#Frederick Zoller x reader
Everything at Once part 2
Dieter Hellstrom x Orignal Fem Character
Hiiiii. Thank you so much for the support for the first part! Here is part 2. Part 3 should be up in a few days! 😘😘😘😘
Warnings: cursing, N*zis, angst, discrimination, Dieter is kind of a dick, soon to be smut (still in the works you horndogs) violence maybe in the future. Still working out the kinks 😉😘 I do not support N*zis in any shape or form WWII should not be glamorized into thinking what N*zis did was okay. This is just for fun, for the Inglourious Basterds fandom, especially Hans Landa, Dieter Hellstrom and Landstrom ship.
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"Why are you so incompetent, Hellstrom!? No wonder you'll never be promoted!" Hans scolded his inferior while cutting his strudel into a small bite. "I dont give a single fuck if your stressed out. You know your place."
Dieter rolled his eyes again when Hans wasn't looking. Why does he care? She is just a stupid waitress. He played with the strudel with his fork and glanced at the girl.
Her long curly blonde hair whipped around softly as she was scurrying around the kitchen making more pastries. Her hair was half kept up in the center back of her head with a golden jewel clip. She was short for her age, and very thin perhaps due to little rations of food she could find or made. The Germans took nearly everything.
There was small freckles around her face dusting above a pink blush.
Just a stupid waitress...
Her skin looked soft and well kept, perhaps the French did bathe. He looked down her body and her waist. There was a distinct cinch in her blue dress that made his mind wonder.
He found himself thinking of undoing her apron. The ties where so loose, her hair became looser as she moved.
Dieter hasn't been with many women due to his busy schedule and little interaction makes me nervous when one is near. He found his face getting warm.
Camille brushed away a stray hair accidentally getting flour on her head. Dieter snorted softly. Stupid.
"My my Dieter..." Hans began. "You smitten little fox you..." Dieter choked on a breath and looked at his superior in shock.
"WHAT?" He shouted accidentally. Camille looked over startled.
He glared at the girl. "What are you looking at?" He coldly asked her. Her face got extremely hot, she shook her head and went back to what she was doing.
"Dont act like you dont know Hellstrom. You clearly like her." Hans whispered smugly. "Do you know why little boys pull little girls' pigtails on playgrounds?" Dieter sighed. What a stupid metaphor...
"I dont like her, Landa."
"Oh please." Hans chuckled, knowing the truth.
"I dont. And that's final, Hans." Dieter warned. I'm not in the mood for your little mind games, Landa he thought.
After a few more minutes the men got up to leave. Normally the Nazis would just leave and not pay. Hans set down a few bank notes for the girl and smiled when her face lit up.
"Oh merci beaucoup, Monsieur! Merci!" Camille beamed and took the money holding her heart in disbelief. She makes almost no money after years owning the cafe and years of being the single employee.
(Thank you so much, sir. Thank you!)
Hans walked out first. Camille's gaze fell upon Dieter. Her smile slowly faded, scared if he'd snap at her again. His heart sunk.
"Je suis désolé, mademoiselle. Tu peux prendre le strudel, tu as l'air affamé." He said quietly and handed the dish back to her. She softly smiled and looked up at him. He had more emotions in his eyes now...
(I am sorry, miss. You have the strudel, you look hungry)
"Merci, monsieur..." she replied quietly.
When she took the dish from the man's hand, their fingers slightly brushed over eachother.
Camille gasped quietly and Dieter's heart rate skyrocketed.
They looked up at eachother.
Dieter coughed slightly and handed her a few banknotes of his own. Camille looked at him in disbelief... he nodded to assure her.
"Au revoir." He said plainly, tapped his boots together and tipped his hat at her.
She genuinely smiled at him as he left the cafe to join his superior.
"What a strange man..." Camille thought a loud. She watched the men talk and smoke cigarettes outside, respecting the No Smoking sign inside the cafe. Sure, she'll let Nazis come in but they shall not smoke as the smell and literally everything else about cigarettes destroy her pastries. Maybe very un-French of her.
All of a sudden, another German man in uniform went up to the gentleman and saluted. Ugh...another Nazi? Camille thought.
This man was average height, a little mousey. Perhaps in his twenties, not much a rank shown. He wore a proud, patriotic smile as he chatted with the men. The other two talked with him, looking a little irritated.
Maybe the mousey man was a just a Private? Camille thought and she rolled out some more dough. Papa always said the younger soldiers were the most irritating. They think they know everything
After a few seconds, the bells to the cafe door rung again and Camille looked up and saw the mousey soldier. His face lit up in more joy, if that was possible.
"Bonjour Mademoiselle..." the mousey soldier said looking Camille up and down. She didnt smile back. (Hello miss...)
"Bonjour, soldat." She replied simply, barely making any eye contact. (Hello soldier).
"Je suis plus qu'un simple soldat" he said. (I'm more than a soldier) he kept eyeing her like a prize. Camille did found him quite handsome but there was something off about him. He seemed familiar and strange. Her friend would tell these stories of a Nazi baby solider following her around like a lost puppy, never giving her a moment's peace.
As the two started simply talking about unfortunately the mousey man's involvement in the German Army, her mind went to a paler...suspicious...taller...black leather clad man...
As this was happening, Dieter, smoking still waiting for the driver to come back around the block, looked in the window nonchalantly.
His knuckles went white as he clenched his fists. He cleared his throat, trying not to just rage. Fuck that shrimp of a boy. He thinks because he is a war hero, he gets whatever he wants. Dieter thought angrily.
Hans noticed his angry subordinate. "I told you, idiot."
Dieter rolled his eyes the millionth time. "Shut up."he said behind his breathe.
"Never doubt me, Major." Hans said as their car pulled up.
To be continued...
@whore4waltz @rurivu @xoxocillian @fridaycanbesadsometimes @racheljo47 @whitechoc135 @officerh4t @blueberrypancakesworld @hanslandasstrudel
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one-boring-person · 2 years
Pulling Rank. (Part 1/2)
Major Dieter Hellstrom x m!reader x Private Frederick Zoller (Inglorious Basterds)
Warnings: allusion to NSFW, mention of violence
Context: Idk where this came from but here we are, have part one of a questionable fic.
If you like my work, buy me a coffee!
Tagging: @alan-is-my-ginger-princess @lemairepstuff
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Trailing behind Sturmbannführer Hellstrom as he leads Mademoiselle Mimieux through the restaurant, I can't help but curse myself internally for being so far into this damn operation that I now have to kiss the Reichminister's arse for any good information. If I'd known infiltrating the SS would entail stints like this, I would've bailed a long time ago; I'm much better at massacring Nazi soldiers than I am at playing the Gestapo captain. Especially now that feelings for a certain major have deigned to arise. 
Holding my cap under my arm, I halt behind Hellstrom as we reach the closed-off room where Goebbels and Mondino are waiting, saluting briefly even as the Schütze Zoller stands and comes over to us. He barely spares Hellstrom and I a second glance as he immediately works his charm on Mimieux, speaking French with her as he guides her to the table. Following, the major and I listen as Zoller introduces Goebbels and his interpreter, gesturing to the two of us.
"And you've met the major and captain." He says, still in French, thankfully so we can understand him.
"Yes, though we didn't introduce ourselves." Hellstrom chips in, smiling mechanically, clicking his heels, "Sturmbannführer Dieter Hellstrom of the Gestapo, at your service. And this is Hauptsturmführer (Y/n) (Y/l/n), also of the Gestapo."
As the major introduces me, I smile and click my heels, trying not to let my distaste show on my face.
"Good to meet you, Mademoiselle." I intone politely, speaking the little French I can with a passable accent. 
The cinema owner smiles back, though the expression is just as false as mine is. 
Hellstrom gestures for her to sit, pulling out a chair and pouring her some champagne, before he himself takes a seat. Waiting for the superior officer to settle, I sit in the chair beside him, remaining quiet as Goebbels begins to regale Mimieux and Zoller with some useless information, as he so often does. I do my best to pay attention, but the ridiculous nature of all he's saying eventually starts to pass over my head, my interest fading fast. It's nothing the Basterds will need to know, at least. 
Hellstrom seems to notice my impassiveness, leaning across subtly to offer me his cigarette case. 
Suspicious, I look at him. In all the time I've known him (even in intimate times) the major has never offered me a cigarette, let alone from his own case. Steely eyes meet mine, glinting from a completely neutral expression, nothing to be seen as to his ulterior motive. Carefully, I reach out and take a cigarette, pulling out my own lighter before he can, doing my best not to pull a face at the foul taste of his brand of choice. 
As I smoke, I let my eyes roam over the group of us, still as unimpressed by Goebbels as the first time I saw him. Mimieux seems confused, which is entirely plausible given the impromptu invitation, Mondino only translating what her superior tells her to. Hellstrom, naturally, is watching the exchange with schooled neutrality. Zoller, on the other hand, has his gaze fixed on me. Completely and unashamedly. 
Blinking, I stare back, feeling myself quickly becoming hot under that probing gaze, knowing exactly what the man is doing, though it is entirely unexpected, especially from him. Fighting back a blush, I try to look away, only to go tense as I suddenly feel a hand on my thigh, strong, slender fingers rubbing possessive circles into the soft flesh. I have to bite back a groan, my eyes flicking up to see Dieter hasn't even looked at me, his hand inconspicuously moving under the table even as Frederick watches. 
Trying hard not to show any outward reaction, I focus back on the conversation, struggling now that I have the attention of two men on me, feeling myself getting hot under the collar as the hand on my thigh skates up towards my crotch. 
"Are you quite alright, Hauptsturmführer? You look unwell." Zoller finally asks in the lull of conversation, flashing me a quick smirk as everyone turns their eyes on me, Hellstrom squeezing my leg in warning. 
"Fine, thank you." I smile shakily, afraid now that I'm being obvious.
"Are you sure? The Schütze is right, you do look flushed." Goebbels butts in, though his question is far from genuine, rather slightly suspicious. 
Bowing my head a little in gracious thanks, I repeat myself.
"I am well, just a little warm." I say, fighting every instinct to buck into the finger that suddenly drags a line over the crotch of my slacks. 
Goebbels nods, going to say something else before his eye catches something else.
"Ah, Landa! There you are!" He calls out, grinning widely.
Instantly, Hellstrom and I are on our feet, heels clicking, arms lifted in salute. 
Colonel Hans Landa steps into the room, nodding at the two of us to stand down, grey eyes surveying the scene before him. A pleasant smile is plastered across his lips, though his eyes hold an unnerving gleam, as if he knows something about us that we'd rather nobody knew. Indeed, I can feel my breath catch in my throat as they pass over me, hoping that my particular facade isn't too transparent this time. Thankfully he moves on with no further consequence, greeting Goebbels and Mondino with courteous grace.  Zoller introduces him to Mimieux, who goes unfortunately pale, eyes filling with barely concealed terror. 
Curious, I watch her for a further minute, before I stand back from the table, offering the colonel my seat. Taking it, he thanks me briefly, without interest, before he turns back to the table, where Goebbels and Mondino have gotten up to leave. Hellstrom joins me, ready to escort the two out, leaving just before we can hear Zoller being reprimanded for speaking out of turn by the senior officer. Together, the major and I help the more distinguished guests to their car, before returning to the restaurant foyer to wait for Zoller, who we have been instructed to escort. Almost as soon as we're inside, Hellstrom commands me to go to the bathroom, following close behind. 
My breathing quickens as I enter the room, standing idly as the major checks the stalls, before he returns to me. Piercing eyes fixed hungrily on me, he uses his taller frame to back me into the wall, expression still neutral, though his lips seem to tilt into a smirk now that we're alone. Pressed flush against the tile, I stare up at him, slightly worried, though rapidly becoming hotter and hotter under the collar as the major lifts a hand and wraps it gently around my throat, using it to pin me to the wall. Instantly, a flush of arousal goes through me and my cock twitches in my trousers.
"You must learn to be more discreet, Hauptsturmführer. You nearly got caught just now." Hellstrom's thin lips have pulled into a familiar mocking sneer now, his breath hot on my lips as he keeps close.
"Yes, Sturmbannführer." I gasp back, knowing he wants a response.
He scoffs, casting a critical eye over me.
"And look at you now, so desperate for me already." He looks me in the eye, "Tell me, do you want every cock you see, or just mine? I'm curious."
Before I can reply, the door opens, signaling the entrance of someone new. Instantly, terror goes through me, knowing exactly what this looks like and what the consequences are, my body quickly going to push Hellstrom off, though he only shoves me harder into the wall. His head turns lazily to the door, a grin now in place on his lips.
"Frederick! How good of you to come!" 
I turn my head, eyes widening when they meet the lustful gaze of the Schütze, my cock inadvertently pulsing at the sight of him. 
"How could I resist the offer, Sturmbannführer." He replies, smirking at Hellstrom knowingly.
"How indeed." Dieter sneers at me, "I have a captain here who needs teaching a lesson. Do you feel you could aid me in this task?"
His words send a bolt of carnal want through me, an inaudible groan escaping me at the threat.
"I do." Frederick agrees, chuckling darkly. 
"Good. Let's get going, then. We can continue this elsewhere." Dieter releases me, pushing me in the direction of Zoller, who catches my smaller frame easily. 
Looking up at him, I almost whimper at the gaze he fixes me with, forgetting for a moment that he's lower in rank than I, and that I'll need to act as such when we emerge from the room. He rights me, grinning mockingly as I adjust myself and start to walk to the door, yelping softly as he suddenly swats my ass. 
The dark laughter that follows me only serves to arouse me further.
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kimhargreeves · 2 years
Love and Denial-Dieter Hellstrom x Reader (Inglorious Basterds)
Summary: You and Dieter are both SS officers, moving to France you both have no choice but to become roommates. His hatred towards you isn't anything new, but a few words from Hans Landa makes him realize that he really likes you, he plans to show this feelings to you soon enough.
(Never expected to write about Dieter from Inglorious Basterds since he wasn't one of my favorite, but now I need more of him. I will be writing a lot on these characters. Also this was inspired by a one shot I read.)
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"Under no circumstances do I want to see you interrupt me and Colonel Hans Landa meeting." 
Was the first and last warning i was given by my friend, or should I say colleague Dieter Hellstrom. One of the top parties of the Nazi I've had the misfortune to meet. I kept a frown on my face last night when he warned me of today's meeting at our current home.
For the time being we were in France. We would be staying here for a while so instead of paying a fortune, though some didn't mind, we decided to split the money in half. Making things a lot more easier for us.
Though it was neither of our idea at first. Hans Landa was ecstatic when found out about this, he was the one who sort of forced Dieter and I to live together
Both go us never got along and the only time I would get free time from him would be at night. Now it's been a living nightmare having to see him at work and at night too.
"Whatever you ask Major." I teased and left off to my room that night.
Now it was the next day and the dark haired man was probably inside having something to drink with his fellow superior. He had his men with him here in France and so did I. 
It was greatly uncommon to see a woman ordering about the Nazi party but I was one of the few, well respected. But, Dieter didn't take my work seriously. We began out training many years ago and since day one he's been the same.
Deceitful, clever, sarcastic and knows how to charm people with his facade. Oh, how I wanted to just punch his face sometimes.
If someone were to wonder what a true German would look like, then Dieter would be the perfect example. He's cunning, prideful of his work and his country a lot. The Fuehrer would be proud of him. I on the other hand had a different mindset than Dieter, though if he were to known and there's no telling what the Germans would do to me.
I simply did what I had to do to keep living and I will continue to do so.
The moment I started working for the Germans I was taught everything to survive, but one of the many works I did that made me rank up to the top was of a spy. Only very few new of my work and how I would do anything to get information from the enemy.
Dieter was no exception. Though I know of his hatred towards me I will say I've seen slight concern on his half, though most of them would be just insults and how I'll get myself killed. That happened once when I arrived all bloody with a few cuts
Deciding to avoid his warning from yesterday I began to head back home. There was nothing interesting at all going on and I wasn't planning to go back to work today on my free day. I was wearing regular clothes feeling too hot to be wearing the uniform today.
I peeked my head out when I entered my small home and saw Hans having a drink with Dieter smoking a cigarette, both men sharing a conversation. I quietly stated to move forward being careful with not making a sound of for either of them to see me come in.
"(Y/N)!" I nearly tripped onto an expensive vase when I heard my name being exclaimed from Hans mouth. The Colonel smirked when he noticed me presence.
Dieter on the other hand shot me an irritated look, knowing well of the task he had with me before bed. I grew nervous and remained still not wanting to say anything that would offend either men. Though my presence was offensive enough for the other one.
Both officer's eyes landed on me again again Hans whispered something to himself. "Dieter, I thought you told me this wonderful lady was asleep and feeling unwell."
Dieter fought the urge to roll his eyes he just confirmed to smoke his cigarette. "I simply told her to go and take a walk." He said not looking at me.
This made the Colonel scoff and look at the younger man. "Und diese Dame allein lassen? Es ist unhöflich, deine Freundin allein zu lassen." ( And leave this lady on her own? It's rude to leave your girlfriend on her own.)
This made Dieter cough up the smoke and it made me want to run away. I glanced over to see Dieter and found him also glancing back at me, both out faces got flustered.
"There's no way I'm into her!"
"There's no way I'm into him!"
Both of us shouted and looked away from one another. We both heard Colonel Landa laugh. "You both are like s bunch of teenagers, or, should I say an old married couple who keeps on fighting over the slightest of things."
Hans said in his thick English accent. I noticed a look of disgust on Dieter's face when Hans spoke those words. 
"If you're not quick a lucky man will take her. Her cooking is excellent that even our Fuehrer would be proud."
"Thank you for your kind words, sir." I smiled and blushed at the compliment. Dieter simply looked back at me and scoffed before looking forward again.
"My dear. Since we are all free today, would you mind accompanying us." 
I definitely didn't expect the Colonel to be asking us out. What is it that he is planning? It would be rude to disobey him, though if I agree my roommate will only grow more irritated at me. "i would love to, sir." I smile once again.
Colonel Landa clapped his hands together, "Excellent!"
I excuse myself and rushed over to my room to get dressed into something better. A bit of dirt had landed on my dress so why started looking for another one, a lot more decent looking and prettier than the rest.
I peeked my head out once again and now saw both men on their feet waiting by the door. "Sie ist nichts als eine Mitbewohnerin, eine einfache Möglichkeit, das Abendessen zu erhalten und weniger für diesen Ort zu bezahlen."
(She is nothing but a roommate, an easy way to receive dinner and pay less for this place.) I heard Dieter tell Colonel Landa.
This made the older man scoff and pat his shoulder. "Männer sagen das immer. Als nächstes wissen Sie, dass Sie verheiratet sind und Kinder haben." (Men always say that. Next thing you know you're married and with children.)
I pressed my ear closer and saw Dieter almost glaring at Hans for even teasing him with this conversation.
"Tell me. A talk from man to man. What do you want in a woman? Are you interested in forming a life either here in France or Germany."
It was unusual to hear Hans having these types of conversations. I might say that he sometimes acted like an older brother to Dieter Hellstrom. I rested my head on the wall next to me and stared at Dieter.
His cold hard stare sometimes does things to me. His perfect posture and the way his uniform looks so well and fitted on him-
"Well, my ideal woman would have to be headstrong, fearless, not afraid to speak her mind-" 
Dieter immediately stopped when he saw the face Hans was giving him. "You just gave a brief description of Mrs (Y/N).
"I don't have feelings for her." He muttered and looked away from Hans. 
I remember back then when we started training. He was having joy from fighting me, both of us panting and trying to attack or block them. I ended up on the ground with him gripping my hair and a boot which landed on my chest. Immediately after that I kicked him, held him down on the ground and accidentally landed s punch on his nose.
"I know that look you gave to her ever since she landed that punch, Hellstrom." Landa spoke again.
That's enough. Like he would ever return those feelings back, he's too prideful of himself and would out his country first.
Slowly I walked out and both of them turned to look back at them. I small blush landed on my cheeks when I noticed Dieter looking at me, even if what Hans said isn't true. At least Dieter's look on me will satisfy me.
"Schön wie immer, meine Liebe. Ausgezeichnete Wahl in der Kleidung." (Beautiful as always, My love. Excellent choice in clothing. Hans proudly said.
"Tell me, (Y/N). Are you a virgin?" His eyes seemed to darken. He wished to know the truth.
I felt my palms sweating up a bit. Even Dieter didn't expect the question since he seemed nervous as well. "Colonel-"
Landa simply gave a warning look to Dieter. "In your profession of work I wouldn't be surprised if a man-"
"I am." I quickly replied. I felt extremely embarrassed and felt my entire face turn red, many men thought the opposite. "Never once have I been intimate with a man."
Colonel Landa simply smirked and patted Dieter's back making him jump a bit. "Alright then. I'll be meeting you both soon. Dieter, you know where to go." Dieter nodded his head and saluted at Hans when he left.
As soon as Hans left Dieter glanced back and motioned for me to follow him outside. A car was awaiting for us. "Where are we going?" I asked before entering.
Dieter rolled his eyes as he adjusted his uniform and coat to look down at me with a smirk. "Do you think I'm going to tell you?"
"I'll make you tell me." I crossed my arms over my chest and teased him. His eyes seemed to darken. Instead he gripped both my shoulders tight and forced me to get into the car.
I huffed annoyed and felt him sit next to me when he closed the car and the engine started. The driver simply remained silent not daring to speak unless he was told to.
I pouted my lips and stared outside the window to my left and slowly looked back at Dieter. This action had made many men fall to my feet, maybe it'll work.
Even if he might push me aside if even punch me. I have to know if it'll work.
"Come on why don't you tell me?" I whispered and leaned closer to him and rested my hand on his leg. Dieter simply gave me a dark look and grabbed my wrist.
So it I'm didn't work. Dieter sighed to himself and boredly looked out of the window after relaxing hid grip on me.
"Frederick Zoller is infatuated with a woman. We are simply doing as Colonel Landa and his said. We'll be over with this in no time."
I tilted my head confused on what they may want. But I quickly smiled to myself and continued looking out the window until the car finally made it to a stop outside a movie theater.
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Reunited at Long Last (Hans Landa x Reader)
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You'd been working for the French Resistance for four years. Now, you'd all heard about a group called the 'Inglourious Basterds' that were infiltrating a French cinema. The cinema was hosting a film night for an event called Nation's Pride. So, you and a few fellow members of the Resistance had decided to 'enter' the cinema with the Basterds to get inside and help.
So, here you were on a beautiful night of 'Nation's Pride' and were surrounded by Nazi soldiers. Angelique, the leader of the French Resistance, stood beside you with Aldo Raine and two of his men who were acting as Italian film makers.
Angelique looked to you and you sauntered through the crowd as though you were getting drinks even though it was to keep an ear to the ground about the news of the Fuhrer coming into the theatre. You spotted the infamous German war hero, Frederick Zoller, standing with Hermann and a few other people. You reached a waitress and took two glasses of champagne and proceeded to where Angelique and the others were.
You glanced up at the balconies. You recognised some of the colonels and generals by reputation and having crossed their paths when you were on duty. Your eyes, however, suddenly met someone else who was looking down on the scene before him with curiosity.
Your eyes widened. “No.” you breathed.
It couldn't be.
Was it?
Looking at him, you knew then who he was. He looked older now than what he did years and years ago, but the shape of his jawline, his eyes and the crooked smile on his lips was something you had not forgotten.
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“Look this way.” you said under your breath. “Please, look this way.”
The man looked over to your side of the room but not directly at you, more like at something else.
It is. It was.
It was him!
Slamming the glasses down onto a table, you turned and hurried up the stairs to the balcony. You moved a little way along the balcony and kept your gaze on the colonel. He took a sip of his champagne and glanced over at you.
You could feel your heart beating fast in your chest and your whole body shaking as he stared at you. It seemed as though at that moment or for those long several minutes, that you two were only ones in that room.
Walk over here. Move towards me, you thought. Move you, bastard!
Hans Landa stared at you a little while longer before breaking his gaze and striding off from the balcony.
Oh, no, he wasn't getting away that easily. You strode forwards, following the infamous Jew Hunter. You looked down to see Angelique staring at you, bewildered. You signalled to her that there had been a change of plans and you were now going solo, before disappearing down a corridor of the cinema.
Keeping your gaze focused on Landa and your distance, you followed him as he entered a random office and closed the door. You quickened your pace and stopped in front of the door when you reached it.
You were hesitating and your heart was beating rapidly. You were going to do this. Come on, you had to do this. It was now or never. At a time like this, you had to see if it was him or else one of you or both of you would be dead before the war was over.
Gripping hard on the door handle, you opened the door and stepped inside.
“Ah, finally made it, yes? I wondered how long it would take you to show up. After all these years.”
Hans was leaning against a desk, still holding his glass of champagne. You closed the door behind you, keeping your gaze on him.
“So it is you.” you whispered.
“It's me, darling.” Hans smiled. “It may have been a while, but its me.”
“Too long, Hans. This is what you've been doing since we last saw each other.”
“I can say the same about you, mein liebechen. You, become part of the Resistance and I, a detective.”
“More like the Jew Hunter.” you said, taking a few steps forward.
“I didn't give myself that name, just for clearance.” he said, with a smile.
“Is this why you disappeared? Because you decided to work for Hitler?”
“No, my darling. I had left because I needed to find a way to keep you safe. And when I heard you'd gone to France, I had to see if you were safe.”
“I thought you had abandoned me. I thought you were dead.” you spat.
Tears were welling up in your eyes at this point. The man you'd loved – still loved – was alive and treating this whole situation like it was all fun and games.
“I often thought the same about you, liebe. But when I heard the rumour of you being in this quaint, little French town, I had to see if it was true. That's the thing about rumours, my dear (Y/N), there's always the chance of truth or falsehood in them. But I had no idea that you were here as a member of the Resistance.”
“Four years, now. Who knew that it would lead me to you?”
“Isn't fate a fickle thing, darling?”
“That's fame, but you're right, it is fickle.”
The two of you fell into silence – a comfortable one at that – where the two of you just stared at one another. The tears were now falling from your eyes. Hans moved forward. When he got close to you, he brushed them away. Your skin tingled at his touch; it had been far too long since you felt his fingers your skin. You moved closer to the Jew Hunter and leaned into him. Your hands clutching at his uniform. You didn't want to let go. You didn't care which sides you were both on, you just couldn't let go of the man who you thought to have left you behind. His arms came around you, pulling you close to him. A tender hand brushed against your locks and a kiss was planted there.
Small sobs escaped your lips, your hands moved up to his shoulders so that you could wrap your arms around them. You both stayed like that for a while. A long while. There was no cinema. No plot to stop Hitler. No 'Nation's Pride', no nazi soldiers, no Resistance, no war. Only you two.
It just felt like it had been all them years ago. Both of you standing in a meadow, standing on top of a cliff, looking out at the beautiful scenery below. Lying in Hans' bed after hours of intimacy with each other. Him promising you that you would marry him one day.
Why couldn't it be like it was all them years ago?
“Do you still have it, liebechen? Hans asked, pulling back a little to wipe away even tears.
You reached into the neckline of your dress and pulled out a golden chain with an emerald cut diamond nestled on the gold band. Hans smiled.
“Good girl.”
“It's the only thing I have to remind me of you.” you left the ring out for him to see. “Will you becoming home? After this is all done?”
Hans stared at you and you wondered if asking those questions was a big mistake. Finally, he answered.
“I haven't really thought about it. To be honest, I was thinking about just going to America and starting a new life there.” A smile came up onto his face. “But now that I found you. I suppose it will all change now. You can come with me.”
You sniffled and cleared your throat. “Hans, you are such a dummkopf.”
“True, true. But I am your dummkopf.”
You laughed at his words, placing a hand on his cheek. You leaned in and kissed him. He moaned into the kiss and pulled you close so that you were pressed against him.
All the memories came flooding back to you at that moment. Those memories of you being together before this god forsake war, you'd held onto for so long. Your life with Hans, the life you wanted back had been the only thing that you lived for, that kept you alive.
You whimpered as Hans pulled away. His hands rested on your cheeks.
“Ich liebe dich, mein katzchen.”
“I love you, too.” you sobbed.
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one-boring-person · 2 years
Pulling Rank. (Part 2/2)
Major Dieter Hellstrom x m!reader x Private Frederick Zoller (Inglorious Basterds)
Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral, degradation, bondage, orgasm denial, swearing. This is an absolutely disgustingly badly written fic🙃
Context: Frederick Zoller and Dieter Hellstrom teach the reader "control"
Tagging: @alan-is-my-ginger-princess @lemairepstuff
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Hastily, I climb into the car behind Zoller, hesitant to turn my back on Hellstrom even for a moment. The major is close behind me, crowding me into the door so my ass brushes against his crotch as I step inside the vehicle, drawing a sharp sound of mocking disapproval from him. 
"Can't even wait until we're out of public." He scoffs as he seats himself beside me, barking out orders to the driver, who seals the glass partition instantly after. 
The quarters in the car are cramped, thighs pressing against each other, arms flush, tension building between us. For a long moment, silence reigns between the three of us, until Hellstrom suddenly replaces his hand on my thigh, squeezing tightly. Biting back a gasp of surprise, I try to ignore the rising embarrassment flooding me as my cock twitches, turned-on by the strength of that grip on my leg. 
Dieter wastes no time, moving his hand up towards my crotch, fingers swiftly curling around the bulge beginning to form in my slacks. This time I'm unable to stop the gasp that escapes me, my hips jerking up into the callous touch, only to be forced back down again with a reprimanding noise. 
"Look how needy he is, Frederick. Already hard from a little teasing." The major comments, voice lowering an octave as he squeezes my cock in emphasis, "Go on, feel for yourself."
Whimpering, I bite my lip, glancing across at Zoller, who's trained his darkened gaze on me. Hellstrom removes his hand, a smirk pulling at his lips as Zoller's large palm replaces it, closing around my bulge decisively and firmly. Slowly, torturously, he drags the heel of his hand over me, sending shockwaves of pleasure through me.
"That hard from so little?" Zoller barks out a teasing laugh, leaning in to growl straight in my ear, "I can't wait to see how he takes his punishments."
My heart seems to miss a beat at the feeling of him speaking so directly into my ear, his usually smooth voice roughened with lust, just as Hellstrom's is. 
"Oh, he takes them very well. He's the perfect little fucktoy." Dieter gives me a heated look, "Aren't you, boy?"
Whining a little at the pet name, I find myself nodding before my dignity can catch up.
"Y-yes, Sturmbannführer."  
Thankfully, the car pulls up outside our destination, which I belatedly realize is the major's own accommodation whilst we're staying in Paris. Both men remove their hands from me, climbing swiftly from the car, waiting for me to join them on the pavement, lust-blown eyes fixed on my every move. Hellstrom quickly leads the way into the rise of apartments, taking Zoller and I to the largest, a spacious flat on the very top floor. 
As we enter, Dieter instantly turns and grips my chin, leaning in close to give his instruction.
"You know what we want. Get on the bed, naked. Don't even think about touching this." He growls, lowering his hand to briefly grasp my bulge, before he pushes me towards the bedroom.
Hastily, I go to the desired room, hearing them laughing at my eagerness behind me, aware that I'm making a fool of myself, yet so wanting of the humiliation that I can overlook it for now. Hellstrom's room is as neat and pristine as usual, as if completely untouched by the man himself. I try to ignore it as I strip, folding my uniform and placing it on the desk in the corner, my boots on the floor by the chair. Completely naked now, I bite back a sigh as the cool evening air encompasses my hardened cock, my nipples quickly becoming hard as I sit on the bed, hands under my thighs as if I am to be interrogated. 
It doesn't take long for the sound of heavy footsteps to signal the arrival of the two men, my heart pounding now. I look up timidly as the door opens, Hellstrom smirking proudly as he sees me, Zoller grinning just behind him. 
"I told you he's well-behaved. He just can't control himself." Dieter says to Frederick, as if they've been having this conversation for a while now.
"I can see that. I guess we'll have to teach him some control?" The private replies, eyes dragging over my body appreciatively.
"That we will." The major nods, licking his lips, "He puts on a good show. What do you say, Hauptsturmführer? Are you going to show the Schütze what you're best at?"
I nod at his words, watching as the two sit down, Zoller in the desk chair, Hellstrom in the armchair placed in the opposite corner, both eyeing me intently.
"Yes, Sturmbannführer." 
Hellstrom lifts a hand in a "continue" motion, giving me a pointed look. Instantly, I place my own hand over my cock, gently beginning to stroke myself. 
A soft groan escapes me at the contact, my cock twitching as I drag my palm over it, pressing my fingers against it in all the ways that feel best, pleasure quickly beginning to build within me. Running my thumb over the head, I smear some of the precum that has started to form there over my hot skin, using it to lubricate my movements. 
All of a sudden, Hellstrom makes a sound of irritation, standing and coming over to me to grip my chin again, tilting my head up to look at him.
"What do you call that, boy?" He snarls, fingers digging into my cheek, "Pathetic. Completely pathetic."
He looks to Zoller, jerking his head to beckon him over. 
"Take your belt off and use it to tie his hands behind his back." He watches as Zoller hastens to comply, securing my wrists tightly behind me, looking incredibly turned-on by the events he's witnessed, "Good. Now show him how to properly please a man."
Frederick looks at Hellstrom in slight confusion, before it swiftly dawns on him what is being asked of him. Dieter finally releases my face, but not before he spits on me, to which I only just stop myself moaning, leaving me in the hands of Zoller as he steps back to watch, piercing eyes betraying his own arousal. 
Zoller stands by me, so the major can see, taking my hand in his, which he then forcefully closes around the cock he's exposed to the air. I swallow at the feeling of him in my palm, the flesh hot and heavy as he starts to use my hand to get off, twisting my fingers around himself. His grip on me is tight, pressing my fingers into him, squeezing his base and setting a powerful pace very quickly, grunts beginning to escape him with each pass of my hand over him. Momentarily removing it, he orders me to spit on my palm, before he uses that to lubricate his movements, sliding my hand over his head and right down to his base, where he quickly dips back to fondle his balls. 
As he does this, I feel my cock starting to get harder, the sensation of Frederick's own exciting me, my body aching to feel him inside me. Glancing over to Hellstrom, I almost moan under the intensity of his gaze, his trousers noticeably renting where his cock is straining to be released, his hands twitching. 
All of a sudden, Dieter stands, coming over to me with a purposeful stride. Halting in front of me, he opens up his trousers and pulls out his cock, the reddened length already almost completely hard. The head nudges against my lips, his hand gripping the back of my head.
"Open your fucking mouth, boy." He growls down at me, groaning lowly as I comply, his cock sliding straight into my waiting mouth. 
Zoller groans at the sight of his superior's cock disappearing between my lips, his pace quickening as he watches Dieter begin to fuck my throat. I do my best to caress the underside with my tongue, but the major simply grips my hair harder, fucking into me faster. My hands itch to touch myself, but I know better than to give in to the urge and ask to be released, making sure I sit pretty for the two men to use me, their cocks already twitching, weeping from their own ministrations. 
"Fuck, Sturmbannführer, I need to cum...His hand feels so good…" Frederick groans out, hips bucking into my touch now, grip tight as a vice on my hand, his gaze fixed on me.
"Do it. Go on, cum all over his hand and face." Dieter commands him, forcing his cock deeper into my throat as the private moans and orgasms, semen splattering over my fist and onto my cheeks. I hum in pleasure around Hellstrom, my own cock twitching even as the major now bites back a growl. 
In less than a minute, Dieter also cums down my throat, holding my head close to his crotch to make sure I don't lose any, grunting as he feels me swallow around him, the bitter taste hot on my tongue as he finally pulls out. Still holding my hair, he thanks my head back and puts his face close to mine.
"Get on your front, ass up." Once again, he shoves me away from him, turning to Zoller, "Let him suck you off." 
The private nods, waiting for me to have gotten into position before sitting back against the headboard, pulling me up to rest on his thighs, his cock slapping against my face, already hard again. Massaging it himself a few times, Frederick cards his hand through my hair, urging me to open my mouth before slipping inside. He sighs, lidded eyes fixed on how my lips have stretched around him, drool swiftly beginning to drip from the corners of my mouth as he pushes as far in as he can. After a moment, he pulls out.
"Go on, don't expect me to do all the work myself." He says roughly, tapping the head against my lips. 
Eagerly, I lean forward and take the head into my mouth, licking around the slit and paying close attention to the soft sounds of pleasure escaping him.
However, in doing so I briefly forget about Hellstrom. That is, until he suddenly grips my ass, pulling me open for him so he can spit on my trembling hole, long fingers instantly massaging it around. The sharp onslaught of pleasure erupts inside me, my hips moving back against him, a moan vibrating through Zoller's heavy cock. As those slender digits slip inside me, I have to pull back, moaning loudly as he roughly works me open, saliva coating my mouth, strings still connecting Zoller and I. With a growl, Frederick pushes back into my mouth, thrusting all the way in, his head just touching the back of my throat. 
Just as soon as the fingers were pushed into me, they're removed, replaced instead with Hellstrom's cock, the blunt head swiftly breaching me. Slowly, deliberately, the major fucks himself into me, one hand on my hip, the other gripping my tied wrists, using this hold as leverage. By now, pleasure is rushing through me, my cock aching to be touched, my hole stretched so deliciously around Dieter's large, slightly curved length, the low groan of need that leaves him only serving to arouse me further. Arching my back, I urge him to fuck me, whimpering around Frederick's twitching cock.
Hellstrom's first thrust is powerful. Pulling almost completely out, the major waits a second before suddenly slamming back inside me, driving into me with undeniable force. Crying out around Zoller, I feel precum starting to leak from my tip, particularly as Hellstrom repeats the action, pounding into me without mercy. In my mouth, Zoller thrusts to match his superior, but his rapidly increasing pants and grunts only warn of a quickly approaching orgasm. 
Dieter quickly moves into a faster, rougher pace, hips pistoning into me as he groans and pants, hitting my g-spot with every thrust, leaning down to bite down on my shoulder and neck briefly, marking me before he sits back up again. His hands grip me tightly, using me simply to chase his own pleasure, hips snapping into me with abandon, his balls hitting mine with each thrust, my body quickly tensing into an approaching orgasm. Naturally, the major notices.
"You are not to cum until we say so. If you do, you will be punished. Severely." Normally, the threat would turn me on further, and I'd take the risk with it, but I know Hellstrom well: I don't want to face that punishment.
The stern words seem to be the final straw for Zoller, the private thrusting into my mouth one last time as he cums violently, forcing my head down as far as it will go, grip painfully right though it only arouses me more, his blissful moans echoing loudly in my ears. Every muscle in his body is tense, sweat beading his beautiful skin as he comes down from his orgasm, panting heavily. I tap his thigh, my breath quickly running out as his cum fills my mouth. He pulls out, holding my mouth closed so I swallow his load, smiling contentedly down at me. 
A curse from Hellstrom signifies his own proximity to his finish, his thrusts losing all rhythm now. Fucking into me, he lets go of my hands in favour of gripping my hip, grasping my ass tightly, needing a release quickly, cock twitching and sparking inside me. With one last gasp, the major spills inside me, rocking himself through his orgasms, hot ropes of cum painting my insides as he forces himself into me. 
After a long moment, he pulls out, idly caressing my ass, watching as his seed drips from my hole, forming a line down over my balls, which he follows with his thumb. Whining, I arch into him, needing more.
"Not yet, Hauptsturmführer. Not yet." He says, almost pitifully now, "Turn over, let Zoller fuck your pretty little ass now."
Limply, I roll onto my back, watching as Hellstrom and Zoller swap places, the private pulling my legs over his thighs, cock already hard again and nudging at my entrance. With no effort at all, he slides into me, groaning even as I whimper, my walls clenching around him. 
"God, his hole feels so good...shit, you're so tight, (Y/n)." Frederick moans out, bracing himself on the bed as he rocks his hips into me.
Dieter hums almost proudly, smoothing some of my damp hair from my face before climbing up onto his knees, positioning himself over my face. I know what he wants, my mouth falling obediently open as he presses his balls down against my lips. Licking and sucking at them, I let my eyes fall shut as the major starts to jerk himself off, trying my hardest now not to cum as my cock sways in the air, slapping against my stomach with every thrust from Zoller. 
The major presses a hand to my chest, bracing himself as he grinds down on my face, moving into the passes of my tongue over his sensitive skin. Zoller is already twitching again, thrusts becoming erratic very quickly now, also oversensitive from his previous orgasms. Hellstrom's cum helps to lubricate his movements, obscene noises joining the slapping of skin against skin that fills the room, my own groans of need muffled under the major's tightening balls. 
With no warning, Frederick suddenly cums, shoving himself as deep into me as he can, emptying himself inside me as he lets out a shout of pleasure, grip tight on me. Moaning around Dieter, I push my hips into him, needing so badly to cum now. 
Clumsily, Hellstrom climbs off of me, ushering Frederick out of the way, who moves to lie beside me, tweaking my nipples lazily as Dieter slips back inside me. Under their joined touch, I feel my control quickly starting to wane.
"Please, sir, I need to cum! Please, I'll do anything, I need to cum so badly!" I finally beg, staring up pleadingly at Hellstrom, "It's too much, Sturmbannführer. I want to cum with you inside me...can I? Please, sir!"
He stares at me, before groaning, his hold on me tight, thrusts losing all cohesion.
"Yes, fuck yes, cum for us, (Y/n). You deserve it." He glances at Zoller, "Help him."
Frederick needs no further encouragement, his hand closing around my cock, lazily jerking me off. His lips plaster themselves to my shoulder and neck, whispering words of praise to me as he brings me to my orgasm.
White-hot pleasure washes over me, a scream of ecstasy erupting my throat as everything goes momentarily blank. All I can think about is the feeling of Zoller's hand on my cock and Hellstrom's cock inside me, my bound hands clutching at the sheets beneath me, almost numb from the uncomfortable position. 
Limp and numb, I vaguely feel Hellstrom cum inside me again, groaning gutturally before he pulls out, collapsing beside me. He fumbles to untie me, throwing the belt somewhere behind him as Zoller wraps his arms around me, pulling my spent body against his. Dieter moves to hold me from behind, softly kissing my cheek and neck.
"I would love to stay here." He says softly to us, attitude completely different now, "But you're going to want to bathe. You'll only be sore if you don't."
Tiredly, I nod, letting Frederick scoop me into his arms, following Hellstrom as he leads us from the room.
"You did so well for us, (Y/n)." The private says to me, kissing my forehead softly as he watches his superior prepare a bath for us.
"That he did." Dieter looks over with a fond smile, "As he always does."
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