth and that’s a great film but you should definitely see The Devil’s Backbone if you like del Toro.  
[  ] 60. The Beyond
[X] 59. Fatal Attraction
[X] 58. Cujo- Stephen King, of course, a must.
[X] 57. House of Wax (1953)- No, not the one with Paris Hilton, though that did have Jared Padalecki who 😘. But the original, with Vincent Price himself.
[  ] 56. Single White Female
[  ] 55. The Vanishing (1993)
[X] 54. The Changeling
[  ] 53. Demons
[X] 52. The Phantom of the Opera- Another Classic
[  ] 51. The Dead Zone
[X] 50. The Last House on the Left- Again, the original people, Wes Craven, not the remake. Literally one of the most uncomfortable movies I’ve ever sat through but extremely subversive about how we justify violence and the ability of all of us to be capable of violence. Seriously though, it’s a rough watch.
[  ] 49. Diabolique
[  ] 48. The Thing (1982)
[X] 47. Nosferatu (1929)
[  ] 46. The Sentinel
[X] 45. The Wicker Man (1975)
[X] 44. The Game
[X] 43. It's Alive!
[X] 42. An American Werewolf in London- Watch it every Halloween, LOVE
[X] 41. The Hills Have Eyes (1977)- Wes Craven again, I love that man but he has a startling ability to make seriously demented movies. I love it though.
[  ] 40. Black Sunday
[X] 39. Dawn of the Dead- Original again, a must for any horror fan, I mean, it’s George Romero people, come on.
[  ] 38. Peeping Tom
[X] 37. House on Haunted Hill (1999)
[X] 36. Cape Fear (1962)
[X] 35. Aliens
[  ] 34. The Hitcher (1986)
[X] 33. The Fly (1986)- JEFF GOLDBLUM. That’s all. This did creep me the fuck out though.
[X] 32. Pet Sematary- Obviously. Though I still haven’t seen the remake, is it good? Let me know.
[X] 31. Friday the 13th- Listen, I do love this movie... but I’m a bigger Elm Street fan, sorry Jason.
[X] 30. Blair Witch Project- Creepy af considering you don’t really see anything. That’s pretty brilliant.
[  ] 29. Serpent and the Rainbow
[X] 28. When a Stranger Calls (1979)
[X] 27. Frankenstein (1931)- YES, I love so many of the Frankenstein movies, I even adore the cracktastic Young Frankenstein movie, watch both every Halloween.
[X] 26. Seven
[X] 25. Phantasm- Ugh, both Phantasm and Suspiria next, amazing movies, totally recommend if you haven’t seen them.
[X] 24. Suspiria
[X] 23. Rosemary's Baby- Obviously.
[  ] 22. Don't Look Now
[  ] 21. Jacob's Ladder
[X] 20. The Ring (2002)
[X] 19. Hellraiser- This movie scared the shit out of me when I was a kid, definitely one I came to appreciate when I got older. 
[X] 18. The Haunting (1963)- Love the movie, love the book, love the Netflix series even if they totally changed the story. 
[X] 17. A Nightmare on Elm Street- Yea, i have a thing for Wes Craven flicks apparently and this is my favorite of all the slasher films. Plus, young Johnny Depp in a crop top? Uh, yes please.
[X] 16. The Omen (1976)
[X] 15. Freaks- Okay, of all the movies on this list, this is one of the ones that actually scared the shit out of me, what happens to the female antagonist at the end? Ugh, it still gives me shivers.
[X] 14. Halloween
[X] 13. Scream- Another Wes Craven.
[X] 12. Misery- And another Stephen King.
[X] 11. Audition- I literally can not watch this film. I have tried several times because I like the story, I like the premise, I think the actress in it is incredible, but I can’t fucking stomach torture scenes, I just can’t. Being chased by a killer or a monster, where I have the opportunity to fight back or run, yeah, but being strapped down and unable to move while being hurt, ugh I just can’t watch that, no matter how deserving they make the victim out to be.
[  ] 10. Wait Until Dark
[X] 9. Night of the Living Dead- Must watch for a horror fan, that’s all I have to say about that.
[X] 8. Carrie (1976)- And another Stephen King, and actually my favorite of his film adaptations, though The Shining and Rose Red are up there for me too.
[X] 7. Silence of the Lambs- Just watched this last night, and then had to start watching Hannibal (the show) again.
[X] 6. The Shining- Another Stephen King.
[X] 5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre- Original was great, remake was crap.
[X] 4. Psycho (1960)- Obviously.
[X] 3. Exorcist- Absolutely incredible, everything about it.
[X] 2. Alien- One of my go to sleep movies HA
[X] 1. Jaws- Okay, so I love love love killer animal movies, I just do. Primeval, Jaws, Lake Placid, Anaconda, what have you and I get that Jaws kind of took horror movies main stream BUT scariest movie moment? I don’t really agree with that at all, it didn’t scare me as a child and it doesn’t scare me now. Some of these other movies on this list still give me chills, Jaws never has, so I was a bit disappointed at it being number 1.
It would be cool if someone wanted to one for themselves! I love horror movies and I’m always curious about other people’s opinions and insights and I’m looking to do things like this to get to know my followers better! 
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I was goofing off with Celi during text and she's obsessed with cross-dressing Laito that we did a chat RP of her being Hannah and me being Laito. It's pure crack and we're talking about Laito dressing up with sock boobs and all. I asked her if it was alright for me to post it and she said okay as long as I took the spelling mistakes out in our little chat scenario. Warnings for being OCC cracktastic, Laito being a perv and Hannah's foul mouth. Celi is Hannah (she likes doing RP as her) and I'm Laito. I used emojis, lmao. Hannah: What now? Laito: They're still not right. Something is off about them. Hannah: There's nothing wrong with them. They're just socks. Laito: But they're lopsided and don't look anything like yours. Hannah: Of course they're not like mine. They're freaking socks! Laito: Fix them. Hannah: Are you serious...? Laito: You came up with the idea so you fix them. Hannah: God fucking damn it. Laito: Did you say something? Hannah: I said I'll fix them. Laito: No you didn't. You were being mean again- Hannah: Let me fix them, why are you covering them up now? Laito: I don't think I want you to fix them with that attitude of yours. You might just hurt them to be mean- Hannah: Not this bullshit... They're fucking socks. Laito: ... Hannah: Just let me- Why are you being so stubborn about this?! Laito: You're sexually harassing me! Hannah: As if you're not the master at that! You wanted them fixed and I'm fixing them! Laito: Ask me nicely. 😑 Hannah: Oh my God. (I could have been downstairs an hour ago if it weren't for his bullshit) Laito: I can tell by that glare of yours that you're thinking something rude. Are you mad? Hannah:... No. Laito: What did I tell you about keeping secrets from me? I told you it made me mad, right-? Hannah: I'm getting extremely pissed off with you right now. Laito:... I don't want you touching them after all. Hannah: Fine then. I'll go back downstairs- Laito: Who said you were going downstairs? You're not going anywhere, Hannah-bitch... Hannah:... Alright... What do you want now? Laito: That tone... Hannah: I don't have a 'tone'. Laito: Yes. You. Do. Hannah: What do want from me now? Laito: It's still no better. Hannah: God damn it, I'm tired of this new game of yours. Let me just go-! Laito: Why are you so eager to go back downstairs...? What's or WHO is waiting for you down there...? Is it Reiji-? Hannah: Why are you still bringing him up? I played dress up with you, put my own freaking bra on you and stuffed them with socks. What else do you want from me for fuck's sakes? Laito:... Hannah: Ow, what fuck?! Why did you slap my chest for?! Laito: I warned you about the tone. Hannah: Yeah I know that, but I wasn't hurting you this time and you're the one hurting me whenever you feel like it. Laito: That's the point. Hannah: You're being immature. Laito: I'm not the one being immature. YOU are when you're saying mean things to me. You told me the red dress made me look fat- Hannah: I never said that. Laito: You didn't say it out loud but your EYES did. Hannah: My EYES didn't say anything. Laito: You think I can't tell when you're thinking something? Hannah: Are you on a manperiod? (she whispered it) Laito:... *gasp* Is Hannah dead or alive? We'll never know.
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isadorator · 7 years
A Fic Year in Review - 2016
It's that time again~ And I wrote so much this year, holy shit. As usual, any concrit and comments are welcome~~ (as are requests, when open lol)
what are THOOOOSE a superhero's holiday
Oh jeez. Both these fics got way more attention than I thought they would. But I keep underestimating the ML fandom tbh. The first was basically me goofing around and I somehow ended up promising to write a sequel since everyone wanted one (which I...still need to do.....). The second was a flag for both my descent into ladrien hell and also a return to my nsfw ways orz;;;;
you are gold and silver (1/2)
IT TOOK. SO. L O N G. TO WRITE THIS. Although this fic is firmly in AU territory now thanks to being beautifully jossed by canon, it helped me realize just how much I needed to grow in order to write romantic intimacy in a believable way. So, I made it my goal to work on it until it was up to my own standards.
(I...still need to finish this fic too......)
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (1/2):
fan merchandise
artistic muse
stuck in a small place
never have i ever
i want to touch them
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (2/2):
damsel in distress
beauty facial masks
visible marks
ice cream sandwiches
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (1/9):
the 4 times adrien pretended to shower to hide from ladybug (and the 1 time he was actually showering when she calls out his bullshit)
tried to kiss your lips but i missed
staring into each other’s eyes
Ah, the plan being put into action! With the release of actual ladrien eps, I had the perfect excuse to write romantic scenario after romantic scenario using submitted prompts. Which also meant I accidentally created a secret love affair AU and wrote more smut whoops. Still, they were super fun! I took a break halfway through to write some Inuyasha-inspired marichat that just would not leave me alone (also fun).
(....I promised to write a continuation of the 'never have i ever' prompt, didn't I alrjkdsflaks. AND TANGLED AU SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (2/9):
they go on a date together
soulmate au
“i love you. i’m completely and utterly in love with you. please don’t get married.”
the one time ladybug actually catches adrien in the shower
ACTUALLY in the shower
“of all the people i could’ve gotten stuck in an elevator with and it just had to be you.”
More ladrien prompts/romance practice~ The music prompt is still one the most cracktastic things I've ever written lol. Managed to make two more AUs with this batch that I've already started to expand on: the soulmate AU and the auteur AU. Lastly, in a surprise twist, the fucking elevator prompt managed to gather over 1k in notes. Probably because I ripped off Sailor Moon but. Still.
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (3/9):
another shower scene
away from home
“you have mom’s smile.” he said this to ladybug once, but he thinks it again and again and again. but ladybug is better: she is real.
calling bullshit
untitled continuation of a comic by pozolegirl
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (4/9):
under the covers
mega nachos
“i heard that the spots on your bodysuit corresponds to chakra points? so… what happens if i touch this?”
cute nose/forehead kisses
their first time
“i need you to pretend we’re dating…”
“is there anything you’re not good at?”
More Volpina prompts! Again, I like experimenting with them :D Also wrote a continuation of that Christmas comic because it was just way too cute~~
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (1/6):
love poem
i can show you the world
first love
everyone can see it
shower scene
it’s a trap
sins cannot be undone
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (2/6):
jealous fangirls/boys
“you have her smile”
gabriel | hawkmoth’s reaction
it’s not you, it’s my enemies
secret dating
window kisses
Oooooh boy. The triple whammy of Ladrien June, Ramadan, and starting my summer job. I was excited to have a month dedicated to just ladrien (as if I hadn't already dedicated most of my year to it lol) but fell behind pretty quickly thanks to my lack of free time. I aim to finish them this year!
And Ramadan. Man. It always sends my mental health straight into the toilet. Not because of the holiday itself, but because of the way my family treats it. Idk. I tried to flush away the bad feelings by punching out 'sins cannot be undone' in one night. And it helped, I suppose. It's definitely the rawest thing I wrote this year and I still have very strong feelings about it.
three sentence prompts:
ladynoir, spy au
nino and marinette, karaoke au
ladrien, bodyguard au
ladrien, superman/lois lane au
adrien and tikki, baking au
alix and kim, and the one-time-max-actually-won au
alya and marinette, vigilante au
adrienette, foreign countries
ladynoir, and the elevator game/ritual
Between work and writing various wips that I still haven't posted yet (*coughcoughconjugalvisitcough*), I only posted stuff from this meme. I had fun (the goal) and the adrien&tikki kwamiswap AU one is still my fave |D *slams fists on table* LET ADRIEN BE A BAKER!!!!
untitled continuation of a comic by geek-fashionista insomaniac and the chaton pile
UMMMM My summer job ended by this point, so my only excuse for not posting much is it's all tied up in unpublished wips and...I was freaking out about starting school next month for the first time in y e a r s;;; Just some drabbles for the sidekick AU (not mine) and my own, sleep-deprived ideas (that I...still find hilarious alkdjfhalksd I DID NOT EXPECT ANYONE ELSE TO???)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (5/9):
embarrassing hobbies (aka: adrien is secretly a popular ladynoir fanfic writer)
mlnsfweek prompts (1/3):
make 'em blush
we've got time
"i can’t believe we survived" sex
wet dreams
STILL REALLY STRESSED ABOUT SCHOOL, which translated into a lot of writing. Did a couple of Volpina prompts, including time ≠ water. Which. Got way more attention than I expected;;;; And that I...also promised to expand on......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
And then #mlnsfweek hit and I'm actually really proud of myself for finishing the whole week, even if it was late~ /o/ Did some random scenarios, including some futurefic for the timebreaker AU. I still cackle every time I think of the wet dreams prompt tbh XDDD
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (6/9):
inside a video game
horror movies
“who crawls through someone’s window at 4 am to go for ice cream?!”
aching muscles from running all over the city, and then: "would a massage help?"
discovering their sensitive spots
“so close” from enchanted
As usual, more Volpina prompts in between school and wips. Not really much to say except it was around now (or maybe September? My memory is horrible) that I realized I had developed a pretty good grasp on romance and could start working on upping my daily wordcount. I really want the mental stamina to complete a chapter fic one day...
mlnsfweek prompts (2/3):
School REALLY started to pick up in difficulty and I signed up for a fic exchange and a fanzine. Despite really wanting to, I didn't have time or energy to do more than one prompt for the #mlnsfweek redux, but I plan to complete it~ I have Ideas.
oh, the things i do for you (the bubbler remix)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (7/9):
bruises and scars
cold hands, warm hearts
I'm never, ever committing to more than one fic deadline near exam time ever again. I nearly died last month as I rushed to complete these fics, my studying, and prep for my vacation that started right after exams (I'm still recovering;;;). The remix is currently the longest fic I've written to date, including my wips! Holy shit!!!
Both were done very last minute, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I tried to finish the last of the Volpina prompts before the end of the year, but alas, time was not on my side. Better luck next year~ :'D
Total Year’s Output: ....58,718 words;;;
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
.......This is almost twice as much as I did last year. I actually passed the NaNoWriMo standard. Oh my god. There is no fucking way I would have predicted this last year. And that's not counting all the wips aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH—
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2016?
Uhhhh, Bustier/Mendeleiev, definitely. Also DjWifi?? I just wasn't into it at all last year, but now I'm rooting for them. Also, I did not expect to write this much smut, but here we are. ALSO MARIE/ADRIEN/MARINETTE AKA THE OT3 AKA LOVE SQUARED (the homestuck in me will never die)
What’s your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest.
Happy...? Hmmmm....There's stuff that makes me laugh, that I'm proud of...
...I know it's not published yet or even done, but...probably conjugal visit. Not only is it chock full of my favourite type of ladrien, it's...sort of my thesis on emotional intimacy? It's proof of my progress. I look at it and I can feel my determination to grow and to move on from the mental rut I was stuck in for most of my life, that I won't let my past keep my from recognizing my own emotions and learning empathy, not forever.
(Maybe that's pride and contentment and hope more than happiness, but I'll damn well take it)
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I ALWAYS SAY THIS but...I really want to finish my wips.....and I want to start an actual chaptered fic. Not a one-shot collection or a drabble collection. Long, plotty, gen or romance (or both!!), chapter fic. I want to write something that will keep people up all night, lying to themselves when they say 'just one more chapter'. I think I actually have a shot at completing one now, at my current skill and confidence level |D
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spectrum-skull · 2 years
Spectrum just does that Will Smith pose at his three favorite beaus @bluescarfvivi, @punsandfuturekingsmen, and @splatterlewis
Is he being silly? Oh yes.
Does he love his three beaus a lot? Also yes.
He going to show it constantly. 
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spectrum-skull · 2 years
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“At this point, you’re just asking for chaos to happen and I am not bailing you out of this...”
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spectrum-skull · 2 years
@frenzys-furnace​: { ♥ }
Show them your derriére. Then they can see a rainbow over the moon.
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“Tempting, but think I’ll pass on that, thanks.”
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spectrum-skull · 2 years
@splatterlewis​: { ♥ }
"Babe please-"
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“Nope nope nope, staying out of the non-sense you are invoking and refusing to get involved in this. I love you, but you are on your own Splat.”
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spectrum-skull · 2 years
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“I thought people were just memeing when they said Mighty No. 9′s credits were FOUR hours long.”
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spectrum-skull · 3 years
"IIIIII'm gonna pinch ya!"
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“Oh nooooo, I am trembling~”
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spectrum-skull · 3 years
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“Poor Splatter, I can sometimes still hear his voice.”
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spectrum-skull · 3 years
“I both simultaneously believe that and my statement are both true.”
There was a pause from the ghost and gave a look.
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“...do I wanna know what was on the porch?”
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spectrum-skull · 3 years
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“Soooo, I just realized...I have BOO-bies.”
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